time Fire Marshall we good check the way Mr Fire Marshall we good we're good good we're good please rise to say Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good evening purpose of this meeting is to hear an application of the major s Sor since this is a religious application questions about the timing and the intensity of the use are appropriate and as are questions about the type of events to be held on the site however questions or comments about religious beliefs stereotypes political opinions and current events are not relevant to this application and will not be permitted I would like to remind everybody that we are neighbors in seral we shop in the same school stores we use the same Parks our children and grandchildren go to the the same schools we're a diverse Community it is appropriate to have questions to express the concerns of land use application I want to remind everybody to be respectful of each other the hearing is being recorded and the transcript will be created the word said here tonight will be recorded for all times why passion can certainly Run High when residents are concerned about changes in residential zones however the changes may affect the quality of life I do not want anybody to say anything they may regret additionally the board can only revent uh allow revent questions and comment to part of the record so the only thing that's going to be allowed on the record is the testimony that their professionals are going to give and ours and then the comments by you at the end does everybody understand that Mr saaks the floor is yours do a roll I'm sorry we have a sunshine we need a uh has this adver Beth has this been ad in accordance with the public uh meetings act yes chairman it has I'll ask for a roll call now Mr hich here Mr algra here Mr Bolton here Mr Elm miss laurman here Mr Muller here Mr Shaw councilman zabowski chairman Tai here Mr Cornell here Mr Fowler here Mr sordillo here we have a quorum Communications agenda none the see evening need the need the minutes from uh pass the minutes from nope no minutes this evening okay site plan subdivision this evening we have mjar Sedar Community Center house of worship site plan 216 ernston road parin block 444 Lots 23 24 25 and 28 good evening uh Mr chairman uh board professionals members of the board uh Lawrence Sachs on behalf of the applicant uh Masjid sadar uh this property is located at block uh 444.hu it is approximately 2.49 Acres it's located in your R7 Zone um this is a conditional use and site plan application it's before you as a condition conditional use because the applicant satisfies all of the conditional use requirements uh set forth in the ordinance um presently on this property uh there are several structures which are proposed to be demolished and our engineer uh will uh testify to that this evening and what we're going to be proposing is a three-story detail uh there are approximately 109 parking spaces proposed 64 of which will be underground uh the building itself uh will consist of uh prayer Halls uh for both men and and women uh there is also proposed a basketball court a u a small exercise area for separately for men and women uh men and men and women's locker rooms kitchens bathrooms uh male and women's ablution rooms uh and we'll my engineer will describe or the architect will describe what those are uh classrooms offices and storage areas um this obviously this facility will will obviously uh serve an existing uh house of worship which is presently operating out of the Madison Park uh Firehouse in Oldbridge uh it's been there for some time uh it was located at this site previously uh however uh it is no longer there now but uh if this board acts favorably there'll be a new con ruction and uh the congregation will move back to this facility I'm sorry we can't hear you I try to speak a little bit louder thank you okay thank you um and obviously it's going to serve the parishioners of the Masjid sadar mosque um just a couple things I want to State for the record just operationally just to clear some things up here uh which were contained in some of the reports that we received from the staff uh the ritual activities uh which will occur uh on weekdays and on Fridays um will not operate at the same time that any other facilities are being utilized on site so for instance the basketball facility the basketball court will not be utilized while there's ritual activities the classrooms will not be utilized while there's ritual activities except for Sunday school um so I think I just want to put that on the record um as well let me just give a little bit of back ground about the hours of operation and the timing of the daily prayers uh the hours of operation are proposed to be from 6: a.m. uh to 8:30 p.m. uh the there are daily prayers that occur five times a day uh they will occur at approximately 6:00 a.m. 1 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. and 88m that gets adjusted based on the season because it's based on uh when the moon is is uh is rising and set and the Sun is setting um and at those particular prayers uh you'll hear testimony but it's approximately 20 to 30 attendees at those uh daily prayers uh the Friday prayers uh will occur 12:15 to 12:45 uh 115 to 145 so there were two separate prayer services and generally there's between 80 and 120 uh attendees at those uh at those particular prayer services um the school activities there is a an after school activity uh for uh for prayer uh for prayer uh uh study for the uh children uh that occurs between 5: and 6 p.m. on on Monday through Thursday it will not occur on Friday and it will not occur on the weekends and there's a Sunday school which occurs uh from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. uh in terms of employees uh there's minimal employees at this site there'll be a clerical employee full-time clerical employee a custodian and an Imam uh who is the ritual clergy leader uh for the mosque um there will be no outdoor activities or festivals which will occur all of the activities and functions in this mosque will occur inside uh there will no there will be no um call to prayer uh that will be a that will be uh emitted from this particular building so all activities will be contained within the building um couple other points there is a family night which occurs on the second Friday of each month uh the hours of that are from 7 to 8:30 and generally there's 90 to 100 attendees uh weddings will occur on Saturdays usually late afternoon around 4 p.m. uh it would generally just be family and friends they're usually not largely attended and there is no receptions that will occur on site so there'll be no wedding receptions on site um funerals uh there will be occasional funerals at the mosque just like you would have it at any other house of worship um they will utilize a prep room uh as part of their ritual uh and generally you probably have 60 to 100 attendees if it's a well-beloved person it might be a hundred um and lastly for uh Ramadan and for Eid uh Ramadan as you know is we're actually in Ramadan right now uh but the services would be from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. um they will use a shuttle bus uh to uh to bring people back and forth so that the parking lot will never exceed capacity uh for Ramadan um and again that will run on a regular basis and uh we will provide some type of holiday and special event plan uh to the board Mr chairman so that it's quite clear all right we'll provide that at the next meeting uh where are they going to shuttle people from uh well presently there using the Sam cell School uh all right so and we'll work out something with respect to that but we'll have a firm Ramadan and uh Eid uh plan in place and that'll be in writing um and in terms of Eid uh presently they conducted at Kennedy Park when the weather's good and when the weather is not good they have the good graces of using the sville War Memorial High School so and that's been ongoing for a number of years now and that will continue in the future as well so so they will not be utilizing uh this site for Eid um so with that said Mr chairman I I just wanted to cover a couple of the points that were contained in some of the staff reports and just get those issues out of the way um I do have uh two witnesses this evening um and I also um Mr Shamir who is one of the property owners of the property uh would like to talk about uh the mission of the Masid sadar so I'm going to turn it over to him in a second uh but I do have my engineer Mr Adnan Khan from awz engineering and uh he will be testifying uh as to the engineering layout he'll go over all the engineering uh details he'll go over all of the site improvements that are proposed uh certainly he'll be available for any board questions any professionals questions uh and we also have our architect here this evening uh Mr Joseph Javier uh and he will provide a uh he will describe what the building will look like we have several elevations we have floor plans so we hope to get through all of that testimony this evening I'm not sure if we will based upon the slight delay in the meeting uh but I do appreciate the board proceeding forward um I think most of the people who left were probably supporters of the mosque but that's okay um because uh you know they'll certainly have an opportunity to be heard all right so with that said Mr chairman if I can just have uh Mr Shamir sworn in and um he just wants to make a mission state statement about the uh question Mr sa suree Mr Sax um according to our Engineers report the applicant provided um attendee counts for different uh prayers Friday Friday prayer was listed as 120 to 180 yeah you reported 80 to 120 yeah that's that's total that's total the 180 is total so get average is about 80 90 to 100 so but 120 but 120 to 180 was reported yeah no I understand that but with the we're talking about total attendees for the two services for the two Services okay and then for regular prayer it was reported 30 to 60 by the applicant you mentioned 20 to 40 just curious to know what the disparity is uh really no disparity I could tell you that and I took it as an average because I think the 6 AM service usually has about five people and maybe the evening service has some more uh but certainly we're gonna we're gonna uh tie that into the traffic testimony uh because certainly I'm sure that's what everyone wants to hear we'll tie that into the traffic testimony as well sir could you please confirm the family night time because it was reported 7 to 8 p.m. and you said 8:30 p.m. was the end no 7 to8 it might be 8:30 yeah okay don't that was all thank you Mr chairman yours thank thank you Mr chairman let squar you in say your name and your address Shamir sadar 147 Jackson Avenue parl New Jersey under President of I sorry I just have to swear you in uh would you please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that your testimony tonight is going to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth correct thank you so before I start I say salams peace be unto you and good night ladies and gentlemen St members of the planning board I stand before you today to advocate for the approval of the proposed Masid as we all are aware the beauty of Cal lives in his Rich diversity amongst the seral population lives 1600 plus Muslims that needs a Masid is our place of worship a home for our minds to grow Hearts to thrive together and souls to be nourished it is a Haven that Foster The Beloved teachings of Islam following the tradition of our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him Islam has always been a religion that exists within a community and is not separation and not in separation it cannot exist alone because values such as good company encouraging goodness thriving to spread truth and much other will not happen in isolations for example reward we are given for praying in congregation is 70 times greater than praying alone this project is not just a place of worship it's a symbol of unity and Community Development Our intention is to create a space that cultivates understanding inclusivity and collaboration among diverse backgrounds the marsh only serve at the spiritual need of the seral community but also provide educational and social programs oral prayer service include our five daily prayers as attorney lar sax mentioned which happen before sunrise at midday midafternoon Sunset and night the Friday prayer is the most important one because that's when the congregant come out mostly the sermon which is split into two sermons because of the amount of people also we have the Ramadan night prayers which is happening right now at the samsel school the edol F and Idol the two major holidays of the year and we keep that in JFK Park which are both held at JFK Park and also we do have the gasa the funeral prayers our education program include the Sunday School women Quran classes men Arabic classes children story time monthly family nights weekly Youth Study H workor help and career development Workshop our social programs include change of turkeys on Thanksgiving holiday greeting gifts to our respecting neighbors and Public Safety departments conducting health screening breast cancer awareness sessions hunger relief food packages and the several day Booth where we got the opportunity to meet and greet the brother Cal Community it was a day where we met so many friendly faces wrote their names in Arabic and introduced our religion and Quran to many doing so allow us to break down walls and stigmas and instead build Bridges and bonds we have engaged with professional Architects and city planners to ensure the design aligned with the local autistic and regul regulations we are committed to addressing any concerns and being proactive in contributing positively to the surrounding environment I urge a planning board to consider the broader impact this project will have on promoting Harmony and shared value within our community thank you for your time and conservation thank you again very much thank you thank you Shamir actually before I even start Mr sordillo and I probably should have asked you in the beginning I know um we provided you with notice affidavit a publication we do have jurisdiction for this yes yes you do okay thank you yes I reviewed that it was acceptable okay thank you all right um Mr chairman I guess my first witness will be um Mr Adnan Khan from awz engineering bring them up and have them I will evening good evening hi uh do you swear or affirm the testimony you going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do and please just state your name for the uh for the record Adnan Khan KH H an from awz engineering and I'm the project engineer for this project can you give us your your credentials sure I have a bachelor's degree in civil engineering master's degree in construction management from NGIT testified in front of federal court Superior Court and over hundreds of boards throughout New Jersey as an expert witness uh licensed professional engineer in multiple States uh doing this probably over 34 35 years now Mr chairman i' like to make a motion to accept his credentials I have a second second all in favor say I hi thank you Mr chairman all right uh Mr Khan why don't you go over to the easel board because I'm sure you're going to refer to some of uh the uh the the exhibits that are there and um I believe I'm not sure we have to mark this Mr chairman that's part of the submission but I'll have Mr con refer to any specific Pages uh as he goes on if you could just if you're going to to a specific page in the plan but if these are the plans that were submitted to the board already as part of the application packet that we don't have to mark those individually sure okay all so Mr if you could briefly describe current conditions and what's being proposed uh first of all these plans are the exact same plans that were submitted to the board and they are last revised November 30th 2023 uh okay the first sheet is like basically just our cover sheet like location where it shows the zoning where the project is located which which zone and again as Mr sex mentioned before is in our s Zone residential we have a text map and of course we have a zoning or zoning map uh we do comply this project do comply with all the bulk requirements we are not seeking any bulk variances for this project is fully compliant we are seeking some design wavers and variances uh and of course uh the parking variance and I'm as I'm going to go through my testimony I'm going to uh highlight those uh [Music] items uh sheet CO2 is our demolition plan or existing conditions plan uh this sheet depicts the uh the the way uh the pro the site is currently uh in a current POS current condition and there are multiple structures two of them are like single family homes and I believe u uh there is one existing office SL apartment use on the building totally I mean in total there are four Lots with multiple structures throughout the general Topography of the site is like that site drains from to south to west uh the high point is toward the rear of the property and everything drains towards either to west side or to the south on erston road erston road again is a County Road and it's under County jurisdiction and throughout this process uh we've been in uh involved with County uh as far as submitting the site plans to them having their comment feedback revising and uh Mr Cornell is was part of those meetings as well uh as far as the coordination with the county Mr Ching I apologize uh I think you indicated that the last revision date of the plans was November is that what you said uh November 20th 2023 so I think the plans that the board has last revised October so I just wanted to clarify the dates uh you know what uh yes I think I got the old one but I have the new ones in my car if you guys give me five minutes I can get it yeah or if you if you can have it I mean there is much much changes I think the only changes were based on the county comments like as far as the driveway the plan the layout the parking everything is the same we have October 25th 2023 is the last revision that was submitted to the board yeah that's that's I'm sure I'm seeing in your report as well Jay but I have a feeling there were some revisions made based on based on the county comments which I can have him get into okay okay there is a revised let's just we can utilize that and mark the the quick answer is we mark it as an exhibit and then we move yeah we can mark this as an exhibit yes so we'll mark the entire uh set of plans as A1 and if you could just um just I I know you've kind of identified but since we're markting exhibit if you could just ident identify it for the record so it's clear that you know what we're looking at in the the the revisions of those plans that are now uh exhibit A1 sure uh again uh we are looking at the site engineer preliminary and