and said he was going to get me everything I haven't heard from John since said he was in the [Music] hospital we see what happens da was supposed to give you a package John John has it stuff from public works for the floods was a a thing yeah a break down it was a picture see ATT the two things he gave me hey Chris could you text the booker the meeting invite yeah could you oh could I he said he's driving in the car yes texted to him how are you are we are here if not I can send it over now I think I have it on Mya what are we looking for there there were two things one was from Two River uh sewage Authority one access FL and then there was another that's I have cop okay yes and the other one I sent as a picture CU he gave it to me as a print out um addal expenses what if I take a picture you need to read he just told me he was going to forward it to ear but I guess he didn't here it comes yeah I mean it it doesn't do anything for the businesses that had to Clos weren't able to open and that kind of would we like to capture that kind of number somehow um I'm not quite sure that you know the businesses that are closed and but the two rivers wasn't a lot of [Music] money $1,149 yeah see 946 total expense for 1223 and then 1224 they had another combination so you figured that that happens four or five times a year yes morning everybody work meeting with to the flag of the United States of America to The Republic which it stands one nation under indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] [Music] all [Music] here morning everyone morning uh [Music] Booker can you speak I see okay here morning everyone morning does anybody in the crowd anybody like me heard just please your name and address go body for up to 3 minutes is there [Music] anybody just reporting in present mayor Jeff got Jeff thanks all right so the first item actually we're going to potentially hold off to later in the meeting or another day so ordinance 17 2023 I'm just going to skip over that for [Applause] [Music] now all right and we are on to items for discuss the first one is a demonstration from the text people and I believe is that the well Josh is was supposed to join I don't know he's there he's not he's not all right first so moving on Jo to capital projects update we have three items uh I know ER wants to speak to the Army Corps uh meeting um may as well go ahead councilman okay this will be quick um so on November 20th there was an Army Corps of Engineers meeting was a webcast which was also supported by the Department of Environmental Protection um there's not going to be any surprises this not going to be any good news either um Jason Shay is the Army Corps of engineer project management manager and Glenn golden for Department of Environmental Protection this particular webcast was around the sebr to Manis on each replenishment program that's managed out of the army cor of Engineers New York District Philly and New York are both close by but they did a pretty good job during the webcast there about 40 people who attended um the focus of the meeting was clearly around the C bright man SW Beach and it's divided into two sections um obviously with the northernmost section if anybody's interested in actually seeing the presentation which is an audio link as well as the charts all you have to do is Google search SE right Comm man one be punishment and it's the first thing that comes up on the search um so what they basically said in a nutshell was about power but what they basically said is based on surveys that they've been doing and pl to in place their primary focus at this point in time is M Beach and El which is no surprise to any of us several of us have spoken to the Army FL and Department of environment protection before and the reason for that is according to them that's been a long planned activity and both of those areas have been hit worse than other areas along in Jersey Shore now we see the mon Beach Activity clearly because we see the pipe in the Shrewsberry River and the pumpking that's going on there and elberon is also part of that project that's going to be ongoing for a while they also went into a discussion about various means of trying to reduce beach erosion things like Jetties offshore manmade reefs Beach buring and different methods all of us have seen things you can put in the ocean to try to capture the sand and after a long discussion about the various that they basically said we're not recommending any of those so there's nothing significant that they see on the horizon that would diminish the way they presently do replenishment which is clearly even just pumping from somewhere and you know entering a har around the river itself um they didn't favor any approach they didn't comment on any of them they said they study them and and and one person asked the question I see them all over the place I see them down Florida I see him in Hawaii and they basically said based on the nature of our flow and the way it operates they have Vision one that would actually make much of a difference so they're not planning any capital projects of significance to put things in place to try to stop it they talk about continuing to pump the sand so I wasn't satisfied obviously so I asked them four questions they were very accommodating to the questions there were probably 25 questions asked the first one I said was with with the significant erosion that's presently occurring on sebrite beach is there any plan or commitment to se right replenishment the answer was no U they said they continually monitor things the army Engineers continue to monitor it and if we have any major problem we should report it to the army cour of Engineers Department of Environmental Protection I basically told them in some sections we're starting to see this the ocean come up to the seaw wall and I tried to alarm them a little bit during the conversation to basically saying it's going to undermine the seaw wall which was put in place by the Army grub Engineers so hopefully you're watching them closely but we had spoke with them in person a while ago we asked them the same question when they visited the beach John you were there remember and Sam was there also they presently have nothing on the books scheduling sebrite in the year term they said it's a 6 to sevene cycle we had our last replenishment about 2 years ago if everything holds it will probably happen in another 3 to four years unless they always put it this way and less catastrophe hits and then the Army Corps of Engineers will come in and and remedy the situation like they did in the past whole s um the second question I asked was does the Army Corp for Department of Environmental Protection monitor the content follow the sand Dr from the n s per River because we all know that that's what's happening right now and we all know there's a potential for sediment or contamination or other things in that dredge that may not be favorable their answer was yes they constantly monitor they have people that look for contaminants quality grain size uh and color and if they see anything out of whack they stop dredging in that location and then go somewhere else until they find that the sand so we know that what's coming up on the beach south of us is a different color right it's River land instead of beach s maybe you wash out over time um but they said that all of their testing indicates that what they presently dragging is fine um you see the long pipe that sits in shun Berry River they're taking it all the way from as far north as you can in town and picking it up inally along the way um the next question I asked and it's something I'm always concerned about is what happens when crisis hits somewhere else in the country Louisiana Hawaii what happens to the funding that long cour was used because it's not you know Buck they said that the Army Corp of Engineers has seen adequate funding for the New Jersey Shore replacement and they don't expect to see any problems in the near term on critical projects toire funding so they claim that the Jersey Shore replenishment has not been and they don't expect it to be H by problems in other parts of the country yet to be seen the last question I asked him is what's the duration of the Congressional legislation to continue Jersey replenishment it was a 50-year program that was put in place in 40s and and it goes out to um I'm sorry the ' 90s not 40s uh out to 2047 so they said right now if nothing else changes they plan to maintain that program uh till 2047 on a 67e cycle putting cyc the crisis so the bottom line of the meeting like I said it went about an hour long no plan of commitment on the books for our replenishment the only thing I guess I can say is we'll see what happens with going on on beach because it tends to come all way so hopefully that's what El what's that that's el el yeah F away so that's it [Music] question yeah he listening he was recently appointed to what was the committee you been appointed to it was the J partnership Board of director direct and I thought if we were working with him I think we should SP establish a little better working relationship long-term relationship with the Army Corps and Frank and other Representatives um point I like to make with them is that sebr is the most exposed roal communities on the North in superstorm San we were devastated was mama Long Branch he there it was a coastal factor of C Coastal factor is the town and I think again if we could establish a a little better working relationship with them may working through Jeff on his his committee appointment he has that's just my thought on that can't Hur the other thing question did anything come up about like testing like incubators like I I know they they've evaluated other ideas and they don't see anything but are they open to the idea like out of the box certain towns say you want to test ideas well they they didn't say that specifically but what they did show a variety of different diagrams of type of mitigating structures yeah and um they did not speak favorably of any of them right so my guess is if we went to them unless we had reolution never seen before they had about eight or n different things that you can do and they said they don't believe any of you would make