months and I know but I was looking at I'm the black oh yeah like $1600 [Music] my [Music] [Music] husb everything there be I know Charlie you got anybody coming or not I Elliot's here my neighbor is here I think he might be in the parking lot I know can Doris or anybody else come well he uh had trouble with his babysitter so he was going I thought he could zoom in I said I'll give you the info but you're not doing that tonight so then never do that we're going to move forward you'll do that yeah so let's go we can do it you ready yeah we all stand and join [Music] Unice good evening ladies and gentlemen this meeting is now called the order the borrow SE in compliance with the open public meeting act has provide adequate notice of the time date and location of this meeting to the Asbury Park Press file notice with the burrow Clerk and posted notice in the burrow office and on the bur website this uh meeting is open to the public we're going to start off with some uh uh both of office Appo okay do the first one for Mr Zelena which will be a 4year term class 4 please raise your right hand to be sworn and repeat after me I state your name I marel you solemly swear who solemly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the sa new and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and Allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further Solly Square I do further I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office all the duties of the office of a planning SL Zoning Board member [Music] four members according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abil so help me guys so help me congratulations congratulations on your promotion Mark I appreciate it now years well it's only not a full four years it's unexpired so if we don't like them we'll pick them off and all right and now we'll do Faith yes raise your right hand I say your name I Faith left cour do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will Faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of all the duties of the office of planning zoning Board member alternate number two planning SL Zoning Board member alternate number two according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations sign that one okay now can we have a roll call Miss Sals here thank you Mr Cashmore here chairman Cunningham Mr Julio here chman here Mr Lawrence here councilman Lex here miss Lort here yes here Mr Schwarz is absent Mr Selena here thank you first on the agenda this evening will be the approval of the uh the minutes of uh February 27 2024 you have any comments or motion to approve second you have a r call Miss bills wasn't here okay true M casma yes Mr Julia yes yes Mr Lawrence yes I'm going okay um Miss Court was not a m yet Mr Selena yes second on the agenda this evening is the memorialization of the resolution application 20242 B the real estate Adventures LLC do we have a discussion on that or anybody want to make a mo public Mr casmore yes Mr jul yes CH yes Mr Lawrence yes councilman Le team yes that's it next on the agenda is a memorialization of the resolution application 20241 Eric bishof second Mr casmore yes Mr jul yes chair yes Mr Lawrence yes Council Le yeah Mrs Elena yes and one more memorialization of resolution application 202312 Jonathan and Catherine golden do we have a motion or discussion or you want to Elizabeth I I'll second okay lady first all right Mr casor yes Mr Julio yesman yes Mr Lawrence yes Mr Selena yes and then the only thing on the agenda tonight which is a new application 2024 D3 it's uh well I guess Anthony kendor isn't here but the Charlie roomy I guess he's representing himself so step up okay I'd like to introduce my neighbor Stern all right he lives at 198 ocean next to with me I'm 196 before you get started if you could please raise your right hand to be swor swe the testimony you already to give here tonight to be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do and please state your name and spell your last for the record Charles Rooney r o n y um wey yeah please raise your hand you testimony youright be the truth the whole Tru nothing truth and please state your name Elliot Stern [Music] St okay you have the floor Mr Rooney okay so great to see everybody um so back in approximately 2019 I sub divided my property and uh next door to 196 ocean avue Where I Live Now is a beautiful home 198 Ocean Avenue where Elliot lives and uh when I subdivided the property um I did not sell the piece of property uh that is across the street from my house and Elliots I kept that in my name but Elliot has an easen that he can go through that property uh one of the things that I always assumed is whoever lived in that house next door would want to build their own steps up on the seaw wall and enjoy enjoy the sunrises and you know just sit up there not everybody likes to go on the beach but in North Beach a lot of people do enjoy the platform and um Elliot's been my neighbor now for approximately a year and uh he discussed me with me about doing the steps and I said that's a great idea something that I always thought would happen eventually um so I'm here just to say I support ellot building the steps the Builder uh had trouble with the babysitter tonight so he couldn't make the meeting um so don't make the questions about the deck too too technical but uh I know you said uh I was talking to someone who saying something about the size of it so it's going to be the standard size of what the majority of the decks are on nothing nothing spacular going be just normal size yeah