final site plans prepared by ewz engineering uh last date November 30th 2023 as an exhibit and just for clarification this set of plan is based on the last County comments in which the only change was like to provide a no right turn sign otherwise everything else is exactly the same as in the previous uh it also has sorry I didn't interrupt you has 23 pages in total that is correct thank you all right so I was going over the existing side as I mentioned is like the idea the idea here is like we're going to demolish all the existing structures and uh going to propose a new Masjid structure and I'm going to go the S plan uh as we go to that cheat and Mr KH I apologize just so we're all uh clear when you do go to a sheet that has been revised beyond that was submitted can you just identify that those that any sheet that was revised to the November 30th just so it's very clear out for the record I I know it's a little bit of a hassle but I appreciate that no no that's fine so co1 is the same CO2 is the same and uh now you can just do it as you go through it you know have to go through them all now uh sheet CO3 uh is side development PL but this is just like the basement but again it shows uh the first floor improvements also so I'm going to use this sheet uh as an overall site plan what the client is proposing here or the applicant is proposing so as I mentioned ER road is a County Road and it's situated to the south of the properties or the Lots so what we are proposing is approximately 44,000 total uh floor area between the multiple floors and of course the architect is going to go in detail as far as the distribution and the program of the building uh parking uh I believe the parking was one of the major issues so what we did is like for the basement plan we are proposing as you enter first first of all these two driveways are full access driveways you can come in through the driveways and or you can leave from those driveways and again as I mentioned in uh the county made us some revisions and I'm going to mention as we go along on that sheet however so if you enter from Arson Road you have a ram towards the east of that parking area that goes down into the basement level well where we are proposing 45 uh 64 parking spaces uh out of those 64 It's a combination of handicap as well as as well as regular parking spaces and handicap spaces are when accessible as required by the Ada regulation so it's fully compliant uh parking as far as the Ada so the ram takes you in into the basement level where you can park and again it's a full circulation the cars can circulate freely all around the basement area and then they have an exit coming out of the same ramp and they can take any of the ex driveways either the one to the east or one to the west to exit the site shift c-04 is the site plan for the first floor okay now in this sheet uh you will see like uh you don't see the parking in the basement because that's the reason we separate that out this shows the for first floor utilization of the building where we have basketball court and some other and I'm going to leave it to the architect to go over those details but the first floor we are proposing 45 parking spaces on the ground level so if you recall we have 64 parking spaces in the basement through the ramp and now the first floor is the ground parking uh 45 parking spaces at the ground level the idea Mr Khan when you say first floor we're talking about surface parking surf okay not not on the first floor but on on the surface sorry yes the surface parking at the ground level yes uh the circulation is the same again those two driveways will be incorporated as far as coming into the property and circulating finding a space and leaving uh either through Eastern driveway or the Western driveway now there this is this uh sheet that we made the change from the original and it's been uh I believe uh in a revision column it's revision number four dated 11 2923 based on the county comment and again as I mentioned throughout this process we've been involved with the county in every aspect as far as the traffic counts the traffic circulation the side designing distance between the driveways the orientation of the driveways how far the driveways should be from the property where the Landscaping should be so there was a very detailed coordination between um the county and the design team uh went through this whole process and uh this is the final layout that the county approved with a condition and that's the condition that we may we changed on this plan is they don't want a full excess left turn or right turn from the Western driveway they want it to make it right only turn from uh the Western driveway going out to ernston road so in other words the cars won't be able to make a left turn on ER turn so that was the only change and then uh this uh sheet shows that addition of that sign no right no left turn added to this sheet so that was the only change we did and again we did get a uh preliminary approval from the county for this project we are again there are some uh comments that we need to address some of them are uh comments that we need to do as part of the resolution compliance and then the county will issue but we have a preliminary approval from the county for this project uh to build this project based on the configuration it's shown uh uh sheet co5 grading plan again it's a basement plan but it also shows the grading uh on on the ground level as well so again the idea here is like we are trying to keep the same grading same drainage pattern as the site currently exists like everything flowing towards eron Road uh and the Western Property Line however currently there is no strong water management at the site from any of these Lots so any water that runs off from the side it just runs off either surface run off towards the arston road drainage system or towards the adjacent properties to the uh to the West so again one of the sheets when I'm going to go over I'm going to show like for this project this project is classified as a major development as per the NDP requirements and as most of you know like uh just uh last year there were uh the rules and regulations were updated for major developments and they're made made much more stringent as far as what we can do uh provide green infrastructure quantity reductions and all that stuff so we are complying with that again uh there are some questions that we are working with the CME on those things uh those St waterer comments but in the most uh I mean those are minor housekeeping comments that I think we can easily uh uh uh appr I mean easily resolve as far as uh accept those conditions as a condition of approval and uh agree to comply with those requirements however the drainage as I mentioned is pretty much the same pattern everything we did incorporate an above ground Det tension as well as undergrounded tension and I'm going to explain that once I'm going to go to the grading uh uh again you'll see a lot of these circles these are the trees proposed Landscaping that we are uh proposing along the perimeter of the site uh believe and I'm going to I have the number and I'm going to go over the numbers how many we are proposing the trees but the idea is we are scattering all these Landscaping which consist of deciduous as well as Evergreen entries throughout the property along the perimeter uh and the idea there is to buffer uh the building the parking area as well as provide some green infrastructure and Greenery uh to the to the project sheet co7 uh again this is our utility uh plan it says basement but the first floow it also shows our detention Basin so looking at the detention Basin as I mentioned It's a combination of underground infiltration system and aboveground detention system uh uh this uh system I mean as I this is a major project so by DP requirements we have to reduce the runoffs for 2 year 10 year and 100e strong which uh we are based on the volume that we are proposing for the pipe system that will be in the pavement we'll be reducing not only reducing the detention we are also promoting uh and again this is one of the comment that CME has that uh that about this above ground detention is not considered as green infrastructure however I just uh uh differ a little bit is like it is as part of the BMP manual above ground and underground infiltration systems are part of a green infrastructure and again that's something thing we can always uh talk about it uh once uh we once after if if this project gets the approval and we do the resolution compliance plans however and then again there is a filtration system that's also a requirement that any water that is from a automobile surfaces has to be cleaned first before it hits the infiltration system so we are pro proposing an infiltration system as well so the way we propose the inlets and the collection points throughout the site all this water first comes to a filtration system from where it passes through into the infiltration system before it gets infiltrated into the ground uh one other comment in the CME report was the soil investigation we did performed a soil investigation and in the last uh strong water report it was made part as an appendix uh however just uh to let the board know like the soils at the side we did a quite a comprehensive so investigation at the site the soils uh the site what we call is like K3 K4 type soils which are good permeable soils which can facilitate the infiltration that is required for this BMP or for this uh strong water system to work e efficiently so the most of the soils are like K3 and K4 type soils okay then few sheets co9 and co10 is our traffic circulation and again this was one of the counties uh comment they want us to run the circulation for fire trucks garbage trucks Passenger cars or any box trucks so we showed them uh the circulation pattern like for a fire truck how the fire truck can access freely uh all around the building and the parking area uh the garbage truck same thing like how they can circulate around the site and the same thing for passenger cars as well as uh the box [Music] trucks okay uh landscape plan um uh we are proposing and I'm just going to read the numbers uh approximately 37 shet trees 52 evergreen trees and 482 shrubs uh which is a lot as part of Landscaping plan that we are presenting here again the the the trees are along the perimeter of the property as I mentioned is like to enhance the buffer as well as to uh create a division line between uh building and the parking area from the adjacent properties and uh uh and again the Shrubbery is all around like to of course like to increase the Aesthetics of the overall site in the building Mr KH before you leave Landscaping uh there is a buffer that's required in this Zone and what is that buffer 5 foot all right and we're complying with that we are complying with that so on that plan you're showing a buffer from the rear property line to the nearest point of any building which is 50 ft that is correct okay thank you uh then we have the lighting plan again uh uh this is the basement plan the light up like L they all LED light fixes color okay so very soft colors like probably 30 3,000k their intensity uh but again in the basement area we have the light fixtures all ceiling mounted light fixtures and they have enough elimination that provide safe safe and secure circul for the patrons in the basement area similarly sheet c-13 shows the lighting on the or the surface parking area It's a combination of uh light fixtures on the building uh accent light fixture decorative light fixtures and uh downward throw light poles along the perimeter of the parking area again all these light fixtur is selected they are are all downward throw fully shielded so it's not something that can glow and uh I mean annoying fixtures that can bug the neighbors or anything everything is downward and fully shielded and they are LED uh fixtures and and the way the intensities are shown on the plans and then the way we designed it by the time these light fixtures intensities reaches to the property line they're almost zero so so it's not something that we are uh basically encroaching into any adjacent property with any spillage so basically the way it's been designed it's like zero spillage only shining on the on on the property and again downward throw and full cut off light fixtures all right in terms of lighting uh Mr Khan the uh when the facility closes for the evening the lights are going to go out uh except for safety and security lights security lighting which may be by motion detector or some some other form all right and in terms of light Spiller just to clarify again uh we're we're complying with the ordinance requirement of No Light spillage past the property line is that correct that is correct yes uh and then I I just uh printed out this sheet c16 and the reason is that we are proposing a monument sign uh there is a variance involved with this one Monument sign it's not the area or the size it's the location of where this Monument sign will be on the property uh according to the code the monument sign has to be 50% of the front yard which is uh 50 foot front yard so it has to be at a 25 ft from the right of the line however we are proposing at 12 1/2 ft because the way the ernston road in that area is like the visibility just because of the visibility so that the people driving on erston road can see the sign and see the Masjid uh so that's the uh Varian so associated with the sign however we are complying with the height we are complying with the sign square footage everything is in conformance with the zoning requirements uh I think that's pretty much my direct I can take any questions well let me let me just before we take any questions from the board let me just go over a few more things um what about deliveries on site what is an what types of trucks would be making any deliveries here and is there a loading area uh and if you could testify as to that yeah my understanding here is like uh the maximum size trucks that we anticipate at the site is like box truck deliveries or or delivery Vans okay uh beside that it's all Passenger cars like and again uh the my understanding is like FedEx and UPS type trucks okay uh and as a result of that do we need a loading area uh we do for the requirement for the code we do need three loading uh loading areas however we are not proposing because those trucks can easily fit into any of the parking space or if need to be like most of the time and they're coming one thing we have to understand the peak or the busiest time at this Masjid will be Friday afternoon or Ramadan evenings otherwi or Sunday maybe little bit otherwise you're not talking about people coming in and out so even the parking the way we design the parking everything is uh directed towards that one uh event Friday afternoon uh prayers because that's the peak generator of the parking beside that you will find probably 5 10 15 cars maximum at any given time so there's a lot of plenty of parking available throughout the site all right so based upon the fact that the only deliveries which would occur on site would occur from passenger vehicles a box truck or FedEx or Amazon van uh you're asking for a waiver of a requirement for a loading area is that correct uh talk about refuse how are we going to handle refuse and recycling to go back to our sheet c-04 um we do like one as you come in from the Eastern driveway from erston Road just before the bend we are proposing a uh Solid Waste and Recycling uh area where we have bins for both uh uh trash as well as recycles recyclables so the idea there and I think is one of the circulation plan where we showed the circulation for the garbage truck the garbage truck can easily come in here they can pull up the bins load unload and then they have lot of choices to leave the site so it's a very direct approach of picking up and uh leaving the site for garbage or recite lels all right I know we didn't we didn't really talk about utilities can you talk about how the water service will occur and how sanitary sewer service and I'm assuming we have all available utilities but if you can at least touch on Water and Sewer sure all utilities will be brand new utilities uh because of uh size of the building and the use uh new water new I believe this building is fire sprinkler but I will leave it to the architect to confirm that but we have a fire service line we have water line uh we will have sanitary line of course gas electric everything all brand new lights okay um right let me just go over I know m i I'm not Jay I'm not going to go over your report but I just want to go over a couple maybe perhaps waivers that we're seeking here as well um all right you know U Mr conif do do you have a copy of the report from Cornell all right again I don't want to go over all of it we'll do that at the appropriate time um uh I think there are a couple of things that I highlighted if you want yeah let me just go through them and yeah if if there's something I missed you can tell me um I think in terms of the sanitary sewer uh flow calculations uh those were actually on the plan is that correct yes for the building and however there is a comment uh that uh Mr Cornell wants us to break down based on the use the total demand which again again you will hear the testimony like the the way the building is structured like not all it's not going to have multiple uses at any given time it's going to be the one the primary use is the religious Services uh the prayers so when that's happening nothing else happens everything is pretty much like shut down so but I think the comment is like to uh break down the use per uses the sanitary so with something we can show that that's not a problem all right and how about the water the same thing yes we can do that too okay and in terms of the storm sewer system um I think you already made a comment about the fact that it is a you believe it is a certified uh green infrastructure uh the Kraken filter uh the Kraken filter plus the uh infiltration and that's something those are like minor housekeeping comments that we can work with Mr Cornell's office and I don't see any issues as far as resolving any of those comments okay uh I'm going to go over to landscaping and lighting um certainly if there's additional Landscaping required we can accommodate that absolutely okay um uh in terms of waivers uh just before we jump to the next like uh for parking lot Improvement uh and item F number three uh I believe there's a recommendation to have a sidewalk connecting the building to erston Road uh believe that was at some point my understanding was discussed with the county and they don't want they don't want to encourage people walking along unon Road uh so that so that was one of the reason that uh I think the cme's comment is to connect somehow the building with the sidewalk but they don't want to people they want to discourage