meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the mayor and B Council of B Seaside Park in the county oan state of New Jersey held on Thursday March 7th 2024 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session which has just ended moments ago pursuing to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the no use of the meeting for publication to the asur par press on the Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of this meeting the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the Municipal Court roll call council member Amil pres council member condos she is out of state this evening she given us advanced notice thank you council member Connor here council member craft here council member runda here council president L here mayor Peterson here thank you let us all rise now for moment of silence to be followed by our Pledge of Allegiance I of the United States of America stands all the first item on the agenda this evening and uh we have a special guest as well related to this we have a Minal Proclamation and it is for National Library week which is April 7th to April 13th 2014 2024 and with us this evening to accept the proclamation from our town and our governing body and Community we have the new branch manager of the upper Shores branch of the Ocean County Library and she is soon Bo who's here in the back and I'll have her come up and I'll present this to her on behalf of our town as long as don't have my Mir glasses I think I can do this is whereas the libraries offer the opportunity for everyone to connect with others learn new skills and pursue their passions no matter when or where they are rather on life's journey and where as libraries have long served as trusted institutions striving to ensure Equitable access to information and services for all members of the community regardless of race ethnic ethnicity Creed ability sexual orientation G gender identity or socioeconomic status and whereas libraries adapt to the everchanging needs of their communities developing and expanding collections programs and services that are as diverse as the population they serve whereas libraries are accessible and inclusive places that promote a sense of local connection advancing understanding Civic engagement and shared Community goals whereas libraries play a pivotal role in Economic Development by providing resources and support for job Seekers entrepreneurs and small businesses thus contributing to local prosperity and growth and whereas libraries make CH choices that are good for the environment and make sense economically creating thriving communities for a better tomorrow and whereas libraries are treasured institutions that preserve our Collective Heritage and knowledge safeguarding both physical and digital resources for present and future generations and whereas libraries are an essential public good and fundamental institutions and Democratic societies working to improve Society protect the rights to educ education and literacy and to promotee the free exchange of information and ideas for all and whereas libraries Librarians and Library workers are joining Library supporters and Advocates across this nation to celebrate National Library week and now therefore be it resolved that I mayor Johnny Peterson Jr on behalf of our governing body Proclaim National Library week April 7th to 13 2024 and during this week I would encourage all residents to visit their libraries which in our case obviously is the upper stoors and I've already shared we all welcome you and we thank you for all the wonderful programs that Branch actually is leads the way with a lot of time programs and we all celebrate the adventures and opportunities that unlock for us every day Ready Set Library thank you I just I'm new I'm the new branch manager at the library I've been there for a few months now so just thank you I'm not from this area so I feel very welcome now in this community everyone has been amazing who comes in there and I encourage you to come check out our calendar of events and thank you very much welcome the next item on the agenda are the minutes and we have February 15 2024 work session February 15 2024 regular meeting any questions comments from the governing body or if not a motion some motion by council member CB second second by council member rotunda roll call council member C yes council member rotunda yes council member anavil yes council member Connor yes council president wil yes motion approved and next are special meeting minutes those are the meeting uh special meeting January 8th 2024 February 6th 2024 any questions comments from Council or if not a motion I'll make that motion mayor motion by council president woke second second by council member amabile roll call council president yes council member amville yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member Renda yes motion approved next are ordinances the first is final reading and adoption ordinance 2241 amending ordinance 2209 of the ball finally adopted on September 24th 2020 providing for the construction of phase 3A r m replacement project and phase 3B water main replacement project and providing for the issuance of $4,999 1132 in bonds or notes of the B to finance the same any questions comments from Council if not we'll go into the audience for any comments at final reading hearing and Adoption of ordinance uh 2241 hearing none I would close the public hearing and I'd entertain a motion from the council so move May motion by council member craft a second second by council member Connor M call council member craft yes council member Connor yes council member anavil yes council member Renda yes council president will yes motion approved and next is final reading and adoption it's ordinance 22402 Capital ordinance of the B seide Park County boan state of New Jersey appropriating $25,000 for water meters any questions comments from Council as per the introduction session and prior meetings where this was discussed I just wanted to mention mayor that the 25,000 are for water meters that are associated with the Ocean Avenue uh a 3B project that's ongoing now thank you okay anything else from Council if not I'll go into the audience any comments on Final reading and adoption War 22402 hearing none I would close the public hearing and I'd entertain a motion from Council for adoption motion by council member craft second by council president roll call council member craft yes council president will yes council member anabil yes council member Connor yes counc Renda yes motion approved next final reading and adoption it's ordinance 2243 amending chapter 435 entitled vehicles and traffic article ran num 8 schedule ran num six of the code of the B Seaside Park entitled oneway streets designated this in particular uh reestablishing Second Avenue as a oneway street and there was uh some discussion at the work session this uh entails the uh two 15minute parking spaces which at this juncture would be eliminated uh in terms of the overall positive benefits of the ordinance That's The Proposal with I know our attorney will reach out to the jip as to whether or not the bo should or could consider further any modification in terms of the state statute with a stop sign uh anything else from Council for final reading and adoption hearing none I'll go into the audience for any public questions comments final reading and adoption ordinance 2243 yes da yes um I have a question there's a big problem give your name Miss har I'm sorry um there was big discussion about these two parking spaces because of the stop sign isn't there a stop sign there already doesn't every street going on to Central have a stop sign the stop sign is the other direction that's the problem if it's changing the direction now and there's a a dler apron of the uh motel or hotel right across the street that so you can't have a stop sign there that's that's the problem just replace the stop sign it's there with a new stop sign going the other way yeah this this changes the it used to be a two-way street and now it's going to be just oneway right and if it's a two-way street it will be coming out on on to 37 I 35 yes yes yes okay there isn't there a stop sign there it's the the engineer indicates it would have to be this would be eliminate the two spaces I don't know because of a oneway street you have a stop sign on both sides because a person can get on the right side and go right or get on the left side and go left so we'll have to add a stop sign to the left side which is right in next to the white or flicker where there's two parking spaces sign okay so all our one streets have two stop signs at the end of them they do okay any other questions comments final leaving award it's 22403 hearing know i' close the public hearing I'd entertain motion from the council I'll make the motion motion by council member Connor second by council president W roll call council member Conor yes council president wil yes council member anab yes council member craft yes council member Menda yes next is first reading and introduction it's ordinance 2244 Capital ordinance of the bar Seaside Park County verion state of New Jersey appropriating $111,000 for M mats on on the uh beach access points at various streets picking up where uh the town had left off the last year session as for the work session any other questions comments from Council Members if not do we have a motion for first reading so move Mr Mayor motion by council member amab definitely second that second by council member Conor roll call council member amabel yes council member Connor yes Council M craft yes council member rotunda yes council president wil yes motion approved and next our authorizations I'll read them in summary fashion first is seesi Park Yacht Club family fund walk run 3K 5K June 23rd 2024 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. the location is the boardwalk 13th Avenue to J Street any approval must have a condition that it would also be add conditioned upon obtaining a Ocean County permit the second is sixth sixth annual Val supplements police and fire 5K date May 25th 2024 CH 8 a.m. to 12 noon location Boardwalk Stockton Avenue to 14th Avenue the next Towns River Elite baseball Wednesday Thursday Friday from March 8th to May 10th location uh also time rather 430 to 7:30 location 13th AV of Ballfield next Seaside Park PTA Easter egg hunt March 24th 2024 12 noon to 2: p.m. location 5th Avenue Beach next Ocean County St Patrick's Day Parade March 9th time 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. locations various locations J Street K street L MN Lafayette decar Stockton and paragate avenues any questions comments from Council on any of the items or if not I have a comment on the Seaside Park yach Club um their U certificate of liability insurance expired um March 1st of this