##VIDEO ID:V6GR9Tpjyls## yes chairman it has yes Mr kandal here Mr algra here Mr Bolton Mr Elm miss larmen Mr Müller here Mr Shaw here Mr woen councilman zabowski chairman Tai here we have a quorum minutes need Aces 1 2024 meeting motion chair I have a second second all in favor all favor I I H great agenda none this evening and the S plan subdivision hearing fa and element ah now it's on all right thank you let's see am I good to share my screen Beth no I think you have to give me permission to share my screen oh here we go okay there we go thank you get this up all right hi everyone thank you for having us tonight my name is McKinley Merz I'm with higher grin Associates my colleague sitting behind me is Hannah Davenport and we along with a few other Professionals in our office prepared the three uh master plan elements that are before you tonight as the chairman indicated we have the the landuse element the community community facilities element and the circulation element so tonight I'm going to walk you through a very uh broad overview of what's in all of these plans I'm happy to go into any more detail if there are specific questions um but I what we are doing tonight is really just a discussion for me to answer any of your questions and review what we have proposed in these plans uh the formal adoption hearing will be uh later in October uh we had originally planned to present this to you tonight for adoption um but Hannah through working with your master plan subcommittee uh we heard from Sarah the Sarahville uh Redevelopment agency that they would like to participate in this process a little more than they have and I believe Mr chairman they wrote you a letter is that correct great so that letter asked if this board would be willing to delay this process until such time as we had the opportunity to speak with Sarah a little bit more about uh all three plans I think specifically the land use element uh so that's that's the the planning board's decision to invite Sarah into this process a little bit as this is this is these are your documents these are master plan documents uh but we are prepared to to sit with them and meet with them and hear their feedback uh between now and October if this board chooses chooses to allow that Sarah we do leave this open at the end that would be great Mr chairman we'd appreciate that thank you so again there will be no vote tonight on these master plan elements and we'll come back to uh what we would request that we are would be permitted to do is after we have a chance to meet with Sarah and hear their feedback uh we then regroup with the master plan subcommittee to review the outcome of that discussion and then when we're here in October we would be presenting to you any changes that came of those two discussions with the full anticipation that a vote for adoption would happen at that October meeting great thank you all right so with that out of the way I'll I'll dive into uh the meat of what we're what we're doing here tonight uh so just as a reminder this board did adopt a master plan reexamination report in the spring of 2023 and among many other recommendations of that reexamination report was the preparation of these three land of these three uh master plan elements the land use element which is a required element in the municipal landu law the circulation plan element and the community facilities plan element uh those are not technically required but we do find next to the land use element there are some of the most valuable master plan elements for uh for a community and so the bureau agreed with those recommendations and and we moved forward uh with preparing them uh we through the this the original scope of work we provided included a a public Outreach process to occur during that Master Plan re ination process uh and and then I should say again some with uh stakeholder interviews during this current process but during the re-examination process we uh issued public surveys that went out um and we had hundreds of responses actually we were very pleased with how many people responded so a lot of the respon all of the responses I should say from that public Outreach process uh went directly into the determination of of drafting the recommendations for this plan so a lot of members a lot of your residents I believe it was over 80% of the respondents were residents the others were business owners or those who participated in in the community uh employment uh Etc so their responses have been included into all of these plans broadly these plans are to act as a road map for future policy decisions they are not themselves policy uh but your the governing body the council and mayor will rely on these when making future policy decisions this board as well as the zoning board uh will also rely on these when you have site plans in front of you and the zoning board has uh uh use variances in front of them these are the plans you want to go back to to rely on to make sure that what is being proposed in front of you is consistent with the vision uh that the burough has determined to be appropriate for for the burrow moving forward oops uh so quickly with where we are in the process again uh the master plan was prepared as a guiding document we are here tonight for a public hearing uh this is again not for adoption tonight though just for public discussion uh and then in October you will be voting on all three elements for adoption once they are adopted as elements of your master plan that is when the various