our meeting is going to begin shortly at this time we'd like to remind you to please silence all electronic devices thank you good evening how's everybody doing good all right please please stand for the pledge pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you i' like to call the planning board of the burough of surville July 17th meeting to order Beth has this meeting been published in accordance with the Sunshine Law yes chairman it has all right can we have a roll call please Mr Kendell Mr algra here Mr Bolton here Mr Elm miss lman Mr Muller here Mr Shaw here Mr bosen here councilman zabowski here chairman Tai here we have a quorum right we have a memorialization of uh South 9 reality um preliminary and final site plan 926 and 928 US Highway 9 block 439 lot 67 seven and eight what's your pleasure I need a motion to memorialize this motion chair I have a second second having a a motion made and seconded hearing no uh we'll do a roll call vote Miss lman yes Mr meller yes Mr shaww yes Mr Len there yes councilman zabowski yes chairman Tha yes thank you need an acceptance for the May 3rd 2024 and May 1st 2024 meetings for the minutes all in favor I I opposed the eyes have it Mr Sachs you've got the floor good evening uh Mr chairman it is working okay good evening Mr chairman uh members of the board board professionals members of the public uh Lawrence Sachs on behalf of the applicant uh we were back here last on May 1 uh so a number of weeks ago uh and at that time we presented testimony additional testimony for Mr Adnan Khan who was our engineer uh we had some limited architectural testimony and we also had Mr uh William stimmel who was our traffic engineer uh provide some traffic testimony uh we certainly heard some comments uh that were made uh by the board uh certainly by your professionals and by members of the public particularly as relating to parking and uh possibly the need for additional Services um over the last number of weeks we've taken a fresher look at this application and we realize we can make some revisions to the plans and what I would like to do this evening Mr chairman is I would like my architect to talk about some of the revisions that will be made uh some of these revisions will affect parking we'll be able to provide more parking on this site without doing it in this on Surface we're going to explain that we'll be able to have a stacking system uh in the garage which will uh increase the number of parking spaces uh by 57 parking spaces so we'll be a total of 166 uh parking spaces now on site uh we'll talk about the elimination of some prayer areas which will reduce the occupancy um of this particular facility uh we have information about the size of the prayer mats uh that will incorporate into these plans uh we will talk about the uh hours of operation in terms of the services uh I know that that was a concern from the board last time and I'll make a representation uh as to that um but I expect to have very limited testimony this evening Mr chairman the only testimony really will be uh from our architect who is still under gr um and and and he's here okay and he will uh he will provide some testimony as to some revisions now I understand that your professionals have not reviewed these exhibits that I'm or the two exhibits that I'm going to provide this evening I don't expect the professionals your board professionals to comment on them because I know they need time to review it but certainly if there are any initial comments we hopefully can answer that uh if members of the board have any questions and certainly members of the public but I really expect to have limited testimony uh this evening uh I know that we're going to come back in September uh and I believe it's going to be September 18th and at that time uh we are going to uh provide uh an updated traffic report based upon the revisions that we've made thus far uh and Mr stimmel will provide that report well in advance uh of your hearing uh we understand we we we just got these re we got these exhibits prepared just recently would have loved to have had him to you uh 10 days in advance of the hearing but it just wasn't feasible uh so I don't expect any comment really from your board professionals at this point they need to uh thoroughly review it and certainly issue a review letter um but with that said Mr chairman um if I can have my yeah if I can have my architect who is still under oath uh Javier he'll come up I have some exhibits to pass out and um we'll mark them whatever the next marking is I'm not sure there have enough yes we're good right thank you uh so Mr chairman I guess we'll mark this whatever our next marking is I'm not sure what it is uh uh if you give me one second Mr uh thank try to a look at myself are my notes here yeah and there's two exhibits one of them is a revised architectural plans and the second one is a uh is a document from K clouse multi parking of America which talks about the operations of this stack parking it looks like based on my review um unless I missed it we didn't have any exhibits at the last meeting on May 1st so the exhibit the last exhibit marked was from the original hearing on which was uh A4 so these would be A5 and A6 based on my notes thank you Mr all right so A5 is the revised architectural plans and uh A6 is the uh clouse uh multiparking uh manual okay um Javier I'll caution you that you're still under oath I think from the last hearing and even from the first hearing um so let's talk about some of the revisions that we made and let's start at the ground floor yes or actually we'll start in the basement we'll start where where the uh where the uh parking the garage parking is so under the original plans uh we had UH 60 64 parking stalls in the garage underneath the building yes originally we had 64 all right so 64 Park stalls and what were you able to accomplish with respect to providing more parking and if you can describe that to the board and that would be on sheet A1 am I correct sheet A1 yes shows the uh below ground uh parking space uh we were able to reach out to uh a manufacturer who does lifts uh clous and by doing so we're able to utilize um double up 57 of the 64 to increase are the number of parking basically same spot car would drive over LIF get lifted and then you're able to fit another vehicle below it okay all right so so basically we're going from 64 parking spaces now to 121 parking spaces in the garage that's correct all right and how were you able to accomplish this did you have to do any raising of the building only the the basement ceiling has to be increased by 2 ft but the overall the building height doesn't get get affected because we would lower the height of the building to accommodate the additional two ft that we gain in the basement okay all right um let's go now to the next uh sheet which is sheet A2 all right so sheet A2 is the uh first floor uh plan um and this is where the prayer Hall is located and the gymnasium and exercise area correct correct all right so um um if you look what can you describe to the board the change that's being made uh to the first floor plan and specifically the elimination of a prayer area okay well first of all the footprint of the building hasn't changed uh what we did was we eliminated some programming and uh spaces to reduce the occupant load so on the first floor uh you'll see an area that's clouded that has uh dining tables that used to be uh men's PR prayer room prayer area which would mean it would have a high occupancy load so by uh changing it to a multi-purpose room uh we are reducing the number of U occupant loads for this uh for this building so that's one of the changes here on the first floor all right and uh as well there was a question that came up at the last hearing as to the size of the prayer mats and we've now determined that the prayer mats are 4 by3 uh yes the uh prayer mats are 4x3 and just like in any other place uh uh occupancy load is either calculated by area or by fixed seating and in this case uh the the floor player mats is the one that we use as standard to determine how much occupant load the the prayer room can hold and what we also did was we provided um walking aisles along the perimeter and then in the middle all the prayer uh mats will basically be uh but up next to each other so there's no space and that's how we determined the uh total occupant load for that uh main prayer room all right so I'm sorry Mr sorry I wasn't M uh if I heard you correctly when um what are the size of the plats I I didn't know if you were saying 4X 3 feet or is it 4 by 30 in or or 3T by 4T okay 12 12T the square feet total just one to confirm cuz I wasn't sure if I heard correctly so 12 that'll be 12 square ft uh now you're providing also in the uh in the primary prayer Hall and also in the women's prayer Hall which is on the second floor you're providing aisles and walkways yes the aisles is on the uh perimeter only all right originally we didn't we didn't do that all right and you can provide an