okay I know where the G went [Music] yours okay SVO zoning Board of adjustment for December is called to order all rise for the pledge of the aledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all notice of this meeting has been satisfied in accordance with chapter 231 of public law 1975 by advertising in the News Tribune notifying The Sentinel publishing company and the Star Ledger and posting on the bulletin board and filing with the county clerk I mean the burrow clerk uh Madame secretary roll call vote please here here Mr Castle Grant here Mr B here okay this evening we have three applications and then we have to discuss the uh report the annual report prepared by John so today our first case is case number 2324 Emily gambeski 60 carer Street you please come forward I believe that you're going to be the only witness so I'm going to ask raise your right hand conly swear or affirm that you give the truth today for this application yes your name and address um [Music] Emily okay um Emily Goki and um 62 cart well 60 cartrid Street sville New Jersey okay thank you so uh please tell us what you'd like to do on your property and why you'd like to do it in your own words um so first I'm going to be putting a porch on the front of my house as well as pushing the house out forward um to create a dining room because I don't have one right now and then upstairs will be a master bedroom and three and two other bedrooms and two bathrooms um for my daughter and myself you're gaining more space for the house right yes okay and what are the variances do you know those or Andrew can you tell us or John um these that uh you want me to list them all sure just for the record okay um the proposed 6X 33 first floor Edition um en roaches front yard set back 20 feet minimum and 13 proposed R seven Zone um prop number two proposed 6 by 33 first floor Edition in road to side yard setback eight minimum and five proposed r s Zone um proposed 6X 33 first floor Edition and roaches combined side yard setback 20 minimum 14 proposed r-7 Zone proposed additions exceeded maximum allowable building lot coverage 20% Max 26 proposed r s Zone proposed additions exceeded maximum allowable total overall in previous coverage for R7 Zone 45% Max and 47% proposed okay okay thank you so one of those is you're just kind of squaring off the house correct right and then you're adding the porch yes but the uh it looks to me like um there's steps already there that extended out in front of the house correct right and on the side there was steps there also right what and you're just adding like a little coverage coverage in um yeah just a covered porch and then the side is they're just redoing what's already there okay but those stairs already existed correct okay and so we always ask these questions the house will remain a single family house yes right and uh all of the additions will be finished to match the existing house correct okay uh board members any questions on this application anybody any professionals have any comments okay okay anything nothing okay uh we're going to open this application up to the public for public comment anyone in the audience who wants to comment on this application please come forward no seeing Nobody seeing nobody I'm going to close the public portion uh any other comments before we uh dispose if not can I have a motion on this application please to approve all right who made the motion Mr Emma and Mr Anthony uh seconded okay Madame secretary roll call vote please [Music] yes yes yes okay and John do you want to comment about the memorialization uh yes at the um I was requested to uh have the resolution prepared uh for which I have I need to just quickly review it make sure that it meets everything it just said uh so at the end of the meeting we can vote on the resolution for the this one and for the other two app okay and so you'll receive this tomorrow or the next day through the office okay all right then the then that's what you can use to get your building permit okay okay all right but those help you out in the construction all right awesome thank you okay thank you yeah we're trying to since it's the end of the year and who knows what's gonna happen for next year we're trying to clean everything up so applications applicants aren't hanging waiting for approvals okay yeah okay our next application is number 2325 John Amanda townland 11 Cur Street okay please raise your right hand you Solly swear or affirm that the testimony that you would give today will be the truth thank you please give your name Amanda you speak the actually can you pick up the the uh the other one the one that's on yeah Amanda toin 11 Kier Street okay and John toin 11 Kier Street and you will be the witnesses and okay so please explain to us what would you would like to do with your property and why you would like to do we have currently we have a single car garage we wanted to add oh sorry we have a single car garage we wanted to add um an additional garage and then some space on top um to give us some more closet space so a bigger garage and some closet space on over the garage then over the garage is that like a second floor we we do have a second floor so we'll just be sort of going off of the master bedroom okay so it's just a continuation of your yes just going into the new garage a little bit okay yes it's connected to the house the reasons for this is more closet space we have two girls okay all right okay and uh variances do you have your sheet just for the record yes ready y okay uh proposed garage addition encroaches sidey yard setback for r10 Zone 10 foot minimum and six foot proposed um proposed garage addition exceeds maximum building lot coverage for r10 Zone 20% maximum and 23% % propos yeah that's it okay so there's two variances okay Mr chairman if I if I may interject um the plans that that I received in my packet at least have um some different numbers they have a 28.5% building coverage and they also have a impervious coverage of 42.3% where 40% is permitted yeah okay I see that on the yeah so I'm not sure if the plans changed from the initial zoning determination but the plans in front of us at least have have those other numbers I have up I don't if you want to see this is says rear covered patio oh that would be that's a new part of the cover is that even on there or no I think that's on there not as I don't because I don't think we need the VAR for that okay um So based on the the plans appear to be overshooting what counts toward the different coverages um so the numbers that were on the determination that you put on the record the 23% for the building coverage six foot side yard setback and that's all we're we're dealing with so on the drawings they were incorrect they