recommendations can begin to be implemented through your through your governing body so the first one is our land use plan element again this one is required by the M Municipal land use law and uh through it there are a few required topics that we have to touch on uh but generally the purpose of the land use element is to review and evaluate development Trends land use Trends zoning Trends within the burrow and establish a vision for future growth so through this we looked at uh various approvals from this board and the zoning board over the past several years uh we looked at where the zoning ordinance and the actual zones might not be consistent with what's happening on the ground or with the types of applications you're seeing come before you uh for example with some zoning board applications if we notice the same variant es is coming up over and over again we consider whether the ordinance needs to be amended to maybe accommodate a different type of development in certain situations so the various topics that are included in your land use element are history and demographics of of the Town um the most up toate census we're lucky to be doing this after the 2020 census was released in uh it came out in 20 the data came out in 2022 so the timing for this was great so it's very updated Census Data uh again land use and Zoning reviews uh fairly substantial environmental and sustainability review uh one of the new requirements of a land use element as of 2021 is the climate change related vulnerability assess assessment and an Associated buildout analysis uh so that include a very included a very detailed analysis of uh where the burrow is susceptible in terms of environmental threats and Hazards clearly as you all know flooding is probably the number one environmental threat that that is really present in in the burrow and we as you'll see we included some maps in this PowerPoint slide but we' looked at where the flooding is occurring uh through that vulnerability assessment we looked at uh where shelters where potential shelters might be if there was a big event that required evacuation to somewhere uh we looked at evacuation routes we looked at other various uh potential issues that aren't associated with flooding like extreme heat Etc so there was a lot of topics that went into that climate change vulnerability assessment the buildout analysis looked at all of the existing development all of the parcels that were are technically available for development and when I say available for development those would be vacant Parcels that don't have environmental constraints or easements or other other issues that would prohibit it from being developed uh and we then applied zoning standards and came up with a potential future uh buildout for both residential and non-residential uh additionally we included various recommendations based on our public Outreach based on talking with the representatives from the buau and of course our own research so just again this is a very high level summary of the recommendations there's many many pages in the actual element uh with land juice and Zoning recommendations uh generally we recommend the preparation of an economic development plan um that came up a lot when we were doing research into what's happening on the ground and what the burough wants to see moving forward um and it wasn't the land use element wasn't quite the appropriate place to do market analyses and Market studies so again if the burough and the planning board are interested that we feel that would be a very beneficial addition to your to your master plan we looked at creating a flood Hazard overlay Zone as well as amendments to your existing environmental zones that would encourage further environmental preservation in areas that are very susceptible to to flooding uh one of the recommend ations was to evaluate some of the parcels that have been some of the neighborhoods that have been uh almost completely purchased by the blue Acres Program that went into effect right after substorm Sandy where a lot of residents were were bought out and there's very few uh there's very few development left there so uh evaluating and and evolving the zoning ordinance to incorporate what's really happening there now post Sandy uh other design standards we recommend updating for sustainability building lighting Etc uh we do recommend a full comprehensive overhaul of your zoning ordinance uh the land use element provides very specific sections that would make sense to be updated including definitions signage uh a specific bulk standards that might need to be re-evaluated but generally it's been I think since the 90s since your ordinance had a comprehensive review and through discussions with your professionals which I'm sorry I did not call out Mike and Jay earlier they were instrumental and helping us prepare these plans we we could not have done it without them so you have you're very lucky to have them here because they are incredibly knowledgeable and they helped point us in the right direction for some of the ordinance standards that could use updates and be more modernization applied to them uh we recommend removing defunct zones there are some zones on your zoning map that just don't exist anymore there are also a couple zones that have a handful of properties in them it really maybe seven and it really doesn't make sense to keep those zones anymore so we recommend re-evaluating and putting those properties under different zones that are more appropriate