let's call our meeting this is a regular meeting of the mayor and Bo Council of B seide Park County Vin state of New Jersey held on Thursday April 4th 2024 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session meeting which has now just ended pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the as Park Press On The sawar Ledger January 5th 20124 notice the meeting the governing body also has been posted in the corridor the municipal building and in the office of the Municipal Court roll call counc member am council member condos she will not be here this evening thank you council member Connor here council member craft here council member runda here council president will here mayor Peterson here thank you let us all stand together for a moment of silence to be followed by our Pledge of Allegiance [Music] to the of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible and jce for all the first item on the agenda is request for approval of the minutes of March 21st 202 for a work session March 21st 2024 a regular meeting make that motion to approve by council president woke second second by council member Connor W council president wil yes council member Connor yes council member Amil who El council member CRA yes council member runda yes motion approved next our ordinances the first are a final rating and adoption it's ordinance 22405 an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits to establish a cap Bank as per njsa 4A through 45.1 through and this in accordance with best practices through the Le of municipalities and otherwise uh allows uh leeway if ever needed for the town for this year's budget uh as for past years this town and most if not all other towns yeah any uh questions comments from Council if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments or questions on second final reading adoption ordinance 22405 yes sir Mr uh Mike spino uh 59th Avenue uh I just have a question to get clarified to understand where it says the term you know exception meaning that uh that I understand that if uh the cap increase that we assess for ourselves is not used that does that mean that it's held for a period of time and then just rolled into our budget or does that mean that next year if it's not Ed we will not have to use the cap exception to be able to uh take more funds how does that work I'll turn it over to our Council but my understanding is it's not carried over but I don't that's correct it's for this it's there if needed it's it's only there if you don't now is it is it taken or is it not taken it's just that you're allowed to take that 3.5% raises the uh I mean are we actually taking or we are just allowed to take it allowed to take it you're allowed to take it so you're not actually taking the funds out just being low good thanks any other comments on First and final reading ordinance 22407 yes fa yeah um thank 21 on stre I'm still not clear that 3.5 excess over and of the budget if it's not used where does it go where does it go what how does it get used what what does it it's an allowance to be used if desired if necessary okay it's allowance to be used yes where is it if it's to be used where is it are we paying that on top of the regular budget so that money is there to be used and if it is not Ed what happens to it there's no real money set aside it's just allowing it to be used okay raising the uh raising raising the wood line if you will the next year even so it's not 3.5 additional that we're paying this year but we would be paying it next year if you wanted it you're like it's a million it's 100 $8,000 where is it where is it where did it come from where is it go again it's not money that's being taken out of the budget we're set being set aside then why Happ it's proven it's called best practices of the municipal government in the state it it allows you to use it if need be it doesn't okay you're allowed to use itre if you need it where you get it from that's that's when you would have to uh you get exactly yes it's an it's kind of used in an emergency yeah if you ever find yourself yeah and and you can't exceed it you have this bank that allows you to exceed the appropriation they have an opinion so what's the point of having appr appropriation if you can go over it you don't go over it unless you're using the cat bank it's it's not something you take lightly in that you do uh normally okay I still I I don't think we've ever understand much where that money is going to come from if you decide you need it as I said you would have to raise your revenues either through instead of next year the taxes being raised he allowed 2.5 it would be a raise six points 6% to cover that 2.5 incre doesn't mean you have to use all three and a half may just want to go a little bit more it's it's just it just gives you a little legal room to go over it if needed and approved I think the key words here if needed I I I mean if there's something that we really really had to do like you know we really needed the money for something then this allows us to be able to have that okay but wouldn't it be better to maybe cut back on things so we don't need additional to watch our budget a little bit closer and and alleviate some of the things that are um extras this isn't a cutting back thing I mean it's just there it's like a a we put it I don't how explain it though I mean we have it there once again in case we need it for something if it's not there then we can't go and get it we can't use it if it's not in our budget to be able to present get approved if it's not there we we just can't I understand it's like a a placeholder or something I I don't it's not there the state does not allow us go over state does not allow us to go over right 3 and 12% appropriation I may be saying that wrong but by allow setting up the cap Bank an emergency allows you to extend that so you're basically able to um I won't say circumvent but you're able to uh go beyond what's normally like maybe what would be an example I'll get you the