##VIDEO ID:XeUtPKzI5lU## already had the work session public comment period and there is no formal action to be taken as a result of the closed executive session as such I would entertain a motion from Council to adjourn the work session and then uh go into our regular meeting I'll make that motion mayor motion by council president will second second by council member craft roll call council president will yes council member craft yes council member Emil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Rend yes motion approve and with that I will call the meeting to order and this is a regular meeting the mayor B Council the above Seaside Park County botion state of New Jersey held on Thursday August 1st 2020 for advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session meeting which has now just in ended pursuit to the provisions of new jerseys open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication the ASP Park Press On The Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 notice the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call counc here council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda yes counc president will here mayor Pearson here thank you let us all rise together for a moment of silence to be followed by our Pledge of Allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy And Justice For [Music] All from M about that now I'm on the mic more effectively I assume the first item on the agenda is request for approval of the minutes those are the minutes of July 18th 2024 a work session July 18th 2024 a regular meeting do I have a motion I'll make motion second motion by council member CRA second by council president W roll call council member craft yes council president wil yes council member amabile yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Renda yes motion approved next are payments of claims the 2024 242 resolution it's approving payment itemized claims is set forth on the check register Bill list for the time period July 19th 2024 to August 1 2024 any questions comments from Council if not a motion I'll make a motion there motion by council member Connor second second by council member craft roll call council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member am Iain I did not see the vot list council member Condes yes council member Renda yes counc president yes motion approved and next there are no uh ordinance introductions this evening the resolutions are read in summary fashion 243 appointing special Law Enforcement Officers sleo for the bar Seaside Park 244 authorizing designated miscellaneous refund from Marina slip number 32 245 authorizing the reimbursement of designated water sewer utility accounts 246 authorizing the lease of equipment from 360 Business Solutions 247 authorizing the cancellation of designated tax accounts 248 authorizing the cancellation of taxes perent njsa 54 col 4-3. 32 249 accepting the resignation of Joseph to from the position of beach control manager effective August 7 250 appointing Jake steinet as acting Beach control manager 251 awarding a contract to CCO partnership doing business as Verizon Wireless for the lease for antenna attachment and ground ansay support equipment with simultaneous Leasing and cocation of additional carriers on Barnette water tower block 5 lot 17 252 appointing Joel small as a permanent part-time labor for the Department of Public Works 253 awarding a con Award of contract rather to Heartland payments 254 authorizing the hire of Christopher meski as a full-time labor for the Department of Public Works 255 authorizing the cost of mailing for electronic tax sale 256 authorizing the B of Seaside Park to participate in the Stafford Township Cooperative pricing agreement 257 appointing Michael Aris to the position of acting operations assistance for the Department of beach control and 258 is to be withdrawn 259 appointing jonan Jonathan Orana o r e l l na as a permanent part-time labor for the Department of Public Works 260 authorizing the tax collector to cancel designated tax sale certificate any questions or comments from any council member on any of the resolutions mayor I just like to make a comment and acknowledge and thank um well council president wil and also um Karen for assisting our Department of Public Works and some of the staffing needs so I'm excited to see that we have another full-time hire in the number 254 and that we've taken the other seasonals that made them parttime well said and I think we all like of those sentiments and uh it'll be a good step forward and the uh some of the same council members and indeed the entire Council along with uh our consultant and our administrator also stand to be congratulated and that's with respect to the Le in of the suco partnership that uh uh stands to gain the municipality the maximum Revenue stream conceivable was actually above and beyond that which had been anticipated so thanks to all on that one as well and anything else from Council on any resolutions if not it's not required by law but it's our practice to allow any public comment specifically on any of the resolutions that if anyone has any if they could give their name and address into the record yes sir Mr Mayor it's Kevin Mcall 125 Street so I have a question it's not necessarily on a resolution is this the right time to ask that question or should I wa no about the resolutions minutes moment yes any comments on any resolutions uh hearing none I know we all join together in thanking Joe tote for all his years of hard work on the beach operation and uh I know Joe can or Joe Conor can speak to that at length as well and he deserves all our thanks and appreciation and we're very fortunate to have him continue on uh in the position as a recreation director where he does a super job as well um but this is entails his new position as well so we thank him Mr Mayor can I say something to people don't know Joe toad was very instrumental for getting the ice cream on the beach was his go between was his get the guy who's selling ice cream was without Joe there would be no ice cream out the beach so he's I think you'll be missed that's because he was tired of selling it himself that's true the end's justifi the 's