calculated them incorrectly Mr chairman just the question I'm looking you have a concrete patio are you putting a roof over that existing patio yeah do that and put a covered patio in the back the okay okay thought maybe that was the difference that's that's okay so the whole garage is only it's not two stories it's just one story yes okay and but there is but you mentioned the Second Story walk-in closet so is that already an existing Second Story there is an existing Second Story now um and it doesn't go over any of the garages so we were GNA go over okay okay all right believe in the proposed garage you've got double storage for cars you're going to stack your cars in in the garage so it's got a higher ceiling because of that but the walk-in closet is going to go over part of the garage so the existing garage now is is single story and they're going to go over that roof correct they're not going to go over the new part and they're making it double two side by side garage it'll be double car instead of single okay but it's gonna have a higher roof because they've got stacking of vehicles on the side of the the new addition that's correct then curves around to the back is that just for storage also the in the the garage garage yes store storage cars it cves around I think you have doors for Access into the garage off your patio there's an access off the PA into the garage I assume for storage okay all right same question I asked before this will remain a single family house yes and any addition would be uh match the out will match the existing yes okay and the uh since you're expanding the garage you're just using it for personal storage of cars and lawn equipment family items no businesses run out of the new garage okay just standard questions any uh board members have any questions or comments I do okay uh on these lifts that you're putting in is this going to be a four poost lift or two two post four post so I could stack the car four post yeah okay so it's good you'll be able to stack too yeah just for storage okay thank you um well I got a TRX now that's going to go in the bottom for every day and then hopefully uh another sports car for up top you know soon enough maybe a Corvette or something you know along those lines uh another question I have is the contractor that you have Robert Downey is he going to put these lifts in or is that a separate contractor um I haven't decided that yet but most likely Rob will be doing it okay thank you so the extra space is basically for a hobby that's it okay all right any other board members have questions about this application any professionals have anything okay is there additional curb cut Jay do you know they're not showing it on the plan they are showing a widen driveway I don't know if you plan on widening your you would just need to obtain a permit from the Construction office if you want to work in the running okay thank you any sidey yard issues with the curb cut Mr chairman there's a five foot setback required for the driveway he's showing six so he doesn't need a waiver for the with of the driveway okay thank you okay last chance for comments before we open it to the public all right anyone would wish to make a comment on this application please come forward not seeing anyone I close the public portion and uh can I have a motion for this application approve okay Dominic made the motion and Mr Emma seconded okay Madame secretary roll call vote yes yes yes okay thank you uh our attorney has prepared the memorialization in advance usually we do that in the following month we're trying to clean things up since it's the end of the year and so uh hopefully you'll have it by tomorrow or the next day through the Construction office thank you so much okay thank you and our last application this evening is case number 2326 David and Sher quo 3275 Washington Road the port are you for the resolutions no they can go you could raise your right hand do you somly swear or affirm to tell the truth for this application we do we do okay if you could please give your name and address uh I'm David kuo and and I live at 3275 Washington Road check 3275 Washington Road okay thank you so uh please tell us what you'd like to do and the reasons for doing it um it's for a fence a six foot variance fence around the backyard yeah yep okay um I see it goes around the two sides and the back and uh that's it right between your house and the fence it's open just like a u right yeah yeah okay is there a fence there now it was a four foot fence which four and a five foot four and five foot chain link fence okay uh the reason you would like to is the fence and disrepair or why would you why are you changing the uh the trees keep spending money on the trees the fence is Rusted and it just aesthetically doesn't look right okay can you just use the microphone please okay all right so you're replacing it because it's in disrepair um and can you describe the type of fence is it vinyl is it yeah it's a six foot vinyl fence okay solid solid vinyl fence solid vinyl okay all right any board members have any questions no Ryan um Mr Cornell the uh site triangle is sufficient on this application that's correct this is at the corner of Harrison Place in Washington Road the fence is to the rear of the property so it's not in the site triangle near the corner of that intersection thank you and the fence is right on the property line corre correct yes okay any other comments from professionals no okay anyone in the public wish to make a comment on this application please come forward not seeing anyone close the public portion for this application any further comments before we vote no okay could I have a resolution on this application okay Mr Bell made a motion to approve seconded by Mr Emma right okay all right roll call vote Please Mr yes yes yes yes yes yes okay your application has been approved our attorney is working on the resolution like I said before usually we handle that the following month but since it's the end of the year uh we're going to try and clean everything up so instruction office will get that to you okay all right night okay right all right since we didn't have a meeting in uh November we have minutes for October's meeting that we need to approve and I have a motion to approve the October meeting minutes I have a second second all those in favor anybody opposed okay the meeting minutes have been approved and one fin final item is uh John has prepared a annual report which is I guess required by Statute and uh give him a chance to discuss it but this is not for this year this is for the previous year yeah we're just just making it under the wire coming in right under the wire um as you said we didn't have our our November meeting I was going to have