legal state of of New Jersey League of municipalities legal Mon it's not coming up right now any other comments on Final reading orance 22405 yes Mr I just want to ask if we had to do this if you know you had to do the 3.5 there it is could that money come doesn't the town have a reserve don't we have a money in reserve would that money be allowed to be used to cover that intentionally okay that's option I mean yeah yeah y any other comments on Final reading hearing no I would close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council for final reading adoption ordinance 22405 I'll make that motion motion by council president second second by council member craft roll call council president V yes council member C yes council member emab council member Conor yes council member Renda yes motion approve the the next is final rating adoption ordance 22407 amending chapter 225 Article 1 Section 2255 of the code of gr Seaside Park entitled Recreation activity fees and this as per discussion that pass readings including the time of introduction the first reading any uh comments from Council anything further on this I have no comment if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments on second reading ordinance 22407 that's sir melson 122 M Street just a quick question I see up to $5 where did that number come from how did youer that are you discussing which the farmers markets yes we we did a survey of farmers markets in the area they want to be competitive we want to maintain our vendors and um and actually this is comfortable to it's comfortable to ours in downtown Tom J our rat are still a little bit less expensive than theirs Okay so to try to remain competitive absolutely yeah we want to maintain vendors to people come to a farm it just seemed like increases pricing and services $5 was I thought that so from now interesting yeah I mean there's 31 markets and then there's I don't know 10 15 20 vendors per market so it it adds up okay thank any other comments on second reading to 2407 hearing n I'd close the public hearing I'd entertain a motion from counc motion by council member rotunda second second by council member Conor roll call council member Renda yes council member Connor yes council member anaville council member CRA yes council president will yes motion approved next is final reading and adoption ordinance 22408 amending chapter 435 and titled vehicles and traffic part 4 article 11 section 43544 of the code of the B Seaside Park specifically with respect to charges and fees and this too as a result of the study through the committee recommendations previously uh made in work session agenda in the first reading entails the modifications as suggested in concerning parking in particular any other any summary or input from Council [Music] further if not we'll go into the audience if there's any public comments on second reading ordinance 22408 yes Mr spino Mike SPO 59th Avenue uh I know that since had a first you're not likely to really changing I really understand very well Lots one two and three where they're located the proximity to Seaside Heights boardwalk and that raising the rates there would be commiserate to be able to be competitive instead of them using one of those lots that come and fill our lots and then walk down and go on the beach and Seaside Heights that's I think that part is a great idea but the general parking throughout uh raising it to $2 and then on weekends up to $3 all along the whole Boardwalk that's that's way it's going to be right MH uh you know the parking goes all the way up into the M the median of uh Central you know on 35 and with this I think you're going to even push people to even go further I know if it was me and I come down on the weekend I want to go out onto the beach I have I have a good idea that what I would do is I would be dropping my kids off and family at the boardwalk and then drive up and park on the side street all the way up across this the main road to be able to and that's something we doing now yeah and uh you're didn't push them up even on to Bath you and uh because I mean let's face it in this whole town you can cover every street in 15 minutes and for uh if I'm going to be 8 hours for another for $4 I'm going to go look for parket space so you know I just think that uh Lots one two and three I think is uh a good idea General parking I think uh shouldn't be left the way it is thank you thank any other public comments on second reading ordinance 22408 hearing none I would close the public portion and I'd entertain a motion from councel make the motion motion by council member craft second second by council member rotunda roll call council member craft yes council member runda yes council member Amil yes council member Connor yes council president will yes motion approved next is final reading adoption ordinance 2249 amending chapter 135 Article 1 Section 135 D7 of the code of BC South Park entitled permits for required for use of Beach and rates any summary from Council or any input this too had been discussed at several past work sessions uh including one last year and came up through the committee again this year and hearing nothing further from Council I'll go into the audience if there are any public comments questions final reading adoption ordinance 22 409 hearing none I would close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from councel I'll make that Mo motion by council member Connor no second second by council president roll call council member Connor yes council president will yes council member Anil no council member crash yes council member Renda yes motion approved next is final reading and adoption warn it's 22410 providing a supplemental appropriation of $329,600 for demolition costs providing for the issuance of $32,365 hearing Mo I'll go into the audience if there are any public comments on Final reading adoption ordinance 22410 yes8 are we going to save any money by letting the fire department practice and hopefully burn some of that