justifi MAV the end's justifi means yes yes he'll be missed yes yes he will thank you thank you Mr Mayor and hearing nothing further I would uh entertain a motion as a consent agenda for all the resolutions again with the exception number 258 is being dra I'll make motion there motion by council member crab second second by council member runda roll call council member craft yes council member Renda yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council president will yes motion appre thank you and that concludes the written agenda anything further from Council at this juncture may I just like to say that the um f 14th Avy was surveyed today for the spoilers that are in the ramp we had confence called the bir Taron that was at the right place at the right time Meer did did check in I don't have anything to report on that because we have to actually wait for the uh report but it was surveyed today oh good it's a start that's a start good deal good deal yeah very good anything further from Council hearing on I'll go into the audience for any public comments and Mr MC or no now we Mr Lon sure I know I need to do it again um Kev MCN 125 Street um I'm not right I'm not sure it's the right Forum or or um folks to ask the question but I've read in the um taxpayer Association newsletter that the town has been considering and moving forward I think with the flood mitigation from 14th to I Street um and so I live on O Street some people live on N Street so is this the right form to as a question why is it stopping at I or J Street and it's not on n and O where we do have flooding uh and I know the circumstances are different because of the the ofit but basically the bay and the street but we have flooding on uh on the corner of of lake and O and also in End Street at the bay and I'm wondering if the town is giving any consideration to do anything and I'm not sure I have the solution I know but uh to do anything north of High Street yes I I'm not specifically uh aware of the exact quotation reference but yes there was uh emphasis in particular on a number of projects and we had a joint informational work session with a Roundtable discussion with our Bayfront uh advisory committee as well as the entire Council and the topics were flooding flood mitigation procedures projects possible aves to pursue in general so uh yes the the very topic that you just referenced as to flooding efforts as to other portions of the town was indeed one of the areas discussed uh as to a specific project per se the one project that you're speaking of uh received a great deal of comment and input we had the engineers uh in the lead on that and a lot of people that is one specific project to that one specific area but we have not in any way said we're not pursuing any and all potential mitigation solutions for other areas uh one of them entails uh what may be a very novel approach and I we have a meeting this upcoming week of all the beach Mayors have a beach mayor Association and we have a joint uh Consortium it's a shared service agreement that we've put together uh and we're about to have the next step in that process which will entail rfps going out proposals for joint sharing of information and then uh seeking funds from the state and federal authorities so everyone is very positive and that it is has even had input from the commissioner herself as looked at it as shared services so that is a one solution area I use the word solution it's a mitigation uh area of investiga and action for all the towns along the bay and that will include any and all areas of our town so that's one of the I'm actually asking specifically though I I am aware of the shared I read you know about the shared services want call it that for the town for the bay but what I walked away from reading the taxpayer newsletter was that we were going to as a town or burrow focus on 14th to I and and is that is that accurate or am I talking to the wrong Personnel here what about streets north of uh that's accurate that's one specific project there's another project that's also in the works but it's been stalled at the level of the Army Corps of Engineers that deals with approximate 7even block area uh at the northernmost portion of Bay View Avenue from I Street South okay so that that there was some discussion about north of high it's just that that part of the project oh that project alone is stole by uh I'll say Uncle Sam I guess right it's as we speak yeah yes okay but but the project I think it's safe to assume we all stand shoulder toosh shoulder with any and all agencies any and all experts the residents if there's a mitigation Solution that's proposed to any specific area of the town I'm sure we will investigate look at it very carefully yeah I don't have a solution I just because I'm up in O O Street you know uh I want to make sure there's some dialogue about north of ey that's why so yeah sounds like there is so you just somehow we need to figure out how the Army Corps of engineer can do something or someone else can come up with a solution it sounds like okay cool thank you thank you any other public comments Mr list yes thank you Edward Lon Toms River New Jersey I'm an attorney um represent Mr Mrs Pam who are here this evening they own property at 15 1615 North Bay Avenue cide Park very near the water toown and um on June 24th I got a letter from uh Mr zarski indicating that the town was going tool a fence um on the common boundary line of their properties which is going to prevent them from using a uh shower and an outdoor shower and an outdoor shed which have been there for years um the problem is conted by the fact that there's also an air conditioner on that side and the electric meter is on that side we won't be able to get to any of that if this fenses to go forward um I talked to Mr Wy and I guess it was shortly before uh my clients left for a European Vacation who was kind enough to put off the pensent installation until um today actually August the 1st and I was asking for a meeting with council members if they wanted to come look look at the situation my clients this property has been in my client's family since 1967 I did some research uh on when the house was built the best that I can gather