call our meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the May and Bo Council of the B seide Park County otion state of New Jersey held on Thursday June 6 2024 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session which has ended just moments ago pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press in the star lery on January 5th 2024 four notice of this meeting of the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member anab pres council member condos here council member Connor here council member craft here council member runda here council president will here mayor Pearson here thank you and let us begin our meeting with a moment of silence we'll stand in the Pledge of Allegiance and perhaps uh in Our Moment of Silence we can all uh remember those who gave their lives and those who fought for us 80 years ago uh on dday as this is the anniversary [Music] I to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation indivis andice you're right first item on the agenda is request for approval of the minutes of May 16th 2024 the work session as well as May 16 2024 of the regular meeting motion motion by council member CRA second second by council member condos VOC call council member CRA yes council member condos yes council member amabile yes council member Connor yes council member Rota yes council president will yes motion next uh request for approval of special meeting minutes the May 21st 2024 Clos session I'll make that motion mayor motion by council president will I'll second Mr Mayor second by council member amab Ral council president will yes council member anabil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member Renda yes Mo approve [Applause] and next are ordinances small letter a final reading and adoption adoption ordinance 22411 amending section 2-17 of the code of burough Seaside Park entitled public hearings and public hearing notices of chapter 200 entitled development regulations any comments uh from Council this as per several last discussions and in accordance with the recommendation of the planning board as well hearing none I'll go into the audience if there are any public comments on second reading and adoption ordinance 22411 hearing none I'll close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council I'll make that motion mayor motion by council president wil second second by council member condos roll call council president wil yes Council condos yes council member amabile yes council member Connor yes council member council member craft yes council member Renda yes motion approved and Item B is also as per discussion at several past meetings and the planning board as well final reading an adoption adoption ordinance 22412 amending section 200- 63 of the code of the B Seaside Park entitled zone map chapter 200 entitled development regulations any comments from Council hearing none I'll go into the audience if there are any public comments on Final rating adoption 22412 hearing none I close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council make that motion mayor motion by council president wil second second by council member Rotunda voal council president wil yes council member Renda yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes motion approved next are three separate ordinances in terms of uh Capital expenses uh which had been initially delayed as per the past uh meetings uh in terms of the state of New Jersey having not yet completed its fun review and approval of the budget and now that they had all of the ordinances had appropriately had first readings item C is ordinance 22413 Capital ordinance of the burough Seaside Park County botion state of New Jersey appropriating $32,000 for various General Capital items any questions comments from Council I'd like to uh I guess break that number down to 133,000 uh 177,000 was for Scott bottles that are needed by the fire department $100,000 is for the parking kios and $115,000 is for a street table um which is used for the recreation department thank you any other uh comments from Council if not I'll go into the audience if there are any public comments as to final reading adoption and ordinance 22413 hearing none I will close the public portion i' entertain a motion from Council for adoption I'll make that motion Mr Mayor motion by council member amabile second second byoun C councilman craft roll call council member am yes council member craft yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member Rotunda yes council president will yes motion approved and next is final reading adoption ordinance 22414 that's a capital ordinance of the B seide Park County votion state of New Jersey appropriating $240,000 and again I turn send the Flor over to council member yes this comes out of the marina capital and it's for two items $165,000 is for Marina lighting upgrades and and this also includes the six Avenue pier and $75,000 that are necessary for the water system upgrades at the Marine as well that's it thank you any other Council comments if not I'll go into the audience any public comments or questions on second reading ordinance 22414 hearing none I'll close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council make motion motion by council member condos second second by council member CRA roll call council member condos yes council member craft yes council member anavil yes council member Connor yes council member rotunda yes council president will yes motion approved and item e on the agenda is final reading adoption ordinance 22415 that to a capital ordinance of the B Seaside Park County Bing state of New Jersey appropriating $400,000 for various water Capital items per the 2024 budget um turn over councilman craft thank you um this all comes out of the uh water sewer uh budget um and it's for four items $50,000 is for well6 building uh as you know that's a dis repair if you go to the U the the direct Center you can see that building's looks like it's falling apart from the outside um $100,000 is for a uh emergency sewer Jetter $90,000 is for an upgrade for a um Ford F450 pickup truck which um slips around all of the heavy water sewer uh mechanical equipment that's required and $160,000 for a replacement back home thank you any other comments from Council if not I'll go into the audience for any public comments as to final reading reading and adoption it's ordinance 22415 yes Ed E claim 48 bill I appreciate your explaining what these are for but um just two things one is that Ford pickup truck or replacement or yes and can you tell us what a sewer jedar is I wish Josh was here but it's it the need is whenever there's a backup in the sewer system that's when this um this jedar is required in order to clear this so it's like a super duper plunger or something it's a pipe power washer it's a pipe power washer it uses water instead of a snake it's a snake with a water attachment okay thank you any other public comments second reading words 224 15 on I'll close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council I make motion motion by council member second by council member Conor roll call council member CFT yes council member Connor yes council member amabile yes council member condos yes council member Renda yes council president will yes motion approved next is final reading and adoption ordinance 22418 designating Second Avenue as a oneway street this as per numerous past discussions on the record and uh the final adoption was awaiting the do uh approval and they had to approve the ordinance and they finally have so that's why it's been delayed so any other public or any other uh comments from Council no I think the residents will be very happy we've gotten many many calls and happy it's happening before July 4th in the heat of the summer I think uh Ken's research to it's close to the last step but it's not necessarily we