much of differ here I find that hard to believe personally but you know that's what these people do right that's what they're professionally so you know if we have an idea that's different a novel and we bring it to him maybe they would be receptive to it but they did have quite a few different Alternatives the only other thing I would add not from this call is when Sam John I think it may have been Jeff also and I met with on engineers and D we asked them whether or not we could do any scraping moderate scraping to recreate Burns where they lost and you may remember the comment they made they basically said you can do no scraping anywhere on the beach unless you apply for a permit and if you apply for a permit it will take at least a year and a half to get reviewed after which time against will probably know and also we can't apply for the permit because they've not approved our Municipal Public Access plan yeah remember he was he said what do you mean and I said you've had it for how long have they had it the year longer than so I mean there's nothing encouraging that came out of this and a lot of this stuff is based on it you got lot things conf though yeah five to 10 year plan a lot of this stuff I'm used to contract I years in advance espe locally we' love to have yearly replenishment but it's just but thanks for the update just so all right so we wrapped up 2A to come back to questions afterwards but attorney advice going to Pivot back to the ordinance number 17 just from a timing St so find that out hopefully and then we'll come back to on the agenda so switching back to ordinance introduction for ordinance number 17 2023 and ordinance B portions of service streets South Street street block 13 17 and an unnamed Street place and acation of certain streets known as proposed Front Street and proposed lock 13 Lock 4 in the B of St County would any like make a motion toce ordinance number 17 2023 so all right Council memb Bieber yes Booker yes yesman yes ker yes and yes 1 also need [Music] to resolution for special meeting 28 December 28 7.m :30 a. we do a call that for anybody one item agenda for speci it'll simply be a public hearing so will we have a um make a just remote or should we some people want to attend in person should I make just virtual or a regular meeting like this I guess anybody opposed to me virtual I mean it's only going to be a probably one qu vote meeting that allows public attendance virtually yeah yes anybody oppos yeah I guesse okay so I guess that'll be let's see would anybody make a motion uh resolution establishing a special meeting on December 18 at 8:3 a.m. I'm sorry December 28 8:3 8:30 a.m. to thank second council member yeser yes yes yes and yes than guys and then so again that'll be a remote call in one agenda meeting one top Mee okay so we'll go back all right so we you too far back we come back to 2 bit we'll go back to for discussion and text my Administration is that Josh yes all right Josh we're back to your agenda item if you are free to speak and floor yours M we have M he okay now than too much that so kind of jump into here you want to make she give me one second she's on the [Music] hotl hey coming through partially muffled I don't know if you have a different mic you can use but it's a little hard to understand [Music] not much of [Music] differ thank we we're multitasking here Josh you're up to give us a moment [Music] [Music] goe right with mayor 2B and C are are relatively easy um only because uh the leap Grant has been renamed to the school regionalization efficiency program Grant um so that's the grant will be applying for with Atlantic Highlands and Highlands to fund a review or an additional update of our existing um regionalization study so that's what C is it's a request for proposals from Consultants to update our study okay um if you remember we that's what we were fighting the state over last time so we're going to do it right this time um and those are the two items there in addition to that uh great blash and I uh met with Dave uh barley and Rob and we went over our Capital plan for uh 20203 uh Craig has gotten me some proposals um for to to do the work the relining of the sewer on Ocean Avenue downtown the P Barn for lack of a better term and uh and great this pump station at the uh the new project and there was a streets our our road program so I think we're kind of on board for that we're ready uh to go we couldn't do anything now because of the end of the year so Mike basam was part of that after the meeting I I updated Mike and uh a couple of them we have $130,000 for the read lining downtown not enough it's 250 or something Tu so uh we're going to need a bond for that the additional funding to get that done cuz someday the dot is going to drive in here and start repaving we just don't know when I mean last time they just showed up yeah they did they started P so we want to get that one done first um and um so so we're going to need additional funding for that and you know we we keep talking about the P barn but you're seeing more and more stuff out in the parking lot cuz they're all just there's no other place to put it so Greg uh once you get the green light on the building a year 9 months at the the best but it's going like Joe just quick question on the on regionalization between the application for the grant RFP is selecting of a contractor an attorney whatever it is and then going forward what's the reason to that didn't we ask that question at one point to to to VTO if if he was the selected uh applicant I I I think he said that the ohang he did say how long it would take to conduct it what I'm worried about is a Le gr period of time because if that takes 6 12 months to get approval on stuck in water I don't know what the lead time is to be perfectly CED CU ideally we' all love to get this on the next November referendum yes and our original contemplation was it's going to be $35,000 porio is going to do it will be done has the dator in my spring next year it's we're we're applying for the lead Grant I I think we're probably very eligible for it cuz the commissioner of Education um told us to do it what yeah we had some argument there we applied for it was after the fact and they did give it to us um their their only Baboo was we we didn't go out for rfps for the study we went out for rfps for our educational attorney consultant but uh they they didn't accept that and in the end they they they agreed to do it um I think we're probably good I'll I'll check on that a call um than and uh I think that I think that's about it the only other project is the Ocean Avenue relining in South Beach a continuation of the project we did two or 3 years ago with rson it's a joint project with rson um Bill white from college started that project he's going to finish it um and uh rumson's ready to go so we'll need some funding in place to finish it's not really even going to finish it it's going to do a section from a certain number of manholes down eventually both us and rson will have to get to the the pump station in mouth Beach does rson have a day for what I'm sorry we're we're doing this section of it so they're all right with that me we've had meetings and we've all been there we're they took the lead on the last one remember that was an emergency and we'll uh we will uh take the lead on this one and we split it 50/50 even though flow is not 50/50 but that's the deal and that's all I have on Capital programs and I think our clerk is free well how do we share the screen with Josh I don't know done this before well [Music] out yes doesn't Candace do that all the time she shares not have left someone else so we're trying to get you in there [Music] okay my name [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] we may have to reschedule Josh we may have to reschedule unfortunately [Music] what's the workshop in January Chris oh that's right Wednesday you can stay on stay on the call but Josh yeah I think it'd be better for you and better for us if we reschedule to the next Workshop which will be which will be in January and uh councilman lamia R I will contact you and let you know the date cuz we haven't set we haven't set the dates for next year yet we're going to do that so I'm sorry for the inconvenience we'll see January I will right thanks gu we move onfy safy yeah I [Music] know please ch good morning everybody how are you so people can hear you back to the dredging don't call me cuz the bridge is open for a long long time a long time pull that pipe all the way through that all about it I you did call me too okay just real quick and I know you guys have lday last month 350 55 calls for service all the normal stuff warrants dis uh persons uh DWI more you know 98 or 100 more vehicle stops with some's issues I'm not going to go through all this stask we really didn't have a lot for last year I'll give you everything for the end of the year as of next month um one of the things that we did do last month I know meeting with Brian and Sam got all that lifeguard equipment out of those garages put away in an indoor Store Jordan Ocean Township because we didn't want those things in the El they would have been done by the springtime destroyed so we did that um Department Corrections Jack did come down a couple weeks ago did all our inspections again and hope that we passed again um we had two kids graduating from the academy last night which was great yes one of we have a couple good ones so we have four actually three not four now three starting uh next month um and we switched over our gas over to Long Branch other than that we just have a lot of year end stuff going on there not a whole big Li we have a lot of training coming up for the end of the year for our department but we're actually doing pretty good right now we're in good shape looking into next year hopefully um that's where we're at question on the bridge should we send a nixel and a Facebook post out just saying like we don't you can put something on Facebook but really like I don't know when they're going to move that I'm saying next what like I can never schedule like move the pipe and it takes him 20 minutes to do it and then uh they got it organized with the guys working on the bridge and this and that