from the Deeds is that house was built between 1949 and 1951 I tried to get the tax assessor today to confirm when it went on the tax roles he was unable to tell me that because he didn't answer my call uh but I I can get that information if he doesn't have it through the uh through to the County tax office that'll take some research but I can get that done reason I bring that up is because I believe that's before there was any zoning in this town and so as a pre-existing non-conforming use and building uh the uh the uh shower and the shed are uh protected by the municipal land use law um so that means that uh if this fed were to go in my clients would have property that they have legal right to have there that they w't be able to use anymore so it's unjust taking a property without due process of law I know that nobody wants that to happen at least I don't think they do and I wanted to give the opportunity be given the opportunity to um let the uh burrow know that we would like to reach an accommodation on this uh nobody is has a slightest idea about trying to claim that property by adverse possession goes back to English common law you can't take the king's property and that carries over here and they can't take Municipal property or state property or County property if it is dedicated to a public use or in actively used as a public use if if it's not if it's just like a a tax lot that the town took under a tax foreclosure then uh it doesn't that that law doesn't apply but here the law does apply clearly this is part of a part called Freedom Park and uh that park is in dedicated for public use uh my clients tell me that their family has been has occupied that house and made some nice improvements to it uh beginning in 1967 um and uh they began to use some of the property on the borders of it uh long long ago and they made some improvements to it which uh nobody has ever objected to because they took good care of that portion of the public property that they were occupying they had no right to occupy it I understand that that's the law but what I asked for was an opportunity to meet with representatives of the council at the site and show them what we proposed uh I hope that every member of the council got a copy of mine July 29th 2024 letter and I show on to the mayor and I hope everybody got a copy of that yes because it has a a proposal in it which would put the fence essentially where there's a white picket fence now that my clients have put in which they will gladly remove uh at the appropriate time um and in the the survey I made a copy of the poral partial copy of the survey and it just shows where we where our fence exists now and it lines up with the fence that goes on I think is a 10 or 12 fence quite close to the water tower and lightning oh je oh that's five minutes okay all right Mr you can write you can finish and wrap up we have a 5 minute Ru but that's okay that's our concern okay and um if you if you won't I was really hoping to get a meeting with somebody who could make a decision on this and uh maybe that can still happen uh my clients will be down here tomorrow if wants to come over look at it I can make myself available as well uh if you're insistent on going ahead then uh I suggest in my letter that I believe that uh I have my Cent has copyrights that he he and she want to go to court and try to um get temporary injunction until those the court has the opportunity to decide what those property rights are so if the the council wants to go ahead with it with it then I would be has to given be given to the end of this mon to file a case with judge Hudson and ask that a the issue um we hope we'll have to do that I think this could be worked out um between the parties I laid it all what we are proposing up in my letter and seen it so I won't go further except I think um these people have been taxpayers their familyes been taxpayers in this town since 1967 and uh we think that uh you know they recognize now that perhaps they shouldn't have added on to the to the shouldn't have put the fence where they put it and we understand that there's some property that's being used by them now that belongs to the town but if it's not necessary to destroy what's there now uh then we think we could work out some kind of an arrangement where we can sign a battery line agreement it says anytime that property is very is NE necessarily needed for you know uses for a public purpose B Court in there or something be happy to take take it down what we have there but under the circumstances I think a little bit of a short notice situation well I'm thankful to Mrs VY for allowing my clients to go on a long planed European Vacation before they had to come back and face this but um if we have to go to court we're ready but we're hoping we order to that thank you than thank you Mr Lon any other public comments hearing none I would close the public portion anything further from Council at this juncture no hearing none I would uh entertain a motion motion by council member alab second second by council member CRA roll call council member Amil yes council member craft yes council member condos yes council member Comm yes council member R yes council president W yes motion approve thank everyone for coming see --------- ##VIDEO ID:jIy7UXCQGfo## the tapes are on the tapes are on I call a meeting to order this is a work session of Mayor and B Council of B suide Park County B state of New Jersey held on Thursday August 1st 2024 advertised for 7 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was poly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the asber Park Press and the star leder on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting of the governing body also has been posted in Corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member am here council member condas here council member Connor here council member craft here council member Renda here council president wil here mayor Pearson here thank you the first item on the work session agenda as we have promised uh ourselves and the public and the like uh it's continuing discussion of issues that had been brought up it's reference to the lightning emergency action plan and any more issues related