let call on meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the mayor and B Council of B Seaside Park County B state of New Jersey held on Thursday November 9th 2023 advertised to begin at the conclusion of the work session meeting which has now just ended pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey's open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting is properly fored by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication to the a press and the Star Ledger in January 4 2023 notice of the meeting the governing body also has been posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municial park roll call council member amab pres council member condos who excuse this evening council member C here council member Dr M he two has excuse this evening council member well here council president Michel here mayor Peterson here thank you let us all rise for a moment of silence to be followed by the pled [Music] [Music] of the United States of America and to the repu of which it stands one nation lice the first item on the agenda seeks approval of the minutes for October 26 2023 award session and October 26 2023 a regular meeting any questions or comments from Council if not a motion motion second motion by council member crab second by council president dichael roll call council member CRA yes council member excuse me council president dichael yes council member amab yes council member will yes motion approve the next item are approval for special meeting minutes January 10th 2023 in executive session March 7th 2023 in executive session March 23rd 2023 in executive session April 27th 2023 in executive session June 22nd 2023 an executive session July 13 2023 an executive session in July 20th 2023 an executive session any questions comments from Council or if not a motion I'll make the motion mayor motion by council president to Michael no second second by council member W roll call council president to Michael Yes council member W yes council member KRA um not on a because I was not on council at the time but all the others I'm f b through G you council member amab yes motion approved next item is final reading and adoption it's ordinance 22314 in ordance of the B Seaside Park in the county verion state of New Jersey providing for the construction of a well in the bar and appropriating $2,600 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 2,600 ,000 in bonds or notes in the BC set Park to finance the cost thereof any questions comments from Council if not I'll go into the audience for a public hearing this is a second reading of the ordinance as to the new well if there's any public comments if anyone has them they could give their name and address into the mic hearing none I would close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council motion by council member craft second second by council president demichel roll call council member C yes council president demichel yes council member will yes council member yes motion the next is final reading and adoption ordinance 22315 it's a capital ordinance of the B Seaside Park County Doan stateum jersey appropriating $141,000 for the deor Avenue Water Tower any questions comments from Council if not we'll go into the audience this is a public hearing second uh reading of ordinance 22315 any public comments hearing none I would close the public portion I'd entertain a motion from Council excuse me ma'am oh I'm sorry Michelle Michelle now 1500 Lake Avenue what's going on with well 10 what's the status for that it would require a 10 a four about a $4 million Filtration plant in order to make that uh uh make the water look nice and smell nice the water has noted to it and has perid it's cloudy so um are we going to get that done before we start this no because the because it was cheaper less expensive to initiate a new well and then to put a Filtration plant on well 10 it was also uh consider out of annual cost that would be entailed in order to keep the Filtration plant going as well as so is that one going to be taken down I at one point I I'm not sure on ground this was part of this but will be abandoned once the new Ro be abandon is up and line thank you yeah it was for the first yeah any other comments on second leading as to the decator Avenue one hearing none I would close the public portion I'd entertain a motion make that motion motion second council president deich second by council member W roll call council president deich council member will yes council member craft yes council member Amil yes motion approved next is final reading and adoption its ordinance 22316 a capital ordinance of above Seaside Park County botion St New Jersey appropriating $ 68,5 for basad flood mitigation and specifically as toay payment for the F sa mitigation plan any questions comments from Council final reading I'll go into the audience if there's any public comments on second reading of 22316 hearing then I'd close the public push and I'd entertain a motion motion by council president to Michael second second by council member CRA r call council president dichael yes council member C yes council member wel yes council member Amil yes next item on the agenda are authorizations I'll leave them in summary fashion the first Seaside Park Republican Club date and time November 21st 2023 6:30 p.m. council chambers second Berkeley striper Club Fisherman's flea market 5424 at a rain date 5524 at the Marina a condition of approval involves a renewal of the Certificate of Insurance third