the board discussed personel including but noted to agenda items student matters and matters falling under Cent privilege yes received inv Society gem to you on Monday and there was an anous regarding burot program for being one of four entries selected for recognition through the 2024 Innovations and special education award program your entry was selected from among 27 programs offered school as an example of a successful creative effort that enabl special students to achieve their potential the New Jersey school boards Association and the as serving the private special education Community since 1974 will recognize theams for honors during a video presentation held injunction with special education week in New Jersey May 12th through 18 you will when of the video is Av addns will also featured in New School Association schooles and school le magazine and you will receive a in the mail2 in the next few days we will out to you for the of video [Applause] we need uh approval of the minutes from the last meeting on on the uh 19th and special meeting on April 2nd so I need a motion move second approval the minute Mr Callahan yes Mr Esposito yes Mr Fernandez yes Mrs napalitano yes Mrs pone yes Miss pil I have to um abstain from the 19 since I was not present and yes on April okay and Mr Walsh yes yes Mrs Bloom yes okay and now we move to the uh handsome young gentleman in the room thank you the handsome older gentlemen thank you wish I had ha like that okay Sean you're up thank you good evening board here are the events that have been happening at SW MHS over the past weeks students of M delucia's 9th grade world history class traveled to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see Works studied inside of their curriculum students in M during's environmental class dissected owl pellets and students in M Apollo's human anatomy class dissected sheep pars our teacher band The Prestige has been performing jazz music every Friday outside the theater before first period each morning their music energizes the main foyer as students enter school and creates a welcoming and exciting atmosphere as they prepare for the variety show the Winter Guard placed first in their competition last Saturday and have advance to the Championships coming up this weekend student from The Odyssey of the Mind problem five rocking World detour have advanced to the Odyssey of the mine World Championships in Iowa from May 21st to the 24th moving on to sports baseball is three and4 coming off a 9 to1 win over Perth Amoy boys golf is 0 and3 boy lacrosse is 3-2 boy tennis is 1 and4 flag football is 1-0 after beating South runswick 20 to 13 on Sunday girls golf is 1 and5 girls lacrosse is 2-1 track is 2-0 and softball is currently 4 4-1 with a 10:1 win over Colonia on Saturday in terms of upcoming events the National Honor Society induction ceremony will be held tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. the junior class is presenting the variety show Friday night at 7 p.m. students and faculty will be showcasing their amazing talents including performing music and sports acts student council Board elections will be held on Friday so all students please show up to the polls during lunch to use your voting power Cal's day of dialogue way to piece will be held on Thursday night in the cafeteria students with ties to countries experiencing armed conflict or those interested in addressing and solving Global crisis have been invited to speak about their issues engage in discussion with students of diverse backgrounds the national English Honor Society is hosting a book drive outside the auditorium from April 24th to the 26th next week the student council has planned a Spirit Week leading up to the pep rally on Monday is is teacher student swap day on Wednesday is Adam Sandler day on Thursday is rhyming costumes Friday is bomber blue with sunglasses and during the school day leading up to pep rally there will be a school ride rock paper scissors competition with the championship rounds held during the pep rally students will be given a single necklace in the morning they will play a game of rock paper scissors supervised by a faculty member during class periods of the beginning and end to gradually accumulate necklaces with a winner take all strategy those within the top 10 by the end of the school day will compete at pep rally for for a cash prize and that is all I have for you thank you board thank you very much Sean now which Adam sandley are you going to dress up like I'm having a really tough time deciding right cuz my other idea was to do Adam Sandler during Ryman costumes day right so I was thinking just like really really baggy shorts a really baggy top in the backwards hat I wish I had a little bit longer hair though so kind of like flip off the top you did have a little bit longer hair I know I know and I was Ill prepared for this I should have taken into account oh that's outstanding I love it maybe I like the short though you gotta not quite that short Happy Gilmore you got I'm not getting there yet you got to go with Happy Gilmore though I mean maybe May that's a good idea might take it into account water boy what what G you have what are you trying to be who who Adam sand Adam Sandler oh by the way where is AD does anybody know where Adam Sandler is from isn't he from New Jersey New Jersey he's from where I was born Manchester New Hampshire you're were wrong that answers everything two famous people two famous people for new Hamp famous people little Nik okay thank you outstanding as always Sean outstanding good evening Board of Education members and administrators my name is Ashton fondel SMS student council Board of Education representative the student council will be collaborating with the community service club and cl class Council and hosting a spring cleanup within the next couple of weeks students will clean up the SMS recess fields and surrounding areas the student council will be selling eighth grade promotion signs a bomber blast will be going out shortly with artwork the sville school district will be honored by Casa court appointed special Advocates of middx County Ed invent toast 2024 on May 7th at the Chau Grande Kasa is honoring the district for the Middle School's community service club and support and collection of their gifts drive for foster children for over a decade Daren consano community service adviser will be present to accept the award on the behalf of the district the music department is excited to