[Music] sh that's why Dominic says don't [Music] touch [Music] [Music] just oh yeah okay I guess last last week last month I was wondering [Music] [Music] Jack is coming [Music] late good worksh meeting flag the United States of America stands nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all I wish advise add notice this reg meeting press other local newspapers January 8 2024 each instance the date time and location of this meeting will provid the notice this meeting is open to thec here here [Music] here he said he wasn't okay all right first up remarks from the audience is anybody online or person who would like to be heard just please your name and the address and Flor is yours anybody can be heard hi my name is Melissa Deana um I buiness at 1096 ocean luy haveo in case you didn't know um I'm here because uh the parking from the store is super imperative to my business and um just so people pull over and park for the 30 minute parking in front of the store there's um a sign for 30 minute parking which you don't take down but it's not enforceable and I've been having a lot of issues with um especially because I have the church next door and the AA meetings meet multiple times a day and they park in front the store they don't like me asking them to park across the street um and I don't have the parking across the street because of the uh of the barrel Hall and um the police station fire station so that 30 minute parking right in front of the store is super critical um I have seen like a huge decline in business especially this winter um just because I the parking is people park there all day like people who live above veins will park there all day and then people just don't pull over to stop there there's another surf shop on on the beach they'll just go there so um I'm hoping if you guys could uh consider changing the ordinance from um to to all year right now it's only uh enforcable from um May through October I need it my business is is all year it's not a seasonal business I'm open I'm open all year so I really need help um you know I didn't know it wasn't enforceable um over the winter time I called Captain Arius uh the other day to help me out with some of house the AA people not to park there and said it wasn't enforceable so so I really need help cuz I can't keep asking them they hate me now yeah you don't want to make that I know I is there I mean John is there any reason why we can't do that from a enforcement perspective I mean I understand one the main parking lot is not uh is not limited during excuse me is unlimited during the course of the uh winter you don't want to obstruct business traffic but for like Avenue traffic I I don't know why we would not have that 30 minutes all r it's never been issued before until uh this past weekend right it's it's been an issue I just I yeah in previous years I brought it up and I kind of got like sick of being being complaining so but it and I I need it I need it fixed if I can make a comment about two years ago we did a review of the parking in town I went to every shop owner who did to speak to I think I may have actually to ask the stop owners uh preference with regard to the 30 minute time and the majority said they wanted to maintain the 30 minutes if you guys remember right versus L because it drives turnover very and when we did that I reported back to the police department that he wanted to retain it in 30 minutes I know that's not the point they raising so there's overwhelming support by the merchants to keep it at 30 minutes although a couple of them like Alice's and others would like an hour or longer people to sit down breakfast Etc I did not know that it was not enforceable in the offc in that review I understand your point perfectly and I guess the question we should what we should take out of this as an action as a council to talk to the police department to understand their perspective wouldn't make a decision here but understand the concern look at the pros and cons and come back to you with a response we could start with just talking to the the church right and there I mean just a a conversation with that yeah but I don't think it's just limited to the church I understand but if if we could just start with a conversation I afterwards thaton and then to church too issue when off SE parking in the mean lot they know it's enforced they know it's not being enforced oh that's okay I I understand yeah so like in the summertime everyone scared to park there over 30 minutes they know they're going to get a ticket so I don't have to worry about it um but in the winter time it's it's a I guess yeah thanks thank you thanks um any be [Music] today interested closer so people [Music] can since we're talking about the Evite ordinance um I was just wondering how uh it would be if we ask people when you're building these new staircases or putting their decks on by the splash pad to bump out that sidewalk so we would have a like they have long branches arounded flow around the stairs so if you put four ft of stairs put four fet of curve sidewalk so we could have the same width tragically with the bicycles and the jogers and that that choke point when people hang stuff off of those decks you know shoulder height and that's you know the bicycl three bicycles come through there and to More Walk [Music] Nar there I was actually F Frank that I made J really Narrows Lan but I don't well you know we've been talking about perhaps extending or widening the splash pad we have a right away um Frank's looking into uh the uh Department of Transportation has a great program for bicycle safety uh it may fit right into that to widen it color a certain color um those are those are options you folks are going to have in you know in the future and so M suggest I understand exactly what he's saying though he's right it does uh it does constrict when those stairs are built there as you know the ordinances on the agenda I'll talk to that in the subject you just raised that can we go back to the parking again on on Avenue sure my concern is that if we wait to the if we wait to talk to the police and then come back and I mean I'm not saying you can't talk to the police but and obviously they should be included in this but if we wait that means we have a meeting on Tuesday council meeting so it wouldn't be introduced on Tuesday the ordance to change it which means it wouldn't be introduced until April which means it wouldn't be introduced until May I would be adopted until May which means it's totally pointless for the rest of the year um how yes it does so how difficult is it to speak with them before Tuesday get into the production orance on the agenda for Tuesday night so at least bua gets and the other business get the uh the benefit of it for the for some of April or yeah I just don't want I'm bring up I don't want to wait until make it until May when it's adopted which would then be for 2024 no we already cover that well I don't know you did so I just want to make sure that that's clear that's where we're proce so okay so Joe if it's possible we get that on the on the Tuesday agenda for about you the police don't have if you if you folks are in favor we could talk to the police talk to about enforcement and uh I I I I guess it's a simple ordinance I haven't read the ordinance but I it just simp it's a chart and it simply says it it lists everything and everything is May through uh May through October I mean it's inappropriate to make a decision right now I'm ask had a place I'm suggesting the mayor to the police department as quickly as possible get a perspective and wait I was going to wait till it fall but thank you for cl again it wasn't clear that you were going to do this for for Tuesday night every so that's why I'm bringing it up with you I didn't want it to fall I just thought you know we don't have a calendar in front of us want to make sure everybody had the right perspective that it doesn't make sense to wait until April to produce it that's it all right any like you heard today anybody online like you heard today all right let's move on to our first resolution uh resolution number 61 2024 authorizing hiring of our administrator they make a motion to ad resolution I have I have a question the um the agreement that was forwarded to us to draft is that the agreement that we're approving right now correct there was no uh commencement date on that and I know we had talked about the fact that Mon it's not in the agreement I did not see it it was uh I had to Bru no later than um May 13 Monday May 13th that's what we discussed but I didn't disc that was our that was our agreement and it was agreed to by uh by Rachel but it's not in the agreement uh I'll I if it's in there and I missed it I apologize I did not see it take a quick quick [Music] look you did you Mo come I I don't think that's going to be a problem but I know that was a concern of everyone's that we wanted to make sure that I commen on a certain he you had WR email I did no later than uh it doesn't say when it's dark can we add that language I'll move B into we add that language we want and she needs some time and we want to discuss it discuss it but I think she no I I I don't think I think she's very comfortable with May 13th her and I discussed it face to face May 13th is fine so you can have it commencing no no later than May 13th I'll I'll move the uh I'll move the resolution with that amend so before before I secondment as chair of the personel I just want to extend the thank you Joe Joe you did an outstanding job in getting a slate candidates in front of us working process in a timely way dealing with the ability of the whole Council to review the candidates very effectively and getting to a conclusion thank so on second the motion I want to thank you for what you did thank you right I think you're being left in good hands [Music] and second Bieber yes yeah Gordon yes we're just voting on The yes all right and yes all right we have adopted resolution number 6124 R we can move on to items for discussion first one is Joe projects update um just a couple brief comments uh we um want to want to welcome Rachel um I think it's going to be a great uh fit for CBR and for Rachel um and I'm looking forward to the transition um as far Capital uh next week you will be voting on the bonds issue for both uh um U engineering proposals for um the relining of the Ocean Avenue uh storm silver uh sanitary silver and um those projects are going to start moving forward and I'm hopeful to have the one for the Public Works building for you uh at the next meeting so those two are big for the summer they're they're big pieces of a capital program uh and as you can see from the outside all