people from walking on because it's a very busy road so but again if the town wants and the County accepts it uh we don't applicant has no issue providing one yeah we we can provide that certainly if if that's if that's one of the conditions uh let let's talk about parking lot improvements because uh I know we'll talk about parking lot improvements uh because there's a there's a couple uh issues raised by Mr Cornell as to whether or not we're seeking a waiver uh one of them is uh a restriction on on-site parking in the front yard setback if you can just comment on that we're seeking a waiver of that that is correct and why is that uh because uh parking in the front yard is not uh permitted no I understand that but uh in terms of the layout that you have we need to provide obviously sufficient parking uh correct is that going to pose any sight triangle issues by having the parking in the front yard area no we we we made sure it's not and I think there was also one comment from the county while we were designing it they want us to push the parking little bit more to the North or inside the because originally when we had it like we had the parking closer to arston so the county made us push this at least 25 ft from the uh uh property line and that's what we the plan is now refle okay uh what about the uh we're asking for a waiver of sidewalks uh in the uh along access driveways in aisles can you comment upon the safety features that are incorporated into this plan with respect to the uh pedestrian safety in the parking lot yeah that is again like again there are requirement for sidewalks and the islands between the parking uh as I mentioned the busiest time and again of course our Traffic Engineers is going to get in into more detail about the parking the business time is the Friday Friday afternoon prayers so usually it is my understanding that the uh applicant has monitors during those services to direct the traffic so I believe that's why I think that what the the waiver that we are seeking is because those monitors will help people who are will be parking in the spaces to guide them through to safely travel from the parking to the building all right and we have two Services is that correct there is cor okay and our traffic engineer can address that at at the next meeting that is correct all right um another waiver request is uh um well we have some head to we have head-to-head parking spaces is that correct that's right all right and again traffic engineer can address that that is correct yes and I think we spoke about uh a waiver for the loading space based on your testimony uh that uh delivery a by box truck passenger vehicle you don't feel the need for a designated loading area right all right um let's talk about if you can turn to page six of six of n of Mr Cornell's report uh paragraph six we're asking for a waiver uh regarding the uh the deceleration Lane if you could just briefly go into that real quickly yeah I believe that's a requirement but however that was also discussed with the county and the county doesn't want any deceleration they looked at it very carefully uh the from the town itself but uh they they decided not to provide any and so that's why we are not proposing any okay all right traffic I'm going to reserve uh for the traffic engineer um okay I I'm not going to go into traffic this evening so we'll we'll Reserve that um right so Mr Khan basically the waivers that we're seeking are the waivers you again I spoke this morning before we're not speaking about the traffic tonight because we asked for another study we got the study we have to review it before we can act on it so if you're here to talk about parking it's not not happening tonight that'll all come out the date of the study the date that we had the study done what times the studies were done they'll all be online you can look at them but until until we're all on apples and apples we can't do that yeah Mr chairman just if I can what Mr saak has the floor yeah if I if I can just address it we have provided a traffic study I I'll just addressing it to the to the public can I can I pleas let me just finish all right hey hey you if you want the floor you have to stand up and I have to give it to you we're not going to have people shouting over each other Mr Sach you have the floor thank you traffic study was provided in fact we also did another traffic study uh probably in the beginning of March as well I believe the traffic study that M that your chairman is referring to is a traffic study an analysis that your board wanted to have of our particular traffic so so we can look at the two of them and that's what why we're not covering traffic tonight okay hang on go ahead all right I I just wanted to clarify we have provided two traffic studies and we're just waiting obviously for the board to review a traffic study by its independent traffic engineer we're going to see the difference between the two the the the the two reports and and you'll be able to see the difference all right okay hang on thank you Mr chairman I just wanted to clarify that point all right just okay hang on before you go the board gets a chance any question to the uh engineer from the board anybody have any questions of the engineer chairman there's still some items in Auto report but I believe Mr sack is going to discuss those in the future so we we'll hold our comments at this time go ahead Sir Mr Khan in terms of the classrooms that are being proposed can you speak on the usage how many students what time the classes are going to be yeah I think Mr Miller I may have mentioned that in the beginning the classrooms will be utilized after school uh so from 5: to 6: PM roughly and that'll just be for prayer study just like any other religious institution has uh we don't anticipate I mean we wish we had more children involved but unfortunately it's maybe 15 or 20 in a classroom uh also on uh Sunday mornings they have a Sunday School uh that's from 10: to 1 uh and again it's probably the same type of attendance I mean how about the uh basketball courts are they going to be open generally except for prayer time or what's the use yeah I'll comment on that too Mr Muller basketball courts are only open for use by the mosque they're not open to the general public uh they will obviously monitor that they'll presumably utilize them in hours when the ritual activities are not occurring uh so certainly they're not going to be on Friday afternoons potentially could be and it probably wouldn't be Friday night either because they have a family they have a Friday night family uh service um but I would imagine it probably be used on the weekends uh and it may be used over the summer uh but again it's only open to the mosque it's not open to the general public so open to the mosque but not open during prayer time correct in fact none of the activities and uh I when when the architect will testify we'll we'll describe the layout but the classrooms uh the gymnasium uh the locker room I think there's a small exercise area none of that will be utilized uh when there's ritual activities occurring so when ritual activities are not curring occurring they potentially could be utilized Mr uh Mr chairman if I may go ahead uh this question is for both Mr Khan and uh for Mr Cornell when calculating um sanitary sewer needs distribu water distribution needs fire flows for the building parking area does a building code allow for scheduled times of uses or is it of capacity of the building you you want to go I think you have a number of different questions sanitary sewer is based upon the occupany the potential occupancy of the building which would be everything so it could be it would be everything combined no SK schedule doesn't M does not matter it's or the capacity correct which is which is why we asked for additional information concerning the design report that was submitted so as an example as question the um the information you read earlier your opening statement right the quantity of people let's say 40 people for for prayer but the prayer room holds 500 so we're basing our calculations on 500 not 40 okay yeah same thing goes for the other systems so order calculations are based upon required fire flows which are a function of the building constructions so formulas that they have to go through and do to confirm that they meet the fireflow requirements that are required based upon the codes same thing not based upon number of people based upon the building construction I'm asking for safety purposes are we under designing the systems based on a schedule rather than capacity it's the capacity maximum capacity so going back to the for example the I think the water flow before you mentioned it was said by Mr Khan that you were not going to be using all the systems at once because you have different schedules that's not how we should be designing it right we're designing it based on capacity that is correct like the system like let's say like uh Friday afternoon is the peak generator but again I think what Mr Cornell's report says like he wants us even at the time though we said like in Friday afternoon it's only going to be prayer everything else will be shut down but he wants us to design for the other uses also if they will be in use so that when we design the pipe size or type and slopes and all that we make sure that we take into a uh in account the maximum possibility but just wanty to clarify it's not what you want it's what the building code requires correct that's what the ordinance requires yes and that's what our report indicated I mentioned there were outstanding issues in the report those are the type of things they're technical in nature the applicants agreed to address them but if if you do act favorably there would be those would be conditions of approval where they'd have to submit those report and demonstrate that the sanitary sewer can handle all flow that potentially could be generated by this facility is it fair to say we should see that prior to any any type of motion that's that's really a board's decision if it turns out that you approved it and they could not meet it technically they wouldn't have an approval they'd have to come back to you so you can handle it either way you can have them come in up front and provide it to you to confirm it or if it's a condition because it's technical in nature a lot of times the board isn't as concerned with that they'll leave it to the engineers to work out and make sure it's satisfied after approvals are granted okay thank you any other members yeah Mr chairman go ahead again to Mr Cornell is it required that emergency vehicle access be needed for the rear of this building Mr it's really a function of your Fire official and I think those are comments that are in the report that we want to make sure that they review and and sign off as well they may want fire Lanes called out on the plans those are the type of things that the Your Fire official will typically determine I can't tell you yes or no whether they're going to want rear access or not that's their decision to make and that's typically something they would review after the fact as well just to make sure that it complies with their requirements uh a lot of times the applicants will request it and they don't receive that information so that's why it's always a condition that they have to get a sign off from that particular Department to make sure they're satisfied with it and just uh to add that like the plans were submitted to the fire department as well we haven't received comments as of now so but they haven't responded yet they haven't responded they have not but I but I will I will reach out to them and uh certainly by the next meeting see if we can get some response Mr saak I have a question sure the dirt from where you going to put the garage underneath you have the soil taking care of with the county uh we have to again it has to comply with all the local state federal laws so now we're going to have 64 parking spaces underground yes what kind of ventilation uh it will be some kind of a mechanical ventilation but again that needs to be thought out like during the final construction but it will be a mechanical like a l or I think it has to be because you're going to have classrooms above it classrooms the whole everything else is above the parking garage my concern requirement too it has to be ventilated yes how about water in the basement you're going to pump it out of the basement uh we we don't anticipate water uh in the basement except for okay I'm quite I'm quite sure that's not funny if you all had water in your basement but we'll see you're talking about the rain water right rainwater you you have to clean the water off off of the top and put it through a filter system my question is what's going to happen with the filter system in a basement it can be the same thing it can be a lift station from the basement that can pump into the filtration system or not shown on the drawings yet you don't have that you don't have that figured out something we will be design we will be developing as part of our construction documents Mr chairman that will be construction detail Mr chairman those items are in our report we indicate they need to have a soils investigation soil borings deal with groundwater issues that's all something that would have to be addressed yes and then Mr chairman you mentioned the excess soil they would need a permit from the burrow to remove that but we've also in our report raised a question about can you take some of that excess soil and possibly utilize it to create BMS to raise the height of the Landscaping to help screen the facility from the surrounding neighbors so that's something that need to be addressed as well into it yes yeah and Mr chairman just for the record I mean I would say almost without exception all of the technical recommendations of Mr Cornell we can satisfy there may be a few that we have to talk about but we'll we'll do that at the appropriate time after traffic he board member have any questions of the engineer go ahead questions um what is the size of the congregation today uh that's for the applicant the question was what what's the size of the congregation about 300 Mr chairman right the answer is 300 excuse me if I can respond I mean I hang on let's go thank you Mr chairman I believe the comment by Mr sadar at the beginning is that there are roughly 1,600 Muslims living in sville however they all don't attend this particular mosque so we have 300 we have a regular membership of 300 um okay I'm not going to respond to public comments Mr chairman but what is is there anticipated growth that's going to increase with this with this it I doubt it because um I'm sure many of you are familiar that people attend M people attend a mosque that might be convenient to them so in other words if they work up in Bergen County that's the mosque they're going to go to on a Friday afternoon I'm sorry Mr chairman I Mr chairman can I'm just curious if we can instruct the public not to talk out we can't be talking in between you have to wait the public session starts at 10:00 you're going to be able to answer any question want about the architect and the engineer that's it tonight all right Mr saaks are you done with your engineer yeah I'm done with the engineer Mr anybody else all right we're gonna bring up the architect oh oh okay Mr my report I didn't mean to skip your report but I figured I would could be the same thing with Jay you'll address at a later date yes absolutely that's all Mr chairman thank you we didn't want you not to get in all right we're ready for the um yes if we can uh bring up the AR you very much thank you introduce yourself tell me where you live and then we'll swear you in my name is Joseph Javier last time is spelled j a v i e r I live in uh Island New Jersey which is part of Woodbridge can you give us your Cals please uh Mr jman before that I just need to swear man okay I place your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you credentials please I graduated from NGIT I have a degree in uh management and a five-year bachelor's degree in architecture I uh got my license in 20 04 been practicing for 20 years I guess um I also work full-time for the city of jur city I'm the uh City architect and this is my part-time uh need a motion to accept this credentials make a motion to accept his credentials I have a second second all in favor hi how you doing take my job thank you Mr chairman Mr Javier I know you've got some exhibits that we're going to refer to uh so why don't you describe I know you have some elevation and then we'll get into some of the floor plans these exhibits will eventually be available to the public correct they are oh they Mr Sax are these one similar to the other these the same um plans that were submitted as part of the architectural plans they look very similar okay they were yeah we submitted the eight sheets um dated October 3rd of uh 2023 the first sheet is the cover sheet uh basically goes over the uh to total area of the building by floor first floor is um 13,000 about 13,000 square feet second floor is uh 21,700 ft third floor is about 9,000 sare ft and then of course you got the uh basement level which has the uh garage is um about 44,000 Square F feet on the cover sheet uh again it it lists it shows the uh images that we're trying to that we're trying to do for the building uh nighttime view on the lower left and then you got the different views of the front elevation with the other pictures and we're trying to design this and will be designed uh per 2021 IBC code and all New Jersey uh uh code require uh code requirements including uh 2010 uh Ada uh guidelines the second sheet is sp1 site plan basically we're showing the footprint of the building in relation to the uh property and we made all setback requirements for this building and again there's a view of the signage that will be in front along erns eron Road that's on the lower right and it shows you again about a night view so you can see how the lighting is during the evening third sheet is uh A1 and that basically shows you the layout of the uh parking garage and then on the right side of the sheet is the uh Tower which is the the religious symbol for this uh this MK and there's a quick section to show you the height of the uh parking garage below and Mr Javier before you leave that so there's obviously just to give a little bit more detail uh A1 details the 64 parking spaces uh below ground parking spaces it shows the uh obviously the access ramp in the access ramp out okay uh it also shows a stair case yes okay is there an elevator proposed in this as well yes okay it would have to be in order to be uh fully ADA Compliant so that everybody who's uh disabled or on the wheelchair can access all floors of the building okay any Mechanicals proposed in the uh in the base in the underground garage I believe most are on the