down are we going to save what any money by Let the Fire Department practice burn it down down the engineers estimate was about 750 ,000 so we we saved quite a bit already we did that's really the sort of a ret question any other public comments second leing yes Chad Chu applebe 2151 Avenue I I I I do this for a Livin which is demo I got a building I'm doing it came down in a hurricane in seagert um I just did the demo uh it walk and everything but these things are expensive I just spent 67,000 for a demo plus Consulting another 200,000 so it's it's it's a lot of money to do a demo and then restore it so a lot of people don't realize what these things cost um it's just something that you have to go and it's good that it's a competitive bid you get other one bidding on it so it's fair reasonable so I'm glad that you know we're doing thank you CH any other comments on second reading hearing none I callose the public motion i' entertain a motion from councel I'll make that motion motion by council president W second second by council member Conor V call council president vote Yes council member Conor yes council member anfield yes council member CRA yes council member Renda yes motion approved next on the agenda is payments of claims 224 132 it's approving a payment of itemized claims and a bill list has set forth in the check register Bill list for the time period March 22nd 2024 to April 4th 2024 any questions comments from Council on the list or if not a motion I'll make motion second motion by council member craft second by council president W roll call council member craft yes council president will yes council member am yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes motion approved next is 224 133 it's introduction of the municipal budget for the fiscal year 2024 and that introduction as per a revised resolution related there to references the there's a slight difference than that which had previously been uh distributed and the appropriation would in caps 10,262 778 those Appropriations excluded from caps 2,11 15,5 4437 and that as for the resolution will result in a public hearing for the budget uh to be held in council chambers May 2nd at 7 p.m. any questions comments from Council or if not a resolution motion by council member rund second second by council member con roll call council member runda yes council member Connor yes council member Emil yes council member CRA yes council president will yes the next are resolutions I'll read them in summary fashion 224 134 appointing Carrie senica as a full-time clerk 1 135 appointing class one special Law Enforcement Officers for the calendar year 2024 136 appointing seasonal pumpout boat operators for 2024 summer season 137 authorizing the execution of a change order number one in the contract between the BR Seaside Park and its Municipal Council s hola zarski 138 awarding a contract for background check services to Adam Safeguard 139 authorizing the designated miscellaneous refund for Marina slip number 41 140 authorizing the appointment of seasonal employees with the Department of Public Works and 141 appointing class one trainees any questions comments from Council on any of the resolutions hearing none it's out practice to allow any public comments on resolutions if there are any uh they not required by law if there's any comments on any individual resolution if you could give your name and address in the record I'll go into the public hearing none I'll close the public por and I'd entertain a motion from Council as to the resolutions uh as reference as a consent agenda that motion May motion by council president W second by council member craft roll call council president will yes council member craft yes council member Ile yes council member Conor yes council member R yes motion approve and that concludes the written agenda is there anyone else on Council has any other items at this time I know one one item we have by way of an announcement of public event is a one week from this Saturday is the b anual beach suep whereby the clean ocean action organization and number of volunteers uh go up and down the New Jersey coast in various towns uh for Beach cleanup and I know uh a lot of participants of the various organizations and clubs from Seaside Park regularly do participate in the event and certainly deserve our thanks and appreciation and the public works in the police department uh provide assistance along with the recreation department as well and we are one of the original towns along with Lavalette to actually participate in that annual Beach sweeps of clean ocean action going back 39 years so that's a one week from Saturday at 9:00 a.m. anything else from Council if not I'll go into the audience if there are any public comments if anyone has any they could give their name uh into the record hearing none I'll close the public comment section i' entertain a motion from Council make that motion motion by councilman council president will second and second by council member CRA roll call council president will yes council member craft yes council member anal yes council member Connor yes council member Rota yes and thank everyone for coming out this evening [Music] and --------- call the meeting to order this is a work session of the mayor and B Council of bur suicide Park County Bo in state of New Jersey held on Thursday April 4th 2024 advertised for 7 P.M pres presu to the provisions of New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided at transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press on the scar ler on January 5 2024 notice of the meeting the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the Office of the municipal clerk roll call council member anab council member condos she want I'll be here this evening thank you council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here council president will here mayor Peterson here thank you the first item on the agenda is discussion of the planning board's recommendation to amend chapter 