e e good evening i' like to call the order the Barrow of seral planning board for April 17 2024 if we could all rise Al to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you Beth has this meeting been advertised in accordance with the public meeting's Public Act yes chairman it has we have a roll call please Mr hich Mr algra Mr Bolton Mr Elm miss larmen Mr Muller here Mr Shaw here Mr ven councilman zabowski chairman Tai here Mr Cornell here Mr Fowler here Mr sordillo here we have a quorum we have any moralization of resolutions none this evening okay I make motion to have acceptant of the minutes of last meeting that be the meeting of um the executive session of March 6 2024 we have a motion make a motion uh to accept the minutes from the executive session on March 6 2024 second Dan all in favor I post can we have a motion for the regular minutes and exective March 20th 2024 that was the big one yeah need a motion to accept those minutes once I can I make the motion I appeared by phone but that's okay I make the motion second second having a second all any questions all in favor say I I guys have it all right okay Che minutes communication agenda none this evening s plan sub subd division in the hearing this evening we have one South 9 reality LLC preliminary and final major site plan 928 US Highway 9 serl block 439 Lots 6 7 and 8 good evening my name is James M Stan key of Clark New Jersey I represent the applicant as indicated my client uh owns a property on route nine they operate a a uh retail uh repair Auto Repair Center we've acquired the property immediately adjacent to it which was residential the general concept here is to um knock down the residential property make it more conforming to the existing Zone and to give us a much more um useful and better parking for ourselves so uh we have of course the applicant here to testify generally as to what he wants to do we have the planner an engineer and a traffic person so if we can begin I'll I'll call my applicant and have him tell you what he wants to do thank you come here good I just going to swear you in uh would you please uh raise your right hand and uh swear or affirm that the testimony you're going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes and could you please state your name and spell it for the record SAR Desai s a m a r d s AI thank you Mr Mr Desai first of all can you tell us where you reside um 19 Virginia Street sville New Jersey and are you one of the owners of the uh applicant yes and uh what does the what is what goes on on the property right now um in in his as his condition that's a auto repair shop and how long has it been there 14 years prior to your use do you know what what what the property was used for same thing now is it correct that you've acquired the property immediately adjacent to it yes and that was a residence yes is that residence currently unoccupied yes and what's your what's your desire from the board today uh we would like to make it a parking lot so we could have more parking spaces uh as our business has grown now in Broad in Broad terms uh how many days of a week are you open we're open six days a week and what hours um Monday through Friday 7:00 am. to 5:30 and on Saturday 7 to 1 and how many employees do you have seven and that include yourself and your partner yes and how many vehicles typically do you have on your site uh when you're doing your work uh we probably have 25 to 30 Vehicles where do your customers come from uh mostly local South D serville do you have any institutional clients any companies and yes who what would be an example uh lacas coffee um l& Distributors uh ILO um it's a bakery that that these are loal service yeah all local now how what's the turnover typically when you a vehicle comes in to be repaired how long do they stay on your site usually one day to two days uh in general terms do you leave junk cars there for parts or anything like that no we do not now do you do oil changes yes we do how do you handle your oil changes what what's the process and how do you get rid of your oil so we store oil our used oil on a in a used oil tank that's in in the in the shop and then it's uh disposed by by a company like lorco that comes and picks it up when we need to do you change tires yes we do what do you do with the tires that you change uh the tires that we dispose of are put in the back on a p on pallets and then they're picked up every two weeks by a a scrap tire company um there was some questions in the back and forth with the municipality there's an 8ot fence along the rear of your property who controls who owns that fence and who controls the property behind you uh we do okay both both both the fence and the property yes both fence and the property and that's a different property than the one we're going to we're going to talk about that's correct is and just I forgot to ask this question if your the board has approved your application is your intent to merge the tax slots that the house is on with the tax slot that the thrust performance is on yes um you it part of the the application provides for landscaping as requested by the board is that correct yes um do you intend to use any type of irrigation to make sure the plants don't die so we were going to leave that to the landscaper that we have um if if they want us to yes we will now as as a practical not are you going to do any solar panels or anything of that nature in connection with this application uh not at this moment no um I obviously you have a refuge area for your used parts and things is that correct yes again uh whatever the board says to for you to do in order to keep it in in as good a condition as possible will you comply with the board's requirements yes in fact will you require comply with any requirements of the board that that you find that are approved are requested yes I have no further questions of the witness if this board has questions I'm