evening we'll call to order the June 18th meeting of the saal Board of Education please rise to pledge the plag i al to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Miss Hill roll call please Mr Callahan here Mr Esposito here Mr Fernandez here Mrs Napolitano here Mrs pone here miss pylo here Mr Smith here Mr Walsh and Mrs Bloom here miss Hill will you summarize executive session please the board discussed Personnel including but not limited to agenda items grievances latest to the sville Education Association matters falling under attorney client privilege negotiations related to the teamsters and the superintendent evaluation was on the agenda but not discussed okay do we have any correspondents missil no I need a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting so move second okay so that was Mr Smith and Mrs napalitano I'll get nope Mr Callahan Mr esito thank you Mr Fernandez yes Mrs napalitano yes Mrs Pabon yes Miss pyck yes Mr Smith yes and Mrs Bloom yes okay and now we move to my favorite part our student council Representatives Sean what do you have for us tonight thank you good evening board here are the events that have been happening at s SW MHS over the past weeks jrc Cadets visited the USS baton during fet week in Manhattan the international Society visited the Philadelphia Art Museum on May 24th the swmhs Odyssey of the mine team competed in the OM World Finals at Iowa State University our team consisting of Daniel Johnson Abdullah Khan quinua lilan heidleberg Jaye Lee and Marissa Mandela placed ninth in the world congratulations to our talented team members who transformed a problem into a performance the senior trip to Disney World took place at the end of May it really is Indescribable how magical that was thank you to all the sble staff who worked tirelessly to produce a trip that was WorryFree and enjoyable for everyone students participated in a D-Day remembrance assembly held by Mr Howard and Fred block from the Patriotic flags of sville organization Mr Block Illustrated the tremendous impact that D-Day had on the future of the entire world and encouraged students to discover the live experiences of veterans to preserve history into the future the seniors held prom on June 7th at the Imperia the Dance Floor was filled the entire night thank you to the staff at admin and the class of 2024 officers and advisers for putting on such a great event congratulations to all the seniors who were celebrated during the senior Awards night and keep making seral proud Giana Roman was awarded outstanding performer in a female supporting role during the paper mill Playhouse rising star awards for her role as May tuck during the SW MHS spring musical Tuck Everlasting and last week seniors visited their elementary schools and middle school during the parade of graduates moving on to sports I would like to congratulate Junior Will Lewis for winning gold at the njsi AA group four championships in pville on June 8th will win on the place top 20 in the njs I AA meet of Champions congratulations and we can't wait to see what you have in store for next year in terms of upcoming events the year is winding down at this point cordeles are continuing this week and fbaa and TSA are traveling to Orlando for National competitions but besides that all that awaits s swmhs is graduation and summer vacation and that's all I have for you for past events M Mrs blo I have a question first of all a comment uh I was at part of the D-Day remembrance assembly was great U Mr BL did a fantastic job but you happen to know Mr Block give him a pat on the shoulder he did a wonderful job he was very engaging with the kids um the kids ask some good questions too with regard to it so great presentation number two this is a question um I you went to the prom obviously right of course I did what was your go-to dance move it's got to be I'm a little old school you have to hit the sprinkler that's what I did in my prom you have to you hit the mashed potato and then the spr it transcends time really it transcends time you you can't go wrong with it you can hit it on every beat for every [Laughter] song Sean you've been spending I forgot my third question I actually have a secret picture of Sean danc great job Sean I will show you later I didn't have my phone the last time I saw him but I do have a picture I can't believe you would took the sprinkler too he was having maybe I've been spending too much time with you guys that might be it it's a a year coming to the board you you've ruined them do I I think I might have I'm sorry Mrs Burns and I would just like to thank you all for the opportunity for coming here every couple of Tuesdays to give these presentations it really did develop my speaking skills to another level and it allowed me to see a different side of local politics with all of you cuz you all really are amazing people this is not politics this is education let's say education politics it allowed me to see a different side of people who are helping our community every day so I'd like to thank all of you for doing this in your free time and coming out here and supporting our education so thank you thank you Sean and I do I do remember now my third question come on so the parade of graduates which elementary school did you go to I actually didn't go to this District in elementary scho you went to samel no I went to a small little Catholic school and then did you go to middle school or you just go right from high school straight to here okay did you go anyways for with no I did not go you should have gone I was thinking about going up to random teachers being like hey you remember me but I I thought that would be place they' be like oh yeah want you by third grade club and then lastly I'd just like to reintroduce my successor this is Morgan Co would you like to say a few words to the board for what you have upcoming next year Morgan okay I was here in eighth grade so most of you probably remember me and I'm excited to do this again sophomore year and hopefully my next two years in high school yay all right you going to September I'll be going to Ruckers New Brunswick what you uh I'm going to do historypolitical science for my major yeah cool I know where you're heading you're GNA be you're going to be the next Jesse work so maybe we'll see we'll see what happens yeah no I got you I'm just GNA keep talking I can see it I can definitely see it well thank you for your uh commentary that you gave to us you were very entertaining and I wish you all the luck in your career thanks for having me yeah thank you all right Ashton okay Ashton good evening Board of Education members and administrators my name is Ashton Pondel SMS student council Board of Education representative the SMS student council attended the njasc spring awards at Six Flags Great Adventures on Wednesday May 29th they received an award