is Berkeley striper Club teaching tagging course December 3rd 2023 9 to 11 in the council chambers and those are the authorizations any questions comments from the Council on any if not is there a motion let's make yeah just the Republican Club they just need to add into the description of operations the bar sun park is addition in Char well they have to add the it's under description of operations they have to add it's going to be at the burough council meeting room and they should give the basic hours of operation under description of operation it doesn't it's not filled in in a Rel shap so we'll just authorize with that change have yeah have the certificate amended to include the council change and the uh and the hours I guess basically it's 6:30 p.m. to 9 or 9:30 whatever but it should if you look at the other ones that are here they they uh that would give you the idea especially like the uh striper Club the council meeting room Sunday December 3 hours 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. it's got to have that in there it really does it's got to be in the description so there was a condition then with item one and condition two for the bookly Cher Club also requires a renewal of the certificate or insurance as a condition it's really not for public comment so any other questions comments on Council if not a motion with the conditions on A and B motion by council president dich second second by council member Al roll call counc member yes council member yes council member council member C motion approve next is the payment of claims it's a bill list from October 27th to November 10th 2023 any questions comments from Council not any motion to approve that motion by Council presid Michael second by council member call C President Michael yes council member C yes counc member W yes counc member Amil yes moove next set resolutions I'll read in summary fashion 223 290 it's authorizing the cancellation of designated tax sales certificate 291 authorizing the adjustment of designated Water and Sewer utility counts block 8 4 block 53 l30 and block 53.0 L 6 292 authorizing adjustment of designated water sewer utility counts block 44 lot 6 block 75.0 Lot 36 293 appointing seasonal employees at Department of beach control 294 confirming the filing of a certificate or certification rather of local government best practices checklist 295 establishing procedures for video recording public comment during public meetings 296 accepting the resignation of Code Enforcer John Anderson 29 7 authorizing the sale of surplus property no longer needed for public use on an online auction website and 298 authorizing the transfer of certain funds line items as recommended through the CFO any questions comments from any council members on any of the resolutions if not we'll go into the audience it's our practice to allow public comments on resolutions though it's not required by law if anyone has has any if they could give their name into the record heing then I'll close the public push and entertain a motion as a consent agenda from Council with the resolution motion by council president to Michael second second by council member W roll call council president jichael yes council member wel yes council member C yes council member Amil yes motion approved and anything further at this juncture from Council no I just like thank Johnny and first time that was that he was here for an excellent job sorry to see him leave he no I said second sentiments well very well thought of and uh always very courteous and professional with the people and the homeowners in town anything else from Council if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments if anyone has them if they could give their name and address into the record yes sir uh Michael spino going to work whe it works or not come on up to the mic thank you sir like pick you that's all right Mike's spino 59th Avenue Seaside Park first I'd like to uh congratulate uh Mr Peterson uh Mr Munda Mr Connor on their election um I would also like to continue with my thought about procedures since I'm not going to be working with you up there that uh again I say that uh during the course of a meeting procedure it should be uh asked that the uh Township attorney and the administrator be given a report uh and that all uh committees PS to uh report if they have any committee reports to do uh so that uh some clarification can be uh helpful also uh I would really believe that it' be very helpful to us all as uh residents if the administrator or the attorney could explain in more detail of what the actions are on a first reading Because by the time you get to a second reading you've already made up your mind and what we have to say really doesn't matter uh lastly uh one of the issues uh was that was happened during the the campaign was about Green Space and I thought it was just kind of odd that we obtain these properties uh by condemnation and uh we're talking about them as green space but yet uh we're in the process of selling them kind of the oxy thank you thank you sir any other public comments [Music] yes oh I'm sorry Chuck applebe 215 10th Avenue uh I'd like to congratulate candidates including Mr councilman CRA for J election um I I did have a personal thing I wanted to bring up so I have a a rental I think this is going to come up more and more um over the years I've seen ordinances come out for flashing signs for businesses where they have you can't have flashing signs I've seen uh Beach bonfires go away because of