of our equipment's out in the weather right now uh we have no place to put it and I would hope we can expedite it I don't know what your FRA time frame is great but um it's going to take a little while to work do the engineering and then ultimately out to bid and dely time is a critical one this year 24 it will be close it'll probably end of the year beginning of the year so so so those are very important to us you know our equipment's out in the elements right now I think we have some good news on some of the when police give a report but uh on on our on our dealings with the the den hols project but uh they're going to start tearing those buildings down now that's all I have all great than right on to public [Music] upates hey good morning everybody last month we had 270 caller servicesit and everything can you come over close some of the stuff the past month I know I went out with Brian I was look out there there's not going to be any problem with the police getting any kind of access out there we have the whole thing squared away no we chat out you Lo the beach you went to every single spot there's not going to be any kind of issue of us getting any police equipment or anything over to any part of the wall we got it we've done it before will it be a little tricky up there absolutely but we'll make it happen so that will not be an issue um there were a few code enforcement violations that we took care of some summons issues some warnings given U mostly if by the CP Zone um I know we talked about the ebike ordinance with um some of the council members which is fine uh Jim McHugh has been looking at every single door of this place trying to figure out this whole system but I we've had some problems with it and um most importantly 1:00 this afternoon I have a meeting with Den Holtz Adam Church Street lot about using it for the summertime we need that lot so hopefully it'll go well I will soon as the meeting is done I'll call Joel and briyan and give the update so that's what I have for right now question thanks for TR working par we need that we that every year though any [Music] questions 28 calls month of February it's up from 22 calls in February of 23 brings us to 108 for the year um we finished our annual Refreshers requirement to continue your active membership here you have to go through your refresher we recertified 62 guys we took 10 excuses usually it's military and school need we'll put them when they come back in May um I don't know if you guys saw we were rewarded that Grant um from the DCA $770,000 which is um 15 sets of year I spoke with Mr Bas yesterday um that is a reimbursement program so we're just waiting on the official um award letter from the state um if he can get that either today or tomorrow which I'm going to follow up as soon as I leave here um he'll make arrangements in budget for the reimbursement and we'll try to get a resolution prepared for Tuesday um so like I said I'm going call you know people at the dcx see if I can get that that AO B track prob we going to push it to next month which I'd rather not to Chief just a question on that was the actual prior acquisition before the reimbursement for more than 15 pieces of equipment that was the application but were we buying more that that offsets a portion no okay so there's not when you talk about adjustment to budget right you already planning on buying stuff no there there was no line forur your okay so it's it's all of the new equipment being procured this year the 15 sets of new equipment being paid for yes sir that cost 70,000 very good um that's no that's this is the American resue program the DCA Grant um the engine is out for its refurbishment uh they're telling me it'll be back by May which is fine as long as I get back may may y as long as it's back before summer season I can I can make do without it um I don't know if you guys noticed that five time was painted outside the truck that we bought from deal for a dollar um one of our guys is a Ved painting uh he went and painted himself it's a different color red I know that um it was Fray um his boss donated the material and he did the work for Fray um we got to paint the hood the white Hood's not working there's a lot of play so we're going to paint that hood uh to match the the r the rest of the truck [Music] um well Chris just brought up the assistance firef grant um again I spoke to Mr Bassin about this grant grant program we apply for every year we've been successful a few times um it's a FEMA Grant uh 5% Shar cost um this year we're going to ask for eight new ex defibulators CU we need them the ones that we have now are 12 years old um and three new air packs uh was a cost of 42,000 yeah 42,000 5% share cost Mel okay with it um so I'm currently in the process of preparing that there should be a resolution for Tuesday night for uh for support of the program um so hour 5% is 2K yeah that's it [Music] all you today we've had 28 calls we had one miss call they had to go to Mutual aid for apparently there was no one around at all me to fire first day and thanks five Department here I help you guys answer our problem one of the the five of calls were a Sandy Hook one was a cardiac arest we got to use our new Lucas which is and it worked great um we have four applications out for members two of the members are in driver training and we have one member has become an EMP other one's waiting to take his test our blood drive is May 14th from 1: to 7:00 p.m. at theall the old Hall and that's basically it what was the time on the drive uh 1 1 to 7 thank you we're going to have sign up [Music] [Music] town okay so um Public Work started working on a doom fence in the North Beach from Sandy Hook down to ship we still have some issues with the openings because our list that great Davis differs a little bit from France so we're trying to get past that point so anyway that part of it's done um South Beach we did along the village and trade WIS Lane that's and as far as going from the last the Driftwood Beach Club down to Mama's W were not allowed to put defense up there Frank was in contact with Christina Davis and she said no fishing hot L and in addition to that she said they need 30 days notice for any fence we put up in those restricted are so that's drip went to to yeah okay and so D has absolutely said no to that absolutely well they said no to putting it in front of the the the current Dune uh behind the dunes you're able to do it correct yeah but there's a lot of sand back there if you want it put it up that's I'm sorry coming that's coming from Frank LA or that's coming you heard from D directly Frank Frank talk to Christina Davis fishing um we ran into that problem in North Beach a few years ago that we put it in front of the dunes and they made us remove it like almost immediately yeah just out of curiosity you put it behind the dunes in South Beach so why doing it behind the dunes South drift is that different than it's a protected area but you said we can do it behind the dunes right Dave started with we can't do it there what he meant to say was he can't do it in front of the dunes and he said doing it behind the dunes doesn't make a lot of sense he did it behind the dunes in South Beach at Village and Tra I think he had more room there though yeah yeah there's uh the Dune pretty much comes right up to the seaw wall in South Beach from Driftwood to M Beach so there is no there's no access point to the Doom so there's really no place that you can put fence that'll help the situation down there okay that that clarifies that question and there's a fence there already but it's you know not totally together just a just a quick question um if sand collects right up against the seaw wall if it does does that create a risk in the case of a heavy storm because of its ability to get up over the sea wall compared to being broken by the Rocks because what we're doing and I I agree with what we're doing but what we're doing is accumulating a lot of sand hopefully at the rocks and imagine if the sand covered the Rocks the ocean just come right over that so Greg maybe I'm asking you is is there a question here not not really because if you think about the the ocean has to be in a certain elevation to get over the seaw wall so the fact that you slope it in front of it's going to make very little difference even it's w AC what will happen is we would get the mammoth uh Mammoth Beach effect where the sand blows over onto the road exactly I mean that's that's the worst problem that's coming around the corner forre I I agree with everything we're doing we're trying to capture and hold sand I get there I just want to make sure we're not creating another problem in the process well years ago in 2013 after super storm Sandy we hired an excavator equipment and pulled all that sand off of the wall from one end of the Town pretty much to the other we had be bulldozer but you can't Christine Davis would never let us do that today if there's a fence there already D is that but it's deterior yeah I mean can't we talk to Christina Davis and say hey the fence is there already we just want to replace it in com she may allow so that wasn't the question we asked I understand but it might be something to look at we we'll take we'll talk to her I mean now she's around more often it's um you know it's it's right around the corner that the season starts the 15th so uh here this a bit confusing because if the fence that we have that's deteriorated is behind the Doom yeah we have the authority to put a new fence behind the Doom just not in front yeah but I wasn't told that I was told to put it in front of D no I get I get that the request that came from the town will put in front of d d position is you can do that not pered that's I I'm going to go back and talk to question was see deteriorate offense behind the Doom that we had authority to replace should be rep no problem as long as we got the permission to do it we'll do [Music] it it's we didn't ask that question got it question from 5 South is hug so you don't have a real problem except BL right well it seems to be gathering uh on the inside of the seaw wall there it's like kind of filled in somewhat it's not like North Beach where we have the access road on the east side of the the jetty Jack I know Sam you're on the phone yeah yeah I mean you you received calls have you about that area people want the fence because they're having problems correct yeah the problem is uh the calls um that people are calling now is that the the fence that was left um felling down um is still there like was never removed and then the new fence was put up like right behind it so now we have a problem with the um uh residents uh complaining