host on May 31st this event is fun full of talents laughs and making memories we hope to see you there the spring concert will be held on May 16th at Sera War Memorial High School Harlem Wizards game versus the Thunderstruck bombers teachers team took place on Thursday April 4th at the high school gym thank you to all participants and fans for a successful night 8th grade semi-formal dances Friday May 10th the National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony will be held on Thursday April 25th 2024 at 6:30 in the evening the ceremony will take place in the sville Middle School Blue Room 38 members of SMS fbaa attended the state leadership conference at Keem University on April 8th 21 of these students placed in the top four and qualified to go to the National leadership conference in Orlando Florida from June 28th to July 3rd Miss andette is so proud of these students and can't wait to see how they do at NLC now on to the sville Middle School athletics the sville Middle School softball Middle School team oh the s softball Middle School team is off to a hot start 1 after defeating North barnwick in a walk-off fashion last Thursday in the bottom of the last inning on Wednesday the blue team will open their season at home against Piscataway and the gry team will play at home on Friday coach Vasquez and Coach eer are very proud of all their girls and are very excited to go get some more games underway this this week Middle School track had their first meet last Friday while they don't score in meets everyone ran well and that's all thank you anybody questions for May 31st is Duets is that what you said yeah 31st that's Duets yeah what are you singing uh I don't know what they're singing they just sing you I'm not doing it you're a leader you got to get out there I don't s i don't saying okay thank you Ashton thank you Sean great job Sean great job Ashton as always [Applause] gentlemen a he didn't do the Yan get you're walking good bud y you definitely looking okay um now for the president's comments the only com I have to make is that on Thursday evening middlex County School boards Association will be sponsoring our unsung hero banquet uh that is held at the Oldbridge high school and sville is very proud of the two students who are being honored can I say their names is it okay okay um Lillian heidleberg and Reva Barber barbaria are our two students are being honored as ons some Heroes so I will see them Thursday night wait whether they like it or not okay vice president here too congratulations to the um to the members of the saal goral high school Odyssey of the mines team who competed recently at the New Jersey state Odyssey of the M tournament the problem five rocking World detour team consisted of Quinn Guera Lillian heidenberg Marissa Mandola Daniel Johnson Abdul Khan and Jane leay took first place won a state championship and earned an opportunity to represent sville in the New Jersey at the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals at Iowa State University from May 20th to the 25th the problem two AI Tech no Arts team consisted of pra vanish Gia Modi aru bagal pal Nicholas Bernardi and Chris pipia earned fourth place congratulations to the members of the past and president swms theater Society who were recently nominated by mon CL State University for their foxy awards for the 2023 production of The Little Mermaid okay and then it thank you okay any presentations tonight no no presentations okay we will move on now to board discussion uh Mr Smith is not here for finance and infrastructure Erin would you mind uh at the finance and infrastructure meeting on April 9th the board discussed up to the referendum projects at this point we only have one more project left to go out to bid and we also updated on infrastructure projects um right now the stadium lighting is still pending and waiting on parts and we still are waiting on one more part for the district hbac upgrades that were done we started last year um and then that will be complete that's it okay thank you Miss um next we have Personnel Mrs pilot yep uh the Personnel committee met earlier this evening where we discussed the uh opening ings for both certificated and non-certificated staff uh we discussed our upcoming um job fairs in May and April and that pretty much sums it up thank you uh once again middle sex County School boards I already gave you that information miss napalitano anything for Med Services no none of this okay uh at this time we will open for public participation on agenda items only okay being none we will close Dr lbby take it away if I can bring your attention to finance number 16 and 17 which you can find on page three and four we're asking you to approve the purchase of Technology subscriptions uh and Licensing for the 20123 2024 school year in the total amount of $96,900 and security Hardware items in the amount of 94,3 32 and that's all from CDW government and that's through our Ed Services Commission Cooperative purchase and pricing contract number 38 which you can also find on the addendum we're asking you to award miss miss Mr Hill just mentioned it we only have one to go but so we're asking you to award the bid for mechanical upgrades the HVAC at the Eisenhower Elementary School and the woodro Wilson school to unitemp Mechanical degrees at the obviously they were the lowest bidder on bids that were opened on April 12th and that is in the amount of 9,378 $8,000 and that's of course to be paid for uh through the bond referendum any questions on those items as well as any other items that are on finance and infrastructure yeah I have a question on uh Professional Services to Helen KY Ms provide psychological evaluations why are we increasing it is there so we have a replacement position that we could not fill using a vendor so she she's helping us do the evaluation and we have an internal case manager filling the case management piece of it oh so just an overall right and and the leave of absence was extended what I'm sorry the leave of absence was extended okay so we extended got thank you dude any other questions okay seeing none I'll bring your attention to student achievement numbers two and four which you can find on page 13 the addendum we're asking to approve long-term suspensions for several students any questions on those or any other items on student achievement okay moving along to governance let's begin with number two which you can find on page 13 we're asking to approve revisions to Board