for raising $2,000 for the hugs for Brady Foundation the 24- 25 student coun council elections were held last week the 24 Stu 25 student council is eager to get started the student council advisers Miss Lynch and Miss Alexander would like to thank Laura Mia zoee Alyssa Ashton and the 2324 student council representatives for their time and energy this year they would like to wish the eighth graders good luck in high school and stay involved the summer this summer The SM SMS FBLA will attend the national leadership conference with 20 students competing the students and misset want to thank the board of education for their support and hope to bring home another National Championship attention all fall athletes please remember to register on the athletic website for the upcoming season and all paperwork must be submitted no later than July 18th that's it that's it short to the point thank you so much for this year Ashton what are you planning on doing next year um any any clubs Sports I was going to do student council again definitely I was going to join fbl and do a lot of sports fantastic nice great job buddy thank you nice so enjoy your summer I'm not sure if you guys are aware but but um we also take the opportunity not only to recognize the amazing students that are here for some of the other presentations but the last Board of Education meeting we also take the time to recognize you and as some of our board members have already expressed to you we can't thank you enough for coming out every Tuesday every Tuesday evening when you've got homework to do or your friends want to hang out you're coming to a Board of Education meeting to give a valuable report it's important that our Board of Education members know the pulse of our schools particularly our middle school and high school and you guys have done a fabulous job throughout this entire year of giving them in essence a day in the life of what it's like in the high school and in the middle school and Sean you definitely got a career in broadcasting buddy your voice your style your confidence it it's truly amazing and Ashton you too and what's amazing is the two of you fed off each other quite well I recommend you do a podcast together if you do I'm definitely going to be the first person to subscribe but you guys the the the attention to detail that you put in your reports the thoroughness the sincerity it was be off beyond our expectations and off the charts and we can't thank you enough so we took the time to get you both a plaque so you guys don't mind joining me up at the post [Applause] [Applause] so Sean and Ashton we can't thank you enough for your outstanding service to the saille Board of Education the sville public schools and the Greater seille Community for your leadership and your dedication and moreover your sparkling personalities every Tuesday evening thank you guys very much for everything [Applause] [Music] oh good job guys okay president's comments well as the gentleman said there's a lot going on it's the end of the school year there are Banquets there are proms I've been out more in the past 3 weeks than I've been out in the past three years but I love every minute of it to be with the kids and to share with them their special time and they're always so receptive which is wonderful um but I also have a couple of other things that I wanted to mention that we have uh a new head football coach who has gotten the team involved in community service and they cleaned up some graffiti at One Park so thank you coach poor for doing that and for getting our young men involved in the community I also want to mention that I happen to be in the high school and I was in the art room my old art room and they have new tables it only has been 30 years but they have new tables so I'm very excited to share that Miss Grim now has new tables that won't be catching her clothes on the edges and the kid and you approved those purchases I certainly did course I knew we needed new tables okay thank you Miss Napolitano okay congratulations to the seral W High School turn your mic on oh sorry congratulations to the seral wal High School ceramic art students Natalie Borowitz Alissa Downey and rapael pereria whose ceramic artwork was on display at the gallery space at the no's Art Garage in Atlantic City congratulations to the saal WM High School band for earning the top rating during the high note music festival in Marboro they received a rating of superior which is the highest rating offered by the festival after performing a concert band selection drum line Cadence and a rousing patriotic me uh medal medley that featured the colard congratulations to Cindy Gallagher secretary to the principal at the samsel upper elementary school for winning the Monclair State University boxy award for outstanding achievement in Period fantasy costume design for musical for last year's musical production of The Little Mermaid congratulations to seral W M high school student and theater Society member Gianna Roman for winning the 2024 Papermill Playhouse Rising Star outstanding performer in a female identified supporting role award for her performance in the springs musical production of Tuck Everlasting congratulations to the New Jersey Champion seral War Memorial High School Odyssey of the Mind problem 5 team consisting of Quinn Guera Lillian huberg Jane Lee Marissa Mandola Daniel Johnson and Abdul Khan for earning Ninth Place in the world for their problem rocking World de detour during the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals last week at Iowa State University congratulations to the Ser W High School junior Risha Shaw who was recently awarded the New Jersey state Governor's volunteerism award in the youth in service category which recognizes the exceptional efforts of groups and individuals across New Jersey congratulations to Truman element school students aelia Haynes and aaig from Miss gu Med's class whose artwork was selected to be printed in the middle sex County annual safety activity books congratulations to the saal War Memorial High School senior Josephine nardy who is the recipient of the class of 2024 sabered Corporation scholarship this competitive award is $2,500 4year renewable college scholarship congratulations to arleth elementary school student Autumn Anthony who won the Christ Church of South Amboy who do you celebrate this Father's Day and Y contests congratulations to Don Co cuky par professional for being awarded the International Leadership award for outstanding service to the Lions Club International congratulations to S War World High School baseball team players Tom shellene Jake romanello and Mike Robinson who was selected to the all grade of midis conference GMC white division team and congratulations to Will Lewis from the saille War Memorial High School boys track and field team for winning the New Jersey