that the fence is down on the ground just left there and then new one's up it's it shr the access road down in some spots and that is that in North Beach Sam yes what about South Beach South Beach I got reports that we uh put some fence across access points that possibly should not have been um fenced off that's at the Village right uh I believe the village situation was um addressed by Greg and and Brian they went down and checked it out so I don't know if there's a problem there anymore um because it's open um as far as other spots I don't know if there's uh accesses that are againstall Hey Hey Joe just another question so with all the work that DPW and others are putting in putting fence in we know there are cases where people are knocking down and walk walking over the fence which is to the detriment of everybody and I understand why people want to do it but my question is in light of the fact that they're not permitted to go through in that section we invested in the fening should we enforce that someh it's it's hard to enforce I mean we know that uh you have to catch somebody doing it yeah I I I mean it's not a rocket science and if there's a if there's a a Stairway there that you you may want to talk to the person that owns the stairway and Beach section yeah it's easier to catch I mean we can't watch them do it I don't know I'm going to Y to the police I mean they are K you can probably see who C from but the issue you kind of have to see him do it you have to see him do it you done a nighttime warning and all the neighbors probably use that one access and they all probably go to the same spot so it's probably just one house everybody uses that access just catching them is definitely challenging well we know that everyone that builds a crossover wants to be able to walk straight to the beach uh but it it's it's not very honorous to walk 50 yards one way or the other but yeah so I don't know how we force yeah I mean I I mean I don't know we can talk to them I just don't know how you had somebody doing that because it's you know the [Music] public I are we done with that issue now all right moving along um so we are working on the beach lockers currently you know they need a lot of Maintenance so DPW is working on that as we speak um great Flash and I myself went out to look at a couple of bulkheads at the West End the peninsula Avenue and Southway is there deteriorating spots there especially on Peninsula it seems to be a private property issue though it is and it's affecting our sidewalk underne that bulkhead has to get fixed before we can really do anything okay as far as the one in North Beach it looks like it's going to have to be [Music] excavated it's actually ered on street of the B the sidewalk J mostly my what we could see was mostly caused by the fact that the resident on the South Side put his bul he didn't see off between our bul and it's Road um so we got this just a matter was a simple thing to do for a of concrete there to stop broken on that se and it wasn't done our ordinance cover anything I know when we put our bulk ordinance years ago does it they interconnect some way is that included we know in the ordinance i' have to specific I'm sure it probably was just to make an interconnection between exis I me it's just normal standard proceeding practice 14 South L it's the last house on the line so Greg this is a case of we have a bul that the street was put Town property equipment into the gap between G they B it up to it but there's a seed wasn't closed like you have SE so just matter pouring of concrete to seal that so you don't have the ex effective roading through that seam and that's what's happened over the years it just eroded all out of there okay do we think this is the only location that that situation exists no I'm sure there's PL it's the one that we're most aware of because of the damage there and the homeowner call us what every sell off to get it updated I mean the interesting thing is when the homeowner put in his b his best interest together and didn't in that is being done we are looking should prob part of priv PL go they got include that yeah we'll take a look at the bu something we can tie we look at that bul on Peninsula way cuz we got an email from a resident saying there were kids playing over there was dangerous so it's the AC on that one that was the peninsula yeah penins Peninsula Avenue yeah we already brought that up yeah I but what's the action on that because that seems to be a public safety issue with you know people playing on the street especially when the summer comes through everyone starts fishing down there it's going to become D I mean it already is dangerous so what is the next action St there the problem with that is that the eroded bulkhead is not ours it's private I know so the only thing we can do is request the property owner or us to put up a fence to isolate that property because that is deteriorated about probably 15 to 20 ft is in very poor shape and below the water level and it's causing a tremendous inle underneath our road on our sidewalk something has to be done relatively sooner the okay Heather I think you're asking a very good question since I'm reading The Bu activity I'll take a look at it I'll meet with Greg and make a recommendation on next test good us put a vertical tie back tie back 10 ft 15 ft generally what happen when there's existing there which is what happened when we put the in our at our right away we put a bulk there was an existing bulk head here so that was capped off like we talk a lot of concrete usually don't need a tie back if there's an existing bulk head there but the problem is that's it's a steel bulk and totally eroded for about 20t second [Music] AES invol quick we don't put some kind of stop concrete or something we would have to put a tieback piece of sheet piling ourselves just to keep protect the road a good idea well the problem of doing that then they're going to lose their whole piece of property it's going to eventually that that erosion will just continue to swirl and it's going to just we would have to come all the way down the street do the erosion hold continue so it's everybody's best interest to get this property to fix that ball oh yeah because it's even if we fix our piece it's going to R further it's been instead of the first it's just going to keep eating away and we do give that property owner approval to have parking in the summer so you know kind of inviting people there that's an [Music] interesting okay uh we have this leak up here I'm trying to get this last quote in but soon that's going to be fixed it appears to be a wall leak in the seams of the material up there and it's not the windows itself so okay as soon as I get the last quote in probably looking at around $3,000 at least um we took here at a flower pots right s you the email so we're just waiting to hear from you where and when to to drop them off and Frank going to get some painter to paint the holders all right for the planners yeah well it's no rush whenever you get a chance because they have to paint them anyway so I have okay uh I know Brett said he can get around access around that Anchorage Beach but we really can't bring the beach rake and tractor and front end motor through that it's a real problem for us so yeah well where the jetty exposed now that road way it's gone that's what we used to use to get the heavy equipment out there so I spoke [Music] with they will you know that pick that chaining fence they have that's almost all bu it's almost all Buri yeah they'll open that up and take down a section okay they said 12 ft okay I didn't know that that's great that they can do that because we got to get the front end loader to get probably a couple dozen lockers up there too and then break it you know on a regular schedule said okay so I can contact him on hold on yeah Mr what I would recommend there instead of having him take that out cuz that's pretty well bued that's like bar 6 to 7 ft I would recomm it's only exposed about 6 in and I talk to the chief about this let's just put a little sand over the top of it even though we're riding over the dun we take that fence out it's going to destroy that next 20 ft of dun and that's right where the erosion has inched in on the South Side the north side of the jet a and it'll just make that Expos it'll make it susceptible to tremendous erion so it's like a now well it's solidified in there you don't really want to disturb time gets up to that point it will all be gone instantly he said U said we can do that he said it's before I say oh Chief and I talk it wasn't necessarily the end section it was like I think the second section maybe 10 ft from the end of the fence the fence is almost totally submerged in the SC and that's where I recommend we over it's not going to be you know something the DP appreciates from a maintenance point of view but from an emergency point of view it's not a problem you got right we're going to destroy part of the dun but if we take that fence out we're going to lose the D youc is the heavy equipment cor little sand you put on the top so have to be a considerable amount of sand but I right now I think it's only a spot 6 in just to get over just because we don't want to ruin the tires of the machine but I don't want to put a lot of there we Ru planting but his concern is that heavy equipment is going to ruin his fence it shouldn't because it's bued I mean that that fence is know yeah but we'll make sure it doesn't do that that F property should yeah that's his fance right so I guess if we if we ever destroy to replace it yeah but we can also put mats over the top of it to protect just so it doesn't we don't want to destroy our Equipment Tires we have to protect the tires and Equipment anyway own that J yeah that's not [Music] right yeah he's a good guy okay we look forward um we have issues with Personnel unfortunately we lost two in one week after Randy retired Jose left to go do another job for the Jersey Transit and can't blame the guy it was a better opportunity for him wished him well so there's only four so we definitely need to get out yeah you're advertising for summer yeah that should be going in today's paper I think or on the website but we still need to replace Randy a full-time employee we were told 6 months that was going to and now it seems to be on hold told well I don't know if it's on hold there the council's under discussion we we we'll further discuss that you ought to be ready to uh put an ad in I don't know that you have an ad ready but Council will consider you know consider the additional hiring but so you ought to be ready to go Le amount of people I've had since I've first got hired almost 