exhibit showing that I'm sure it's it's shown there on the drawing okay I just want to make sure okay all right and um in terms of the occupancy now based upon the elimination of the second gentleman's prayer Hall and converting that to just a multi-purpose room now your understanding and we'll make this representation is that that multi-purpose room which had been the Overflow gentleman's prayer Hall will not be utilized for any ritual activities it will only be utilized when there's no ritual activities going on is that your understanding that's correct all right uh now the occupancy load based on your initial plans I believe was 650 is that correct that's correct and with the elimination of that gentleman's prayer area uh it's being reduced to 454 340 I'm sorry 340 okay so basically we taken the overall area that uh that prayer room minus the circulation space along the perimeter and then divided by the area of each um prayer mat which is 12 square ft and that's how we arrived at 340 Square ft okay uh 3 40 uh people 340 occupants occupants okay Mr chairman I believe at the last hearing we there was a question about maybe it was the first hearing about uh what if the fire marshal determines that the occupancy in this building is less than what we can show with respect to prayer mats uh we will agree as a condition uh that uh if the Fire Marshal's number is lower than our stipulated OCC occy number based on these prayer mats we will we will abide by that so we'll go with the Lesser number in terms of occupancy and the 340 people is actually maximum occupant occupancy so it doesn't mean that we're going to actually have 340 people it could be less okay all right let's uh talk about now the changes made on the second floor which would be A3 so again on the area that's clouded that used to be uh the the um a multi-purpose room and um what we did was we now made it into a meeting two additional CL classrooms and a youth activity space all right so essentially you've moved the multi-purpose room which was on the second floor down to the first floor it was uh yes yes okay all right so and and now you'll have a youth Lounge on the second floor and two additional classrooms all right uh those are the only changes to the uh second floor plan correct all right let's now go to a four which is the third floor plan and this is uh where you were able to reduce the size of the building is that correct correct all right so if you can show the board on A4 or at least describe for them the area that's been eliminated side of the of the sheet you you see a clouded area that used to be about 2,000 square foot of uh multi-purpose uh room which is now has been eliminated and moved down to uh to the lower area okay and the third floor is just going to contain now uh offices a storage area cafeteria okay um and also a boys uh youth activity uh Lounge that's correct okay now the reduction in the square footage is from 448416 187 ft that's correct we reduce it by over 2,000 square fet okay okay Mr architect a question for you on the third floor yes in the clouded area that's no longer a I forgot what you said it was if you go through the double door what's behind the double doors a double door it's just access to the roof but we can change that to a single door but it's just for access to the roof just wasn't sure for for maintenance so it goes so there's a roof outside that door roof yes or is that the that's the roof of the above the uh second level okay so that double door will probably be eliminated to just a single access door and locked up okay all right and I think A5 is just showing the roof uh layout so there's obviously uh yes no changes with respect to that okay all right so just a summarize then uh you've reduced the size of the building um you've REM you've removed over 2,000t square feet of space on the third floor uh you've eliminated the gents prayer Hall on the first floor uh which resulted in a reduction in in occupancy for ritual activities and uh that area will now be used as a multi-purpose room uh which will only be utilized when there's no ritual activities uh you've converted um the second floor to two additional classrooms and you've added a uh an a youth activity room um you youve determined that the prayer mats are are 3T by 4 feet and as a result of uh all of this uh we reduced the um the occupancy from 650 to 340 for the men's 34 for the men so all right so when I said 454 I was adding in the women's right yes corre all right so the total occupancy of men's and ladies is 454 that's correct okay uh and in terms of parking now with the Stacked parking system um which by the way I don't really expect any comments from your board professionals this evening on that it's a rather extensive document that has to be reviewed uh but that will add an additional 57 parking spaces correct okay uh Mr chairman I don't have any further questions of uh Javier uh I do want to stipulate two other one other thing though I think a question came up and we we have to provide you with the calendar which which I looked at my notes this morning and we we did not do that but we will provide you with the calendar well in advance of the uh September meeting uh but we can we can stipulate that the times of the services year round on Fridays uh and we're talking about the two primary services on Fridays we understand the early morning service changes because of sunrise and the late uh evening service changes because of sunset but the two primary Services where there's the greatest attendance uh would be from 12:30 to 12:50 p.m. on Friday and then from 1:45 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. so we will we will uh commit to having uh two ritual prayer services question for the applicant um can you confirm the times in in 2024 where the first prayer of the day was as early as 5 in the 5:03 in the morning and runs as late as or can you tell us how late it runs for the last of the day Mr that yeah that that's something I'm going to have to provide you with that calendar uh in advance of the next meeting and I will do that so you'll know every Friday service um not just for Friday it's it's a five five prosos per day right it's a fairly simple question well those are just the sunrise and sun and those are sunset times um those are prayer times okay so yeah we' like to have it in advance y I will provide that to you for the architect again do you have the occupany per room for this building uh we can provide that if you need otherwise the the primary occupancy is the what's the what's the use which is the prayer is it typical to use occupany based on what we say we're going to use or is it typical industry standards to base occupancy on the design of the room it's for the use okay and that that follows through with codes uh yes per NFPA 101 life safety and also IBC 2021 and can you repeat that again please slowly NFPA a which stands for National Fire Protection uh Association 101 for uh section life safety and then also the IBC 20 IBC which is international building code 2021 Edition okay we can provide us that for the next meeting okay Mr chairman just one question Mr Sax uh for the next meeting because I know we asked uh for this meeting was you had indicated there were several other mosques in the area that you had used as comparative uh can you uh bring that comparative data for the next meeting yeah actually we had prepared a we we had investigated some of the traffic concerns raised by the board we investigated uh I think there was an issue or there was a development that was approved off of ernston road or off of Bown Avenue um and we have information on that what happened is once we decided to make revisions to these plans our traffic our revised traffic study somewhat is it became somewhat moot so now it's going to be even further updated and we have that information and we'll provide that anybody else have any questions I have one real quick Mr chairman uh I don't want to get into the details of the exhibit but looking quickly there's seven spaces under the building that would not have a stack be stacked spaces do you know which seven those spaces are uh the ones that are isolated like for example the the handicap area that would be difficult to do uh but we didn't we did not specifically uh locate where the seven was uh I think the uh K clous uh manufacturer will come back and specifically tell us which one's ideal yeah if you can let us know which ones we'll have stackers and which ones won't okay thank you we can provide that anybody else go ahead looking at your revised plan um the multi-purpose room has a passageway to the main uh gentleman's Sanctuary certainly um you know the the the the concern would be that there really isn't going to be a reduction in the um amount of gentleman's prayer space uh because of this so you know what's the purpose of the passageway between the main gentleman's prayer space and the now redefined multi-purpose room I guess conceivably we could close that off yeah we can close it off we