here we are anybody have any questions of the honor saying none we call your next witness thank you bring I bring our engineer please how do you want to Mark those Council uh if if those are going to be these are different than what's been submitted already the board even if they've just been colorized or I think they're just're okay then we'll just uh we'll mark them through uh chairman A1 A2 and with the dates of today's date please right if I could swear you win raise your right hand when you can I do swear or affirm the testimony going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I did please state your name and spell it for the record uh Jason Regan j a s o n r e g- n thank you can you give us your credentials please yeah sure um I'm an associate Hammer uh land engineering um I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from West Virginia University I have over uh years of land exper uh Land Development experience and uh I'm a licensed uh civil engineer in the state of New Jersey have you been approved as an expert in other in other locations throughout the state no tonight is my first okay well do we have a somebody that want to recommend his credentials are all right and let him be on his way I'll move that chairman we have a second second it's all yours first time out okay would you tell us about the existing site and then the changes that are proposed to the existing site yeah um would you like me to mark this exhibit now yes turn it yep so you said A1 in today's date yes we we'll do that and then go through it a two three as you go along um so the exhibit here shows an aerial of the site um the subject site is block 439 Lots 67 and 8 um it's in the highway business B3 Zone um the adjacent use is to the site are um to the north there's a commercial office space you have Route 9 to the east um across from Route 9 is a gas station um to the South is a car wash um and to the West is three Residential Properties um it should be noted that the applicant does own these three properties behind the business um as well as lot six seven and eight um currently on lot six exists a single family residence um it's approximately 1300 Square ft um it has an existing driveway entrance on Route 9 UM lot 7 and eight currently um the thrust performance auto repair facilities located on there um it's permitted use in the B3 Zone um it's approximately 2700 square feet um within the building is five existing service Bays um the applicant's not proposing any changes to the building um other than some minor Lighting on the exterior of the building um the utilities for the two um existing buildings I'll start with the single family um come from Route 9 so that's electric water gas um based on the burrow records the sewer is on septic um for the single family residents uh the applicant agrees to abandon the septic tank um in accordance with the Board of Health requirements um as far as the thrust performance site the existing utilities electric comes off of Route 9 off utility pole um the water and sewer come off of bero place through a 20ft easement on Lot 4 um and enter the uh rear of the building um there's an existing Force main and Pump Station uh again there's no changes proposed to the building or any of the utilities for the thrust performance um and then as far as the proposed site um I'll just touch on some of the other removals here so as I mentioned they're going to demolish the single family residents um the two driveways for thrust performance are going to remain they're going to be reconfigured um the pavement is going to be reconstructed the curbing will be reconstructed uh the sidewalk will be reconstructed um and the parking lot will be expanded into lot six um so I'll now show the next exhibit mark this so this exhibit is marked A2 it's a site rendering um it's just the colorized version of the layout essentially um with some minor changes to address some of the board uh planner and engineer comments um so as I mentioned the parking lot expansion will go on lot six um the applicants also proposing to consolidate lot 678 into new lot 701 um that lot will be approximately 31,000 Square ft um which will meet the bulk requirement for a lot area of 20,000 Square ft um again the auto repair facilities permitted use in the B3 Zone um the permitted accessory uses proposed are off street parking um a trash enclosure at the rear of the site here um existing signage at the front of the site and Outdoor Storage behind the building um uh for circulation the existing driveways are one way um which will remain so the entrance driveway is going to be 20 ft uh one way in and the exit driveway will be 20 ft out um around the site there's 24t Drive aisles um and then just to touch on the bulk zoning again there's no um new bulk zoning V variances proposed um the site the lot width um 100 feet is required 208 ft is um proposed approximately uh for the lot depth 100 ft is required approximately 150 ft is proposed uh for building coverage the requirement is 25% and 8.8% is proposed um the building and pavement coverage um 85% is allowed where 68% is proposed um and then again there's no changes to the existing auto repair facility building but I'll just mention the setbacks um so for this Zone uh 50ft front yard setback is required where existing is 51 ft um there's an ex in non-conformity for the sidey yard setback in this back corner here um where 10 ft is required and only 7 ft is provided um the rear yard setback um 25 ft is allowed and approximately 36 feet is um existing um as far as the building height 35 ft is allowed and 18 ft is existing um the accessory structure of the trash enclosure will meet all the accessory setbacks and height requirements ments and then um for the parking of the site so today there's 11 parking stalls um this building and use type based on the number of service bays and square footage requires 25 parking stalls um applicants