Elliot's property is 50 ft wide um so I don't know how uh when you say it's proper you're talking about 198 ocean a yes I would thinking we would need di mentions I don't see dimensions on the plan and it's drawn until it's quite a bit bigger than the deck to the left and right of it can we call the Builder that can the architect the architect yeah uh I mean does have size I guess this is actually quar in scale if anybody has a ruler un one dimension you have the you have the depth of 16 ft that's that's going east that's pretty big you want to it's not showing so it's going the dep East and West not the North and side looks looks very big yeah that's why I'm asking because on the drawing look a little outside for what is normally there and I would think need dimensions for to vot on the application right uh yeah you feel like you need that order to if not they dance good you have dimensions of the deck mainly how big is the one that you're anticipating to to the size of yours honestly I don't know how yeah so he his okay architect is going to give us I mean mine's not he's saying he's saying that the instructions they given was had to be um between 16 and 20 ft 20 ft that's according to this it's 20 ft wide by 16 ft deep which is substantially larger than most of these yeah might be done de okay that's not that's not what I'm looking to do I'm looking to create whatever the standard size of these decks are so if you tell us that you we have to keep a 16 by 16 or whatever that size dimensions would be um you accept the this really easy you accept the condition that yours will be the same size as mr's sure well his is small he might want a little bit bigger actually yours is like a half you don't have I made mine's small all you mean towards the uh East West so there's there's um there's actually two decks besides Ries that are right next to my property um we can make it exactly the same size the one that's directly to the right which is standard size of all the decks on that row I think the problem so the problem is is that what they're saying down there and I don't disagree with them is that we don't know what that is we're sitting there sure and and I I guess a question is is there do we have any SC is there in Cooks there is [Music] a well why don't we come up with the measurements and if we all agree the Builder the deck architect whatever uh agrees with the size then we're good with it and we don't come back if everybody would look at the go like that I don't think we're supposed to design it we just on design you if you look at the site plan you can see the comparison of the different sizes of the deck one in the middle you see the one on the left oh Does it show the deck next door those L which one is less one already built both look the yours and the one south of of 196 look the same I'm just wrong yeah but the drawing is you know we don't know that that's accurate so I'm looking at uh Google uh Earth right now and they all look pretty much the same size the two to the South and then the one to the north looks like it's turned the opposite way but it looks about the same dimensions mine no the one north of yours oh that's land in now Frank was indicating that he thinks that the the building department has some regulations and dimensions on on record I don't know if I think when they come in some anybody comes inot of restrictions just build a deck as big as your property Mary has not cited any of that in your denial that's why I don't think Frank you may be right that but I'm surprised it exist that Mary yeah well well the property that is just south of Elliot is the same width it's a 50ft Wide Property does it show that yes there was a deck that would be I don't know the exact number like 2 220 ocean and I asked I as my Builder to to build the same exact deck as what would be constructed just um couple houses down for that was that was just being built just in the last 6 months so that's your testimony you're going to match the deck on on the next property next property he say he doesn't want to do that next South property then the next South next South property next but the South the south on this the South one looks smaller than Charlie's yeah mine is small it could be been rebilt is that survey was M Small I only Built a half yeah can you come up here I mean look at the pl both of here and see the two a what we're looking at the roomy deck and the deck 127 to the South look approximately the same size yeah they look basically the same yeah so this is mine right and then the one on the other side this is yeah if you look like that this is this is I I know that I mean I don't see how you I mean I don't know what it doesn't look like it's too [Music] wide basically half so right yeah so he put the up and down step a lot of times they move the deck this way and the up and down step is on this side this isn't a conversation let's have a meeting I I'm sorry if I we over complicated this this project only because the dimensions aren printed on the plan which is which has to become part of the resolution of if it's approved all right we can't just say yes we can have a de we have to know what we're approving I I understand um Stephen how come there's not um there's not uh dimensions on this plant that the are conted 16 ft is quite large by 20 that's very big very big I have a decent sized house and my living room is about 16 by 20 Charlie do you have stairs you have stairs on the ocean side I do not I have I have there's there's sand that you can walk down I don't have this this these plans were