of Education policy 5570 sportsmanship and policy regulation and regulation 8660 student transportation and that's for a second reading and adoption this evening number four which can find on page 13 we're asking you to approve revisions to the 2023 2024 School District calendar which make the last day of school for both students and staff Monday June 24th 2024 number five which you can find on page 13 we're asking to approve revisions to the 2024 2025 School District calendar which changes the juneth school holiday from June 20th which is a Friday to June 19th 2025 there are also some other formatting changes on that calendar and number six which you can find on page 13 we're asking you to approve the 2024 summer hours for administrators secretaries technicians and technology engineers any questions on those items or anything else on governance okay seeing none Personnel we do have that Bittersweet time we're approaching the spring and normally during the Spring we have to say goodbye to some very special staff members in our district and we have four that we have to say goodbye to but congratulate on well-deserved retirements they would be Sheila Burman who is a special education teacher at the high school Lisa green who is a second grade teacher at the Truman School Marie basil who is a cafeteria manager cook at the middle school and donana Midgley who is an administrative secretary in central office the first three will be retiring effective July 1st and Miss Midgley will be retiring effective May 1st and as we always do I'd like to say a few things about some of our incredible staff members that have decided to go on to bigger and better things outside of cville we're so proud of them for that Maria basil Maria has served the students in the faculty of cille for the past 28 years in our food services department her hard work dedication and the total number of meals she has been a part of may never be matched or even known thank you Maria for always supporting the ire Food Services Department with constant positivity encouragement your dedication has set the bar for the entire staff it is with the sincer appreciation we wish you a happy and a healthy retirement with your family and again I always talk about on a personal note I've had the privilege of knowing many of of our staff members uh and Maria is is one of them and uh she joined a number of US during uh beat Strong sville during the pandemic Maria was instrumental in making meals for us as we were delivering them through seille and I'll always remember the incredible smil she would come in with every day and and and work you know fastidiously to to help us provide those meals and I had the privilege once again to work with her at the middle school when I served as the interim principal there a couple years ago and again uh I just was delighted to have the opportunity to work side by side with her in in in the cafeteria and so forth she's such an incredible worker and and a great leader and she's going to be sorely missed Lisa green Miss Lisa green has been a dedicated Truman school teacher for 32 years for over three decades she provided countless opportunities for her kindergarten first and second grade student students to learn and grow and develop Lisa has been given many accolades and awards for her hard work and enthusiasm both inside and outside of the classroom the American Legion lappi Post 211 honored Lisa with a certificate of appreciation for her patriotic Endeavors if you don't know Lisa is a strong advocate for our veteran community and she goes above and beyond to make our veteran Community uh feel as they should thank and appreciated for for what they've done she was the she was awarded the governor's educator of the Year award in 2001 200 2002 in addition Miss green is a current member of the P past president of adk she has written and secured numerous grants to provide memorable cultural and patriotic events for the students and Community the events that she has organized for Truman School are for our local veterans and will always remain a source of Pride for not only the school but the entire District we hope she returns as an honored guest for future years Truman school's patriotic activities will undoubtedly continue with the devoted committee that she has created but they just won't be the same without Lisa green as Lisa Begins the next chapter of her life we want to take this time to wish her well we would like to thank Miss green for all that she has done for the students staff and community of sville we congratulate Miss green on her retirement and hope that it is filled with joy health and of course prosperity and on a personal note again I've had the opportunity to to know Lisa since I've come into the district and she's always been an incredibly positive person the first thing you notice about her is her adoration for the kids that she serves so impeccably and of course again the amount that she puts into not only her students but the school community and the Greater sville Community is is remarkable Donna Midgley it is with great respect and admiration that we acknowledge Donna M's retirement from the sville public schools over the years Mrs mgy has served our children and staff in a variety of roles beginning with support secretary for the transportation department she then quickly transition to a secretarial role in the Middle School in this capacity Miss Midgley was a stabilizing Force implementing seamless office-based systems to ensure that students staff and parents were serviced thoroughly and efficiently Mrs mle's next role was to provide administrative support to the pupil Services Department in this capacity Mrs Midgley emerged to administer efficient systems for home instruction bedside instruction purchasing and special education placements further Miss mgle was a conf was was a confidant for our child study team members and a reliable presence from Mr naster in fact it was here that Mrs Midgley proved incredibly skilled at doing all the work something that she and Mr naster would tell anyone who would listen even if they really weren't listening it was also in this capacity that we noticed that Mrs misley was a fierce defender of the special services budget requisitions were processed bills paid accounts depleted calls out loud to the tune of David we need money this was the fiscal Sound of Music coming from Donna's desk for many years it is for all these reasons that a void will be felt without Mrs Midgley at the