e e e e [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good evening for those of you in the audience who've not attended one of these hearings recently please allow me to review our normal procedures staff will introduce each item for consideration if you'd like to speak on the matter please fill out a speaker form which is located out in the lobby and indicate the number uh whether and and whether you're for or against the item after you filled out that paperwork please hand it to the clerk and she'll pass it on to us as each matter rolls along the applicant and its supporters will be heard first those in opposition to the request will be heard next and if the situation calls forth the applicant will be given a chance for rebuttal comment should be restricted to pertinent information regarding the agenda item under discussion personal disputes are irrelevant if you're an individual you'll have 3 minutes for your comments if you represent a group you will have six minutes speakers should move closer to the podium when their item is being presented by staff speakers should also identify themselves clearly for the record by stating their name and address each speaker should be given respectful and courteous attention uh the board may ask questions of speakers and of staff and information such as photos site plans and things like that presented at the public hearing will be kept as part of the public record uh I'll then ask for a motion from the board once a motion has been made and seconded discussion will be closed to the floor following board discussion of vote will be taken during voting board members who do not cast objecting votes are considered to have voted in favor of the motion any person agreed by any decision of this board May within 15 days file an appeal to the board of County Commissioners and staff can help you with that process having said that number one please good evening for the record Anie Gates item number one is a request for a side street West setback variance from 2 feet to 0 feet for a privacy fence in the r1a single family dwelling district and the woodrest unit subdivision located at 7413 Barnacle Court the subject properties a corner lot is considered to have two front yards for setback purposes the front of the house faces barnacle courtt and the north woodrest side is where the variance is being sought the existing privacy fence was previously approved for a side street setback variance from 25 ft to 2 feet on January 22nd 2024 on April 11th 2024 the seminal County building department inspected the fence and it was determined that the fence is located at 0 feet and not 2 feet requiring the applicant to apply for another variance traffic engineering has no objection to the placement of the fence as it relates to site Vis visibility and this concludes my presentation gentlemen any questions for staff uh yes Mr chair yes sir I just want to make sure because I downloaded my uh agenda last week when it first came out but the first one I had was not that one so that's because this item was continued and it was it was added later okay all right okay this was continued from last month because she was out of town question I have does this now make this matter righte for code enforcement or do we know if that process has begun no she they're not illegal right now because they got a building permit and they have 180 days to complete it it's still an open it's still a building open cuz we apped here right and the building department is aware that she needs to apply for another building or another variance so they'll work with her gotcha gotcha any other questions for staff now which our property we on because first one I see is Mary Drive they the the staff had emailed to us a uh an amended agenda and I maybe not everybody uploaded that one but it's um but it's as as as described by Angie I'm going I don't recognize any of this all right sir are you here for the applicant yes I'm Alexis Rodriguez I reside at the above address 7413 Barnacle Court um the applicant is Amanda ban she's in the crowd I don't I don't know if that's a crowd I remember you from last last month you're the fiance right yes sir okay I still got my note too okay and he does have owner authorization now so good good good good all right how did we get here uh so when we came the first time we requested two feet off of our property line setback so that we could run our lawn mower down it and it just be one swipe um where we didn't do right is we misread the form and we thought it was our property line was parallel with the sidewalk when it starts parallel with the sidewalk at one point but it ends like not parallel with the sidewalk so we misread it and when I measured I measured 2 feet from the sidewalk the entire length of the north facing um setback of the property I guess my question would be you were approved for 2 fet I I understand what you're saying about issues of of being parallel where were you measuring the 2 feet or did you measure the two feet I measured two feet from the edge of the sidewalk where at one point it is 2 feet in the beginning of the yard from the edge of the sidewalk but towards the back it's not because it goes like this so I think we're like 6 in from the property line all the way at the end who installed the fence I did look there it is oh man oh man oh man gentlemen any other questions that's why she's making you don't have to put that in the notes it's already recorded you fix this gentlemen you have any other questions for this person seeing none uh anything else to share sir the only thing I have to share is we've had a couple Neighbors come by um at the from the end of kvasac and they were like you need to stop making your property looks so nice because we can't keep up with you um but all we've really done is trim some trees and put up a fence speaking of those neighbors looking at our map I don't see yay or nay from