so I don't know if I could even schedule something like that I mean not watch the bridge for delays saying it will come up it pops up I think that's just watch the bridge for delays we're whatever uh you know yeah wait or just try another rap now you know it's try another R it was a pretty incasing one but we have a lot going on there we have training for today and that's thanks for switching over long um it's going to save us a lot Mone how's it going so far so good yeah so far so good summer time will be a little challenging sometimes we just have to figure it out but um yeah it'll be challenging in the summer time in certain days definitely know that thank anything 24 hours a day open 24 hours a day so we can send 2:00 in the morning 6:00 in the morning anytime okay abely all right apparently um 635 as of 20 minutes ago today here to dat um we did our final last burm uh bur last week to maintain the compliance so that's done we're getting ready for our Refreshers which is uh the annual pios requirements that'll be in January recruitment Drive should kick off probably the first week in January also um just to get the seasonal program back up and going um that's about it uh we've had our final elections last night of Officer so I'll get that over to the court today for rework um Chad what's the mammoth County mou so that is I sent that to everybody's pension via email um with my side job as a fire with the fire marshall office it's a position under the sheriff's H um to utilize a br vehicle um the quick qu with that is three fuel yeah mon provid by The Count Their okay that's helpful um and we're going going ahead with the mutual Aid agreement with long bran for next year so I mean obviously that discussion with with Mr Bas but it seemed that um it was so for those that aren't familiar we had the fire two weeks ago up in the 300 block um La Ranch was dispatched for our our regular policy um the conversation we had back in May with their ba um was that this year was going to be washed and weren't concerned about this year because we didn't appropriate any funds to cover the cost um and that came from from Mr basum we had a conversation with their ba he was good with it um his words are we provide them with enough Aid where he wasn't concerned about SEC um our fire trucks down there right now as I speak to you that's where I was late where I was coming from um like I told Mr roon yesterday it's anomaly for us to have two fires in town in the year um doesn't usually happen and in my opinion my professional opinion it's cheap insurance um it was nice that we got that bill CU it gave us a riew what what the cost was going to be they sent us a bill U erroneously yes their fining Department s not just 675 what is that cover that's their overtime to back Builder Firehouse while for the event that just happened yeah but they're not they're not I I said what what's this we didn't even sign the you know the agreement yet Chad 67 Chad called over and uh uh they're going to that's very good insurance in my opinion just just to be clear what you're saying is we had an example of what we're proposing to do next year the event that occur they Ron us would sent us a bill but we can figure out what it would be on something like that and there's no added cost other than what you just described if an event like that happens covering the overtime pH that's what it is all all there's no fixed cost of no monthly cost it's and were they there at like the beginning they were whole time yeah they pulled up so our ladder truck was actually at the long range pump when this whole thing happened um they pulled up at the same time we had we had a number of uh departments there didn't yes that's good you to say Tru they're they right now they're at house caret so and three guys back deps Chief can you comment do you have any experience on the long range F yet is that what you me my pump or something else yes so what how's that going so the the the concept is fine um the only concern I have is like what Happ uh 300 block our ladder truck is a m Ranch we have a house IR 300 block with with a worker tra roof you mean fueling that yes okay other than that other than that working out it's just that's just the one and it was it was the one thing we always talked about and it was like it's never going to happen it's never going to happen and then two weeks into the agreement got away but it is what it is good now Joe what if we think we're going to save it down close to a buck or something like that no I think it's 30 cents so 30 cents was 10,000 a year that's about the savings whenti that's great thanks right actually thanks just real quick um it's coming up on Fair season yeah I'm working on ride company I'm having a little bit of the problem with the week that we had to use last year because none of the live companies can we so I was going to bring this up is that a good time for us do we like that time in year no right do we need it in don't have choice you don't have a choice yeah Ian by the time P Parking ends it starts to get cold right and when P Parking start what about further out like after M Beach it's the end of September that's you know I don't it's it's no different than the beginning of May the weather is the way but um I I don't know if it's a possibility to move it back to the weekend prior um well the weekend PR was that just getting ready prepping for be like opening day it it was paid parking yeah and public works really you know they're they're getting gearing up for Memorial Day and they pretty much have to have to drop everything to set up for the fair and get it ready so either way I'm having I'm running into an issue finding ride company that could do it the week before which was the issue we had last year we be looking at the week of May 9 that's it's 9 through 12 or whatever the following weekend is 9 yeah well 9 through 12 having I'm having an issue getting a rock company so the one that thought they were going to be able to do it who's from New Jersey she can okay um everybody else I've talked to is either booked or they're not in New Jersey yet they come in the following weekend to PR for Memorial Day so so Memorial Day is on the 27th 27th 27 so the 16 and you said you were having people to follow me the 16th and the 19th uh I haven't tried that yet cuz I I know last year it was a little there was a little bit of contention whether we could use a lot or not um so I I whatever you guys allow me to do I'll do but it's going to be a little tough to to get rides for that weekend prior so 17th and 18th 19th yeah be 16th 17 18 19 it's going to be hard to get it for that weekend no that weekend shouldn't be a problem because they all start getting here yeah P Parking and we we have time I just I'm just bringing it up now cuz there's something we have to start thinking about I got to do the special events what other stuff so um I would like to start working on that this month coming I mean do we know how much money we bring in in thatting not I'm sure we I'm sure John knows yeah John know am decent [Music] amount are you so for you September is so we have I mean I I can do it in September it's not a problem I I just I I work with that it's whatever you guys allow me to do um I I can't run with M Beach's Fair yeah of course so it would be the last weekend of September it's the same as the first weekend in in may like the weather's the weather so if you if you guys want me to push it to the end of season I I can do that I just have to start seeing what the ride companies are and everything else beud to give a call yeah well I mean I've been going back and forth with a couple of them cuz I'm I'm trying to I know last year there was an issue with us so we moved and I'm I'm trying to kind of work into that same thing it's just I'm having a rough time so well the the the September solves our problem solve your problem yeah I mean it is done and Public Works is the summer you know The Season's basically the biggest problem we run into is that a lot of these ride companies use people from other places and they don't get here and get their work visas or whatever until like the week after after the fair that we ran last year so uh that was the problem we had with our ride company was he couldn't fulfill two contracts because he didn't have to people and that's why we had Inflatables so September's good for staff September should be a problem I'll make some calls on back just want you guys start thinking it's that time so I looking at September 19 20 19th to the 22nd I the last weekend yeah either the last weekend or the week I think I thought we that be parking ends on 15 so that going we have that next upcoming Pacific te Sunday next year so then it we go into the 19th and 22nd yeah yeah I'll look into I'll get back should we also look into the May 16th or now it's too tight well that's up to those guys if they want oh course we'll be able to swim in okay so no all right yeah I'll put everything together I'll get back these next next mon thank you we'll make sure um as Brian mayor I think I mentioned to you that John and I met with public works department uh a week or so ago and we thought it'd be prudent for Public Works to give a short presentation at these meetings like like uh so are you da sick today or I have I have aort okay good morning welcome to the the team um I'll just run through this list really quick some of the stuff has already been touched on so as you guys can tell the beach lockers have already been taken off the beach we're looking at rebuilding a few of them we had to get rid of one that we know that was totally destroyed um we're talking about maybe bringing them up off the sand a little bit more so we don't have doors getting stuck on the stand and everything all the issues that we have with them we're also talking about maybe painting them a different color than that sand brown tan that they are right now maybe something to match these two buildings so everybody knows that they're T that they're hours um the benches on the seaw wall we're looking into some solutions with them uh also looking into new trash cans for around this main lot here some of the ones over in grav a lot are starting to get old we can use clean communities