23 years ago so there's a lot more to do now D just so we're clear and I agree with what judge just said if we say go are you ready to go a for a full time yeah okay so you're ready to go we yeah from Summer help how many people are you looking to bring on board Well we'd like to get what Rob about two right now for sers two would be nice for now but yeah but then you're going to eat a lot more summer season so just real quickly what is your plan you want two part times now and how many more for the summer usually SE part-time seasonal is pretty much the same so Jose was started out as a seasonal I'm just looking for a number how many people do you want to bring on board besides the fulltime person for the summer for the summer an additional four would be great four is what you're going to request okay and you and you have an ad going out for that now yes just want to make sure we clear on it actually may before once we get into the full swing in the summer you know because there's a lot of garbage we got to take in so a lot of cleaning full time four part time no one one more full time and two seasonal for right now and then as the season gets ramped up we'll be looking a higher board season but they kind of come and go with the summer so is that 1 two and four or one two and two one two and two okay one two and two okay two two as soon as possible yeah and then two coming on for the summer and his request is for to replace Randy uh as the full-time employee okay and obviously John has an involvement in vpw he's not here right now so we'll take this action and talk about it and make a final decision we're moving forward with part he's the one he's the one who told us that you guys weren't sure if you were going to hire the that's what he told got all right so um also we're going to need a new Kabota for the beach it was on the uh capital did you talk to Don no we're the ones who put in for it it just comes comes under Beach yeah okay I don't think Don would fight us on he wants he know want the left so so really have no way to get it off right now we really we really have to talk to Mike baskam and find out what the final right result was from the budget hearings where people were requesting Capital programs so I'll take that on I'll talk to Mike it's really imperative because we're going to have to get it and get it here for the season the one with the dump on the back and it can hold a lot more of markets you know okay um the one we have now it's going to cost like 13 to repair and the new one would be 25 so it's figureing wear and carrot yeah or how do they say that pen wise a pound forish or something like that I'll I'll handle that it's really imperative that we get you know is this equipment readily available or is um that's what we got to find out we can find out that on our end but we need the funding on your end permission but they 6 month to get a new one we'll be going somewhere else we can't wait 6 months can you rep the old rep for $133,000 if it comes down to that well I think what Jack's saying is if you can't get one yeah we'll have to repair the we we we'll figure that out Jack just we'll figure that oh [Music] yeah all right okay thank you appreciate that um and the last thing is we have a leak in a sanitary sewer M up by the middle Pump Station so what I did to try to save money I talked to Mike down there at the two rivers with a Reclamation he sent the collection of crew out there they jetted the line between the manhole between that and the pump station there M Street and televised it and it was inconclusive they think it's further Upstream so um they had other work to do that day so it was nice of them to kind of do that for us for nothing I didn't want to monopolize on it so I'm going to have to hire somebody else to to continue the job to find out where the league is and then we got to figure out how we're going to fix it because we're paying for it on the back end mons Ito through that meter how would you would you fix out a sleep or something like that it depends on what we find okay they they did put the camera up going Upstream around 41 ft they said they saw out a piece of concrete or something like that anyway I'm trying to get all the quotes so we're doing it the right way where is that again it's across from 640 o Avenue where the P station is now we went around popping manholes from for the whole south or Basin number two and we couldn't find it so we just don't know where it is you really need to talize it at this point to find it and fix it to get it under control cuz like I said we're paying for it on the back end so it's not going to it's a problem it's not going to go away then you got all wear and tear on the pumps and everything else okay so I'm working on that as soon as I get to third quote I'm going to move forward on that got any questions anybody you did receive the third bid on uh the uh Municipal complex to fix the sopit and yeah I'm sorry I forgot that's okay and repaint the the other items we're moving forward on that yes they're going to take care of the I beams they got to be scraped primed painted and then there's going to be some type of a coting put and they we repl the sofits that are missing and I guess they're going to the ones you know as they go around I think it got worse after these winds this weekend and then they're going to put ice shields in the front part of it cuz remember we had that something fell down a couple of years ago and shattered last on be so Ice is very dangerous especially when it starts moving at that speed sure hey I had one question before we got um I just want to confirm So the plan is at Anchorage to put sand on top of that chaining fence so you guys can get the equipment through that area yeah we have no way to get it through right now s okay so so that will get you through that one but at ship Hoy we have the exact same um issue at that Jetty north um even if you get through Anchorage how would you get the equipment through shoy um I'm not for sure on that one yet I know Greg went down there and checked that out we're probably going on the ship of white Beach we're going to have to talk to the beach club owner and see if we can get situation doesn't improve we would have to talk about taking a second his fence down for us to get through that's about the only way I see we get through stpo I don't know if they'll do that but I agree with you there's really not much Jo we have to talk to but as for Anchorage I mean we're going to look at I think to put some matting over the top of that we're going to have to do that a case by case bis emergency I say you just go over what you have to go over but from an access point of view for meance we're going to have to look at some kind of Mag that to do yeah but you're 100% right because we have to get to that service road there and empty the garbage can that Public Access [Music] for Joe before we Mo up this section before BR the par just a quick update on what we're doing what's the status of the do check Val I mean that's so critical to Ocean passage the right now is redesigning that outlet they going to put the two pile bents in yeah and bury that out in the water they're designing it right now going through the process with the DP pered once they are comfortable with their design and the per had to come back to us show us the design and then we're going to show it to the Al and say this is your last Bight the apple and this is the last do D and do are both kind of saying this is where you know we got to not keep going on circles here based on the discussion that have happened you believe we have a solution I believe this is the only solution and including the homeowner being okay with well he at the time we were there he said he was okay with it but every time you meet with him once you set the limit then he wants to but we kind of told them we can't leave it the way it is the beach is going to ER and we have to get out the water pile B we told look at southw what we did there and respond keep and extending it out keeps the scene from CL Pipe Plus good CL and the D agreed to put the check down at the end of the pipe so that the pipe doesn't the S so we think this is the best and final Design coming toward so we all know all check out H up because of this one won't and wall five the checks exist that been procured so this is the last hopefully the last if everything goes as plan when do you think do for possibly repairing these checks so say the fall of your fall of your okay we we just got to keep on this and I know you are because this affects people in North Beach and South Beach so much with the water that come I think the last storm I'm told for the police that North and South Beach were the worst nothing downtown downtown worked okay but North Beach and South Beach were a mess during that okay so you're you're comfortable Greg we' got it in the Box do is working and hopefully a solution the homeowner is acceptable with and then maybe as as early as in full for thank yes Greg Greg they're aware of it they're going to go back out uh he was going to talk to Public Works about the Anchorage fence that is getting eaten up down yeah I already talked around B going to move that one section over it's just it's eroded underneath it yeah we're going to keep on and keep moving that to the West as if that cor keeps eroding yeah that is the worst part of the erion is the north side of that J no right now yeah the one is dangl so we'll get that the fence is [Music] actually I hate to say has to leave and the next one is on great this one I just have one so we're we're going to set up for dawn for his East gr make sure the beach is good get back here we move any whatever so it's safe for everybody to have access to it 23 May 23rd I that's and then for the for the EAS also this n for the playground the play all Heather did you say the Easter EG comes May 23rd [Applause] March Memorial Easter exactly so oh sorry fish the next one so the U number three yeah the new storm control like a state required you want to se it up for you head out yeah um the state came up with regulations for sure communities if they want any new development to use uh they call a resiliency thing where they com to use the best available information under the new storm information that's out there so it's going to be kind of a floating design generally on set numbers you have to design things so say that one Community is flooding worse than you have to use that critical information you're finding from you know it's from the sea level rise all sorts of information so it's not really a sense something you got to kind be the best information available as they're putting it the design develop