[Music] stes ladies and gentlemen speaking now call to order in line with the B of C longstanding policy work in government and compliance with the open public meetings act I wish to advise an adequate notice of the St meeting was sent to the park local newspapers on January 8 2024 since the daytime and location of this meeting will provided in the notice this meeting is open to the public roll call Council M gieber hereon here Gman here G here here all right pass away this past week so that moment [Music] thanks everybody all right so we will have remarks from the audience do there anybody online or in person conf heard just please say your name your address and you have up to 3 minutes to address the Gover B anybody online be heard all right we can move on to uh let's see individual action um make a motion to approve the 2023 meeting minutes so move C memb Bieber yes yes Gman yes ker yes okay all right so the uh we approve the 20 23 meeting minutes moving on to the consent agenda some please make a motion to approve the items that are on this consent second call Council memb Bieber yes head yes Gman yes ker yes LOM yes and yes all right has been approved we're going to move on to our first ordinance uh ordinance number 202 4 an ordinance amending and supplementing the general code of the b c chapter 3 entitled Administrative Code somebody please make a motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 second call counc yes yesman yeser yes and yes all right ordinance number 1 2024 has been introduced mov got to ordinance number two 2024 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits to establish a c bank anysa 4A 4 through 4.14 can somebody please make a motion to introduce ordinance number 2 2024 yes yes for yes yes yes yes introduce ordinance number two24 all right we're moving on to new business vou in the amount of 668,000 674 68 can somebody please make a motion to approve this after second counc M Bieber yes yes Forman yes killer Yes L yes and yes right been approv approved um all right so it's up to jbody I guess we when I spoke to Joe earlier and Chris some of the discussion items because the weather icy and getting wors we fig to the next meeting um we would we will have a brief executive session but is there anything on here that anybody feels really pressing want to discuss tonight for I just want to get the Anchorage speech emergency declaration out there because uh it's a hazard all right so uh we had a wash out that's behind some of our Jetties and um some residents can fall off and and get hurt so uh I contacted the D and if we fill out a form we need Greg blos to uh get all the criteria to them and they'll get us a emergency declaration to do some of the moving of the S okay some different items so I just want to that do we need to Joe or Chris do we need to do anything or that to get G do what he needs to do well gre's already began it's a protocol on that so I think by the next uh week or two where he will have everything he needs to submit that if council's approved of it and seems as though you do yeah it's no it's pretty bad there yeah it we could do some bur I think the main 50y is to keep that fence up yeah the fence May through the St so still checking on that's the big safety fact because sometimes people walk on from South North jell and then they don't realize back off the other side the other thing I just talking to col down on River and they've been using crops to drop in bringing sand and uh was quite a been money but they G some assistance I thought it might be something we could check on possibility particular that spot there where you're going to get sing there back think any you want to cover T I think thec permit for the farmers market you know we wait till February is get done but I think that's something that we should be encouraging uh for our Farmers Market having like a wiy come in or or a bre come in county has I me it's a huge Initiative for econom development so I don't see a problem with it I I just think that anyone have a problem with it not we should we should have startu to the workshop to it's a beer it's selling alcohol at the farm market like local beer yeah okay it's not consumption at the farm marking like maybe like a tasting or something like that but but it wouldn't no one's getting drunk at The Farms market just so we all understand it's not a liquor license it's somebody's ability to come in and sell their goods sort of what we went through with GG's where they they did a thing with a winery coming in selling there but it's not a liquid license it has to be a new New Jersey local based one okay and that's the extent of he that's question right but but they they may very well have like a sample out for someone to taste you know that's probably inevitable because they always do that at farmers markets so it's but no one's no one's going to be sitting there drinking like it's a bar no ask anything any open Al there I think that would be the extent because that's inevitable that say this is our this is our you know Noir or whatever it but if you we can tell look we can't have more than Like A S A Little Dixie [Music] yeah yeah I think I think yeah one one person has but I think the I think the thing is we dealt with that when we started the for Market originally you know everyone Obed to every single thing that we had at the farmers market because someone in town also sold something that we had so I I don't I don't think it really interferes with anybody I think there aren't so many local breweries or local I I imagine it's conf somebody has a just a question I me it's a it's a valid concern but it seems like we're comfortable with it because it could impact other Merchants so would this happen outside too when we go to the outside season yeah so this would be a year round thing yeah I don't have it's really normal you go any Farm of Market they usually have the wine guy there and the beer guy there they still to take it on to the beach of course not and I guess John's concern is it's one day a week it's not on the weekend one day correct which is a high volume time is on the weekend so it's muted from that perspective y yeah I don't I don't have issue makes it more yeah can we do whatever we need to do to get back I know when we um open this building we amended our ordinance to allow alcohol on bur property um after obtaining a permit issued um in accordance with regulations adopted by the mayor and bur councel we never really um followed up on that because we never really started renting this building out so we didn't come up with a list of can I ask can I ask Rich can't we just a resolution or something like that that permits us you can do a resolution yeah um they already have the the special permit and the if I'm reading this attachment right they have the special permit from the um ABC and by the way it does it it already addresses in there the limits on line casing there's there's limits in there in terms of oun and whatnot but yeah the council um that's resolution um approving you know what's going on liation that's so can we draft something for the Fe for February Workshop counc in council meeting sure right get it yeah presentation if someone RS this room for you know party or reception they can have alcohol Serv we we never Chris is saying we never adopted the RS uh it's going to be incorporated with some rules and regulations and fees and insurance you know if you're having alcohol do you need police you know things like that should there are some concerns with the with the alcohol I won't lie to you so if you're if someone does have the C pixie cup from the thing and they walk across the parking lot over the beachday and my special sh some with an open alcohol ticket was I just got from the farmers market it's a lot out here in the parking lot well it's not I mean what are what are the limits on the the the it's um the limits are if it's someone who a perent held by a plary Winder Farm LIC licensing which I'm assuming it is uh samples uh may be offered gratuitously in an open container not to exceed four samples of 1 12 O each per Patron um that's for plinary Wineries and then there's different regulations for distillery that's a wiy that's for a wi I mean we should put it they're to leave the room with the same thing with the fire when the fireman have it they have a drinking area in the fireman C to stay within that area right there correct I just think that having alcohol beer is going to be an issue because I know i' like to drink up here but I know having a party up here could probably be an issue with open alcohol on the deck in the summertime you're talking about here the farmer the farmer rocket is going to be problem the little cups I don't but I just sure sometimes things happen if it's a good Farmers Market people want to stay later I [Music] mean yeah that's why we did the because no one wants to during the winter I well yeah you've been saying that for years [Music] okay a specific paragraph alcohol you can't use Chief it's a good place for a party it's a good place special events then you know it should be a special all right I guess uh that was a pretty painless public portion we have a