have the 10-day publication period and then this uh get gets to the implementation clue this so surprisingly the uh the the do uh traffic uh safety person who was assigned to this stopped by burrow Hall today unannounced and uh told me that um if we just sent him an email copy of the certified um ordinance tomorrow they'll put the work order in right away and they want to expedite the work order course oh my God that makes up for the other all sitting down yeah wow the do must feel guilty about something else I wonder what that couldt can you work on the B too yeah that's good good I will accordingly go into the audience for any public comments final reading ordinance 22418 as the Second Avenue hearing none I'll close the public hearing I'd entertain a motion from Council I'll make the motion there motion by council member Conor second second by council member runda roll call council member Connor yes council member runda yes council member an yes council member condos yes council member craft yes council president wil yes Mo approve next is first reading introduction ordinance 22419 storm waterer control as per the discussion at several past meetings and the planning board's recommendation and the work session moments ago uh this is a state mandated ordinance and ours is in compliance with the Prototype sample uh sent uh the planning board did not anticipate actual application of the ordinance to projects in this town uh it's conceivable but not probable but it's mandated by the state so that being said this is a first reading we have a motion I'll make that motion by council president wil second second by council member condos roll call council president wil yes council member condos yes council member amille yes council member Connor yes council member craft yes council member Renda yes Mo approve and next is first reading introduction ordinance 22420 authorizing the sale of block 57 blot 21 any two I stre two I'm sorry two two on I Street I apologize any comments from Council or if not a motion I'll make that motion motion by council president wil I'll second Mr second by council member amille council president wil yes council member am yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member crack yes council member attenda yes Mo approv see next are authorizations the first the hammer serf School June 24th to September 3rd Mondays through Saturday times 1: to 4:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon alternating weeks and the location Fifth Avenue Ocean Beach next Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company Department parade June 22nd 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon location Ocean Avenue from 14th Avenue to J Street and the approval would be conditioned upon uh the fire company obtaining a permit from Ocean County and do we have a motion or I have a comment on the U certificate of liability for the uh hammer um Ser School the um the policy expires June 27th of this year so they need to provide an update once they do any events beyond that [Music] date so that if that's approved that would require that condition that's any other comments from Council or if not a motion with the two condition on Hammer surf school and also on the fire company approval of Ocean County make a motion motion by council member condos second second by council member craft roll call council member condos yes council member craft yes council member Amil yes council member Connor yes council member Rota yes council president will yes motion approved the next is 22418 one approving payment of the itemized claims and Bill list at set as set forth on the check register Bill list for the time period May 17th to June 6 2024 any comments from Council if not a motion I'll make a motion there motion by council member Conor May second second by council member runda roll call council member Connor yes council member tend yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member craft yes council president wel yes motion approved and next our resolutions I'll read in a summary fashion 182 approving the Alcohol Beverage Control social Affairs special permit for Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company number one 183 approving the Alcohol Beverage Control social Affairs special permit for the Ocean County St patri stay committee Inc 184 approving renewal of the liquor license licenses in town rather for the term 2024 2025 185 appointing seasonal employees for the Department of beach control 186 appointing seasonal employees for the Department of beach control 187 appointing Teresa Russo as provisional code enforcement officer of the B Seaside Park one 88 authorizing tnm Associates to provide professional Engineering Services for the submission of a Grant application to the njdot 225 Municipal aid program 189 appointing Owen laka as Deputy municipal clerk 190 appointing Jennifer Burr as temporary Deputy Municipal tax collector 199 authorizing the appointment of seasonal employees for the Department of Public Works 192 appointing class two special Law Enforcement Officers for the calendar year 224 193 appointing class one special Law Enforcement Officers for the calendar year 2024 194 authorizing membership in the fire company 195 authorizing the tax collector to cancel the designated tax sale certificate question 196 authorizing a salary increase for count clerk payroll Clerk and the assignment of additional purchasing and finance duties 197 authorizing the release of copers from zerox estate contract number with the number reference therein 198 authorizing Remington and bernick Engineers to provide GIS application Services 199 authorizing Remington verick Engineers to provide professional Engineering Services for construction management and inspection of new well 200 authorizing 224 raffle license applications 2011 authorizing 2024 Bingo license applications and 202 authorizing an employment agreement with business administrator Karen cron any questions comments from any council members on any resolutions yes mayor I just like to say that um the code enforcer positions um will bring back up to three there was resignation of one indiv ual so we're if approved this evening we will bring it back to three code enforcers and this individual will be working on the weekend for rental inspections and for um code code violations garbage those type of things and just a little tidbit over 600 rental inspections a year were pretty much caught up at the building department at this point but there's 600 inspections that have to be done thank you any other questions or comments from councel hearing none it's our practice to allow any public comments on resolutions that are not required by law if anyone has any comment on a resolution if you could give your name and address into the record yes shotte on 202 Shirley prestle uh services for uh construction management and inspection of new well where is that location number 11 that would be well 11 which is located where address Desert Palm okay I still I'm I still have a real issue with it going on desert pal property again you're putting on a multi-million dollar piece of property which is ludicrous and if you read all the comments on Facebook after uh Laval shoreby put it on you see how many people are not fond of this whole idea I think you need to look into another location even if you take n Street and put it in the back because I believe that's 50 by 100 deep subdivide that at least we still have an ocean front piece of property sell and you're saving a multi-million dollar piece of property to be able to sell I can't cannot understand why you think that is where we should put it and if we still did not own Desert Palm you wouldn't be able to put it there anyway because I'm sure the only one say oh sure put it here you need to find another place for it and a lot of I don't know how we can get