asthma and different things ground fires in people's backyards and things be regulated and all these things what I'm uh running up against now is a tenant who spokes this weed that smells really bad so apparently I'm learning the weed that smells really bad is really good so and and they don't sell sell a weed that uh basically is flavorful so it doesn't uh bother anybody so as I walk along the bay and things like that I get to the same addresses sometimes and I start to go what's that and I can smell it so it's a quality life thing so we have people renting we have people living in town and everything like that and the same as we regulate all these other things as quality of life things um I think this weed smell is going to be getting worse and worse and it's very disruptive I have a a home where the neighbor is complaining to me about the tenant because he's smoking lead all the time and it just gets into her house she has asthma and you want to please everybody and what we concluded was governor Murphy legalized it with the government and there's nothing we could do about it but I think there is something we could do about it and I would like to the council to look into ways to regulate that if possible for a quality of life s because it really does interrupt peace last year Chuck uh I proposed that we expand the smoking ordinance to include all the parking lots and any of the additional space outside of just recreational space and we did do that I felt the same way walking up on the boardwalk I was thinking of parents with their kids I mean I knew what it was but how are you going to explain that and I even saw people standing outside the bathroom and hanging out at the cars and stuff so we actually did pass that extension of the smoking we put it under your smoking because you really have to um and we did do that that was a good attempt to do that I don't know how really can deal with residents but it was an effort that was made and exactly you understand what I'm saying the neighbor came to me and said I thought the tenant ran over a skunk yeah and I was like I think I know what you're talking about and uh but but the thing is proba life issue um wants how we do it I don't it's just again leing his palities coming up ask other towns how they're doing it if they're addressing it and apartment buildings and other things like that I I don't have the answer right I just see it as a problem um and I'd like to you know I'd like to have people have relief for it because I don't like it it disrupts my walks I I get you need to inh it yeah that's that side right okay so um the other thing was with the block parties I'm running into where I do a block party every year and this insurance with the alcohol um I couldn't find insurance at the level needed to do the alcohol I'm still looking for it um but um I talked to my agent everything and they said the companies there's only like one really Mark Hal or something like basketball that issues this insurance and um they just change the rules so you basically have to hire a liquor establishment a bar to come to your party and set it up and use their liquor license and everything like that and their insurance or their insurance anyway and have somebody serving in order to have even a block Bo based on the but I could get it up to a million dollar but I can't do the $2 million so I just was wondering if there would be a way to look at that see if I thought it was a b like for each resident well we set up like a bar or something like that get an insurance policy and there's a check box you're going that extra step yeah yeah no I'm just asking I never heard that the ini isue before but so well it's new because I can't get the insurance now ran into a problem but uh I don't mind if that's the law J says that that's what we have to do you have hire aater you have to hire a bar to single so we can s to so so Chu I know you and I had some email conversations about this and there is a way that you can go through the maill through that program gather um what they have to do first is with the venue code for the burrow and then people who want to have blockies or close off roads or things like that can use that venue code and go through the mill through gaard to obtain insurance I'm going to do that but then I'm going to see the price like we're just paying like 250 bucks and and then the price of it goes up consider I'll let you know what it is we're not going to pay a lot I just want times change but you know you know I like to do that and of course not having alcohol in on the burough properties is another thing uh for our Republican Club meetings and stuff like that came up so uh I don't know if that's a gif requirement but we usually have some beer for the people afterwards and stuff like that and uh I just I don't know if that's a letter of the law or something that could be looked at to where we can accommodate as we have for the last 40 years I don't know if something changed but we can just look at that see what the actual written requirements are legally or you know policy-wise and what are nice to have uh and see if we can accommodate a little bit so we appreciate thank you thank you sir any other uh public comments yes sir I'm sorry I forgot I'm Tom Joseph 704 South bayew Avenue Seaside Park obviously uh having concluded running for Town Council and not succeeding I would like to congratulate the mayor and the gentleman taking their positions on the council I'm not anything remotely resembling a c politician this