year so it should be done on the condition that they other certificate so that's an added condition then if that's to be approved that's the county approval now plus a updated Certificate of Insurance naming the town as an additional insur yes any other questions comments or if not a motion I'll make that motion there motion by council president wi with the two conditions on the one as indicated second by uh council member rotunda roll call council president wil yes council member rotunda yes council member an yes council member Conor yes council member craft yes motion approve and next are payment of claims 22415 it's approving payment the adiz bill list claims set forth on the check register Bill list for the period of time February 16th to March 7th 20 24 any questions comments from Council if not a motion I'll make that motion man motion by council member craft second that second by council president R roll call council member craft yes council president will yes council member am yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes motion approved and the next are resolutions I'll read in summary fashion 22416 authorizing the cancellation of designated tax accounts 107 resolution the pro C side park providing for a single and combined issue of General obligation bonds authorizing the sale of up to 5, 12,000 principal amount of General obligation bonds series 224 authorizing advertisement of a notice of sale authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to sell and award the bonds determining the form and other details of the bonds and authorizing other mans related there to 108 authorizing the municipal recycling coordinator to submit the 2023 recycling tonnage Grant application to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Agency 109 authorizing rington and verick Engineers to provide Engineering Services to complete njib Nano application 110 appointing Joe to as Beach control manager 111 appointing James Ranken as lifeguard Captain 112 authorizing Remington verick Engineers to provide Engineering Services for tax map maintenance revisions for the year tax year 2024 113 authorizing the B Seaside Park to solicit bids for the lease of the property owned by the B Seaside Park known as N Street bath house building garage number two for storage use and Beach vending of ice cream and water 114 authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to sign the purchase order from R Kemmer and Son Marine Contractors LLC any further questions comments from any council members on any resolutions no yes no uh it's our practice though not required by law we do allow any public comments on any resolutions if anyone has any uh I would entertain saying hearing none I will ch the public motion and I'd entertain the application as a consent agenda for the approval of the resolutions have motion by council member second by council member Connor roll call council member craft yes council member Connor yes council member yes council member Renda yes Council council president will yes motion approved and that concludes the written agenda anyone else on council at this juncture I know we had the one uh verbal approval from the work session that uh not necessarily a resolution per se but we did want to move ahead uh with the engineer uh for the reason stated yes that that was uh uh I know B and Marty had the the summary uh indications of that for the rationale that was running uh no that was uh having uh Steve sho from tnm convert over the current application for Boardwalk into an application before the ibank and the uh related issue I know we wanted to okay and give the authorization to go ahead with the other portion that was the uh seeking the Cal upon that for board so uh perhaps uh to uh air on the side of caution I would entertain a motion from the council to uh approve such a resolution motion by council member Connor second segment by council member runda roll call council member Connor yes council member runda yes council member anabil yes council member craft yes council president wil yes m anything else from Council I'm just saying this may be obvious but I'm just saying fact the second you you know do stri in whatever is needed one way street signs there's more than just the one stop sign just to add that in you know that everyone's aware the street has to be made legal to the state so whatever would the need to be done the the striping of the street and everything would have to be changed everyone's on board with that and uh it's probably given but in terms of announcements from the governing body as per the uh approval just given for the upcoming events we uh have two days from now the St Patrick's Day parade and I know a lot of us are participating in one way or the other for various groups and uh uh member members of the governing body as well uh including myself hoping uh not to have a uh rainy and we've had sleep over the years and snow so I don't know it doesn't sound great but it should be fine yeah I think it's going to hold off that's I'll be optimistic can it be worse than last year to well with the sweet ones got worse that that was cold rain so anything else from Council if not we'll go into the aards if there any public comments if you have any uh if you could give your name and address to the record yes Denise Che 1807 I'd like to uh submitted to Karen some information that um we'd like to submit for consideration to the mayor and counsel did you pass that on too I did I did okay so you don't need copies um the property on third in central is under discussion for upcoming um opportunities and I think a nice opportunity for the residents and visitors of our area would be be a recreational area and the proposal was to include pickle ball courts AI courts um horseshoe courts and if not that it would be other type of entertainment for people to come and enjoy the property um I'd like to hear your views on what you think uh of that idea of using that for recreation for app residents to use all your loan as a senior community during the year we're always looking for things to do outside we don't want to be inside we want to be outside so we would have the opportunity to use that facility all year long um it seems like a great opportunity for visitors to come and enjoy our property and I'd like to know what the for I'm certainly we're we're in the process now of gathering any and all proposals and looking at Cost all the ramifications in terms of zoning drainage all the issues and uh uh that certainly is one of them in terms of General Recreation we've we've talked about that in the past so I don't know what what Karen has but we'll certainly put that with the others and give it full consideration it was emailed that to the full governing body I me if you have copies there I saw it you had all the different um I yeah you had B you had it could be you know shuffle board it can be cornhole but I think outdoor recreation is something Our Town needs and that has a various you know usage where it's just not one thing it's several things you know and I just you know we're going to move forward on doing something we need a recreation area that servs a lot of people use it's certainly not a bad idea at all so um and the May's right we have talked about it you know officially but yeah I got this on um no it's Mar I mean it's a shame to see that that property not being used where you know we could be enjoying it all through the year no your hands down yeah I thank you all right appreciate thank you any other public comments yes sir Tom Joseph 704 South Bay Avenue uh last July 4th my wife and I went out on our balcony to watch fireworks because of course you could see them all up and down the bay and she looked over and said oh look at that they turned off the lights on the Fifth Avenue Pier to make it easier to see the fireworks unfortunately the lights never got turned back on and I think you may be aware it's now 8 months later a full solid 8 months and I walked by there on the way over to this meeting and it is dark it is dreary it is not a place anybody would want to be after the sun was down our lighted Fifth Avenue Pier is a really nice feature here especially in the summer there are no handrails around that Pier all the way out when it's dark I don't know how safe it is I really think it's a useful feature I want encourage you guys on the governing body to find a solution to getting the lights back on I understand that jcpnl is doesn't want to manage this anymore but I really think it's a feature that this town has it's a very positive thing so whatever we can do I understand there are variety of engineering firms that we hire that could put together a plan for getting the lights back we've already engaged at turn to do that excellent I I I just want to encourage you I I'd like to see it happen before this summer season if it that's at all possible well that's what we're trying to get done I don't know how much money is involved and obviously but but I really think it's something we ought to do and that's that's all I want to say we all agree with you excellent thank you thank you Tom any other public comments yes Michelle Michelle Miller 1500 Lake Avenue um uh which council member is responsible for the Crescent status has I wasn't part of that meeting Karen had a meeting on that I believe I is that what you're referring to where we're at with the questions well I we submitted something before Christmas Karen did get you know an answer from Doug but um you know not only Karen it would be nice if there was someone else on the council that would be I was on there but I asked Ken to give me the brief on that the other day but the I spent I don't know two hours with her and it was not enough time to go down to be honest with you I did ask K the other day specifically on that okay but it was on my list that we could not fulfill that list of questions that I had um since you were it wasn't that it wasn't important right just that it's took longer than expected for the meeting um did you get a chance to see a revised uh plan of what we wanted there because we we toned it down so that it would uh meet the regulations by do and by using every other Street I did know all of that yes okay I do know all of that all that was sub de they left their application open that was all resubmitted to do last Friday along with Andy's drawing of the crescents and the types of plantings that are desired um because we had to amend our our initial application so that was that was done last Friday oh well you know my reason for bringing it up is that there would be somebody else on the council that would help keep this thing roll forward um my other question is uh I well comment I do believe that the taxpayers uh you know for the community uh there's been a lot of extra pickle bow cords being built in the other