yeah we should no anything be on the the driveway no that's thank yes sir it's a one car garage one door or two it's going to be no it's going to be one door I can't do two because they all seted the house that I was going to do two I want to really actually I wanted two but the way the garage that's why I had that's why I gave an extra foot on the house cuz it scared over and I do like an S turn to get into the house that's why I want you know that's why I wanted one big one door one Overhead Door you just one yeah one 20 foot wide it's going to be any man doors on the side one door in the front and there there's one door see okay I see okay thank you okay so it's really just your boat and a car my classic car correct that's it yes and some storage and stuff what type of car I got 69 chevel convertible 69 chel yeah I mean eventually I run I might heat it I just for the car if I get rid of the boat but that's you know it's no I mean it depends but how go ahead uh one other item since this is a relatively large building garage what about the runoff do you have plans for a runoff from the yeah I'm going to drain right to my backyard because I have a I have a bushes in the back it's going to go right into the backyard okay all right I have a question right now you have two doors yes I'm sorry I didn't catch why you're going to one door because uh because the D if you look on the survey the house is more secured like here's the house of is going to be like more this way cuz I'm I'm giving myself I'm giving an extra foot cuz the other garage is built two feet on the property line so I'm giving three so and that's why I want to have a little bit room to get to the other side because with the pole in the middle it's hard to get the other car on the other side you're symmetrical from Street Bas barer to the left of the house M okay just why you got more room after hitting the pole because right now I'm favoring the right side all the time now you're going to take this garage down first and then this company is going to come in and and put the new one up correct correct how long do you think that this is going to take the whole project um well don't they'll put up like in four days you know four or five days the most just for me cut it down with the sword on so maybe it take like about maybe a week or so and they you know maybe about a week talking maybe the worst scenario weather conditions no more than like 30 days you're going to you're going to put a dumpster in your driveway correct correct yes take it down the present one yeah anyone else have any questions this company um Paul Barn what's what's the paper there I give you the BR I have it here I have it bar you wanna the name of it is uh Pioneer pole building Incorporated 716 South Route 183 shill Haven Pennsylvania you want to keep this for the record this is that's that's are Specialties get those points ahead of time not that not this oh this was submitted just today yes I just got that okay um you have to mark this as an exhibit exhib one systems fix my hair Mr sislo this copy we're going to keep this sure and and keep it with the construction office the zoning office yeah yeah because I I have extra copies if you need it if you need it okay I I hate to say but we should probably do the same thing with the the information packet you're submitting that to the board it's part of I don't have no copies of that though you want to plan I give you a copy of course all oh okay personal okay okay we'll strap it we don't need it I got the print if I got extra C don't we're okay okay we pass yeah it's a reable company so it's not like you know we're good just make sure anyone else have any questions all right if I have no other questions I'm going to open this to the public anyone from the public wish to speak on this application seeing no one make a motion to close the public portion concerning this application motion to close second public portion is closed what's the pleasure of this board concerning this application make motion to approve the application second I have a motion in a second to approve this application roll call Vote Yes Mr Kazi yes Mr ESO yes yes yes yes yes okay the application has been approved we will moralize it at our next meeting next month and then you can begin to start okay thank you very much thank you Lu good luck the second application is 24-3 John and Joanna deild to Williams Street R please you please both raise your right hand both of you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to revive be the truth the whole truth the truth so help you got yes Mr I'm sorry could you just identify yourselves for the record please Joanna De John deile welcome would you tell the board exactly what you want to do with your property on Williams Street we want to add a 18 by 20 foot family room Corel would you give us Mr chairman the applicant is looking for two variances the first is for lot coverage for the building 20% is required they're proposing 25 second varage variant is for impervious coverage ordinance allows 45% they're at 47% and what you're doing on the side of your house you're putting up a family room correct correct and it's going to be enclosed within that fence that you have up there that six foot vinyl fence yes it looks like there's a deck and is that going to be removed yep that's that's coming down so it'll just be you know the new addition right off the kitchen there'll be an entrance from the kitchen into the new room then there'll be sliding doors in the new room coming out to a small little porch I think with three or four steps down and it's one story and your house is two stories yes it's one story and uh the addition will be finished to match the existing finish of the outside of the house yes as close as they can because you know the age of the house but yes it'll have the same roof you know same Gable Cricket all that and it will remain a single family house absolutely yes basically all you really need is more room correct yes four adult kids there're significant others grandkids we're just looking for like a bigger space to host our kids you have an estimation of how long it's going to take to uh start this finish this project and finish it you know everything's uh an estimate but we're thinking like three months depending on I I guess the weather because they have to you know put a foundation and then everything inspected in between there's no Plumbing we're doing a split system for heating and air so it's just electrical exent Bo have any other questions concerning this application I go ahead so you're putting a porch and steps off this family room it's not um I guess it's a little it's just like to get out of the sliding doors into the backyard I think there's a picture of it on here three steps coming down yeah it's not very let me see if the dimensions are here I don't know the dimensions off end so it's sort of like a landing yeah like a landing it's in the picture see see a picture just hold on hold that see if it gives it's on the third page so I believe it's the last page of the packet and I'll Jo if you want to say it any other questions any questions no question Mr chairman I'll throw something out there it's just kind of advice to the board I suppose the board was so inclined approve this resolution sorry approve this application and include a condition in a condition of approval that the applicants would be permitted to proceed with construction and seek permits while we're waiting to memorialize the resolution on the approval so that would essentially after tonight they could like I said go after the start seeking the permits but you know they wouldn't have to wait a month basically for us to memorialize our opinion before doing so so that's something the board the board okay with that Joan you okay with that your office okay maybe okay I want to open this to the public is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak regarding this application on William Street hearing no one from the public wishing to speak on this application going to close the public portion what is the board pleasure concerning this application I move the application be approved second I have a motion and a second to approve this application roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes now the other thing I want to point out with this application as the attorney mentioned the moralization as he put it on a record is everyone in favor of that also the moralization of this application tonight I want a roll call on that also no it wouldn't be more no no the whole point of including that condition is so we don't have to memorialize it okay right give the board opportunity to review it before memorialize okay okay your application is approved thank you you can go to the Construction office tomorrow and get your permits and start your project thank you very much you very much thank you good night Lu thank you me next thing on the docket is the moralization of 24-1 which is the VFW has everyone had the opportunity to read over that application yes yes made a roll call this Mr chairman I moved that the resolution be approved as written I need a roll call on this everybody here would be eligible the exception of Mrs got yes yes yes yes yes yes yes the next thing on the agenda is has everyone had the opportunity to look over and read the minutes of the March 27 2024 meeting yes I have a approval of those minutes second I have a motion in a second to approve the the minutes of the March 27 2024 meeting roll call Mr yes Mr kazin yes Mr es yes yes yes yes is there anything else that the board wants to talk about tonight before we adjourn hearing nothing I need a motion to Jour second Motion in a second the meeting is adjourned and thank you to our subs hope it wasn't too far away need