was my first foray into this and I thought I'd make a couple of comments I was somewhat appalled to discover that when you when you run for something like this you find appearing in your mailbox a whole bunch of literature and things that indicate that you hold a variety of amazingly extreme and unsupportable positions and I was really appalled with some of them and I thought I would take a moment to set the record straight but we don't have time for a lot of those topics I'm going to stick to one the topic I want to talk about is wind farms and whales apparently my position according to what I learned from my mailbox is that I support wind farms placed just off the surf zone within swimming distance of the beach with wind farms that kill whales and are connected to the shore with electrical cables that kill fish in kill whales and I got to tell you that isn't even remotely the way I think about this topic so let me explain first of all the idea of citing a wind farm that close to the shore is insane and everybody knows that so obviously that's not something I support supporting wind farms that kill whales well I don't support that I don't support any wind farm that kills whales but honestly that's a pretty weak statement because the reality is there is no such thing now based on scientific evidence as a wind farm that kills whales they don't exist someday maybe they will or somebody will Design one that does and when they do I will oppose them but right now doesn't exist just playing isn't relevant and the connection with electrical cables that kill fish well I got a PhD in electrical engineering an extensive career and during that career I have touched on undersea cables and a variety of applications so I know something about them one of the things I know is if it's going to kill fish it's got to leak energy in order to kill the fish you don't get things for free so if the wind farms pupping energy into the end of the cable and it's killing fish then the energy isn't getting to the useful end of the cable so nobody designs undersea cables in such a way that they kill fish especially not cables that are going to be bued 4 to 6 feet in the ocean bed so that's a nonissue also it's just not relevant so so where do we end up in simple summary I am unalterably and completely opposed to citing wind farms that kill whales connected to the shore with fish killing cables that are just off the surf zone is that clear I really want to set the record straight so that everybody understands that now how do I really feel about the real wind farms the ones that were planned at the state and federal level and it just got cancelled uh I've used up my 5 minutes we don't need to talk about that thank you for your time thank you sir and you've been patient so you're L Jan Sullivan I'm at 33 Brighton Avenue um my street has the um access for the emergency vehicles I don't know if all of you are aware that that ramp does not meet code are you can I talk to you on the phone about this your husband who SL on the ramp that you yes um my husband and I took a walk on the boardwalk we we go up the ramp and we would walk North on the boardwalk and when we came back down um my husband and I had to take baby steps now we live here and we know people fall on this ramp all the time so we were taking baby steps going down and my husband fell and twisted his leg he thoughted toward his ACL he was lying there and I was yelling Joe move move because I saw a fishing truck driving backwards down the ramp these trucks will go up they'll drive up they'll look to see how the Ocean looks they come back backing down this truck did not see my husband had I not been there he would have been dead this man would have run him over I was screaming stop stop stop and the man wasn't hearing me um and Joe's lying there and I'm saying Joe moved but he couldn't cuz he was all conf reped and and then finally this other man heard me screaming and he was walking his dog coming up from the beach and he yelled stopped the truck and the truck stopped the point is we see people falling all the time he could have gotten run over we had a conversation that that there are conversations with Engineers about getting around to fixing this ramp well if you know it isn't code then we're wait waiting for a lawsuit or waiting for somebody to die I I've helped people with with baby strollers people slipping and falling this ramp is dangerous the way it is and we've got a summer coming up where there are going to be more accidents and maybe somebody will die or break a leg or something bad and I just want I want you to make this an important topic because emergency vehicles go flying up that street they go flying out and here we are as pedestrians taking baby steps and hoping we're not falling on this ramp so okay thank you thank you any other public comments hearing none I would close the public portion and I'd entertain a motion from Council motion by second by council member alab call council member yes council member alab yes council member will yes council president Michael thank you thank everyone for coming out tonight --------- we'll call our meeting to order this is a work session of the mayor and bur Council the burough seide Park County Motion state of New Jersey held on Thursday November 9th 2023 advertised for 7 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of new jerseys open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting was properly provided by transmitting the notice of the meeting for publication