and the tonage grant money for that um we had a notice about the planners around town we think we have a solution for them so while we're doing Beach lockers we're going to start working on them to repaint them clear coat them so they don't rust and cause issues going forward with the people who donate all of the the plants and everything El there's a little miscommunication between our department and then whatever you decide clear with then make sure they're cool with it yeah so they originally told us that they were taking care of them of all the plants we don't have to water them we don't have to touch them they're coming in to do them and then the complaint that we got was that the planners don't look up to their standards so we if you tell us not to touch it we're not going to touch it I don't want to screw your business up and whatever it is um the new tractor and Mason Dome quotes are in believe point we're aware that there's no funding at the moment for them to bring them back right to bring back the plan the flowers yeah so far there is funding we have the clean communities Grant okay and I went use that funding that was coming in is on B right now um the Capital Improvements for the ocean ay Lin was already touched on the trash rack that was broken at the River Street pump station has been fixed um when that originally broke it broke one of the suction pipes on one of our pumps everything's working fine everything's good but they're going to have to go a little bit more in depth on fixing everything so gr's working on that with the company who came out to fix the trash rack they're going to give us a price on fixing that we have new valves for the middle Pump Station that are in we're just waiting for a time from pump to come out and install them um preventive maintenance on all of our vehicles is complete all our stuff is now out of the South Street Garage uh we have some minor stuff in there that's getting moved out currently and then um all our winter equipment's up and run so we're a little ahead of schedule on that but that's always a good thing to be ready just in case one of these random storms hits so um other than that we're looking into new soft softare that would allow us to track pretty much everything within the Public Works other departments can get on it um if anybody wants to know a little bit more about that we can talk later and what would that do for us uh so it's pretty much asset tracking and I would be able we put really whatever we want to track on it we can track so there's a projects tab where somebody can set a project for public works every time that something gets done it'll notify you that it's done there's there's also a citizen complaint um tab that they can do if we wanted to add that in um I told him it might not be right now but that might be next year type of thing so they would get notified every time that somebody complains we would get it the clerk would get it anybody who wants to get it can receive it and every time it gets fixed they would get a notification back to them so they don't need a phone call they don't need an email it would Auto atically send something out this complaint has been taken care of uh at the end of a storm we can put in how many hours our machines got added to that storm or mileage on trucks any salt or sand bulk equipment that we use during either projects or winter storms flooding events anything like that we can run a report at the end and you have a full total of what we use during that stor so whether it's FEMA money or County money reimbursements whatever it may be we'd be able to track it run a report with graphs and anything that we possibly need to go over so I have a written proposal now just for Budget time but if anybody wants to look at it look it over I can email it over to you and you can take a look the representative is very nice we can set up a call I'm sure he'd be i' be that okay I can send it all over but other than that that's better thank you bro thank you for having Joey and and those beams for quitting project looking good that so the correct4 B council meeting dates we only have two I say only two potential changes to the scheduling for next year discussed today get feed frombody one is that uh the fact that is coming back to Council next year he has a professional Thursday morning so you counc we moved our workshops Wednesday morning I spoke your col have to speak for you but he was fine with it but um because of that you know is it we want to see if anybody was opposed to switching our uh morning meetings meetings toes 8:30 instead of Thursday 8:30 to accommodate that otherwise we'll be down one C good um you have a a list of the dates but I I I kind of want to make a recommendation for you folks I don't know how you feel about it but in in in the regular meeting schedule you folks and professionals are here for 15 minutes um a lot of times I think you can accomplish it in one meeting a month and if you need two meetings a month month you can call one you could always call call the other one um but you're paying the Professionals for all all coming here for those meetings and it it's 10 you know you're 15 minutes and uh in the summer you do the one meeting and it kind of works fine and Chris and I were talking about it I mean it could be a you would have the workshop now on Wednesday and then the following Tuesday you would have the regular the regularly scheduled meeting Ju Just a couple quick questions so one is there's a certain iteration of ordinances and approvals and things that are now going to get push them a couple weeks in general does that cause a problem for the operation of the clerk and the administration she doesn't cause problem it would be her problem I this one beat that we operated now we're going to beat half as often and I understand that if we need a special meeting because of something significant you call we did find over the summer but there's no concern about the reduced frequency Chris you you know the only thing is if you need to put funding for something quickly it might extended but you do the special meeting and adopt the bond you know yeah I mean today's a good example we're doing Special meetings as long as it's not a regular perent having special meetings that kind but race I'm just observing well I mean it's it's an interesting suggestion because it does reduce cost right it's less demanding on people schedule um I will say personally I'm disappointed that we have such low turnout of residents and interested parties coming to our meetings I mean if you go to Council meetings in other towns it's not like that in general and I do go to other councel meetings um because a lot of times when people come that takes time so 15 minutes would become an hour which would not be unusual and it's good to be hear for us to hear from residents or people that have concerns but that's not the dynamic that we have in this town so unfortunately it is a very short very little feedback in my opinion as long as we're not messing up a rhythm that is of importance to the town and we can call a special meeting if we need something seems reasonable I mean it just will save some cost and more and more town we did a little survey of it you have a lot of towns that are only once a month yeah now the work session is important obviously you know that's that's where we're discussing beginning if we without that you know new meeting schedule if it doesn't work out change it we could change it anytime really it problematic but I it's pretty yeah it's men awful on town or going to one meeting month Sumer and they're finding that that's it's true it can also be looked at too where when you were previously having a meetings you could have your committee meetings right so there could be a lot of prod work being done from the committe right on that other Tuesday good idea um we we'll redo the think it's good ide yeah I'm good with that I like and one other thing too we we maintain a virtual we maintain a virtual system here for our meetings a lot of towns stop that you know and uh I I think saying yeah I think that's great to keep you know and some towns said for public comment you have to come to the meeting but we're pretty we're pretty loose with our our public we are pretty good here about that have month still where people can come and you're one of the very few that are still for almost everybody else has done in person and no virtual off we max out so many times you got to keep it virtual for overow that always help thank you thank you for your consideration uh mayor the 2024 summer business parking no comments on it we got to keep our eye on it um open question here I don't you know you know the church over the bridge we we we've approached them in the past Jack and they they weren't that receptive no well I can bring up again but they're concerned about they just little framework they've gotten a lot of a reasonable number of complaints from Neighbors about the activity the church with the school and the par and I think they were afraid if they were to open it up for SE Riders and for [Music] profit the antagonism of the neighbors would get worse how many how many bu parking passes do we get out we did about 122 business parking passes we made almost over $9,000 off just pass the loan and it's going to be a problem I don't know how to solve it be addressed it's got to be addressed because I'm going to we're going to be revie all the parking in the next few weeks you got to start ordering passes and get everything going so I'm going to start ordering business passes so something we definitely have to look at um I don't know other towns that provide parking for their businesses the way we do so what another just something we have to sit and someone has to make a hard decision built the way a lot of towns are you know you I've saided on many occasions you go to belmare you go to asber you may have to park 10 blocks away but there's a parking space we don't have to have lots here what's the school lot situation we're using right now I don't know when that's going to end ex up to right yeah he's got approvals he he's ready to go yeah so we could be losing a ton of parking that that Church Street lot is going to be a heavy hit