proposing 33 parking stalls um of which two will be ada8 handicap parking stalls located uh adjacent to the building here and here um one of those stalls will be an electric vehicle stall that will be a handicap stall um one stall is required for the uh all the parking will be 9 by8 again we'll have a 24ot drive aisle throughout the site um appc also proposing a bing saw in the front of the site um required on proposed um we asking for the loading stall size um 12x 50 is required and 15 by3 is proposed um the reason for the smaller Lo size just due to the delivery vehicle that's typical for the business which is the su3 um so with 15 by 30 foot stall it'll be adequate to handle delivery vehicles um also SL approval um had 15 by 30 foot stall so it's consistent with the um and also the 50ft length is just hard to kind of fit on the site it's compact but really it's the main thing is the delivered vehicle is only um another with the loing another La that app is requesting is that it's in the front yard um the reason for that is to keep it away from the residential TR to the rear um it provides an efficient back up and exit very easily um also again on the old saund approval from 1986 it is located in the front of the St there as well um and then another Del the application for is uh parking in the front set back so I'll touch on this more later this site requires a 50t set back um for a landscape buffer in the back so in order to provide a setback um you know the parking needs to be oriented towards the front of the S um and you know in order to meet play for dve Middle par small size everything kind of gets pushed up towards the front of the site um other thing to know is if we lose the 13 stalls that are within the front yard area we will not be able to meet the minimum parking requirement for the site um and then the last thing about this neor is there is adjacent uses that they have some parking in the front yard ready so consistent with that as you can see the here this across the street has parking FR yard um some other things just generally about the S are so the trash en closure I mentioned earlier to the rear of the site here osing a 10x1 trash en closer it'll have a 6 high solid fence around itest Mr add some additional to screen three sides and that'll fit which is for propos use of the site um as sh our s ples a garbage truck and fire truck could safely maneu for a parking lot and didn't enter the ground waves um again after request Mr F we can show an su3 that will model um a delivery and tow truck uh going through the site um the applicant is also requesting labor for sidewalk all the frontage and sidewalk drive a and drive list so regarding along the frontage um as you may see on the are there's no existing sidewalk on the Jason uses um to high to um also we are providing Landscaping in that area so we have some sh trees and some shrubs and not to room is only about 5T um if we put into the DF right away we' have to get permission from them and as of now um we're really close to getting an application and they have stent um by they you mean the do yes the do um and then just to touch on few other items from Mr um there's no roof M Mechanicals on this building so nothing roof screaming um and applicat as you heard not proposing solar panels or any other kind of Green Building improvements this time um next I just to touch on SOL Water Management so the site is not a major development which means there's not a quarter acre of new's area not an acre of um or a total acre of disturbance um with that being said we don't have to meet the green INF structure stor water quality or stor water quantity or recharge requirs um generally the site drains from the west to east so that's the back of site to the front of site9 um we're going to maintain that existing drainage pattern the grading on the site is very minimal for the parking lot um in order to me the DS requirement though although we don't have to meet the state uh store water requirements we do have to maintain the existing Peak run off for various St events um and the way we're doing that is we're providing an underground exion Basin and this General par um that extended tension Basin is three rows of 36 in pipe and Stone um we're also providing a pre-treatment device to other extended detention Basin which um is approved by the NJB for 50% T EXs removal um it's the aqua s X3 of us um this storm SE there's going to be a couple inlets that are going to get on the parking lot uh around the site um it's going to be storm flight that's TI for that Bas and the Bas have an outall plate that TI into existing slow system uh that system been sied for the 25e storm battlef fall pip been sied for the 100e storm um the applicant is requesting a waiver um for the pipe material um they want to use HP instead of RCP um the hcp is an industry standard pipe um the extended T bases made out of it um it it's used wiely throughout you know engineering field um it handles the same loading criteria as RCP um as long as it's installed properly next tou on the um the AFC one existing l in this general area and a few building wall houses um and the proposed condition they're going to remove um the existing mounted life and the wall SC is on the building there'll be two proposed pull mounted lights um and three wall packs on the building I believe on the building side there's two over here on the North side and one on the east side towards the front of the building the H fixtures are going to be full cut off down lighting LED fixtures um the free standing Li height is about 25 ft um and the home M place will have photo cells all the s lighting um 30 minutes after closing will be uh dim to 50% and then there'll be a motion detector so any motions detected um they'll come back onif uh full power for 15 minutes then di back down 50% um the applicants requesting exor for the minimum light intensity in a parking lot um mainly in