I'm GNA have to find which glasses work best when I stand up okay tonight is is the reorganization meeting and it proceeds oh this is a better sh okay um Beth has the meeting been advertised in accordance with the open public meetings act yes mayor it has okay roll call mayor O'Brien here Mr algra here Mr Bolton here Mr Buchanan here Mr Elm Miss Len Mr Muller here Mr Shaw here Mr Tai here councilman zabowski here okay we have a quorum okay at this time I'm gonna uh make a motion to nominate Tom Tai as chairman of the planning board is there a second second uh roll call Mayor O'Brien yes Mr alra yes Mr Bolton yes Mr Buchanan no Mr Elm yes Miss L Miss lman yes Mr Müller yes Mr Shaw yes Mr Tai yes councilman zabowski yes congratulations Tom Tom we switch places we need a motion for vice chairman please I need a motion for vice chair make a motion for uh Barry Muller second mayor O'Brien yes Mr algra yes Mr Bolton yes Mr beanan yes Mr El Elm yes Miss Len Mr meller yes Mr Shaw yes chairman Tai yes councilman zabowski yes congratulations Barry congratulations um we need a chair um we need a motion for an attorney attorney right I'll accept the nomination for attorney Francesco can I give a second second mayor O'Brien yes Mr alra no Mr Bolton yes Mr banan no Mr Elm yes Miss lman yes Mr Müller yes Mr Shaw yes chairman Tai yes councilman zabowski yes congratulations I need a chair I need a nomination for the planner for first and a second Nom Mr F have a second second mayor O'Brien yes Mr alra yes Mr Bolton yes Mr Buchanan yes Mr Elm yes Miss lman Mr Müller yes Mr Shaw yes M uh chairman Tai yes councilman zabowski yes congratulations thank everyone you need a nomination for the uh engineer engineer J Cornell second Miss mayor O'Brien yes Mr alra yes Mr Bolton yes Mr Buchanan yes Mr Elm yes Miss lman yes Mr mher yes Mr Shaw yes chairman Tai yes councilman zabowski yes congratulations thank you board members you're welcome need a nomination for the secretary for the board n second mayor O'Brien yes Mr alra yes Mr Bolton yes Mr banan yes Mr elmire yes Miss lman Mr Müller yes Mr Shaw yes chairman Tai yes councilman zabowski yes thank you everybody I needed a motion to close the reorganization meeting do I have a second having a second all in favor say I any opposed I have it huh stand for the pledge we did that didn't we okay we did the Pledge we did the roll you want to do the roll call yes please okay mayor O'Brien here Mr algra here Mr bton here Mr banan here Mr Elm miss lman m Mr Muller here Mr Shaw here chairman Tai yeah councilman zabowski here Mr Cornell here Mr Fowler here I'm sorry what was your last name uh it's Bill Robertson Mr Robinson Robertson okay and myself we have a quorum no Communications on a communication agenda moralization there are no memorials to be uh resolutions to be memorialized acceptance of the minutes of the December 6 2023 meeting will the minutes be approved all in favor I opposed okay communication agenda there isn't any site plan subdivisions hearing there are none old business new business administrative matters next meeting is February 7th 2024 okay Mr chairman you have a site plan application on the agenda for February 7th 2069 Highway 35 uh application is currently in litigation with the burrow they're looking to go through as a settlement to try to get approval for some of the deviations they made to the site so you're going to hear that at your next meeting anything else that's it public portion need a motion to open the public second all in favor I opposed anyone from the public would like to come up and speak on up state name and your address please good evening my name is Joseph Carmon I live at 322 ernston Road I'm here today just to uh bring up some old business that's been going on uh since last year the year before I have had an issue with 216 ernston Road the mosque that was uh put there illegally for over a year operating and I understand they's going to be submitting some pretty big plans to uh combine a bunch of lots and knock down a building put underground parking it's all posted on their website and I was just wondering if you guys are aware or what's the next step with this because you know we're we're we have a lot of us in the town that are opposed to this and we want to be heard I've never been notified of anything even when they operated last year I know a lot of you are new and aren't previe to what's been going on there but um it's really um they're directly across from my driveway so at times they had like 200 plus cars I know they did a traffic study in August but they did it in August no school on like a Tuesday at 11 o'clock I really want to um see if you guys can push an escrow an independent traffic study to see how you know affected all the residents will be if this thing is approved um like I said I might be here a little early I just wanted to get in some of your your ears because I don't know any of you I've been at many Council meetings I went to a Sarah meeting um you know I'm very involved with this and I've been talking to a lot of residents on Oldbridge side and sville side so I just wanted to hear from you guys if you can uh give me an update we can give you an update the engineers willing to do that Mr chairman thank you there there are two issues the mayor and Council are involved with litigation with the property owners concerning the past violations that's not this board is not involved with that issue on February 21st they're going to appear make a presentation for site plan approval you will receive a notice because you're within 200 feet so you will get a notice advising you at the date and time of the hearing and you can come listen ask questions and and go through and hear the application voice whatever concerns you may have and the board will hear and take action okay okay so that's what that's the next step in going forward because I saw they submitted to Middle sex County to open the road increase their utilities already and I don't know if that's early for them or if middle sex approves that on their own do you guys can you guys deny that if it doesn't go through ernston road is a County Road the county has jurisdiction as well right typically an application will go before the county because a lot of time the county wants right avoid dedication for Road widening they want certain driveways their application originally had two driveways then it had one then it went back to two it's they've been going back and forth with the county trying to get the county issues resolved and I think they're very close to having it resolved and that'll all be discussed at that meeting on the February 21st okay so yeah I actually went to one of the county meetings and I spoke there as well in New Brunswick and um they weren't very helpful they basically said it's on the town so like if you guys deny say can't get built for whatever reason um that they won't go ahead with opening the road obviously and and so that's true it just lays on the town it's the town's decision entirely correct the town has jurisdiction as well as the county so they if the burrow takes action approves it the Burrow's approval will be conditioned upon them getting County approval as well okay so um the next meeting is February 21st and that's a council meeting or is that a board planning board planning board next planning board meeting is February 7th that application is not going to be heard that's going to be heard on the 21st and like I said you will get a notice in the mail from the attorney for the applicant advising you of the specifics okay very good thank you guys anybody else from the public like to be heard if not I'll take a motion to close make a motion close public portion I get a second all in favor I post need a motion to adjourn all in favor oppos all right thank you everybody have a good night everybody