surrounding towns in the summer time they're well used with Winden lines and would like you to you know make to consider that and you have the plans and it does include that with you know a couple of other things which are great and there's benches on there too which is wonderful um speaking of thev I think it was brought up before we had asked how much revenue did we get from the beach badges I don't know it was 1.8 like 10 something like that I don't know8 1.9 million yeah 1.9 million from all the badge sales ramp fees 1.9 million all together roughly not roughly it's 1.9 all right and thank you thank you any other public comments yes hi um Holly burn 18 Brighton I have a couple of uh questions with regard to the parking the paid parking um I've lived here 24 years plus and I've noticed that the parking spots the paid parking spots really aren't utilized except for the main holidays Memorial Day 4th of July Labor Day and such the res I'm on the beach block and 7:30 8:00 in the morning as most of you know too parking is done day hoppers are coming over what I'm finding is it's usually um I've gotten to know firsthand a lot of the uh excuse me the people who are coming over they have suggested to me that I suggest to Mayor and counsel have you considered maybe a season parking pass for the people who come over on a regular basis similar to a pass that gets you into idland Beach for the season um I know I have a couple I at least have four friends that would be willing to pay they set up to $200 to have a season's pass which would guarantee them coming over from Tom's River Manchester Whiting so that they could come to their beloved Seaside Park and park and not be you know I mean I'm holding spots for them so that was one suggestion too my thoughts on that were it's money up front rain or shine you still have money as to a week of rain and nobody's paying for parking but it's been my experience that other than people who are desperate for a spot on the holidays or when I Beach closes 99% of people are coming over and hitting the residents streets first which is kind of unar too my other concern is can we we have such a an ordinance in place as far as a seasonal pass I'm just trying to pull yeah okay we do have that that would be great not think we sold hand we sold a handful for the season like they know people years we' had seasons pass one yeah we tried it I remember we tried it how much was it how much $275 it's and that entitles him to park in the numbered parking spots any of the numbered parking spots okay and that's still available now is that something through the website the town's website who was never never Tak off the book never been taken off the book it's there Mr Mar I remember we tried that try it again Bill we did that with mat Michaels made rest in peace and we didn't sell any it was like it would be a good idea know about it we advert this is this is four years ago we didn't sell any so I think we dropped it we never took it off the book so I guess we can reate it theate the council wants to F it 300 there you it's a good idea I'm sure would consider it as opposed to you know coming over here not and spending like I said I live on Brighton which is a oneway that's a whole other subject um I see people rolling down that street and I almost want to put like a lot full sign on you're at :15 don't even come down bright and go find another Street that's where P um speaking of advertising not that I think it's advertising but that board as you come into town which kind of should be notifying people what's going on the only thing I ever see if there is senior lunch in and it's usually in size nine font so if you're doing 25 30 mes hour like there goes the sign so I think there's a lot of good things going on in this town that us full-timers really don't know about unless you're kind of in the know or you're running into somebody who kind of tells you things like that too so if we could be a little more proactive in in in displaying on that is there someone in charge of that sign who's in charge of putting up information on that sign besides you know you do see like flea market Farmers Market you know things things like that the flashing sign one by the marina the one corner of I and Central on that one there it's a big white board says nothing all the time so coming to our boring little town where nothing's ever happening but there are things that are happening um with regards to the parking too um I don't know if this is your jurisdiction or maybe it's Beach or whatever what about the lifeguards and the badge Checkers um they have nowhere to park there are some days where and they can't park in the pay parking obviously so they're coming down the side streets and I know last year few times when the guards left to go to lunch they lost their spot because someone's you know tailing them to take the spot and then they've got to drive around to get back to that chair can we give them a placard or something that says lifeguard on duty badge checker on duty and on the days where there is nobody the length of Ocean Avenue parked can they Park in a paid parking spot so that they can get to back to their job I've watched this all summer they've used my driveway they've parked across my driveway I mean I've allowed it because I feel bad for them they're they're hopping around they get there they try to leave or whatever and then they come back one woman last year her mother was dropping her off so her mother could park her car so her mother could go to her car which was two blocks over that was insane so is there something that beach Patrol can do to have the guards and the bench Checkers have guaranteed guaranteed parking I mean they are working you know the beaches they are working in town so for them to be driving down a central or parking bayside and hook it up the street to get to the chair is there something that can be considered for that it could be considered there's a long ly history about this story discussion in the past I'll just put that M if if ever done it would have to be enacted by an ordinance of because years ago they blackards in the windshield lifeguard on duty and they did park right off the you know the entrances to whatever Beaches they were working I mean I go back to the day where my kids were guards and they biked because we were in town they just bik to whatever Beach they were they were set on that day but we have a lot of guards that are coming from out town so they're driving and um I mean they're getting there early enough to find parking but if they have to move for a lunch or something um M mats I heard the discussion before that all I believe all okay does that include Brighton Avenue because I've heard for years Brighton can't be because it's an access road we can't put one the M's going to get destroyed to which I say bananas because if you go to Ocean Beach Silver Beach up to Point Pleasant all their access openings for trucks garbage trucks you know delivery of guard chairs and Beach boxes they go right over the M Ms too so I just wanted to know if Brighton was on the list is and is getting on because that's a pretty steep entrance pretty long and steep entrance for a lot of our um elderly and and you know challenged challenge people too do we know if Brighton is on we don't know I don't we just blanketing all of them I don't believe I don't believe is on that for the very reason that you've said that for the recommendation of Public Works yeah I that's my understanding they can go over those mats though they can I know and I've heard discussion that they destroyed them but Ocean Beach has them Silver Beach has them all the way up on the coat they the access roads have them to the access openings to the beaches have them so um right's tough right's a tough entrance all right and lastly I just want to P you back with Denise Chuck said as far as that open space where the park um Park Avenue for was too I think there needs to be consideration CU I discussion that there's going be pop-up shops or food trucks put on there and things like that I feel like we have the J Street Marina property for that we have even in front of this right here on Fifth Avenue those I think would be better opportunities for something a little more temporary and kind of you know seasonal thing whereas there's a lot of people who are choosing this town to be their permanent residents given up of their their primary homes I know postco a lot of people decided to retire here and not it is considered to be a retirement community but you have to offer the people something to do not everybody hops you know in their car and goes to Florida for 5 months there's a lot of us who are here permanently and are looking for things to do outside we're an active adult area here and we'd like to like I said from a community standpoint you know social just to get out and be with people in town and things like that too I think that would just be a great use of space to consider it using it more as a a recreational uh place you know we T ourselves as a familyfriendly resort we going to Beach Bay after 5:00 at night not everybody hits a bar or a restaurant you want to do something with your families this would be a great place to to kind of locate and and do something like that thank you thanks now thank you any other public comments yes chuck chuck asked to be 251000 I needed a used car so I I did what I always do I went over to the Death Valley the retirement communities to find an old lady that a car that's how I do that but I I went over there and I saw all the different courts that they have so for ideas to just go over to the clubhouses over there whether it's a pool or whatever at the retirement facility they just have some great uh designs that they put a lot of effort into uh for these type of Courts and stuff like that so I think it would be a really good idea to just go over take a look um a lot of craftsmanship goes in there I'm sure some you could figure that out they're really nice and they're well utilized so be something for the town for different you sent me those Pi yeah you sent yeah thanks yeah the uh the other thing was the uh erbo the uh short-term rentals and stuff has the town looked into any of that I I really think that that's a hot issue coming up in the next few years um a lot of people come in they bring they rent with two couples and they end up having more cars come in it it all is all part of the same thing that we talked about but I do think if we could rain in some of the short-term rentals I think would help across the board a lot of different ways I think I'll go to the do you have any gut reaction what might be a reasonable like I know that's been the debate in town one week two weeks three days long weekend that kind of thing think about it and I decided that I wanted to maintain friendships