call our meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the mayor and B Council SE Park Motion state of New Jersey held on Thursday November 30th 2023 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session meeting which has now just ended pursu to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of meeting for publication in the asur PK Fest and the St ler on January 4th 2023 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of a municipal building and in the office of the Municipal Court roll call council member anavil council member condos abent she's this evening thank you council member crab here counc member Dr M counc member well presid Michael sorry May Peterson here thank you let us all rise for a moment of silence to be followed by our Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and Justice [Music] all the first item on the agenda is approval of the minutes those minutes are November 9th 2023 a work session November 9th 2023 a regular meeting is there any uh questions Solutions questions if not a motion move there first by council member C second by council president deel roll call council member CRA yes council president Michael Yes council member will yes council member Dr mchu I wasn't here so Iain council member amab yes motion approved and next we have the payment of claims it's resolution 223 299 it's a gos from November 10th to November 30th 2023 any comments or without a motion I make motion that second Mo by council member craft second by council member R call council member craft yes council member W yes council member Dr mckill yes council member amab Iain I did not CC President Michael Yes motion next to the resolutions I'll read them in summary fashion number 300 identical to that which has been adopted by past governing bodies for many years it's proclaiming Central Avenue as candy cane laying during the 2023 holiday season 301 approving payment of annual clothing allowance to eligible members of the Seaside Park volunteer power company number one 302 appointing class two trainees 303 requesting the state department of banking Insurance to reject automobile insurance rate height requests and free rates for the next 18mth time period in accordance with a recommendation from the Ocean County uh Board of Commissioners and other governing bodies next urging the State Board of utilities to establish a free 800 dangerous cable utility pole hotline 305 adjusting compensation for part-time d protection subcode official 306 authorizing the purchase of flood insurance for one Municipal Plaza 307 authorizing the purchase of float insurance for burrow hall 308 is a resolution of the council awarding a contract to piso Contracting Inc trading as calls fencing decking and Home Improvements for the J Street Recreation Center 309 and 310 are interrelated as per the discussion of the work at the work session rather following up on prior approvals and modifications from the NJ do Municipal Aid reconstruction elevation grants received on Bay Avenue phase one is 309 and 310 entails authorization for contract change order number one for fiscal year 2023 NJ two municipal reconstruction at elevation of Bay Avenue Phase 2 any questions comments from any council members on any resolution uh 306 307 the flood insurance yes uh we got involved in having to carry this flood insurance after Sandy and some of the loans we put from the government and as requirement of those loans we had to carry Insurance on these buildings um actually one was price in that was the um the uh preservation of his historic preservation or something like that um and they took a grant to paint the building or something and uh this was back when U maruchi was was administrator and as a condition that which nobody saw at the time we have to carry flood insurance well that building is up in the ocean has a basement flood insurance initially up to about I don't know five five or so years ago when I got involved with it we're we're playing close to $440,000 a year so the amount of the loan was like 30 300 some thousand and so we had to carry insurance it was over $35,000 a year it was ridiculous so now it's down to we out shopped it around raised the deductible a little bit now it's about 80 some hundred uh but I wish there's some way we could get out of having to pay that um and Karen the other uh requirement for this building right here that's um how was close what's the premium for this building so the premium for for this building is higher cuz this one's in a flood zone right and we've already had elevations uh certificates run on this building and there's not a darn thing we can do about it yes the this building is 8976 for B Hall is 2834 so it's 20 2,800 $2,834 for brall yeah so it used to be 30 some thousand for that premium for year so we saved the money I did actually saved that burrow quite a bit of money by shopping that insurance and uh the other uh this building know there not much more we can do with that premium a thing premium did not raise this year for this building the same as it was last year but I'd like to know if this building could actually if we have to continue this for some reason why did we why all of a sudden there some way we can get out of having to pay that I don't know maybe we satisfied our our our loans or whatever we whatever requires to carry this insurance in first place I think there must be a mortgage e or something lean holder something on that that's requiring us I don't I really don't know why that happened I kind of inherited that so I don't know if there's any way to look into that somewhere maybe Joyce uh I guess the question is whether we need it here or not do we still want it here because it did flood during Sandy yeah but we got a lot of other monies that PID for things and uh yeah I mean but but maybe there's maybe we don't have to carry that much you know what I mean it might be some way to lower it is how deduc uh we're up pretty high now I think 10 grand I think okay than that we could yeah we could they offer it right but it's gone down it seems like a big chunk of money it's gone way down from what it was initially sobody out can you know questions comments on any resolutions from Council if not it's not required by law but our practice is to allow any public comments on any resolutions if anyone has any if they could give their name and