roof okay all right we'll talk about that when we get to that all right yes that's fine okay thank you okay and then in this uh parking garage is also on the lower left there there's a kitchen there that's the main kitchen that will be uh I guess we'll do they'll do most of the cooking and then of course in the far left is the uh funeral for funeral services I guess for storing uh prep room as we call it okay thank you yeah and then on the far right of the structure there's also stairs uh so you have uh three points of uh egress on the garage okay the fourth sheet is the uh ground floor or the main uh first floor of the building and it shows you where all the prayer room and the basketball court exercise room and everything else that's uh going to be in this uh ground floor so uh the main the center of the building will be the main entrance into the uh mosque and then you got a main lobby area which is about two stories and and then from there you can go straight ahead into the prayer room for uh the mail and there's uh another section on the left side which is also put a prayer for for male the male and female are separated and then on the far right you have the basketball court which is a standard size uh basketball court the uh gymnasium is about 155 Square uh 155 ft long by uh by 73t wide anything else on the first floor Mr Javier um again you have kitchen area here on the ground floor on the lower left of the of the plan and then you got the lock and and and the bathrooms for the male and then you got a single occupant for a female so that it's so that in case they need to to use it they don't have to go upstairs okay to use the female all right so the first floor uh we have the typical uh separation between men and women so the men will have their own entrance their own prayer Hall their own area to uh to change to take shoes off and the women will have the same type of facility as well correct separate bathrooms okay so essentially there's there's a separation between uh male and female activities which is common in every mosque is that correct that's correct okay all right thank you okay and also there is a ramp in the front for those entering from the uh outside parking space so you have a ramp on the left side of the stairs front side of the stairs and then those uh parking in on the on the garage you have the elevator to bring you up to the different floors all and and just one last question about the basketball court because I heard a member of the public shout out how big is the basketball court which I think you indicated but that's just a regulation siiz basketball court yes yes okay thank you same thing as what you would had in in uh high school high school or uh a church synagogue where we have similar facilities correct okay thank you okay next sheet is A3 which is the uh proposed second floor and up here you have um the uh ladies uh exercise room on the far right um the lobby below you can view from upstairs on the second floor uh you have the ladies prayer room on the center area and then you have a glass that they can look down into the lower area where the uh male are praying um on the back on the uh same area where the basketball court is there's a running track there so and it's open also to uh on from the second floor it's open down to the basketball court but you do have a running track just like a gymnasium you have a running track around the uh basketball court and then on the far far left is a multi-purpose hall and then uh you have the offices for the uh for the um teachers or managers who's going to be running the facility and then you have the classrooms how many classrooms are there I believe there are four there's four classrooms okay yes and then the other areas are lockers and of course the uh the stairs right and how big is the multi-purpose room multi-purpose room is about 50 by 50 almost a square okay and it could be anything all right so it's about 2500 square feet yes and I'm assuming that multi-purpose room could be used for uh youth youth education uh adult education uh any type of activity associated with the house of worship other than ritual activities correct okay so we don't we're not going to conduct uh anything other than ritual activities in the actual prayer Halls correct yes all right and again that's standard with just a with every mosque correct all right so it's a fairly uh it's a dead so the ex the um multi-purpose room is about 2500 feet and could be used in connection with any purpose any non-ritual purpose for this particular house of worship correct I mean you could bring the the four classroom into this so it's a group okay session all right very good thank you Mr Sax if I may just clarify I think I heard and I might have heard it wrong that there was uh four classrooms but I looking at the plans it looks like there might be five I just want to make sure the record's clear on that correct you're there is five okay yes there are five okay okay okay any any other you have some other boards you have one more board we have the third floor on sheet A4 most of it is uh is um for the female and youth activity you have the uh youth ladies girls on the right side uh again the uh Center area is open to below so it's not as big as what it looks like um and the far left you have the uh youth for the boys and then I believe there's a cafeteria here on the front uh left lower area and then of course you have your set of stairs that go from third floor all the way down to to uh the garage as well as the elevator right how big is the cafeteria cafeteria is about s 18 by 18 by 20 roughly it's an odd shape it's about 360 Square ft yes so it's about the size of most new kitchens these days correct well it's there to to serve the the uh number of students that will be in the classroom okay if in fact they're served okay all right and how big is the other uh you referenced two other rooms there as well how large are those the uh youth room for the boys is about 33 by 51 so about 1500 and then the uh girls uh activity Hall is um 50 54 by u 33 all right so again about 1500 sare feet yeah about the same size okay you know if you can go back to the first floor and I just want to point it out to the board uh there are what we call the bution rooms uh if you can point those out and that's for washing that's right here all right so it's uh well is that the front of the building yes towards the front on the left side okay all right and this by by the where the bathrooms are all right there separate for male and female yes this is U most of the the ground floor is for for uh a male except for one single occupant for a female all right so basically in summary then so the first floor layout is strictly dedicated for ritual activities that's correct we have the the two prayer Halls we have the two ablution rooms you have a uh uh bathrooms for male and female um I think you have a kitchen there as well if I'm not mistaken on the left yes okay uh and then the second floor dedicated uh more towards and the gymnasium as well on the first floor uh with the running track above it second floor dedicated to classrooms approximately five classrooms uh and then the third floor is just some multi-purpose rooms as well that's correct okay um and again let's put up the um let's let's just briefly for the record refer to the elevations if you don't mind um I think yeah that one that would be A6 A6 but I don't I don't believe we submitted this okay so we can mark that as uh A2 oh yeah sorry it was submitted it was submitted it's it's a last sheet on set all right so all right so it is submitted so we don't need to mark it it's a it's labeled as A6 so on the lower right shows the basketball court with the running track on the third floor okay and then basically uh some elevations of of the building all let's go through each elevation so the one on the top left which elevation is the front elevation on the uh uh south side of the uh of the property so that's the elevation you would see from erston Road and then on the top right is the left side okay of the so that's that's so the top right is the side elevation yes on the left side of the west side of the property all right how about the uh the elevation what is that elevation below is on the right side that's the right side elevation so that would be the Eastern side elevation that's correct all right and what about the other elevation and then of course this is the back portion of the the building all right that's the rear elevation yes okay and what is the height of the uh the height of the structure and the height of the minet the overall height of the structure is 40 except for the uh the tower the tower is about uh 69 ft okay all right and uh you already think I think you heard some testimony uh or at least in my opening that there'll be no call to prayer from that Tower which no it's just there for for symbolic it's there for symbolic purposes if you've been to other if you've been to Muslim countries where there's quite a few use it where they have some kind of signal or or or okay sound but in this case I I believe the owner is not going to use it for that all right so there's no sound emitted from that minet uh and it's more for symbolic nature to similar to a church Spire that's other house of worship uh apperance okay all right I may have let me just few more questions and I'm I'm going to give Mr Fowler has due because I think he made a couple comments that maybe you'll cover uh which you may have already all right so the one of the questions Mr Fowler raised is does the Dome or minet allow for occupancy I think I know the answer to that no okay all right so you can't you can't even access that uh you could you could for maintenance purposes and again this is not the final Design This will be designed later on based on community input or or other input that we get from from the the town all right but it is not it does not provide for occupancy and uh Mr chairman I'm sure if you if the board wanted a condition that it would not be occupied certainly want a condition that there'll be no call to prayer from there we'll certainly agree to that um what about the uh roof rooftop what about the Mechanicals you stated that they're on the rooftop yes those will those be screened from view yes okay and you won't even see it from from the ground level all right screened either by parapet or uh located as such that you're not going to see them from any direction correct it's in fact on the uh lower uh roof of the second floor so the third floor is blocking it from view okay any thought about having uh uh solar panels on this building at all that's a possibility okay or other green energy improvements certainly could that's all up to the owner okay okay all right Mr chairman I don't have anything further uh again if there's comments architectural I I'll address Mr Cornell's report and Mr Fowler's report when we come back here because I want to make sure we get all the testimony in but I think we've covered anything that might have been specific might just on my report for the architect something maybe you want to take a look at the first floor figures that are shown on the plan example the first floor it says 13,460 but if you measure the individual square footages that are on the plan for everything shown on the first floor it doesn't equal that number and the same is true for the second floor and the third floor so I just would like you maybe take a look at that to try to clarify why the numbers don't match is that for you're saying is it it Greater or or less it's combination of both for example first floor you say 13,460 but if you total The Gents prayer gents prayer number one and two in the basketball court it's over 15,000 so it exceeds that plus there's other uses on the floor okay the other one if you look second floor it says 21,000 square feet if you total the square footage is shown on the second floor it's a lot less than 21,000 square feet so I just want to get a clear understanding of the foot print size the size of all the individual uses because that comes into play when you calculate the parking as well that's correct we'll do that good thank you thank you Mr fer chairman just two questions I believe you had said that the Mechanicals would be screened by the fact that the front of the building is higher than the rear but if you look at the property uh three of residents sit up high and they're kind of looking right out at the building but you have a parit along the rear of the building so it's blocked from their view uh that's where we we would have the screening so you have power say screening me screening on the building itself yes and then on the front uh the third floor would screen the mechanical from the front right I was more concerned with the resonance to the rear that the parit would be there screening those Mechanicals yes and then just the minet you said is 69 feet high or 59 about 699 so just one of the questions I had was you know that it can have that height if it's needed to meet its intended purpose so is it possible that it could be looked at and reduced to 59 feet does it need to be 69 feet high because it's rather imposing yeah we can look at that Mike yeah I mean I you know I mean obviously I think there's a reason why it has to be a certain height but well obviously we'll report back at the next meeting on that thank you that's all I have Mr chairman anybody else have any questions of the architect I go ahead the lighting on the side of the I'm on I'm on the lighting on the side of the building are the only down lights or they Point upward as well most of it is going to be down lighting and and again it's just ambient lighting so again the goal is to keep the lighting within the property and you know cuz some town has a dark ordinance where you can't well these lights that are on the all the FAS elevations except for the call it the front of the building which I think would be the South face yes will they be on at nighttime during nighttime uh I think after the place close I U I guess it'll be shut down a little bit maybe some i' like to know yes or no the answer is the answer is there'll be no lighting at night no liting around the yeah I think the engineer testified that the only lighting would might be security lighting which would be activated by motion detector but once the facility closes up for the night all the lighting will be off okay Mr chairman there are notes on the engineering plan concerning hours for the lights I don't know if you want to have your engineer review those at at a later date but it is indicated when the lights are going to be on when they'll be off it's on the plans any other questions from board members uh Mr chairman I thank Javier uh I have nothing further at this point so I know you want to open up to the public we're certainly uh willing to uh to accommodate that ahead unless there's board questions I'm sorry yeah okay on the basketball court um designs in the area around the area for other uses other than the Bas just basketball probably dodgeball I mean you know any indoor activities yeah I mean there could be other indoor activities completely dedicated just sport yeah it's really just for it's primarily a basketball court but certainly I'm sure there's going to be other recreational uses you know that could be accommodated on a basketball court so your testimony is that the basketball court isn't going to be used for religious Services no okay no the only the only place where you will have religious services on the first floor in the two prayer Halls all right since they're done this is what we're going to do whoever comes up has to give their name their address where they live you get three minutes to speak we're only speaking on what these two gentlemen went over if you have a a question for the archit or the engineer that's all we're going to do okay we're here for an hour and a half to ask all these questions next time we'll come back by the end of the meeting we'll come back when when the meeting the next meeting is going to be and I don't think we're going to be able to come up with it a place yet um I did send out a text to the mayor telling them that we want a bigger place and we're gonna we're going to work on that so with that being said I'd like to keep this as orderly as possible remember everybody's been waiting so keep it to the three minutes and then move on we're only talking about the architect and the engineer anybody want to speak motion to open the public second all in favor motion to open to the public and Mr chairman if I may just as a reminder I know Mr chairman just said it but you will be provided an opportunity to provide comments not just questions of the witnesses but that's going to be at the end at the close of the application after all the witnesses have been testified after all questions have been made of the witnesses then there will be an opportunity for the public to make public comments meaning you you uh identify potential testimony or information you want to provide to the board with regard to this application but that's not what's happening right now right now is just questions of the two witnesses that and the testimony that they made this evening Sor you're first good evening uh Mr chairman fix that so there we there you go doing good thank you uh Mr chairman board members my name's Mike Delaney I live at Ford BAC place in Parlin uh I had just had two questions for Mr Javier if I could um the first one had to do with the height of the minet he said 69 feet is that to the top of the structure or does that include I think it's called a Jamal on top which is the the three balls in the crescent I apologize for the pronunciation my first time it's uh to the top uh not not including that that bull symbol that you're talking about it's about 68 fo 7 in do we know what the total height would be I guess it's another uh if you had the symbol another 10 ft okay and is is that going to be visible from Route N I wouldn't know again we we can reduce it this is not the final height this is just a proposal okay um my second question I know I only have three minutes you're doing good thank you uh had to do with um Mr Allegre I brought up earlier he was talking about maximum capacity it's also from Mr Javier I can wait okay what's the second question um yeah the second question um uh Mr legr brought it up earlier he talked about maximum capacity but that was about some of you know the electrical the the the sanitary sewer for example I'm I'm curious about the maximum capacity of the prayer holes if that number has been calculated for example as part of the fire code well we we we took the total area and divided by the number allowable for an assembly and that's how we got the the maximum capacity so you have those numbers the maximum capacities for the yeah I believe it's it's uh [Music] I think it was for the main meeting area was like 50033 and then