it ready for that meeting but uh here we are we made it so the annual report is really just a summary of the activity that the board undertook during 2022 we had 11 meetings total of 19 applications were heard it's a little bit lighter in volume than a few of the preceding years the big applications we had we had five use variants applications um Warehouse application installation of electric charging stations at at the Wawa on Route 9 um a cell cell tower application the uh maybe fourth and final version of the bkd multif family development at um the uh the old uh nightclub location and uh the Julian Wanda Diaz Lopez application at 320 3225 Washington Road the Priscilla jewelry which was denied um purpose of the the report is really to identify if there are any trends that may warrant action by the Council or the planning board in terms of recommendations for changes to the ordinance the main type of application or the most common type of application that we saw um was related to the size of accessory structures which is an issue we've discussed in the past and I think that the board's stance on that in the past has been that uh the preference is to keep the restrictions that we have in place the ordinance that we have in place as it is because it provides a certain level of oversight I know some of the questions we always ask about whether or not there'll be a a commercial use usually these are detached garages things of that nature um so I think that uh We've we've discussed that in the past and I I wouldn't recommend any any change in that finding unless someone feels otherwise so um just really in summation I don't think there was anything that that warrants any specific recommendations we didn't see a you know real change in patterns or change in activity from previous years and uh was a fairly mild year as as things go that was in the middle of Co pretty much because this is 22 we're talking about yeah sort of tail end of it we had we had I think 21 was a busy year because we had a lot of people who were doing additions and pools and things like that uh think 22 we tailed off a little bit with some of that activity I know there there had been a lot of lot of variances related to pools whether it was the the fencing or the size of the pool or the setbacks um but those kind of tailed off in 22 so I think a little more kind of back to normal if you will um but nothing nothing that really jumped out at me as a as a major Point have anyone have any comments about the annual report did you take a peek at 2023 see how we're trending up or down I think I think down because we we only we had like three or four meetings we we didn't have um I know we had several cell phone applications that was kind of the thing that was at the top of my head some of these collocation applications where they're putting additions onto existing Towers or existing facilities um like we had three of those this year which was a little more than normal but other than that a little bit slower in activity just because of the lack of a fewer meetings at least yeah sure okay so we're uh we need to approve it and then uh I don't know who actually physically sends it to the the council and the planning board I guess Joan you send it Joan can forward it along yeah you know who the proper person to address it to okay all right so can I have a motion uh to approve the annual report prepared by John for 22 I okay Ron makes the motion to approve anybody want a second Mr Castle Grant and roll call vote Mr yes yes yes Mr yes yes yes Mr yes okay the report's been approved thanks John for doing that and uh well you'll have to do next year's I mean this year's a little bit sooner I guess although it's it was a light year so shouldn't be too hard okay I'm gonna open the meeting to the general public for General comments just to be official not seeing anyone I'm going to close that portion of the meeting unless there's someone on the computer Joan nope no one's on the Internet or the computer okay so we're going to close the general opening to the public anyone else have any comments or concerns that they want to talk about oh we can vote okay two three four five three four five okay those five down [Music] there let we go through this one we'll go I'll then pass out the next one I think that's see just keep um as you can tell uh from looking at all these various resolutions I kept to the same form of that the resolutions were by my predecessor so basically they are all essentially the same the only thing that will be added to 23-24 is in number three the applicant name will be put there the applicant Emily golki testified in support of the application outside of that the rest of it will stay the same you can vote when you are ready okay prepared the particulars based off what was submitted uh in their application packet yes and I don't really see we made it didn't make any changes uh so that would made it easier okay so can I have a resolution for uh memorialization of 2324 motion made by Mr Castle Grant in a second second by Mr [Music] Emma and roll call vote Mr yes yes Mr Emma yes yes yes the next one is 2325 which is the toins there there will be U two changes uh paragraph three will again will'll say the applicant John and Amanda talin will be added there and then on the second page paragraph one at the bottom it'll say in the third line here and specifically the house will remain a one family house and the addition to remain as the original period nothing was said about the water flows through the street although that's something obvious that was not discussed so I have to I will take that out otherwise it also Remains the Same okay so can I have a motion for the resolution 2325 okay motion was made by Joanne and seconded by Mr Green and roll call vote please yesma yes yes the next one we're going to discuss is 2326 David and Sher Crow yes the applicants names are added uh in there and then on the second page um there was nothing really added on whatsoever so I took count number one and so therefore ruming two becomes one three becomes two etc etc all the way down to uh seven becomes six outside of that there's nothing else that was the simplest one there so and this is for the fence this is simply for the fence okay so uh and I have a motion for the resolution 2326 and seconded by Mr Mr B Mr kazinski yes Mr yes mRNA yes Mr Green yes yes yes okay thank you I will them over to you tomorrow okay okay last chance for any comments it's the end of the year thanks for all for coming and hopefully we'll see each other next year yeah okay all right have a motion to adjourn and second okay all those in favor anybody opposed we're rejourn thank you very much happy holidays Merry Christmas happy holidays Merry Christmas