address into the record Jord Joan pen to aw a court um it's not really a question it's a comment um well it is a question um has there been any when we talked about the uh Candy Cane Lane and I was driving down here tonight I went past the empt area on Central and has there been any further discussion because what's going to happen to that property because we did talk about having a Christmas Market there and that's what kind of queued my memory as to I don't know if it's appropriate to ask what property are you talking about where they took down the park oh in Park Central I don't know Marty talk me about that we need to look at options and put that in the budget for for next year this is the portion of the agenda for any comments we allow on any resolutions if if anyone has any yes uh chair June CES 114h on um 306 no no uh yeah 306 is that including the property the fire trucks and everything or is that no that's that's not that's sep not contents it's just the building just the build just the building okay than that the fire truck should be covered under vehicle coverage commercial vehicle coverage should be comprehensive coverage on okay be portion of the policy I would imagine through the through the CH yeah yeah okay thanks thank you J any comments on resolutions hearing none I would close any public portion i' entertain a motion from Council as a consent agenda second motion by council member second by council president de Michael loc call council member C yes CC pres Michael Yes council member will yes council member Dr MCH yes council member amab yes motion and that concludes the resolution agenda anything else from Council at this juncture I had one in terms of an announcement and I uh I know he had a school obligation earlier but I do see him in our audience our Recreation director Joe to so perhaps I can have him make the announcement if not we have uh three uh very uh funfill community events so sure thank you uh this Sunday we have our third annual Christmas Market might be indoors Outdoors but at the elementary school 10 to 4 um tree lighing here in the LA 5:00 and then the PBA party for residents is at 600 at Tri bur the fun time Beach bad sales also start tomorrow online on the weekends at the lobby of bur Hall we'll be there to sell them in the lobby uh Sunday it'll only get the market though so like the market um that's it going be good a fun weekend and be nice hold out for very good uh always a very happy Community oriented day with a lot of uh nice events and we hope that the the weather it hasn't always cooperated on tree lighting day but we go through through thicker thin rain snow sleep we're always there and it's a fun happy occasion either way so thank you John any other uh announcements from Council or anything further if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments at this time if anyone has them if they could give their name and address yeah Dr Phil nio 68 Deer Avenue there is a new Flash today that Seaside Heights may be reorganizing out of Regional Central and I've been bringing this up for a few months now that under Elite Grant which the heights received they're looking at reorganization and I really think would be in our best interest Karen if we could see if you know maybe for our administrator could research this to see if we could qualify for elite Grant which is a noow risk lowrisk Grant so like that maybe we could reorganized out for Regional Central maybe K through 12 with Point Pleasant I talked to a lot of parents over the last few months that believe in whose kids are going to K through six to wish their children to go to Point Pleasant but I think it's worth pursuing that's again on lowrisk option that could get us out from this honorous amount of money that we're spending our kids to go to Regional Central thank you and K as those on the council uh recognize we have our attorney has constantly been monitoring that particular uh issue which is uh complicated and potentially advantageous for the town also potentially delarius I I noticed also that Seaside Heights they first have to get approval from Tom's River in order to proceed and then it wouldn't be until spring until they get uh before they would go before the commissioner of Education to get their approval so they still got a couple of Hoops to go through before they could uh change what they're doing now don't they have veto representing them don't get he's getting what he's getting rich off of the seasid but if they can set a president over there I mean but before what they did they made us go through and get referendums I think in every town uh that's a sending District to Central Regional that then Blaze the uh path and see what happens we tried once spent a lot of money I hope they're successful it would be good for us I think potentially potentially any other public comments yes sir Tom Joseph 704 South Bay Avenue a few Council sessions ago uh I don't even remember the context of when it came up there was a mention that when B Avenue or similar is flooded the speed limit it reduces to 5 mil an hour I I think mention that is I think there's something on the books and the count our attorney could correct me or not but there's something that it creates a wave that goes over the street I don't think it's 5 miles an hour I I think it's any miles an hour I think it's a height of a wave or weight that come off the vehicles the way pass the street line to the curve line is illegal putting up a no wig Zone sign in front of my houses do it it's in the ordinance already well when flooding the reason I bring it up we we had it the last spell of flooding was I don't know week week and a half ago and it was of course flooded curb to curb and then some and and I'm sitting there looking out my front window and I watch these big trucks going by and I assume 30 m an hour because they sure went slowing down and and of course they don't seem to care and and I see parked cars and you know the water's up to you know just just below the body of the car until the truck goes by and then it's at least 2 ft up and if those cars didn't get water inside them then they're pretty well sealed I I don't know how we label this but we need signage and I don't even know who you talk to to make it happen to put the requirement up there so that we can show people that there is a rule when the road's flooded because