for what's happening on the ground uh finally the zoning map we recommended six specific changes which I are here they're in the plan and highlighted um these are the the six very specific uh parcels and sections of the burough that we recommend rezoning and it's important to have something like this in your master plan uh because if the council determines that yes they agree it makes sense for these Parcels to be rezoned uh we have all of the all of the discussion and proof laid out in the master plan that they can refer to when they would like to if they would like to reone the parcels so briefly we have uh we have a key here on the right hand side the map is highlighted with numbers and on the left hand side is our table with the associated numbers and what we're proposing to happen in those areas uh so one one being there's existing R seven properties along MacArthur and Weber uh that is one of the uh Prime locations that were subject to the blue Acres buyout program between 2013 and 2022 there's very few Residential Properties left so we recommend moving them over to the um open space and conservation Zone the OCS Zone we also do recommend a change to that open space and conservation Zone that would allow any of the residents that are left who chose not to take advantage of the blue Acres uh we recommend an amendment to The Zone that would allow them to stay allow them to put an addition onto their house allow them to renovate their house get a new roof but not permit new residential from coming into this uh coming into this neighborhood and most of these Parcels again have already been purchased by Blue Acres so it's and there's not homeowners that would be the the goal is that there's not homeowners that would be negatively impacted by this the ones that are there would still be allowed to remain and everything else would be allowed to go into a more natural state to help with future flooding of this area because it has flooded before it will definitely flood again uh so this would preserve it for the future uh same with parcel two uh I'm sorry identification number two this was another section of the burrow that was significantly damaged by superstorm Sandy and a majority of these Parcels have already been purchased by Blue Acres so uh similar recommendation is to help mitigate future flood damage uh and allow existing allow the residents who are still there to remain but um allow the rest of the land to revert to a natural state that could help with flood mitigation uh also within number two there are a few Parcels that we recommend there's I'm sorry there's one parcel that we recommend moving it is a split parcel we recommend putting it wholly in the uh sville Economic Development Zone uh which just puts that parcel into Conformity so it's no longer split between two Parcels it would make any development they ever chose to do on their property much easier in front of the boards uh the others again are very similar uh number three uh these properties are existing in the r10 however they are in a little pocket uh surrounded by other properties in the light industrial and Business Service Zone uh some of the parcels are already developed with business service it would make more sense for what's on the ground and what it's surrounding to be more consistent uh identification number four these are this is part of the uh the effort to what we are saying eradicate the B2 Zone again this is a zone that I think all of the parcels that are listed in number four and five are the remaining Parcels in the B2 Zone uh and it doesn't the B2 Zone just doesn't function anymore as it was originally intended to so they would all be appropriate to be pushed into either the B3 or the B4 Zone and nobody would be pushed like well our analysis says that really nobody should be pushed into non-conformity it would actually make them more conforming with what's happening uh and finally parcel six uh which is that large parcel on the map on the right that's that's all covered in green that's currently in the industrial Zone however it's it's not developed it's it's a green parcel it would not make sense it doesn't make sense to develop that as industrial it does AB but a fairly established residential neighborhood so we are recommending to put it into the prime Zone uh to continue keeping it more cap to make it more compatible with that existing neighborhood to the east are just some environmental maps to highlight again all of this is in the plan uh but you can see on the left we have the general environmental constraints map uh with the hundred-year flood plane being in pink obviously along all of the all of the waterfronts cille has three huge frontages with water most of your Municipal boundaries are waterways um so you can see how uh the floodway the flood plane inundates into the into the burrow the dotted areas are all of your wet and um there's some repairing zones that you can see highlighted in green there as well this map also highlights the known contaminated sites within the burough which are of course environmental environmentally sensitive areas that uh you would want to consider if you were to get a development application in front of you that was one of these contaminated sites uh most of them if not all of them are under remediation or in the process of being remediated but it's important to know where they are the map on the right shows the the uh superstorm Sandy surge uh which these Maps always they're just so powerful I think to really see