the main was that jents prayer Hall number one yes okay I'm just using the categories for Mr Cornell's letter 531 you said about 533 33 and how about jent prayer Hall number two and that was about in the 300s 300s is yes and is it possible that uh again that's based on the area and you divided by if you sing room only maximum okay without the seats maximum capacity right and how about the ladies prayer Hall ladies prayer room I think is a little less it's like under 300 is there any way we can get like specific numbers here or and then I guess my last question would be I wasn't sure what I heard earlier and I apologize on whether or not the multi-purpose Hall would be used for overflow in the event of that the prayer Halls were full I I can answer that question no it would not be the the only ritual activities will occur on the first floor apologize if that's a dumb question no that's and uh and in terms of uh capacity we'll we'll clarify maximum capacity when we when we return Mr chairman and the purpose of all that was to determine whether or not those maximum capacities were taken into consideration with the parking correct that that's where I was going with that and although we sort of Mr Allegra sort of started with the maximum capacity I apologize with the I think the traffic will be done with the next parking will be done with traffic study which will be the next which next time right wonderful I'll see you then thank you very much thank you very much thank you Mr ja next anybody else want to speak got a hand up on the left I'm I Jim thank you Mr Ty Jim Robinson parin I'm sorry Jim Robinson Jim Robinson barlin New Jersey or a bin s so N I just have a technical question Mr chairman you the board and members of the public have asked a number of excellent questions and Mr Sachs has responded to a number of them now is that considered testimony I know that when the witnesses testify they testify under oath and that is sworn when Mr Sachs testifies in fact your two last questions he responded to he said I can answer that and the witness did not answer the witness who was sworn and under is Mr Sax's test comments is that considered testimony yes it's it's not considered testimony as you're thinking sworn testimony but he's a legal representative of the applicant so his comments are binding upon his client okay just as they would be in court or any other uh venue okay thank you very much and one of the one of the questions that was asked was about the basketball court and the religious area where the rituals will be and Mr Sax responded we're not going to conduct anything but ritual services in the prayer area I think the question was actually the opposite of that and was and it the question was would religious ritual Services be conducted anywhere other than the prayer area there are two entirely different questions and so I would like uh Mr Sax responded to that and that's important I think because it goes to parking it goes to a number of things so I I think you should uh if I understand Mr Robinson's question believe the answer is no so there'll be no act no ritual activities anywhere else in the building other than in the ritual prayer Halls on the first floor okay thank you very much Mr sex you may want to clarify you said that ritual s on the first floor I believe you also testified there ritual services on the second floor as well for the for the women for the I'm sorry yes yes I just want make sure the record clear on that exactly I think the question question Jim it does I just wanted to clarify that that's all anybody else from the public go ahead good evening board members U good evening Mr Sax your name I'm Vina saent I am the township planner planning director for Oldbridge Township and I'm here to represent the township because as you all know um the property is uh in close proximity to the municipal boundary so the other side of Hon Road is Oldbridge I believe the board member she's just asking questions now so that we don't need to swear her and she's not providing testimony at this at this moment but if if Miss comes in at a later time when the public comment she wants to provide testimony on behalf of the township and against then we'll swear her in but at this point it's only question just as members of the public question Mr K so from what I from what I understand um the required for uh that is correct yes Notre talking about traffic tonight parking you did testify about parking yes testify about parking so my question is strictly related to his testimony you're just asking about the spaces that you didn't catch before okay so Mr KH um based on the building code the house of worship the 10,000 square ft of house of worship can accommodate roughly 667 space uh patrons right uh approxim 15 square fet right based in the building Cod So it's 15 Square ft per person I hear that the congregation is roughly 300 you testified that there currently are around 100 patrons what happens to parking when that congregation grows from 100 to 300 what alternate plan do you have because you have 109 spaces erston Road does not have on street parking so which means that the Overflow parking typically would go onto the residential streets whether it's sville or Oldbridge so it impacts uh sville as much as Oldbridge how would you address that okay uh two things uh first of all there are 109 spaces but we are doing two congregations so automatically if you look at it it becomes 218 spaces for whatever number of people are coming for each if it's 100 congregant let's say 68 40 split I mean we have enough parking on site uh now as far as if the congregation grow I've been doing it for 30 years and I did three masks in Oldbridge right and I'm working on two more in Oldbridge correct okay so there will be total about four or five of them and the reason for them is when congregation grows they want convenience so what they do is they instead of I mean of course they will start going to one of these existing MK But ultimately it's a convenience if they want to do it like they they try to get another just for their own congregation and they split so usually the congre I'm not saying that it's not going to be any growth but based on pure research uh analysis or the data that was done I would say few years back and we use that data for another mosque which was in litigation in Basking Ridge uh that data says like it's 1 to 3% growth for a mask like that so if you extrapolate that 1 to 3% it doesn't amount to that much and usually what happens during that time you will see another mask coming up for to attend for the congregants within that area so but what I don't understand is typically you would take into account that growth when you're planning itself right because I had the same question when you came to Oldbridge with the mask correct when the site is 2.2 2.5 acres which is typical I'm seeing right so why not look for a bigger side where the I please please please remain quiet so that I can ask the right questions um so why not look for a site that is bigger that can accommodate the parking than you know reverse engineer uh the question I think I'm going to respond to that because I think now we're getting more onto commentary uh we're also uh getting into questions that can probably be better handled by the traffic engineer um but I guess I can editorialize as well if I'm permitted Mr chairman um yes the the mosque may have a total membership of 300 um but I I wish every house of worship were able to get 100% attendance uh at their at their prayer facility um it just doesn't happen in today's world um um you know I'll just use my own experience uh you know my synagogue has maybe 300 members you know we're lucky if we get 50 on a Friday night service there's a disengagement unfortunately in today's society with organized religion now I'm hoping this mosque is successful uh but you know the question was asked before as to how many members and we're giving you we're being transparent about it we're telling you what we believe the membership is and probably will not grow much more um but again uh as Mr Khan indicated uh we do have the largest attendance is really during the two on the Fridays uh Friday afternoons we have two Services uh and certainly based upon what he testified to and what my traffic engineer will testify to I believe will be able to demonstrate to the board that we have adequate parking the question as to whether or not whether or not we should look for another site I don't think that's ever the province of any applicant to ever answer I mean certainly this is the site we have um and this is what we would like to develop and this is what we would like to build here so I do have a few questions related to the use but I'll hold them off uh till the planner testifies because I'm sure those can be answered by Mr Sax too but I will uh I will just hold them off uh the one question I have for the architect one last question so typically when you design a structure right you look at the surrounding lend users in the neighborhood have you seen any three-story structures in the neighborhood that are 40 ft high no I have not so when you when you when the planner testifies Mr Sax when it comes to addressing the positive and the negative criteria I would definitely want to hear that response thank you thank you thank you thank you oh you hello hello hello hello hello uh my name is Ryan Lara I reside at 13 Parkway Place parl New Jersey uh I speak on behalf of fellow Neighbors a lot of our concerns are it was posted that this is going to be a 24-hour facility correct so what's G to be going on doing that 20 20 hour 24 the the hours of op operation are not 24 hours yeah I don't I don't know where you saw a post that it was 24 hours maybe it was on Facebook but that didn't come from us well it's not a 24-hour facility our major concern as far also as you we mentioned the lights are they you know are they going to be bright enough to be affecting that their testimony so far is that the lights do not spill off the property that was one of our concerns and that and when the when the facility isn't used the lights will be turned off except for um safety lights that'll come on you know like um and we got actually answered our question for far as the noise um in house yeah so the speaker there won't be any speaker or live music or prayers no there'll be no uh no call to prayer that you would see generally with a mosque in other countries for instance okay um and all the activities will be inside so there'll be no activities outside so all the noise will be contained inside the building I guess we'll just wait and see what happens then thank you where' the last guy go here we are thanks for waiting no problem good evening uh Rob Applegate uh 16 Vincent Street in the parkway homes area of Parlin I have two questions uh one architect and engineer right huh they're of the architect and the engineer yes okay um the architect talked about a morg um one that was never brought up two when would those Services be whenever there is a funeral yeah I think I sir I think I talked about that at the beginning first of all there's a prep room which I think he testified to it's not a morg he said more it's a prep it's a preparation room so a body would be brought there for a funeral service but obviously it would go to a morg not a morg but it would probably go to a funeral home beforehand and then the ritual funeral service will be there um and funerals I think I indicated would be uh uh hold on I I actually provided that information I mean funeral a funeral could occur at any particular time but it would be during uh during normal business hours so not going to be off hours so to speak question I guess so and another uh second question I know you didn't say to talk about traffic but it's just a quick question the traffic um survey you guys did or whatever doesn't that um usually call for those black tubings wires across the roadway to read the traffic they explain they will explain how they calculated every okay because I drive on that road every day and there's never been one tube I could have somebody sitting there counting car still that's it thank you ma'am yeah you well you're next sorry yeah good evening my name is Betty Panella I live on Parkway Place and my backyard borders this property if I look out my kitchen window I used to see an empty lot that had a lot of greenery in it okay in the last couple of years I look out there during service I don't know what service there have been over a 100 cars parked in the backyards of the houses on erston road looking at my window I could see them the lights flashing at evening time children are going to sleep lights are flashing my neighbors across the street are like what are you doing in your backyard why are lights flashing in my windows now here I'm going to have trees back there bordering are these adult trees that are going to block this from my view is it going to block the lights of the cars that's what I want to know and if you have Services ending 10:30 11:30 12:30 at night depending on the moon I don't know how you do things but I've had problems there before they moved out and where there over with cars and noise there late at night the ordinance I thought was 10:00 for noise and cble is that still true there is a noise ordinance yes just ask yeah thank you Mr chairman uh there hasn't been any activity on that site for probably a year and a half yes prior to that all right we can't we can't talk about that because that's not part of the application whatever Happ I to know what's G to stop this from shining in my backyard what they what they testified was is they're going to take the dirt from the bottom where they're going to put the parking make a burm on top of the BM they're going to put trees those trees will be determined by the planner and and and uh our people we may have we may part of the condition that there be more and higher so they will block block your view that's our okay that's one of the things that we can ask for what happens to damage to my property when they're doing work on their property an oak tree was taken down a few weeks ago dead branches from it fell on top of my shed now my shed has rips in it that I have to fix certainly Mr chairman we don't want to trespass on Miss panella's property I mean can't we can't do that so when we if in fact the board acts favorably for this application we'll have to have come up up with a construction detail a construction plan uh which will detail when activities will occur they're not going to occur in the evening they not going to occur before the hour when they can occur and certainly we've got to make sure that we stay on our property for purposes of any construction okay I just want to know once this building gets built because it seems like it's going to get built no matter what anybody says okay it already seems like it's going to be built they just have to figure out the fine tuning okay if my I I pay taxes I've been living in this house since 1961 okay it's my property and my lifestyle gets ruined because there services at 10:30 11 o'clock at night and there's cars circling around who do I complain to the code enforcement code enforcement correct okay is that in this building oh it's in the building forget about them I've called on R okay well it's okay code enforcement thank you ma'am with the hand up go ahead chairman hand up for all time okay hang on do you want to speak okay after her okay sorry I didn't see you over there you're hi one other question you're you're after her um Carol es bazito Parlin New Jersey um according to seral Municipal land use law section 26. 65.2 f a discussion of site design and project location Alternatives that were considered shall be provided I'm asking what the Alternatives were that were considered and why were they rejected I'm not going to respond to that this evening I'll certainly have my planner speak about I can't I'm not testifying so my planner my planner will address okay second part according to seral Municipal land use law zoning schedule three bulk regulation for houses of worship the maximum lot coverage of a building should be 25% or a building with pavement should be 45% combined according to the application the proposed application consists of 44.83% pavement 21.27% building for a grand total of 6610 coverage so I'm wondering how does that size of the building that's been proposed by the architect fit with the law of seral uh that is not correct the way you interpret the coverages uh the building coverage is a separate line item and lot coverage includes the building coverage so we are not asking for any variances for coverage either for building coverage or lot coverage so on but on the application there listed as two separate numbers so on the application it's listed as two separate numbers and you're saying the lot coverage that pavement plus the building coverage is what's equaling 44.83% yeah if you look if you read the uh definition in the ordinances they Define like what constitutes lot coverage and lot coverage constitutes the building coverage as well as any imperious coverage okay so so we are under we not asking for any variance good um one more thing so we're not talking about parking um I think so thank you hi I'm Nikki V I live on D up Drive in parl New Jersey um I did have a lot to say on parking and traffic but I know I'm not allowed to speak about that so I will speak on the testimony that was given so if I'm correct the waivers that were requested that he spoke about tonight was the setback of the parking spaces the double curbing uh the planted islands for parking areas the waiver for Street loading space and added loading space and the waver for 220 ft Lane entrance for parking is that correct yeah I believe that's correct so I'm just questioning do we get waivers if I want to put a pool less than 10 feet from my my backyard from the fence do the people of cerville get waivers passed based on what their wants are instead of what the needs are for the safety of the community I if they go to the zoning board and ask for Relief they can you're asking a question I'm tell that's the truth you ask the question I gave you the truth listen I have a deck in the back of my house that didn't didn't fit it I didn't have the 25 ft I went the this is years ago I went the 200 people 200 feet away from me got them all the sign on that they didn't care that I put a deck on because I only had people to sign on saying your deck was fine right neighborhood and ask for that's not how it works it's not how it works you notify you notify people that you're doing it all you people have been know anybody that's 200 ft away from this mosque has been notified that this is where do you live do you live 200 feet away place I never got anything Frederick's way further than 200 feet away said anybody 200t away 200 F feet away within 200 200t in inside because that's the