Helm of the special services department therefore we reluctantly let her go but we wish her happy and healthy retirement and again I've also had the opportunity to to work with Mrs Midgley on a number of different capacities and uh she's always been a joy she's very bubbly always brings a smile to your face and she does have an Acumen for special services business and she will be the first to let you know that um so she will be sorely missed by me just uh having her around um was a pure delight and again we we can't thank her enough for for outstanding service to the students particularly students with disabilities and our entire district and last but absolutely certainly not least Sheila Burman Sheila Burman has dedicated the last 22 years of her life to Saville Public Schools she has been a Beacon of Hope and support for countless students families and colleagues particularly students with disabilities her tireless effort have has touched the the lives of so many leaving an indelible mark on our school and on the high school and the school Community Sheila first worked at the middle school for five years here she was an in-class support teacher for history in geography and then a transition life skills teacher transition and life skills would be where Sheila would shine and leave her mark on the community she wrote countless curriculum guides and quickly became the expert in this area advocating for Access and equality she knew the importance of building relationships and fostering Partnerships at all levels in 2008 she transferred to the high school working as an English teacher and a transitions teacher under her guidance students became active involved in me involved members of the high school Community she advocated to fully include students with disabilities in the high school including social and extracurricular inclusion experiences her transition students raised Autism Awareness through pen selling with her coordination students linked up with the baseball team to sell lemonade at their home games student learned students learned the skills of following a recipe using a calculator and building the stand through basic carpentry skills through her vision the transition students made appearances on high school television television production set and news program and sold snacks coffee during the extended school year program this would essentially be the original bombers Brew in 2012 the district was awarded the Innovation and special education award due to Sheila's work with the transition program her vision allowed students to take leadership roles in many charitable Innovations additionally she received the woman who should be famous on the Katie kurick show in 2013 as a transitions coordinator she she became the go-to for all things post high school life she met with all our special education seniors learning more about each of their goals for the future then found information and ways to make their aspirations a reality if a student wanted to be a vet tech or a chef Sheila would certainly find out the program and the latest on those occupations finally her relationship with colleagues was also very important to her at department meetings she always spoke up and asked questions trying to help her peers her passion expertise and kindness have left an indelible mark on all of us we will miss her presence dearly and daily we take solace in knowing that her influence will continue to resonate with us for many years to come her Legacy will continue to inspire and guide us in our mission to Foster more inclusive and compassionate worlds for our students with disabilities this is not just the end of a career but the culmination of a journey marked by dedication empathy and unwavering commitment to her students and again on a personal note Sheila has been someone in this District that I've not only known and loved but admired and revered she's she's exactly what I described and we will miss her dearly she has been instrumental in making our special services programs what they are today um and we can't thank her enough for everything that she's done for us but we wish her nothing but the best in her retirement I know she has much to do with her grandchildren and she's looking forward to it thank you Dr okay so moving along number 10 and 11 as well as 33 which you can find on page 20 in the addendum we're asking you as we always do to hire new certificated non-certificated staff for this school year number 12 which you can find page 21 we're asking to also approve the transfer some non-certificated staff for this school year number 18 we're asking you to uh approve staff to perform science tutoring at the middle school you can find that in page 22 number 19 which you can find on page 23 we're asking you to proove staff to work in the advanced placement summer boot camp from July 1st uh through August 1st on an as-needed basis and that of course is dependent on Roman number 20 we're also asking you to to approve uh staff to perform summer IEP work it's crazy that we're already talking about the summer you can find that on page 23 and you can see the attachment and number 25 and number 26 you find the addendums we're asking to approve the suspension with pay for two employees and 27 through 29 uh which you can also find the addendum we're asking you to approve the ter of three employees and that in concludes my report okay thank you okay we'll now need uh board approval or agenda items please second Miss Hill M Mrs napalitano and Mr Callahan Mr Callahan yes Mr Esposito yes Mr Fernandez yes Mrs napalitano yes Mrs pone yes Miss pylo yes uh Mr Walsh yes and Mrs Blom yes okay uh we will now open to public for any items that anyone would like to discuss please come to the microphone state your name and your address and let us hear what you have to say good evening my name is jeie dine I'm a resident of sville and a parent and I want to briefly speak about and make a request about policy 5756 one of my concerns about policy 5756 is that the school staff keeps it confidential if a child changes their name and or gender as young as the age of five so the school will notify a parent if their child is sick or gets into a fight at school but does not notify a parent If the child changes their name and or gender in addition the school creates a separate file under the student's new name and the child's parents have no knowledge that this other file even exists as a parent I find this very alarming and I would therefore like to request