how all of that water came in a lot of the water that came in from Sandy was not expected it where it went I should say was not expected based on uh FEMA models so it's even though that's 12 years ago now it's really vital to see where that happened uh and to to let that lead and and help us plan for future land use and Zoning initiatives all right so we're going to move on to the circulation plan element and the purpose of this element is to provide guidance to the buau to help facilitate the movement of goods but also the movement of people within and around the burough um with more modes of transportation than just just automobiles uh so what we reviewed as part of this this this this element is a bit is a very big data driven element we reviewed uh Freight Roots a lot of Crash data which is the map on the right which I'll touch on in a second um planned and proposed improvements by the Buu by the county uh by the state that all happen to take place uh within the bu's boundaries uh as we also provide at the end of this element uh a list of potential funding mechanisms that the burough could utilize to help with uh circulation and Transit upgrades as you can see in that map on the right hand side this is we looked at crash data and it's no surprise that it they really uh cluster along all of your major corridors um the uh the county roads of course Route 9 uh the intersection there at 535 and 7 uh 673 and along Route n those were as you can see they're they're the reddest of the dots those were the hot spots uh that to happen there not surprising the number of incidences reduced by almost 35% between 2020 and 2021 because nobody was driving uh the number went up slightly after that although it did not I don't believe it hit the preco at least as the most recent data has shown it has not hit the pre-co numbers uh but it's it's a pretty telling map where you can see see where all of the data is and the plan itself goes into detail about the types of crashes those were so the time of day they were it breaks it down into uh morning time afternoon Dusk and night time and then what crashes were involved that involved pedestrians or cyclists we have a whole separate MTH in the plan itself that actually shows the specific crashes that had pedestrians and cyclists uh and these are incredibly useful maps for for policy decisions in terms of where to focus potential funding and pro potential uh upgrades to the public safety routs uh again high level recommendations for this plan for the circulation plan uh we have a a pretty large section around green infrastructure and resiliency the burough has done so much and from this perspective uh so this is building on existing initiatives uh electric vehicle charging infrastructure I know the police station the police force built a lot of electric charging but they don't have any Fleet to use the electric charging stations I believe so you know talk how to how can we expand and help help utilize that infrastructure uh also emergency route signage again if especially we're talking about potential flooding making sure that the signage on the roads is easy to see sight triangles are clear uh brush is cleared away so any emergency exit signage any uh evacuation route signage is easily identifiable other tools especially would be appropriate to implement in some of the Redevelopment areas that are going to be creating new roadway systems and New Street grids would be to uh encourage the use of rain Gardens which again the green infrastructure is already required through D storm water management rules for site plan but when you have Redevelopment projects coming in with with new streets and new ride of ways and as getting them to build rain Gardens into those rideways already would would be a huge help just right there before you even get to the development applications uh same with we did there's a big focus on pedestrian and bicycle connectivity that was a really big uh point of feedback from the public about the safety for pedestrians and bicyclists and not just summer for them for bicyclist to ride but also this the sidewalk Network throughout the the burrow there are some neighborhoods that have a fantastic sidewalk Network and they're they're safe great crosswalk there are others especially the older ones that uh just they they were built without them and they're very difficult to upgrade to include them given where existing utilities are or where uh the width of the ride of way uh so we have a proposal in here to as the planning board and the zoning board to look at your applications as they come in and take take some of those older neighborhoods on a site-by-site basis and see where and how we could help fill in the gaps of some of those sidewalks it's especially for the zoning board when there's a use variance that would be something a very critical tool that they could uh request a developer to implement if they were to Grant a use variance uh and generally Street and neighborhood design um cross access between the neighborhoods implementing complete streets where appropriate to ensure that it's safe for everybody to to travel and of course infrastructure upgrades to make sure that the roads are being kept up and and being maintained for for the next era of cars whether that be electric vehicles whether that be autonomous vehicles anything that's going to happen keeping keeping the streets safe and and and secure oops and here just again a few highlight maps from the plan the one on the left shows the public