200 of the bur code requiring applicants to prepare and public notice of decision this issue had Arisen on several different occasions uh before the planning board and there are not too many towns left that uh follow this course of action that uh we still have whereby an applicant if they're successful before the board uh is required to uh publish the notice of decision or if they're unsuccessful regardless uh it's in the resolution typically and uh that triggers the running of the relevant statutes and statute limitations for approval for appeal and it can uh become an issue uh but the bigger issue has arisen on on applicants that are denied uh and the reason is they really don't have an incentive sometimes they feel to ever publish that notice so it Lees in limbo but I don't know Steve can mayor I I I agree with the recommendation in terms of having the applicant publish a notice a decision it's pursuant to the municipal luse law which provides they're supposed to do that unless the municipality designates somebody else otherwise um there's no reason why the applicant should not be made to publish a decision pursuant to the state mran law my only observation would be is I would I would agree with your statement that it shouldn't matter whether it's an approval or denial the applicant should be obligated to publish the decision that their cost pass we should amend our ordinance accordingly and if there's any concern that the appc won't have a uh incentive to publish if they're denied because the the uh the tolling of the 45 day statute limitations won't run until the decision is published put a time limit on say they have to S they have to publish within 10 days and then if they don't publish within 10 days we could have the right to publish and and charge them for the publication I mean that would that would be my observation and then in I agree can we then uh agree for have that your office I dra an ordinance this introduction the next meeting is that it me everyone's pleasure yeah just as an observation I mean some some of the uh ordinance ordinances I've seen put the time in there say published within 10 days and if not go publish and you'll have to pass we going to send you the fee you'll have to pass just make right but I wouldn't I wouldn't say if they lose you know we W publish and pay they publish no matter what plus the handling thing there's no hand no hand cross the publication that's what Fair tourism is that okay then 10 days then give him 10 days give 10 days yeah and if not we can publish them and charge them it's usually like you said the ones they get a denial that AR incentivized but at least we give the opportunity to do it and we can do it in charge okay the next item is discussion for authorization Ocean County SWAT team in the Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company to conduct training utilizing 1 155-177 North Ocean Avenue property uh scheduled for demolition um one of the training sessions I know the weather f it up the other I don't know the spot team went on Wednesday it did take place but very scaled down it was just their um uh breaching unit that came in and practiced on few doors and and we've done that in several past instances as well with other properties that gives them actual onsite training Park Central we the next item is discussion of language uh to be used on road closed signs during flooding uh and this issue had Arisen with the input on prior occasions uh a number of different meetings and uh I think the planning board as well um of how best to memorialize and put in writing those individuals who are displaying not just a lack of courtesy but displaying a uh a violation criminal uh offense at the very least so uh you see some signs there some samples some wordings what might be authorized on two ordinances that apply I don't know this Steve had a preot or warning I I think the issue always arises to make sure that uh any and all summonses that might be issued that individuals uh have not just the ordinance has sufficient teeth in it but you need some enforce ability to make sure that it's sufficiently adequately puts in writing and defines what is occurring and the we all know it we've seen it it's it's some people that really are causing damage to property damage to homes and the infrastructure as well um you see some of the verbage there I the FL sheet the uh this is old news but the the ordance there is not 1911 but the the other two examples second and third have the correct and there's a typ of one the one is is the older ver beond beond I personally like the third sheet flooded operation be his point to says no motor vehicle shall be operated on any public Street or roadway within the burrow or flooding into a freestanding water exists at a speed to cast or discharge a wave which carries Beyond the Edge of set Street or Road roadway and that's the ordinance 43535 that's I think it's my the third one third one yes now in terms of the how the ordinance is currently well section A the ordinance is for Road closed section D which was an ordinance I remember drafting in 2019 which is 1911 is the is the wave over the road way or uh Street a so those are two separate violations in other words you drive through a closed Street that's flooded you're in violation of ours if in addition to that it doesn't have to be a closed Road by the way if you if you have flooding on a road that is open and there's you know water but enough that a vehicle can pass you still can't drive through uh a lack of a better term a puddled area that creates a wave that goes over the edge of the roadway or Street that's a separate violation Compu it so it could even be it could be even an open road where the the bottom part applies quite frankly it's a separate violation and and Steve could you define like unauthorized operation how how far well because the ordinance the ordinance says when a road is declared by the chief of police or his designated representative to be uh closed due to tital water flooding