we don't really have a lot of that going on now one of the last pieces of property been designed and approved but anything new we really have a major development I don't believe unless if something knock large piece of property but that's really what that's all about it's the new resiliency to try to help the short communities deal better with we have it do we have the ordinance done yeah there was a draft i s we'll finalize [Music] everything append we have the [Music] model kind of replace Greg before you go the we have two ordinances also uh the salt the salt regul salt storage regulations and the free preservation I I remember talking aboute preservation is the salt one also a d thing yes it is the Sol one was pretty easy to trade for we kind of finish along that's just really doesn't deal directly with us is we have to regulate people who want put in a parking lot like a shopping center piles of beach they have to no problem should we be introducing this ordinance on Tuesday the storm water no I would say we do it we'll go one more one more workshop with it and then we Inu after that I don't know if you want me CU I got a Ley soon I don't want to skip the seven real quick the do that yeah sure I'd rather instead Le right Ming on to beach be ja touch a little bit lots of work progress here some good Progressive you yeah we put the fence in an acreage it seems to be working very well it's collecting see both sides which is kind of what the fence is intended to do but mostly we put it up for Beach safety and this morning I looked at it it looks like some of the sand came back the actual the drop off is gone the biggest problem we have there is at this the south end of the beach near the jetty that corn is eroding very badly and it's change expended under either the uh the fence that we put in on the easterly side so that walkway is going to slowly narrow down because we don't want to keep pushing it over the top of the dun and it depends how much the erosion goes there we'll have to talk about how we're going to get through there in the future I mean I talked to the chief about it for emergency purposes we have an where I we kind of Target a spot where we can go over that fence where it's not exposed very much and for maintenance we're going to have to kind of get into how we get across it because the DP is going to appreciate us regularly driving across the top of that build for emergencies I'm sure they're not going to give us any problem because everybody realizes what the situation is sure right now but yeah the fencing be working great ship Point wasn't as bad with the erosion there so I don't know that you really need a fence there it was only like about an 18 in drop at the worst most was like a foot but like I said the drop is going from acreage currently except for the South Court thanks every always had hand in this everybody's been concerned hero it's pretty bad I think you know big picture though right now like one of the considerations just adding just saying out loud like adding s which isn't prac right now we all discuss it it' be great we could do a self plish was not realistic yeah if you can guarantee that it wouldn't erode it would be great but I people saying they we're just going to it's going to be a waste this year volume alone is just like so cost prohibited but uh but I mean you spent a lot of time all do it so Sam a lot everyone on pretty much so obern now but I think what we're doing right now is the best thing and we've made already I mean feds are obviously aware of it up and down the coast we we spoken to Coastal Engineering the DP on half a dozen times already about our problem they were out here I think I gave everybody joted an email to everyone the DP was out here they were surveying I don't know what that means um taking pictures you know I I don't know that next funing round for punch next year we abely you know we we we're not alone and that that's our problem but they know about it for sure they know about with's office I mean there are places like North wild but that are just G and uh so we I don't think we're going to be number one on the list but we just got to keep talking so we're at least up to the top of the list somewhere yeah I we're making the best decision I [Music] agree anybody have questions Bri I had a few more for the beach though um I just had a few requests I wanted to add in um I saw a grant money in there that I wanted to purchase new trash cans for the beach I just wanted to see if we could go ahead with uh doing that yeah Mike B raised that during our Bud identifi was gr money available to purchase well we have the the recycling tonnage Grant and clean communities grant that you can use for that purpose um Sam just show us if you have any other design we typically use just the blue barrels now right yeah so one's on the blue side yes the ones out in the parking lot I know I have a couple um samples from out so Sam if if you have something you want us to look at please send it to me and Dave and Rob okay I'll get that sent over and then I also was going to ask about the possibility of a Beach utility um maybe some maintenance workers that we can dedicate uh managed by Don uh like to work hourly just to accomplish some of each um items such as uh the trash cans or or just maintenance items um if D DPW is a little bit under staff right now um maybe we could form a utility to help out with [Music] the I mean Don could uh you know he he has his uh his budget if he could fit that in the budget I don't see why not you know as long as they coordinate with each other I don't see a problem with that to do what pick up the trash then yeah pick up trash um if we're going to have new trash can have the trash can out I think it's a pretty good idea if uh as long as they coordinate DPW and make sure there's you know they're not putting each other I think that's a great idea and has budget so yeah I I mean if it's in the budget I would not have a problem with that because I also want I also want to add some more Sandy Rion fence that uh we had budgeted um last budg of meeting so I was going to ask for purchases the sand Moi sand vent and Moi mat and I was thinking the Beach utility guys could just keep working on that that way they U Don't overwhelm public works with just more Sandy erosion fence that needs to [Music] be no problem going back to the garbage hands are we just talking Beach garbage cans or are we also talking about Street cans it was just it was just spe but if you talk about the other go ahead well I think it's important to look at the sidewalk scape and to see where you know what sort of cans need to be replaced I think you guys scrape and paint them every year um do any of them need to be replaced this year and when is the scraping and painting going to happen CU it looks like they probably need them thanks well Heather right now we're doing all the planners uh let's see how those go out because that the guy came in with such a reasonable price then doesn't pay for us to do we could ask him to give us a price on the trash cans yeah I mean it's kind of perfect timing right it's turning the spring and we're going to get the traffic and it's just nice to look I'll have we'll look at I I'll make sure we ask you and Joe as long as since how brought that out Trier in my mind do we still do the um the pressure washing on the sidewalk we do we do okay we're going to it was halted last time because there was a um a miscommunication uh problem but uh it'll be completed for spring great all right number seven we can go back to number four e by the ordinance I think we all agreed on the plan forward but well I I don't know if we all agreed on the plan we I think we have the Crux of it together I I can walk through that you have no I don't have I think we're just on clear on this flatback yeah so first of all this heite ordinance has been a long journey right but the main objective when we started this was to put an ordinance in place to give the police the authority to make sure the people use Eves appropriately in now the problem is getting worse we're getting more of them and we had nothing on the books to give the police the authority to so we started that process we're probably on about revision 405 now where we sit and thank you to Jim M Richard and others for working us is the police have reviewed and completed verion that they would like to see go forward it was built on of the town's inputs so it's well found legalist under their review on and provide their comment act so the document is basically ready for final review and in discussions there were a couple things that came up that we were not all clear and comfortable on I'm just going to talk to them real quick first thing was we had some terminology that had to be cleared up some acronyms didn't match so we got that cleared up that was very simple the second thing was the way it was originally written it allowed miners under the age of 14 to drive the bikes on sidewalks in town which we did not think was a good idea so we discussed that and it's going to be revised so that nobody is permitted to ride an ebike on the sidewalk in town personally I think that's a good change because these can be dangerous they're quiet and they don't belong on the sidewalk so that change has been implemented and draic we and ask you to review the third thing is we wanted to ensure that we had appropriate wording that would effectively prohibit the use of C Parts our problem is we have a state highway that runs through the middle but we have side streets everywhere and if you look at the state ordinance and what's happening in other towns we felt it was not appropriate to have electric carts running around town here in town so the way it's written right now built off the state ordinance is it basically prohibits the use of South Parts Town you'd say well what about M Peach M Peach there's a lot of them well they have a lot more area on the west side of Ocean Avenue for people to drive around that Community pull across Ocean Avenue and into on the beach we don't have that we don't have that same setup effectively the ordinance be written in a way that's going to Bandon use of of golf carts in to the last item which is there's no good answer to this question is how we handle electric bikes in a North Beach area we talked about a series of different alternatives on how to do it the way it happens right now is people are driving along a splash pad in a very rapid Manner and it represents a threat to people or whatever it is that're walking children adults that are walking there so we talked about effectively three alternatives to be considered one of them the first one is really a long-term