transportation routes that go through sarraille uh there's quite a few bus lines that go through here and even though you all don't have a train station specifically within your borders the South Amboy train station is is very close to a lot of sections of the of the bur and not to mention their fairy turmoil in South Amboy opened up last year as a commuter route to North Jersey or to the city so those are very viable options for uh burrow commuters or just anybody wanting to take a train ride to Manhattan or down to the shore um the one on the right shows the specific major roadway networks within the burrow again the big County Roads of course the Garden State Parkway which I drive almost every day through here so it's don't have to tell you that exists uh but it does highlight where you see the major roots coming in and out of of the town and last but not least is our community facilities plan element and the purpose of this is to inventory all of the Burrows Community facilities and that includes your your fire your police your DPW your library your schools any of those parks and wreck any of those other facilities that provide a community service uh through this plan and uh we and specifically Hannah uh interacted with all of your department heads or a representative from all of these departments uh from the police department from the fire department um OEM the senior community everybody got a say and everybody responded we sent them questionnaires I believe Hannah spoke to a few of them on the phone also so we we made sure that all of their input was put into this plan so in in the plan when we talk about the challenges that are facing these departments those come straight from either the the Chiefs the department head heads an administrator someone in someone in charge of those departments so we were getting direct feedback from them about what they would like to see for the future uh so a lot of these recommendations revolve additional studies that might need to happen to determine where facilities and Equipment really could feasibly be updated uh for example a new community center for the seniors we've heard that um the space could in the future evolve to to meet the the needs of the seniors uh same with the uh police force they again they have the electric vehicle Chargers but they do not have the electric vehicle Fleet so how are there ways to to help them Reach that goal and again we do provide uh funding opportunities at the end of this plan um flood resiliency uh we have on the right hand side of this of this uh slide our community facilities associated with the Sandy super Sandy superstorm surge uh so you can see what near or adjacent or in some instances in the The Surge boundary uh there are quite a few parks that are close to or within the boundary so it might be worth reviewing these parks to see what their capacity is for absorbing extra storm water uh we've seen very successful implementations of of underground storm water management in parks where you really don't even know that they're happening and it can be a first line of defense for these major storms before they get to the neighborhoods uh so provide ing the data there for for future review and we do provide some additional recommendations associated with uh General uh options that could be offered to Residents uh there was a thought of doing a uh Youth Government career program where youths could be teamed up with uh department heads or officials from the buau here almost like a shadowing program to help get them interested in Municipal careers we know that the police force has had a hard time recruiting in new officers so again somehow to get younger people involved to let them know what's out there uh safety trainings historic preservation we've heard that there's been some issues maintaining some of the bur's historic assets so uh maybe initiating a committee to evaluate whether or not uh there are certain assets that are worth preserving in the burrow and of course making sure that all the facilities are well equipped for future growth I don't think I have to tell anybody here that sville does continue to grow uh you more and more developments being built people want to live here and they're moving into all of those new uh houses that are and and town houses that are being built so uh keeping on track and updated with with how the facilities might need to evolve and grow to support your growing population and again here's a few resource identification Maps we have all of the schools plotted on the map on the left and all of the municipal facilities on the right sville is unique where you don't I mean of course fire stations are always distributed throughout a community but you have municipal offices in many different parts of the town uh so this map is is able to lay them out pretty well I think and and that is all I have for you for tonight um as the even though even though I do feel like I talked at you a lot um the land use element is 80 pages so I didn't want to get too far into the into the weeds of that uh yeah let me turn that off uh but I do feel we were able to get you a broad overview so I'm I'm happy to answer any specific questions you might have uh before before moving on tonight I don't remember I don't yeah so I I don't believe that's addressed in our circulation element um I think in conversations with the professionals we decided to not address that right now um just use some feasibility concerns um but you know that doesn't mean that it's I