in the asur Park West and the Star Ledger on January 4th 2023 notice of the meeting of the governing body has also posted in the corridor of the municipal building and in the office of the municipal clerk roll call council member amabile pres council member condos she's excused this evening council member crafts council member Dr mchu excused as well council member wel here council president dichael here mayor Peterson here thank you the first item is informational purposes only a status update on the J Street Community Center and I'll turn it over to our administrator car uh so the uh the interior of the building has been cleaned out of all the old furniture and other things that were being stored in that building um we're waiting on proposals from two vendors for the ramp work um they have all the information we actually followed up with them yesterday to see what the status was and they basically said we have all the information we're very busy but we'll get you this quote as soon as possible um Eric is working on scheduling and inspection with the fire marshall so they come in inspect the building and then we'll have the placard of what the occupancy is in the building and um Sandy and I have um teed up some new furnishings and some things for their for that building like a coffee maker uh a folding up ping pong table some new furniture so I haven't ordered it yet but it's in it's in a a queue right now that we can order it so that way the interior will be will be set to go and one of the future participants had asked a special request p pa oh was that yeah and yeah the TV is in the queue as well the ping pong tables if you can Fold It Up store it people want to use it then put in the main area and use it so I can correct you it's table tenis ping pong's a trade name give to about poet BS just for tri you could be about what could be about it's not table T it's in the record now okay very good gave it that me the next item the work session to discussion of the local government best practice checklist submitted October 27 2023 it's also resolution 223 294 listed for consideration at a regular meeting and maybe I'll turn on that and the CFO and standy we all participated together we went through the um uh through the entire questionnaire um and made sure all the answers were all everything was done on time it had to be submitted by November 3rd all the answers were obviously accurate and then uh each one of us had to sign off on it so pretty high score that's good [Music] good I went back and looked at the prior three or four years the highest scool we' had so I noticed the L Grand assistance assistance program was wondering that that could tie into uh paying for inspections of the loc and the rentals that's one of the uh ordinances on tonight's work session we we need to get that ordinance done for the red paint inspection basically what we need to do is just a visual inspection and uh kind get little ahead of ourselves but if we see paint then the owners is on the homeowner to actually do the testing I'm just wonder if we can get some of that grant money that's related to it maybe maybe not but we really don't have a need for it because we don't have any expenses for it I was thinking code inspections might be to help it's a visual inspection so they going to do rental inspections if they see chip tap then we have to alert the home owner then they have to take action okay and the nature of the resolution that's on for consideration that is an acknowledgement of having redit received it similar to like when we have the annual audit yeah any other questions comments on that from the council the second item is discussion of authorization of the sale of surplus property no longer needed for public use on an online auction website that's two is resolution 297 listed for consideration at the regular meeting no meetings occur with court sold off safely right so I'm safe and see it's time can we use the microphones please are they not on they are that there sorry about that public mon to auction was a is a 2003 Ford F-150 pickup truck and a uh75 cubic yard rolloff container um the F-150 is multiple mechanic technal issues rear differential is leaking it's a second rear we put in this vehicle and the r of container is Rusted and it can no longer safely transport um cargo transport material because it's leaking so I want to put it on the a b any other questions comments from Council the third item is discussion of potential changes to burrow code chapter 185 uniform construction code feed liability insurance registry and lead based paint in rental dwellings authorization for the fough attorney to draft the related ordinance modifications and that's related to the discussion moments ago uh mandated by the state some of these Fe we did not have in place the charge there for the um they were headed for Universal Construction fees and the other ones the rental uh landlord rental uh ordinance uh code for landwood rental registration for insurance that was mandated by the state we have to produ say um the cover sheet for your Li really Insurance when recting your reting your property and it has the regulations from the New Jersey Department of community fairs that's where the ordinance uh and the sample regulations originated this is effective res of the share as well right both of these yeah we go into effect next year 2024 that's what I mean 24 into next year both of them the lead base paint test as well as the insurance correct so we need to make sure that those