solution that we don't think we can get into place very quickly that would be to ultimately widen the splash head which the town has easement rights to do it would be a concern for the residents but we already have EAS rights if we did it and hypothetically if we went with a 4ot widen at the splash p get more room between the stairs coming down as Joe said earlier if you a dedicated bike ran people would be more aware of the fact that it's a dedicated bike the cost to do that with engineering support is estimated to be between $5 and $700,000 it's 7,000 ft from the bridge I'm sorry from the from the crosswalk down to ship aoy that's 7,000 ft is about you know it's about 100 bucks linear foot for a sidewalk would cost 700,000 it could be l on volume job we said but hang on a second this is a state highway maybe we can get grant money to do this and we did some research and found there's reasonably good probability that we could get grant money to do this it would take time by time I mean years not months but maybe that's a solution obviously if we took that route there's many homeowners along there that have ownership rights to that property that would object to that although we have easement rights and legal authority to do it it would be a challenge to get into that kind of interaction but we want to maintain that as a viable long-term long-term alternative approach to be looked at but that's not today's solution put that one aside the next one we said is uh the state is going to be coming in and repaving Ocean Avenue as part of the Bridge Project and it means that they're going to be repaving if there an opportunity to do something with the road itself to make more conducive the bikes on the street unfortunately we can't widen it we have telephone poles there and unless there was a major infrastructure change the road width is going to stay what the road width is what we could conceive doing is taking what is a very narrow shoulder which is probably a foot to a foot and a half wide Drawing the Line further out into Ocean Avenue and creating more of a visible bike lane to try to push the traffic onto Ocean Avenue the problem with that is the state determines what a car width Lane is and what a shoulder width is and unfortunately because the road is so narrow that car truck width Lane is going to push the shoulder to be very narrow we will when the time comes have the appropriate discussion to see if we can widen the shoulder area of AKA Bike Line to make it more conducive for bicycles to ride because everybody knows North Beach if you want to ride your bike on that shoulder it is virtually impossible cars have to slow and go around you so that would be another alternative but that's not today's solution because that will all be discussed and happen in the yeah because I know Frank research new's one that reminded me that years ago the do had that as a potential option so there's nothing in s right now but if that does happen where they want to add their plan was to narrow both lanes as you said right and then add white Lanes to the north and southbound s that would be the national solution yes yes just still risk and everything but you know if they do that then that would probably get rid of the need to have a wide Splash Pad but that is a you know if we can get some guidance from the DT I Greg or Frank is the D and see what what they any PL as right now but well Greg Greg was um I at the very least they're going to wait till the end of the uh the uh Bridge Project right um before they move long term but yeah I'm just saying if they're going to do it anyway if you get first know now so well they we they gave us the plan we have the plan that they they wanted to uh they they wanted to do we Chris has it in her possession I don't know who you gave it to be three foot bik I mean it's kind of when Frank I walk it a few weeks ago I mean it's TI already you went for vehicle traffic but you can see how they did shrink up foot on each side they still be able to pass through there a foot on each side y yeah I I agree with what you're saying mayor that's not under our control it's St control and we would Lobby to have that shoulder widen to effectively become a b Ling to get people off the SP but that would be determined in discussions on the repaving of the wiing industry so what that leaves us with is right now either Drive per ordinance the electric bikes onto Ocean Avenue or on the Splash and in discussions with the police department their View and their recommendation is we don't drive them on to Ocean the risk of serious injury they feel is higher on Ocean Avenue of somebody getting hit if we force the bikes off onto Ocean Avenue versus putting them on a SP splashback again there's no good answer what they suggest as part of that is we add signage on there addressing speed right of way other things that we can put on there to appropriately Mark that so then the question becomes well how do you enforce it because unless you enforce it it's useless and the recommendation by the police department is they would try to enforce it two ways number one when patrol cars are going up and down Ocean Avenue if they see somebody violating ordinance they will get on their loud speake or their pa please slow down be advised blah blah blah and hopefully that'll deter some people the second thing that they propose doing is particularly during the peak months when the bikes are running most is increased the ebike control patol by our police officers who have ebikes who would try to keep people staying in compliance with the ordinance requirements by patrolling up and down there now they ready go up to North Beach to enforce parking requirements which we're getting we're cracking down really good on which is beneficial for the residents so use that as a way of getting up and back and during that process when they see people get the word out there if you're driving inappropriately you you'll be subject to a summons and use that as a way of trying to control traffic on there there is no good answer here the approach of the white flesh will take time and a lot of dollars and may grant money the street is up to the state to help us decide but the recommendation from the police department and the way the ordinance is written right now permits them to go on there on the splash pad along with additional signage and Patrol and enforcement by the police I'll stop there we try to cover all the questions and discussions that happen and we certainly listen to resident concerns but the ordinance is effectively ready to go we want to get it in place for the summer because traffic is going to be picking up by ebikes and unless has any questions that's what we see right anything you want to add to that no that's perfect so sool that would be trolling this would this be um like a special just going up people out there when they go down do the parking they do all summer long we'll put them up and down and splash P more Mark all right I mean my thought had been like this entire special just continually control that as a job I me it's relatively cheap to do that and there's probably other things are probably the same time rather than the well we can have our special do that have one just dedicated to Dedicated special how how problem you live there me yeah it depends on um I was just time 7:30 7:30 ocean um you know there it's you know the month the day um the person driv the bike um it it varies but I will tell you that between May and September every time we walk on that Splash B head we are terrified by some [Music] biker the reason I you you're the one who really raised this as an issue I know it's raised but you raised it as an issue recently and started the community started so that's why I me because what was just described to you sound like that going Tove the problem temporarily of of Bing e bites on the splash pad which it doesn't seem that the burrow has the will to do that at this point um you know I'm willing to try something but um you know again we have um so many un un enforceable or not enforced fored Oran speak in town and I would hope that this just doesn't sort of mockery of uh the council's you know good efforts um you know but let me React to what you just said I don't disagree with anything you just said couple things number one we have three types of viers that come through town as you won know we have the high speed bikers on the 10 speeds that are professionals and they all say on otion and they go very fast right right that's their choice they are danger it's dangerous for them and for for the vehicles but that's the first type we have the second type we have is the ones that drive slower and drive on the splash P guy like me I'm not going real fast but I go on the splash P because I feel it's safer they tend to be slower that matters you warn people but but they tend to be slower they're not high speed bikes and I'm not saying that electric bikes are not going slow on the S and then you got the electric bikes you right there's no doubt about that br I talked about do we want to dedicate a full-time special up there and last year as everybody knows we expanded the police department we added an officer we're hiring adequate specials to make sure that we pay attention to the things that are most important to the residence of this town last year we had absolutely record violations issued for code violations a lot of people don't know the facts but the number of smoking violations drinking violations inappropriate violations paring violations of one of almost 100% which is critical to this town because it takes away resident parking which is very important to us so in a town like this that spells from a th000 people to 5,000 people it's almost impossible to enforce everything what we want to do is make sure the police department is alive with the council and residents focus on the most important things and I ask the chief would you dedicate a full-time disc there around all day to police this and the answer is we will control it but we actually have bigger concerns and problems than putting some full time I respect that input because they deal with it every single day and when there's a fight in town or bad behavior or something going on somebody's going to get hurt they pay attention to that stuff so I think the best thing we can do at this point in time is approve the ordinance give them the authority to do what they need to do and see how it goes in your one if they have controls curb things and it's more controllable and the residents come in and talk to us about it and accomplish the objective great if it didn't we'll move on from there and we'll figure out The Next Step In Parallel to that