the next step is we invite our friends in the police department downstairs to get out and enforce it well but you know our chief who's not here was required part of his job he's supposed to be at these Council meetings he's the one that could address that but unfortunately it's not here but but I'm not sure it's fair to the police or to the people driving up and down the street if there's nothing posted how's the average person going to know there's a requirement because I fully support the idea that there's a limit I just like to see it posted so that nobody can say well I didn't know and then let's get people out there cuz yeah when it gets what happens to my place is when it gets close to the garage doors these idiots that come by 30 m hour I get water in the garage and I don't need that and my neighbor has a worse problem than I do for the same issue so I don't know who should be posting it whether it's us in the burrow here or maybe it's a County Road maybe the county should be doing something but if it is how do we encourage that CU it happens often enough that it's not an unusual situation anyway I just like to see what can be done it is a county road we do try to block those roads you'll see that but it's no we we toally you're saying we' had that to one or two ingresses and esses you can portable sign when you enter and say no weight Zone that's what it is it's a no weight it is no weight it's I remember drafting it that's why created that order and say I don't know maybe we maybe you can call the chief and ask them if they can put up a son NE in cuz we do have those signs that say you know it's enforceable for say no weit no weit you're going to anyway it's created it's going to go over the street line and curve line the big trucks I think it's a fun thing they don't really we can we can enforce that thank you any other public comments yes [Music] p uh I am a member of the environmental committee I'm sorry name for the record please oh I'm sorry Pat B 13710 thank you I am a member of the environmental committee and almost every meeting somebody says what's happening on the 14th Avenue hold and I think when I was here in the spring um I heard that the engineers had figured out what has to happen and that the town um Eric and the work Public Works were going to start to remedy it as soon as the season was over right so we're still waiting on D approval and actually um I had a conversation with the engineer Handel in that project will Meer earlier this week um there's been several different 30day comment periods that D has extended um because there's a slight problem with the way the both okay you a stairs on to go down yes the way that was supposed to be built according to plans is not the way it was built there's a slight variation and now D has kind of hung up on that and so uh when Doug and I spoke on Monday what he's going to do with theep is take an overlay of what was and what it is and show them what a slight variation it is that actually by delaying this project is only making it worse if that they're worried about more erosion the longer we delay the worse it gets so um so that's still hung up in regulatory land okay but we it's not forgotten P I assure you okay no thank you very much I'll report back thanks Pat I know there was one question or comment from the work session or from the resolution agenda that's certainly worth addressing it's not right for a f fin kind of discussion recommendation at this juncture but that entailed some of the options and the question rais I know uh the entire Public Works committee has been working on it as has the whole Council there's a a architect who lives in cide park donated a set of plans to the uh one property that formerly at Park Central apartments and that's uh being reviewed how to adjust it how to incorporate uh set of stands in terms of uh a park and a lot of different multi-uses that would not conflict with some of the businesses across the street but that's still being looked at through the committee and the entire Council I think fair to say I don't know if more but very generous contribution at this jump here it's where we go from there whether or not there's any grant money whether there's funding what how we would do it all those issues are on the table any other public comments hearing none I would close the public p and I'd entertain a motion from councel for I'll make it motion by council member Dr M second by council president Michel roll call counc Dr M counc President Michael Yes council member will yes council member yes council member I'm yes thank you and thank everyone for coming out this [Music] night [Music] --------- the last few meetings as we move the project on and it's got a lot of positive developments and that's the status update of the J Street Community Center and we certainly thank the seide park school board for their contribution and uh the facility has uh gotten a lot of new accoutrements and a lot of extras and it's well on its way so I'll turn over to Karen vot any more where we are so so we have some new furniture new television uh ping pong table by way of the school by way of Matt actually donate it to the school the school donate back to us um uh and um one of the items on the regular meeting we just got a quote for the uh ramp the handicap ramp on the outside from we we got we asked for three quotes we got to the third vendor is unresponsive so that meets our purchasing requirements uh but the uh the first quote was for $109,000 just to do the ramp the one that's on your regular agenda meeting tonight is for $27,600 that um allows us to use the pardon me the grant money that we uh that we got for this project with $38,000 um so if the governing body approves the resolution the regular meeting we can uh engage call fening tomorrow and have uh start to build that ramp uh but and absent that we we'll still need to do the modifications to the interior perhaps the summer but um it's ready to go and we the Fire Marshall was there today did the inspection we just need to get the certification from the Fire Marshall um it looks great if they paint it they caint it it's comfortable y it's looking good so great when can they start using it it's up to me that decision I mean the only thing that we need administratively is that there will be sort of a signing in process we're going to ask people