think I think you do have it referenced in there the fact that it's been designed certain sections and that there's funding issues that are currently being reviewed so it is it is referenced in the documents uh certain sections have already been designed and permitted but there they are funding issues that have prevented it from being constructed some of them have been builing since the mid 80s it's been in the master plan yes but it is referenced in in this document yeah well it it's feasible is the fact that it's been designed and we've got permits for it the problem is funding the the first phase of the project takes it from River Road to Kimble Drive East that's the first phase and you've already got sections that have been constructed over by Neptune power plant by Sheffield town the intention was to piece those sections together to create basically half of the roadway so you'd have a bypass you'd be able to get from Main Street all the way to Kimble East problem is the cost of that project is $20 million so the burrow years ago had approximately $10 million but it never received it because of the time frame so I think you have $2 million in the bank so you have 2 million out of 20 that you need to be able to construct the project so the burrow has been reviewing alternate funding they've been that's something that the administrators over the years have been looking at grant money to try to assist but that's where it stands at the present time is you have that first phase designed and permitted you just don't have the funding to build it suppos to it was it was going to provide a secondary point of access so rather than everybody on the north side of Main Street having only one access to Main Street there'd be a second way that you can go through and get out of development so not everybody's coming to Main Street you had two different directions that you'd be able to travel in so conceptually it it it makes a lot of sense the problem now is the funding there there were a lot of issues with getting the permits forward and the other uh thought was if if you have development of adjacent Parcels you'd have that developer build a piece of the roadway that's how you got what you have now Neptune built it Sheffield Town built it so that that's still an option as well Mr chairman may I yes currently when an application comes before our board we can't consider the general impact of that development application on the area specifically traffic do we have the ability um to designate certain areas in our town as if there's going to be a new development application then we can consider the off-site impacts such as traffic when we're determining that application So It's tricky because you guys are the planning board so it means everything that comes before you is a permitted use I believe your ordinance as most still require those permitted uses for the major sub uh site plans to provide a traffic study uh you can still consider it and you should consider it what what the traffic is going to be there and I'll defer to your Council for additional legal advice but for because everything is permitted the the the thought is that when the council zoned this use as permitted they contemplated the traffic in them into into the zoning now whether or not you can consider I would say you can still consider what the impact is uh I would I'm gonna have to watch what I'm saying in terms of what you can do with that but yeah I mean jumping in um you can always consider yeah factors in making your decision you cannot deny an application based off off-site traffic condition so that's the only thing that really is affecting this application is you're going to create so much traffic and there already have a traffic issue in that these surrounding roads the state and it's nothing you can do here it's state law state case law that's stated you cannot deny an application based upon those factors but that doesn't mean if there's other factors and it's overall the site doesn't work as being proposed well then that's a different story but just that alone isn't you can't deny nothing we can do to designate certain problem areas as okay like we're full here well not that we're full that this is traffic is a major problem in this area and we're going to consider that in the application not just the Ingress and egress getting into the proposed site but how it's going to impact this site over this area overall the only way you really can do that at least the way I'm thinking right now uh would be by changing the uses so if you changed if if you knew that you can't we can't handle any more retail traffic from intern retail to this area then you would amend your master plan and recommend that the the council adopt you know zoning ordinances that would change the permitted uses and then that wouldn't allow type retour retail or high traffic producing type uses or you may even go to the full extent to say this is all going to be open space now or or you know uh you know Public public facilities you know parks and so forth uh but that's really the only way under current real law that you can really get that Direct in and affect the uh the the traffic but otherwise if it is a as she was saying if it is a permitted use then that's assuming that you've taken into the traffic now how that site is designed and how the traffic comes in and out that is 100% within this board's perview and you can consider that and actually take that directly into effect as to how that works but how it will