state inter Scholastic Athletic Association group four pole volt championship and that is it excellent job thank you Miss na Lieutenant okay Dr Lappy are we ready for our presentation we certainly are Mrs Bloom and we mentioned it during the last meeting that these last two Board of Education meetings are probably the most meaningful for the entire school year because these are the dates that we get a chance to recognize first our incredible staff back in May but now our amazing students and their incredible accomplishments this year so we have a number of Administrators that took the time to be here and I can't thank them enough for doing so moreover we have most of our student recipients here and again please accept my gratitude um and also please extend that to your parents cuz I know we have many parents here that are out here to support you so we can't thank you enough it's taking the time on a very hot steamy Tuesday by the way I just told Mr colburg to turn up the AC a little bit um to to be here with us this evening so let's kick things off in our celebration of our students our amazing students here in sville with recognition of our sville War Memorial High School top 10 students our thank you give a hand our our middle sex County School boards Association unsung hero [Applause] recipients and our middle sex County secondary principal Student of the Year recipient so if I could ask Miss solola Mr gusky Mrs Bloom and Mrs napalitano to join me at the podium we cic is going to be should be they okay okay I think Lucy's going to do these right they're not all here I think this is all okay just just these okay good evening everyone I am so honored to present to you our top 10 in the class of 2024 I'm going to start with our number 10 student Reva [Applause] barbaria our number nine student Bianca [Applause] [Applause] lowski number eight Christy [Applause] Garcia number seven shria meta number six Shaquille ashrafi Shaquille couldn't be with us this evening Mr gusy will accept on his yes thank you number five ruie Patel again ruie was unable to join us this evening Mr gluski you're up number four uh um once again for the second year in a row we have a set of twins in our top 10 so exced family for sure so number four we have amole [Applause] Patel and number three amama Patel and our number two salutatorian shria Patel shria was unable to join us this evening I'll accept her okay salor or valid dictorian also unable to join us oh Mr Dr Lobby you'd like to accept that one only chance I okay okay so Jay Desai AKA Dr lby and I just want to thank this is every year I say it the top 10 there's such a great group of kids I really really mean that every single year this this group of students is outstanding they are just the nicest most wonderful 10 students you ever want to meet and um it wasn't mentioned it was in Dr Lobby's talk suit but they presented for us uh this week uh to our Juniors and they did a workshop our top 10 did to help our Juniors jump start their College and Career planning so just an outstanding group of students hopefully they'll come back and share their experiences with our future classes but congratulations [Applause] [Music] what reason yeah pretty impressive to see all um please give another big hand to our top the other two are here I'm gonna speak again I'm back Mr gohus is making me speak so we we also are honored uh to present to you two of our uh one Junior and one senior uh unsung heroes um I don't I don't I'm I'm hoping they're here lilan heidleberg our Junior Lillian well okay we could clap for and Reva is here Reva babaria our senor [Applause] [Applause] should be I'm gonna read what I [Music] stay with me Donna and I usually attached at the hip at the high school so she's going to stay with me so um support the middlex County secondary principal secretary principes Association um student of the year and I'm going to read what I read at the dinner about four weeks ago his name is Travis gastone so I I let off at saying meet Travis gastone a remarkable young man a senior student at seril War more High School who embodies the true essence of Versatility not only he is he a talented football player unfortunately sbed this past season within the injury but he also takes center stage in theater Productions with his captivating performances stealing the hearts of the audience his passion for the Arts is matched by his dedication to sports as he has actively participated in track and field bowling lacrosse throughout his high school career Beyond his impressive extracurricular acties what truly sets Travis apart is his outstanding character as a student a solid student he's known for his kindness empathy and unwavering support for his peers family teachers and defly administrators I appreciate that my friend Travis's love for seral w Royal High School is nurtured by his amazing family who have always encouraged him to pursue his dreams and embrace his exceptional talents this year server wmor High School midix County secondary principales associat and student of the year Travis [Applause] Caston y y we okay just a little added story when Travis got his award at the uh the dinner about a month ago he had to go to the men's room and then at the same time they called his name and he showed up in the front of the room and just said I'm here that's the personality and character that he has congratulations kiddo [Applause] and as was mentioned earlier we have several state champions that we're recognizing this evening but one of the state championship teams that we're recognizing this evening came in ninth in the world and that is our Odyssey of the Mind team so to help us share our recognition for them is Mrs mccab here from The Odyssey of the M team Mrs M can you come to the podium as well as uh Mr Callan can you join her too um there were six students in problem five um that competed this year four were unable to attend this evening but um two that are here we just received our state championship banner and our trophy recently so I brought it with them so they can take a picture with it because they're very excited about it wonderful the two students that are here are Marissa Mandola and Abdullah Khan [Applause] [Laughter] pi cic it's too we can't no pressure hold the sign the phone the certificate smile it's it's great I know that's great J it so something special that we take great pride in here in sville is the fact that we have so many multi-lingual multi- linguistically fluent students and several years ago how many years ago Mrs nine six six years ago the Department of Education decided to recognize students that were fluent in more than one language and we are so proud to announce to you that we have again for the sixth straight year close to a dozen students who we can proudly say are fluent in more than one language and we are recognizing them this