any neighbors do you have anything from your neighbors you can share so not currently for the when we applied for our first variance we had like 14 signatures for yay I don't have that paperwork with me today they they did originally but because they were old signatures and they were for the previous variant we couldn't bring it to this hearing I told her she'd have to get all new signatures are you a lawyer I am not I was kind of joking there all right thank you sir is there anyone in the audience to speak in support of this application seeing none anyone in the audience to speak in opposition to this seeing none gentlemen your your pleasure motion to approve second motion to approve and a second all in favor I I opposed all right consider yourself lucky thank you what's next learn to measure item number sorry item number two is a request for a rear yard setback variance from 10 feet to 6 feet for a screen room Edition in the PD plan development district and the Crystal Creek unit 1 subdivision located at 5 57 Tall Oaks Terrace the screen room addition is approximately 156 square ft and encroaches 4 ft into the required rear yard setback a building code violation case number 2478 was issued on March 6 2024 for the installation of a screen room without the required building permit on December 26 2023 Finish Line screen applied for a building permit BP 231 19491 the permit was denied by planning on on January 4th 2024 for not meeting the minimum rear yard setback of 10 ft on February 21st 2024 the building department received a Le letter from Finish Line screens that stated the property owners wanted to cancel the permit once there was written request to Avid the permit a building inspector is required to inspect the property to see if the work is was performed on February 29th 2024 the inspection was performed resulting in the issuance of a building code violation uh there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am any questions for staff all right evening sir if you please tell us your name and address and uh Ted Archer 557 Tall Oaks Terrace Longwood Florida I'm the homeowner how did we get here sir I hired Finish Line screens to do this job for me on an existing slab that was built when the house was first built in 1992 and uh according to them everything was done right he said he had a uh a building permit and everything he never advised me that there was a issue with the setback has this was a screen room on to that was installed on an existing slab from when the house was built um I didn't know anything about it until March when I got a letter from the county saying that we were in violation so when I called them up and asked them what was going on they told me about it I've had had numerous attempts to contact Finish Line screens they're ghosting me they won't return my calls they won't return my emails so um as you see the screen room is already installed um I'm trying to get a variance for that 4 feet so that we can keep the screen room and make use of that area in our backyard did you pay them yes I did they were Happ they didn't ghost you on that no they will be hearing from my lawyer when this is all done and I find out what my total bill is good stuff gentlemen any questions yes question Mr Archer what uh date did the contractor work on the porch on uh January 16th is when it was installed and how many days did they take to do the work um I signed the original contract on October 31st um I was then informed in November that I would need a new A current survey so I had um no I mean the actual building that they started the 16th one day one day when I'm done and you were not aware that the permit they told you they applied for you were not aware that they in fact did not have that permit no I was not aware yeah had had they advised me that we needed a variance like that I would G through the process then instead of trying to do it afterwards okay and the letter that they wrote to the planning department to withdraw the permit application are you I'm not aware of it never this is the first I've heard of that part of it I was only aware that they had canceled the or not completed the permit process any other point I'm sorry Tom you are you finished uh no I'm done thank you any other questions the work is done yes it is any other questions all right thank you sir thank you very much anyone in the audience to speak in support of the application seeing none anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none gentlemen your pleasure move to appr approve second motion to approve in a second any objection any comment seeing none all those in favor those oppos all right you go get them thank you good luck in court item number three is a request for one a height variance from 4 feet to 8 feet and two a setback variance from 30 ft to 8 ft to the normal high water line for a fence that exceeds 4T in height located on a natural water body in the R1 single family dwelling district and the mcneils orange Villa subdivision located at 1032 Bear Lake Road the proposed privacy fence will be 93 linear feet and will exceed 4 feet over the maximum fence height requirement of 4T for a fence located on a natural water body there were five prior variance approvals for the subject property on October 30th 2006 a side yard North setback variance from 7 1/2 ft to 5 1/2 ft and a side yard South setback variance from 7 and 1/2 ft to 4 and 1/2 ft for a proposed single family dwelling on January 23rd 2023 a sidey yard North setback variance from 10 ft to 1T for a boat dock on August 28th 2023 a side yard North setback variance from 7 1/2 ft to 1T for two sheds um a letter of opposition was received today from the property owners directly to the south of the subject property and this concludes my presentation did you guys get a caught your email today okay yes yes thank you any questions for staff all right see none is the applicant here I'm here please