law so your name Donald go ahead jerse next I want to know if anybody has contacted Majid alwali in Edison because I have and I know for a fact that they have an 18,500 ft facility that they only asked for 50 parking spaces when they opened but then initially ask for an additional 100 spaces after that which means that that's likely going to happen here you got a rebuttal go well we need to have a question that that was providing testimony we that's something question was has anybody reached out to them for a comparison anyone a comparison on this parking spaces and being that I still can't do parking or traffic give me one more moment my next my next and last question m zoning laws they were they were they were me years and years ago we know this the question is the mosque is protected by the zoning laws the community center is not so what is going on here what's the deal is the community center protected by the zoning laws because if so then then we don't have as much as of a fight here but if the community center is not protected by zoning laws then only the prayer space should be be looked at and even considered that's an excellent question um and in 2000 the federal government enacted a law known as the relig the arupa and what that law states is that it provides protections for facilities and land use applications that are part of religious exercise now normally we all traditionally think about religious exercise as being contained to our church to our synagogue to a prayer Hall however the federal government uh in drafting this um legislation and in the way the courts have interpreted have expanded that and how they how it's been expanded is to state that what's protected under the law isn't just the place where you go in and you conduct your your your um your services it's also what's necessary to maintain the religion and so so schools right schools are being able to educate places to have Hebrew schools CCD Sunday school those are considered protected in buildings and buildings and applications that fall within the scope and additionally community centers that are aimed at fostering and developing religious life have those protections as well so it it it is not it's completely understand it's completely understandable why you would ask it I agree with you you know you first you start hearing this and you say to yourself you're like wait a minute I I think that people should be able to pray where they you know where pray in their neighborhood and do what they want to do but how did these other facilities and how did these other uses that make it grow to 44,000 ft correct how do they why are they part of it and that's the reason why man' it's not it it's not about a law that's been passed in the township of sville or in the state of New Jersey you know we're operating under guidance that comes from federal law and decisions handed down by various circuit courts and and and that and that's not a great answer and and and I understand that the board understands that but unfortunately that's fortunately or unfortunately I don't you know I'm not characterizing that's the law and so um often times you know community centers that are part of religious life and development of um and the uh the development of religious communities and the maintenance of religious activity do have those protections and two quick things and I'm and I'm done in light of recent events what's going on in the world and specifically in sville we are 1,00% in favor of prayer just not a giant building in our backyards up against our back yard fence that's one two archist is a sville born rock and roll band they're going to be at Stone Pony this Friday so go out and check him out next next good evening Michael can Mike come on up good evening Michael K three Mansfield Avenue East Brunswick New Jersey grew up on Vincent Street still have family there so very much involved I've got questions for the engineer and then I have questions for the architect if that's okay first two questions would be first question would be who approved the unpermitted improvements to the existing property I cannot answer that I I have no I have no knowledge of that um honestly I can't comment on that because there's still continuing that's pending litigation and and I I wouldn't recommend that anybody comment just toite um CME report claims a need for 36 77 parking spots on the site you propose 109 why are there not 377 parking spots on the property I'll have Mr Khan answer that but I think my traffic engineer probably no it's an engineer report it's all well my traffic engineer who was not here this evening we'll testify at the next hearing about that but I could certainly have Mr Khan elaborate somewhat yeah there are a couple of reasons one is because we we think based on the uh applicant uh membership at the mask we don't see we don't think that we will exceed that because we are proposing two uh parking uh two prayer services so 100 let's say 109 109 it's to 118 spaces and we don't need that many spaces to be honestly but we are trying to maximize as much as we can uh so that's pretty much I would say when the 25 ft setback is imposed is are there there still 109 parking spots now on the drawings yes okay um with the basement uh parking structure underneath and your underwater underground uh detention system um reading the environmental report groundwater between 48 and 122 Ines how deep will your retention tanks be and how uh actually we we did our own geotechnical because I don't know which report you were the one that's posted on the website as the basis for our evening discussion okay we we did our own geotechnical investigation and based on our system is designed because by law or by regulations your bottom of your system has to be 2 fet above the groundwater and that's what we designed for so so so so we are I mean like the system itself is I believe is uh the pipes that we are proposing is like I think 30 or 36 in pipe there's a stone bed at the top and stone bed at the top so you have fo three probably no I would say like six feet maybe within and what is the basement floor level versus the site right now that's a different thing like because now you have to go and see like bumping up is what you're saying into a tank that's now above your floor level how does it how does it permeate into the surrounding soils with your F4 soil type that you said you have I didn't get your question how are you pumping up into a sstn that's above the floor level we can do two things we can we can do a pumping system we can put a lift station to pump that water or we can it's going to per out the bottom no to the bigger system okay there's a design thing there's a designed procedure that we have to follow and that's what we did though um just is it Mr mccan no just let my unfortunately we have well we fortunately we have a court report here but we can't other let him I'm excited excited to be able to voice my opinions I feel it's important um the engineering footprint I believe um what's the capacity of humans in the basketball court of basketball court facility uh I don't know 12 man I didn't do the math 12,000 roughly square feet it's basically the same size as the two men's prayer Halls so another 800 900 some odd people as per the architect what does the zoning wait wait wait wait when we started this through the people out because we were exceeding the capacity the same thing happens there who okay if I can respond just briefly on that question um and I think I've indicated several times already if the concern of the P concerns of the board or concern of the public is that the basketball court gymnasium running track is going to be utilized for any other purpose other than recreational activity it's not going to be utilized for anything other than recreational activity so when you ask me what the capacity of a basketball court is usually it's it's five on five um that's incorrect because there's no stadium seating in your joints well again so it'll be all ground level it's it's a basketball court it's going to be utilized as such it may be utilized as a dodgeball court maybe it's going to be utilized as a volleyball court but it's strictly for recreational activities it's not for anything other than recreational activ one more question for the engineer sure um who's responsible for the 18,000 ft discrepancy between the engineering floor space um on the drawing versus the engineering drawings for the site improvements is that actually our numbers are different like based on the architecture plans our numbers are strictly for the calculations for strong water design so like I mean I don't know like the architect probably has a I think there was a comment made that there is discrepancy in the total square footage it's it's in the CM report but again based on our numbers our numbers are critical because that's Bas that is the basis for us to design our strong Water Management okay so that's why I I I I I go with my number I have two questions for the architect if I may quick I do based upon the square footage of the basketball arena because it's two floors there is one fire escape out the right rear corner for an over 12,000 square foot facility where are other means of address from that large facility if there are hundreds of people in there or five on five plus an excited crowd I believe we show it in our erine on one of the sheets one one Escape in the right rear corner yes and that sufficient based on the Cod front yeah it's based on through the other layers of the building to get to the ground sorry the egress doors will be based on the actual uh use uh so again it's 55 uh it's not it it's a so basketball him finish need to get transferred hold on one second we got plug so you do have at least two means of erress in the front and one at the rear and then if we are in violation the building department will also comment on that if it's not enough erress so we can easily add one on the left side we have to perfect if you are required with to add secondary from that back corner will that increase your footprint on your lot yes it would increasing impermeable surface correct and coming back to the board for further increase it by much I mean you're looking at it and the sidewalks that are missing the sidewalks there now shown so everything's included in the calculator thank you very much sir ma'am you're next you not after him him and then you you're third Save The Best For Last uh Peter bobin 3 Den Street Parlin New Jersey if I heard right before they said they were GNA have weddings there okay and is that just wedding ceremonies or yes no wedding party no re reception okay and that would be at 4M on a Saturday J now as far as the construction we're we're not dealing with a space like on Route 9 this is going to be surrounded by houses and they're going to be digging deep enough where they're going to put a garage structure and they're going to have to have supports have there been any studies what the impact it may have on surrounding surrounding houses such as vibration or any problems like that that could affect their structures well again under the municipal land use law we cannot cause any water issues on other properties uh and certainly we cannot cause any um compaction or structural issues on any other property well my question is has there been anything submitted to show how that's not going to happen because if you have an underground Garage on a three-story building you're going to have to have some type of structural support so they're going to have to dig deeper than even just that building that I mean than the than the garage you're going to have to go deep like if I put a deck up I got to go what is it 14 inches down so how far down three feet sorry how far down do they have to go for a structure like that and are there going to be vibrations I mean you may say that they're intending not to but in it is that going to how are they going to prevent that from happening can we question the if I that's an item that's addressed in our report we raised a question about having a soil study we raised questions about special Foundation structures that would be come into play if they've got to drive piles or do something out of the ordinary the need for a vibration study would be addressed when they submit that report okay my last question um they mentioned about you know when you how many spaces are underground now4 64 and we talked a ventilation system because there's going to be gas you know carbon dioxide underneath there that's going to have to be blown out right through some filtration system water off of the vehicles right so is there going to be a pollution study to see how that may affect the surrounding houses I'm not aware sir I'm not aware of any requirement for us to do a pollution study but certainly we are going to have to provide safe ventilation out of this garage structure uh it's and basically it's the same type of exhaust that would really be generated uh you know in a surface parking lot as well because what we're what we're proposing is the ventilation will obviously vent out to the air so I'm sorry I did have one more question I understand I know it's getting late but just try to keep it down just one quick question this is zoned R7 I know religious uh religious institutions have it's a conforming use they have an exemption but doesn't it still have to the architecture and the structure doesn't it still have to conform to the surrounding structures well uh to respond yes the house of worship is a permitted use uh in your R7 Zone um and certainly obviously we have to present plans for approval by this board or for review by this board uh which are consistent with what a house of worship would look like um you know the good thing about zoning in New Jersey is that most residential zones in the state of New Jersey do permit houses of worship so we have churches we have synagogues we have uh Indian temples we have Buddhist temples we have mosques that are located within residential neighborhoods um and they are compatible with with the surrounding area um you know again we're dealing with a height issue our height is is acceptable we don't need a height variance there's an except ction dealing with the apperance which is the minet which is similar to a church steeple um so we're in compliance with that sir the difference here is you're basically in people's backyards you have what was a residential neighborhood even if one of the buildings was being used as a law office it was still a residential style building this is not going to be a residential style building it's I I you know how does that conform to the other structures on that block I mean it's certainly more of a comment I'm going to have my planner who's going to testify as to these issues certainly dealing with uh with the uh hang on with those issues sir okay thank you I have no other questions Mr chairman done yeah I'm done okay Mr chairman if I may to address his comment just let me get her up here and then thank you go ahead go ahead sure uh just to address the gentleman's uh concerns about surrounding buildings and the the effects on the construction could we make it a if the applica application is approved could we make it a condition to the application that the surrounding uh structures have a preconditioned survey examined uh and any geotechnical uh instrumentation installed for the construction uh of the foundation to monitor the effects on the surrounding buildings Mr chairman I I believe that the board has done that in the past where there were concerns about pile drivings or other type of out of the ordinary Foundation construction parameters so you could have a requirement that individual houses are surveyed to determine predevelopment conditions and also have vibration monitoring done during construction to make sure that it's within required limits do SX you have a problem with that I don't think so in theory no uh I mean I obviously I want to talk I'd have to discuss it with my client but I think it's not an unreasonable request ma'am state your name and where you're from sure uh Jennifer Edward birs 10 Vincent Street Parlin um I wanted to ask some questions regarding the size um a lot of what I wanted to cover has been covered already but I do want to add on to some things um the proposed building size is 4439109973 my question is um I guess for the architect and I know that he is just doing what he's being asked to do um but the mosque that's in Edison is 18,500 square ft on 2.2 acres and it's in an industrial area um the Islamic Center of East Brunswick is 11,000 square fet on 1.99 acres in East Brunswick I wanted to ask why 44,000 square fet and why in this particular location I think I've answered that question I mean it's actually not the you haven't answered why 44,000 square feet Mr chairman the testimony from the architect he did he gave a description of the layout of the structure that's the layout of the structure that's being proposed at this particular point in time um well I'm not going to comment any further I understand your question but I believe the the the applicants architect just went through within the last hour what's contained on each floor and no yeah Mr chairman I it's very difficult to speak when I'm constantly being chatter if he speaking you got to let him speak you got to give everybody their due due diligence go ahead Mr sa thank you as I was saying the the architect gave a in great detail what's contained on each floor these are rooms that are necessary for the operation of a mosque for the operation of their ritual activities for the operation of ancillary activities that your Council uh spoke about in terms of what's generally associated with the house of worship uh I mean I'm not going to get on the soap box but I think many of us who are of differing faiths and we all are are of differing faiths but we all have one thing in common if we're practicing a faith is that there are ancillary activities associated with every house of worship there are classrooms associated with it there is a kitchen associated with it there could be a gymnasium associated with it there could be a swimming pool associated with it these are normal normal accommodations that we see in houses of worship that were built 70 80 years ago and houses of worship that are built today so what's being proposed here is nothing out of the ordinary this is not a this is not by the way this is not going to be a facility that's open to the public so it's not going to be a community center it is a house of worship with again Mr chairman I'm I'm getting interrupted every time I speak listen come on it's getting late let's let's get through this let him speak go ahead okay I've said what I've said Mr chairman right thank you you have anything else with that said um the basketball court is 7703 Square fet exercise areas of another 2449 2449 I understand that those may have some