evening and they actually get a seal that goes on their diploma it's called the Seal of by literacy I don't want to steal any more of their Thunder but miss grman our director of curriculum instruction in grades 3 through five and Miss caero are English um language English language arts supervisor as well as multilanguage learner supervisor is here now to give out those tassels as well as our certificates and joining them is Mr [Applause] Fernandez want to say anything about I Haven okay right our first student to be honored tonight is Ruby [Applause] Alba we'd also like to honor anela [Applause] oroch right Yousef goodban congratulations no they Ruby Alba they weren oh she's not here yeah it's okay we have more um we also have Maria Lima who is not here this evening Meredith Mendoza [Applause] [Music] Hernandez Amani Nasser who could not join us this [Applause] evening shria Patel who also could not join us this evening is here sorry ammani is here rostislav [Applause] pishka conratulations Avon Marie Ramos [Applause] congratulations two languages so yes Ivan French and Spanish ivanne she's TR yes and Anna Susa Anna here [Applause] congratulations so the languages that are represented here are Spanish French Portuguese Ukrainian and yeah and multiple um for Ivonne who earned it in French and Spanish so congratulations so I'm gonna I'm doing my best Barb Barker the Braes are eight impersonation here I want I do thank you Mr caero for identifying some of the languages but I'd like our students to identify outside of English what other language they're fluent in um so I come from Tunisia and there we speak French and Arabic so I'm fluent in both I just missed the date of the test to take an Arabic three languages give them a big hand Spanish Spanish big hand speak Spanish and I studied Italian but they don't have that test Spanish and Italian but they don't have that test yet give her a big hand Ukrainian and a bit polish wow Ukrainian what bit polish bit polish three languages great job Spanish and French wow Portuguese Portuguese all right parents you like picture tighten them up scoot together [Laughter] kids there you go there you go [Music] wow not I've in high school I could not now I'm like now I'm like a speed now I'm four fingers and that's it all right we're also celebrating some outstanding student athletes we just went ahead and celebrated and recognized some students for their work in the classroom now we're going to celebrate some student athletes for the work in the classroom as well as on the field and we have four teams here this evening that won GMC division championships let's begin first with our girls lacrosse team who are the GMC white division Champions and Mrs babone could you please join Mrs Carmelo up at the podium and by the way I hope you hear it first here Mrs charmello is the GMC coach of the year for girls she rocks [Applause] yes okay first up we have Kiron [Applause] ay good job Karina cardoso congratulations thank you Olivia charmello congratulations Gian gitlet shayon handy [Music] [Applause] congratulations thank you McKenzie Hastings Natalia Hernandez congratulations okay fingers crossed on this next one Carolina Janovich no McKenzie Keegan Amelia leano Sheridan [Applause] markowski congratulations Samantha Marley oh s congratulations Abigail [Applause] mayor Jordan [Applause] mner killed it sorry Giana Novak There She Goes yeah Bianca Milner sorry sorry Jordan I combined the two of you Madison Oliver Brianna pandolfo Jessica Sasso go slow Jess congratulations Alysa Shriver annaya Sparks Riley tuman Ry and Lily zakreski see want to say anything we're good well can we how many years have we been playing varsity lacrosse four think about that they've only been playing varsity four years and is this our first championship or our second and they've won two championships out of the four years that they've been playing VAR City lacrosse amazing so Mrs Bloom is going to arrange you guys so we take a picture parents come on up if you like crunch in turn [Music] sideways call her you're taller than all of us come on any other here tonight don't get yeah there we go all right can we [Music] say onor on get sad it is yeah my daughter's graduating Thursday another big hand for thanks yeah and if you didn't think we became a lacrosse Community our second team that we're honoring are the boys lacrosse team who also won a GMC white division championship so Mr Callahan is going to join Mr Ivy and his assistant coaches up at the podium and by the way Mr Ivy is this year's GMC white division coach of the year as [Applause] well thank you very much we only have a handful here trying to Wrangle teenage boys for a board meeting is like find to Wrangle teenage boys for a board meeting so I'm going to call them up again thank you to my coaches though thank you Matt VOR and Tyler Snak uh again being back-to-back division Champions you can't do it without a staff so thank you to them all we're going call forward T all here we go I'm gonna call this here Gavin brain Adrian [Applause] Yesa oh my gosh Kenneth Davidson Benjamin Emma great job great Gabe Ferrari a want Aiden petus oh sorry V [Applause] sha they are I didn't know that Nathan Cardoza Nicholas cardoo one of our wonderful amazing managers Lacy Kent McKenna [Applause] Switzer that's it right no lyanna oh lanna's your he Lanna lyanna stas [Applause] thank you again to the board athletic directors Administration uh part of our success is because we've been so well backed so thank you everybody You' like to come on take pictur don't get her [Music] [Music] angry I said was close by she she broke everybody you guys thank you thank you guys thank you guys than you big hand for our white Division champion boys across team also their second consecutive Championship I'm kind of liking this microphone Danielle speaking of consecutive championships this next team I don't even remember how many consecutive championships coach posa is coach posa here yeah how many consecutives is this for you this is the first spring in three years first spring in three years prior to that we we had some kind of winner winner eight in a row first one in the spring with that being said coach posa please join us at the podium with your coaches as well as Miss pyo so that we can honor and recognize our GMC blue division state championship girls track and field team uh thank you I wish it was a state championship uh it's a division championship but you know I we'll take it I'll take a state coach is going like this me like all right let's call the girls up uh we have Jackie [Applause] abisola uh FMI ainun Mo ainon Ruby Alba Loy Anning Chelsea [Applause] assari Sandy Costa Anna [Applause] gensa zaa Khan kayn coun Morgan coun Casey corang Kelly corang uh Julia kukich Angelia lepri Lucy Logan Molly [Applause] Logan Crystal margato anaia morero shria meta