come on down ma'am you could just real quick give us your name and address for the record absolutely Amy wheeler 132 barake C ma'am is there anything you'd like to add to what staff had shared no do you have on you a a photo kind of showing how the other house is 4 feet up higher than yours I do okay I was hoping somewhere take your time it just shows how high their home is but you want to see it next to mine if if you have it or like the view from your property I guess I guess what you're saying is that they how how tall their Foundation is yes I got you yes got you gentl any questions your property grown level they're elevated but yours is gr level yes it it's her cell phone you'll have move it that's okay I think don't you get your question answered oh yeah yeah yeah yes thank you but I think there were two concerns one that the uh maximum limit is 8 ft is that correct anyway maximum height is 8 ft yes this is already 6 and a half and the second objection it's not existing pardon me the the wall isn't existing the Wall's not existing yet I don't have a fence currently no I thought I read that there was already a wall 6 and A2 F there isn't already wall the neighbor has a is it a fence no it's concrete block wall they have a concrete block wall that was permitted around the time their house was built how tall is the neighbors um 6 and 1/2 ft is it an ad joining neighbor or is it the neighbor that's objecting it's the neighbor who is objecting and he's they already have a wall six and a half feet and they're objecting that your 8 ft then would block their view because it goes closer to the water right right whatever the reason they just say well that's that's what the setback is for is for the 8ot wall to go closer to the normal high water line okay but eight but there is a an ability to have an 8ot W is itow with a variance par me with a variance with it's the height and the setback okay for the wall not by right not words it's not in okay you any other questions chair sir the um our site plan the one that's up there right now um what's the what's the reason that you stopped 8T from the normal where how' you come up with that number from the 8 feet from where the end of the fence terminates before it hits you know goes to the water I have rocks there so the fence would go up to the rocks for I'm I'm just asking I mean you know right now we're I just it needs to be 30 feet 30 feet to meet our code and yeah I just I have two dogs just taking the the fence to the to the rocks thank you have you spoken with and I don't want to get into the Integrity of it but with other neighbors Etc you know the opposition have you tried to find a with the adjacent neighbor no sir okay um I've been advised by the local authorities not to engage with okay any other questions thank you ma'am I get one more oh I'm sorry ma'am I'm sorry the yes what is the height restriction of the fence or is that unknown where's the height of the fence yeah she wants to put a fence 8 feet but what is the height that's allowed the four feet so she wants to she wants she's going to exceed the size of what's correct okay and the neighbors complaining that well where do 6 and 1/2 ft come in then there I think that's the neighbors the neighbor across the street the neighbor has a 6 and a half across the street neighbor no no see you got you got this lot here it's it's this neighbor that's complaining they've got they've got it's these folks just right below them here the picture she showed us then and that house she showed you was I guess that house there there what's it blocking so it's blocking the I guess they're thinking I guess they want to look that they think it's going to block the water Mr chair sir um just a follow judge's question um if the staff if if the hypothesize I'm just throwing this out here if the 8ft fence ended at 30t from the normal high water line and then a 4ft fence continued where the fence height changed at that point are is there is there any concerns that that would still be uh you know in we still need to require the 8ot variance regardless right because it's a wall not a fence that is going to be 8T in height no I'm putting a fence I'm sorry I'm reading the Sur you were doing the block wall it says 8 foot from fence to the normal high water line so I'm confused I'm not because the application stated I'm putting a gray PVC fence on that side but not but not like a chain Le my apologies it is a fence okay our staff report says fence so yeah no it is a fence my apologies it's 8 not having looked at the I'm getting it confused with the neighbors's block wall that they have not having looked at the but it's not like a train a chain Ling fence or anything translucent or no no I guess going going back to my again if if the the 8ot height still has to have a variance on the fence yes cuz we have a 6 and 1/2t standard Mac yes from the normal high water line there's a certain setback from the normal high water L line that's where the eight if if it has to be 4 foot or it has to be 30 ft beyond the normal high water line correct so I guess what I'm asking is and I'm I'm I'm not trying to put words in anybody's mouth but right if the 8ft fence ended at 30 foot from the na from the normal high water line and then a 4ft fence continued do are we does that eliminate she would still need a variance because she could do six and a half feet if it met the setback but when it exceeds the 6 and 1/2 ft if it met the setback then she would still need one for the 8 ft correct right just the one for sorry nesa bker Deputy County attorney for the record the um the requirement is the code requirement is that um any uh obstru any fence adjacent to a natural water body is limited to a maximum of 4T any fence or wall greater than 4T must be located a minimum distance of 30 fet away from the mean high water line so yeah one in your scenario essentially one of the variances wouldn't be