can close that off cuz there's access way going through the meain yeah and and I think that would would address concern that that it's a distinction without a difference y I think that's a good suggestion you want to go uh okay Mr chairman um just for for members of the public we are going to open it up to public uh questions of the testimony that's given to to the um that given this evening however I did want to advise everyone that the board has limited questions right now and so of our professionals because we're just seeing this so at the following meeting after the board's professionals and the board has a chance to review and uh uh digest all of this we will open it back up to the public to ask questions at that time so that you have informed questions and not just acting on what we're hearing at this evening because this is a lot of new information um so um we will open up so you can ask questions if you do have anything that is you know you want to ask now rather than waiting but if you do we will have this information posted on the website it will be available for your review uh you will you know before the next hearing also have information regarding our uh the board's professionals reviews and their reports to consider so that when you come at the next meeting you can probably have more informed questions and be able to know exactly what you want to ask but that being said you know we are here at a public hearing uh so if you anyone wants to come up at this time to make has any questions regarding the testimony given you're more than welcome to uh but you will also be once again be given an opportunity at the following meeting to to do so if you want to come up just make a line behind the uh Podium Mr chair go ahead and and just to confirm Mr sex the the architect will be available at the next meeting to answer any question that members of the public will have after they reviewed the plans and they have the opportunity to hear the comments from the board's professionals correct that's correct thank you sir state your name and where you live please Don Scarano Frederick place just a quick question now with that passageway whatever room there's two doors one will lead out of the building and ones to the main prayer room you're saying if you lock that door out doesn't that become a fire project a a fire problem well I as long as if there's an exit out of the building you you can't lock I know there's when I work in buildings you can't lock doors or it becomes a fard all I can say is at this point our engineer our we're going to review it and if that is an issue that comes up it will be addressed in our report and it will be addressed to to the V at this time I don't think our professionals are ready to address that because we literally got it you start being handed to us so you know we we don't have that information or that review at this time and the architect said that everything was going to be under the national fire code anyway so I mean he's got to he's got a he's got to make the building fit the codes and we're still we're still at what 42,000 ft for 330 people okay I understand that that sounds if we're talking about that passage between sounds like common sense right there um what else let's see I had one more thing to say sh I drew a blank on that one I I'll think I'm not the main thing I'm hearing is how do we police this like I understand it's 330 people now 332 people are we going to have somebody in there saying okay this is a fine this is a fine um nobody's you know everybody's smoking mirrors yeah we're only going to have this many people we're only going to have this many people but when this does happen who's going to be responsible the code officials in town take care of occupancy laws and if there's a uh you know like when we had the first meeting and we had we couldn't have the meeting because we had two many people they shut us down okay Mr chair may I ask you a question go ahead um and I apologize I it took me a little while to read through the new stuff and compare it to the original application but in the original application it stated for the parking analysis that there was going to be 973 seats in the places of worship are are you telling me now with the changing one of the prayer rooms to a multi-purpose room that number drops to 454 in the prayer areas I think Mr Merlo what happened and I think we alluded to it at the last meeting I think we explained it is that that was based on people standing which obviously is not the case in this scenario so that was an error um the correct number though uh would have been 650 based on the size of the building but once we Factor in the size of these prayer mats were able to reduce it from 650 down to uh down to 454 and in terms of the parking uh I I do have my engineer here this evening if if you want me to just have him come up here and he can talk about what the parking requirements are based upon these revisions well I'm I'm just trying to I I know that there was some preliminary discussions between I think your engineer and and our engineer about how you calculate the um parking requirements and it's either based upon square footage or number of chairs seats mat and I know that there was some agreement on what formula should be used and I'm not sure if there's if if that has been um agreed to on both sides as to what the formula should be I was just trying to figure out where the difference yeah came from the 900 is not it's not accurate it's not accurate yeah so that the real number is 650 or the previous number correct the real number now is 4 is 454 and that's based upon occupancy number of seats floor mats it's based on on the floor mats it's based on the floor mats on the floor mats on the pray mats okay thank you and also Mr merer and I think again uh if the fire marshal says the number number is less then that's a number that we'll we'll agree upon obviously sir you'd like to speak go ahead good evening your name and address please Michael can 12 Vincent Street par uh I guess my I've got questions for several I don't know if it's the applicant would be the most appropriate or Mr saxs that would answer the question good ask Mr Sax okay he's getting paid oh I do have a first question is directly pertaining to Mr Sax's lack of testimony what exactly do Mr Sax's words mean in the order of this event in our discussions and the planning board meetings would be my first question well I I'm not testifying all I gave was a summary of what Mr before Mr Javier testified I just was giving a summary of what was being proposed here but but now that is on the record so you obviously have exhibit A5 uh which shows the revisions to the plans and you have exhibit A6 so I'm not testifying at a hearing sir it's not my function to testify and certainly if you have any questions you know the applicant Mr chairman if I can just add to that as the attorney the attorney doesn't provide testimony or any factual information however the attorney does represent the applicant as a legal representative so they can bind the applicant so if the attorney does say that we will agree to something the applicant has to agree to it that's is the applicant's legal representation so I I think some of your concerns may be you know whether when the Mr sa says we will do it whether that's binding yes it is yeah for example he claimed that the illegal structure was gone at the original meeting back in February still there that's inaccurate information that's conveyed and documented until today um Mr Sachs also had previously not testified provided knowledge of the East Brunswick uh Islamic Center on 402 New Brunswick Avenue as an example of a Majid in a residential Zone and because of his knowledge of that process I have looked into what exactly that exists in terms of parking versus the size of the structure that was approved and I found 5476 ft facility has 99 parking spots can also find information uh regarding the success of the Majid in East bronswick and the creation of parking challenges that it creates into the neighborhood and a genuine concern for residents surrounding area of having to deal with overflow parking that and I'll Reserve comment for another time but I don't think that is anywhere apparent in any of these cont ation um I'm going to ask a question of I believe it would need to be specific to the religious proceedings at the maid that I don't believe that Mr Sax would be appropriate to answer so I don't know if it's the engineer who seems I would say would be pre accurate uh person to question regarding timing of the services how long the service are but I would have a particular question that I would like to address to someone who is specifically knowledgeable of that process of now as it was just provided as not testimony but times a time change from 12 service from 12:30 to 12:50 and then apparently a change over to another service at 1:45 to 215 so easy math 45 55 5 minute change over for a pretty well attended event on a holiday Friday that I would