to reserve the community room not to the same way they Reserve this room they reserve the the senior room in B Hall it's a simple phone called the B Hall uh to um we have a calendar up there and because we just want to make sure that there's no overlap or well anything for accountability and liability the people in the building we want to make sure we know who's in the building one so it's not exclusive to one party being there other parties can also be at the same time sure and and it's not like it's just going to be open 247 it's uh if people want to use it in the evening hours they'll have the police unlock it we have Lo up again much like we do when people want to use for a hall in the evening hours I visit is a as a as a community Clubhouse rather than a a a reserved dedicated venue yeah yeah it's it's it's it's it's a process in in in in motion it's it's a I don't think there's any it's we're going to see how it works out right Marty I agree see time goes on yeah what's the earliest start time TBD I I think once we get the certification from the Fire Marshall we can post it in there which hopefully we should get any day now just to be inspected today should be after the Emil after the bars Clos I think there should be CS in there there should be CS yeah we'll still have some work to do while it's open I mean we talked about the ramp but we still need to put maybe some pictures on the walls and things like that we have to put a sign on the outside uh but all that can be done while it's open C's Curly's to she people will get that that's a thr pack m yeah anything else on that topic from Council that's good on the uh rest of the agenda item a there's a letter that the council has received from uh Freeholder or commissioner director Joseph M and it focuses on a automobile insurance increas proposed it's and a request for the State Department of banking Insurance to take into account ocean County's situation and projected or modif because of the especially the commuter impact on it's the resolution says our young families college students those traveling prom Motion county without the mass transportation and the Board of Commissioners had passed a resolution on that topic any that that's on for consideration on the regular meeting also anyone have any was perf yeah but is it just is it is it just as your count Statewide corre yeah so every town and every community and every County whole state got to do this I guess that's what they're trying to do that seems to be it seems like there's something behind it more than this because you know every year these guys go for rate increases and then the state makes them Justified so I mean it's the state you know department of insurance and banking banking insurance and and uh I mean there's there sounds like there's more going on than this I mean there's no new Tor law or anything coming down the pike is not them aware so I don't know I I I don't put my insurance rates to increase but uh I just think it's it's it's is weird but I'm for yes I'm certainly for it the next is a uh letter also from the director of the Board of Commissioners and a similar request that that entity had passed a resolution and it deals with dangerous cable utility pole hotline and creation of a one 8800 number and it talks about cables utility wirers and the likes yeah I think it's very good to have something like this people don't can't distinguish what kind of cable it is so it's Universal Co to sa there is a wire hanging kind of help things alone we would use we could use it around here where the Po's leaning but that's in there so it going be their first call hey polls falling let's get the cler every day Mrs cler I want you to C state that hotline see what kind of action we get after that and the next is for information purposes it's a document shredding date the county institutes that every year and they try to have a location or sight and time in Seaside Park and they've proposed one again uh and it's gone to Eric for his input and that is on for our consideration as well yeah last one we had was very successful and it was well organized and it's FL is very good loc much we'll do the same thing yeah yeah it's just we can't publicize the date yet it'll be a Saturday in May but it's still it's got to be coordinated with the count County so and the next is is related and everyone has a draft I believe of a garbage recy pick up schedule the dates times sections of the town for 20 24 Eric wanted to get that in the work so that there was adequate time to circulate it and here for any input from anybody on Council yeah it's just like last year today resume change change Mar go ahead I'm looking for the dates try to find ex the second week in November the ocean side and the Bas side will be picked up entirely on Monday that will when you put out your garbage on Sunday people that leave the entire town will be picked up on Monday instead of picked up on Monday on the ocean side and Tuesday on the Bay Side yep that's the major change used to once it's still going to be once a week but both going to be on Monday rather than on two different days and but it's going to create a little bit of a logistic uh problem perhaps with our with our Public Works employees that's just a personel issue we need to address that we've been talking about for a little while now we we uh because we'll need um six people we need to put two trucks out yeah on Monday so we'll need six people the drivers aren't problems cuz we have plent of people who can drive it's just the people on the back dve so but uh we're we're working towards addressing those Public Works Personnel issues too so and the the recommendation comes out of the fact that people who leave on Sunday are putting garbage out and it's not being picked up till Tuesday it's creating a huge disruption with bottles going down and garbage going down and Lids so this is an opportunity to kind of help fix that one which makes a lot of sense cuz we experience it quite a bit but one big problem is going to be compliance because um it's going to be hard to um let everyone know in an adequate amount of time and everybody is on board because if not people that are used to put it on on Tuesday they're going to put it on on Tuesday there's people talking in the audience I can't I can't discuss anything no I I don't disagree with you that people are used