necessary but one would because you're still exceeding what I trying to get to we could eliminate one of the variances for the set back to the normal high water line if the fence height was reduced that's right and you also have the option too of um you don't have to approve both variances they could stand on their own you could approve one and not the other I mean it's at the pleasure of the board but under your scenario yes that would eliminate one of the variance requests anything else no sir thank you what yes sir so what is the purpose of the 8 foot versus the 4 foot going to the 8ot mark of the water line um it's for privacy and security um the jent neighbor um committed um battery and assault against um a guest I had to my home last November and I need privacy and security from this these neighbors there's a police report to to substantiate what I'm saying Mr Evans anything else no that was that was where I was going question for county attorney's office just as long as you're here am I remembering correctly from first year law thinking about the uh the objection letter that there's no right to a view or anything like that well I mean as far as a riparian right to view the water or any kind of any kind of right to view that that would be you know there's there's no dimition of a property right by putting up the fence you know there's no right to of the adjacent property owner corre um you know I don't know know that it I think what it comes down to for your purposes is whether or not um the existence of this fence in some way or the height of this fence or what the request is in some way violates one of the criteria for a variance right because in your in your scenario if you're looking for a riparian right to view the water that's a civil action and not really something that from a riparian right standpoint would be considered here but as far as a criteria goes one of your criteria is the effect on the health safety and Welfare the jent properties um you know you you all know what your variance criteria is so whether or not it's going to have an effect on The View or on adjacent properties that's something that can be considered under your variance criteria I guess there two things one is we're thinking competent substantial evidence but also if we're talking civil causes of action no such there is no there is no existence in a civil cause of action for blocking someone's view that's not a valid cause of action is it well I I don't know that I would say that categorically okay um you know like if you had a condo or something built in front of you and it blocked all light and like that but that's not I mean that's not really what's happening in this case so there's no legal right to aew that I think so all right thank you m I appreciate it gentlemen any other questions yes sir it was sort of brushed over and uh what we do today happens within a few minutes what we the result will last for a long time and you mentioned that there was an assault or something on your property I don't quite understand what you're saying um the basic question is an assault means that the person who has thems challenged is now in fear from someone who has the ability to create that fear and do them harm now was this action by your neighbor yeah was this something against you when you say it was assault on your oh let me finish that question was it when you say it was an assault on the property can you give us a little more detail followed up by is there currently in place an order of protection or U what would you say call it protction um so the assault and battery took place again I was on my property the assault and battery took place against a guest that I had at my home he took a water hose sprayed her in the face and she fell into a fire pit that he took his hose and put my fire which is in a contained fire pit he he put that out and then he proceeded with the hose to H her full force in the face to the point where she lost her balance and fell into the fire pit because again their their home is higher so she was standing up and he hit her with the water is there something out of the blue or did they have a relationship go south this is they they had no relationship no but what was the purp what was the purpose I you would have to ask him I just want you would have to ask him I I just I think this is not something that falls into confident substantial this is this is in the weeds for sure this is not let's let's stick with not not to diminish anyone's suffering yeah but but I want the fence for privacy and security because that has been breached in my opinion got you let's on multiple occasions yes ma'am thank you I I think I think the time is passed we'll close the floor to that thank uh and I'll I'll any anyone here to speak in support the application anyone here to speak in opposition Mr chair yes sir come on down and I don't want to hear anything about people squirting water or disagreements amongst neighbors and yes sir uh the judge still had an open question as to whether or not there's an order of protection that's in effect at the there an order of protection I interested in that answer I I I don't think it's Germaine to the competent substantial evidence that we can consider for this correct and and so let's let's I I understand the Curiosity but I don't think it's it's Germain uh and certainly there's a there's a Time constriction also consideration also and I don't and I don't want to be contrary but I'd be interested in that answer just just to understand the relationship whether or not it's going to make any difference I don't know but I'd like to know the answer if I might suggest for the guys is the applicant whether that exists or not the applicant has she's expressed a a fear fear and and I I think towards that point whether it's Justified or not we can all take our own consideration for that sir please if you could please state your name