for other emergency including construction which endanger prob that they can barricade it but for example emergency vehicles can can go through there God forbid a fire truck an ambulance a police car so the the unauthorized would be anybody except someone who was authorized by the chief for purposes of an emergency that's it doesn't apply to every vehicle only those that are not authorized it should be everybody except probably emergency personnel and residents also of that street oh yeah it's closed it's closed residents aren't allow so residents wouldn't be allowed in I remember as a kid I lived in the cesac and uh a bad storm we didn't have storm drains we had a park five houses away and walk to our house you just that's what that's the it was the vehicle can CW Mr just K well if the road's closed it cannot go on that it cannot if the road's closed you're not allowed on that road unless you're authorized probably by the chief or his designated person emergency Personnel I think I remember looking at minutes years ago maybe one of the meetings you refer to that this issue arose and we're centering in on the very issue that suppos now if you want to amend the ordinance and include residents can get to their houses in a flooded Street have people try and drive through a flooded area and end up with disabled cars that could affect emergency Personnel that's a decision you'll have to make well that yeah that's very important point and I think also the point a homeowner for example who wants to get home and does crawl in their car and literally and that's they have a high wheel yeah many of them obviously would park in Central Avenue and uh and not want their car getting the salt I so that would be something maybe to take the committee and say do you want to make an exception for residents res are people 43535 uh section p as in bravo it says uh individuals who proceed that their own risk to gain access to Res it's already in there the exceptions in there the B is in there okay so you can go with your own risk if you're a resident or a business owner okay yeah thanks Chief so it's in so wouldn't wouldn't it would be well served if we put up one of these versions and everyone seems to like number three if we put both ordinances in it if we I think 40 43535 I prefer because people see ordinance 1911 they don't know how to look that up but they know the municipal code 43535 you I I would because you see that a lot in town ordinance whatever go find it you can because everything's cified I I like the 43535 anyone can look you know anyone can look that up right on the plink municipal code 433 they can see it for thanks I forgot right so that it makes too much sense to me that way that's that was a concern of mine when I read through it yeah says at their own risk to gain access to their residential business so you can do that just try not to get sto out in the middle of the room because then that becomes a problem and then uh related there too naturally we would want to decide how many such signs or we about one the 14th Avenue area entry Bay one in J any other would they be where would they be visible the best they'd be on the barricades I was going to say each barricade on barricades like there now was a signs as W clubes and no permanent signs no on on on the horses right barri chief of the barricades is approximately 28 barricades okay 28 sounds good 36 so what is everyone's pleasure then the third one the third one seems to be the best to cover the situation I like the third one especially that one um attendant to it or the one we see it attachment to it um is listed is there so I do so these could be relatively quickly reproduced cardboard something how would we sign sign so they wouldn't see deteriorating in the the rain wind anything else at this yeah I want be where are you oh yeah supposed to say yeah yeah that's not good anything else on that at this point the next item this has come up also in a number of context previously it's discussion of fence for Public Works B yard um it's actually not the yard at uh on 12th and the yard on 13th it's two different areas where issues had Arisen about the fence whether it could be made less unsightly more aesthetically pleas in and the where it first came up with some residents and it also arose in the context of the plane board the state mandated tree ordinance that uh and some of those trees that trees yeah they're right they yeah we don't don't mention trees to or Steve here but uh of last night's storm but the trees there uh and that came up at the planning board again most recently they're one of a better ter grandfathered in the town itself had planted those trees in a grant years ago the ones between the curb and the sidewalk they're still healthy up and running in several areas um so this is about the fence though and the fence could be seemingly without a great expense maybe upgraded uh time permitting weather permitting materials costs Etc I don't know if we've gotten to the stage of looking at what could be done in housee we did discuss it at the our committee meeting we we match the fence the wooden fence that the decision the same fence is around that's around a recycle yard y so that if it if it was damaged it could be easily repair that house a like a white bar fence were or color gardle fence where it needs to be power washed and maintained and it cannot be repaired in house the same height and everything yeah everything the same to be consistent be uniform it would be more aesthetically but also wanted to pin down exactly what we're talking about because in the committee meeting we were talking The Bard is that y 13th and bornette that AB buts the Recycling yard yes so that that's that has uh drawn some right are there other properties that need new fence so just trying to zero there was a similar issue arose on the residents on 12th on the in that area where the water tower is uh in that yard yes on the but on the 12th Avenue side mhm yeah that was uh who was Mike Mike