there too and I know this was a a topic of discussion of the uh Beach Recreation committee recently as well have digested some of these issues and researched it uh further um so I can turn the floor over okay so I forget what date we met this Friday July 18th oh committee I'm sorry committee yeah sorry that's okay um I didn't write that down but as we had said at the last um session like the discussion was we implemented the plan we accepted it as it was written at the last council meeting so that we'd have you know something in place and that these new lightning detection um systems which we have three of and we've spent you know about $49 $50,000 to install um so they're operational now and currently you know they're operational from 9:30 in the morning till 5:00 p.m. um in the past we didn't have any system we had handheld that the lifeguards you know were responsible for during their working hours and they would be then responsible for clearing the beach so this gives us something that everybody can hear now it's um you know in place um what we're proposing or what we'd like to discuss I guess we went through a bunch of options um as far as like keeping it as is to moving to something that was more 247 and I think where we net it out was coming back with proposal that the horns or the sirens whatever you'd like to call them um that we currently have set to go off when there's lightning present within 10 miles of our Beach headquarters that that would be active from 6:00 a.m. to midnight um and that the strobes which are the lights um without the sound would be active for 24 hours a day so that it wouldn't disturb people that have expressed concern about you know the sirens going off during the middle of the night but the hours that we came up with were based on the fact that you know the boardwalk is used heavily during those hours we have people bike riding up there fishermen Etc um we have you know authorized people to use the beach for different you know activities that we you know I guess and you know and send people to go to as well as evening activities like height night and things like that um the hours currently we had said was Memorial data Labor Day and we're proposing May 1st October 1st since that's when really most of the lightning storms would actually take place beyond that we don't really think you need to have the horns going off because traditionally you don't have people up there during that time and I guess the other thing to say is that Karen was able to provide us with and I think we continue to track um how often we actually get detection of lightning within both 5 10 and 20 miles again saying we would only have it go off when it's 10 miles and the pr AG that are during Beach hours versus outside of those hours and not going through all the the total incidents but you know it's kind of split like it happened a lot during the weeks of June 30th when we installed it through 719 that was the period we looked at so it was like 21 days and in that time frame about 7 days there was lightning presence somewhere in the area that would have set something off a percentage of those were within that 10 Mile so essentially that was where we netted I don't know if you want question is to I don't know if you found one was the um big concern was weather washers remember we discussed is there a Lightning is that a weather Watcher or we have to have a human being there Ken would you find out anything no so I I reached out to the u United States life saving Association since their model plan that we have to follow and ask them if this machine would be considered the weather Watcher since it is fully automated and it runs a self test every hour that tells you if it's acting and if it's commun if it's active communicating with uh the three uh siren stations I have not gotten response from them yet all right so that we don't know thank you yeah we did talk about that and the system didn't work yesterday sure did yes sure it didn't work yesterday the key factor excuse me key factor is the weather Watcher if we can get back the weather watch machine is the weather Watcher we don't need a a person the machine will be the our weather Watcher so we'll have we have to wait till we get that answer from the life cour alternatively alternatively you could have the weather Watchers doing normal Beach op oh they are weather watch the system be autonomous the REM remainder of the period concern is Con yeah concern was okay September 10th life are gone who's the weather Watcher there is none there is none that's the machine could be the weather Watcher it's how you create the plant as modify that would be that would be correct it's how you create the plan as the plan is now you probably couldn't do it you'd have to amend the plan and but with the other neighborhood are the other neighbors that have their systems what8 8 I'm sorry 88 to 8p that's portley is 8 to8 right okay had those Beach is a half an hour before and half an hour after lifeguards are present but they keep it on until the last weekend in September mhm so half hour before and half hour later right yes okay that's brick that's brick that's brick Beach brick yeah and I don't think Berkeley has one correct Berkeley does my notes was half hour before and after as so bery is the same as Bri I'm not sure of their of their seasonality though oh yeah I understand but the hours yeah yeah berly the same as brick okay I think brick you had said was strobes all year the and the strob is all year brick yeah Sirens until um last weekend through the last weekend of SE mhm okay okay so in the alternative if the if the machine doesn't take over if it's not capable to do that I mean the chief is here can we ask if if we can designate a police officer to do that would that be possible Jim have officer the officer in charge be the weather Watcher it's involved I have to look at the plan have to look at the take a look and see what the re good an option if we can right it some who's on duty yeah not officer in charge just someone right yeah some I think the plan is written so specific to Beach hours because the weather Watcher in addition to notifying and managing the public is like removing equipment where are you