and address for the record yes sir my name is Paul ASU I live at 100026 be Lake Road um I am the neighbor to the South and the neighbor that was just being discussed um if you guys want answers about the issue at hand I'm happy answer them no sir none of that um uh I am contesting this variance um for an 8ot fin within 30th fet of the lake as it will significantly affect the enjoyment of my property as well as the future owners of the property in addition it will negatively affect the value of my property when we purchase the home the panoramic lake views that we saw were one of the main selling features um and an 8ft tall fence will significantly reduce our view and thereby diminish the wild Factor we experienced when we first saw our home um I have photos that I believe youall received in your emails that I can show you of our current View and what the view would be like um if the OT fence was approved so that's with the eight fence what where does that perspective from my porch okay and that's my current view so that's that's the reason we bought the house can we see the first one again please and then the second did you just take how how did you create that to know that it's 8 ft scale I'm a general contractor so I scaled my I measured my shrubs scaled the shrubs added the Photoshop gotcha are those shrubs they're approximately four to 4 and A2 ft and the and the walls he's talking about would be along those shrubs the 8ft fence would run from approximately she just mentioned the rock so it' even be further down but it would my understanding is to be 8 foot from the mean high water level right here on a point right here okay so my understanding is the 8T would be from the mean high water level which so I actually brought this line back 8 ft from the waterers level where and um what Miss wheeler was referring to was actually extending that fence out further um past the hedg line you see so it actually obstruct my view even further where's your property line and her where's the definition my property line is on the opposite side just along the other Edge her side of this row of hedge material I'm trying to look see the difference in the two pictures so all the green between the walkway and the bushes is her property you see the porch rail coming down and you see all that green the lawn to the right is your grass or her grass this is my property okay and we're want to put the F she wants to build it up right there so you can see the comparison you don't see the palm tree anymore on that side would be the 8ft tall P so my view goes from seeing out A panamic View to I lose uh 60° of view out of 180° View and the area that would allow the 8 foot is farther in this direction from that picture the survey well it was mentioned if there's 4 feet and 8T 4 feet and 6 and 1/2 ft is what Cod I understand that they could allow without a variance four feet yes sir up to 30 ft of the normal high water level they can have four feet and that wouldn't block you no sir I I can't contest that that's C and where's her house in that picture her house is right here my house the porch I took the pictures from line up about with her Pavilion which is right about in this can't have you come to the micophone sorry thank you um so my house is appr approximately in this vicinity and that's that's my back porch that's where the pictures were taken from and then at my house obious you saw the pictures of extends our dining room kitchen area is right here so we've got panoramic views looking out these directions as well as multiple windows in these areas so our view would be drastically impacted with an 8ft tall fence that far down gotta thank you sir anything else yes sir um I I've gone through something like this before actually a colleague of mine and um in reference to Land Development code and restrictions on fence hedge wall Heights close to the water um they it's my understanding that they're put in place to protect views across property lines in addition to to protecting um the overall kind of beauty of the lake if everybody was allowed to install a tall fence to your water's edge imagine what that would look like around all of these bodies of waters and lakes you'd have dissecting property lines with 6ft fences running into the water you're it just kind of defeats the purpose of the beauty of the lake um allow approving an 8ft tall fence obviously would establish a precedence that that would be allowed um I don't think that's um something that code has actually code has been spoken against the other um reason that I think that this Varan request should be denied is request has not met the um simil Count's criteria for the approval of a variance so be happy to answer any questions thank you sir any questions thank you sir appreciate your time thank you is there anyone else in the audience to speak in opposition to this matter then we will close the floor gentlemen your pleasure I moved that when they discussed the allowance of 4T and 8 ft that we grant that variance for the two different sections did I say that right just for clarification if I may so are you are you moved to I'm I'm and tell me if I'm correct you're moving to approve the variance for the height to be 8 ft one second but in the section that's not within 30 ft of the mean high water line yes and then fourt for the other right that's by code this okay so you're saying eight you you're you're you're moving to approve the 8 ft fence except that within 30 ft of the high water line 4T right is there a second second let's have a discussion about that what are your thoughts on that judge par me what tell me tell me why for the reasons when they explained earlier that that's sort of the maximum that meets the code it does give her some uh I I I I don't want to get into the personalities and whatever and so forth but but I'm not certain that 8 feet or four feet is going to make any great deal of difference it may