McFarland and Mike's neighbor I forget I've known them those people the other part of their issue really was getting into our operations when the trucks can start and more and that's a little bit more uh problematic but that the fence was one of the issues and and rather than their sight line is not the most pleasing right now it might be able to be cleaned up somewhat def fense could be put in easily yeah it address address most of the problems right yeah but on so on 12th Avenue on the Y is between central and vate or between vate and Bay or both because I had a conversation with Mike earlier this year too I thought he was talking about the part on 12th Avenue between bate and bayew 12th Avenue Yes again I was there when he was yeah that was that's it okay so not the one where the L Tower is between borate and then he he mentioned that as well but the primary already we do oh maybe it's not high enough I don't know but okay well look at op see if it's can be mitigated shy on the inside I don't know I think we'll have to play it on the inside of Defense mayor we'll look at our options to get a little greeny we've got over there research yeah okay I didn't speak to the individual so you know look at all the difference down there the fening we look at all options yeah the next item discussion of seasonal parking passes this too came up at several pass meetings and uh there is an ordinance in place and it's almost apparently never used and whether people buy them or not whether they don't feel it's cost of effective or whatever I don't know what uh people's thoughts are council's thoughts on that issue I recall two meetings ago we looked up the uh and and how I know this was active for how long I know it's still active well we actually did have we we sold five in 2018 and that's been it that's what I thought I mean I didn't know the exact number I I was going to say handful but that's a handful are they still available or do we have have to print them them yeah because every year they should be a DA call or a different I I can only my only um what I can throw into this is that uh we were asked you know at beach control people buying badges do you still have them and and not a whole lot of people asked about that just a you do you have one or didn't you used to just a few times so wasn't like people were ping up all the time and saying can I still get it or whatever I mean that's not a great survey but I'm just telling you what we faced um maybe we do a sign where you sell the badges and stuff you can buy a parking you know a seasal parking if if it's advertised obviously or made should yeah you can't sell anything if we don't advertise it yeah period what the seasonal fee on the current ordinance is 27575 so I I know it arose I remember looking at some minutes of meetings I guess back when it was P the ex we all have pressure parking in front of residents uh in the summer months but the particular pressures that started this uh were pointed out by people in faret Stockon Decor those streets and now it's gotten worse with uh the building in the ad joining municipality without parking and parking waivers have been put in some of the approvals that were given to those properties so increases pressure on us to have parking did we advertise and make this known well back say well yeah I remember I remember the whole thing and we kept talking about here but it was advertised and they were shoted when they were only a yeah yeah and it says first come first sered is that do we have a limit on it on how that would imply that I guess we need 10 somebody else came to went out and get one I don't know why it's his first I don't I had that on okay all right from resid have driveways they give me a p so I can just park every day 365 days a year in the lot or whatever and I'll walk my house cost is to uh we probably have to give a minimum cut if we printed these pment so let's see how much it would cost to see if it's effective and I think probably has something to do any recollection she was pass all right we people that that self construction andeven days a week that makes a lot of sense perhaps homeowners along the ocean front where muted um make sense what's everyone's pleasure any consensus on I haven't seen any harm it's in place it's already existing advertise it than S my question and probably Steve it's for you so the ordinance reads seasonal it's not defined but it's implied I guess Memorial data Labor Day and our paid parking is April 1 to October 31st would think that's the season I would think it's April 1 it's the dates in the ordinance of when we had paid it make logical sense obvious right so clean up the ordinance I think so because that's our seasonal parking those are the dates and then 275 is them out six months of parking Chief you think that needs to be tightened up so it's understood as between the PID parking right yeah that's how you would enforce it correct thanks Karen I need some anything else on that then no so we're going to proceed then y the next is authorization uh or discussion rather as authorization of an agreement with Adam safeguard for background check services pursuant to jip guidelines that's listed for consideration as resolution 224 138 at the regular meeting and this came about with input from the the jip as to uh the necessary background checks which have been ongoing for many many years on the legit put out an RFP and five people responded um and I went through all five vendors and um chose this one in particular because a they're least expensed and and be they while they're a New York company they have a local office in commer as well um I check the references other municipalities are happy with their service um so just something we have to do um do the background cheat especially for adults that are working with minors anyone have any issues on that that's on the regular meeting agenda as well my question um there are various packages you have to sign up for a particular package or and it you on a uh person