meeting for the year 2024 all rise for the pledge to the flag conations the United States of America and to the Republic [Music] stands indivisible andice notice of this meeting has been satisfied in accordance with chapter 231 law 1975 by advertising in the home News Tribune hosting on the bullettin board and filing with the burough clerk roll call please Mr kazinski here Mr espito Mr Emma Mr Green Mr Castle Grant Mr Bella here okay uh congratulations to all the board members who were reappointed uh we do have two vacancies but everybody that was due for reappointment was reappointed and every and the members that were have been sworn in um at this time I'd like to call for nominations for chairman I would like to nominate Ron green is there a second for chairman okay any other nominations for chairman if not I'm going to close the uh nominations for chairman and we'll have a vote so a yes vote means you're voting for Ron green Mr Kaz yes Mr esito Mr Emma yes Mr Green yes Mr Castle Grant yes Mr Bella yes okay Mr Green you're appointed congratulations back to where you are very deservingly so he does he does he was chairman in the past and he had he did a great job and I think he'll do a great job again at this time I'd like to call for nominations for vice chairman Mr I make a uh nomination of Tom kinsky as Vice chairman second nomination has been made in seconded any other nominations at this time I'll close the nominations and roll call vote Mr kazinski yes Mr espito Mr Emma yes Mr Green yes Mr Castle Grant yes Mr Bella yes okay all right and right now Ron can take over as chairman and thank you for your votes I also want to thank the board for Ching myself and Tom for uh chairman and vice chairman and now I I would like to move on for nominations for our zoning board attorney Mr chairman I I nominate Alexander fiser second I have a nomination in a second are there any other nominations for zoning board attorney if I have no other nominations I close the nominations roll call vote Mr kazinski yes Mr bito Mr Emma yes Mr Green yes Mr Castle Grant yes Mr Bella yes congratulations thank you welcome to the board our next nomination is for zoning board engineer open for nominations for I'm sorry for the engineer J Corell second second motion I have a motion and a second are there any other nominations for zoning board engineer if none I close the nominations for engineer roll call vote Mr Green yes Mr kazinski yes Mr Esposito yes Mr Emma yes Mr Castle Grant yes Mr Bella yes thank you board members next nomination is for zoning board planner I have any nominations for zoning board planner there second motion I have a nomination for John Barry Barry in a second for zoning board planner are there any other nominations no nominations I close the nominations roll call vote Mr Green yes Mr kazinski yes Mr ESO Mr Emma yes Mr Castle Grant yes Mr Bella yes our last nomination is for the zoning board secretary recording secretary nominations go J I have a nomination for JN Kimble are there any other nominations no for secretary I close the nominations gooll call vote Mr Green yes Mr kazinski Mr espil Mr Emma Mr Castle Grant Mr Bell yes that completes our nominations and the uh professionals I'm going to close this meeting at this time at 710 and our regular zoning board meeting will start at 730 as it was advertised according to law we have a recess evening the Zoning Board of adjustment meeting for January 24th 2024 is now in session will everyone please stand for a salute to the flag I to flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under godis with libery and Justice notice of the meeting has been satisfied in accordance with chapter 231 PL 1975 by advertising in the home News Tribune notifying The Sentinel publish company and the Star Ledger and also posting on the bulletin board and filing with the burrow clerk roll call Mr Green here Mr kazinski here Mr Esposito Mr Emma here M Mr Castle Grant Mr Bella here under old business we have one hold over application its number is 20 22 Insight development Partners LLC good evening board chair members of the board my name is David pad uh representing Insight developers LLC from Bob Smith and Associates uh we are here tonight seeking a an extension for an approval that wased in May 25th um 2024 or sorry the approval set to expire in 20 2020 uh the application that we want to extend is zba 20222 and it was an approval to construct a warehouse on 2801 28021 22 Lo 281 ls5 58 and LS6 to 119 and blocks 828 Lots 1 to 2 201 306 uh as I mentioned the approval was set to expire or is set to expire May 25th of 2024 and we're seeking oneye extension until May 25th uh currently uh the board uh Sayville code allows one-year extensions uh we're currently seeking that extension because we have some outstanding or pending items that are appr to be approved by outside agencies those agencies are middle sex water company uh jcpnl and PS and also a Road opening permit for the mid County par and what you're asking for is an extension from this zoning board that would go from May 25th 2024 to May 25th 2025 am I correct I open to the board any questions any questions in reference this application for this extension one year will be enough currently that's been going on for a little while do think that one more than enough time get this negotiation and just clarify we can go through our attorney as long as you start the project what what is the indicator does the approval usually I say when shovels are in the ground invest all the building permits they can always come back for another one if they need it do believe that able May was there a reason or any the other permits the the middle sex water company there's currently a 24 water goosed so we trying to figure out the best there's two competing options there any changes to the plan this just just for the record no changes to the plan when was it initially it was initially approved May 25 so construction will not start until all these permits are satisfied is that correct and after those permits are given then the construction would start any other questions of anyone okay no further questions I want to open this to the public is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak in reference this application hearing no one from the public wishing to speak on this I want to close the public portion public portion is closed what's the pleasure of the board and reference this application on this hold over permit a motion to extend them year second I have a motion and a second to expand the application for one year starting May 25th of 2024 to May 25th 2025 roll call vote Mr Green yes Mr kazinski yes Mr Esposito yes Mr Emma yes Mr Castle GD yes Mr B yes okay your application's been approved we'll memorialize it next month and you have the extension as everyone on the board had the opportunity to look over the minutes from December 13 2023 if so what's the pleasure of of the board and reference the minutes from last meeting motion to approve second I have a motion in a second to accept the minutes of December 13 2023 V call Mr Green yes Mr kazinski Mr Esposito Mr Emma yes Mr Castle Grant yes Mr B yes is there any new business to come before this board not hearing any new business I make a motion for adjournment Mo we don't we need to approve the the meetings for 2024 don't we do that at this [Music] meeting that was last Mee last meeting I think it was last yeah you have a copy of it I'm sure I do I I'll email you one okay I think the one thing that's hanging is uh the report the planner report we didn't actually vote on it I don't think he just he presented it but we didn't vote on it but we'll wait till he comes back I guess any other business before the board before we adjourn hearing none meeting's adjourned thank you good