sending people telling people to get off the beach etc etc it would have it would definitely need modification we did talk about that though chief that you know could that be somebody if if it turns out the system itself is the Watcher because that's what it's doing the Watcher is to notify people I'm pretty sure physically say Hey you know this isn't a fire alarm it's not the EMS it's not you know this is a lightning issue because people do come down they'll hear a sign they don't know what's a lightning detection system we have signage we have to see you know signs probably all the entrances to the beach I would think yeah we talked about right yeah and our LoveHate relationship right with signs but that I think that's essential that we have to that's critical that's critical yeah yes so we we can we can keep it VI that's critical and we actually have uh you know one of our feach control people starts work at 6:00 in the morning too so every day um so that's another person and then you know they can be aware because there people out in the 14th half so people out in the pier and stuff like that you know whatever so that also would help supplement them okay yeah so I don't know what the next steps would have to be I mean we'll wait for the what the association says then so recommend we look at the the actual document itself to see think prob we should I'd be curi I'd be curious to get brick and or Le um plans okay because obviously they're after Beach hours too see how they see what they did maybe Karen can you maybe get copies of those plans yeah so far I've only been able to get brick beaches which I'm trying to get or Le when you get them if you can send them over to me I'll take thank you very much Co great thank everyone for their hard work and ongoing research which will continue thank thank you m the the next item is discussion to implement non-conversion agreements for structures in the flood plane talk yeah just fa the uh meta on this issue is brought to our attention by FL plan manager Jamie to incorporate this into the package for one year bring your property your home into fled compliance we get us points towards our CRS rating when we're re-evaluated every 5 years to keep our um rating where it is or to get more points to increase our percentage off for flood insurance right now we're at 7 which is 15% savings for flood insurance what the Forum basically will put in place would be for the home owner to sign off when you build your enclosure first ground level that's below flood that you cannot convert it into living space and that the blowout walls would not be finished off or finished with sheetrock and prevented from not doing what it's designed to so it's pretty pretty straight forward BL yeah Jenna sent it over to me and the language and thank you Jenna the language in-42 is pretty clear this is the application for develop permit shall be made on forums furnished by the flood plane manager and may include but not limited to plans and duplicate drawn to scale nature location Dimensions elevations area in question existing proposed structures fuel storage of materials drainage facilities location of the foregoing so I don't think we have to amend the ordinance I think it's I think this would be part of the flood plane manager forms to fill out and basically all it's saying is you're going to you're going to comply with the BFA you're going to comply F requirements so when you do that remember when everyone walks away uh don't convert it to a hitable space basically is what I'm saying it's storage it's storage in garage and cars if it's big enough it's not your Mechanicals no Plumbing no I mean it's that simple it's just confirming understand that's what this is all about that's correct and I think that's I think it's a great form to have in the file quite frankly I and it would help us towards all it's informative so it is so that's uh nothing that in terms of actual formal action of amending the aordance but everyone's aware of it next item is discussion to authorize a lease with business 360 solutions for postage machine that's on listed for consideration as resolution 2024 246 at the regular meeting this evening followed up on some past discussions turn over to Caren yeah our our post we only have one posted meter it's in B Hall Department use you know send a mail up and they the code goes back to post code goes back to that department so they can be charged appropriately the lease uh on the machine and brall expired on July 30th you have a six-month window to renew the re lease and this is basically uh new equipment for a1. 95 a month more over 5 years seems like less than the increase for everything else that's surprisingly any other questions comments from Council on that I read that yeah the next is discussion to amend chapter 43519 entitled schedule for parking time limited on certain streets and that entails the ongoing review of those particular spots which have the time Limited arking in particular the 30 minute the 60 Minute uh two hours and then there's a 15 minute and the material change that's presented uh deals with Second Avenue and you see that highlighted the two spots which because now this is a oneway uh street that would eliminate those two 15minute spots is it I don't have that front are there two stop signs there now yes so Each corner has one has it yellow on each side the curves right so by Statute they would have you can't park within 50 ft yeah of a stop sign at at at that at an intersecting street right yeah the stat i s i uh Jen I sent that right and Karen it's a 39 col 4- 138h yeah prohibits parking within 50 ft any comments questions from counsil on that one that's on for a regular meeting as well I saw it today it's all painted yellow and everything so the curbs there yeah that's right and did I missp it's not on no is it on for this it's not on for this evening that particular um oh is there a resolution for that I don't it is it is okay no no no it's I don't see resolution no it's not it's a discussion so it be on for next meeting resol so we make a note for that or Y so I guess this could be a unloading Zone because it's yellow and it's marked as it's such so parking is parking you stop your vehicle to load