the areas um this lower left hand corner involves in the front uh the reason for that is just they kind of limit the light still down to the dot right away um and meet the F candles on property line um so I had the full candles required I was asking for2 full candles um the next thing I T was the Landscaping so as I mentioned previously a buffer is required here um the buffer that is required is 50 ft in the back uh that's because it's non residential use against a residential use um so 50 ft is required the applicants proposing 20 feet um the main reason for that is just the existing site conditions um the building you know this back ler pitch points only about 36 ft to the back property line um and again we're trying to you maximize the parking here and by doing that you the 24t dry mile you know put the paring at 5T step back to the property line try to maximize you know the most efficient use for the space um a 20 foot buffer is kind of what we came up with to still provide an adequate buffer to the property behind us again I just like to not that the a does own ex residential property behind them um there's an existing white Solid V fenil on the back that's also going to provide a buffer um speaking of a buffer it's going to be um at the request of Mr F we're going to revise it to double row um of stagger um Evergreen PL things it's going to be a mix of Colorado Spruce and Norway spruce um approximately 18 ft on Center um uh as far as the rest of the Landscaping goes um there'll be shades on um the back here uh also shap tree planings along the northern property line the fence there's an existing six solid fence GE that's going to be extended to the line just short RightWay um so that'll provide some additional buffering for this use although it's not required um again request we're going to move uh some of the sh Tre up to the RO Corridor provide Street trees as requested um so planting on the site just the mix of sheet trees evergreen trees evergreen shrub and ground pepp planting um the majority of disturbed areas will receive either a seed mix uh wood mulch or Decorative Stone uh the Decorative Stone be these two Center Island um and then other thing is the sign so the existing sign on the site to remain um right now um we're going to request a waiver because the sign doesn't beat um the setback requirement it's 6 ft off the property line where 10 ft is required um the signs existing um and the applicant not proposing any changes to the sign moving it back with you know liit visibility of the sign um and also just to know the two adjacent uses go up there um the size location are prettyy consistent with the Jason uses as far as setback they're all you know fairly close to the Dos RightWay um naal visibility um and then one last thing to note here is just the applicant agrees to uh address all the comments from Mr Cornell and Mr F's um letters um as well as obtaining any outside permitting from other agencies um so the permitting that is required from other agencies is the dot permitting there's a lock consolidation as well as a driveway access permit um both of those are very close to receiving approval from the do um we sent signed perits back to the dot we're just waiting to get signed perits back um the middle sex County planning board sight plan this project is exempt um we've already received the exemption from them the subdivision approval um you know if the board does approve the application there's some comments we need to address but we don't see a problem addressing those comments um and then last is Freehold solar Conservation District um s bills and Exempted municipality as I'm sure you guys are aware um so we will handle that through the township any slos that's all I any any questions of the uh I do Mr chairman Mr Reagan uh you go back to exhibit uh A1 you're showing parking on looking at existing conditions uh but on this drawing you're showing parking behind the existing uh building that you're going to knock down uh so you're already utilizing the back of that property yes applicant is part okay because it didn't it doesn't show that on the existing conditions yeah the survey um I believe just picked it up as like it's not today gra okay but are you you don't own that lot right now the the applicant does lot oh they do yeah okay so you you are utilizing that lot lot already yes Mr chairman if I might clarify the the burrow zoning officer issued violation because they purchased a single family house and they began utilizing it for parking as you see on the aerial so there was never any approval granted to use the single family house for that purpose so they were given violations and that's one of the reasons they're here before you today is to get site plan approval to allow that to be a conforming use okay thank you any other questions chairman go ahead um Mr Reagan did I hear you correctly that um the applicant's going to comply with all of the comments and conditions stated by Mr Fowler and Mr Cornell yes okay other than I guess the loading eror is going to be 15 by 30 as opposed to W that Mr Corell Mr asked for clarification what waiv that IED some justification we're asking for and hoping for approval but other than that and the hdp sore pipe right yes okay okay if I might with regard to the waivers uh the applicant was very Cooperative in working with our office we had a technical review meeting we had a lot of previous comments they've addressed those so the waivers that remain are indicated in the report we don't have any issues with those they're they're similar to what's in the surrounding area and also just based upon the dimensions of the site you can't have a 50-ft buffer and no parking in a front yard basically makes the site unusable so we don't see any issues with that and a 20 foot buffer along the rear property line is similar to what was granted when the mini Muffler originally was constructed there so it fits in