like to ask a few questions of what that turnover event between events looks like and the time involved to go from the first service to the second service and I I can ask it now I don't know who to ask it off so if if I ask the applicant or I ask Mr Sachs who would be the most relevant person to provide testimony to how much turnover time there is between Services well that that wouldn't that wouldn't come from me that would likely come from my traffic engineer who is not testifying this evening I mean the only testimony we presented really is the architect when you present the new information to us he will he will it's going to right he it'll be in his traffic report his revised traffic report and that would be obviously subject to any questioning I guess at your next meeting okay and Mr Sachs to the extent that um there are relevant timing issues that may require testimony from a representative of the house of worship will there be a representative of the house absolutely okay so knowing that there's not an expert here this evening I am going to ask the architect questions regarding the lift systems and the time it takes to unload a car from the top of a lift system to the bottom of the lift system and free that car two cars from two parking spots to allow two new service attendees for the next service to come in and use those spots and you want to answer Mr Sax can I or I'm sorry architect that was an architect question can I ask a question Mr Sax can we have the lift people come next meeting yes that that's what I was going to say on do because to me I have the same same concerns that you do and I'm I don't want to get into testifying or anything these are great questions that you're coming up with but we're going to have to wait so we can go through this just all right so I think having the representative come come in and tell us cuz I don't know how how they work will Mr Sachs not testify but will he provide confirmation that the applicant will provide an onsite lot attendant and off to provide safe actuation of of that lift system at all times that there are any Services going on that I'm not sure no knows no one knows how many attendees will be there on a given day so is there going to be a full-time lot attendant seven days a week 365 days a year on site to manage your lift system as they would in a parking deck as I have experienc in parking decks it takes a few minutes and it's certainly an unsafe operation in my uninformed opinion to all allow a self congregant to unload a 6 7,000 lb I take I won't use electric vehicles so we use a 3,000lb vehicle from the top of a lift when there's someone looking to get out from underneath and to pull clothes and kids and things out of their minivans um I have particular questions regarding the timing and the professional nature of an operation that would be safe for congregants to come and go especially between a quick turn turn over that would far exceed the rate a professional parking deck would provide services to people hiring for them without a time constraint um I'll leave at that I thank you very much for your time thank you very much for your input anybody else would like to speak sir name and address please Gary Bellow Thompson please parin Gary uh how many lift spaces are there 57 57 do they go one at a time or all at once or no I believe I again we'll have we'll provide testimony at the next hearing from the manufacturer as to how the system operates but my understanding is they were one at a time yes so that would be quite an extensive operation to Gary this is what they gave us to read about for for the lift systems it's about a 20page thing so it's going to take me a night to sit down and digest this before I have questions for for the next people so to answer your question I don't know what it's going to take but we're going to find out but they were supposed to be the ones to answer that not they are going to answer it they answered it with this for us to read and then he's going to bring in his his people next month the next meeting all right and then you're going to have you're going to have expertise be able after after our professionals go over it and give you our Insight on it you're going to be able to put your input in afterwards okay but we'll be all a little more informed all right okay thank you chair question Mr AR Council um Can Can you represent to the folks here this evening that there will not only be a representative of the list system but also a representative of the mosque who will be able to discuss how it will be implemented and it's its use as it relates to the hours of operation which are reasonable questions related to the use of the property yes and we'll we'll provide that obviously having trouble with this microphone but anyway um we just recently received this information so I haven't even fully digested it but we understand that you've got some valid questions valid concerns and and I think you're right I think you need to know that during this 55 minute interval that we can do it that parking lot can be cleared and filled up again that that's what you need to know and we will provide that and so the public knows there will be a representative of the MOs to talk about the operational um aspect of it at the next meeting yes thank you sir ma'am name and address please my name is Elizabeth Panella and I live on Parkway Place in Parlin I have some major questions here now you're saying that the prayer rooms are going to be changed and stuff so now the occupant storm prayer service would be maybe 450 for people including men and women in the two prayer groups which is fine you're going to change things around what happens this is a giant building you have two prayer rooms you have all the other space now during prayer service these other spaces are not being used when prayer service is not being used what are these other spaces being used for how many people are going to be coming to the buildings at those times what time is the building open from in the morning to the evening with prayer services and other things going on this greatly affects me because I live right there or overflow going going to come up Parkway Place Lewis Street Vincent Street Joyce Place Villanova Ruckers Road where are these cars going when the cars exit the parking lot if they cannot make a left are they all going to go down a Parkway Place across Le down Center it takes me sometimes three light changes at barding toown and Inon road to make a left turn out of my road because nobody respects the do not block intersection and people are flying from the mosque area or further west down the left sign to try to get to the left turn sign I have have friends and neighbors have accidents down there I have myself almost gotten hit by cars trying to cross that street and you're talking about prayer services here there wherever but you have a whole big building so it's not just prayer service you are opening this up for a lot of other things you want to have classes there offices there basketball there but this is only for the mosque this is not for the community there are other places just because this is a house of worship there are other houses of worship that use one room for basketball cafeteria whatever else they need as an allpurpose room now you're going to have more allpurpose rooms I really think the side of this building should be smaller and it should be more for the area this is a residential area you are taking the area of three or four homes to build this giant building and it really should not be here it's going to cost too much problems on Earth the road too much problems for the people that live in this area and it doesn't seem like anybody cares like you're going to agree to this and you're going to be nice and everything else but nobody cares they didn't care when they started they didn't care now and you know I keep coming to these meetings I'm here past my bedtime because I work early in the morning but who cares because you know we'll just push it off and push it off th this is unfair to the residents of this neighborhood thank ma'am you uh you raised a lot of excellent points ma'am um and I'm going to start with the bad news which is that this board whether here or in any other municipality in the state of New Jersey does not have the authority with respect to governing off-site traffic issues it's a frustration that you will that you will hear people deal with from Kate may all the way up to High Point and so the concerns that you've raised about the off-site traffic issues are legitimate um they certainly impact everybody who's here they impact everybody who lives and works in the area but as anybody who served on the boards who's represented the boards Council here has represented boards they'll tell you unfortunately those are issues that the state of New Jersey has told us that we're not able to address now with respect to the other issues you Rave which are are excellent issues are what are going to be the hours of operation of this