that this sville Board of Education bring to a vote the resining of policy 5756 thank you for your time thank you good evening I'm following her suit my name is Kim Lindley I'm a former sah resident former special education teacher and 57 I just wanted to do compare and contrast with 5756 with furpa and file 5756 like she was saying gives the student the ability to make their decisions and there's a variety of stages as which we know the students are versus elementary middle school and high school and um the elementary student one of their favorite people are their teachers they're with them all day and their parent and um another thing is it's amazing how with that that the student can could you just St back a little bit you're popping I'm sorry I a problem okay is that better okay so what I'm concerned about is that the student is able to make that um choice and decision and then go to the principal and then you know have a conversation with the parent If the child deems so however it seems to contrast with the furo law with the family education rights and Privacy Act where the parent is able to change rights and the records so when a teacher is beginning and I mentioned this before I just felt it was very important to re re um regurgitate this is because communication lines are imperative as a teacher and a parent because it's been proven in facts and articles have been written about um the significant increase in their math and reading scores with parent involvement you know lack of absenteeism um classroom management skills and if you're having a classroom not go to open house which I went to all my kids how do I know now if this policy is in place I know the policy how do I know that my child by whatever design um child's choice there's not a file separated on it like where how do I begin how do I trust and I brought my kids to school and I went to where I taught and I thought everybody is on the same game plan however you know it takes a community it takes we the people to be be involved in our in our um in our writings and our laws especially with our students and people need to take time it's tiring however it's well worth it you know and it's a lot of responsibility on people that are here sitting you know and um the separate file like I don't understand it's really difficult to comprehend and with the 5756 it says parents are eligible to have the rights is that to have the rights to inspect and review the students educational records maintained by the schools schools are not required to provide copies for reasons I'm just going to skip because the time it's impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records schools May charge fees parents are eligible to have rights to request at school correct records which they believe to be interactor or misleading right then and there is that my time yes okay thank you very much for your time I appreciate it and I'm sorry if I be bopped when thank you anyone else from public hi my name is Jamaya Mars um I'm currently a student at the cille high school um and a resident of srao um so I have been in correspondence with Dr Labby as well as the principal Mr gusky um regarding our observance of June team so juneth if you don't know is considered Independence Day for the black community um it's similar to the Fourth of July which is the Independence Day of America um and the 4th of July is observed on the fourth of July every year and I feel as if juneth should be considered to should be observed on June 19th as well um so I'm proposing um I'm proposing thing to have the last day of school be June 21st and move graduation to that to that day as well and allow the half day on June team to be represented as um an observance of juneth uh for several reasons brought up by my peers um such as summer jobs start June 24th for many because they anticipated school being over on the 21st um if we keep the if we keep the half day on Wednesday then we will have our 180 days as required by the state um it will boost student morale into school on a Friday you know uh and the heat is absolutely atrocious in the building especially in June um students can finish the school year by the end of the week to avoid a three-day disruption um more family members have a better opportunity of attending graduation on a Friday night rather than a Monday night since they will have work the next day and it would be convenient for families traveling from out of state to be able to attend on a Friday night as well um the field will already be set up because of the Middle School graduation a day prior so that's you know less work for those who have to set up the the field um staff can have the week to finalize grades collect dues collect Chromebooks and other in of the Year responsibilities and attendance may be an issue for the underclassmen if the last day is a Monday especially with not having school on a Friday um I hope you take these reasons into consideration and reconsider the 2324 calendar um I have also created a survey which gives feedback from my peers regarding juneth and the end of the year um and I appreciate if you could review my survey and approve for it to be distributed to the middle school and the high school thank you thank you hello my name is Ron Mack I want to thank you for your service to sville and this school board I know it's h you could be doing other things tonight so thank you very much for the time you put in and what you're talking about with the students here um I'm going to talk on 5756 the most famous policy all across New Jersey uh Roxbury res sended it last night one in a long number of schools that are resending it you have not resented it yet um I live in Oldbridge um I'm a member of the noted traveling group I traveled a whole 4.8 miles from my house to get here tonight um let me say that as Americans we are bound by the Constitution in fact I have one here in my hand is the first article is the only reason that we here and doing this tonight without that we wouldn't be the first article in the New Jersey open public meetings act guarantees that even if you are not from inside the town you do have a right to speak here uh the truth is that many of us were asked by residents of zville and friends of ours to be here um let me say that there's no such thing also as separation of church and state in here you can read it in a half hour uh there's no such thing um and if you can find it I'll give you $100 but it's not in there um the separation of church and