people doing their inspections by January are notifi do we do that that's I mean just saying because people do the early inspections I think the light based paint portion of this it's beyond just the visual inspection the homeowner is going to have an obligation to be tested every two years it looks like with dust swaps and other things and get a certificate that's what this is saying so it's not just a visual inspection from what I got it we spoke about this a little year ago it's a little bit more inclusive so let's just make sure that that's been brought to the attention of the public they are renting it's going to be part of their Co and their responsibility my understanding from our code office uh perspective is the way they identified is visually and and if they see it's chei that's what starts the whole for well if there this part of it though and I went through this course about a year or so ago anticipating this for renters yes they'll do an inspection but there's going to be a certificate every two years the homeowner is going to have to provide now they can pay their own inspector to come in and do that inspection but it's a dust swap there's additional only houses before 1978 by so it's a little bit more than just a visual inspection from what I've taken on so I think we need to make sure that the public knows that that could be $ fee for that inspection just fi if you want another wrinkle I brought it up last year uh I've heard it in the public there's an element of unfairness when you compare one person who complies with the ordinance for inspections for example with the single family home and right next door there's an Air BnB that has never been inspected and the neighbors they're the brunt of it and how do we stand as a community if there's potential liability if we're not following the Community Affairs guidelines may I will say this year our code office um went through Airbnb and vbo listings in Seaside Park and contacted folks if they didn't have a rental inspection and they had to get a v inspection some folks went without advertising just we but when we spot them we have to be proactive monitor that particular address that seems that's suggest yeah that's a suggestion here from the state that falls on us right the next item is discussion of establishing procedures for video recording and public comments during public meetings as per the uh research and there's a resolution 295 listed for consideration at the regular meeting this [Music] evening any questions comments from Council I know there's a number of uh other regulations ordinances out there that are some stried from other municipalities some similar U this is all encompassing of the two areas of concern yeah seem many municipalities have this Ty of guidelines anything else from Council or any on that or other issues sir if not we'll go into the audience if there are any public comments if anyone has any they could give their name and address to the record yes sir is that on AGA we can hear this is for work session 59th you um not okay I'll just talk loud um one of the things that uh procedurally I've never seen it needed to be uh cified by resolution to have the 5 minute uh time limit on the uh on the uh public comment but uh as I've seen what's written here I make a suggestion that the uh chair have the right to be able to uh extend the period of time and not lock everybody down exactly at five minutes if uh the the chair the mayor in this case has a reason to believe that he wants to let that person finish their point so that's a suggestion uh another suggestion uh since I'm not going to be sitting up there with you that uh I think that for procedurally a few things really should be considered uh for the meetings and uh one of those things is I believe that uh every meeting uh to explain some of the resolutions that the uh Township administrator should be asked to uh comment uh during the beginning of the meeting also if there's an issue that may involve the township attorney these These are comments on work session items only if you have any work session I told you the one I'll I'll do it over again thank you sir and of course under Roberts rules uh our municipality has to many adopts Robert's rules in the January reorganization meeting and Robert's Rules trumps all of the procedures and there is a discretionary element included which is adopted annually in Seaside block for the chair yes Ed Ed clim 481 Avenue as to that last resolution does that mean that I can't ever ask another question no you can you can the point is you can always ask a question the governing body um is not obligated to get into a Q&A session uh back and forth uh it's for public comment if one of the governing body members feels they can make a comment with regard to your question if you're done they will because it's not a debate it's not a Q&A if not they'll take it under advisement and consider what needs to be done and try and give a response to the next meeting okay so that's what we've been doing yeah well sometimes I ask questions that you answer and sometimes they don't so if they feel like they can provide an answer they will most of the times they'll probably want to take it under advisement whether it goes to a committee or through the administrator and then provide an answer the next meeting it's just trying to say if you come up and ask a question don't expect it that it has to be answered exactly exactly and then I just have a comment and it goes back to the microphones when I'm I'm a