be something that she has to work through in terms of her fear uh but that's the maximum allowed and and I and I think that's sufficient so that one she gets her fence two he gets his view anybody else's thoughts I Mr I have a quick question for for staff and I don't know if you know yet may I bring it back to that please please so I'm I'm looking at the Aerials for like fence lines that go all the way down to the water that are being requested do we do we know how many of the neighboring properties have this sort of variance our code just changed April 1st and this portion of the code was not in the code for fences so they could prior to interpretation of our last planning manager they could go all the way to the water they didn't have a setback they they did for height but they didn't have a setback to the normal high water line so as of April 1 this is is actually was put in place into our V so then to that point we had the the height requirement though yes right so do we have any variances that go 6 to 8T in the area yeah I don't see any on the maps I I think to my concern it it's not maintaining the Integrity if we Grant an 8 foot to the water line that's that's really my concern with this um simply because like nobody else has that from what I can tell on the aerial and I'm happy to be wrong um but I yeah that's that's kind of where I'm at yeah my thinking on it is is kind of three notes I wrote down real quick is I don't believe in Slippery slopes and so I don't give a lot of consideration to those kinds of thoughts um as you guys know nothing we do here is a precedential value so I don't really worry about that but philosophically I'm a big believer in investment back expectations to property rights in the sense that um we we have a neighbor and I I I understand there's there's some bad blood here uh but when someone has bought property pursuant to the rules and someone wants a change to the rules if the next door neighbor says no I'd kind of like us to keep following the rules I have a lot of respect for that and and uh uh and and and I'm not sure if I'm hearing enough competent substantial evidence to overcome that that's me everybody has their own their own concerns I mean when I took when I took class and I first joined this board years and years and years ago it was it was something as well Mr chair that I kind of agree to that point but it's taking away as Bernard always did a great job previous chair to you of course was not getting sidetracked by the other stuff that's happening of neighbor vers neighbor it's not about that that's not our job our job is here's what it is facts and that's it all the other stuff is a shame but it's not our job yeah you're I agree entirely any other comments All right so the the the motion before us is the judge judges uh suggesting 8 ft within 30 ft of the high water line no 8 ft approving 8 ft except for within 30 ft of the high water line than four feet um all those in favor say I I I opposed nay nay that is 42 it passes are there any does that I'm I I apologize to the board and to staff and to the applicant we've got a few things jumping here does that address the totality or is there anything else we need to address that's that's the totality okay that's what I thought all right thank you ma'am um that that is decision of the board if you wish to appeal it to the County Commission uh because it's it's it's it's different from what you applied for you do have that right and after the meeting staff can help you with that thank you number four item number four is a request for a rear yard setback from 30 ft to 20 and A2 F feet for a screen room addition in the R1 single family dwelling district and the Forest Brook subdivision located at 553 Green Meadow Court the screen room addition will be 560 Square ft and will encroach 9 and A2 ft into the required rear yard setback there have not been any prior variances for the subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you ma'am any questions for staff seeing none as the applicant here just me okay if you'd please just for the record give us your uh name and address Melanie Woodson 553 Green Meadow Court matland 3751 what do you have to share with us um well I have a pie shaped yard so at one point where my patio is it's been an existing patio concrete before and then we put brick pavers instead and we want to get a screen room so at one point the patio is 26 ft uh you know from the property line and then because of the pie shape one part of it like 20.5 ft from the property line on the one side of the patio so it I don't think it really affects anyone because our yards are pretty you know separate and they all have them and I don't see theirs and none of them cared that we were getting one I do have a letter from one person that said they didn't care if you could pass that at the CK please because we don't have that in in our records and I also have a lot of pictures where you can see if you want to look at them from you know I have like six neighbors that would that go around because of the pie-shaped we look at any if if the board has questions they can ask but if there's something you want to share we're happy to look at whatever you want to share with us it's it's it's your time okay um well here's the patio looking for my back neighbors I'll just show you a few pictures then we can look at these want to see them so that's the patio and I had a contractor out to do all the work I mean he didn't do any cuz it got my permit got denied because I didn't know there was a setback and apparently he didn't either that happens a lot so that's like from um that's my very back neighbor right across from where the Patty would be so you see he has a perlar up against the fence and I mean you can't really see any of their I only see the tips of their roofs that's looking back to my neighbor if you're looking at my house from the front that neighbor's on