with what originally was approved anybody else have any questions Mr fer go ahead just go ahead joh oh I'm sorry uh and just maybe it was asked before and I didn't I didn't hear the answer 8 foot fence that's uh that lines the back of the rear of the property is uh is that owned by the uh currently by the property owner or is it the property owners behind I realize that the he's also the property owner behind but saying the OT fence is on the applicant's property okay and he he maintains that it's stay and the second question is probably for the applicant um currently are there any Auto Sales that take place off the proper on the property Sometimes some use cards sometimes not really is it anticipated that you're going to expand that use no okay and that can be a condition sure thank you Mr Feller just one clarification on one thing first the 8 foot fence that the council had referred to that extend just along one rear property line that all three correct um I believe it's n and 10 you know yeah no it's only one the 10 10 has the the big fence the nine and 11 have six yeah so all three properties do have B fence I think this property raining little thought with the pool but they wanted more privacy and they had a higher fence there yeah exactly um did a nice job of covering all of our comments and requests the only thing I just wanted to clarify the trash enclosure has to be able to hold recyclables and and trash okay you can be able to do that in 10 ft normally to be a little bit wider to get both of those things accommodated um if so it could to be expanded a couple of feet yeah we could try to extend it I know you had concerns initially about um the trash and ening on the parking stalls um expend to the the South a little um yeah it's just it might incourage the buffer a little bit but we should be able to expand it and get the Le you know maybe we'll make it you know not as deep with the small yeah we should be okay that' be great that's all I had thank you thanks chairman right two questions would you have a any problem with putting a restraint on three or four used cars no more all right we'll leave it at three then and the other thing the three houses behind it they have nothing to do with the businesses that we're talking about in front of Defense you don't have any intentions of running any audio audio business auto business any maintenance business out of those three houses that that can be part of this proceedings that'll be part of this proceedings that you agree to that thank you very much I don't have any anybody else have anything else thank you sir you didn't do bad for your first time our tra I miss our traffic traff please identify yourself Dave Shropshire could you please give us the the benefit of first let me ask where you in will you raise your hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth think nothing but the truth I do and can you please just I know you just stated it spell your name for the record Dave shropshire's sh r o p sh I Shropshire Associates I'm a professional engineer professional planner in the state of New Jersey we concentrate on traffic engineering and transportation planning I've been Consulting for 40 years I've testified before over 200 municipalities throughout the state of New Jersey I don't believe I've ever been here before but I'm glad to be here on this application we have somebody make a motion to accept those credentials make motion to accept the credentials second all in favor eyes have it sir all yours thank you please uh did you make an analysis of the traffic issues and itself please tell we we provided a a fairly brief traffic impact analysis of the site uh in effect this is on a state highway so it would require State permitting uh to get the access approved uh we do have conditional approval letters from NJ do for a minor access permit to do the improvements that were already describ and also a preliminary or conditional approval for the lock consolidation and that's kind of a key element related to this in that the single family home actually had a depressed curve along Route 9 so we're consolidating that removing it uh from from uh its existing condition and therefore the existing two access points for the and out uh will be all that's done for the Consolidated lot so that's a benefit as far as njdot is concerned and they approved it uh as a minor permit because it's generating fairly insignificant traffic uh not only on a peak hour basis but on a daily basis less than 500 trips is the requirement to uh get be uh accepted as a minor permit on the site and this is going to generate considerably lower than that on a daily basis the projections from njd is that it's going to generate somewhere around 10 peak hour trips it may be a little bit more than or less than that but it's fairly low generator obviously there's a lot of traffic on Southbound Route 9 uh so there's not a whole lot of uh gaps and difficulty in terms of getting out of the site but it's a going business today and it's not going to increase to any substantial amount with regard to the site improvements and in my opinion side improvements are a considerable Improvement in terms of providing uh parking space and circulation aisles that are consistent with generally accepted traffic engineering standards that's a brief summary of what we have in the letter nother question anybody have any questions to the planning working traffic traffic well good thank you finally we'll finally finish with the planner you right do you swear or from the testimony you're going to give this evening is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes I do please state your name and spell it for the record it's Christine Naro n a zz a r o cfone c f NE e business address is 125 Half Mile Road Sweet 200 Redbank New Jersey 07701 I have been uh qualified here in cerville before both the Planning and Zoning Board of adjustment as a licensed