byerson basis it's all alart the $10 package is what we're required to do by GIF guidelines if we want to do other background checks it's it's a out so it's not one contract what we have to do this okay you I'm certainly in favor no it's good yeah that's good anything else then from uh anyone on those are the items that had come in this week anyone else on Council have anything else at this gor if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments on any of the work session items if anyone has them if they could get their name and address into the record e a question on the first topic only because I'm not aware of what this is people are going to be required to prepare and publish the notice of decision decision to do what the decision of the planning board so when you go and apply the planning board the planning board makes a decision and they adopt a resolution under the state Municipal L law there's an obligation for that decision to be publicly noticed and published in the newspaper of the municipality just like the application has to be published in a newspaper and the notice of decision gives to the world what happens with that particular application it it's very simple know granted Deni whatever and the the L law really says the applicant's the one that should be obligated to publish it at their cost and expense we have a current ordinance because that does say unless the municipality designates somebody else our ordinance currently says we do it and we shouldn't have to almost every town I've ever served on a ly cour I've probably done about 12 in the last 40 years always has the applicant published the decision so that's what the council has decided to do yes to change you to make the applicant do it whether it's an approval or denial and I suggested you know give them 10 days because you're not incentivized to publish if you lose because the time for appeal doesn't run until it's published so if you get an approval you want to publish it immediately because that that time runs that's that you know so if they don't publish it after 10 days I say all right we'll publish and we can under the statute and charge them for our cost and that resolves I think that whole issue okay thank you I just didn't um I I want to address this this parking um issues uh as far as the seasonal pass can't get into that so much my issue is contractors that during the season April 1 to October 31st will park on the east side of Ocean Avenue and I don't know whether they pay for parking or not but sometimes there'll be three or four of vehicles from a particular company that are lined up in those parking places and I think the mayor's point about parking is becoming more and more um challenging in our town and I think if the contractors are getting away without paying I don't think that's right and uh I suspect that part of that's an Enforcement issue I'm sure right pay like everyone else they get a ticket are are are they checked I I I I don't okay okay I I I just bring that up as something that I have have seen and of course I don't know uning first first any other comments on work session yes sir Tom Joseph 704 South Bay View Avenue on the planning board decision issue my immediate reaction when I heard that is I wouldn't have a clue how to publish that why doesn't the town just do it it's a nice thing to do and it can't be a big deal if you're in the habit of doing it I don't know do you charge the applicant to have something reviewed and the planning board act on them I don't really know I've never presented something to the to the planning board but if you do raise it 20 bucks and publish it every every applicant has to publish their notice of their application so for them to do that they already know they already know how to publish a notice now they lawyer that's handling it for them to I I'll tell you there's a lot of people that come to the board that are not represented by Council and they get the forms the secretary and the secretary has the forms and they fill them out and it's just as simple for them to do a notice of decision as it is to do a notice of an application I I was just struck that you guys didn't even talk about the possibility of having the town do it Town's already doing it well one of the few T I have a problem with that okay okay I hear you and I just that was just my opinion on on the signs for the flooding I I I think it's wonderful that we're going to do this I like the wording I I have a little bit of a concern often the barricades go up before the flooding and and I appreciate we have to anticipate this and in fact I don't expect them to vanish the minute the flooding is over because as we've seen it can flood low tide it kind of clears and then it floods again like it is tonight I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to get home without my feet getting wet because there is no path from my house to year once a eth floods seven was already flooded I haven't walked place as far it's not a big deal my concern is is the road closed when it's not flooded like at low tide in between one of these floods or has it closed the minute the sign goes up because my expectation is a lot of people are going to see Road closed and see no water and they're going to go oh doesn't matter and unfortunately that sets a habit pattern so when it is FL they just ignore men too I don't have a solution for that this is the best solu like if flooded on the sign somehow if you could work that in might be appropriate if that's the right approach if if it's just a matter of the minute the sign goes up the road is closed um then you don't need to do that but on the other hand you need to enforce it and I'd love to see that um and the other thing I have no clue how you'd put in the word wording it would be really nice if the ordinance required those residents like myself who have to get in and out to not go joy riding up and down the street themselves um I'd like to see people if they've got a drive on it because they're a residence