state is fiction it's not in there however we would uh this page 21 is the first amendment um Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof AB Bridging the freedom of uh Speech who sets the standards in any Community it's the community that does we are the community I would like to request that the sville Board of Education uh bring to a vote the resending of policy 5756 it is requested that the vote be consummated before the November 5th election we want to let every Board of Education member declare publicly where they stand on 5756 thank you thank you thank you anyone else from public my name is Jennifer Woodruff and I am a resident of marbor um I thank you very much for your personal time for the benefit of the District of sville and mostly the children it is appreciated I'm here to voice my opposition to 5756 the policy because it is a bad policy and it is endangering our vulnerable children I can't control the internet social media ontime influencers and predators but I can do my part by voicing my concern at a school board meeting when there is a bad policy that needs to be rescinded it doesn't matter that I live in another town down what matters is the safety of all children we are affirming a lie and in many instances we are celebrating it a child can't change its gender no matter how they identify themselves or how many cross sex hormones they take or how many surgeries they undergo Society has pressured us to go along with this ideology and be silent for fear of the backlash being called the transphobe or hateful nothing is further from the truth I have compassion for these kids mostly for the girls because they are the most affected I don't want these young girls making a mistake that they will regret the rest of their lives studies show that this gender confusion occurs primarily with girls and pops up in their pre-teen and AD adolescent years with no signs of this confusion in their younger years the influencers of this movement are social media platforms like Tik Tok Tumblr and Instagram they make it very enticing to the children that are in an awkward stage in their lives who just want to fit in to be popular to be part of a group many of these confused kids have suffered a traumatic event in their lives including sexual assault many are on the autism spectrum or have a history of depression and many have Eating Disorders the problem most often is not gender confusion something else is going on which needs to be addressed with proper therapy by those people who are qualified in this area and with the support of the child's parents when a school affirms this change in gender identity it doesn't help the child instead it encourages their confused State and brings on more anxiety experience shows that a longer a child socially identifies as another gender the chances are much higher that they will continue down that path first with the puberty blockers then to the cross- seex hormones and then irreversible surgeries if the child's left alone the child will most likely outgrow the confusion by the time they're 18 the 5756 policy does not require a mental health diagnosis of gender dysphoria be met when a child wants to socially transition in school nor does it require notification to the child's parents every professional medical organization encourages if not insists upon careful evaluation assessment by a professional health provider with parental input to be part of the assessment process okay okay thank you all right thank you for your time thank you please resend the policy anyone else from public we'll look back on it in be Happ of good evening Dan Finn Aberdine father of five grandfather of five retired naval officer of 30 Years first thank you like the others mentioned uh your service to this community is is appreciated and I know what a lot of responsibility and hard work uh of service it is nobody with a shred of in ual honesty can say that this policy offers a benefit or protection that is not already afforded Elsewhere for Trans kids and certainly not the 99% in fact it does alienate causes division confusion and is flat out harmful for a lot of reasons lying to kids about the fantasy of changing Sexes as a solution to gender dysphoria or that they can create their own gender is grotesque lying to parents or teaching kids it is okay to lie to parents is diabolical and if you undermine parents in this one area you undermine parental Authority roles and responsibility in every other area and affirming or celebrating a well-documented me mental illness without question without diagnosis or any other criteria is incomprehensible furthermore the policy demands we all affirm them affirm is synonymous with encourage and other similar words and folks that's pure indoctrination most of these kids don't even have a clinical or deep-seated gender dysphoria rather it is born out of social contagion online influence and now our local schools if not stopped in fact that is the only possible explan ation for the thousands of percent increase in just a few short years this is an agenda fueled movement encouraging kids down this path and people need to understand who is behind this movement if you don't stand in the gap for these kids many are going to be harmed emotionally and physically and some of them are going to be suing the adults involved later on and that is already happening by the way how in the world is it appropriate to put any teacher or staff in this position to practice medicine because that's what it is and involve themselves completely outside the Wheelhouse of public education my mother was a teacher I can't even imagine what she would have to say about this some are worried about lawsuits but the truth is the frivolous lawsuits from the state are not the ones you need to be worried about please exercise your responsibility and authority and take back local control and please don't wait to be one of the last ones to do the right thing thank you very very much thank you anyone else from public hello my name's Alice I'm from Colts snack New Jersey and I do thank you all for taking the time to come out on a Tuesday night I know it's a lot but I will um stand up again and speak about policy 5756 have a little further anything you're because it's just it's fuzzing over okay can you but can you hear me okay all right um so um I work at a a mammoth County high school and I'm a teacher in high school there and last year there were five students who identified I think I said last time um