to like myself you can't keep an old well if someone puts like Tuesday then it's going to be out all the way through we have to publicize it well this is our decision by the way on that issue in Tom's River I always I could never figure out what's the holiday when they're coming is it going to be a holiday what's the next day so just for everyone's edification I Came Upon there's an app called recycle coach yes and you go to recycle coach you put in your municipality it's an app it's on my phone now all I do is hit it and it gives me the next two weeks blue dots are are recycling black dots are garbage and it tells me when they're coming I never have to go back to the to of a website I don't have to figure out where's the holiday schedule what's going on it's right on your phone you put in your Miss and it will tell you when they're coming what day is a holiday they're not coming that day and it for your you know for you and it's fantastic just as a throwing it out to you and it's great it's you know after 24 years Tom Le in southeast side park I finally know the garbage and recycling so so does each town have to submit this information well they have it for some I don't know how they do it they have it I don't they have it all I did was put they came right up unless they don't I would you know you might want to go right now so see Seaside Park now recycle coach my municipality I'm sorry recycling seide park is in there you go to Seaside Park and from then on you'll always have it on your garage or just recy both fantastic you never have to worry just go to your app and you'll know it's but not everybody you know some people and some people are still doing stuff that we haven't done for 15 years they matching it today right yeah uh you know and so it's going to be we're going to have to advertise this have to do a lot of Education through social media through our website we'll look into that app tomorrow that's a great idea you might want to put it on the website you know for recycling garbage here's the ACT recycle coach and you'll never not know what what's a holiday what's day is not coming just a thought that's all that's thank you yeah it's great what's everybody's pleasure thoughts on on the recommendation go ahead with it our like to give it a try he' like to get this out I think we allate a lot of just going around from the Bas side especially we'll see and and it's I know I I know say I understand but it's hard to educate get the word out change you get a lot of back that's what happened last time I'm okay leaf pickup also see there's my garbage my leaf on they don't have as many and it continues the recycling on Wednesdays as always then for um Christmas there's two pickups that week one on um the day after Christmas Christmas garbage we added that one in there same for January 1 it's too is it it's too fine printing to put the trees on there to get tree pick up too or you can bring them drop them along I forget what you did with the trees got artificial been doing it Thursdays the Thursdays after ask I mean it's PR fine f but you could I don't know no that's what we've had recent times how soon after Christmas I think they had it every Thursday for at least three of them but I'm not sure that's why I don't see on the remember last year but that in I you could bring it but that's more of a thing you get all the sa say here Christmas trees in January only yeah all that it just says you can drop them [Music] off I remember that used to be this year I say old one yeah I have this just up on your so just to people move on the Bayside instead of a once a week offseason pickup on a Tuesday it'll be once a week offseason pickup on a Monday right and it's only from what days middle of November till the middle of April all right excuse [Music] me 2024 car for 2024 it's not not on 23s either yeah last a couple of years ago we tried it and we people didn't like it so we put it back to twice a week right remember Bill we we don't have twice a week well no but let's going back and forth no we did we did try it and we got a lot of push back yeah we got a lot of push back but last couple years has been one day a week and once once a week try yeah go ahead with it the the next uh item was a request to put on uh par resident parking on Ocean Avenue I don't know anything about it I don't that sounds like a mess what you brought it up I did you want Paul oh that one there's another one about uh parking that is a I was reading something about park that's coming up coming up yeah we're going talk about that this one just I just throw it out I promised I'd throw it out let people know they we wondering why you know and there aren't any um people on the Ocean Avenue that have limited parking um well that one section of the B doesn't have it on the west ear side of ocean where every from Island down to the heights park on from from Island North K in front of the houses well you can't that Ro you can't in that area so you can't in that area so those people are wondering I don't know how we're going to do it I I just thought I throw it out there how we can make an exception for them I don't know how you can do it uh that they could actually park across the street rather than waiting till the end of pay parking season uh I don't know I just said up throw it out there I don't know you're got to be talking about parking anywhere right something other was you know a few years back we put the seasonal parking pass which is still in our code for 250 you get the full Unlimited all season long from April through the end of October you can park on any of lots any of the meter spots for a flat fee initially at that time aside from some of the North End uh I anticipated some of the USA front homeowners would engage that and use one they really didn't they didn't they didn't but it's still technically in our code as an available option I don't know if we even have the the tickets for it but there was a sticker you put on and I thought that was a reasonable fee to get that extra parking and then you can park in any of the the numbered spot I don't think we got rid of it either believe we sell three or four of them the first year was a little bit and then the next year we had a few and then that was it none of them were on Ocean Avenue I don't think but that was kind of the result of that same request and that was the