facility with respect to its nons Sanctuary non-religious uses the educational uses um the recreational uses the applicant has provided testimony on those on those items um and the applicant's representative as represented by Council will be back at subsequent meetings and I suspect that as part of we're certainly very far from there at this point but as part of any should there be a memorializing resolution there would be hours of operation that would be set forth in that document establishing when it could be used um and so certainly there is more than just a um more than just a house of worship here but what I will tell you is and it's I'm not I I have no opinion I'm not here to express an opinion the here's Council of the board what the law tells us is is that there are ancillary uses to religious uses and those uses are educational they are social I happen to grow up in northern New Jersey in a in a Catholic Community where there was a Catholic church with a basketball court where there was CYO basketball there were dinners there were meetings and though that may be what's customary viewed as being part of typical religious life and what this applicant is proposing is an application that includes some of those items now the hours of operation do need to be set forth it it there is no right to play basketball at 2 in the morning there's no right to have parties and weddings at 2 in the morning and I I don't believe I know I have my notes in front of me that the applicants indicated they will not do that but should this get to a memorializing resolution your concerns ma'am will be addressed there um as far as when it can be used when those other uses other than the religious use the the recreational the educational can be used and th those should be set forth in the resolution and they're and and the town's entitled to say this is when that can be used and they have the right to do that and and so all the items you raised ma'am are completely legitimate um and and that's the purpose of this meeting and I know you said well it keeps going on and on but one of the reasons is that this board is is asking a lot of questions and and is um trying to create the best project available for the municipality and and and that's what's going on and and and and as I started by saying I would be the first person to hold my hand up can agree with you with respect to your concerns of off-site traffic and I think anybody who's ever been involved in Municipal land use and Municipal oper development would agree with you unfortunately as a board here um this board's ability to take into consideration the impact of off-site traffic is very limited um it it it's the state of New Jersey has told us that for decades at this point so it's not that your concerns aren't legitimate and it's not that your concerns aren't shared by all the members of this board but as far as the the off-site traffic impact goes there's a lot of limitations that that that this board can consider um because every application has to be considered on its own um and as far as the the use of this property with respect to non uh traditional religious uses this applicant has set forth when that when those uses will be permitted and I suspect this board I know I know this board will set forth when that will be permitted to occur um and so you coming here and setting and and and reinforcing that is great and that that tells everybody what your concerns are and what the community's concerns are and they'll be addressed um and when the state of New Jersey revises the law and lets local planning and zoning boards have more Authority on off-site traffic I think I think a lot of people would be very happy um but right now that though they're very limited um a limited scope that we can consider that and and I know you don't want to hear that and and and I don't want to be the person to tell you that uh but that's where we are ma'am and thank you for coming up gentlemen name and address please Miker 10 Parkway Place um I have a couple questions one is the exhaust system or the carbon dioxide system going to be upgraded because you're adding these more cars to the garage can I answer that one can you repeat that the ex the carbon dioxide system the the fans that are going to suck all the cars exhaust out of the garage the parking garage is it going to be upgraded now because you're adding more cars there and if it's upgraded now is that going to take up more space is that going to be in a bigger area and how noisy is that going to be you want to answer that no Mr chairman I think my engineer could probably answer that question is you sworn in he was swor in at previous meetings Mr Adan con no you you've already been sworn as long as you understand that you're still under oath and you continue to be under oath this application that is correct yeah anything any exhaust system will be designed per the uh quots so and again based on the emissions it has to be whatever the fan size should be where how high it should be discharged that is all part the code requirements okay is that inside the paperwork that you just is any of that noted in the paperwork you just gave them that that you are going to be upgrading it now again we are here for the approval at this point what if he if the applicant gets the approval these plans have to go an extensive design process what we call CDS construction documents where we have to comply with all the code requirements whatever code applies to the project it will be submitted to the building department they will review against the code whether we meet the requirements or not before they issue any permits so that's the whole process okay um the gentleman in the blue with the blue title was just talking you had mentioned something at 2: a.m. about playing basketball what about having religious services at 2: a.m. having religious services at 1:00 a.m. with having hundreds of cars pull onto the property during these Services is that allowed well sir I think what we've heard from this applicant is that they've stipulated to the hours of operation for their religious services and I understand during Ramadan I understand that prior to this application there have been issues regarding when the property is used and how it's being used but what we can represent to you is that through this process this board is going if this board adopts a resolution approving this it would include representations by the applicant about when that property would be used for those purposes and we have heard this evening including other times when when when they've been here um regarding their timing of usage and they would be they would be held to those hours of operation so Mr Council I think the issue is the non- testimony we've heard from their Council does not match with what is publicly available as prayer times and we've asked over the court of many of these um planning board meeting meetings for the times and we can't come up with it yet so to answer your to ask the question you want to ask what are the prayer times today well that's that's pretty broad question the question today oh today today sure go ahead what's the first prayer time and the last prayer time uh the first prayer time which is uh what we call fuder it starts around 4 4:15 420 and you can offer their prayer Ser that prayer service from the start time up to the sunrise time sunrise is what I think 6:30 5:42 a in the morning sunrises a in the morning yes so so yeah and then okay so so that's the time however the the Masjid pray offers the congregation prayer for f time around 5:15 as of today and the last prayer today the last is Isa uh which is the night time uh it starts around uh I would say around 10:00 these days right and again you can pray that service from 10:00 until the morning prayer time which is 4:00 but the the mask of course nobody's going to come in the middle of the night to offer that prayer so as soon as doing it let me answer it let him answer yeah please so as soon as the time happens like say 10:00 these days usually 101 10:15 the Masjid offers the congregation prayer which lasts probably 1015 minutes and people go to their home all right so I think what maybe some of the public and I don't want to speak for the public but maybe some of the concern we're having is you know past testimony tells us at 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. your your words right in the past when when it's not so the concern that the previous gentleman had about non- testimony is what can we do with a non- testimony well again that was the average because in the winter months obviously it's it's it's obviously terminates much earlier than 1 p.m. in the summer service um I think if I may sure yeah uh I believe the testimony that was provided again we were testifying I think in we started like this process I believe it's February March uh in April so that was basically the winter timings that we were opposing but yeah again you're right the time changes with summer and winter again on a