sville economic Redevelopment agency meeting November 16th 2023 um has the um chairperson um EXC salute to the flag excuse me I'll get it I pledge alance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay now you can ask me that question you want to ask yeah has it been published it been advertised has has this has the meeting been advertised according to yes Mr chairman the uh meeting has been advertised appropriately under law roll call of the commissioner Please Mr Scott yes here Mrs Duffy here Mrs beo here Mr valy here miss fer here councilwoman Novak here councilwoman Robert here um minutes of the um of the meeting of September 28 23 uh can we make a motion to approve those minutes any questions or comments or Corrections corre yes ma'am page two um I was going to ask for the meeting in German times it says meeting it says councilwoman Roberts asked for the you were right okay so we should cor we will correct minutes Joan did you hear that to reflect that F asked for the closing cont phis ask for the closing time of the meeting I'll go over it with you joh authorization for payment of bills non La a motion we need a motion excuse me as corrected as make a motion to approve the minutes as corrected I need a motion please mov second PA moved and no no no I did not I wasn't there so I'm going to have up say Donna I'm sorry roll call please Mr Scott yes Mrs Duffy yes Mrs Becka yes Mr valy yes M fer yes councilwoman Robert yes authorization for payments of bills non La non NL a through M may I hear a motion I move the bills be paid I'll second roll quot please the me maryna yes here yes Mrs Duffy yes Mrs back yes Mr B yes M fer yes Council yes Council robt yes motion to approve payment of bills I'm sorry authorization of payment of bills NL related non escoro to be paid when funds are available M through r n through r n as a n as a Nancy yeah r I move that the bills be P motion please no I there was a motion and a second okay who made the motion roll call Mr Scott yes Mrs Guffy yes Mrs back yes Mr yes M fer yes councilwoman no yes councilwoman Roberts yes authorization for payment of bills to be paid from eser accounts be paid only if ESO funds are available s through Z is in zebra make a motion be paid as to Z motion by Mary Novak and second by Donna Donna Donna Roberts roll call please Mr Scott yes Mr Duffy yes Mrs B yes Mr Valley yes M yes councilwoman no yes councilwoman Robert yes any new business that anybody would like to discuss right now okay pending matters Waterfront development yes uh I spoke with the redeveloper today to get the latest update for the Vass Pro Shop the foundation permit has been issued by the buau uh the redeveloper has submitted their resolution compliance to the planning board for the Vass Pro Shop site plan which was previously approved by Sarah the uh redeveloper plans solicit bids for the core and shell of the building by early December that includes the exterior of the building hbac electrical yeah um building equipment for the bassc shop with long lead time such as the HVAC units the electrical Transformer and the generator are in procurement they're excuse me they're in procurement now they're in procurement right now wow okay great they uh included they completed their improvements to the Epic church that were necessary for the widening of the Riverton entrance by Chevalier Boulevard those included uh reconfiguring the parking lot and some expansions in the Northwest and southwest corners for the Gateway District which was the portion we had approved at the last sah meeting they uh received unanimous unanimous approval from the planning board at the last meeting the electrical substation and sanitary sewer pump station are in progress making good progress there and then they are beginning work on the offsite water M there's the next item is about that it's for the temporary easement that provides a secondary water source from from the Ron water tank to Riverton wow and um that's your latest that's the most we've seen and I commend you and the Riverton team that's been fantastic thank you and and my grandson we passed it today and he said when's this going to be built and I'm give your I'm going to give him your number okay so thank you very much and I can add some more good news to that uh this week the uh Economic Development agency approved uh the final regulations for the new Aspire program so the next step is the their review of the of ssa's application for the Aspire Grant uh which we hope will take place next month or January and once that's approved they're Off to the Races wonderful fantastic that's great this is um resol solution it Item B excuse me the temporary construction easement for the water line project I apologize no no problem Sor my first gentlemen ladies and gentlemen this is my first time so I do apologize so um I am nobody before they are running a water line from the uh River from the baren street water tank to Riverton there's already waterline in place on Oak Street so this will run from RAR Street to two Oak Street cutting through cross Avenue and part of that runs to the middle sex water property so they need a temporary easement to be able to begin construction as soon as possible I have a plan