call to order this meeting of the sville planning board could everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge algian the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all okay good evening everyone Beth has this meeting been advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act yes chairman it has roll call please Beth Mr kevich here Mr algra here Mr Bolton Mr Elm miss lman Mr Müller here Mr Shaw here councilman zabowski here chairman Tha Mr Cornell here Mr Fowler here Mr sordillo here we have a quorum thank you Beth uh any resolutions for memorialization none this evening any minutes um this evening we have planning board minutes from February 7th okay I'll entertain a motion to accept the minutes make a motion to accept there second all in favor I opposed okay Beth is there anything on the communication agenda none this evening any site plan subdivisions none this evening okay so I'll entertain a motion to open uh the public portion motion to open the public portion second all in favor I I post okay any members of the public uh who would like to be heard and Joe if you want to State something on the record and and please just note uh members of the public uh that you can make any comment you would like about matters that within the planning board's jurisdiction but it can't be about a specific application because there's no hearing on that application scheduled this evening that can be H that any comment you want to make on a specific application has to be made when the application hearing is being held before the board the applicants here and can respond to any comments being made thank you Joe and if you would wouldn't mind it before you come speak if you can introduce your name for the record and uh 322 ernston Road did you catch that b okay thank you um so I was here to speak uh about the um property in question but I'm only here for one reason to request a a Rupa lawyer to assist that's a fine com can't talk about the substance of the absolutely I'm not here to make a case I'm here to just ask for assistance in this very specific case um I understand a lot of you are experts of what you do but um you know as far as a religious there's specialized lawyers and people to assist I just want to make sure everybody gets a fair Shake between the town and the applicant honestly so um I'm here to request on behalf of a a lot of seral residents we all made this statement so I'm just going to read it okay on behalf of the residents of sville we are requesting a Rupa lawyer to be hired to review and assist on the application for erston Roadhouse of worship while there are qualified people on the planning board our concern is that they are not religious land use experts it would be beneficial to have experts to advise to help preserve as much quality of life as possible surrounding the property and the rest of cille as this will impact the entire town since there is aay in the hearing application it would be time appropriate to bring on these professionals now to assist the town and demonstrate to the residents everything is being done to secure the best possible outcome if the Rupa lawyer exceeds the planning board's budget it's to my understanding that maybe the um Council can have a vote on this to maybe provide the funds um we believe the proposed location and the size blah blah blah as such a thorough Rupa review to assess the implications of mov moving forward with the application is in its current form warranted having an expert professional and a religious land use law can help guide the planning planning board and Community to make sure it is a fair and transparent process for everyone involved transparency is vital in regards to the project of this size we are also requesting other independent studies for maybe traffic environment noise and light and other impacts to the community thank you thank you anyone else from the public would like to be heard seeing no one in the room I'll entertain a motion to close the public portion I like the motion to close second all in favor I post okay so uh Beth any old business new business administrative matters so our next meeting is uh March 20th Jay Mr chair at your March 20th meeting you have the firm of hire GRL coming before you to make a presentation if you recall last year they worked on your master plan update and they're following up with that just and also because you have a lot of new board members are going to come in kind of give a summary of what was done last year and what they're working on now great that's a good idea thank you thanks the only other anything anything else uh Beth any resolutions executive sessions Etc so this this evening we'd like to go into to Executive session for um Professional Services contract negotiations okay so entertain a resolution whereas Section 8 of the open public acts new njsa 10 semicolon 4-12 B 1-9 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the planning board is of the opinion that such circumstances currently assist and now therefore to be resolved by the planning board of the burrow of seral County of middle SEC state of New Jersey as follows the public shall be excluded from discussions in the closed session at the planning board meeting on March 6 2024 the general nature of the subject matters to be discussed are as follows contract negotiations Professional Services minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the above no longer requires that confidentiality then the minutes can make be made public the board may take action of those items discussed in executive session upon completion of the executive session discussion and enter back into Open Session can I get a um motion second second roll call Mr revich yes Mr algra Mr elmire miss lman Mr Muller yes Mr Shaw councilman zabowski great okay so why don't uh we all go into the room outside just so we have we have an executive session we have to talking private with our attorney so we're going to excuse ourselves go out to the room and then we'll be back okay all right okay so we're done with our executive session and uh there's no more business so I'll entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor I opposed okay thank you everybody great that's it our next meeting is the 20th 20th so yeah