inherent benefit um but wanted to just throw that out there um locker rooms five classrooms if there are 15 to 20 children why do we need five classrooms um kitchens there are multiple kitchens each floor has a kitchen is that NE necessity um cafeteria I understand that's for students is the this um a school or is it just going to be a uh trying to do the math here a three hour program on Sundays um 2500 square foot multi-purpose room it just seems like it's a little bit excessive um and especially since it won't be utilized for prayer it just seemed like a something to question so um do you want to respond to that no I don't need to respond I mean understand you're making a comment that's fine okay um sville Municipal land use law item 26- 96.1 uh applies to General design standards this is um the gentleman who spoke just before me brought this up but I wanted to quote it um the design and layout of the building and parking areas provide an aesthetically pleasing design and efficient Arrangement compatible with the character of the surrounding development exterior Sil uh Silhouettes roof design overhangs Arrangements of doors entranceways Etc now this is like this is seille Municipal land use law um obviously we can all agree probably that it's a beautiful building um but it's definitely not going to be in accordance with this particular law um seille Municipal land use law 26- 96.9 building appearance um in determining whether a proposed development is of such similar or dissimilar character to the prior existing buildings any proposed building which is either 25% larger in height mass or displacement shall be presumed to similar these uh surrounding homes not necessarily those being replaced but the surrounding homes are all built roughly in the 1950s they're all relatively small homes I think we're pointing out that there's a dissimilarity there um and then do you want to comment on that I was just about to say Mr chairman we need to remember this is not comment you have an opportunity to give your opinion and your opinion as to how the law applies later on but if you have questions of the witnesses please proceed okay all righty um so the last question this is actually a question um in the uh engineering and I believe in the architecture um I know there was a discussion that there will be no sidewalks from erston Road um given that the premise for building the mosque in this location is uh based upon it being convenient for the community I can't really understand and I realized that this was a middle County thing um but I can't really understand the justification for not having sidewalks to protect protect anyone who's walking in from ernston Road number one and also through the parking lot um I know we're going to get into traffic and parking but every little bit with only 25 fet in between ernston Road and parking is going to cause a disaster in traffic so again it's a comment I don't know what to State I don't know how to respond ma'am but the only thing I can tell you is with respect to the sidewalk on ernston road the county is not does not require that does not want it I'll I'll defer to Mr Cornell if he feels a sidewalk as necessary and can convince uh the county I have no issue with doing that Mr chairman I think we had in our report because you have the potential where uh the temple or the I'm sorry the the mosque they could go through and a congregant could buy a house in the adjacent Street and want to walk so there should be a path where they can walk from their house to the Ser without walking through the parking lot com I mean that's something we can explore okay thank you thank you all [Music] ma'am evening hi my name is Cheryl sandstrom I live at nine Parkway Place I live directly across from Betty so I thoroughly understand what she was talking about and as far as lights activities noise it was all hours of the night at depending upon when it was they would have the makeshift parking lot set up and on top of that they would have people directing traffic and yelling which would trigger all the dogs in the neighborhood so the noises once again these are questions of the witnesses you're providing testimony about oh no this is a noise question so this is all ask right now you're providing testimony or or comments on something that's outside of this application I'm giving you the background of what we went through the background is not what's before well what's going to prevent that noise then that you can ask you said what what's going to prevent noise I'm telling you back but yes well again I think you were talking about noise when the site was being utilized last time a few years ago okay I mean certainly we're dealing now with a different project we're dealing with uh a more controlled situation than you had in the past uh I don't want to comment on what happened in the past because again that's pending litigation all right but uh certainly you'll hear all the testimony you'll hear from our traffic engineer you'll hear from our planner I Envision that we're going to have additional engineering testimony at the next hearing and certainly if you have any concerns you can address it with those experts okay Mr Sach you know this witness as well as Miss p uh Betty pain and I apologize apologize if I'm mispronouncing her name have both raised concerns I think about hours of operation and I think that you've you know you've thoroughly provided you know with identifying the various uses when those hours would be but I think for the the benefit of the neighbors and the uh members of the public in attendance could we just clarify what the overall hours of operation would be on this site so that the people can know yeah I I'd be glad to do that so the hours of operation and I'm going to not talk about Ramadan because Ramadan it's one time a year and it's a it's a service that go could go to 10:30 but generally um seven days a week it will be 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. all right there are daily prayers uh that occur five times during the day the first prayer is at 6:00 a.m. the last prayer is usually concluded by 8:30 there are Friday prayers uh from 12:15 to 12:45 1:15 to 1:45 um that's really the only ritual activities that will occur on site it could be an occasional wedding which we indicated would be on a Saturday afternoon about 4:00 with no reception it could be an occasional funeral um again that could occur any day but but certainly it's going to be during business hours uh there is uh Sunday school from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from and that would be on Sundays and then uh from Monday through Thursday 5: to 6:00 p.m. so those are really the only hours of operation you will if you add all the hours up if you look at a 24-hour day for the most part this site is not being utilized just like any other house of worship we know that a Catholic Church Protestant church church has Services Saturday night Sunday a Jewish synagogue Friday night Saturday morning but for the most part there's really very little activity that occurs in a house of worship other than those hours which I just specified so when exactly with the lighting levels go down well I think there was testimony from the uh engineer and probably and from the architect as well uh that the lights once the facility closes at 8:30 the lights are out and there might be a motion detector security light that's on so that this will not be lit all night it won't be a 24-hour facility I don't know where that came from but it's not a 24-hour facility so the lights will be out uh and when will all the waivers that are being asked for being addressed well the all right so let me if I can just briefly Mr chairman talk about the waivers the waivers are not variances the wavers are design waivers which are design exceptions uh from your design standards the don't rise to the same level of VAR as variance relief and I guess Mr sordillo will tell me if I'm talking out of term but I don't think I am um you know waivers are granted uh by this board I will have the waivers that the waivers that uh my engineer testified to I will go into greater depth with the traffic engineer because they really pertain more to traffic okay and one last question the residents over in the parkway home development in non erston Road would like to know how many of the board members live over by us and have dealt with this already okay thank you good evening board I just have one question because he said you have to tell me your name and where you live I said it four times Donald scano 42 Frederick play Paul New Jersey I'm sorry Thomas Donald Scarano my one question is this he says the membership's 300 right we have, 1600 Muslims in the close vicinity what's the I know you I know me I'm going a mosque here I'm getting a brand new mosque away from my house beautiful what's to say that's not going to be 1500 members and everybody congregates over H how do you control that who's going to be accountable for that if that happens so we we approve and we say okay you can have 300 right year later it said 600 who's accountable for that where are those cars going where is what's going to be done to say okay we're only going to have 300 are you going to put penalties and fines and and fees on them every time somebody goes over 300 how do we who's got the accountability on this because the United States don't have accountability from the federal government all the way up to anybody there's nobody for us so if we if you can tell me you will be accountable for finding people anybody over 300 hey all the power to you go ahead I want to know how are we going to hold someone accountable for this when they do hit 301 302 because I know if I do something and I do it wrong once do it wrong twice I know I'm not going to be forgiven I'm gonna get thrown in jail I'm gonna get fined something's going to happen how do we account them make them accountable for them it's not about a MOS you can have a mosque it's not about a religion you can have a church white black Asian this that it don't matter it's about accountability how are we going to keep make them accountable for making it become a disaster it might not be a disaster day one day two when things grow fastest Muslim Community fastest religion growing how are you going to tell me this community ain't going to grow past or this congregation ain't going to grow past 300 people how can you guarantee us that if you're saying you're building it for 300 let's cap it at that number 300 it is they got their mask everybody is happy we're good you're going to get fined after it okay see if we like that why can't we do something how are we being accountable for this seriously how are we gonna be accountable because nobody's ever accountable for anything Mr chairman I just want to clarify uh what was being brought up on that statement is and and Mr Sach you can clarify you can correct me if I'm wrong I don't think they're proposing to this board and I want the board to be clarified on this that they're only having 300 uh uh uh membership that's just just what they currently have there there there is no Max on on their membership that's being presented to us or that the board is considering you guys what what sorry let me just finish what the board would have to consider and what the board uh and and you know zoning moving forward is permitted o occupancy so the boards considered on this application is the building and whether it's appropriate for this site and whether it can be built in the site subject to the applicable zoning laws after that for occupancy it's going to be built based on the size of the building it's not going to be based on the membership this board can't dictate that they can't have more than 300 members but we what happens is if the B the the Occupy as was brought just brought up before there's certain occupancies for certain spaces just like we're dealt with tonight here and if they exceed that then yes that is a violation of of of state law and that's an Enforcement issue and I can't say how it's going to be forced when it's going to be forced but it doesn't matter how many members are of the or uh congregation there are because they could still have that many people to Max Capacity even if they're not Cong you know members of the congregation understand so I just want to make sure that it's a clear point for the public and the board because I know a lot of your your point you kept raising what if they go to one1 that's not what we're talking about you build a 41,000 foot place you don't build it for three 300 400 500 600 I go to a 31,000 square foot place I'm gonna see 3,000 4 th000 they might not all be there but it's G to grow and I don't know if we can handle that of honestly it's hello Mike Weaver 10 Parkway Place Parlin New Jersey um well I have questions one is the r seven zoning says that you're only they're only allowed to go 35 ft high and 2 and half stories so how is it that you guys are going 69 ft I can I can I can answer some of that that's on 11a schedule 11a the conditional use house of worship is a conditional use if you're building a house let's say a single family home yeah that's the requirement 35 ft but if you're if you this is in this case is a conditional use house of worship so the building height goes up to uh 40 ft and three stories okay uh next thing sewage how many people are going to be inside this building or is the building allotted for that's that's the calculation we we're going to provide actually we did provide it how many it doesn't matter there are over a th people allotted for sewage the sewage coming down already on Road the houses at ernston Road and Parkway Place the two Corner houses already have to have two twice a year the Town come out the pump to clean it out couple times a year because it gets backed up from everything coming down ernston everything coming down from the parkway homes so now if you're going to add more sewage what's going to happen these people's houses are going to start get flooded with sewage backed up with sewage so how is that going to affect things is the town going to fix the sewage lines or are you guys going to pay for new Su when when we going to apply for the permit the Utility Authority or utility agency will look at it if they feel like there is a problem they will not issue the permit if there is no problem they will issue the permit okay and then the other thing is the side walks in front I know that's been brought up but that neighborhood there when my daughter was growing up there I walked up erston road to bring her to school if there's no curbs no sidewalks how do I walk my kid to school how does anybody else in the neighborhood walk their kids to school up the sidewalk no the sidewalk they're going up to the ues yeah sorry erston Road had a sidewalk I think that side the connection we were talking about from That Sidewalk to the building that was the connection we talking about so there's going to be a sidewalk ons but not from erston to the building no sidewalk down okay um I think that's about it I'll be back for one of the other meetings to State my complaints how are you I'm good good evening uh my name is Joe Carson 322 ernston Road I live directly across the street from the proposed MOS hey Shamir um so I have a question um about buses are there going to be um buses for the like basketball as well no buses proposed no buses for anything okay um Let me clarify there could be shuttle bus that will go uh during U Eid uh or during Ramadan but that that's an off-site bus um I was also curious about uh fire truck egress um it's my understanding a fire truck needs to um get in there pretty easily and have to be able to turn around um from the proposed parking lot it looks like it might be a tough sell so I was wondering your thoughts yeah we provided a turning template for emergency vehicles which I think has been reviewed um if there was any comment from the fire department we didn't have it but Jame I don't know if you want to comment on it okay um as far as the um waivers or variance on the de acceleration Lane now I don't really want that I'm going to be honest but it's a safety issue and it should be there that's why that's a thing I believe um what happens when they have an event and all the cars are pulling into there and it's backed all the way up ernston Road how are emergency vehicle is going to get down the street yeah let let me respond to that we we do have police Personnel who are there for Friday afternoon you know Friday afternoon on a weekly basis and they'll continue to be there uh same thing for Ramadan same thing well ID wouldn't be there but yes if there's an event there's going to be police there and obviously they're trained in dealing with with traffic flow and Public Safety Mr chairman if I just may add just to answer that question is uh that is a county road so that's outside of the jurisdiction of this board so even if we say you have to have it they if the county says no that's that's the final word we don't have it's funny you say that because the county says they do whatever you guys say because we went to a bunch of those meetings it's pretty funny but that that is that if the county doesn't want it though we can't force it is all the point I'm making very good um as far as the um the entrances now there's two entrances and two exits on the same normally churches have one way in one way out or places of worship so isn't that make more sense well again I think the uh the E the I'm getting my directions wrong here but the um the exit going out going closer to uh to Bordentown Avenue um is is only a it's only a right out you cannot it's not a full access exit so you cannot make a left turn what about the one closer up towards Oldbridge that you're going to be able to make a left cuz that's my driveway Uh current existing like as of now like there are about three or four curb cuts on on that stretch on on that width of that uh where we're going to propose the new building M and we are closing two of them and we only proposing two and the way the circulation works with everything and the way the county likes us and again I think somebody asked like if there was any planning done uh before we come up with design there were tons of different plans and different options that were run through different agencies the county and everything so this was the arrangement that the county would like us to follow and that's what we are doing and again County looks again it's a county jurisdiction so they want to look at whatever there are inment is okay okay um I had a couple other questions uh the classrooms five proposed classrooms that could probably fit about 30 children but you guys claim 30 total well presently at at the site we're at now we have maybe 15 or 20 children attending you know certainly certainly there could be more yeah for 300 plus people but right have more than 15 