Destiny Mullen am Patel amole Patel Ariana Paul Lily pson Charlie Rogers Leilani roas Jay Rog Sarah Smith Lila Stevenson and Jen them parents if you'd like to picture can we have all the coaches okay I can see all your beautiful faces St soon next year [Music] another big hand for chion and if I could ask that none of our track and field coaches leave please before we go on to our next team uh we did make a little bit of a mistake and I'm going to hand it off to coach Ivy because we failed to recognize an incredibly special person on the boys lacrosse team yes both Dr lby and myself did miss this he said we I said so I'm I'm going to take that I'm responsible for everything no it was me I was looking out in the crowd and not behind me I forgot to call one of our senior captains again you guys spoke about him for a little bit and I told I will tell you you have the bar set too low you were talking about his career him and I have already talked about that and I'll tell you I don't know where it starts but I know it ends in the white house so for where you guys going broadcasting not high enough and that is I did miss Sean Burns guys come back up real quick come back up real quick picture real quick picture lacrosse we need everyone back up here from lacrosse forget youbody know am out they oh please just listen to all right you you Sean your you didn't even say anything it's a pleasure all right and to conclude our recognition period we have one last championship team to honor and that is our GMC blue Division champion boys track and field team so please Mr coach Logan and who do we have from the board Mr Smith please join each other at the podium [Applause] and this one just came in late right this was a we did the mathematics and so forth came down to the W came down to the wire but once again we have another state champion another another GMC blue Division champion again state champion would be great but we'll take this too uh for the boys we have quabena AJ David Aken Shiloh chai Mary ATA Elijah Bay jayen quo Kyle garciaa Ibraham Jas give it a second if it's not there we will make sure that we got you that was my fault too uh Wes himz Will [Applause] Lewis Aaron Lada Jonathan mcau Carson [Applause] Martin Dan madano ml Lord Mania Kon Mitchell Diego [Applause] Molina Jean Moore Victor [Applause] Orga xavien P Mr Smith got the toughest one Chase Rogers Steven Samson Justin Sierra aai Tomlinson Casper chesik Rohan viia Bryce White and kayen Wilson [Applause] y thank you again to the board and all the uh Administration parents coach is the oh that's I got to go meet him she's laughing another big hand for GMC blue division boys track and field team champions traic coaches we have one we have one final special set of certificates we want to give out coach Logan and Coach posa wanted to recognize the coaches on both of their teams that dedicate their time to both teams these are coaches that coach for the boys and the girls and they felt they deserve special recognition so I'd like to congratulate commend and thank the following coaches and if they're here please come on up and get a certificate from us um Eugene Garcia give him a hand please Andrew rice I know she's here Mary Beth dreck Jillian McGary Gina nent and Jacqueline box Greer [Applause] Mrs Bloom that concludes my presentations for this evening we once again commend congratulate all of our students and student athletes and we thank them for the impeccable manner in which they represent the high school the school district and the Greater cille Community thank you to everyone Al righty we are now going to move on to our board discussion finance and infrastructure Mr Smith are you ready yep we'll try and make this quick but there was a lot we discussed in finance this week all our bids are now actively being worked on or we've received um bids for everything um HVAC systems at the high school and Truman are going in and most of the work will be done after the kids get out of school um Slover arith Middle School uh bathrooms vestibules have all been completed um the third bid for roofing at arith Wilson the sues Middle School um and the War Memorial High School are underway um windows at um isenhower the upper elementary school and the high school are awarded and should begin going in in late August Eisenhower and Wilson HVAC has been awarded and just waiting on a schedule for that and our ninth and final bid went out to bid and was awarded uh June 18th and I believe will be on the agenda um EIP projects are all complete the boiler rooms roofs and mechanical issues um Stadium lighting all the parts are in that's going to take place those upgrades after graduation the upper elementary school parking lot lights all but one of those lights are now working the grass program for all the fields in the district will start in July and the Upper Elementary School drainage uh proposal is on the agenda for approval tonight for finance the 2425 budget is open and a lot of the items on the agenda tonight are within the 2425 budget you'll also see um in the agenda tonight for the reserve deposits and the excess Surplus calculation and that's about all the excitement from the finance committee thank you Mr Smith okay we now move on to Personnel Mrs pilac sure uh the Personnel committee met earlier this evening uh we had the pleasure of meeting the candidate who is on the agenda for approval tonight for the new Elementary supervisor Mr Dan toy uh we reviewed open positions for both certificated and non-certificated staff and also talked of some other Personnel matters that's it Miss Bloom okay thank you uh governance mpano yes um during the meeting we reviewed revisions to bylaw 0167 which we are asking you to approve for a first reading this evening and a second reading on July 30th next we reviewed the new technology integration facilitator stifen job description that we're also asking you to approve this evening after that we discussed the new NJ doe office of special education monitoring system that went into effect this school year according to Mr nasto we perform very well on it and much better than most districts in the county finally we we reviewed um recent legislative action especially Senate Bill 300 Beach which will streamline Type S school bus driver certification essentially this will ow us to hire drivers without a commercial driver's license for the minivan transportation of students the bill is currently waiting for governor Murphy to sign an execute it okay thank you Mrs napalitano student achievement Mr Callahan yes the student achievement uh met on May 28th uh the student achievement committee met on May 28th we discussed the following items Mrs Gman shared the curriculum guides that we're going to approve later on this evening for math grade s math grade 8 and geometry honors grade 8 uh she also shared uh many projects and