with changing their pronouns and identified with um identifying with a a different gender than their birth gender and then I started to investigate and understand what's going on at first I wanted to kind of ignore it because I said you know let people do what they want to do I don't really want to get involved but I felt um a lot of teachers were retiring and that is important for me if the opportunity comes up that I want to tell the truth um and and I need to be allowed to do that but so I've then after investigating further and understanding that um students are really um you want to protect them because a lot of people have been detransitioning and I just read a study today that said 98% of the students identifying as a different gender are now um this was from National overview um are I now by the time they're an adult they change back to the gender so I believe as people have mentioned before that it's a social contagion and I want to tell you personally um that at my school because I was um close friends with the secretary to the superintendent that last year um there were five students as I said who had changed their pronounce this year a hundred students in September were identifying as non binary meaning that they are something other than the traditional roles of the traditional gender roles I do believe it's coming from a popularity a social as we said social contagion but the future holds um you know this is growing and it's a Chic thing um now so I only have 40 seconds but um I wanted to say that I was a tomboy when I was a kid and um I you know climbed trees played with frogs caught fish did all the played with dinosaurs and sand and everything all the traditional stuff and I'm thankful that I didn't grow up today because my family and everyone affirmed I was a girl but nowadays people are thinking that maybe there's something wrong with me and other people are saying well you can be what you want to be I just am here to stand up and protect for protection of the kids to not mislead them down a road that is going to ultimately hurt them um and possibly if they make changes regret for the rest of their life okay thank you so much and I ask to you to appeal um 5756 thank you thank you anyone else from public hello um my name is Carolyn Mack and I drove the forign point8 miles with my husband as part of the traveling group um we're here because we do care about the kids I am a mom of four and a grandmother of five and um whether they uh these children learning this live in Oldbridge or sayerville um they're equally important and we believe all children have value um I I'm I think it's unfortunate now that we have because of the uh social contagion um uh we have lgbtq uh plus plus and cisgender if you don't associate as that and uh I think it's a detriment to the kids that we now have these labels uh so I think that is um um downside of one of the things 5756 has introduced um not that it wasn't there before but it just kind of cements it um and and we've heard a lot about uh D transitioners I just wanted to tell you about one that I ran across uh Helena kersner a 23-year-old D transitioner from Cincinnati Ohio who was born a biological female and first felt gender dysphoric at age 14 she says that Tumblr sites filled with transgender activist content spurred her transition um and this this is a quote I was going through a period where I was just really isolated at school so I turned to the internet she recalled in her real life she had a falling out with friends at school online however she found a community that welcomed her my dysphoria was definitely triggered by this online community I never thought about my gender or had a problem with being a girl before going on Tumblr then she also says this is a quote there was a lot of negativity around being a CIS heterosexual white girl and I took those messages really really personally and then she also said that um the online trans Community made her feel pressured to change gender so what's happening in school with these uh websites um is a lot of pressure to um um to not be cisgender and to be accepted to identif ify with the lb lgbtq um so we think that the uh policy 5756 uh does a disservice to the children as a whole uh whether they're kindergarten uh through 12th grade and I also would like to appeal to you to take a a close look at it it does deserve your scrutiny um and to uh put it up for a vote um before the uh November elections thank you thank you anybody else from public my name is Geral Mago I'm uh from the Dolores Turco Foundation um located we're located in Neptune uh our foundation as I mentioned last time is to protect children from abuse and exploitation uh and we believe every human being is created in the image of God so we do not discriminate for any reason uh anyone for any reason um last time I talked about the um legal and and the laws today I'd like to talk about the research um so I'm on a national Co Coalition that developed optimal standards for K through 12 um students in sexual education and the top Professionals in sex education agree that marriage is the optimal standard uh for education of children children parents are the most protective fact could you just step back a little bit CU you're popping thank you okay sorry parents are the most protective Factor uh in preventing risky behaviors for their children and separating parents from their children makes them more vulnerable to Predators New Jersey is a hub for sex trafficking rated the sixth in the nation for the largest number of victims and half of all sex traffi victims are children and the average age they become involved is 12 um according to Tim Ballard uh the same tactics that pedophile networks are using are now being promoted in schools separate children from parents um sexualize them let them see pornography take God out of education and then let them consent to dangerous lifechanging surgeries which makes it easier to accept a child consenting to sex when in fact he or she is being raped and exploited a goal of the World Health Organization is to normalize and legalize pedophilia uh most of the other comments I've heard before just two other scientific um some evidence um that really is defies these policies is there is scientific evidence shows that cross- seex Medical Treatments are harmful and I think you've heard that the transition or suicide claim I'm not sure if you heard this one um that parents must choose between a live a transon or a dead daughter a vice