professional planner I've been testifying as such for 28 years or so in the state of New Jersey so I've been qualified here about 450 other boards throughout the state I teach Planning and Zoning courses for the Rucker Center for government services a court appointed affordable housing special master and my licenses are current and valid motion to accept the credentials second having a second all in favor I may proceed Madam if you U analyzed the application particularly with respect to the positive and negative criteria do you have an opinion regarding s yes I do so that opinion good evening chairman and members of the board again for the record is Christina zero Capone my opinion is that this is a very clean application it's an existing use in the B3 zone for a permitted use the the use on the site is certainly allowable as of right whereas the lock that is acquired and and to be used by the applicant in conjunction with this is actually not so while we're asking for some reasonable variance relief we are eliminating a non-conformity along one of the major State highways that traverses the burrow so that's an important planning consider ation um I think it was explained quite well by your your professional engineer as well as your planner um in their review letters as well as our existing site development team that this is an existing site so there are non-conformities on the site today and I think Mr shopshire put it very succinctly when he said we're improving the conditions on the site today if you had an opportunity to visit the site uh the parking is is a little scattered and the Landscaping is is a bit non-existent so while do need some waivers which were um identified quite nicely by our engineer who I agree I thought did a fantastic job for his first night of testifying he very clearly identified the um the eight waivers that we're seeking so I don't think I need to go through them again but the justification when you're dealing with waivers is do we meet the intent of the ordinance so and I think here when you look at the fact that it's a substantial improvement with respect to the provision of parking it's a St substantial improvement with respect to buffering it's a substantial improvement with respect to to Landscaping I think the board can be very comfortable that we are meeting the intent of the ordinance also importantly is in the barrows uh master plan there are a number of goals that talk about revitalizing and improving underutilized properties in the state highway Corridor so I think that that's an important um distinction and the last thing I'll close with as far as the impact is when you look at the stated intention and discussions on the highway business Zone it reads um many prop properties in the B3 zone are underutilized and do not project a favorable image for the burrow and it encourages reinvestment so this application while seeking some minor relief with respect to waivers I think does exactly that it takes an existing site in the burrow it adds some reinvestment into it and it certainly increases the curb appeal the safety and the functionality of the property so I can unequivocally say from a planning point of view I think we satisfy our statutory burden of proof with for for the grant of the requested waiver relief any question any questions thank that concludes our presentation okay make a motion to open up to the public motion motion made in second to open up the public any all in favor I I any opposed the eyes have it anybody in front of the public like to speak evening everyone even uh my name is Frank roli I am a current resident of sville I've lived in sville for 18 years now I've been a customer of drust performance for some time now I found them to be a very uh reliable very reputable repair shop um I've been very satisfied customer and I could only say that allowing them to move forward with their their plans uh would help them to better serve the town help them to better serve the community uh it would allow them to operate more effectively more efficiently I've seen what it's like there when it's busy and as a customer I know that uh all their customers depend on them and uh depend on their ability to work efficiently and get them their vehicles back that get them to work uh to pick up their kids and uh I think that uh the ability to help a small business Thrive is very important especially in current times thank thank you anybody else like to say anything if not I'll take a motion to close public motion close second all in favor guys have it take a it's your pleasure gentlemen motion to approve the application with the conditions uh agreed to by the applicant and its professionals waivers and waivers I have a second I have a motion made and seconded roll call yep miss lman Mr meller yes Mr Shaw yes Mr ven yes councilman zabowski chairman Tai yes thanks for choosing serville and thanks for a nice presentation look at this I beat the wife from choir not going to happen next month have regular public potion oh we gotta open up open up always gu public yeah next on the agenda make a motion to open up the public open up the public do I have a second second all in favor I ni have it do we have anything want to talk about the next meeting where it's going to be oh yeah well nobody from the public wants to speak make motion close the public close second all in favor so um our next meeting is May 1st which will be located at the senior citizens building office um at 425 Main Street Jay we're going to try to get the uh burrow Street and road department to to save us spots right behind it so case it's raining we don't get all trenched so look look for your emails Beth will put something out if there's going to be parking anything else Jay Mr chairman no just that one application for the May 1 meeting thank take a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor hi thank you very much have a good night thank you short sweet