guides that are near in completion and we will be reviewing them in July and August for approval um Mrs Gman also shared an update on the various summer 2024 programs that the district is running this year learning acceleration for grades K to 5 ASI and ESL AP boot camp in the High School Middle School Credit completion for science Ela and math NJ GPA boot camp for grade 11 students needing help this summer with the summer administration of that exam and the course uh and of course Camp Excel which Mr naster provid us provided us an update on Mrs Bert provided an update on the grants that we've uh the recent Grant the school climate change awareness Grant in grade seven She also spoke about the plans for the June staff development day that happened about two weeks ago and the summer PD programs that we're going to have including the summer series for staff in Late July where teachers get explore best practices instructional best practices at a PLC revision committee that will meet in late June and finally Mrs BD spoke about the transition to a new RTI platform and how we are preparing the staff for a September launch our next meeting will be July 23rd thank you Mr Callahan all righty moving on to School Safety and Security Mr Fernandez thank you security committee Comm me to discuss critical improvements to our already robust security and cyber security infrastructure structure according to the Department of Homeland Security and the cyber security and infrastructure Security Agency sophisticated cyber actors and nation states are increasingly exploiting vulnerabilities in schools and other institutions the rapid development of AI and Global instability have contributed to a significant increase in cyber attacks on public schools including data breaches affecting both students and staff as well as denial of service attacks that have disrupted schools across the country from California to Miami to New Jersey recognizing the serious threat Mr Malloy delineated his vision and ongoing implementation and expansion of key cyber security protocols I'd like to thank Eric for his recognition of the value of these protocols and continuing to move our district forward Additionally the committee met with local office of emergency management officials including Chief plumacher from the seral police department I want to highlight the foresight and hard work of Mr sprag and our partners in law enforcement Mr sprag has once again positioned our district as a leader in in security innovation in collaboration with our law enforcement Partners Mr sprag has coordinated extensive multi-jurisdictional training exercises these trainings include participation not only from local OEM but also from County OEM officials while we hope these measures will never be necessary the training will be invaluable in protecting our students staff and community in the event of a serious incident for security reasons I won't delve into the specifics of the training or the plans themselves however I do want to emphasize Mr sprags Forward Thinking approach and dedication to continuous Improvement his initiatives have led to the implementation of virtual software platform that allows law enforcement Personnel from multiple agencies to familiarize themselves with our specific School layouts and emergency protocols once again a big thank you to Mr sprag for setting the standard in school security and the chief plumer and and all law enforcement individuals who risk and sacrifice so much to keep us safe every day thank you Mr Fernandez all righty uh middlex County School Board Association that's me there's nothing new to report we haven't had our summer meeting yet uh we are planning a meeting in July to set up dates and agendas for the coming year uh Mrs Napolitano anything on Educational Services Commission not are done until September okay so now uh we will open to public participation on agenda items only okay seeing none we will close public Dr lbby your report thank you Mrs Bloom and considering time I'm going to give a very very brief presentation with regard to in thank you important items on the agenda first of all I mean if you look at finance and infrastructure there are 118 agenda motions so I just want you to focus on 114 which can be found in the addendum the third page of the addendum and as Mr Smith said earlier we're asking you to approve the final bid award for the referendum took us a couple of years but the final bid award we're asking to approve that that is motion number 14 uh 114 on the addendum page three on the addendum sticking with the addendum I'd like to focus oh first of all any questions on finance and infrastructure okay any questions on student achievement anything on student achievement so with regard to governance I just want you to focus on uh the I'm just going to highlight I should say numbers five and six on the addendum which you can p found on page four of the addendum we are asking you to deny saille Education Association grievance 2023 2024 number three bus a as well as 2023 2024 number four bus driver any questions on anything on the agenda or addendum with regard to governance right hearing none I do want to highlight a very important thing two very important things on the Personnel agenda obviously we have one of those Bittersweet moments where have to say goodbye to somebody and today we're going to say goodbye to Gary c a dedicated maintenance worker for us Gary C started his career with s with seral Board of Education as a night maintenance worker on January 6 2020 Gary has always been known to be reliable and friendly to those who had the pleasure of working with him and will be deeply missed we know Gary is excited to spend endless hours hunting in the woods taking his family to Big EDS barbecue which I like and a and be and just to be a full-time Grandpa creating countless memories with his two grandchildren we wish you joy and health in this next chapter of your life Gary congratulations and on a personal level I've had the opportunity to know Gary since he became came into the district and he's one of the sweetest most generous people you'll ever meet um he after the pandemic Gary and his family donated to our district to our families in need and that's something that we'll forever be grateful to him for but just a a great worker and an even better person so we sincerely thank him for his outstanding service to the district to the industry that he's retiring from and we wish him nothing but the best of luck and all future endeavors and then as was mentioned earlier by Miss pyck if you turn to page 42 on the agenda number 13 we're asking you to approve the transfer of Daniel toy from academic support instruction teacher to the next supervisor for elementary instruction Miss Miss Gman assembled a great committee they took the time to interview multiple candidates many fine candidates