that's parking right just wanted clear I would say no loading zone no no vehicles I get that all the time in cour I just left my engine running and ran the store for 3 minutes I said that's but no no it's standing I didn't park I left my keys in the car and the car was running oh okay was the here in park yes thank you thank you I actually try those cases thought I said I feel neutral my break on I mean neutral so anyhow the parking is parking parking is parking the next item is discussion of sell Tower lease bid it's listed as resolution 2024 251 for consideration at the regular meeting and this uh came forth from uh worked on by our consultant uh the committee our administrator everyone's digested it any questions comments that went to that to our attorney's desk as well I thinkk yes I sent a I sent a uh it was in my email to uh Jenna and Karen I think you probably circulated it to the council yes yes I did a full review the the uh FSD did a great job I think for us in this uh and Karen working with them it turned out to be really good and uh the uh documents in the bid submission package compli with the public bid law and um other than that I think uh the CH the two little changes they wanted was fine I did check with our risk manager at the GIF they amended our 15 million on liability to 5 million and he said that would be a minimum as far as he's concerned for commercial liability but it would be acceptable so our our insurance carrier has approved the downgrade to 5 million and I did note that their prior lease was a 3 million per occurrence so this is 2 million more than the prior Le um so it is approved by insurance carrier to go to 5 million thank you thank you everyone for the research any other just one how long is the contract again car uh I believe it's five years and there's I think five and three options 20 years be 20 years and also this is an above market rate and maret is around 45 to 50,000 yeah this did everyone did a great sh a very nice rate oh yeah it's a great rate and then yeah it's good deal it's excellent yes High than what they're paying right now which is above it's good the next is continuing discussion to use Heartland payments for parking meter transactions that too is listed resolution 2024 253 for consideration at the regular meeting that's been discussed several past meetings as to researching the nature of whatever contractual Arrangement if any exists uh in the current uh vendor is that what your there and then where I know the the Elon I sent a letter out July 15th and I reviewed the Elon and says just by notice they didn't have a time frame upon which notice had to be given just let them know and and they're out and we can have Heartland come in so we actually need to keep them both open for at least one month because there might be some overlap overlap so but I think we're good to go to give them the notice and sign up hardly then I guess that would become effective uh September 1st the unpaid portion would but everything else Beach badges chos be good so that concludes the written agenda items anyone on the council have any other items I know we we do have need to go into a closed executive session at with the topic to be pending litigation uh at the conclusion of the work session prior to the regular meeting anyone else uh on Council have anything further at this juncture here and none I I'll go into the audience if there are any public comments on any of the work session items if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record yes mik Mike's not AO 59th AV uh I just want to say I'm very excited about your flexibility to try to improve this lightning strike system to accommodate and protect all of the citizens in town I think it's marvelous uh as you're going forward instead of thinking about comparing ourselves to the standard of other towns I I admonish you to please consider being the standard that maybe they should consider doing for their residents as you are doing the best for our residents so I want to thank you for doing that I hope you implement it 100% the other thing is uh a suggestion that when you do implement it as uh Mr Mary had had pointed out uh with the uh I think you said about the horns and all clears and stuff that people don't know what it is uh I don't know if does the town have a regular mailing of something that goes out to all address season in town I suggest that you include a uh directions on what this system is how it's functioning so that every single homeowner gets it understands it and whether they are renting the property out to make sure that the people that they rent it out to gets the information or if they are a resident that they know that the uh all clear isn't the emergency Squad being called up great thank you thanks mate any other public comments on work session items hearing none I'd close the public portion and I would entertain a motion to go into a closed executive session motion by council member Amil second by council member Connors and before I call for a rooll call boote I know we've batted around Logistics here uh I've been over the years if everyone's comfortable in that room it it should not be a 19 session uh alternatively we could exclude the public uh momentarily back is not anticipating to be lengthy okay so then that being said we'll have a roll call can we need do we need to read the resolution yes the resolution must to be read to the record Madam clerk sorry madam Clerk and Mr Mayor are Mr Mayor should of advise Madam I'll take the hit whereas the open public meeting s Public Law 1975 chapter 231 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in circum certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and whereas the governing body wishes to discuss pending litigation whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the above no longer requires that confidential ality then the minutes can be made public now therefore be resolved that the public be excluded from this meeting and they have a call second yes we have that on the record so have a roll call council member Anil yes council member Connor yes council member condos yes council member CRA yes council member Renda yes council president will yes motion approv and we will