in town so I didn't want to come up with that I figured you guys could do we're the Bad Guys nobody will win over this decision that you have to do so I would say defer to the planning board to try to come up with some recommendations uh on this issue and then bring it to a consensus and move forward with it because um these are big issues all around the country right now and I think it would make a better place my own PR you know I go to vacation in the Florida Keys and for years and it's a one month minimal rental so people I I mentioned that people like oh my God but it's a one month rental um that I have to rent for a month uh that's why I have to take a month off to vacation so um I think that's important to uh look at that time and see what works best for the town and the homeowners but not so much businesses but you know homeowners that rent their homes that's what I I would focus in for that that period of time thank you thanks CH any other public comments yes Michelle in in response to that there's a a a lot of people who feel one week is a good amount it cuts off those weekends or one or two you know days they come they don't care the garbage is the problem so um actually the three of us think that one week is five seven days Seven Days Seven Days any other com hearing none I'll close the public portion unless anyone else from councel has anything I'd entertain a motion make one comment Mr Mayor we are cide Park is hiring lifeguards if know anybody wants a lifeguard job seide Park I talked to the captain today you want a life card job young man you got to place the park you got to place the park the street take the go to take the go to I'll make that motion there motion by council president second by council member council president yes council member Anil yes council member yes counc member yes council member yes approve thank you and thank everybody for coming out this evening --------- we all set records on we'll call our meeting to order this is a work session of Mayor and bur Council of burough Seaside Park County votion state of New Jersey held on Thursday March 7th 2024 advertised for 7 p.m. pursu to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the asbar park pest and the Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member Ile here council member condos she's out of state this evening long yeah council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here council president Willl here mayor Peterson here thank you the first item on the agenda is discussion of The Proposal dated February 13 2024 by Remington and Vernick Engineers for a change in scope of Professional Services for the preparation of NJ IB Nano loan application for the construction of a new well it's listed for consideration on this evening's agenda is resolution 22419 at the regular meeting any uh you like yeah please um so it's SL change the scope change the scope only because it's it's it's been a project that they've had for a long time which is replacing the water mains along Ocean Avenue um and the reason we' like to engage them to do this Nano bank or ibank application uh a is they have the expertise to do it and B if we can get an ibank loan that comes with 50% principal forgiveness uh 25% zero interest any other 25% is uh Market interest so if they were able to get this ibank loan for us as I said 50% principal forgiveness um and very very very zero to very low interest so that's why we' like to engage them they have the expertise the people um know in that particular program I've met them over the years and they're happy with the interaction they've had in the past with the town and all the professionals so you build up a track record with them so maybe that will put us to the finish line of getting uh their approval and okay anyone else on counil on that one the next item is discussion of a proposal dated January 24th 2024 also by Remington verick Engineers for required tax map maintenance revision for the tax year 2024 that's listed for consideration also on the regular meeting agenda as to 24112 just annual tax matter um maintenance yearly maintenance yeah it's it's important to do this year because we had a notice from the Ocean County Board of Taxation that there's a perhaps an order of re-evaluation in this coming year and if the coming Trend continues in the real estate market we may end up being required to do a re-evaluation but we won't know that until October October this year Council October of this year that's correct [Music] um and and they asked that we have our updated tax map in addition to make sure that we have accounted for the uh this kind of work that Remington Vernick would be doing uh in our budget so it's it's not something that we could put off it's something that's uh required and mandatory so that's a resolution with not to exceed 2500 on the meeting that's correct 2500 yeah yeah y anything else from Council on that one item C is discussion of the best use for the AL settlement potential sites for Broadband WiFi I don't know on this item whether or not not uh we want to solicit any input it's not required per se but we might want to reach out to the planning board also I don't know are we're looking at a deadline for this for any response doesn't appear to be a hard deadline in this uh I didn't see a hard we were one of the towns that participated uh in this particular um Statewide litigation and it ended up with a favorable result was some of the remedies although it was spread out as a class action so when you look at the bottom line on anybody's bill it was negligable probably but this is one of the items that uh a town is our town is entitled to am I saying this right here it says we would get $2500 is it 25 yeah not sure if it's actually cash or it's Services equivalent to 2500 yeah so I don't know if it also has something about sponsoring of a community event yeah $5,000 yeah yeah yeah upon the size of the community that's that's yeah under 10,000 and it's 2500 if it's over 10,000 population that it's 5,000 so I don't know obviously we don't need a definitive answer tonight but if anyone has some ideas to B around in committee I'm not sure which applicable sort of overlaps a number of committees Recreation for one of the events we could look to the recreation uh perhaps in some of the buildings or sites in town everyone seems eligible [Music] yeah okay but something to mole over for a future and item D is uh related to recreation in terms of the structure of the Fe schedule and what is attached uh we have the current fee schedule for activities and in particular the what is proposed references the farmers market small space p and it's in red it's currently $25 and the proposal is $30 and the session for the Junior lifeguard uh program okay so I see that and then we have the other one is different Fe is it not the did you oh oh I'm sorry the daily the daily ramp fee yes yeah ramp yes and that's in the same ordinance currently it's structured that way so is what's everyone's input or pleasure on that particular item the the current fees have been in place since at least 201 11 right since at least 2011 so um when you look at that uh most of the we we roughly have 34 vendors that take that participate in up here Mondays and Fridays uh 87% of those are like just one space so they would be you know experiencing just a $5 increase for uh the daily fee and you just multiply it out to the seasonal um it's a it's not a very you know Hefty increase especially since the rates have been in effect since 2011 so um that's what that's reflecting on here okay and obviously you just multiply it out there's four people four vendors that have three spaces okay and nobody has two spaces so but yeah um interrupting remember we get the same people all the time same yeah the same people they just St as you'll see here there's Monday and Friday options because some will take both some will take all Mondays some will just take some Mondays because when you put the application in you you know you tell us what you want you just check off what you want and you're build appropriate and they pay appropriately um $5 would mean nothing it's it's negligible and the other one we're looking at May and and council is is the Labor Day art show taking it from 120 to 150 and then then the same ordinance has the junior lifeguard Oh Yes program yes Junior lifeguard program has been a deal for a while these rates um I don't know maybe since tan took the but um it's been $15 for a long time you know that's not a good term and that's for two sessions for two sessions yes so we were looking at taking it up to $25 for each session and then uh there's four sessions uh four weeks and and then the if you want to do all four weeks it would be $85 and not 100 there's probably about 140 to 150 participants in that um yeah yeah yeah it's very popular and we spent about $3,000 just on stuff for that program last year t-shirts tablet things like that doesn't include the labor of the lifegard who teaches the program um so we're just trying to make sure very and it's it's it's loved by all who are there so yeah it is I mean it really is so I a problem with that price so I spoke with Mr zarski about this a week or so ago um in order to change the fees for the markets they fit into the current ordinance we just need a resolution changing just those fees if we want to change the junior lifu program we have to change the ordinance so since that program starts in July they start having izing it around Memorial Day if that's the will we would need to look to change that ordinance let question M councilman if this Revenue goes right to the General Revenue or we go into the rec budget the money we get for junor lifeguard would that go in your budget go into the recreation trust go trust it's Recreation it's like the trust checking account so the expenses come out of the recreation trust the the revenue would go into it directly gotta and this came to us a uh as a recommendation from the committee they looked at it especially the history of I don't know if that one had ever been touched sounds like it um it didn't seem like and I tried to figure out how long that boat ramp fee was in effect and as near as I can figure it's been in effect for at least probably 8 to 10 years if not a lot longer than that um The Daily one we talk about I thought it went up Joe don't we think about me we talked about you were s you said $30 for yeah just when you were in C office yeah we were talking about that is that what we want to do yeah I think you we should do that like you you would now you know it it would uh it would make people to beho you know to make a decision maybe I should buy a seasonal one it makes sense uh based upon how many times they going to be down there yeah so could conceivably sell more seasonal ones um which would make sense still