in the district as well as many fine candidates outside of it and Dan to put it bluntly just stood out Above All the Rest not only has his work spoke volumes about his ability to teach it also spoke volumes about his ability to lead and he punctuated that during his interviews particularly his interview with me so I could not be prouder to recommend to you Board of Education members the appointment of Daniel toy as our next Elementary education supervisor and Mrs Bloom that will conclude my report okay uh any comments or questions from board members agenda items superintendent report okay see seeing none uh we need a motion we need a motion I'm sorry and if I I forgot to mention Dan is with us so if Dan doesn't mind standing one last time so we can give a big hand okay we need a motion please to so mov check it so I got Mr Smith and Mrs pbone uh Mr Callahan yes but I have to abstain uh Personnel page 38 number 7 Lori Callahan and attachment D5 page three Lorie Callahan okay uh Mr Esposito yes Mr Fernandez yes Mrs napalitano yes Mrs pbone uh yes but I do have to um what do you call it when abstain from number 28 um because my daughter is the substitute teacher and I can't approve her fire that girl um Miss pyck yeah Mr Smith I vote we hire her daughter and yes and Mrs Bloom yes okay and now we will open to public participation we will once again uh hold it to 30 minutes 3 minutes per speaker anyone from sayerville who has anything to say we ask them to speak first uh Bill Henry Orchard Street serel um first I want to congratulate all the students that you honored tonight great group of people that you have there but anyway um when I ran for mayor last year with two Council people they indicated that the pilot um was not applied for on time and was defeated by a vote of 501 there was no record that the clerk's office signed the for the application until more than a year later it should have been approved before construction and this did not happen again the pilot you usually need a pilot to remediate the land and you go for the application and then when it's approved you do you start construction this year you will lose the the school board $2.3 million and the bar will receive an additional $657,000 that doesn't sound like a good plan to me but it does but it goes up from there the school board bonded $95 Million last year but no school member expressed any concern over the pilot and the money you will lose some people say the school board doesn't care and will just raise our taxes as you need money you are losing 2.3 million today but over the term it will cost you $150 million or more the residents of sville cannot afford this I believe you can contest the V validity of this contract next year we'll have we'll have a new governor who may the to adjust the the school funding as our mayor said and I quote him I'm not running to them the school board with a bag of money he rather give a bag of money to a multi-billion dollar organization I will sit down with any of you to go over the numbers published by Phoenix advisories um who calculated the pilot so you can understand them better thank you thank you Mr Henry hi good evening lady Maldonado 14 Road Street um mother of five kids in this District a financial crime professional um but again more most importantly mother of five kids in dist District ranging from kindergarten to high school um my apologies ahead of time my head is all over the place today I'm exhausted between normal early morning routine with the kids spent a day working from my grandfather's hospital bed so it's just been a day to 2 hours in traffic on my way here then got home for like an hour to spend with my husband and children before having to head over here so why am I here it's because of that it's family you know family is a priority sville you know one of the reasons we moved to sville is because it's very centered in family it's a family community and that was very important to my husband and I um so again I'm here discussing policy 5756 um I sent you all an email on May 21st no May 24th apologies um with some reading material as well as videos talking about the importance of this issue and other kids that have been affected the bigger issue here and you know I gave you a whole bunch of facts there so now I'm just talking to you as a mother um the biggest issue I find is is with that policy is the fact that it it promotes keeping secrets from the parents I don't know about you but there's a no secret policy in my household we hear we have an open Forum we have transparency we're able to talk to each other whatever it is so I birthe these children for 9 months and then I had five C-sections I'll be darned if I'm going to let a policy or someone else tell me what my kids and cannot tell me this is where the mama bear comes out so I hope and and again I thank you for your service because this is a thankless job this is a volunteer job and I 100% understand it some of you know I've participated in certain items that fish in 2030 cool schools I was there promoting that I voted for that um the spack that uh superintendent lbby holds as well participated in that as well gave some some insight some some suggestions and what have you um so I really honestly I'm I'm here appealing to your hearts to really look at that and let's sit down and have a discussion about it what is the issue or hesitance in repealing that I know someone mentioned and I have 308 seconds I'll be brief someone mentioned last meeting that you know there's no issue here but the problem is being in the risk mitigation field if you wait until the issue happens it's too late so let's nip it in the butt ahead of time and I urge you to please let's work together to do that thank you thank [Applause] you good evening my name is Kim Linley I'm a former sville resident and a former special education teacher parent as well and I'm following Peggy back I'm 5756 and I'm here today to to stand up for assist gender students can you say your District of residence oh Oldbridge no problem I am here to speak up for the assist gender students and also the parents as well and as I was reviewing the policy 576 and the reason I bring it up again because it's so important otherwise I wouldn't be wasting my time but I'm here to speak up for parents who don't have the time or don't have the knowledge or not informed so I'm 5756 I'm just going to read some of it to you so please bear with with me as well the board believes students teachers and administrators should be provided with common technology ass terminology asserted with General identity um identity boys and girls so I don't understand why they had to be provided with terms also it is recommended School Personnel discuss with the student the terminology and pronouns each student has chosen when has a child been able to decide what they are when with a discussion