versa is not supported by scientific evidence in fact the most landmark case uh study over 30 years has shown that those um patients that have transgendered were 19 times more likely to kill themselves commit suicide than the regular population um just a couple of other facts that I'd like to bring to your attention uh there is no scientific research showing that children benefit from being taught in school about sexuality transgender identity homosexuality or any of that um in fact it contributes to uh Norm izes sex anal sex porn promotes contraception contributes to STDs you may not be aware that there are 20 million new cases of STDs every year and half are from children uh uh kids and young adults ages 15 to 24 I have more comments but I guess that's thank you for the opportunity um and thank you for your service thank you anyone else from public hi Jah um so this is not what I'm here for but um after hearing everybody I just want to make this point very clear that um getting rid of that I feel like would do more harm then good um and if they don't feel comfortable with talking to their parents about it and they do feel comfortable about talking to you know teachers and guidance counselors who they spend Mo majority of their time with then I think I think that that should be respected it's their choice and in this day and age people do things that they feel they need to do and sometimes they feel like they need to do it from themselves so I feel like taking this privacy away from them would do them more harm and than good and a lot of the facts are because of the fact that they're not being accepted by their families um and their Community about who they want to be and who they think they should be that's all I have to say thank you thank you anyone else from public okay seeing none we'll close public can we take a vote public Public's closed closed okay we're done okay um do we need a response from Dr lbby please I want to make a response too I just want to first of all jamah great job I want to comment a little bit on jah's initial public comment with regard to the calendar Jamay I expressed to the board earlier today how incredibly impressed I was with the email that you sent me earlier not only your persuasive writing skills which are exemplary but your your your great advocacy I was just just so impressed with everything about what you sent me and jamaah you inspired us if you didn't notice on the 2024 2025 calendar we changed that calendar because of you so juneth is going to be celebrated next year in the June 24th and 25th calendar um on the 19th and moving forward it will be on the 19th because of you yay thank you thank you so much and jamaa this is Eileen pbone Skyla's mom you really did hey how you doing you really did make a difference because I have asked them to change that date four times and I have been refused so very good work there thank you and just to make a comment about the school year um this school year it we're we're already approaching may we only have 13 we have 13 days that we have to work with in June because of that and because of how important juneth is jamah I would never ever consider making that half day I would never ever consider making kids come in on such an important holiday I wouldn't do that for Memorial Day I wouldn't do that for Veterans Day I'm certainly not going to do it for juneth so I know that you want it you want to get out a little bit earlier believe me I don't think there's any staff member including myself or students in the district that want to end that school year a little bit earlier but to do so by taking a half day on juneth or the day we celebrate juneth is is not the way to do it um so we we are going to can we are going to move forward with the 24th and but I will say this in seille we go to school our students go to school 181 days and everyone knows that we used up all three of our snow days but I have decided now ask the board in the 2023 2024 calendar to forgive one day so that's why we're going 180 days so we're forgiving one day for students and actually two days for staff with this 2023 2024 revision so I hear you I too would love to be able to end the school year on June 21st but I won't do that by making a holiday such as juneth a half day where kids have to come in during it so but nonetheless I do applaud you for your leadership and your advocacy and your incredible way of communicating inspiring and you did inspire me and you did Inspire this board so great job Dr lby do you want to address anything else at this time no okay so we'll see you with graduation on the 24th okay anything from anybody else um yes I would like to say that um for the traveling visitors whatever they want to call themselves um you know I don't think that kids come out of transgendered children because they want to be popular it actually uh gives them that subjects them to ridicule mockery and a lot of the things that you actually said all of you yourselves so um you know your message is definitely not one that I would like to I'm inspired by and it even makes me more determined to protect the children of seille because that's the only town that I represent and um you know I think you really need to change your message that's it thank you anybody else yeah um I like to just say that the rotary and support of the great bomber Cafe on April 2nd held a free coffee day where we bought everyone coffee unfortunately Dr AG didn't show up to to for our little coffee drinking competition but I did have a few too many coffees that day um that's it and if you haven't been to the cafe it looks incredible we opened it up a little bit more so you got to get down there and see the renovations that we made to it and uh kudos to Mr naster and Mr colenburg for working together it looks beautiful Mr comberger great work as always great job and I think should also be noted that Jimmy and and uh team did this all in in a week um dur during our time off so that was an incredible job everyone did pulled together and uh by the way the the sofa got there just in time for our free coffee day so I think you know how I love sit there there's a big surprise coming up with uh the bers be arm program so well just going to tease it now and you'll find out soon okay with that oh you he wants to throw DAV go ahead give it away though Mr Comm we're just getting started okay anybody else franchise okay take motion to close please motion to adjourn second anybody oppos weour just click the whole time