that across that you represent the people of this town you have raised our taxes without even being concerned that it's over $4 and you do things like this you've never had a public meeting and mayor you said you would have a public meeting for the residents to have input on L those on these properties that you have bought I have not seen one public meeting yet and I think it's time you do it you need to listen to the people that are paying the taxes in this town multi-million dollar piece of property you guys to got real turn they would probably laugh at you that you'd want to take a part of it and put the well there I don't understand your thinking on it not at all and as far as charging stations go back to when balar chuchi was here he wanted to put them up in the parking lot we don't need more parking in this town because I read that in an article that desert pal could be a parking lot very rarely are all our parking lots full and it's not full going down Ocean Avenue I object strongly to this being put on Desert Palm property and if it means getting everybody with petitions that's what I'll do but I think you need to look at another location thank you any other public comments on any resolutions hearing none i' close the public portion on the resolution agenda i' entertained a motion from Council as a consent agenda I'll make that motion May motion by council president W second a motion by council president WL and second by council member runda roll call council president WL yes council member runda yes council member Amil yes council member condos yes council member Connor yes council member CRA yes motion approved and that concludes the written resolution agenda is there anything else from Council at this J chair May yes like um just to let everybody know uh it's been mentioned before I think a little bit that on on June 14th which is Flag Day um there's going to be a flag pole installation ceremony down at 14th and Bay for the new flag pole that was put in down there with it's got a nice foundation and everything and a solar light on the top um with a flag that actually was flying over the the cap had flown over the capital so uh the C the installation ceremon is going to be on June 14th at 2:30 it's open to anybody to get down and participate and be there for for that uh the rain date hope we won't need it is 6:17 is that Monday but just so everybody knows so 2:30 14th in Bay the flight pole installation ceremony thank you mayor can I say one thing please so um just so everybody knows we we're trying to make it easier for everyone to to pay their uh taxes and their water sewer so uh on our website today we posted there's four different ways now that you can do that one of which is a which is free and this is an automatic deduction so I a lot of people leave town in the winter and their mail doesn't get forwarded um a lot of people don't like to write checks anymore so if you check out the website it'll it'll show you the four different ways that you can pay your taxes and or your water sewer bill and the fees associated with like credit card pay things like that thank you anything else from Council any I know by way of announcements there was one but I'm told that they it's sold out now the Jersey Shore partnership on Monday night is honoring as one of the honores as a Seaside Park resident Sharon France and the it's up at Sandy Hook so I don't know if they have any tickets at the door it says sold out now on the website but uh I know it's a great honor and she's uh done a lot of work for the shore uh and that organization has as well and the other announcement uh was this Saturday there's an event from various environmental groups entitled World ocean day and that's being held in Seaside Park on the ocean on the uh Funtown Pier property Billy major property uh and there are many groups involved I know and uh all making awareness of the importance of the ocean the environment which obviously is very important to the history culture and economy of Seaside Park and our way of life so I know they some of the groups had been in a past event as well and the sand sculpture people uh for children are events scheduled as well any other uh announcements anything from Council we time on that if not we'll go into the audience 11 to4 11 to4 is that event the mayor is not saying it but he's actually a guest speaker along with uh our new assemblyman Paul kitra who used to be mayor in Quinn Pleasant so thank you everyone's invited and I know they have children's games as well on the sand sculpture they had the last time the people are coming back so yes to June coron SD 114h um I have been coming to these meetings for about 12 years since I've been down here fulltime and and I have gotten a lot of information Sometimes some councils more than others and I do appreciate all of the information you gave us tonight although when we're sitting back here and you're at that table it's very difficult for us to hear what you're saying but I am concerned because uh last week or week before I had missed a meeting but I found out all about the meeting on Shore and it it had quotes from the mayor it had quotes from uh the president and I'm wondering what are we going to do tonight because he's not here I don't think that we should get more information on Facebook than we do here so I would respectfully suggest that you make the public more aware of what you are doing before you talk to a reporter thank you thank you Jim any other public comments yes Al Al 145 O Street I think maybe this question better asked of the chief uh about the bicycle patrols I know I'm aware of the fact that they have to be trained uh but also I have a question on the police that ride the ATVs on the beach do they have any training or do they need any training well I'm going to can I ask the chief that question Mr mer sure okay I guess I'm going to draft it get from you it do receive training we sent officer Slickers to become a certified quad instructor he comes back and he trains every member of the department he did have the department last week he does have the department this coming week we also had a bicycle trainer Frank L he did 25 years in Tom's river and was in class 2 with me for several years he just retired last week however hello yes we're going to look for schools to send one of our current officers in the mean time I'm going to reach out to Frank and see if they'll come over for the day and certify last ones on the bicycle so it's in their files so if they're driving in a parous matter they can't sit there and say it was never trained we have it in the file they've all been trained on the bicycles and the vads and I prid there's an accident hopefully it helps us all out that they receive training and are certified to operate these quads and Bic all right thank you thank you Alan yes Shirley Shirley prestle a couple meetings ago uh I brought up about Verizon coming into town and providing us with television service and somebody was going to reach out to them can I ask what the answer was on it when you called them just to see if they would come to town cable does that mean nobody called did I do forget now that you're saying I'm feeling like I might have said that I would call but I didn't call so if it was me I'll go back but really more a legal yeah I don't know that I just I'm remembering it only because I have a I think that question should have came up when we had the franchise thing remember we had that meeting yeah I didn't go to those I don't remember okay so we didn't move forward on that yet uh perhaps by next meeting you can have an answer whether they're willing to come into town for that I don't know that you have a choice we don't have a choice come well like I had said that meeting someone was told by Verizon that the town would need to call and request it and see what their answer would be