for us because business the resid we need that lot we're definitely have to find way to so we're not solving it today but I've asked Chris to keep it on agendas every is in RS on public streets people park over there and walk in SE then Ron takes some parking away on Ward Street they did they they one side now and things like that they're they're feeling the pinch and they're going to feel the pinch when this summer yeah that's another thing even if even if the the the business the employees Park in our lot that's counterproductive even if they pet yeah it's just taking it away from the beach from the restaurants from more businesses it's an angel problem I was looking at a picture of Asbury and it was in the 30s and the number of cars was unbelievable so nothing's really changed right people come in here once the weather breaks It's Kind hard to shov people in Uber for every right that's all for me the next yeah I don't know I don't know if all right are you speaking next commun let me ask a d question several times I had to De with business where I set up hand but we found a place for people to B 7:30 in the morning was a 15 real and I've done that several times uccessful and the employees like have to find way into town so there was around and you just had a small bus or something driv people would we consider doing something like that where would put well that's what we have to do we would have to pursue where is such a spot a location and then then a company to do it would it be le every hour I mean you could you could have a situation not the labor this you could have a situation where we find a spot not that far away and it's a bus that holds 30 people right and we have 20 and the start time hopefully is the same for folks are round about and we have two buses running the morning two bus they do it at C streak right to move you from lot to lot I mean it's a very common solution to Contin SE Street yeah Street if if you get off Atlantics and your well we're going to that's what this is about we're going to have to figure something out this going to have 125 employees are cool I guess actually only option but that could be an option by [Music] location and this we're talking we talking about now for business we're talking about Municipal Employees now both both yeah both I mean it works it definitely works but it's got its case okay something to think about no I think it's I think it's a possible option I I can think of unless we find another spot to see right Avail for Lee butach all right so Heather are you yeah so I put something up on the screen so B I can just talk it to you high level so essentially what this is is a 52e calendar so it goes from January all the way to December and I've just been kind of building it this year based on the activity that we have going on um and this keyboard is going a little crazy so essentially up here you've got regular ongoing holidays um just general and then what I did is then then the burrow actually starts to you got Administration if there certain days off events that we're running here um DP activities here if there's anything from a police standpoint EMS Beach like paid parking starts or Beach badges are for sale it's just a way to kind of have the whole entire you know municipality integrated at a biry view so we can kind of understand when triggers need to happen and also talks about what needs to get posted on the website what needs to get posted on the backlit sign because currently right now they're all done by different people and so it might actually be helpful if there was some person who kind of managed this not that it's their full-time job but it's just something where they know everything is kind of connected and going on this happens and before the PIR fa starts DPW goes out you know it's kind of keeps that full bird's eye view so I just pulled this together um and it's been helpful for me um and I've been working with Candace and fr on communication and trying to get things synced up sometimes we miss things because there's like three people that have to do one essential communication so I I think just from moving forward standpoint it might be helpful if there's someone on the administration side who might want to or be interested in looking at something like this Does it include the wck activity it includes the wck activity and then what I've also done is based on what's going on in 2023 all the events for next year at the working date you know usually we come up with these a couple of weeks before the event that's difficult from an organizational standpoint it's difficult from a Outreach Communications standpoint to get it kind of featured on the radio featured in press or or featur you need like to be working months in advance um so this also just gives people um just a heads up of what's coming on is it internal or open to the public to well what for I mean once everyone feels good about it like if we were to send a a New Year's letter so mayor I don't know when if we send a q1 letter of some type then we can also include you know put these dates down here the running dates for the year you can begin to plug these things into the calendar that's why it's great talking about the fireman's Fair because if we're talking about May versus September that's huge right that's a big decision um good conversation to have right right now um so this is just you know we kind of essentially have all the the major events windin up for next year Easter egg could be the the 24th Fireman's Fair that's going to get new climers market outside starts to come in May 29th and so got the running L Prov that everyone can kind of work towards in those ments we had the car show but that was pretty successful that was great do they want to come back I show here and I remember you talking maybe a spring thing too but right now we have it just as one for fall yeah he he was at the Christmas thing and he grabbed me and he said he about to do two two one in the spring one in the fall Fair yeah exactly so and then maybe you re Envision what the fair turns into I me it's not a me PL I think I think that would be a great tool yep Wonder so I we just need um a person who would be designated that not asking for more work it looks like it but it's honestly just AGA kind of communication sure all departments are confusion which would be it helps planning right it's more advanced um so that's just something I wanted to could it be like Department oriented too like uh um the wreaths go up the day after Thanksgiving things like that absolutely the day after Christmas you start buying lights for next year right it's kind of that sort of in advance workflow I think you'll like raw software I know I got very excited about that I forwarded you thank you I appreciate similar to that that's what I was wondering it solves some it has a capability but that that is that we have three or four different pieces that are assets right he what he talked about has capability Heather has the I remember the name of what we're using in the back office here has capability that we haven't looked at yet I talked to Michelle about it um text govern there's another better that was at the Le I mean you know there's there's a number of them I you see a lot of websites report a concern which is a proprietary name for what we'll do is we'll do what they we list the option ones and then what do they offer you see similarities which at the best item best price point so that we can also do is we have a designated person we can sit down in January with person each department and just plug in and sit together and just think about what needs to happen in order to make these events or these elements as successful as possible to make sure all the Departments are completely agre okay that's that thanks great uh any want speak to or that money's available rob you were going to try to redo them let's make sure that's acceptable yeah just check with the poing maybe do one right and take it over and say this is great it was two things one was the overall aesthetic making sure it looks up you know that and then two is placement and I don't have where are the best places for these so they're large and again some of them get in the way um we talked a little bit about a hanging plant there which is much more petite um know that those little stanions that are on the poles can handle that or is it that some other thing um but it was our understanding because I talked to the the vendor in the beginning they said they would come in water and manicure and change them in the fall there was no interaction required on our part but we did lose paint right there's some chipping and whatever and they need attention we're not to get off the subject and I know we got a lot to go over but the benches along the walkway are rusting and things like that we've been trying to find different ways to do it we call the manufacturer they recommended a what you call it uh truck bed truck bed liner truck bed liner paint on that um Rob's going to try and then you also were going to try to go to some sort of synthetic different use our use our use the same that are on there but use what we have in the Anchorage part the PBC side instead of metal stands yeah so over the winter that's one of the jobs they're going to try but the planners I think we need to settle that in any new trash cans or things that yeah that would be great from May all right all right so uh conversation about the the mural for the re so we're waiting we're waiting for one more um submission um and the rec teams haven't had another meeting since that's come through so we're hoping to have one more meeting before the end of year so can um review but the idea would be in springtime um to paint the probably south facing wall of the center oh it would be okay yeah is there space there it would be between Windows and things like that Heather just a quick question um competitive bids is that where we're do we're going out for competitive bids from no we have a we have a $15,000 coming from the grant so you said interest it's more for who wants to those kind of things are uh come to the EU uh designation extraordinary and unspecifiable service so you can just they artistic in nature you can just get I guess my