teacher and I'm us to projecting when you people are sitting up here having this work session meeting you're basically conversing with each other and your vo is really don't carry so unless you are specifically talking into a microphone we don't get it especially when for example like tonight Bill sitting facing that way it's really hard so if somehow there could be some way to improve the mic system or to improve use of the mic system during the work session that would really be appreciated because you know some of our ears are getting older thank you I think we'll just make sure set session items I me J 114 page I'm also a teacher and I can project my voice so um my comment is if we going to do this procedure about 5 minutes and um working trying to keep meeting moving those of us in the public that are very interested in what's going on need to have access to the agenda earlier than Wednesday afternoon for a Thursday meeting and because we don't always have the time to go through it when we walk in here or when we get it late in the afternoon so if you're going to enforce the rule about you may get make comments but you might not get answers at least we need to know beforehand so we can go to Karen and ask uh our questions so that's my comment thank you I did any other comments on work session items yes CH Chuck app will be 25 Avenue she said um regarding the uh the lead inspections I just had a rental turn over Manchester and they said oh where's your Le inspection and it was 2 days before getting my co and somebody moving in and the the inspector came in did it I tried to get somebody to do it quick but the uh inspector just came in did the asse gave me the co and he didn't ask for the L so I was able skip that yeah but that's cuz it's not really in effect until 24 well the town wanted it so what I'm getting at is that the connection between the office and everything needs to be in a uhop or something something should be written out on how to do it so it's clear clearly people yeah that's why I said make sure it's noticed when when they send out you know preparing for the Ral notices and that happens in January both of those items should be in there informatively for everybody to be aware right so I deal with the and Le inspections which a lot of this is derived from although the state has done a lot more but transient populations where it's less than 6 months occupancy in a dwelling um you're exempt from having to give the notice of leg possibility greater than older than 1978 so you don't have to give that loan for a sh out but with these inspections uh I think the transient aspect should be looked at with our rec because there's transient population and then there's regular F more than six months I believe it is yeah so I don't know if the rule has that in there but most of ours fall under less than that they do they're transi and the hotels motels would fall under that too unless we're going to have everybody do it well we discussed that in the preliminary when this came out last year those would still have a two-year requirement every two years that certificate would have to be up to date so whether there's a transient situation going on the homeowner is required to have that certificate right and and the inspection for chips uh my understanding it goes a little bit further so if somebody replaces their windows with vinyl windows or something that's pretty obvious that you're not going to have that but if they have Windows that have uh sashes and there's dust and there's doorways with dust that triggers the sampling so it takes a competent trained individual to be able to go and do the all right here at the inspection yeah that was my comment that it could be up to $500 for those inspections there's a certified tester that comes out and has to actually do it send it out to a lab like there's a whole process that's not a standard inspection that one of L people are trying to do right they have to hire somebody right so that's kind of money to be made of course of course but uh I'm very happy about the Airbnb the cross check I asked for that probably eight years ago I'm glad that they did it what did they find did they find any number of units that were being done in work there or was it just a couple tell you the truth Chuck I don't know that answer off the top of my head I just know that that was an initiative share to go do that so I can get you that answer was back we found I think there was like eight or nine yeah it's not many wasn't too many but it was hard to identify some of the addresses make that they're legal to family units was the other thing right um the other thing was uh the Airbnb I wrote up before uh that you should limit the number of days so or you know have a number five days 4 whatever it might be but to have something so a lot of other towns are doing research on that and we should look at that and try to come up with something for quality of life issues thank thank you any other comments on work session items yes 481 I forgot to mention um when I saw what the resolution was about the the Q&A and the five minute and stuff um I got in touch with Karen because I had a couple of questions about a couple of the resolutions and she and I met today and we had a very uh productive conversation and I just want to public we thank her for her time thank you any other questions or Com or comments heing then i' ENT to the work session and then take a brief recess motion that council member any opposed no oppos at 725 and take recess come