whether that was true or not it's at least worth calling them to see most they can say is nah we're not coming but at least we'll know yeah okay so maybe someone would look into that sure free to come into the town I know it to okay just you know bringing it back up and how about the Min go uh Dan was here that meeting he's he's got a lot of feedback he says did I hear anything I said no I know there's no discussion this evening on it at all has it been discussed because like some of us said it would be a great thing for this town have for the residents and the [Music] visitors oh my yeah we haven't discussed that we we reason there's no reason we just haven't discussed it yet shely we just haven't um I'm sorry we just haven't yeah okay maybe it can be brought up and maybe even just have you talked to him about that huh have you talked to him about that M he wants to buy the property from us is that no he would lease it want to lease he wants to lease part of it and put up and he puts up golf courses I understand what he does I understand but he doesn't want with the area no because he knows he can't buy it because you own it okay because you know you took it imminent Doan so he wants to lease it from us he would lease it and I mean it would be a great thing for this town like I said last time and you know he's he's a good guy and I was surprised there was no discussion or nobody's reached out to him to to further get details but I think need to it thank you charot any other public comments heing none I'll close the public portion and anything further from Council at this juncture I'll make a motion motion to from Council president second by council member counc council member counc member condos yes council member Conor yes council member motion approve thank everyone --------- so the meeting to then this is a regular meeting of Mary Council the B Seaside Park County botion state of New Jersey held on Thursday June 6 2024 advertised for 7 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the Asbury Park Press and the Star Ledger on January 5th 2024 also notice of the meeting of the governing body has been poed in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk R call council member am here council member condos here council member Connor here council member CRA here council member Renda here council president will here mayor Pearson here thank you there's one item for informational purposes it's uh been posted on the website as well that the uh second quarter water bills s all uh rate payers uh are accurate however there's a inadvertent error in terms of the return address as they came with the Seaside Heights return address so and any comment on no I notic I I just hope people like throw them away thinking it's not the envelope sayses think you were just getting something I did talk who apologize for the error and uh will be crediting us for the off so M everybody pays bills it says I ped the seaside Heist no the return address was the seaside Heist it was just the envelope they sent it from we don't give them a return envelope anything else on that the next item is discussion of a proposal dated May 7th 2024 from tnm Associates for the submission of NJ do 2025 Municipal aid application that's listed for consideration on the agenda it's resolution 2241 188 at the regular meeting and that as I understand is in accordance with the uh recommendation of the annual ongoing survey with the hierarchy of those in the most need for repair work and Roads and that's submitted uh with in conjunction with the public works department and the engineer that's correct and the committee they're identifying um three possible streets at this point I think there's a Thursday next supposed be W they did it on Monday they did it on Monday right the three streets c c CJ and0 which is it again C Street bide J Street Basi and O Street Bas side what was the second one J stre to [Music] read any other questions comments on that item if not the next is a general discussion burrow code chapter 303 section 33-11 entitled mobile vending unit regulations and this discussion was precipitated by uh issues arising in terms of the mobile it's a copy dispensary uh truck and the length of time uh that that truck was parked which was in Conflict if not uh direct competition ition with some of the vendors on the uh Marina uh that we've already had as well as other businesses and I think it it's reminiscent and maybe I don't know if Steve's office was involved back then but those that may recall back in time there were issues that had Arisen in the past with ice cream vendor trucks and the the complaints that had Arisen they were at the end of Street ends and just sitting there parked and not moping on so that led to it looks like the ordinance 2015 and general discussion uh which would be related to that ordinance uh enforceability and the like and I think there may be a related issue as that the this uh particular vendor was operating a lot of the times in question on the New Jersey de T property in terms of the Central Avenue so I don't know everybody's thoughts comments I I know uh I don't know which attorney was involved you I if that we drafted this ordinance back in 2 uh looks like latest Amendment [Music] 2015 May the rec committee we got together uh Gan and myself Karen and um and Ray and uh you know we talked a lot about this uh um well the good thing is I think as this has happened and it's caused some conation with the vendors in in the Farmers Market hands down and um this person paid uh $900 for that that license uh which actually if you add it up it's less than what the people in the Farmers Market would pay for their alog together if they do both Monday and Friday um so uh and and when you have that license you can be here all year long you know like doing it uh also the hours of operation that somebody can do it is from 4:30 in the morning to 2:30 in the morning in that ordinance so I guess my point with some of these things is I think we really have to look at the ordinance and and maybe clean the ordinance up a little bit um to try to you know figure out what we want to do with vendors with with this one which is probably a little bit too late now but I mean going forward um there's also items in that ordinance that says the person and jimy can help me out if you want it says uh if no if they pull up uh at a site and sometimes they're in front of our commercial establishments too not just uh the farmers market if nobody uh purchases anything within five minutes they have to move and if somebody purchases something um this what the ordinance says and then if nobody comes up within 3 minutes and they have to move also so um there's a lot of things here to look at a lot of things to figure out and I think the good thing is I think this has come up but it allows us to really try to clean this up a little bit and figure out what to do uh going forward in the future for vendors such as this um some of the other towns I looked at it I don't car if you did but some of the other towns charge a lot more for these uh these type of LIC insures um and have uh more I'll call it more restrictive distances of of where they have to sell with respects to other commercial like schools when you when you read it I mean like God you know schools and and and um other businesses in town particularly Seaside Heights is very strict of the boardwalk and things like that so um I'm being long-winded here but we really have to sit down and figure it out Mr Mayor and and C we also that brought to mind that we wanted like to change the hours of our Farmers Market we yes we did that yeah we think we want to start at 8:30 instead of 9:30 and and they're going to be starting at 8:30 okay I'm sorry thank you yeah they're going to start Joe contact to help um you know calm the situation down uh we said it'd be a nice idea