question is how do we notify people to submit something that was through um Alman chenko Gallery she helped and she went out and she got a bunch of artists um to submit proposals for this great artwork and who gets to pick the you yeah I think the the rec team's getting we've got most of them there was just one a local artist who's done some signs for us they didn't have time so got his submission so we'll come in with recommendation from the r team and then all presented here great all right these are all interior walls now exterior exterior so facing south m did you give them any any constraints any specs anything of what we're looking for the building uh yeah we got a brief I got a brief brief the building size um fact that it's a community center and it's for the children and people don't want to do it Council doesn't want to do it we do it but you you you I think maybe what you meant is uh I think it could be a I don't know going to call it sculpture but something like that or it could be a painting or it could I think you left It Wide Open Wide Open artists don't like to e fish me too I didn't had not heard anything about it so I'm just trying to learn what we're doing yeah that's it just to bring some energy um and live up I mean it's the community center so thinking it's a nice place to kind of make it feel comes it so so it could be much could be more than a mural could be a statue sculpture work that's could be I haven't seen sculpture just seen kind of art like painting the mural there pretty small did we look I know there was discussion about trying to make that tower look like the lighthouse is that part of this conversation if an artist thinks it should be a lighthouse it will be a lighthouse if you uh I just noticed it cuz I am I'm sure you all drive that way when you um leave Mammoth Beach you go the as soon as you get into Long Branch on the on the right there's a little park and they put up a a metal they're work it must be a volunteer group cuz you see them there all the time working on it it's so I mean it could be anything yeah it could be anything I mean I think when you drive into SE right and you see the signs when you come in North or South it's just a really nice statement when you see the CBR wall on Bungalow Road people are constantly taking I mean there's um with more developments going in I think the idea of having just culture is a nice element to bring into right and it's again everyone's Choice here once you see everything if you decide something you don't want to sounds good just outside here there's two metal yeah should they be painted or something the solid rust we've talked about it but some aesthetic to be rust I think it's supposed to be we paid for that yeah we also have the seahorse the seahorse is in the public for that came with that we should have the seahorse find a play somewhere that seems like a nice we I think we talked about having it right outside of the of this building building something out off of the the ramp and just setting it in the center well rob you I don't think you were around then but uh it never it never transpired that's up to you guys but we felt like right out front here it there a nice jop every sum that in the parking lot right it's nice so just so I can answer people's questions these are designed to be left in the Natural State left yeah doesn't mean it couldn't be bented every year the rized all right so next topic same building different top different topic nine and 10 are probably we could talk about I'll talk them all together so um in that back room there are these really cool light tables and chairs and right now the community center has these very heavy tables and heavy chairs that the seniors are using so as we've said the seniors are absolutely welcome to stay in the community center but once we start opening up the Comm the rec room for open gym nights it's very difficult to move those tables around and get them back what's currently in that back closet would be amazing to have in the game room these exactly yeah they fold these and those put the fabric on them so they would be unbelievable to have over in the r Center because it's so much easier to move in and out get everything kind of set up so that would be an ask if we could get those use those tables and chairs we're not using them and they could come back and for we bought them for the use of this bu this room but we've never come up with a plan to uh rent this out I have a question I I understand that the seniors are very reluctant to come over here but with the right U set of circumstances they may get there yes is it your vision that we ultimately would prefer to have them out of there and have that area dedicated to gaming playing and stuff like that so the ability for to have Maxim amount of gaming and playing is to have maximum amount of volunteers it is a volunteer Center we need people there we're not going to be Staffing paying people to run the community center that's not where we are right now so it's going to be it'll take time to build up that sort of number of of volunteers um so right now it's really not that big a deal for the seniors to be in there two nights two afternoons and months because kids are in school it really doesn't affect it um so we can work with it and also connected to that is um your old office we could also make that the senior's room where they could be in that office so you don't have to worry about moving anything they can come in and always use that back room we would just need to really we need to go into the the community center and figure out what no longer needs to be there what can be moved upstairs to the attic there is actually a ton of room in the attic and then what needs to be shredded so I think there needs to be a good old like our only concern about the attic is that uh we tried to get everything out of there because we don't have a lot of space in our building and a lot of times the the staff has to go over there and I really didn't want somebody up there by the themselves well they don't have to be by themselves they can always have I mean how often did they go over there I don't I think Karen's very request so the room you're talking about is the one where the five cabinets are yeah where the water RS yeah I mean the room needs to be clean to we tore the walls open because of the mold and everything that was in there but Heather just one quick thing when I first got on Council I did a comprehensive review of shredability of data right because we really want and and what we kind of found is you can always find a little bit but Michelle does an outstanding job I believe right of maintaining what we have to maintain and electronic everything else so I don't think that there's a massive amount of space there I I just think you what's the longer term vision of what we want to have happen here do we want that to be strictly a center and the seniors come over here this reminds me of move you office space if you remember just make it small don't take my state work it's mine yeah eventually what's going to happen is people are going to say this is become an antenna but maybe right it's hard to change when we were in our 80s or whatever the case may be but if the long-term approach is to do this and build out the rec CER to me find a way to get there great and some of the files are permanent that that's the problem Tims are permanent Candace are permanent that's well I'm proposing giving up the area completely where pool tables are and John John goes to seniors I talk to the seniors I know that you know they're going to have challenges with it but half that group would love to be in this room yeah cuz one of two people that wouldn't right I know so how do we fix that and have it moving rather than dragging tables around and squeezing stuff and having DPW clean it up because it's it's flipping to something else is there a long review of what we want and then how do we make that happen the seniors didn't like this room at the beginning they came in when it was very loud the these have help it's still a loud room but they haven't back they haven't been back since we've done that so maybe we uh have we place them in here let have a pizza playy I I swear have pizza we'll have the holiday party there right for them the senior party we could do that yeah let's do that The Catered party here be yeah put aoup carpet I mean why wouldn't you be looking at that might the last thing I want to do no offence is go back the I guess I guess the question is do you want do you want to move it in that direction do we want to move in that I think so I think we need to look at is the historical using that other back room as well there's that old back room that's Chris's office yeah so there is space there well there's files and that's where Michelle is Shing no no no no the one that's on Ocean a so you when historical there's a doorway and then we're us to that's going to be AE that's that's used is it yeah unless someone wants to yeah and also just um the stuff that's in other following that says shred yeah when that gets shred there's probably going to be more that come in that need to be shred like here do the sh that need to be there can it be there's options right yeah so I think especially seniors is one conversation it's really how do we get the building to be utilized because one of the thing that happens is you'll be able to rent that building right for parties and events and so we need it to be really reviewed and open up that office old office and it needs to be easy because I have to tell you that's my concern you have a uh you you have the the uh farmers market in there and Public Works is out of here at 3:00 and then the next morning starting early is pickle ball you know it's got to be cleaned it's got to be easy uh we also we we get a $250 or whatever security deposit you know so it's clean when it's going nobody check yeah can't damage a floor have D I mean the great thing is we have a success story yes right and how do we make it as functional and easy and Opera as possible so it doesn't have to be reverted back all the time it's optimized for its intended use and rather than dragging tables out of there and put them over there I mean John goes to