only option that we really thought was I don't know if it was illegal or inappropriate to do that I don't know I just think on the off seon it's it's it is it does kind of place a unfair hardship on them uh off seon on seon offse yeah but right now on seon they're they they're used to doing no meters right now in fact so from October through right but they wanted to go they just don't you know want all the crowds leave here and the streets are empty and they still have to walk around I got you know block down the street park the car carry the groceries back in drop the grocery it I I I see the point I just don't have a solution but I mean that's what work sessions are for now we have the same problem when we were talking about the first time trying to come up with a plan that would work I do have it's a but I I talked about this someday after I'm off canel maybe I I'll come in as a citizen if you mayor allows me and I'll present my parking plan but I have to wait for these um uh you know we have to wait what's going on with the beach replenishment is that on now or off or I think it's been it's been delay Federal yeah it's it hasn't been announced no the bids were rejected Federal bids I don't know if it's going to be b or not yeah there really I don't think it'll happen next year I I don't see it the only reason I've never wanted to present anything was because uh manaing if you recall got uh mandated to provide a whole lot of parking that they didn't have before for the public for the public trust Doctrine you know you need beach access they didn't have it up there so the feds came in and said well you guys have to provide this so I really didn't want to rock the boat in terms of uh messing with our parking situation here uh sa having the FED will come in and tell us what we have to do they didn't Point Beach Access they then up and down this short right access issues so very aggressive very aggressive I'm talking NJ D also d as well hary cor and njt P does paid parking suffice to fill that um sure okay but it's but it's a touchy subject and I feel that it's my personal feeling obviously my counselor here to the right to my right has you know the end word on it all that I think it's best to just leave a sleeping dog L on you right now uh so it's a veterinary [Music] terms okay the next is also parking related we could go chew on that and that uh entails a request from a uh business to have the we got some businesses with 15 minute parking and some with 30 minute that's this is the one I'm saying there's lot 15 minutes already there are yes you see that letter from the guy at the state uten state yeah and he got a response from Alton alage from the njd who says usually you do a resolution and you submitted to us for review which I sort of scratched my head because right because I don't think we've been following that procedure because 2017 I think we did the last one yeah because um traffic code njsa 39 col 4-8 talks about traffic ordinances or resolutions by local authorities and says acceptance otherwise provided no ordinance resolution regulation concerning traffic adopted by any board or body having jurisdiction over the highways can be done unless it's approved by the commissioner then it says however unless you refer to 39 col 4-1 197 which we've done we' cited in 39 colon 4-1 197 and its subsections provideed the municipality can by ordinance cor right restrict parking and particularly 39 col 4-1 197.4 specifically says not withstanding the provisions of this chapter no ordinance adopted by any municipality designating any streets or streets under the jurisdiction of any such municipality now is is Central under our jurisdiction state highway highway so I don't know if you need the commissioner's approval or not I think we want to look back 201 we handled it yeah and I'm trying to remember if we did it and sent it to the dot for approval bless you which I think we might have done I have our tiger here write a letter this alt fell and straighten his boat out right I don't know I didn't say that but I think we should we should clarify it and I can talk to the chief I hope remember too if we have to do the ordinance and give it to them for their approval of the plan um it may be um I didn't think we had to go through all this I didn't either no so it might open the can wor hope it didn't yeah well it's now it's kind of down so I mean look I can look further into it I don't think in the past we have I can check with the chief and uh and go from there I think I would say at this point we should do a little bit more I just want to chap the she got a chance to call him on it and just chat with him and see if we've done it in the past and if not if it's something we do have to do I already called mer was Chang time if I recall this date right here May 26 2016 when we pass that just prior to that that's when we did we did a lot of changes at that point and we did get their permission I thought we'd sent to the do for approval and it was like a a rubber stand yeah at the time wasn't a big it wasn't a big to do but this guy is saying we have to jump through who already have a couple on Central Avenue 15 minutes I'm saying yeah I think we do I think we do the draft and we do the plan we s to them and it's I been do what we did back in 2017 I think just got to take a little bit more look at it before we okay I would agree with Dr M the the other issue that this applicant asking is different somewhat than the ones that we've approved or that are in place he's asking for the summer season only Memorial Day Labor Day there are number on Central Avenue now that are all year I think it's too complicated that way just do 15 minutes because in the summer they used to put in certain areas they put the signs up during the summer season just for the 15 minute parking there and then they take it down there was a couple areas this year that they didn't go up at all right and I know some businesses saying hey how come our signs aren't up so maybe we should review all of those areas to in the ordinance just to see maybe there needs to be an adjustment or something along those lines yeah I talking to the mayor today and I I looked at what we have in our organm saying how be cool seeing all those signs and all those places parking coule Seasons now that doesn't say seasonal in here these are all year round so