affect the corner you know the traffic at the corner or the intersection down the street that you can't at least you can't deny application it is the case you do have a lot of County Roads that go through here so anybody who's coming in for an application on one of those County Roads has to go to the county to get approval most County Roads and and I forget if if all of uh sville are like this but they have built in a right of way widening as part of it so an applicant who comes in would have to dedicate a certain part of their roadway and then eventually after the county has accumulated so many frontages they can widen or do what they need to do uh within that so there's there's other levels that are looking at it and I I would say to council's point is if the uh mayor and Council want to consider amending different uses I think the crash data and maps that we have in this plan are pretty telling and could be uh the subject for for perhaps Jay's office to do a further review of what might be more appropriate in that area because clearly those are those are some of the big problem areas of course so using those as the tool to to help devise another another method to address it in the future was that analyzed so that we could evaluate if uses should be prohibited in certain areas because it generates too much traffic because traffic is the is the predominant problem that I see I think even when our our mayor sworn in he said that the traffic was the number one issue so it's it's a big problem in Sarahville and I'm trying I want to make sure that we're trying to do everything we can on this re-evaluation to address that big problem yeah and you're certainly not the only ones I mean traffic is is a problem and I think anecdotally I think it's actually gotten worse since Co for whatever reason uh so our scope is not to do traffic counts uh that would be a Traffic Engineers job to really hone in but what I would say is our plan lays the groundwork for that and gives the highlights the problem areas of where an additional traffic study might be worth might be worth pursuing on behalf of the burough I have seen some towns do kind of some traffic wide uh townwide traffic studies to to try and further identify the specific corridors and then you go from there a step further and then you re-evaluate what's happening along that Corridor so I think we've provided the tools uh we aren't equipped to do traffic studies so that really would be an Engineers job yeah and I just want to thank the presentation you had was very good especially the steps in the master plan process to show where we're at currently are you involved in every step or at some point do you fall away are you involved in um preparing the changes to the zoning ordinance or so we'll see this through the adoption of the plan in October I believe the buau has another town Planner on staff and I I I know Mike is certainly involved here uh who would help Implement those in the future thank you anybody else have any questions the end of your presentation so that's the end I would say that um we really appreciate you hearing us tonight and letting us present and as we said at the beginning of this hearing uh we with your blessing are going to go speak as the chairman laid out at the beginning of this hearing we're going to go speak to Sarah and uh hear hear what they have to say before we reconvene with your master plan subcommittee and then be back in October leave open up the public motion motion second second all favor anybody before the public would like to speak now is your turn see none motion to close the public motion a second all favor I nice have it all right I think you need to pick a specific date that you're going to carry this hearing to at the present time October 2nd and the 16th are your meetings you don't have any application scheduled Co it could either be the second or the 16th I guess depending upon McKinley your schedule I believe if you just let me check I think either one is good yes either one of those would be totally good with us anybody have any pleasure October second that'd be great thank you yeah Mr chairman just for Public Announcement as we normally do with the public hearings on applications the same holds true with this public hearing so anyone viewing this or here in the audience uh that wants to uh continue participating in this public hearing it is now going to be carried to the October 2nd uh board meeting with no further notice being provided thank you everybody and after you talk to Sarah we'll get the committee back together go through um Beth we'll set that up thank you Beth you've been very helpful I should have called you out earlier we couldn't have done this without you either no problem thank you everybody yep so we have old business new business and administrative matters next meeting is August 21st Jay we have two applications scheduled for next meeting with a minor subdivision on Avenue you also have a site plan for the development of the land Road here that this year you development wareing application that's anything else need to make a motion business old business to the public yes motion to open to the public motion the public second second all in favor say I I all oppos anybody from the public like to speak not hold your pce need a motion to close the public make a motion to close to the public get a second all in favor I motion to adjourn make a motion to adjourn the meeting second all in favor I everyone have a great night thank you thank you