it's up to them but I I just think it's fair I don't think it's uh we have a very very our boat ramp is is is really uh the people that use they love to come there because he it's big it's wide it's easy in and out they can park there those are all comments I've heard during all the years people come from across the bay even when they have a boat ramp the End of the Street like I can park my trailer there park my car there so you know they love all these enies that are there when they can go in and out so we would probably get a push back if we raise the price probably always going to get a push back when you raise the price but they'll still they'll still come what are you leaning toward us Joe the raising a 25 to 30 just the daily the just the daily just the daily yeah and yeah I understand I think the seasonal was raised but I don't think we touched the daily back I this season was raised somewhere along the line I think before Co if I remember okay yeah it sounds yeah it's about right before Co was raised and and this much like our our seasonal is right now is equals four daily R yeah so if you I know the $80 thing you know before so now it's like only worth three so the first time I just buy a season you're correct yeah and it's a great makes sense and it's a fantastic may have to need extra money anyway to uh uh deep in the uh launch ramp yeah well clean it out yeah yeah sediment from absolutely there's been some comments about that yeah so we're we'll do that we'll raise it to 30 yeah yeah we should do that yeah I and I spoken to Gina I know she's not here but Gina is full on BL yeah she was okay okay there any other that now that would be uh something then we could have Barry take back to Steve for a first reading for the next that would be going doing the ordinance rather than the resolution so that would be a first reading for the next uh meeting two weeks from tonight and the next uh item is related to fees concerning parking and the proposed change is in red and the current if that too was looked at in committee the uh recommendation deals with changing the weekend rate this this was changing the um right now we charge a dollar during the week $2 under the weekends we originally had talked about raising it to $2 all the time um when we found that we couldn't use as much of the Surplus as we thought we could I think we might even go higher on the weekends but that's something we you know we all have to agree on see San is $3 all the time all the they raised it last year $ all the time all the time yeah they rais it for this year $3 yeah full time we don't want we don't want to fill up our Lots by The Sawmill and stuff which see that hes people to go to their Beach I understand you know we rather sell our daily bches that's $3 wouldn't be out $3 wouldn't be out c i is charging it and those parking lots I you know I walk the board god4 till Saturday 50 crazy yeah and they really get a they get big numbers I don't think 3 not a question my personal opinion one of the indirect effects that you have to consider at anytime we look at parking and tells if it becomes excessive on the ocean front what you're doing in reality is putting the cars in front of residen in front of homeowners and the ocean front then is totally empty so you have to balance the two factors somehow some up to what's there so I don't have the magic formula but I think that should be considered as well I well I do know during the weekend like well and other busy Times Obviously ID state park closes you get a lot of roll over and and people parking there too um so uh we could perhaps make it $.50 and now we're on weekends and holidays and $2 during the week and do that but saying that Mr Mayor you know we want to be so those spots are filled away on the Ocean Avenue on the side street before to even go looking for a park Lon there's 8:00 in the morning yeah that's the west side of ocean ad where there is no it's not paid it's just jammed up I don't know if it's somewhat related but it's not it's a little off point but if if you looked at the uh State website right now it it appears that in Governor Murphy's budget there's a reinstatement of the fees to get into Island Beach State pars after the whatever you call it holiday on fees it has been in effect for several years since Co at least so I don't know what effect if any that will have but that was one of the areas that I know Berkeley Township had protested cesi Park had written letters uh as well we just down by ask the park wasn't closed as many days last year and the year before as it had been in the past with the with the you know free free getting in so it's you on the beach Char oh yeah we we we set record daily amount twice last year set record daily amount and then we we broke it years before when they were charging we still oh when they were charging there still they still sold out they still closed to BQ when they were charging do yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now this two would if we determine to move forward with whatever rate change we might decide that too would be an ordinance so that uh what is is there a consensus what is everybody's pleasure in terms of what appears I like I like Bill's idea 250 you can't do that two during the week and 250 on weekends weekends yeah think that's very fair yeah 50 in the Lots Chief had done survey a while last year toward the end of last year and just for the record not the record but just for point of interest um we all know now Seaside Heights is $3 no matter where you are in Seaside Height um Pony Pleasant for example is $2.50 um during the week and 325 over the weekend um Delmore is $2 per hour on the beach front parking Ocean City is $2 Asberry Park $3 additional 50 cents per hour Waterfront looks like uh Wildwood is $2.50 North Wildwood is $3 per hour beach front K May is $2 so I think 250 is about The Sweet Spot uh you know comparing it to other towns and you know two during the week I think was reasonable K me would you know you how would you know just just strong us out I don't what have CA to change him over it's just programming in the kioskos even with the cash M we should so everyone's pleasure that too I take back and just Ste it on you couldn't read his never why you I take the notes he never anything else on that issue then so we got it the next uh item is uh I believe some uh positive developments after uh The Manor had languished for some time yeah and uh I know we uh thank Jerry and his committee for negotiating our our shared service agreement with Berkeley Township expired at the end of 2022 they're supposed they were supposed to be paying us $330,000 a year last year they gave us 24 because there was no agreement in place so I got them to agree they're going to give us the 6,000 us they're going to give us 35,000 a year nice they um they wanted a 5year contract which I think is ridiculous because the fire department doesn't want to go along with that the costs keep increasing I I would suggest two years at the maximum so it would be the 2024 calendar year and then if we added another it would be the 2025 is it and plus the 6,000 from last year last year that that's up to you if you want to go two years I would never go five no five's unnown I think two is a good number two yeah [Music] and we have uh some of the history there of some of the past uh correspondence and the agreement which yeah last last time it was did expired in 2019 or started in 2019 didn't sign it till the end of 2021 so they've been behind constantly yeah theable got twist the arms so in in terms of enactment it looks like this was was it done by resolution or ordinance resolution resolution yeah CH I'm looking at what happened so this uh two would be something we'd have to update and have uh Steve's zus give us a draft for the next regular meeting again they're giving us the 6K for last year in 35 for the next two years don't they have to pass the resolution first to they discuss it at their meeting last Monday so they're waiting for us to get back to them on of time frame so I guess we have to wait for their resolution before we do water resolution I I think you can have a clause that's contingent on their formal action and if for some reason they weren't to take such formal action ours would be now and void you could word that in the document maybe even okay Steve and Barry can reach out to their attorney I don't know who attends the meetings but uh don't know that's theice somebody else let me uh Mr D is office I don't I don't know who's the town Town attorney for Berkeley is it D I think he's on the planning board board yeah know Lauren Lauren does a lot of work for Lauren ster yeah yeah oh yeah Chris Chris that's who I think and next item this had come up numerous past occasions uh and for at one point the state had pulled back and not required and mandated it but apparently other aspects of the state regulations do require this ordinance related to trees I don't know Mar you were we went back and forth and Eric took a look at it this is for the storm water management plan basically there's two items that are highlighted I believe two or three um make a decision on the spacing adjacent to the rideway of 5 or 10 ft is still left open for discussion we came up with a fee of $10 it's basically not going to affect almost any property in the burrow be honest with you and the only other restriction we put in place was the planting of bamboo I know this was on the agenda several times before the planning board too and and was pulled back because of changes state yeah but there the consensus and I think with input from the professionals there was there was a very remote chance that it would affect any Seaside Park property directly that's cor you did have to have this in you have to have it in place are there any recommendations is anybody uh comfortable with the those that are highlighted the two yes sir the the street tree planning the public rway adjacent to what would that do if anything I mean we've talked to some of the homeowners back there some of the trees aren't the most attractive that by the public works those 13th 14th and 12th not 14 yeah Joe and I we're going to we're going to look at all of those yeah that's an ongoing activity that we're going to yeah they need to that areas need to be addressed for plantings it does yeah and bamboo strikes me I know a number of towns have that yes yes they it's proliferous crazy y it's like a weed you can't kill never can get rid of that keeps growing horiz is everyone come comfortable if we give this changes yeah I so it was $10 in there m there wasn't $10 before $10 I don't know why $1 now this one already has a we take it off State gives you the option to charge I don't believe everyone formal action so it's just on as 22404 uh what timeline were you contemplating an