daily basis within a minute or 2 minutes on a daily bases up or down depending upon the season or depending upon the time of the year we are in so yeah but again so that's why like that testimony is not completely I mean it's not wrong but it's it is for winter timings that you should expect or anticipate that timing of those prayers during the winter time and and let's just go back to the r record um on April 3rd um there was testimony provided that the prayer hours of operation were 6:00 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. um and those were representations that were made by the representative of the mosque not not a professional the representative of the mosque and so I think the the board would like to know that those representations that were made in the prior hearing dat are are still represented still considered appropriate and should should this application move forward um would be part of any memorializing resolution to answer that question I believe those representations were made based upon winter hours as I indicated at the outset of the meeting we will provide this board with an accurate calendar which will set forth the times which will occur during the winter spring summer fall Mr saxs are you also going to tell us where you going to go with the big holidays are you still going to go off site yes yeah that that that still that still controls so Ramadan and anything else that creates a big crowd you're going to go somewhere else Board of Education property all right all right um next concern is the garage that's at 214 you guys own the property at 214 the garage there that garage is Schoolhouse a or Schoolhouse 3 eron [Music] road is that going to be saved for history this it's a historical building I'm not aware of any designation on that I mean certainly we can look into that I mean not aware of that Mr Cornell do you do you know we're not aware of that but Mr saaks you're going to check into that okay and then my last concern is in 2007 I believe it was June 4th there was an explosive device found at the Sams Elementary School from the explosion from uh glesby explosion is the property going to be searched because that property there is3 miles away from where all the stuff went in the air there could possibly be something there would someone do a search for that again I'm not I'm not aware of that what was the what was the address first of all the school I don't believe it's appr I think it is Council Council I'm going to I'm going to recommend that you not respond to that comment at this time sir thank you the schoolhouse address was uh 214 ernston Road okay thank you it's the garage on the right side in between 214 and 216 and I believe there's a plaque inside of the garage that states that it was a schoolhouse that's it thank you thank you you next name and address please good evening my name is Joe Carmon 322 erston Road uh I had a couple questions firstly um I know there's going to be kids is there going to be like summer camps are kids going to be spending the night there is anyone ever going to be sleeping there I don't believe so I don't think there's any dormatory facilities in this in this mosque so no okay um next question well it's not really a question more of a statement you know we've been speaking about the traffic you made that long um about the traffic and how we're kind of powerless against it what about the size of the building in the residential area and that it doesn't conform to what other buildings look like in the area and they think they testified that the lights will never completely turn off they just dimm them at night I mean this is you know a large building dimly lit is gonna you know that's a I live right across the street so this is like a huge concern to me something like that completely legitimate sir and and I believe in my notes um that the applicant has provided testimony that the building will comply with the municipal lighting standards meaning that there will not be um any what we call light pollution ution or um overflow to to the other property that they will have their lighting design so that it's captured on site whether it's through the the number of what we you know number of candle Lots or whether it's through the design and how they have the the lighting configured but testimony those questions were asked at a at a prior meeting um and I there um also about the signage because I think this is the sign lit I think the sign is probably back illuminated uh but again I think we testified at one of the earlier hearings that once the building is shut down for the evening uh there's no need to have lights on other than security lighting uh motion detector okay yeah right um lastly the other night I was reading through the seral municipal land use and um statute number 2665 talks about Alternatives in section f it states a discussion of set set design and project location Alternatives that were considered shall be provided furthermore it states the discussion shall indicate why an alternative was rejected if it would have results in less of a negative impact on the proposed development um I believe I heard some Rumblings that there were alternative sites presented to them and they were declined but I I think um they're supposed to give reasons for why each site was declined I look up that statute you could talk about it at the next meeting if you want well we haven't presented any planning testimony uh but I could tell you that this uh applicant has owned this property for a number of years already but we haven't presented any planning testimony yeah but it says if there's NE less of a negative effect at another site you have to say why just because he's been there for a couple years operating illegally thank you sir that's a it's a it's a it's a great planning question and when they put their Planner on they will have to answer that question question for the architect what model uh lift are you using I'm sorry what was sorry what model lift are you proposing I believe it's highlighted on the brochure that we uh submitted it's also on the drawings oh this is just one leftt yeah it's on the drawing on the first sheet it's a CB 61-10 61 what 0 thank you that's not final yes sir name and address sure H mustfa par so I have en joined this meeting for several times before and we always hear I think the same concerns from our neighbors regarding the mask project it will be repeated the same meeting every time while we see these people they already did 100 of amendments in their design and architecture to meet the requirements and codes of the building to meet New Jersey for each sector including fire and and what else and at the same time so regarding the praying times for Muslims so is different from Summer to Winter times based on the timing in America is keeping change so in this case so I don't feel any like confusion regarding this time because it's very clear and obvious if you check any Muslim calendars regarding the pray times either in the winter or in the summer it will be very clear for anyone to understand how the praying times are calculated based on the suntime and sunset for either the winter timing or also summer timing so what I feel right now is that I see the the Muslim project to have a worship house in serval is right that no one can be against it sir sir and I I don't mean this with any disrespect um your your opinion is important this board values your opinion the per we're we're at the stage of this application where the public participation is questions of the the relevant testimony that's being provided this evening testimony is being provided regarding certain operational issues changes to the um the configuration of the building changes to configuration of the parking um there was testimony provided by both the architect and the engineer for the planner there will be an opportunity for all members of the public to provide commentary on this application but but this is not that time and and and I am not saying that because I have an opinion on what you're saying um we have to maintain our record appropriate and this is not the time for commentary so I have to ask you sir to please if you have use this time to ask a question regarding the testimony that was provided here this evening which was about modifications to the building design or internal design as well as to the parking um and again sir I uh I don't I'm not saying that CU your your commentary isn't important there will certainly be a time for that and on Long applications like this it can be frustrating that you have to wait till the end to to provide that but um that's the that that is the that is the standard that we have to follow right now sure I understand but at the same time I have only one point because I think for but do you have a question sir yeah no the question for me is I am from the public or the neighbor and I have a concern so this concern should be only for the traffic or also I have to ask about what's going inside this building in terms of they