the senior's meeting I go to every other one I'd be happy to try to influence them out of that I should entice them I don't I mean serious I think that's just invite them here have a party here a party maybe maybe maybe there's [Music] a well the elevator is a great that's a great piece right they meet next week I so we influence them have holiday do you want to work on that with your committee maybe the rec committee no not just I mean everything we're going all the topics just covered and well I don't know how to move how do I how do we clean out I think I need it's an Administration piece where we're cleaning I can't move files out of we're not talking about that space yeah we're talking about the area where the senors okay that big file area is a whole L the store well that needs to be add yeah right now we started with moving tables instead of the ones that there I'm just saying get that senior meeting out of there completely yeah and you guys are going to work on convincing the seniors we're going to try to yeah we're going to try to but that meaning not touching that no I get that I get that but the me the room you just asked about is filled with file CS that we have to figure out out a way to fix and by the way it's got to be remediated because we ripped the walls open because they were soaking W before we came Place yeah we haven't closed so in my mind Step One is we want the rec center to be a dedicated Rec Center we don't want the seniors in there if we can avoid it so we have to get him out of there then you can get on the pool table whatever it is you want to get what do you face it it's just funny the presentation yeah it is it's [Music] pretty we'll give the TR and and the last not the last just so I'm clear I'm not telling the seniors that they have to move out of the rester no I started with what would you like to have happen meeting yeah I I'll tell them that he wants you out he said I think next Wednesday they have a a regular bingo I I have they do on Wednesday holiday meeting is when Adina go yeah Adelina how oh so the holiday Coury is not until after I just found that out yesterday which is a whole other issue on sorting out the contribution to their Christmas gift and and we're getting different answers from I got an email from Christie saying yeah I saw that okay it's different than what Jo so we got to sort that out sh I is here come back in okay and then the farmers market it's going well the only thing John and I were talking about I believe we would have required them to get a uh a moving blanket for under their tables tables that's fine like John said you get it at harbor free for $10 yeah yeah I mean and that floor is so nice like we don't want to take they're very aware that if anything happens that they you know that opportunity is no want in there so they take it very seriously and they sleep in they clean up the last time I did it you you couldn't even tell that anyone was even I'm just worried about the scratching not unintentional not dropping a coffee right but I think also just knowing from a regular maintenance standpoint that the guy who did the floors before anything he said you need to maintain it every 2 years it's just normal wear right so then plan to have the for May let's get with Don and talk to him that guy come back how can we get the word to the former Market though that we want them to put something down I got 10 great they're cheap how many tables do we typically it depends on the vender I mean how many vendors yesterday there was what one two three four five the farmer has the most probably 10 tables so if we bought a dozen blankets it's $100 cuz they they literally run them on sale for like $6.99 if we look and so there are a bunch of people from Fair Haven Highlands Atlantic Highlands so we are starting to pull people in from multiple areas so if anyone can spread more word it's open yeah so anything and but we wanted to just formalize it here that everyone's aware it's going to be on a weekly basis Farmers Market on Wednesdays yeah the key is we want to get the blankets we don't want to keep having and then we say oops we hurt the floor we should have would have could um should we go buy them and charge them 10 bucks or whatever it is yeah and so they don't have to go there maybe we can do that be standard get all the same color whatever they set the uh specific hours every Wednesday every Wednesday from 12: to 6: do they do their own advertisements they do the woman who runs it you're here she's got 16,000 emails she sends it out on blast I mean I've written the Two River times I've invited Lori dra from Mom journal to come over to take a look at the farmers market and the Historical Society so just trying to get kind of more communication out there the more people who come the more vendors you'll get like just just and then more people you get into the rec center which becomes oh look at this space maybe not can rent it you know it has so many benefits that it's just a great way to kind of bring people in and just get more energy just a quick question one of the concerns I always have is liability what happens to somebody falls on something um when the market is done for the day is somebody on the market team to sweep the floor Jen who here here She runs it she sweeps oh she does so she has the obligation to make sure there's no leftovers she asked us was can we get her the better the stuff we have is B she Tak it's that old big a real I think it's like 20 years old frank told me he had one when he was at Brookdale to do the gym floors he said it was spectacular he's looking for the he was looking at where he got it and the only other thing is the keyw on that so the chief had U some quotes but they were expensive the one that I looked at was really cheap so how do we need to what do we need to do to get the P lock not here but I think what we need to do is have Tom H look at both of them cuz they're fire push bars and everything so I'll have Tom tell us what we have to do to get that and comine and I'd rather I hope he can say the [Music] 300 but there's some problem with the fire exits that the one I looked at accommodates the fire exits but it what you have to hit a button right it says push to exit now that's an issue could be but because technically the the push thing is is going to open that door no matter what right the latch is already open at that point does it require power they is power to the left side so it there is an outlet there and all of that stuff all right I'll I'll ask Tom to start the process and that's an efficiency be right right now the police have to go in and open yoga open we're opening a couple times a day sometimes we are not on time I get text the middle phone calls and yoga is have to wait we looked at some mechanisms and they are expensive time the frames the door have to be changed it's a big too but big to it will reli you of a responsibility that you should not be no we just not unfortunately yeah I'll work with you just to give a complete presentation to the JY of everything that's going on there just so they're aware in case every mentioned some Takes a Tumble at least it's on record what we've done etc etc yeah they already know I mean but it's not uncommon Community CER there's everybody Center it down on paper doing they can't come in and there are paid clinics coming in now too right so come January there are two paid soccer clinics coming in Don St that for Tuesdays and Thursdays that's why the farmers market haded Wednesday so there's activity coming in there so you know we're getting a lot of requests we got a wrestling request I don't know where you do it with the max then though actually find a m like we do for a pool you know we put the liner over and it's connected on the roll it out R but it's big up a lot of space but depends on you want to maximize the use of the space yep um it should be a self-funded center right we talked about in January to start even pickle ball or things like that five bucks or something to to mainten for maintenance and cleaning go to Solid Waste ordinance Solid Waste ordinance John uh took a look at it I took a look at it Chris got us some examples we it's a we ran into a problem with someone putting out so much bul and the police did their thing and went over to him and he he's mad because he went into our ordinance and there's no number it doesn't say I can only put out no wouldn't it says you put out your stuff on Thursday that's all we got wall townships we got long branches we got bricks they all have a number so we need a number yeah for items well what happens is we have rentals right and the renter leaves all their stuff is on the and it depends how much stuff they had right some of them just clean the whole place out and it's just too much the the the Sanitation Company says I I stop there and my truck's full I can't get the rest of your town some towns say that if you're doing that you need to get your own container right this is for regular general public I mean I was talking to Brian about it I mean if you want to get rid of uh you're redoing a room a bedroom you know you're going to have a box brilliant mattress you're going to have a bureau you're going to have a night table that's four pieces maybe you say five yeah I would think something not too restrictive I can see making some guidance in there but something too restrictive I don't know you know that's that's all subjective I just think that there's there's there's the real issue is whether the truck can finish the town after it picks that one up what was happening though too cross we're talking about it wasn't the fact it was the fact that he kept saying well this isn't from my apartment someone just driving over dck here well no no one's D here so we were getting more it was more of it's not my stuff not for my building like well yes it is the people just mve out that's just people from people just get on my property no they're not so that's more of what and it help itself when those eight homes are built they're not going to be able to put it out in front of those John you want to make suggestion the next meeting yeah Joe is there anything to in our ordinance right now on limitation what you can put out no no there's zero says