done by the same architect that did the deck that is probably like six or seven down further south the exact same architect not TR we want to help you I just we can't approve what we I I thought going to be a really easy one until but I'm not the Builder on the board these guys screw everything up all the time I'm kidding the other thing I discussed dim see hold up uh one of the other things I had mentioned is when we were creating the master plan I remember one of the uh requirements that we proposed was that the staircase when it comes down onto the sidew could not be any more than 4T from the base of the stone so you don't obstruct the whole drive a whole walkway so maybe maybe we should come back on this and get accurate drawings with accurate measurements on it the next planning board meeting is what March 26 yeah so so we we could carry for two weeks and get um you don't have to notice or anything again just get the plans be done and and have to be it shouldn't take anybody that long just get them into canas yeah so you just need to know the measur we just need know the meas keep it and try to keep it inside with uh you know your neighbors obvious if you want to be a little B bigger than fine but the neighbor to the South is small too andbe we can check to with the building department are specifications or standards the ordinance refers to but it doesn't say what they are or if they [Music] were okay understand you have this kind of bump out because you have to allow passage right north south so you have this little 4ot bump out you know follow what I mean this right it's in the picture this part here you come up to the top of the step you have it so people can pass through requ to do which makes it much wider most people just have an opening here and here right here's a [Music] picture you know so yeah you can walk they have to walk through I I understand over practical own well I'm not saying it's not does make it this is also this is also a coastal protection Zone we're not supposed to be building anything on it this is a courtesy for the neighbors to be able to get onto the beach so come back with this over well the D allows it the D specifically allows stairs over the seaw wall stairs but not not a a monstrous correct but say is good because the stairway stairs might be fine we need Dimension so we just need to come back with the dimensions yeah and try and try to make sure that and you can get um dimensions of like the neighboring de just to an idea of what they are because I'm sure that sounds like what they want to see can I think Mr chairman can can we just make a motion to carry this for two weeks to the the March 26th meeting without further notice okay and uh have architect draw the plans up with specific sizes and and dimensions I my personally think it should be a little smaller and the staircase not protruding any more than 4 ft Off the Wall okay the base of the wall I think it's more important understand what the WID of that sidewalk is outside of that and they can figure that out too there's a lot of two-way traffic there stairs a little all right so I made my motion to carry to the 2 fur notice second M bills Mr casmore yes Mr Julio yes Mr yes Mr Lawrence we'll get you one first I appreciate it no sorry about that thank it'll be quick because all you have there father things that we're going to approve so we can submit it for but definitely get into C us before the meeting so you can get it out to us yeah we can get it very good thank you than appreciate it that's a good one to the four feet from the sea yeah yeah there's not much room no you can't get around there all the joggers bicycles and maybe ebikes char did you you want to wait a minute and I'll leave downstairs okay is on the uh o side is there any restrictions that's there going down you can't you can't go into the the the do the Dooms you can't cross the Dooms only in certain specific locations but that shouldn't have anything doation that's enfor I'm saying drably should mention that also and check all right to a we no we didn't we got open it to the public there is somebody in the public here is there anybody in the public like to make a statement or comment or question no okay so I think he was here to see somebody thing or a general comment any any comment surey Anderson 8 Center Street um since we're all talking about this I'll bring it up with the workshop but I I really think that if we could maybe just jog the sidewalk as you put your steps coming down the seaw wall at that four ft Mark they should expand the sidewalk just do that like Long Branch job you know just like a ellipse coming out of the sidewalk to allow the bicycle traffic to you know to flow through there and people not to kill each other it's just that showpo and if you made a sidewalk why don't people just follow the sidewalk it'd be a little inconvenience on the property owners but it's better than having the state come and use the easement to make a a shoulder on Ocean I don't think we're able to put any impervious areas on that property that doesn't exist has the splash pad so even though you're taking away at the splash pad no but I'm saying whatever is existing is permitted but I don't think you can expand on impious areas okayer than that so I don't know what I don't know it's a good it's a good idea bring it up tomorrow yeah except for your Council thing not it's not us all right we'll close a public question at this time is there anybody that has a discussion or anything to bring up or a motion I'll make a to a have a good night everyone