I was scratching my head myself put them though yeah they would only put them out in the is the closed I guess I guess only when they're open a lot of them have different time some in those sections are not seasonal some are open n or what right a corner of they are three C's they have them down there [Music] um where you know yeah cuz this guy when I read his response holy crap this guy wants us to do a lot of stuff do you get that too yeah that we' never had to do before and I don't think looks like they're bureaucratic did fell in the hands the wrong all right so we follow I but it should be for year round it's simp yeah the seasonal 7-Eleven is open yeah he's not look for S spaces in the angle and two in front is marked that was it that's what it for marked in front I think already when you pull up there's like two spots before you get to the condo right and in that location there is Central LA parking but I think people start is pulling up yeah and there's three off spots I believe there three or four off street spots kind of tight these and these two yeah those I don't know I look at the sign myself yeah reasonable and the other item for work session that we'd approved this in the past but it entails uh modification uh and it entails the ongoing reconstruction the elevation project of B Avenue phase one and phase two we have the two resolutions I know on the committee and found some of the more details while this has come up [Music] again so we received two grants uh two njd grants 2022 2023 um and the engineer gave us a proposal to do the design the construction plans which they did uh and then when we found out what kind of grant money we would be getting we realized that we would have to scale that project down somewhat in order to keep the construction cost close to the grant money so this modification proposal from tnm is just now they have to do a redesign of the initial design because the project is scaled down and so so that's what these two proposals are one for phase one and one for phase two well was also is a project that involves State money County Money Town money and and like we Federal money too because because the county might be able to get us some americ rescue Plan F that's what we're hoping that will that will cover this these extra expenses that's we're uh that was originally part phase one actually was designed by I think to this is 14th Avenue to 8th Avenue right it's 14th to 11th and then 11th to 8th so anybody have any issues that's resolution 309 and 310 I don't think we really have a choice no I mean it's really conjunction with that which we approved previously in the circumstances where they are that that concludes the written agenda of the work session anyone else on Council have anything further if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments or questions on work session items if if anyone has them if I could give their name add yes sir I'm Tom Joseph 704 South BW Avenue uh I wanted to comment on a couple of the things you guys discussed the first one is that 800 number for reporting down lines and down PS uh nobody's going to know that when they come across a down line or a down pole if you post it on the polls so that people will go oh there's a lot there's a number up on the poll I should go look at that the last thing we want if it's actually a down power line is somebody running up to the pole to read a phone number my suggestion is we recognize that people dial 911 when they come across like that and unless there is some serious reason to not have them dial 9911 creating an 800 number that nobody except the power company is going to use when they run across the down line to me it seems like a wasted effort it's not I'm sorry pleas this is you know the the 800 number you before you dig yeah that's it's going to be the same thing now and and it this is a it's it doesn't go to the power company it goes to the Board of Public Utilities which is really has a lot of power over the power companies okay but and it's and it's not this is more of a a maintenance reporting things that aren't um that may be failing that they want the power company to know about and they want it on record right now I don't know if you know but we have a bunch of Leaning poles in town oh yeah that's nothing to do with down this has nothing to do with down wires my my understand okay this is let me read the exact to create such a hot line should be similar to the 1 1800 call before your dig system it's not going to be a full phone number it's going to be like when we call for when you're digging a digging um before you did before you put a tree in your property you don't look at the number that's fine as long as the first line of the notice that you put on the poll is if this is an emergency dial 911 well where's your poll then before you put a TR on your property you have to call yeah but that's not not even remotely an emergency situation this isn't only I understand that but my concern is somebody worries about finding that number when there is an emergency situation so if you make it clear that this is to report maintenance issues with the overhead cable structure sure I think this might also apply like if we we call 911 we call the police I think the police will call that's what this is all about line to to issues that may not be otherwise known not a general emergency1 I mean I came across a line running across one of the roads about 5 years ago and it was I don't know first or second Avenue somewhere in there in the Ocean Block I knew it was a cable company line but it was low enough to be across the road where a car would run into it I call 911 we're not do 911 okay my point is the way of learning was in the agenda and whatnot is that if you come across a situation try to find this 800 number if it's a maintenance thing I agree with you completely I have no problem with that I don't want I don't want to AR this isn't even our this isn't even our our something that the county saying we're just we're just giving it our blessings that's fine I'm not going to get into what's right and what's wrong I'm not going to let it write in a letter and say hey you guys got to R this and pass it again because otherwise we're not going to okay it we're just giving it our BL period done see you I'm not going to debate it I'm sorry there's nothing to debate in my opinion simp