good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the board of adjustment zoning board meeting for March 27 2024 call the order will everyone please stand for a salute to the flaged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all roll call Mr Green here Mr Kinski here Mr ESO here here here here notice of the meeting has been satisfied in accordance with chapter 231 pl1 1975 by advertising in the home News Tribune notifying The Sentinel publishing company and the Star Ledger also posting on the bulletin board and filing with the burough clerk we have no hold over applications we will start with new business and our first application is case number number 24-1 serval Memorial post number 4699 VFW evening ladies my name is Casper Jes simple application signs toir that down secondly because it an LED sign we also I have with me the commander of thef I also have with me Christine Gandy signs 1931 Washington Ro who had sign first wit likeand receed Mr B first of all thank you for bringing us down here and going through everything while we're going one second raise your right hand you got raise your right hand you swear tell truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth in this matter so help we got I do okay you need his last name spelled or okay okay p r zy by y l w ski all right I'm the commander post 4699 I thank you for hearing about our our thing we want to put up our sign and everything reason why we want to put the sign up we want to like to advertise it's it's e easier we could people like to see their name in weddings sweet 16s and fundraisers we have an old sign just just says if you want to rent the hall just call a certain number so that's what we're looking for trying to get a little more modern and everything the LED signin will be capable of having rotating messages in the event that's necessary yes um and also it'll be uh uh situation where people who are not familiar with the area can they easy or more locate the VFW correct um I don't have any other testimony from him unless the board of course has any questions two-sided sign two-sided yes will will the sign be on 247 uh we'll have to discuss that okay if you want to place a reasonable limitation on it certainly we would be amable to it um I think the signs uh that I've seen in the burrow across the street are on all the time and even the sign at the library which is a lot closer to the road and our sign will be is on 247 I I really don't have any objections to it I just wanted to know whether it would be a 247 sign uh as opposed to the8 hours but 247 is fine with me any other questions from the board okay now as I say I have Christine Gandy here if you'd like to hear from her I certainly would call heart to the w stand we can bring okay Christin you would need to be sworn raise your hand truth I do thank you it's under yes it's actually uh two names it is Christine it's Gandy g n d y gaso g l a SS o and you uh uh made the application initially to Mr mky for the sign correct yes and uh the you submitted to him drawings of where the sign would be located yes and uh I submit to you gentlemen and ladies that those drawings are a part of your packet they were attached to the application um can you describe the sign briefly to the board so the sign the actual uh sign is 4 by8 and then there's a base which for argument sake we'll say it's a poll but it's not a poll it's it is a a smaller cabinet but it's taller that's 4 foot so that'll Stand 4 foot and then the sign is 4 by8 the existing sign is 4x6 um and if you see on the pictures it's not kept up it looks like an eyesore uh the newer sign will be even set further back away from the road which will even be more beneficial um and um to answer your question it usually is on uh 24 seven um and it changes so not only can it say for events but it also can say any Community needs or if you have uh an emergency on that road that can get changed immediately and put whatever needs that the municipality would like also um since they are um really Community Based and um the main also reason of this sign is they raise money and they give back back to the community and they give back to the local veterans and um the v as we call it lovingly has done a lot and given a lot and I think they still even have more potential and I think this sign will even help that to uh families in need and just not to reiterate the existing sign will be removed correct correct okay um board have any other questions any questions is a controlled by an app how is the sign changed it is um in in the computer so it's it's a program so it's not like an app on their phone but there'll be a program downloaded um and I will be initiating that and showing them how to use it and if no one has that computer capability since um we know them and we are more generous to go there and make any changes you know free of cost too for them to make sure that they know because sometimes you know they're not computer um Savvy you know so if they have wanted to I can have control of it to to change it you know if they're not be able to do that at certain times thank you you're welcome if this sign is approved how long will it take before you actually get it on premises I'm G to be um I give you a a a long and a short it could be three to six months only for that is cuz we do everything the way it's supposed to be you know when you dig the hole then you have to get it in inspected and if anything needs to be changed then then you're allowed to pour um the electric is going to be drawn in from the building to there which they're going to get a permit for that too um so once the basics is done then the sign comes in believe it or not the sign is the easy part of the whole project um and when we have the sign we have total engineer signed and sealed drawings for the wind load and everything like that so we know that that safety is a main um priority also and your company maintains that sign yes okay any other questions is this so you're GNA have like is it every six seconds or eight seconds that it the you can time it to different ones you know so whichever they feel is necessary but yes you know for argument sake yes you can keep it on for a longer duration or you could keep it for a shorter duration and you can have like I wouldn't put like eight messages on there but you know anywhere from you know 3: to 4 would be good so then you can read it yeah you don't want to be distracted when the drivers are coming down there but I know a lot of uh parking issues when there's a concert so if they have it saying Park here you know that that would stay on the whole time during an event so to speak you know so when the billboard signs like this