we we change the other ordinance to limit the number of containers like we all know in other towns they do put limitations on what you can put out and if you put a certain thing out you have to come into the town and pay a fee for it get a little bit complicated with the trash department already in place though we do we have in place yeah but they have to pay a so we just need to quantify what we allow on both yeah fair enough and just limiting the number it Stills doesn't mean you put put it out yeah but at least now you have a like to stand on andbody renovate well my view was if the truck went to your house and picked up two and your house and picked up two and your it's the same amount it's not like a whole area empties out but we're trying to work with the collector to he's got this good news is you're going to be in front of the person's house so you can figure out who it is all right next one is I'm going to ask you to talk about that I did get a call from uh U Mark lexin about it um Mark was always passionate about this we got to call he told me he spoke with you were rich I don't know uh he feels that we ought to appeal the decision it's really a decision you can make in January and I think Mark can express to you what he feels I don't think I want to take it upon myself and tell you now what Mark play you don't have to make a decision now because there has been no final order there's there's a decision um the other side has agreed to drop all of their claims and the lawsuit so we said that's fine with us obviously let's put an end to it so they been prepareing order once that order gets filed you have 45 days to decide whether to appeal so that's not going to happen until around the end of the year the earliest by the time they get it to us so you'll have the opportunity in January to to have a discussion and Mark can you know can make his case at that point it's going to be up to the council we're not we're not recommending that you that feel I think there's probably easier ways to deal with it then okay and try to take it on the field but that's up that's up to I guess need to yeah I said get a m Regional Health commission and go to the county so we we're not subject to moment region level either way then like you said we have time we can hear out Joe are there two subjects here one is do we want to modify our existing ordinance and the second that was being talked about I guess that I don't know much about is an ongoing litigation around Prior case are there two subjects the existing ordinance is is really what you call a a noise nuisance ordinance okay in in New Jersey a noise word has to conform with d regulation which means if you want a noise ordinance you have to adopt an ordinance that's a model ordinance in the state and that's based on deci reg the only way you can enforce it is to have certified de meters with certifi operators you certified she she told myself and Chad were certified I will tell you it's it wasn't easy on us it wasn't it's something I wouldn't recommend again a waste of time not it's not an easy thing to do it and it's it's very rarely used in my experience um and I give you example where it is used and it's and it's used for a very specific purpose seagar introduce an ordinance a noise ordinance the only place they use it is at the park it was an objective way to go stand at the nearest property line and determine whether or not the noise from the Parker House exceeded the permissible levels under the state regulation it's very rare that you see towns use it as a noise ordinance the other kind of ordinance which is the one that we had is referred to as a noise nuisance ordinance so it it tries to set up some verbal standard to explain what it is that's a nuisance very always very difficult to enforce always and when challenged substantively always a difficult ordinance to support there are examples of of how you can do that in in in our case the judge's decision was that you can't enforce your ordinance because it's preempted by the regional health neither rich shley or I agree with that um I know that Mark doesn't either based on what you told R do we want to take an appeal I I don't think so because I don't see the point of spending the money you can you can either leave the Regional Health commission and go to the county you can ask the Regional Health commission to change its ordinance right or if you have a real issue someplace you can do a noise work and my understanding is we haven't really had noise complaints in either and the whole thing was done as a result of complaints from one place and essentially from one person I mean that's why they were but I think we want to protect for the future right so like Rory's that I can tell you and nothing most of our Ro complaints come from they're pretty simple the music is on after 10:00 night can you guys go shut the music down no problem this guy has to weed at 6:00 the morning he can't have full s please turn S it's not really an issue it's pretty easy it's enforceable it's it's easy to do it's black and white right our ordinances out of times locations construction noise emergency audible music non audible music the complaints that we have they really the past 6 months they're not heavy lifts for us you're pretty easy to handle and it's my understanding that the the noise ordinance that utilizes deciples is only for Amplified voice only for Amplified voice so it wouldn't work at Tommy's at the time because they didn't have an amplified it was just so many people crowd noise that were in the back that upset the Nautilus and and you know cornhole and everything else you know people drinking car house it's music it's it's it's the van do the van sound like right so that not that that's easier but that's really definable ours was discuss you really don't need to have now and I know I know you're going to have it in January already yeah do I heard at the end they said too much fce Chris you put that on for it's going to be at the reward meeting go all right we change we Chang no we changed the beach feet for preseason sales was 50 to 75 we uh we haven't really changed other fees in a while in a long time I don't know that they need to be changed I'm just saying like Chris I remember hearing something about pick up my beach [Music] bad yeah I think we left everything else alone except we went 50 to 75 I think we did um Beach badge donation requests that's on here because we spoke about it few months ago making restrictions on we just got in this batch um a request from sville organization I mean they're coming in from all over the place so yeah do we want to limit it to Mama County groups and organizations I mean sah wases a stretch maybe we're their Beach I don't know maybe maybe this is Sarah Chris how many do you think reasonably we should assume if you had to just guess it would be 20 12 40 40 40 30 40 we had some limited discussion about this and I think we kind of said um Let it go this year right but we're going to put something in place that has a framework that basically says we're open to this we understand the benefit and we're going to cap it 2 five I'm making a number of whatever the counil decides first come first serve but then look at the Merit on do every year that's in the fall they don't usually ask us until later in the year there it but we like to give it to them and Library I mean 40 will become 60 or we just say 40 every year it goes up that so is there a point where we say okay that we got to cut it off I I and it's really not even a it's it's more principal oriented I think than I understand that I get that I you don't know that they were actually going to use them I I knew people that bought ones every year and they sat on the table they never used them yeah plus when people come they hopefully spend money across the street and stuff like that so it's not doesn't cost us anything I get that and they Park but it felt like it was getting a little bit far reaching for what you normally want to do like this cereo organization probably ni organization but just s sound maybe we should chis maybe you look at what you've gotten and yous I mean Joe just said something which made a lot of sense to me m County right I don't know if of the 40 12 of them outside of M County but is there a filter is there nonprofit is there church I'm making this up is there some filter that we would want to apply that that that school would get them and I I don't know what that answer is because 40 will become 60 will become 80 I mean they're all nonprofits yeah I I I don't I don't know the list I'm just saying maybe you looking at the list could say Here's a thought let's filter in this way there you have all nonprofits do you want to make it B County I mean it's no give it a number 50 and say we all how we do that we have to do solution or like how would we make our rules why don't let beend something this so the movie film crew it went to space next door the question is do how long is before when is it it's for two days I think January 11th that's coming up next so is the main question is how much to rent for well we can Char them a fee they're willing to pay but um I don't know you were talking I said um maybe $2,500 well the the last gr that came in was very generous yeah they they were filming here also [Music] be we all know [Music] january5 that yeah we're working on that right [Music] it'll evaluate it going forward I know you're taking the lead on this whole issue about film Ready New Jersey thing and you as you said there's no Workshop until later so we're kind of un right now down the road that would be something deal with here so that doesn't apply I I think some 25 day for the two days how much it is I you guys yeah yeah that's right we don't really know the scope if they brought 100 Vehicles it's a deal if they B five G you ask how many vehicles they said about 70 70 that's also a couple tra TR all all right I have to add another one uh Roger uh will you have the PN resolution ready for next Tuesday uh yes well it's just a resolution authorizing the mayor to sign an agreement yeah good it'll be right I have some issues on the details but move we can move forward with the resolution so there is an executive session correct or no yes