we're going to try and figure out a longterm solution working with the state that maybe gets us in a position we can eliminate this problem is that ready for introduction Tu I don't seen it yeah Jim you would know better than me if we agree upon the changes I think we get up I mean it is what just said yeah it's what just said that I'm fine with that let's just get it on for the same reason that I said the uh did the traffic that like looking you make get it I don't think you're going to change it no I mean just P up a little bit but I think you know well Rich you reviewed it you sent it out to us um can we get that finalized as far as something they can vote on rich said his comments have been provided okay yeah I can for him again if I me one activity that we don't want to write by ordinance is you need to discussions with the folks who rent these bikes and somehow um have them teach their renters some Manns um I know they rent in Highlands they rent in Long Branch um somehow we need to have a discussion I don't know if that's coming from the chief your department but to tell these guys when they come in our town when they rent bikes and people who come in our town to you know obey a St limit beur big warnings um put some responsibility on these guys right no little I agree with you I don't say you want idiot but some of the people I've seen drive from town are just zipping through you know back the fact and just makes me you know and I'm a motorcycl but I would you know makes I can't PA when I see some these question for the council members um if we go ahead Jim I'll work with you to get this finalized with Richard's inputs for introduction on Tuesday yes um unless there's any other objections that people are not comfortable with it the like to agress with that the other thing we need to do is start thinking about signage so we can move order that signage and have ready to go for the season I think John has already provided Frank with some sample signs that he's comfortable with you guys haven't seen it but I have a sample right here I searched internet there's a few different uh signs out there this one it's not harsh it's kind of right to the point I think may work best for now we can put some other sign to out there he Captain AR is that those speed and um what's the message is it like speed limit and something else if it says caution slow your wheels and then yield the pedestrians so it kind of talks about speed doesn't put a speed limit to say but uh this kind of tells people to slow it down the CES of other pedestrians is is there a speed limit in the ordinance no we do not have a spe in it yet uh I think the way it's written is tell them that the the vehicle should be powered it should be pedal if as an option for the ebikes which they won't do right so so what's so what's it's become an arbitrary thing I'm just curious I I have radar out there no I understand that I'm not I'm saying you tick people doing what maybe I think it's more of a reckless type of operation it's not a speed violation it's a re's way to tell is this just going to be e bikes if somebody's going really fast on a standard bike is that a violation too so you know there's a few things I think we need to talk about in addition to what's already in the ordinance to make sure it's squared away I mean you guys think you need more time than Tuesday to work it out no you have a special meeting to introduce it's good if I made the the blood message should be courtesy right that's what that's what this I I just want to make sure there's peace in it that you guys have the ability under I before to if someone is not that you can stop them and give them a summon and I almost wonder if and the reason I asked based on that signage it might make sense to put the fine on the sign to give it more teeth rather than just hey this is a casual warning that there's actually bed on what well that's what I'm trying to figure out I don't recall what it says it may I don't I plead there's a penalty provision it might refer to the general penalty provision I'm not haven't looked at while I mean I think it might give more teeth if it actually the sign actually says on it what the penalty is rather than because that's more of a caution slow down guys pleas okay so let's let's let's talk about this for a second and I and we're not trying to rush this when no no I'm not either def we're not trying to rush it but the concept of putting a speed limit in it you find problematic because you don't have really a way of measuring right but I agree with what ia just said and that is courtesy is the thing we do have fines identified within the ordinance right now for reckless Drive I think John if we decided to you know modify this sign when we ultimately print it put the find out one I agree with what Mark said people see f it matters more to them than just be a nice guy so let's take that under discussion decide if we want to add something we can customize that not you want yeah so don't that I'm sorry I think it's especially in the beginning as you're trying to change new human behavior you really need to be overly communicative so I think you know talking about the find is important clearly stating if there is a speed liit or not I understand that it's difficult to to gauge I think that was Ira um about communicating to the places where there's a tendency to rent these ski bikes like really over communicating in in the beginning is crucial if you're trying to change Behavior so so so don't brush it for Tuesday figure it out and then if you need a special meeting just introduce we'll have special meeting so it's ready bym I think that's okay sure and then another another piece not connected to the Evite ordinance but we have this discussion last year and I sent stencils through to everyone as well coming into downtown you're technically not supposed to be riding your bike on the sidewalks right so there are these cute stenes that exist say pedestrian Zone like walk your bike not trying to get people onto the street just trying to get people off the bike to walk the bike through town we know how that becomes a huge problem um people coming in from other towns is that something we want to consider for the downtown area IDE yeah it's it's these little stencils you just spray paint them on the beginning like you'd imagine probably one coming in where Bungalow Road is you can put another one coming in maybe where um melon head is like that little strip and just a reminder for people you still no matter what anything you do on oceany you're going to have to 's permissions so you're going to have to check with the even if you so decide to do that and get their permission couldn't we keep it more on the um well not the sidewalk but but like our Peninsula portion rather than our 36 do try they may take issue because they do try they do have some yeah they have the ability to regulate a certain distance down the road might know better than I but yeah they do have control over any intersections yeah he provided a prior meeting last year some samples of this I remember seeing them and if if this is a matter of painting something on the sidewalk at the beginning maybe when you come over the bridge or like hea said of peninsula and we have the authority to I don't see any harm side we could put something say no bikes rather than saying this is where bikes go yeah well her point and I understand it is we want people if they have a bike that potentially walk it on the sidewalk versus a kid driving it on ocean right yes so let's take a look at that and if there's a way that we can message that with a Sten that she proposed we can do that independ is what we can do in parallel yes yeah than like no bike like walk you must walk your bike or this matter or something okay Allan zone or Dismount Zone there are two two Styles I'll send them through again thanks okay any other questions or concerns on eik thing we'll look to wrap it up yeah and have it for review not necessarily Tuesday but as soon as possible thank you right guys thanks talk you could bring up the subject of moving the storm drains back on underneath the side way to do St what we have now is 3x 4T steel most bikes around that so if they're talking about as they are why the bik L by taking the foot on each side of the highway we also talk to him at that same time about moving the storm dur back so that they're under the curb and don't have to play that the front I mean we could bring it up to them there there are places that people safe Gres right yeah do we have most of them well I any the new stuff that's maybe some of the old yeah but that's that's I don't think so there's are not I don't think so I I don't know if if they there's a standard for safety for bicycles and Gres and like that they do have at the cyclist I go around around because I don't want to ride in Center my entire stuff in Center yeah I'm sure hole or something like that we we don't oh we can bring it up them and put it on them and see what they come up to when the repaving takes place yeah the reality is when we talk to them about potentially wiing the shoulder B there we can talk about that because people almost have no choice but to be close to the curve and if you're close to the curve and you're on a bicyle and it's a standard drain you're going to when you go through that it's dangerous so we can cover that when we Hey Joe on an unrelated effort a year and a half ago we had a meeting with DOT on these pedestrian crosses and we had two on the exited list that they were going and there were five or so other ones that they were going to do on the longterm list which would take years and then they agreed to pay for all of them the expedited ones supposed to be done last year these are good because these are pedestrian fleshing things press it lights up what's the status of those haven't haven't heard from them since they told us that we're going to expedite it so can we check with them [Music] yeah thank you thanks guys uh next pretty straightforward this is a b pickup coordinates we we we agreed that was unlimited before now we're going to recommend Max like Furniture items not doesn't impact white Metals we were John hasn't been here for when we discussed it last time and he at of courtesy he was the one that brought it up but we may want to move forward and change our ordinance to limit it to five buk items CU there is no limit right now uh I'll hold John and see or text him and see if he has any problems with that but uh so you know that's an easy one it's just under our B coordinates I think it's reasonable yeah I think five is reasonable and from everything John said I think he's find itmore so you can check no no