to have the farmers market start at 8:30 instead of 9:30 um used to be 10:00 7 or eight years ago and then it moved to 9:30 and when you look at a lot of the other farmers markets around it's like 8 or 8:30 so to help those vendors in that Farmer Market we're going to start they're going to be able to start there at 8:30 now we're happy that's right FR Fray they start 8:30 anybody push back that's the backup I spoke to that young lady and she she had a pride spot at the farmers market and they already had two coffee vendors she came down over the winter research the ordinance paid $900 fixed up her thing and um I can see a conflict with the farmers market but when she parked on Central across two lanes of traffic and the median on the other side of the street and the fixed operators are paying $125 for American Tile LA and she's paying 900 so I I don't see where they have a complaint U the farmers market yeah maybe we can address that not allow parking in the front but the ordinance says you can park anywhere or you can park automobiles we have to address I personally think there's a lot of things in there we got to address in this ordinance I told girl after she talked to me I said park down by my restaurants and that's what she did Saturday and Sunday she was she was very busy she was away from the farmers markets good that work out good and and we can do some good things with this and fix this up a little bit it's just going to take some time to figure out and then what the suggestions would be um the good thing about it Joe we got the farmers market you know 8:30 8:30 is good that helps that helps a that calms them down a little bit yeah put the fire out for a while yeah they were upset yes I think we talked about too we're not trying to quell the the business I think you know it's very entrepreneurial and we should probably you know not penalizing she did she did it within everything that was permissible spoke to the chief about you know enforcing and stuff and I I mean I don't think her int itions are bad so we just have to look at I agree with you the the hours for the mobile for these particular things are probably way too broad than they need to be very broad um but other than that I think you mentioned all the other stuff we talked about does she offer uh any special kind of coffee that's not available at the other yeah she's she got about 15 different kind know all the other stuff she's got like a $10,000 machine so and I think that might be something we also have to talk to Joe about about the farmers market I don't know that there necessarily has to be a limit on the number of types of vendors I mean you don't say well there only could be one produce vendor there I mean in fact I went the other day and there were no produce vendors um there was selling everything else but there was no produce to be purchased there that day so and there was no quy either I no no no coffee no coffee and no vegetables I got that she wasn't there wednes she wasn't there Monday thank you for the summary though I think did I cover all the things that we talked about cover what we talked about absolutely so in terms of the future uh committee research should we keep in place those that just started this work and dug into it is that I think we should if we Sak our teeth into it for the first time I think maybe we should regroup and and because I read a couple of the other towns what they do I mean some even have a limit and like like five and if seven apply then they they put it out to the highest bidder so I mean it's I'm not saying to do that but there's certain things we need to look at yeah there was some lessons learned that it brought to attention yeah one of which was also that none of us on the council actually knew the permit had been issued so when people asked you and was like I don't know but we had all right information to give the answers that was the good point so so let us um take this around more together all right is that good and then we can very good thank you the the next item for discussion and there's a a followup letter from RVE engineering related there to and that's a discussion about a concept for uh one as aspect of a overall mitigation plan it's for one of a better term entitled Bayfront sheathing project and that uh came about there was a a lengthy exchange of ideas proposals background that occurred between the Bayfront Committee of the governing body and the advisory committee uh who brings to the table a lot of expertise as well and obviously it's recognized that the particular issue being addressed is multifaceted and inails being looked at uh and attacked from a number of different perspectives but one of the proposals that had a great deal of support by way of consensus entailed uh there's ongoing work already of obtaining all of the as builts from Ocean County as to all the work they've done and I'm advised even subsequent to that meeting we' we've been told there's survey work also from otion County to be given to us to our engineer uh and the focus of this particular project for which the concept plan is being sought entails the sheathing I could turnover Marty knows the terminology better uh than I but that sheing and I I believe the target was was a 5 foot but uh elevation five elevation five see you do know about so that being said be cautious when we say that it's not yeah so I believe thereafter uh one of the uh members of the committee and there's a lot of degrees a lot of expertise on that committee and he happens to be an engineer as well and he has there's a chart there with projections of each and every flood event that has occurred uh and unfortunately as we all know the worst four flood events that occurred since Sandy all occurred this last fall winter season and he has the projection of what the height of that particular uh wall sheathing would be versus where the flooding uh effects would go and this dub Tails into our ongoing request with the do to allow tie-ins to the uh for the pump out pump stations uh and that's a component here the other aspect that is proposed of this project will entail uh utilization or moving some of the storm drains retiring a few of the storm drains and again and it depends on what kind of permission that the do may give us so that's I don't know Marty was at that meeting and Joe if you're uh recollection expertise this is just one part of it you basically covered everything there it's basically it's the do feasibility on doing the project all the way from J Street to 14th mhm have to look at the marina mhm the the dock fth Avenue the everything has to be tied in to consistent height basically you covered everything what Bo you could add so this is for a concept a proposal and obviously thereafter it would the next step once we had that conep solidified would uh put together the spec specifications to go out to bid yeah you told I have a question so all the other stuff that we've done that we were waiting on all like these various approvals this doesn't conflict with that like is this a conjunction with the other plans or is this like a Brand New Concept plan now this is a New Concept so is that all the other stuff that we ask for approval throw away no I think that's still we didn't we didn't cancel no hear we reapplied I couldn't hear me no you good question so it doesn't so the other ones are still staying effect you're still going down that path this is incremental to that as it this is another project on top of that project okay may go to Island Avenue this one goes all the way to 14 okay to hopefully try to mitigate it a lot quicker than potentially what the other project would be and then but that doesn't throw the other project and it doesn't you still have to get those same approvals no that was one of the that's the that's the key we're hopeful that this project would only entail Ocean County s