have like kids classrooms they have like blah blah blah is this my right to ask something like this so yes absolutely for the internal building itself yes sir if you have questions about tonight there was testimony provided about changes to the internal structure configuration of the building as well as changes to the parking configuration if you have questions about that this applicant has provided to Witnesses who are experts in that area and they will answer those questions um that and that and that's the that's what we're addressing right now sure okay I already hear their answers and it's very clear for everyone thank you thank you thank you sir and to the extent you have commentary you certainly can come back hello Soma sadar Jackson AB no no oh good Somaya sadar Jackson AB um I have a question first but I wanted I may have some commentary as well and I know um just now he was told to not continue with his commentary but I think today we're allowing a lot of commentary so we should allow it for everyone and the next meeting hopefully we can tell everyone if you don't have a question please stop my first question is I think there's a lot of misunderstanding because um like what is prayer according to a Muslim so maybe is it possible to have a demonstration or a video for next meeting if possible because a prayer service right now a lot of people just walked out it's because they have to go do prayer and it has three units to a prayer so they'll come back in like 5 minutes because there's not that understanding it's like why are you going 5:00 in the morning how long are you going to take all of that concern but that's not always the case um I wanted to say do you have questions for the applicants experts or the applicants representative regarding the subject matter of the testimony provided here today I was going to say is there someone a Muslim expert that can answer questions this board for the next meeting this this board does not um or someone does not qualify its experts based on religious beliefs someone who's knowledgeable on Islam they don't need to be Muslim but I would like to continue to say that I am part of the public because I'm I want the Masid to come there and second of all the word is mid mid I want the Masjid to come there someone mentioned that it's taken down three houses' do you have a question for the applicants experts did ask my question and then there some what was it ma'am and I'll make sure they answer it you just have to the chairman will make sure they answer it what's your question I'm just confused why there's so much I can't speak freely but other people can speak freely and then there's a at the end a little bit of this back and forth this I don't mind it I appreciate it but I think it should be held for everyone because I didn't know commentaries allowed right now there is a so the way that the applications before this board works is that the applicant presents testimony and in this case because of the the it's a large project and so sometimes you'll come before a a board and it's a very simple project and they put their experts on and that's that here this is a large project and and this project has different different applications right there's a religious connotation there's religious uses there are um uh recreational uses there are are parking concerns there are open space concerns and so the applicant has been actually very very accommodating and has been presenting their testimony and presenting their experts in updating their testimony and their exhibits as they go along so it it hasn't been as traditional one you know know ABC as as you would see on a smaller one but the applicant has has been putting on their presentation throughout this um and it's moved around and the way how applications work is that you will have the applicant will put on their expert for engineering their expert for architecture for parking for traffic for planning we haven't gotten to planning yet we'll get there and the public the board the board's experts and the public have the opportunity to ask questions about that and then when that's all done what happens is there's an opportunity to provide commentary on that and to give your a position on the application as a whole and in many in in smaller applications that are not this large that that's one meeting maybe it's two meetings this is a very large application so this is a taking longer and while you may want to do that tonight you say well I don't want to come back and do that unfortunately how we have to prepare and we have to maintain this application moving along is in the appropriate method so I what I'm going to ask you is if you have questions for the applicants experts or the applicant's representative regarding the subject matter of the testimony being being provided here this evening I am sure they will answer it and if they don't the chairman will tell them to answer it or get you an answer um I but when you have when you have commentary on the overall Merit or your support of the application which is completely legitimate whether you agree with the application whether you don't agree with it you have the opportunity to appear before this board and express those beliefs but this evening is not the time to do that I understand that I'm asking why can't we have the same standard for everyone we do we do show me where we have it everybody chairman if I can respond if I can respond if first of all I will State for the record that this board is doing the proper thing in scrutinizing this application and it wouldn't be just because it's a mosque if it was a synagogue if it was a church if it was any any type of use that's in a residential neighborhood it needs to be scrutinized so doesn't make a difference what the type of application is I would encourage you to come back at the last hearing and you can certainly State your opinion as to whether you're in favor or against this application but if you don't have a question for either my architect or engineer then you can preserve your comment for another thank you thank you thank you hang on hang on is there anybody he spoke already has any you spoke already so has anybody else want to speak before he does not cutting you off I'm just giving everybody else a chance if you're patient I'll let you be last that's oh boy name and address please ma'am hi my name is Ros Luben and I live at 18 Eric Court which is a dead end street at the end of UR road so in order for me to leave my development I have to go to ur road because it's dead end every morning I get up and I'm out on the road I try to cross onto Ur Road at 7:30 in the morning which I used to do fine over the years I've been here for 58 years so the town has qu tripled Mr chairman if I can ma'am just as we just spoke about to the other witness this is not the time to give testimony or comments it's questions to these Witnesses based on their testimony okay sure you're you're you're if you want to provide testimony about your cons you know issues with the property that you've addressed that's at the end having to do with traffic which is the main main well traffic wasn't test provided today we saying we're going to traffic they're Traffic Engineers come coming at the next hearing so if you have any traffic questions their Witnesses he's not here today to address it that would have to be happen at the next meeting what about parking can I discuss parking problem well they did provide testimony as to the new parking design for the underground parking so you can ask questions relating to that yes nothing to do with the parking no I said you can they provide a testimony regarding Park so you I don't know how long you've been but it's just a it has to be a question okay but when I live by the high school also so you can imagine what I have to deal with at my end okay so I try to I try to make I try to make a a a left out of there but I can't I have to take a right in order to go to South bamb boy that's how bad it is the other thing is I live by the high school when the high school was added on to obviously I don't excuse me ma' you're still you're still driving your driving conditions on outside Park and we've already had our other attorney explain that that can't be considered but I'm talking about be beware mistakes made because our high school was added on to my neighbor and I went down and told them you're losing all you're taking away the parking spots we don't have enough we're adding on to the schore making it larger so we therefore need more Pary space don't we but the opposite happens so where do the kids park in kenk about this application or every day in Kennedy Park and the kids are on nothing to do it has nothing to do with this application that's what it is ma'am the parking at Kennedy Park and the high school have nothing to do with this application but it it shows an example of stupidity if you have if you have if you have questions about parking and traffic when the parking the thing is it's a beautiful Temple deserves to