with a grown adult it's very easily LED you know that that has something that was begot in my mind but as I was pondering of what to to to speak tonight I also found articles in in England schools not to teach about gender identity why would they do that a country because I believe without knowing the article itself that they feel it's not appropriate and another article to follow suit with that England sits to ban gender identity teaching in schools I'm just going to read a couple of ss I found were very important children up to the age of 18 in schools in England will not be toward gender identity government proposals published Thursday growing concern in UK elsewhere about transcend issues why you have to ask yourself in America are we going to do that and England is saying no the move follows A lamber review such as which uh large answer with question I'm prescribing hormonal treatment for young grapplings with gender identity issues so the hormones must be harmful to the children what I found also interesting about this article is that under the proposals containing new draft Guidance the contents theory of gender identity would not be taught to peoples of any age or any department for any statement education secretary Gillian Kean said the measures were aimed at making sure children were not exposed to too much too soon taking away the innocence of a child I know my child it was my giving god-given right to have that child a blessing and a lot of people can't have that so again I'm standing for them this is why the guidance includes clear age limits for teaching of the most sensitive content in specific the content topic of gender identity should not be taught she wrote in documents inappropriate content The Proposal would also ban sex education for children under the age of nine following concerns about some of the materials would be used in schools parents rarely trust when they send their children to school for safety thank you very much for your time and effort I appreciate it I'm done ask line don't want to my name is Jennifer Woodruff I am a resident of marbor and a previous resident of sville and I thank you for what you do um as I've said before I am opposed to the 5756 policy for many reasons it's deceitful and it's confusing and it's discriminatory but I also am against many of the policies that are being presented in Trenton that are taking parents out of the picture just like 5756 can and it's all about these mental health um procedures or how how to handle children with mental health problems and the parents don't have to have any consent and they're also they're talking about having medical uh facilities right on campus where the kids can just go and have some kind of therapy session without the parents knowing um and this is parents should always be involved that's the most important thing they're the ones that are ultimately responsible um last week something big happened or actually it was two weeks ago and thousands of doctors got together and they signed a declaration because they're tired of being censored they're tired of being um told to be quiet they're tired of being threatened that they will lose their positions and it's all about gender affirming care and how they're against it they've been against it since the beginning but they've been quiet and finally they got together and I have this whole statement from all these different groups and medical doctors that they're um are standing firm and indicating that there has been no proof that this helps children to affirm their gender identity um cross- seex hormones puberty blockers Etc that there's no reduction in suicides that there's more chance that these children will commit suicide at a later date if they continue on this path and it's I I sent these um articles to you I don't know if anyone read them but this is this is quite a big deal Europe has followed this Europe is before us will probably be next uh we should be next because it's been proven in Europe with all kinds of tests and studies that this gender affirming care does not help our children it only harms them and that's what we need to do is protect our children and the parents always need to be involved thank [Applause] youse there we go um hi my name is Carolyn I've been here before I do live in Oldbridge can you say your last name Carolyn Mack um you've heard many reasons for resending policy 5756 you've heard from residents and non-residents parents and grandparents and you've received numerous emails some from me many emails from others you know by now that we are not going away this is too important to just walk away from it while Dr Labby sits with his back to us and his headphones on so as not to hear us it does not make the problem go away until we hear from the school board members other than Miss paban telling us where you stand on the policy we are going to be the squeaky wheel for the ones who may be undecided I want you to know that a vote to resend 5756 puts you with the 77% of parent parents who answered a Monmouth University poll last August these are parents of middle and high school students who said if their child began identifying as a different gender they believe it should be required that parents be notified and I want to point out that these are not parents of elementary students if so I I would expect that number to be closer to 99% if not 100% so parents of middle school and high school students 77% of them who answered this poll thought that uh teachers should be required to notify parents if there's students if their child began identifying as a different gender so a vote to resend puts you on Solid ground with 77% of parents also just so you know in nearby Oldbridge which has already repealed 5756 before resending their attorney stated that revision of the policy would be met with an in Junction repealing is legal revising is not and that's a quote your vote to resend puts you on solid legal ground finally remember that we're talking about minors children who do not have the necessary judgment to make such life-altering decisions without Parental Guidance as teachers and curriculum are are planting doubts in children's mind about their gender you can put a stop to it I'm asking you to do your job and resend this harmful and wicked 5756 thank you one one quick one I would like to congratulate the special education program here at sville cuz I know the NJ SBA just recognized it in their newsletter that came out today the New Jersey special education advisory Council honored four um specialed what do they call them Innovations in the district and the bombers Beyond Cafe was honored and I just think that's an amazing program and congratulations on a fantastic job anybody else have a comment you can't hear me I'm sorry anybody else have a comment no okay can I get a motion to adjourn so move second we are adjourned