children but uh the the normal siiz classrooms I mean obviously you don't want to have young children with older children but right I I remember when it was operating they would drop them off yeah you know and constantly be coming and going I I remember um uh I also wanted to make a comment about the um air quality that you guys um briefly touched on well I have um I have the environmental impact assessment from the New Jersey um seral burough New Jersey Code ordinances and um it says miscellaneous when warranted an analysis shall be conducted of existing air quality and noise levels as prescribed by New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection when warranted the board may also request these conditions on adjacent properties so my my concern is especially for the parkway homes you put a ventilation system into the basement it's all going to vent out of one side if uh our good friend Kim has her window open is all the exhaust going to go right to her window you know this is something that needs to be thought about as far as building um that's not how the ventilation system is designed the way you explain there is a code requirement there is a permit requirements there is a emission requirements otherwise it's not going to get a permit it should just be a fan be fans right but again it has to it has to have a shoot where it captures it and it has to discharge it certain height so it's not something that if her door if her if somebody's Windows is open everything is going to go in window so there are standards that an engineer mechanical engineer has to follow in order to get anart permit and the CEO for those things okay so you're um what you're saying is it would probably come out of the roof at least 10t over the because that's usually venting codes whatever is the code yes they have to comply with the code requirements okay um one of the biggest concerns I have is um when they start their digging and um digging foundation so uh a lot of people's Foundation you know our houses are old and uh I'm concerned about mine and my foundations this is a lot of I mean I'm in construction so I understand the gravity of this kind of a project I don't think a lot of people know how much mud and dirt's going to be dumped all over the streets how much how much of a noise even during the construction this is going to create um and traffic they're going to have to shut down the road open the road increase all the pipes the wire I understand um so is there any way we can have someone come out and do at least for the 200 the the residents that were notified within the 200 ft to inspect our foundations to ensure nothing will happen during this and then maybe a reinspection after they're completed this way if my Foundation gets destroyed um I'm not liable here uh usually the I I mean of course uh being a good neighbor my client will probably do whatever he needs to do whatever the town will say but the the scenario that you pictured or you portrayed like as far as the foundation and this and that that only happens that doesn't happen unless you're digging right next to the foundation of your house if you're blasting or if you're piling Hammer shell I understand I've been I mean I have been in this business for over 30 years involv with lot of big big construction projects so it's not something like by digging a back unless there's a big boulder in there that they have to break it down yeah that might but again there is only there is a influence area for the soils to carry those waves if you read this I mean I mean in the soil mechanics there is a term called like influence zone so if you're out of the influence Zone it's not going to affect your foundation and we are almost 50 ft away from the property line the house is further set back so I mean of course my client will do whatever he needs to do to satisfy you but again the the picture that you are portraying is not going to happen for this project in my professional opinion okay um so I'll take that as a guarantee and um Mr chairman if I may same the same concern a previous gentleman had I had I had asked as a condition of approval that we do perform preconstruction surveys of the homes that could be influenced and that we'd have seismo graphs vibration monitoring because it's not just the digging right we're g to be Paving the we're g to be Paving the lot you use vibratory uh rollers out there so you could you may experience some vibration so as a condition of approval I'm requesting that these geotechnical monitoring is in place that's great okay um the other uh I guess the last concern I really have is the runoff um you know as you know it's a lot of uh dirt over there right now and it probably absorbs a lot and when they pave everything all this water is going to have to go somewhere and I understand they did touch on some of the drainage but uh I'm in the business and I understand how a 44,000 square feet catches a lot of water and dumps it in a significant place and runs together so um I'm really concerned about the flooding that this could possibly cause down Inon road because if today it was flooded on my way here on a bad rain you know it gets pretty flooded down my sidewalks already so um that was another concern I had oh yeah I mean it's I think have to curse it's it's a comment I didn't curse by but anyway um I mean certainly we have to comply with the sto you know the storm order management rules and regulations as adopted by the state of New Jersey uh we have to ensure that uh we are not uh creating any run any excess runoff off of our property onto adjacent properties and certainly I think you know we have provided storm order reports uh for review by your staff there are some comments that Mr Cornell made I'm sure we're going to comply with all those technical recommendations okay so uh sorry I had one last thing I am still concerned about noise um when they were operating car doors are very loud at 6: a.m. especially when you're still sleeping there's not much noise outside those things carry people talking outside carries you hear those voices I was able to hear their prayer on a megaphone sometimes earlier than 6: a.m. I know they propose 6: a.m. but I've heard them there at like 4:30 before so so um I really really would like the noise looked into if that is possible that's a request to you guys okay I appreciate it thank you no you spoke we got to get somebody else it's right you had your chance anybody else ma'am go ahead I gotta be fair Sharon rhis 22nd Street sville when is the next meeting meeting that you have on the books for us to come for the traffic and safety will we be notified correctly cuz tonight you know we thought we were going to be able to talk earlier when is the next meeting and how will you let us all know because we all want to come to all the meetings nobody knows uh well I think I know because I was told I think the next meeting is May 1 May 1 okay please no it's not the same time and same place it may be but it may not be we're going to try to get somewhere else I I already text the mayor and told him that we had a problem tonight and that we need to find a bigger space so we're going to try to do that even if it's uh you know the one place that we didn't think about was the uh the fire academy just fire academy I mean I can I can ask them we can ask the county but if if we're having at a different location aren't they going to be noticed yes okay if we would have to re notice everything if we're going to if we're going to change the venue okay please understand this is not about a mosque this is about our town changing drastically we can't move in this town as it is right now ernston road is like a parking lot certain times of the day it's so passionate to all of us because it's like you're dropping a building size of a White House in a residential neighborhood it's not what you're building and we're so concerned about safety Vehicles being able to get through ernston Road that's what everyone is talking about and the school how are school buses going to get out during the time of that worship time that you have a lot of times that you have your important worship times is our work hours to go to work we have to get up by route nine you're asking about traffic and we're not going to do that until we're not going to do that until the next is that meeting April 3D may may may 1 May 1 May 1 but we're talking about the design and the safety of things yes ma'am you're your questions which are excellent questions about the the timing the intensity of the use the number of trips that the trip generation which is which is the the the the planning term for what you're saying which is trip generation when that would be that I imagine that's all going to be covered by Mr Sax's expert and all of us who live in seille already know and and and it's a disaster and and that's one thing we always in planning in in in these applications you always we always consider is that it we have to separate what everybody knows anecdotally from living in a community and experiencing every day and make sure that that's part of the record and so you know this board has has is very focused on the parking and the traffic issue that's why that there's an an additional report and Analysis that's being done that will be thoroughly addressed the questions about chip trip generation what times the trips will happen what are the peak times on that road will all be addressed all of your questions will be addressed and if they're not then you come back up here and you ask them and you make sure it's part of the record um because you know the what's important to remember is everything that you see every day right we can't presume that that's part of this record it has to be testified to and it has to be brought up and so um the these traffic reports focus on all of that data and and will be available for you to a review beforehand and ask every single question about and I'm sure the board members going to have a lot of questions about it too um but but for purposes of tonight architectural design standards don't aren aren't the appropriate time to talk about trip generation traffic we've listened to all of you all many hours tonight we're holding so much in please understand we have not had a chance as a community to come forward yeah you do and you just have to be patient through the process we're over above doing things that we we want to make sure that we get this right that's why we hired another traffic study so we could look at an independent traffic study and theirs we're not just going to take theirs for batim okay that all takes time you know and then we have to sit and digest those reports okay we see how the mosque started out so small in a little house and how grow how big That Grew this has the possibility about the past we can only talk about the application that's before us ma'am okay right so anything that happened prior all the stuff that they did wrong or whatever happened that's not up to us that's going to be taken T taken care of in another potential of the growth of it you have to keep that in mind when you're approving this there could be more appropriate locations for something this size thank you all right start with the P of paper all right it's quarter of we are going to end tonight at 11: so um if you have any other questions please keep it quick and we'll try to get everybody in that we can if not we're going to do everything on May first May first my name is Drew wearth we i n g- r t I live in East Brunswick New Jersey even though I have an East Brunswick address with pride I grew up in the Madison Park section of Parlin which is Oldbridge and I realized the applicant is applying in sarraille but the ZIP code is 08859 and Parlin is considered a beautiful hybrid between the two towns I believe there was testimony um oh and thank you all for what you do I believe the there was testimony on soil testing and a soil bearing could you just please I believe you gave them two separate categories could you please be a little bit more specific about that yeah K3 and K4 there's the permeability rate like how fast the water can transmit through the soil is it possible for you to say did you say you did soil bearing test no not the bearing no or maybe is it POS is based on the K3 and K4 is it can you say what the soil composition was based on that uh I would say it's like sandy soil okay thank you very much it's been testified that um again on the lights I don't want to uh go over that again you said it was down lights um I'm assuming per the law the number it's meeting the proper number of candles based on the lighting um how are the lights being regulated is it on a Time timer or photo cell yeah I will I think the lights will be on a timer to go off at 8:30 if that's if that's when the uh facility closes uh that'll be on a timer I'm sure and then uh there'll probably be some type of security lighting which would be activated by movement thank thank you very much again it was emphasized it was stated that uh for weddings there's no receptions but yet there is a kitchen on site so will the kitchen be utili the kitchen will or will not be utilized for a wedding no it would not be utilized for a wedding so they'll be right it's just a ceremony and then obviously if there's a reception it'll be off site thank you very much I believe the architect uh talked about the Landscaping um for the construction on the site I don't how many number of trees will be I think the engineer testified to that but I'm sorry what is the question if there's going to be trees uh being removed on site per whatever cereal has per their law yes what no but they're just uh 46 46 trees will be removed and will they be planting those trees elsewhere uh no they will be REM removed uh and we are planting over I would say about over 100 trees new trees throughout the site plus the shrubs thank you for that uh size of calibers of the trees yeah I can give you that I think they are six to I mean 8 to 10 feet high and three and a half inch in caliber right thank you very much um it was stated that um there's going to be locker rooms part of the gymnasium I'm sorry if was said are there showers affiliated with those locker rooms I believe there are and the lock the showers I am assuming would be factored into the water usage analysis for thank you um did the architect uh testify to a signage for this facility I believe I think the engineer did that yes and again it's proper number of for ordinance within your six one we're not I don't believe we're seeking any variances for signage are we yes you are you are to Mo to move it back yes one variance I believe that's it I really appreciate the clarification and to answer the chairman the tree size is 9 to 10 feet high 3 inch calber minimum thank thank you I thank you all for your time thank you all right 10 minutes anybody else before anybody else all right you're up you can go Mike laer 10 Parkway Place par I was up here before um I just have two quick questions One Second Officer can you see if anybody else wants to speak before we leave in the back are they anybody in the back rooms go ahead I just have two quick questions you didn't answer questions about when the times were for Ramadan what are the time schedules for Ramadan oh I think I I think I mentioned it in the beginning I think it's uh 7 or 7:30 to 10:30 what about the midnight is there a midnight Ramadan there's there's no midnight service No 1 am service No 2 am service no okay um and then the other thing is I know this is kind of what has to do with in the past kind of but if it does when when is when I just want to know when is the property going to be kind of like cleaned up because right now there's a tree laying on an electrical wire that fell a month and a half two months ago that nobody's touched we'll address that yeah there's I mean we're not aware of any code violations but yes if there's an issue with that I'll we'll make sure that we take a look at the pine tree right after they cut down the last tree which was December 26 somewhere between the 26th and 29th they cut down a tree that was on Lot 27 which is actually owned by the town Lot 27 um so the tree was cut down and and then this tree fell about 2 weeks later on top of the electrical lines all the lines going around the property right now have trees leaning on them or even falling down so I want to know when some of this is going to be addressed we'll take a look safety hazards he just said he'd address it okay thank you well good evening anybody else for all you that are left I want to thank you very much for being patient I know this is a hard thing to get through May 1st welcome motion we close to the public second all in favor post okay hang on one second so I I guess my question is this I know I guess the uh advice I was given from your staff was that it was going to be May 1st and I guess at at this point it's going to be at this location unless there's some alternate site that's then we'll have to R notice we have to R notice or will you publish that on the website because I'm not I think you have legally I think you're going to have to give notice to the 200 people if it's a new location because it is now they have to have notice of it being in different Lo because we can post it and we will all right but I don't what's the alternative no I guess I guess there's not but the only thing is this obviously I have to do it 10 days before the hearing so I'd like to know sooner than later I'm working on it already I sent I sent the mayor a text I'm going to I'm not going to call him obviously tonight but tomorrow morning we'll get back to you all right that's fine for members of the public this this uh application is being carried to May 1st it will be at this location unless you hear see other notice it would be notice either if you're within 200 200 feet you receive it uh by the mail or it will be posted on the uh website and and and typical notice require uh typical method that the township uh excuse me the burrow utilizes for notice of meetings um so otherwise it will be here unless you hear otherwise I think that's the the way SC it and don't believe everything you you read on the ring Mr chairman members of the board thank you for your Indulgence I know it was not easy thank you we okay next is old business new business administrative matters our next meeting is April 17th Jay Mr chairman you have the South N reality application that was carried from a prior hearing that's scheduled for your next meeting thank you you need to open public again a motion open the public make a motion to open up the public second all in favor I make a motion to adjourn motion to close the public huh close public close the public I make a motion to close public close second all in favor I make a motion to Uhn make a motion to adjourn all in favor thank you thank you everybody thanks thanks for hanging in there we did a