Conservation District and Ocean County and to a certain extent we say do but that's as to the tie in for the pump stations it's not their Road and if ocean county is a participant in it they would actually okay so then give a permit that's a big differentiator then that probably should it's hoped that would expedite this project could be FASTT tracked that's sounds like it would not involve any permitting from the Army Court engineers and perhaps the D that's what's the hope is that's what we're trying to do okay right that's what I read like a fast mov when we get con I make suggestion that they do an artist rendition so people know how big that wall is actually going to be and how the road is going to be raised so it mitigates the the effect of that wall you said 5 foot elevation no elevation what what's the maximum no it's not 5 fo tall I know I already made that mistake realiz that so what would be the maximum wall height and maybe 3 ft I I can't answer that without the plans I asked the question but we changing somebody we have the thir 14th a 12th a we're doing all of that so the road it's the road some of the roads we are raising already it depends on where you are I don't know what the maximum Height's going to be okay thank you we were led to believe for example there would be minimal raising from what is in place from 14th to 12th because we had special concerns about that area as there's ongoing do Awards we've already received grants and they're funding funded already so if we need to change that has to be done quickly and it apparently does not have to be that aspect of it thank you anything else then on that number the the next item is a discussion of lease agreement with Xerox for copers that's uh on for consideration at the regular meeting as the resolution 224 197 maybe I'll turn the floor to Cen and Jenna I know you did a lot of work on this to compare prices and the L beat up fenders um yeah our current U lease expires in November um so we looked at two vendors on the state contract Canon and Xerox who's our current provider and xerox's pricing was considerably better than Canon's um by about $500 a month so over the has to be a 60-month lease a 5-year lease that saves over $30,000 over the 5 years um and uh we'll get six new copers comparable to all the copers that we have now you know some are very basic and the main one in ball is can do a lot more um and it also provides maintenance for 13 desktop printers that we currently own so the burough owns them uh but they provide just maintenance agreement toner and maintenance and things like that so um and and even this new contract is considerably less than what we're currently paying that we entered into 5 years ago and so the new contract compared to the old contract would be about $50,000 less over the course of five [Music] years anything else on that one thank you yes Cod zero yeah team zck copy that that was good okay thanks the next is a discussion of a proposal dated April 1 2024 from rbe for GIS applications for tax year 223 224 Sol listed for consideration as resolution 224 198 at the regular meeting and this is done yearly this is um a new software that our tax assessors asking for it's a web- based platform that will help him generate those 200 foot lists that he gets uh between 50 and 70 requests a year on people are doing whether they need a variance or like our project on the boardwalk we just had to generate the 200 foot list for everybody along the boardwalk um so um considering that he only works in our burrow four hours a week and this will be a significant time saer for him and um it's well within his budget he has 9 $100 in his budget and he really doesn't spend much so um so at the request of our tax assessor this this would be a big help for him and it's what it's 2500 yeah no so it's a onetime cost which one is that that the five anything else on that sa using a compass in a pencil you got to do from each quarter it says there's a onetime cost and then there's an annual subscription subscription fee right so which is how much is the one time 2500 the subscription fee is uh if it's not in the proposal find out but it won't be significant no no I just it was I don't and the next one is discussion of the state mandated ordinance it's required for storm water permit listed for introduction ordinance 22419 at the regular meeting and there's uh some materials that have been forwarded uh this came before the planning board already it is a state mandate ated and the state has a a Mand has a model or prototype ordinance and this is related or actually adopted in accordance with that the various sections and there's a deadline for adoption by all the municipal entities involved all the towns I don't know there's really not much more to add it's state mandated yeah was reviewed by the planning board you already said and it's really not going to effect this is for major development we don't have that was the plan planning board's determination would have correct very little instances when it would actually have to be in play for the town but it's mandated that we have such an ordinance yeah you have that it's like major stuff yeah anything further than on that one that's it if not the next is on for discussion only it's got some sample ordinances from other towns and it arose with some issues uh several homeowners and Property Owners had had come before the governing body uh recently and asked that we review this situation consider consider it uh it entails some limit limitations or regulations in terms of time uh for rentals and in particular it's some of the towns even called Airbnb regulations and you see the variations of how some towns have approached it some have different seasons some have different weeks or weekly or or two we minimum and some talks of time time of the year minimum uh it arose and I I know uh one of the burrow family there were some issues that someone said uh problems can arise with someone even a homeowner it's not necessarily a rental and or it's someone that has rented in accordance with the current regulations they have a rental Co but whether they're AB and T they're just not there and the some of the groups that are renting have created problems so uh I just offer it for everybody's comment and some of the people that have raised the point wanted to make sure that we again deliberated upon this would this fall under the guidance of one of the existing committees or is this something that all of us as a whole would need to like look through all this come back to work session I don't know like what committee would that fall under could be a little bit of the C that's why I'm wondering like who needs to meet I think it be yours right Recreation [Music] that's be Recreation going on inside I got my she me too I would think it's I would think it's sty I think which is what I M yeah that's you Mar all right I mean okay that's who it is then I guess take that you're on the committee yeah the committee I want and we could perhaps even have the planning board weigh in with the pros and cons I've heard arguments both ways so it's I think that's a suggestion print it out yeah let them these are some we had three towns or two I don't Red Bank One Point Beach most of barri islands have a short-term rental requirement of at least seven days they don't want weekend renters they rent a house and have big parties and leave so they require a minimum of a seven week term 7day 7day term I apolog um and then they have all kinds of inspection requirements to make sure to make sure they're compant and you have to register names and it's very detailed we we prosecute in Point Beach and if you look at I mean their ordinance is probably the most restrictive if you look at theirs in terms of what they require um it is because Point Beach obviously has a little bit more of a problem than we do in