introduction this evening we we not time next meeting next meeting we're not quite with those highlighted so got a full full plate to take back that confirm five or 10 ft yeah five or 10 ft you feeling the bamboo is the highway the bamboo is not not in question it's the planting of right away okay that's we don't want to affect the what we want to plan subsection exempt from this that's I that's what I was want okay let's we'll do a little research we'll put this on the agenda for next meeting we have to that's a legate question yeah for discussion again then no not for discussion we like to just clarify that one item okay then we'll do introduction it we'll do recommendation from the committee so no introduction the next meeting just we'll hear the recommendation okay don't want to interfere do you think the ex I don't know was I don't know spelled out it's not spelled out at all bar do you know that is the B exe planting it's probably not a good precedent unless there's some kind of extraordinary circumstances to justify it but M and I think we're treading on the issue of pre-existing trees it's something we might have to think about whether they're people's own trees in the RightWay or municipally PL there are those that years ago there was a tree planting program initiated by the town you're correct and many of them are still out there they are so let's look at H again all there so hold off on that one for now but it's in the works just that that might be the amend that section needs some work I don't like the wording on H yeah we have to R reading it the next item uh also Mee we took action uh already in the works on restoring the uh oneway traffic on the Second Avenue but one of the uh issues related there too entails the fact that this would by State Statute take away is there two different 15minute parking places on the on which side are which on the South said South South Side South adjacent to Le lier that would be so now there will be a stop sign there so by State statue you can no longer Park so that's within 50 ft of a stop sign yeah so that's the issue but I don't know what if anything we might consider as to that but there are are is it 15 minute in front on Central Avenue currently for those the stores the white o White Oak liquor White Oak Market how about in the what's the middle of the road I don't know that I don't 30 minutes middle yeah 30 minutes in the front know 60 right here I know this is somewhat related we had that other request that I think the police department has acted on it sent it up the chain to the state because it's a state highway it gets in their bureaucracy but there was a request for two businesses for summer only which was a little different than we'd ever we once we been acted and some of these 15 minute or 30 minute it's for the whole year even though past Labor Day there really isn't that pressing demand so I know that's that was the request of two businesses but I'm not sure what if anything happened at the state level this this might be a similar area but I don't know I don't know what you can do about the two law spaces because that's a state statute because of a stop sign yeah all the other Longway streets have the stop signes right yeah mhm I mean we can do huh the stop signs there stop signs there stop sign I mean I I mean it's a safety issue there too it really really really is um no I mean there are overriding concerns of the residents on that street so me second was going to go from the ocean to Central AV go west the to stop sign would be on Central Avan 50 ft from the stop sign no one between there is a provision in that title 39 that does allow a municipality to make a different decision on its local roads if they want to um not adhere up to 50 ft from stop sign but as you say it's a safety issue it's a safety issue as I said the meeting it's the get that one it's on the exam I mean it's a safety issue cars of s there we' been told play blank white people there have their mirrors taken off obviously that's below the the so you know people to pay5 $600 to put a mirror on you know and you don't know who hit you anyway because you find in the morning so you have it's a major thorough fair from second a all the way down um you got to pull into the driveways you know it's like playing chicken who wins first who goes where um so the only the only answer the car he said if we if we made the stop sign not 50 ft and I I think we should we could bring right Karen we said we could miss Aly can make it 10 ft if they wanted to what I've read yes the municipality has the I don't want to do that the ability to change that by ordinance but then would it apply to allall stop streets you can do it individually Pandora's box right something everybody want everybody want everybody want 10 feet because I want another parment space in front of my house yeah so I believe in status quo my personal so what's the problem with leaving it like it is it's just the loading zone for the liquor store no the two spes those two spots would no longer exist that's I mean you moved them up the street you're right in front of people's houses so that those people would certainly be uh Prejudice I don't think they'd be welcoming of that and then and then the spaces aren't really next to the store anym so I mean we lose two spaces only on one side the other side is is the hotel and driveway Hotel so you know I I I don't know how we' explain to somebody we didn't do it because we didn't want to lose two two parking spots yeah it just doesn't make sense I think all you weigh all the factors there's overwhelming support to doing it so maybe we can have Steve bringing up in the jip meeting what would be the ramifications of a uh local town leaving for modifying a state statute you can ask him to bring that [Music] up but that's really on there so everyone knows that that's uh was an issue yeah the next item is a general discussion of the boardwalk and what we had uh applied for a long-term Grant not a long-term but a grant uh and you see the letter that came from the Department of Community Affairs and they've indicated that we were not awarded that Grant as everyone read in the uh notices that came from the governor's office and I know had reached out as did the engineer for because our Our Town met the guidelines in a far better position than how many other at least at least five possibly six other towns and we were far better in terms of the guidelines uh yet we weren't awarded anything so I don't know any other feedback probably don't want to hear it in a public meeting really it's they got wrong well you did get an answer on one of them or was that the engineer's office the the engineer gu a report and basically they said there are guidelines but the overwhelming consideration came from the governor's office no more say no more that's why but in the letter they do give us an offer um go to the iank to go to the I Bank yeah and again it's the same with the water F you money from the I Bank % forgiv we have had a good track record with I've talked to people so I I I think that would be a a potentially positive Avenue that we should take absolutely first thing we would need is a caer permit so we could which is good for five years the engineer was going ahead with Capal permits that's don't the direction yet he wants our Direction I I think that's a A very wise step because it's something that's going to have to be done half a permit would be five years and then you worst case scenario you can extend them so that would be applicable should we also then reach out through the committee to the engineer about uh an ibank application to all the work's been done for the application just to transfer it yeah I mean if that's well re out him tomorrow if that's the will there there was something that came over this afternoon from the engineer to it's probably in our best interest to apply for it now because he said that there's Rumblings that the njd is going to adjust their criteria for the Campa permits make it much more stringent so let's get it now get it out of the way move on that the next item is discussion of a quote from R ker and Sun Marine contractor for the restoration of the marina finger piers and that's on as a resolution 224 1114 at the regular meeting this evening and that came about through the committee and I guess it's been going on for several years uh as to the condition of the they're called finger Piers couple here are more expert than I that that is the little uh ramp next to your boat you walk out to the boat that's a finger what it is these are the ones that extending of the uh it is it's one uh one that runs uh north to south and there's two that run north to south which are like the main th all of a walkway and between uh the one in the uh the middle between the North and the South and the one that's closest to the South Side uh there's a total of 21 of these fer pairs that are in need of immediate reparation in order to fix them there was there was one person that actually uh went down in the water when some of the um the bolts that were holding the finger Pier up you know collapsed and this was in the fall I got him go all the way in the water but he did go up I believe up to his uh his knees or so um so anyway so the identified finger peers will be uh replaced not replaced but repaired with uh you know the the new the new bolts and the uh the mechanism to hold the the finger Pier up against the pilings and the estimate came in really good yeah the estimate was like under 9,000 the highest was about twice that so it was a good price we got to get and we got to get it done before the Marine opens which is April 1st yeah so they're they're ready to left on right car any uh objection from anyone but that's on for a resolution for this evening the next item is just general background uh this came about from the recommendation of our bond Council Bill mayor of the dtus law firm and uh he given an explanation uh these are discussion of the sale of General obligation bonds it's on for resolution 22417 at the regular meeting and uh not to get involved in too much technical language but I don't build I know add something to it yeah um it's a total of just over $5 million and this is to uh convert the bond anticipation notes uh the bands as they are called uh that were taken out uh last year and we're converting them to a permanent uh Bond uh over roughly 20 I think the average life is is just over 20 years um that this addresses uh seven resolutions U that this money would was is was used or is used for um not if we say what they were 12th and 13th Avenue they cover the uh the town portion for the New Jersey DOT uh Grant and that also applies to the H Street and G Street NJ do grants um property Acquisitions uh the new garbage truck um a pumper truck lease grant for uh the current year and the