be on a a beautiful piece of land not that land it's not nice enough and it's inappropriate you need a place with land that looks beautiful and I hope you get it I hope you do thank you [Music] H I'm gonna hang on ask that the members of the board disregard those comments as far as their evaluation sir name and address Drew wearth we i n g a r t h East Brunswick New Jersey even though I live in East Brunswick I have was uh conceived and raised in Madison Park the Oldbridge section of' 08859 um just for clarification questions please um for the architect I think the dry phone message for tonight for what we've heard is the following based on the changes for the rooms and the parking what did you can you please confirm that you did say that based on these changes the overall Building height is not changing correct the the Height's going to be the same it's not going to get any higher I mean the basement ceiling got higher but we're also going to reduce the overall height of the building so it's it's still going to remain the same thank you very much and based on the changes of the interior of the building based on the the prayer area going to a multi-purpose room the footprint can you please confirm that the footprint still has not changed the footprint still the same correct so that means the square footage of the building is still the same no we eliminated some programming and space so we did reduce the overall square footage can you please confirm can you please State what the reduction in the square footage was as a result of that on the third floor we removed over 2,000 square ft and allocated the programming to the lower areas yeah M Mr chairman I think at the uh outset of the meeting I indicated that the square footage was being reduced from 44,8 41 Square ft to 42687 so roughly 2200t reduction thank you sir thank you for that very much and thank you all for your time and service thank you very much anybody else gentlemen hi uh my name isman Osan uh last name is Zan Z M uh I live at 418 Main Street uh I know hours of operations are coming up so I actually have a question for the board is there ordinances that this uh application has to abide by being nonprofit or or for-profit like how are the hours of operations being determined that's actually question either Mr I I can um I'm can look into it uh to give a definite answer but I'm not aware of any specific ordinance that addresses our ours of operation in the township for any type of use specifically if it's if it's industrial or uh commercial or so forth but I will confirm that for the next meeting uh however that being said um there are other ordinances that may come into effect on certain things noise ordinances light ordinances that will affect how certain uses can be operated or when they could be operated but that's usually what happens before this board is one of the questions this board asks or any planning board asks for any applicant is what's your hours or operation and as the as the attorney mentioned previously that gets then included in the order in the resolution if if the application is approved and then that becomes the governing document that says when that operation can be uh you know open close the hours or operation that's permitted and that gets enforced by the zoning uh official uh for the for the burrow so even if there is no specific ordinance which I said I I will confirm whatever this uh this body decides for any type of use that becomes then now the the governing uh uh document for that yep thank you for the clarification anybody else ma'am name and address please need my name it's Carol Van Sickle spelled all one word no extra letters for Carol um I live on the other side of erston road in Oldbridge now I have a question I guess this is engineering have they done soil studies so that they don't don't end up with a big sinkhole now I remember the sinkhole at the intersection of um ernston Road in bant town and I want to know did they do soil Studies have they done that have they considered um a retaining wall be where they took out all those trees and are going to to be taking out all those trees so they don't end up with the neighbors in the parking lot uh as far as a soil study we did some soil studies for uh strong water management system however after the approval there will be a detailed soil in St done for bearing capacity and the for the structural design when the project gets into that phase of structural design there is very extensive uh requirements that a structural engineer would require to prepare what kind of a foundation and what loads the so soil can take so that is part of the next phase after the approval as far as the retaining wall you don't just put the retaining wall where the trees are taken out usually there are certain criterias where you want to cut down the slope or you want to uh save the slope but in this case we are not proposing any retaining walls as no retaining walls are required on the property and ma'am I'm looking at my notes from our April meeting and um the applicant is represented I financing questions but I won't ask those no that's not appropriate for but ma'am ma'am hold on ma'am ma'am ma'am we have more information mam ma'am I was looking at my my notes from the April meeting and it and the applicant has represented to the board that they are going to undertake um soil or uh sample um analysis to determine whether or not the construction would undermine any of the adjacent properties CU there were um neighbors who raised concerns about whether or not this construction would would would result in there being a undermining of their property and the applicant has represented to this board and is willing to put it in in a subsequent um approval that they will undertake those studies to ensure that there will not be any um damage or any undermining or any any anything resulting as a result of their construction on that property is that correct Council Mr Pullman you have excellent notes and that's correct all right okay okay anyone else seeing none the men and oh one more go ahead ma'am name and address please hi my name is Heather posy 71 seski um I'm actually here on behalf of the sville Historical Society just in regards to Schoolhouse number three um considering that structure was built in 1894 um is there anyone that we could connect with as as the Historical Society to possibly gain access to view that building yes thank you ma'am if you want to reach out to my office I'll I'll put you in tou okay so after the meeting I'll just get your contact is that okay all right thank you very much thank you going once going twice the man in the red shirt just a quick question it's might be more for you guys thank you for being patient no problem is there a reason why you guys can't like I know they did the traffic study it was 2 weeks long is there a request that you guys can make why aren't we running this traffic study until this meeting is over the more information the more you'll see during different times different months is there a reason why we can't request that why can't I run the traffic like they run traffic studies two weeks and then it's gone the strips I've seen them why can't we be running those strips from now until I think I I believe there's a standard on how long they have to do it to make it complete and they're not going to do it any longer than they have to I mean there's an expense involved in doing traffic studies and and they've done two already and they're going to have to do another one because they've changed things around I got an idea how about the uh fines that why don't we use some of that fine money to pay for another traffic study run the traffic study what's the difference going to direct the board to disregard that comment thank you no disrespect sir I tax Mone is good sir you want to speak again yeah just got one question uh basically it has to do with the traffic study when was the next meeting Mike Weaver T Parkway when's the next meeting the next meeting for this application is going to be carried to September 18th and when is the next traffic study going to be done it's going to be well I I'll let the uh applicat I don't I don't think we're performing another traffic study we've already done two of them but we're going to have a new traffic report which will be provided for review by the board okay thank you having no other questions do we have any other unfinished business no so just for the uh Public's uh awareness this application is being carried to the September 18th planning board meeting uh it's um be here that's what I was just at the secretary uh it will be at this location same time at 7:30 no further notice is going to be given unless that meeting then gets cancelled for some other reason uh otherwise be if you want to hear the continuation of this application be here uh September 18th at 7:30 I'd like to appreciate the uh the public for the Quorum tonight everything was pretty uh level- handed thank you very much I'll take a motion to adjourn so