terms of because of their boardwalk and their rides and everything else so they have a lot of lot of people come in a lot of renters for weekends that create a lot of issues for neighborhoods where people are either living year round or residents and they citizens of the town or or people that you know rent out a beach house for the summer and then you have these weekend renters come in it's it's very problematic so I would suggest working off of maybe Point beaches take a look at theirs and then see where you want to go from there but um you know that's very common along the shore now for this type of ordinance and for shortterm short-term rental issues yes no we enforce them we they even go into CL Pleasant Beach even goes into advertising well you said just not advertising you can't advertise for a weekend rental the realtor whoever does the adver advertisement is can be should have summons and they do it all the time you can't you can't advertise to rent for a weekend so like I said they're the most restrictive that I've seen I think so you might maybe work off of theirs they have an Animal House provision M that's yeah so the Seaside Heights yeah I that I didn't see any did I miss for Point Pleasant Beach they don't have like a minimum of seven days I don't think we have the full coordinance there I think there is a provision where you can't rent for less than seven days okay I'm pretty sure you have to post actually on the door you have to post names all kind absolutely correct like I said look at theirs now now that's for Point pleas and Beach you know we're not point and Beach or seide Park we're different town we have different issues we don't have we don't have that train coming down for the weekend where you so so you know it's you know bricks is probably the least restrictive um you know they just say oh for the barer island you have to rent you can't rent for less than seven days thank you that's that's bricks sword so bricks is probably the least and Point Beach is probably the most and maybe there's somewhere in between for Seaside Park if you want to consider any restrictions at all but that's that's how those come about because it is quite extensive oh it is trust me I got it is we could do it if we hire a couple more staff yeah well like I said you may not need you don't have the same he quite ex same issues as Point Beach does most of the I he B&B's couns are on weekends right that's yes not necessarily place like Park would probably be more of a weekly rental than a weeking rental quite frankly anything else on that one at this point so we'll have the planning board look at it and the committee that concludes the the written agenda anything else from Council at this time if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments on any of the work session items if you have them if you could give your name and address into the record [Music] Michelle problem's all over this is I know but it's like at times we keep here um Michelle Miller 1500 Lake Avenue um according to the work session I m c um have you considered or talked about Lake Avenue also because everything seems to be you know like you're saying J to 14th um what's involved with Lake Avenue hello thank you there you are definitely Lake and the whole town are being looked at in terms of the sheathing project uh not looking on Lake Avenue I don't we arew we down there we are talking about those areas we're also talking about K Street the low low area we are talking about that I know you didn't see it on here but we are talking about it okay thank you um and sheathing I'm I'm not sheathing is a vad okay um my my next question is um how much control does the police department have to monitor if the neighbors are complaining about noise and staying up late uh because I remember when marijuana was a big deal unless there was a problem or somebody from the house asked they weren't allowed to enter the property so what would happen with airbnbs Airbnb we had issues over Memorial Day Weekend the neighbors called back into the police entry onto the property the officers were telling me actually I guess these homeowners had camera set up so watch her lenters and the first thing the K did when he showed up was pull the plugs and turn the cameras that's when probably the own home owner probably should have called us to do a check on the house but they didn't neighbors ended up home the police and the neighbors are not happy I could also say that you also responded they got the names I'm not sure if my guys issue tickets I'm not sure how old they do winter work the need for but Cod Department they call us to get copies of the F service so I know code must be also tracking it and doing something on MAR stuff okay thank you thank you Michelle yes MIT sorry Dr Mar 12 baby Avenue um just on two matters that you've discussed one was changing the hours for the um thank you so much uh I think it's marvelous I do I live across the street from it I'm not as close as other people who might object but I think it's fine um Everybody shows up early and asks if they can buy and people have to say no I can't yeah and it doesn't affect for that minimum of time um the second thing is also the Bay View bulkheading when they're talking about bulkheading they haven't the county has not kept up the bulkheading that's already there it's really a disgrace and and I don't know who's looking at the lard of the child falls into the metal partitions that are like this now and they are apart I also if you all lived in town one winter but one winter we were here and Liv renting on Bay View when our house had no electric because the electric company didn't keep up with the wires and they fell down um the water that hits that bulkhead literally hits the houses how far out is that bulkhead going to be not up to the curve I would certainly hope because then you've given up everything like they have already um Mar that's exactly where it's going that's exactly where it's going right up to the curb right where it is now so they're going to take out all the vegetation and ice cream no that's you're now next you're saying from J J's the mar South okay well J is the marina there is no bulkheading between J and H so where are they going to put the bulk head they're going from the marina to 14th Avenue okay how far out there is no bulkheading on well you're it will be consistent where the curb is now the curb has vegetation in front of it are they doing away with the vegetation no that's that's the project we the wave dissipation project that we've been talking about for years we still need something to break the waves right but if you're going to put the bulk head up first to the curb you're already taking away the vegetation am I am I the only one who sees this we're not taking away anything who is the county no we're not not we're not give me a minute I'll try to clarify okay we can call Mitch next no I I'd like to answer the question I I what she's concerned about is is in front of the curbs today the record clear vegetation there l it will not be let's think of it this way I you get up so I get on the record can I yes go ahead but I'm not leaving 10th Avenue member of the mayor's advisory committee citizens committee we did have a meeting and I was going to come up and answer Council and I wrote a letter to that committee and we we read them all 100% 27 and I just want to add a little more c a little clarification I know you're you're doing your best but I got a lot of poking from behind me ask ask me questions during the presentation and I I try not to talk so I'm going to take two minutes now basically what the committee and the council members ever in attendance agreed to is that we were stagnating for way too long of a time because we were riant on doing something in the water to dissipate the ways which is part of the flooding Pro problem