or something do what I do I get on it and off at the First Street possible because driving around when it's flooded besides as the mayor Apple put damaging these things is just plain stupid so anyway I don't have a good solution um but I would love to see the signs go in so we can start getting some enforcement because I you know last night this morning probably a good dozen people going up and down the road that had no business being there and ridiculous speeds thank you thank you [Music] yes okay Haring Street I have a question about the fence that you're talking about and the people who are complaining about the fence itself are these people came in after the fence was there or was the fence put in after they lived there if they came in um after the fence they had no complaint because because the fence was there it's like somebody in the country where I used to live you know out in the country that um buys a a piece of property or a house next to a farm and then complains about the smell you know it's there you know it's there can we we just keep spending can we you know and again if it's not broke don't fix it I don't know the specific answer but I suspect there's always been offense at the public works but one matter I about this fence the type fence that you can see the other Town beautification any other comments on work session items yes Chuck Apple be 151 Avenue we were just talking maybe when flooded would be appropriate on the side so when it's flooded the roads closed uh in the language at the bottom much um so uh last night it was late and I came home and I had to park up the street in the middle of tent between marate central and I I walk up to my house not only do I get to my house it's deep enough to where my boots are all wet I fake it up to one step and I fall on my steps right down on my nice hardwood steps and uh get all bruised up but then a car goes by and I get a wave hit me when I'm down and I have a no weight Zone sign in front of my house so signs are good but enforcement's better and um it's just we today um my wife we just saw a car flying down uh Barn it or bab you uh having fun but uh I did buy a bigger truck with an aluminum body so I can get to my house um and jacked it up so next thing I get is a Humvee or something because it's just getting worse but um these things are uh will change over time I think it gets very dark in the winter so reflective signs I realize they cost a little bit more but if we buy reflected once people in their headlights when they go to turn they can see on those horses they won't hit the horses and so you know I think this will change over time as as we learn stuff but still people you know it's difficult every day with the FL thank you TR thanks Joan um Jo to away K Court I don't know what could be done but would be helpful being that if we live in my neighborhood we have to go through the marina but if people don't know where to go once they get into the marina it's difficult and I I don't expect a bunch of signs pointing to where the gate is but it but because that um trailer in the building bumps out a little bit it hides the gate if maybe there could be something directing people where to go I mean if I have visitors I always can tell them go through the marina and keep going because you people wouldn't know where to go if they're coming down the street once if if you visualize it when you when you're coming all the way through you get to where that building is and then the gate is right behind you and you can't see the gate especially we hold boat there now so that might be helpful thank you anything else on work session items yes sir brother Nelson uh Ros 122 M Street um I know there was a discussion about what new signs and uh that was a good point when but I think if you put during flooding it might be more public to put on the side when water that's Supply that's just my suggestion uh as far as the cost of the uh passes for the parking passes is $275 isn't that a little high is that why we only have five sales maybe is it too low maybe it's too low I don't know I mean you either got to pay that or pay you know the hourly rate it dep I don't know depends how much how often you use it I mean if you're here from you know 1st to October 31st and you're parking every day it's going to be quite a lot so you know well if you only sold five that's telling oh that was five years ago dollar an [Music] hour you might consider rolling it be for the resen resc want to might sell more and get points than uh as far as the saf guard car did you say how much it was the check uh $10 10 and what was what was some me price I'm just curious um I don't know off the top of my head one was in the 20s um I think one was 16 they were all significantly higher went up to 65 yeah and this is just the one vendor there were five vendors I looked at this was the least expensive for comparable P composed to do for the 10 is adequate for our needs it Mees it makets the guidelin lines of the uh uh joint Insurance Fund yeah what we need to do for adults working with miners that's the M you can also add other things that check all you know certain position if you want to say let me do these checks on that type of position okay thanks a lot I hope you consider roll I consider fin one how do you want everybody would [Music] buy same address last time uh I just wondered what do Seaside Heights Lavalette whortley charge for a similar pass she said he just $300 this year okay I don't know about Lavette had to be here all summer and you need a place to stick your car overnight cuz the meters run overnight if somebody coming down here to use beach in the daytime closed from what midnight to 5 two to five I any other comments on work session items hearing none i' entertain a motion to close the work session take and then go into the regular name motion by council president W second by council member roll call anyone opposed no opposed so we'll stand the journ momentarily and then begin our regular [Music] meeting