thing different issue okay on the idea of moving all the offseason colle garbage collection to Monday sound like a good idea be honest the only issue with it which you guys talked about is how do you publicize this so that people learn put their garbage out in time for that's that's I think that's that's the right issue that's what we mentioned and and you know the things that come to mind is that emergency 911 number that we now have that's supposed to work call everybody and say this is changing let them know so they can go get the information we Meed that today but we've got a new system and not everybody's signed up there very few people signed up for that sign okay I got to answer that I was told when that came up that all the people that were signed up we going to be transferred over is that not true no that is true that's supposed to happen I don't know I wanted to be registered myself just to make sure yeah I was only register on one of them uh I'm still at my believe there's two of them there's two work one's for an emergency report and the other one is for the neighborhood one by the way you go to the link on the neighborhood one cuz I just did it 10 minutes ago and it goes nowhere uh was that the old one it's the police the other thing just give the garbage guys a bunch of adhesive notices to go stick on everybody's trash cans who's on the Bayside do it for two or three weeks until you hit the cut off date and then run the trucks one more week to see if anybody still sticks stuff out on Tuesday and people will learn or they won't yes not aad I think it's a great idea to shift it one day it sounds like it would save you some man hours so anyway thank you coule questions or comments on work session yes sir Avenue I want to pick up on what councilman mugh said about Ocean Avenue parking and the can of worms because it is I spoke with a few hundred voters over the summer and one question that came up by a number of Voters was what am I getting for my tax dollar and that's a serious question I think for any taxpayer to ask one of the questions that one of the issues that came up was parking parking parking people can't park in front of their homes particularly in the south end of town Ocean Avenue as councilman mugh indicated I think it would really behoove you to begin to survey you know taxpayers homeowners in that area and find out what the real issues are with respect the parking and really address it because a lot of people are questioning why can't I park in front of my own thank you any other questions or comments on work session items hearing none I'd close the yes oh yes sorry that's because I don't come regularly that's fine P first so um 1371 number one I don't remember exactly what the Reconstruction project is 309 and 310 you said that you know we basically approved it a few years ago and it's now it's too much money and so what is the project much phase one and phase two yeah of of uh every year we get uh we apply for these grants Department of Transportation grants this is for 2000 these are grants monies that we got in 20122 and the round that happened in 2023 we just put in an application there's one right now in the works for 2024 stopped in Avenue right uh so what we have done is utilize that money and try to get that that money for the town the grant money and we work every year we work on these grants and we got them for uh fact I've been I've been the one involved in this um for uh ever since 2016 I believe and we've been getting Grant one went toward H Street and G Street uh recently they were two and they were combined into one project because we got one we bid him as a whole unit so we got one contractor to bid on it rather than doing one one year one the next and and um it just saved the town money so we're doing the same thing with the 2022 23 grants and what we're trying to do is raise Bay Avenue a little bit so we can get in and out of town when the weather gets hot and there also some of the roads like we also did it on 12th Avenue uh 13th Avenue two sections of 12th Avenue I I now know what you're talking 14th Avenue uh we've been doing this for quite a while but that's what this is and these projects got to remind you Bab Avenue is a county road right right so everything we do has to be has to involve the county and we have to ask forther contribution as well which we have gotten their commitment to this project uh so we've got the state DOT grants we combin the both the bid them as one project we have uh our town contribution and uh the the maybe the feds that's that's what we're working on now so we had to change things around a little bit so it's just the purpose is to resurface raise a little bit you do the yes and the streets are going to uh the streets aren't pitched that well so we're trying to change that to if you look around 11th Avenue and B it's terrible yeah so we're trying to eliminate that like we did on like we did on 12th like we did on H like we did on G and that's what this is all about great and also you know to explain so much well that's right you don't come very often so I want to catch you up and then and then also it runs into 14th Avy you know that big dip has gotten better over the years but we're trying maybe that's not on all our property but maybe we'll be able to make that a little less of a dip okay only one other question I wasn't sure car what you said about when the um Community cental will be open um well I think it has to I guess it's a decision that soon there's a few Minor Details if we do have to get the certification from the Fire Marshall just in the inspection today right um I heard say that so but I you said something about one of but I uh we didn't set a date yet I think Gover body and I think you need to have the ramp in place to you before it's been an ongoing business I mean um Clubhouse or whatever we going way back so we don't need any special zoning there's no change in use right C right so I guess we're just waiting for the Fire Marshall to get us the green light maybe it'll open real soon that's great sure okay thank you thanks that any other questions comments on work session items heing that i' close the work session and entertain a motion to take a brief adjournment and then begin the regular meeting by Council second by Council Michael anyone oppos doing no opposition will stand Jour momentarily