here where I highlighted the line and the yellow is the water line and the orange you'll see here is the property so it's a small piece of property that they need to go through um everything's been in agreement all the items are secured so they just need the easement to be able to do work and who's the property owner you said uh middle sex water company MX water okay this is a pro forer kind of thing they this is something that they needed to uh do to uh perfect the uh this is to add a secondary water source to River river instead of having a single water source which is not the safest thing to do it also Loops the system uh this is the proposed line there are existing line the existing line is on Bo Street Road repairs across Avenue um so those will be done after after and the action for the agency LED is we're approving the temporary one and we're recommending that the burrow because it's a burrow that has to approve the final one uh that the council approve the final EAS I spoke with the burrow and they already got it and they're in agreement with it great great job resolution providing for whole holding a private executive meeting pertaining to litigation Personnel contract negotiations and property acquisition and sale uh can you read the resolution Mr Baker resolution providing for a holding executive meeting pertaining to litigation Personnel contract negotiation property acquisition in particular Waterfront Redevelopment sand serval landfill number three former National Amusement sites and uh STK Services uh regarding Mr Kowski and I think he's done and and uh as as always uh when when there's no longer a need for the matter to remain P private they become public and for the new members same thing with the council agenda if we're talking about a contract negotiation once the contract is signed the minutes can become public but during the negotiations they're not if you're in litigation while the litigation is going on the minutes the Clos session minutes are not public uh but once ation is settled or or a Judicial determination is made the minutes can become uh public motion to go into Clos second okay okay resolutions temporary construction easement for offsite waterline project have the resolution yeah I'm I'm turning to the resolution got a lot of resolutions there Mike I think I think I have two copies of one and not a copy of the other found it Okay resolution of the sville economic and Redevelopment agency approving temporary construction easement from middle sex water company to sville economic and Redevelopment agency and cille seport Associates urban renewal for off-site water utility improvements in connection with the Waterfront Redevelopment area this is a uh construction agent along the route of the new water line uh and it's temporary by its nature cuz once the construction is completed and the land is rest stored the uhal condition the easement goes away so m is that 9B or 9A or they both in uh it's 9 a I'll make a motion resolution be approved on roll call V second roll call please Mr Scott yes Mrs Duffy yes Mrs backo yes Mr Val yes Miss fer yes councilwoman no yes councilwoman Rob yes the next one is the um B is B okay the the second one is just a resolution referring the permanent easement over the same Water Project waterline project to the burrow for uh review approval uh your consideration so it's resolution of the seral economic and Redevelopment agency referring easement from middle sex water company to barough sville for offsite utility improvements in connection with Waterfront Redevelopment project I made motion to approve the resolution second pleas and then Mary right please we like to Mr Scott yes Mrs Jeffy yes Mrs yes Mr Bailey yes M fer yes councilwoman NOC yes councilwoman Robert yes okay and even though it's not on here probably resolution so I item C I wrote down uh was resolution authorizing a $250 per month increase to the compensation uh for services paid to STK Services uh Wayne kronowski as I indicated previously Mr konaski has been getting $500 a month uh for the services the agency for the past probably close to 20 years uh without any increase and he's asked for the $250 increase he is a CPA and how other uh Financial certifications um and uh he's qualified to do this as a as a a licensed professional we have a motion I make a motion to um accept the resolution second please Mr Scott yes Mrs Duffy yes Mrs beo yes Mr valy yes M fiser yes councilwoman Noak yes councilwoman R yes any comments of the Commissioners Happy Thanksgiving everyone Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving yes happy and healthy Thanksgiving every and uh a question oh yeah we we have another meeting in December yes there's an remember the December meeting is early as well but to avoid the holiday uh rush so it is the December 14th thank you um 6:3 still here yes that was the same time place unless we unless you move it then I forget to change the time any comments from the public motion to close the public portion I make a motion to close the public portion second roll call oh Voice Voice vote all all in favor say I opposed motion to ad second vote please say all in all in favor iOS have everybody have a great Thanksgiving thank Youk