bfield lighting area a bfield area lighting project so that total is up to be the $5 milon1 12,000 and that's uh on as a resolution in the general meeting and uh I think yeah he' given us a summary sheet just as bill has characterized their different uh Bond ordinances go back to 20120 2021 22 and then to the current yeah and these U these would uh be in effect where would be sold effectively in uh the middle of April of this year anything further on that item the next is uh Capital ordinance for MIM mats it's listed ordinance 20244 for introduction and first reading this evening and that had been in discussion uh this year last year and it's in in our budget discussion as well I know the general public uh was very supportive of them they're not cheap but enough they're very well received by the public in fact this does all the other interest is correct correct yes like cover all yeah it's all done yeah last year we were going to do four last year four this year and four next year but we just decided to do ones this year right way to down these are a little narrower correct saves US money in order to do it this year and they're similar size to the ones we brought Midsummer last year too they're cobbling together a few crossovers they'll be a little easier to install yes intensive time time these what eight foot five do we know uh how many Street ends this this will cover will cover the rest of the ones that weren't covered okay that's what I was thinking I want any well to get them first and then yeah well to get them but but not not to press over with the um uh what is that the vehicles right right thank you so this is on for first reading for this evening too any other questions comments from Council those were the items that I had on the agenda anyone else on Council a work session item depends I'm out out here what are you going to bring I was in the bur Hall today with our beautiful Clerk and I was going through some of our records and old I mean 125 we're losing so there should be is there any way I asking the clerk if we can what do you mean we're losing they're fading away you open you open the book and you can't read them anymore they go back 197 19 it's it's amazing history of this of this burrow if you read those meetings was all handwritten so I was asking a clerk if she could look into some place we could save these things so they don't what a loser that's just St away they in file bank that's what I was going to look into um their preservation I'm sure they have it because they have control they have the means to preserve that okay thank you amazing something to be researched we can uh talk with perhaps the historical society as well there's some folks at the state at the New Jersey Historical Society they used to have many grants for uh college and high school students and part of their jobs were to look at old weekly newspapers and records that have never been scanned in and they that's some of their summer intern programs they scan them in for town so maybe maybe they're eligibility there but that doesn't preserve the original but it does make sure it's always there in some fashion 100 years from now your name will be there we could look in particular uh any there's a lot of historic value you're you're absolutely correct in those documents mhm you got a chance to look at there's a wealth of information I looked through their their log books kept by the uh men and women station at the coast guard station that go back into the 18 yes it's 80s 18 even before when that was uh an active those exist and the police logs have their handwritten beautiful penmanship it's me 11:00 in the morning we can look into it it's a good point I I don't have the answers we'll get some input from Jenna maybe we got Historical Society people we have the president here we can it sounds like a very worthwhile project to preserve the history of the Town absolutely thank you Mr anything else from Council if not we'll go into the audience if there are any comments on any of the work session items if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record hello how are you great how are you good testing Brian Tracy 904 South bavia thank you for everything guys GS ladies gentlemen the work you do um so I you know I want to just talk real quickly about land use but before I do do two things about tonight's meeting um one is when it comes to fees for parking fees for boat ramps fees for anything I think the town should take the philosophy that the residents pay their taxes for the use of all the great amenities we have in this in this great town and if there's an opportunity to collect some revenue from visitors who also use the amenities heavily in the summer by increasing parking and other program costs that I think it's a great idea right I mean we should think of those Revenue sources um our beach our Bay our Boardwalk right any way we can benefit from the uh use of these amenities by Outsiders we should consider so thank you for that and when it comes uh related to Burley Township did did we buy a fire truck that we use to respond to fires there like like is there was there supposed to have been a deal at one point where Berkeley was going to contribute to the cost of some of the equip and you know separate from the shared services agreement that was that was before my time but I believe that was the understanding right thank you for negotiating a deal to get them to pay you know some basic fees but um hopefully in the future um we can even get more support from them if we're providing services to that town you know get it more Equitable that's a great start on a more equitable distribution of that right um and then the Capital Ordnance related to movie mats I mean we have one on our beach they're awesome and if I should have if I should get one every resident should get one um right so it's great that we're doing that there's an operating Surplus every year from the beach badge Revenue are we able to use that money for those mats because they're on the beach do we have to take it out of tax dollarars or a general budget or can that be can those mats be paid for from the Surplus from Beach there's no Surplus there's no Surplus from I thought Beach I thought the beach money had to be kept on the beach I think you can use that no is not a separate utility well I just thought and I'm sure I'm wrong but I thought there was some rule that in the state that money generated from Beach badges had to be things specifically on the beach that you couldn't use there's a lot of different concepts in your statement one of them focuses upon a desire from the state of New Jersey over many decades to in fact uh require just what you're saying that uh any and all fees for Beach operation must be strictly limited to what they defined the state of New Jersey defined as a beach operation gotta most of the municipalities involved disagree with their overly strict and too narrow interpretation but it's never been Incorporated in a statute and it's never even risen to the level of a regulation that's below a statute so it's but it's out there you are correct it's a concept there is no separate Beach po there no some towns have a Beach utility not many but some well the mat act been great I'm sure for people with mobility issues there no absolutely CU you have a a pitch a little incline to it's very difficult I usually just roll down um but it's nice to see that that's getting shared with everybody in the community well we're all one big Community right say great so I just have a couple questions about lands that that's that's really what I give up today and you know um people are greatly concerned about the amount of money spent on acquiring properties and I'm thinking well I don't know anything about our annual operating budget but it could be that the money invested in these properties isn't a a large sum relative to our annual operating expense so I'm just wondering is it if anyone can tell me what our annual op what our 2023 uh budget was what we spent in 2023 for a total to to run this town roughly 11 and half million I think so so if we spent 5 million to just to make up a number number on property that was 50% almost of our annual operating budget not we put down 5% on the bond and and finance the rest over 25 years right but the but in the end once we pay off everything the agreement of sale on these properties equaled in a single year approxim $5 million we had to go for it so by the time we pay the cost of money and and again like I'm not even here to like I think the town's better not having part Central Building sitting on that lock I'm not I'm not here to say it's a good thing or a bad thing I was just curious as a percentage of our annual operating budget what we spent in 2023 on what we committed to spend on money I know we didn't spend it all in 23 by the time we pay it all off it'll cost even more because it'll be some interest you you'll be here next year at the same time we talk about doing the board well because we got to go borrow that money now absolutely no I'm not I'm not saying Town shouldn't borrow money um I was just curious about when it comes to being involved in real estate transactions in a single year I actually I actually thought you'd say that our operating budget was higher that would sound like a better or a smaller proportion thank you um do we have a master plan or a strategic plan for this town for property for how we have a master plan but we getting a little far a field from the open public meetings act this is let's try to rain it in this is uh any comments as to specific work session items are appropriate but an answer to your question if we keep it we do so uh yeah okay I don't want to take too much of your time the so since we didn't talk about the drainage in the ball field tonight it's not appropriate for me to ask about anything related to the drainage on the power field is that what you're saying at the regular meeting you can bring up comments about any anything and everything this was work session that was it thanks any other qu comments on work session items chuck chuck Apple 10th Avenue Seaside Heights boat ramp $20 each time and then $100 for the season so you know that's out there um the boat ramp is really good down here it's except so $20 per day per day and 100 I think it's an in and out to they give no parking parking they do have parking the it's thinner than us get a little deeper outside yeah but um uh parking um people really hate me in town because I'm really the idea for the central ad parking the way it's all set up and stuff and that Central LA committee L stuff like that so um but we did a lot of parking studies and my wife had a house they grew up on North Avenue which is a narrow Street and we all saw the difference I think when meters were put in in this part of town um when