come to us there's like it's it's got to be like six seconds or so are you governed by those same rules um what do you mean that it has to be who who I guess they can't change it like frequently six seconds yeah I mean whatever the um specifications are Will Follow that but yes you and then one of them is no moving no no like moving um it doesn't like if you have the American flag waving that would be a movement but it's not like you know really flashing you know um um obliterating in driver's eyes or anything like that let me ask you another question the a message that might be on the board it would just be a single screen it wouldn't be uh several messages in a row correct correct okay you're talking about wouldn't that be more for the highway a state regulation boards usually that's correct the dot has guidelines for installing Billboards spacing timing for the rotating and the visibility of the sign that's what Mr kachinski is referring to that wouldn't be applicable for for this project thank you any other questions two quick things so uh to to Tom's Point 8 seconds is the standard that the dot requires for billboard so that was where he was coming from there um if the sign if there's a communication issue or the sign fails does it default to a particular screen does it default to just turn off to a black screen um it usually does turn off like that you're not going to you're not going to see any you know weird you know flashing or anything like that um and this is a a very reputable manufacturer um company that we get it from too um and any issues that occur um the panels it's made of a whole bunch of different panels they just pop off and are very inter easy to change or there's you open the cabinet up and it's easy to get inside the wires and see if there's any issue inside there but like I said we our office is in SVO so it makes it a little more convenient because if anything happens we can get right over there and address it right away so and uh to some of the the points that were made the um you know some reasonable limitation on on animation on the screen maybe in order just to for the interest of protecting motoring public and avoiding distractions along the road so the board may want to consider that restrictions like on yeah I mean well I'm not familiar with what restrictions there are on the library sign um you know Billboards have a whole separate set of regulations with the with the state DOT but sign the library is here it's just pad smaller but it's a lot closer to the road right I'm just not familiar with any limitations on it that's all um but I leave that up to the board I just a lot of flashing may be distracting can I can I say something it's not like the open signs that you see in people's windows that are flashing like this constantly usually it's a message and then another message comes off with words sometimes they can put like a clip art um like I said the only thing that I've seen um was um and even had in the picture that American flag and it it just waves like it's not flashing lights at you and it'll just do that for a few seconds and then it has its other message so to speak or for a holiday you know it might have some sort of you know background and you'll see it just going into the next filtering but it's not like going like this at you does that make sense yes no no stroke lights or anything like that okay yeah it's not going to give you a stroke or anything did they do Street any other questions I I have a question for Joan but but first of all I want to I don't know if I have the opportunity thank you extremely thank you very much for your service to our country um do we charge the VFW for permits we don't charge it right to be honest with you do we charge you good okay I'm glad okay I just wanted to see es fees to be here but that I know because I delivered the checks gotcha gotcha no I'm glad we don't okay thank you okay thank you thank you I have nothing further it's a very simple application as they indicated so I'll save you my eloquence and I won't do a summation if you have any questions obviously ask me do you have any other witnesses that you're going no other Witnesses I need to call Mr Officer officer Kelly he still officer Kelly to me but he's here but he would just be redundant to what has been already testified to okay I'm going to open this to the public is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak in reference this application hearing no one want to close the public portion I need a second second what's the pleasure of the board concern in this application yeah you made a motion and you got a second you need at least an all in favor oh okay closing everyone in favor I I all in favor what's the pleasure of the board and reference this application make a motion to approve the application before you do that conditions that we want on it because I know want them to speak now or forever your I don't have any any conditions anyone have any conditions no conditions I need a roll call Mr Grant yes Mr kazin Mr espo yes yes Mr yes Mr yes okay it's been approved we'll memorialize it next month and you're all set to go thank you very much for your time I realize it's only one on your agenda so I appreciate you coming out thank you thank you thank you for your service thank you thank you very much you're welcome sir thank you good night everyone good night next on our agenda is we have uh two resolutions moralization of last month's meetings the first one is 23-22 which is lulo LLC 3191 bordon toown Avenue as everyone had the opportunity to read the moralization from the zoning board attorney is everyone in agreement with that moralization if everyone's in agreement I need a roll call vote on it I move that the memorialization be approved as written second Mr yes Mr K yes Mr ESO yes Mr Emma yes Mr yes the second moralization is 23-23 which is sany real holding LLC 1788 Route 35 North as everyone had the opportunity to read the moralization from the board attorney yes is there any changes or Corrections that anyone sees in reference this moralization if not I need a roll call vote on it move that the resolution be approved as written second Mr Green yes Mr K yes Mr yes yes yes and the last thing is has everyone had the opportunity to read the minutes of our February 28th meeting yes yes everyone approve of those minutes in its entirety yes minutes have been motions been made and seconded roll call vote on the minutes Mr GRE yes Mr kazinski yes Mr ESP yes Mr Emma yes Mr yes is there any other motions or business to come before this board hearing none make a motion for adjournment I move the meeting be adjourns second a motion and a second to adjourn the meeting