that's what I mean it's rather simple to just put in you know we have a bul day just put maximum of five you and I work better now [Music] okay it to you sounds good the next one is engineering proposal for the submission of the what what was formerly the leap grant for the revised study um I haven't heard from uh Atlantic Highlands Highlands is is with us on the grant um and I got a proposal from iak in to do the Grant application uh but when we spoke to uh uh poro uh their uh [Music] their administrative assistant Jennifer uh is supposed supposedly you does that for other municipalities and I wanted to ask her or porio how much it would be but we we want to submit it we're we're ready to go porio has told you I think that uh they hope within the next week or two we're going to have it mid-march um and then they will come here to discuss it with us uh and give us an update on the status I have is the update of the feasibility St should be in the next week or two they said mid-march so we're in mid-march great so but but I would bring them to the next either council meeting or Workshop yeah once done they come in because you know we're kind of I mean I think we all know what has to happen but I guess we're not sure about Atlantic Highlands yeah we'll talking executive okay that's all I have man I guess the uh let's see I think the last item just seasonal gen cor BS sorry yeah that's right basically we have your bids in they're costly but necessary they are costly um as you can imagine uh we want 10hour days uh seven seven days a week at the Pavilion and at Anchorage and we need we need them there within an hour they're a mess again does that mean one person covers both uh we're we're hoping two people a male and a female we have to have a male so you describe 10 hours a day seven days a week during the season of operation May two people $70,000 yeah that's the cost for the two of them for this and that goes from Memorial Day to Labor Day yes well 15 May the 15th September not a not an EnV enviable job and then what do we do in the off season we do it we do we do it ourselves volum down no Brian addresses an important issue we do female actually our cleaning service does these two and the libraries okay U not this clean not the one I'm speaking of this was a standalone this is the ones outside here Anchorage are are different and you're going to do the old [Music] municipal that's true life guards are here so this will cover this building bathrooms bathrooms for the summer and for [Music] the is this do this get paid for out of each f it does um no are these numbers for just one person yes and then double correct yeah and that's how you get to the 70k and I did see you had bid so you would what would you do if we approve going with this you would interview them and decide to make a recommendation yes we would make a they the public work already made recomendation oh you did yes which one uh sure number three okay uh Shore cleaning crew ACB is who we previously have yeah ACB I'm sorry it is $4 lower per hour but they were the ones that we uh had to terminate last year hey Dave if it's a recommendation can you give us a 15c reason for why you chose that were the next cheapest next cheapest we didn't want ABC because was [Music] bad sh cleaning crew is it in here it's not the problem we had last we you had one guy here 7 days a week 10 hours a day it it was like a pack out this these people will be able to rotate around you what I mean just makes a lot more sense I meane to me this sounds like the results of success right it is in our town it's it's a good problem to have it's an expensive thing to resolve but if the recommendation is to go with this reputable company and they're a competitive rate I I and it's going to be paid for of the beach funds to me I don't see why we would do it and the manager was here and we took him around to see everything so he kind of got his interview what do you what do you need John nothing we get a resolution according the bid anybody have any concerns nothing I just want you guys to be aware of it yeah I had one question just to confirm they're going to do anage and Main yes and it's the old Hall yes and um it's C no it's it's per hour that's with the public works 76 in change if they send two people to hours a day from May 15th to September 15th uh that's what it came out to be if if they had four employees like on a busy day then would they have potentially to go over the 70,000 if they had four absolutely we're if they have the same 10 hour window you need a here the whole day I would think so right so if they had four then couldn't they um if they needed that much Manpower couldn't they get up to like 140,000 then no the agreement I have with the manager is two people male and a female that they're going to provide yeah I why do you think there might be four people I don't know if two people can handle all all all that they'll beating all day the bathroom yeah they don't spend all day of one spot so they'll come in they'll clean this place first go down to Anchorage go back and then they kind of just rotate throughout the day and then they take care we had one person for right and that was PARTA the problem it was one person that was part of the problem and it was and you didn't problem no Sam we'll keep we'll definitely keep an eye on it we don't want to have like a $140,000 surprise noan the reason why I said four is like you don't want people working seven days a week they're going to rotate you they're only going to have so one time yeah yeah there's also going to be days where they're not needed I mean if we get a couple days of straight rain and we have zero traffic there's no point in having somebody here just to collect a paycheck sure so I based on hourly that is with having them here every single day 7 we from May 15th to September 15th you know we're going to get Su no not going to get your ring this year right can't afford any ring this year no correct is there I mean not to go up and in people but is there an opportunity should there be crazy demand we on select days three people or do we an option this yes if you know Fourth of July I don't even know when it hits this year but if there's a day where we think it's going to be super crazy we could request an additional person I'm sure yeah yeah I mean if you think about the capacity of these two people right previously we had one person doing all of this plus another building and now we're going to have two people doing less than the previous one was doing and a male and a female so it sounds like there should be enough bandwidth but there's an opportunity to expand the Fe yes sir I think the holidays written into the contract so they're going to be here for that so all right great that's good thanks problem um yeah couple upcoming resol so mayor um on resolution five the transfer this is for the old Rory y um the way the way that this site plan is done and I everybody's aware is the they're looking to expand into the the Yol space okay there is no um access from the Rory space into the yolk space other than for internal Personnel so I think we should add as and I don't know whoever handles who handles the alcohol joh handles the ADC and I think he's already aware of the problem at it okay yeah the only thing I'm suggesting is that we have condition on here even though it'd be illegal to bring the beer outside and walk that doesn't sound like the plan is to bring it it isn't but I think we should clarify it definely is not they want to keep it like two separate types of atmosphere between the two but then nevertheless there's always a Temptation so I would suggest that we add a condition to this making it very clear that that they're not that the Wicker license is not extend to them bringing alcohol from out from within the RO space outside into the Yol space because you never know what's going to happen even though that probably illegal anyway you can't it doesn't hurt to reemphasize the liquor license we could do that or are are there's going to be access to the center uh no y yolks has no the Yol space has no access to the Rory or the courtyard I I know it doesn't but they don't contemplate that they don't they what what they there's not even a door leing into the courtyard yeah of course but they'd have to come back in for Cy plan review again so I think if if anyone was tempted to like really unify the two or I could just see keep or if the atmosphere of what they plan for yks is Su if I turn into more of a bar I could see people trying to bring the beer walk acros to the o space outside so it's just HFI as condition we can do that but I I think eventually if they they're having that they probably would put a door in they probably will they have to return to the planning board and get because it's explicit that they're not doing that okay Mark just so we'll understand you rais an interesting point does that mean that there's no alcohol permitted y on their establ no no no that's exactly what this is doing they're expanding yeah so trying to expand the one is the it's operating I guess as two different entities they are connecting them in the back so the kitchen space is connected but there's no but there's no customer access uh to to so just I don't know who's going to like that butes you don't want them to be out on the sidewalk correct right I don't want people to to like if yolks if the Yol space does not end up being what they currently Envision and they decide to turn into more of just a bar okay there's going to be temptation to come from Rory hey let's go to the Yol side cuz people do go from like Ocean House I outside side you're not get sidewalk okay but but we don't right we don't no that that can't be their plan to bring everything out on the sidewalk and back and forth if someone is having a drink get Angelica or you know it's a violation that can't be the plan it doesn't work that way it is open Al has a martini water it doesn't yes people do do it I have seen it before but that's not plan right so so we should just add it as a condition in here just to safeguard us and be done with it and then if they want to change things later on they can come back and ask for an amendment but thank you I can just see it happening otherwi CL happen even if we change it it's not going to happen all right we do have yeah as I was starting to say is they list of upcoming resolutions ordinances including right promotion ofon fromal to bring her to the meeting she'll be at the meeting on Tuesday we'll all be here put for first and I Chad bring on another firefighter I think probably it always makes a left that we call hiring a volunteer firefighter all right so end of the public session