the other part is title action that comes up through the sewer system and statistically more of our routine floody is coming up through the sewer system not on H Street it's not along the Bayfront in general okay I'm not going to talk a specific Street some valves are working better others some drains are working better but in general the larger percentage of the problem is due to title it doesn't mean that the waves don't mess it up every time you get a storm what we agree to is let's address the things we can address now which is the title continue to work on Wave dissipation whether it be through the existing project and trying to get it clarified or coming up with another solution so we agreed that the best way to address the the uh W the tidal flooding was to come up with a common height for a barrier at the curbside that will prevent and then will improve the valve system but more importantly once we come up with the appropriate height that rbe is going to do the analysis whether it's 5T 4et 4 and 1/2 ft they're going to do the analysis once we come up at the height of the sheeting they will then adjust the height of the street so that you don't have a big curve to go over it's all going to be uniform no one's going to trip the design of the sheating will be done more intelligently I provided some diagrams to Marty what's been done in Florida uh how how to do it so it's safe for people easy to walk over but the whole thing will be done in concert drains seers outfall and and kerit just recently though the county I guess 3 years ago which is recently you're considering heavy maintenance as far as drainage they replaced all of the huge drainage caps that go over up against the bulkhead they're not working and to this day they're covered with seaweed so nothing from last night's rain 100% correct that that's that's part of the redesign we have to come up so you're making that higher so whatever comes over drains to the homeowners MH no that's what I'm trying to as the mayor pointed out we're coming up with a plan to be able to utilize the pump stations have the sewers be able to feed one way or another into the pump stations so it's not going to come back on the H it's a concerted plan to basically drain the water that does accumula the street out using existing pum stations that's the concept the bay that's already flooding onto the streets I don't want to people you need no that that is our plan but yeah that's I'm saying you don't come very clear what we're trying to do and they Envision a 5T high seaw wall that is not it will be 5T above the Bas flood elevator base Bas waterline which in most cases what you have on on J in that area is three and a half so it might be as much as another foot and half high but it may not be that high RV is going to determine that and that will carry that throughout the entire Bayfront I just see it all as a stalling again of I I know you're trying but it's just been again it's another Band-Aid on a surgical problem that needs stitches and a lot more well but if it solves the 60 to 65% of the flooding which is what the analysis have shown it's a big bandaid it's not it's not a cure but it's a big bandaid okay well thank you thank you yes Ed claim 48 11th Avenue this prior discussion leads me back to my question for I don't know how long when can we expect a meeting for the general public to explain all of this with diagrams and defin I mean you say she sheathing to me sheathing is like something that goes like on a tube you put a sheathing over top to me sheathing doesn't mean wall so already I'm confused B and and people people want to know people deserve to know and I know the committee is working and I know they're working really really hard but I see no reason why we can't have an interim meeting and say this is how far we've gotten and they're going to do this this um a man a mitigation plan and then if you need you know if if the plan goes a little bit more further along then have another meaning I think the public deserves to know and right now the public doesn't know and I've said this before it leads to rumors it leads to misinformation it leads to confusion my God we're confused here and we sit at the meetings and we don't understand at all so um help us out yeah pleas please help us okay so so um question about not a question comment about the mobile vending unit regulations they Park this this person and I agree she has the if it's a female she has the right to conduct a business I I have no problem with that however when this vehicle is parked um in front of the farmers market that's taking up parking spaces from the residents who would like to go to the farmers market so I think that needs to be considered I also o think that it needs to be considered that this person should not be able to park across from White Oak um or 7-Eleven or other businesses grant that she may sell 15 pounds of coffee okay I get that but she also sells probably the kind of coffee that they sell and I think we don't we don't have a lot of businesses in this town and we certainly want to encourage those businesses and I think by letting somebody in just come in and drive in and park for five hours um yeah I'm not so sure that's a good thing so I would encourage you to think about that um the last comment or question I have the software for the the tax assessor that you were talking about why is RVE involved in that it says there for the gis they have to apply for this software how did they get involved it's uh I don't if it's their software but they they already do do work on our tax map for us as well so they do a lot of work for us behind the scenes on the tax side and uh and the software comes through RVE they also do all our flood Dage okay all right thank you yes [Music] Shirley Shirley PR 700 North B Avenue um on the airbnbs and I brought this up when this was all discussed a year or two go um there are some times when people just need to rent a couple days it could be a graduation it could be a wedding um and I'm kind of speaking on behalf of my son who has two units well kept never a problem but we have an ordinance that doesn't seem to be followed that if the police are called there three times their permits revoked for renting if we enforce it wouldn't that save a lot of the issues I don't think making it 7 days is fair because then you're telling people you have to go to a motel and if a whole family is coming to celebrate something then you're saying well you go have to rent rooms and I don't think that's right and with inflation like Tom said a lot of people can't afford a full week down here they want to rent a couple days so I really think you need to look into that and I haven't heard that our town is as crazy as a lot lot of other towns with it I think we need to look at it to help people that can't afford fully but are coming for some special event could be Mother's Day Father's Day there's a lot of different things where people come down just for a couple days and I don't think it's fair for those to have a nice unit or willing to rent to decent people I mean he even wouldn't let his cousin rent because she was in college and he said no way and he was honest with her you know cuz we don't rent to that type of people not that she's bad but she was not have a whole group and he said uhuh so you know think about the ones that do have nicely run airbnbs and follow the ordinance you get called to the property three times you don't rent this year thank you thank you Sher any other public comments on work session hearing none I would close the public session and I'd entertain a motion from Council to adjourn the work session take a brief moment and then begin the regular meeting some motion by council member runda second by council member Conor anyone opposed if not we'll stand adjourned and then take a few moments stretch our legs and then