everyone then every day parks on the side streets first and then they Resort really to the ocean and then most most of the time during the week I check it out handicap if you see a car there it's got a handicap they're not paying in there so when we did the parking originally we us have the old meters we switched to the kiosk so over my brother-in-law is an architect uh in Australia so they have Dynamic parking so the the rates actually change so it it basically encourages people to park when the demand isn't high and that would alleviate some of the side street parking so people would be parking up the street during the week and stuff but then when demand goes up um it it just raises the rates for it and that's what was mentioned about Seaside Heights the people that own the Lots it's $5 at some times and it's $50 at another time that's Dynamic so with technology you can do this like 15 years ago I came here when we put the kiosk in I said talk kind of about doing that um it's really good I think it works well for profit and everything but it also works well with the utilization of it and uh I I for one live on the Bays side I have no parking whatsoever problem which I'm really thankful for because I hate that U except for flood at times that's St but um the other issue was the uh parking for trailers so I brought this up before the uh I paid the money to have my trailer down at the Molina for the whole summer because that provides me a parking space in my driveway I believe that those parking spaces for trailers down there and I was I brought that up years ago and they started I think it's a wonderful thing trying to expand that and I brought this up before priority should be given to residents of Seaside Park because the objective was in the beginning to get people to bring their trailers out of their driveways and put them down there where some other area down if there is a and and then alleviate some of the parking on the streets because people would have their driveway spaces instead of trailers and that was the whole idea it wasn't a revenue maker it's a parking management uh issue so I just wanted to bring that up because I think that you know understanding that Dynamic and the parking plan for the whole town as one big Park we're like one big Park people go to the Bay people go to the ocean uh to look at as holistically more than in just one section and safety wise those narrow streets you need the 50 ft I mean it's a safy because it's hard to get in thank thanks thank yes Jun June forv 114h just one quick question about if you are raising the price of the um meters are you going to improve the uh toll boots or whatever they call them because now most of the people I know the younger people use their phones are you going to be able to use your phone to pay your toll for your for your parking are you going to you can do that now have called EMP yeah yeah okay so and also I know I'm aging myself but up by the soore mill when you're trying to put in the number to get your space it is very difficult because of the way they're situated they the sun is in your way and it is they're not user friendly so maybe if we're going to raise the rates we might look into at least have user friendly uh T we have 10 new ones coming I think the ones that saw were replaced last year 10 T last year and then 10 10 this year 10 this year all be brand new all the kiosks will be brand new because I hear you they boed I catch an earful almost every day up there with with uh what it didn't do why how whatever so yeah yeah are the new ones um you think more easy to read the ones the ones that I used last year were much better okay they're much better and and they don't hopefully break down as much replacing 11 replacing any other Michelle Michelle 1500 Lake Avenue just one question um on the um section B about um oh no C what Recreation events are you talking about like for use of the Broadband Wi-Fi I mean we had an issue one other time about um FiOS or Alti being at the Boy Scout house now a community center but um like what Recreation events would you be talking about the best use for alai settlement and potential sites that $2500 right the $2500 that's what we're talking about that we we would get in that settlement you know to put that towards something and and plus they they're offering to to uh put free Broadband into one um what they call Anchor property um you know which you know the governing body could decide where that is I mean the thought is the community center but the community center already has WiFi so I actually reached out to the folks that are boering the settlement to ask if they would do cable TV Instead at the community okay yeah um great okay um hi sty 904 South B uh I really uh thought my first question was going to be about flooding on the B Isaac the B but that's not one of the items on the agenda is that for the second session yes discussions on flooding so I have and then I have one question just on item a on the agenda which is uh about the construction of the new well and going back to the engineer for I guess a change in the scope of that as I understand it that new well is going to be the the motel that we purchased on the beach is going to be demolished and a new well is going to be built there seems to me that that's the most valuable piece of property if you think about best use of a property that seems like a terrible place to put the well one the most expensive piece of property that we have in town we bought that I Street property that we seem to have a difficult time selling why would put the well there isn't that I can answer that yes M it has to be certain distance from any existing well and that's defer this from an existing well you can not run two Wells at the same time but wait the only well that's in existent is the one on the south end of town one on J Street I thought the one on J Street is that well contaminated water no the one on J Street is fully functioning the one on deor is the problem that's well 10 and and so that's the furthest it can be from that it's like an ideal location unfortunately I say what you're saying it has to be we cannot run two Wells any closer to J Street to where that one's we went to the furthest corner of the lot actually put the well to make it even further from J Street it's only a small portion ofuse but then if you think of the long-term use of that property um what are you going to be able to do with there how much is that obstruct something else being on that going be a 20 approximately a 20t x 20t building but we need room around it for maintenance yeah but it's a 20 by 20t build roughly access to that wherever you right so it's going to be 20 ft out to the street that it's going to have to be correct no it's a it's going to be a pump house basically you need access to for maintenance so how do you get in there if somebody has a house in front of it you going to have there's going to be tell you there's going to be a house in front of it um okay so I don't know we purchased that lot going to knock down the motel and I don't think we have the town as a plan for yet proper do they we're looking at at a bunch of alternatives for the site we we have to use it for a public purpose for a reasonable amount of time correct yes so one of the things we're looking at is Municipal swimming pool so that may turn out to be a great thing we haven't I I can answer part of your well question I think Marty described it it's 20 by 20 the housing structure that's how small it is and ideally would be located in close proximity to the road on the side street but the bigger issue is there had been plans I don't know how many years so the bank 10 years or 12 of a new well uh 10 and that turned out with our Consultants D and all involved indicated that in order for that to be permitted through the D it would have required 24-hour electric by an outside consultant that the town's taxpayers would have paid for continually otherwise particulat were coming into the water and the bigger issue is obviously I know when you ever have visitors from out of town here at Seaside Park they always exclaim what fine quality water do you have for a Beach town that I'm paraphrasing but that's often said and had that particular Source been utilized for a well there was always the input of particulates and to prevent them from exceeding the D limits we would have had to have a permanent consultant hired by the town 24-hour electric with backup generator systems always in place to avoid it going down so that in short is why that whole site was abandoned and we can't have any well within the parameters that DP and their consultants and the engineers suggests you can't have them in close proximity to another well so and and course for course the treatment plant if we went that route was over $4 million just to build it plus the operation of it doll for dollar um yeah I was going to say for for example Seaside Heights their expense for 2022 for the year was $145,000 and that's for treated water that's included that's for treated water of which 124,000 was electric and I'm not putting down their water I don't want to get no I won comp like this is the most valuable property in town and that something else could be F water is very important yeah how what price could you put on good water we need another Well desperate we need a new well 10 years ago that's the problem no I understand but I respect what you're saying I do understand but it's just we're taking a valuable piece of property and then your long-term plan how does that affect long let me put a perspective just say for an example we had to buy another parcel the bo we going to buy up two or three homes knock them down to put it on in what price would that be I don't know Marty maybe behind the the bur Hall up on there and the where they're parking now they parking spots 50 ft there's has there's minimum standards that the well has to be driven you can't just drive a well like for residents we've gone through hours this with the engineer we would have to buy up multiple homes and knock them down to put a weon dollar for dollar if you compare it this was a great great move I don't have else to say when I say dollar for dollar wasn't a $5 million purchase I mean I don't want to spend all night talking on this but it just seems like that was a $5 million property that we're putting would taken a big piece of it to put to put a well on and wasn't there any better idea for that point I thanks thank you thank you any other comments on work session items hearing then I would close the work session I'd entertain a motion from Council to journ the work session take a brief moment and then begin the regular meeting council member runda second by council member CRA any opposition as such we will stand adjourned at 14 and take a few moments and then all