the left that's their backyard where that fence is way back there and that's uh one of the Neighbors in the back on the right side of where the patio would be it's a lovely yard thank you well FL him he maintains it come do mine you should see it now with the trees blooming a I can imagine and that's my next door neighbor on the right um um they don't even have that's a air vent I mean they don't even have Windows on that side or anything so I mean and that's where the patio is okay it'll just be attached to the bottom you know of the overhang and come out gotcha okay is that everything yeah all right thank you gentlemen any questions for the applicant are you going to build on the existing slab yes mhm cuz it looks to me when you said it gets narrow to the back it looks like it's narrow in the front and wider in the back well it's just where the end of the one part of the patio is it's it's 20 I mean I need a 10t approximately setback but up on on the right side of the patio it's I don't need like a uh like you're not talking about exing the current pad that already exists yeah the the backyard is the wide part yeah that wasn't the question no you're not you're you're talking about you're not planning to exceed putting the oh the pat no beyond the okay no and looking for example at that at that graphic that's on the screen right there where do Mr and Mrs Woodson live um that is our property our house oh no I'm sorry the Daltons I guess then the do oh they live um where the red arrow is I mean the red the real dark red piece there they live their their house is over on that side the kind of your back yard neighbor yeah perfect gotcha thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions any other question they be most affected yeah but I don't I don't see their porch I doubt they'd see mine okay thank you ma'am okay anyone else in the audience to speak in support anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none I'll close the floor gentlemen your pleasure I have one question just for staff real quick please um the since the rear setback is 30 ft and the existing house is 26.7 roughly um is there any variance that needs for the primary structure as well that point no thank you welcome is there a motion move to approve motion to approve in a second second any discussion all those in favor I opposed all right enjoy sorry my ey was late apologize it's just well heard number five okay item number five is a request for a front yard setback variance from 50 feet to 30 ft for a single family dwelling in the A1 agriculture District the lot is a legal lot of record and was created prior to seminal County subdivision regulations being adopted in the early 1960s when this the subject lot was created the minimum lot size was 10,000 square ft the proposed single family residents will be approximately 1,700 Square ft and will encroach 20 ft into the required front yard setback there have not been any prior variances for this subject property and this concludes my presentation thank you m' have any questions for staff seeing none miss fiser good evening for the record Kim Fisher 1614 white Dub Drive Winter Springs 32708 hello thank you um yes we're looking for a variance on this one it's actually future land use is a Suburban Estates which is a 1 acre lot and these obviously aren't 1 acre and we have to do well and septic so well already existing and we got to get the septic in the rear so we need to push the house to the front so that's why we're looking for this variance any questions that was easy way too easy please ask me something have you chatted with your neighbors I have but not about this variant gotcha thank you ma'am anyone in the audience to speak in support seeing none anyone in opposition gentlemen move to approve motion to approve we have a second second judge seconded all those in favor I I opposed there you go number six item number six is a request for a rear yard setback variance from 20 feet to 8 feet for a screen room Edition in the PD plan development District in the Chelsea play subdivision located at 824 fch Court the the proposed screen room will be 480 Square ft and will encroach 12 ft into the required rear yard setback the Chelsea Place homeowners association approved the proposed screen room letters of support were received from the property owners located at 8818 Finch court and 830 Finch Court one letter of opposition was received from the neighbors located at 827 Norman Court and there have not been any prior variances for the subject property any questions for staff I see none is the applicant here you give us your name and address for the record sir sure good evening gentlemen Brian Dorian 2938 stone wall Place Sanford Florida 32773 what can you tell us sir um it's a really weird shaped lot that forced the house to the back of the property if you look it sits really far back compared to the ones on either side it's a 20ft setback and they have 20 and 1/2 ft to the property line and they just want to build a simple screen room like the neighbors and uh the I don't know anything about the letter of opposition that's the first I'd heard but the labors on either side have approved it it has a 6ot privacy fence in the back uh the structure will only be 8 ft tall and of course it'll be some distance from the fence so it's not going to impact any neighbor there are many uh screen rooms of this type in the community and they're just asking for the same thing that others have been allowed to build and it's a it's a pretty standard size it only goes out 12T which is about the average uh very rarely are they ever built more than 12T and rarely less than 12T because it's impossible to put a table and chairs in there so the size minimum that's requested is an average size uh it is a a fairly large lot but the house sits so far back on the property because it's on a culde-sac and it's kind of a weird angled lot and the homeowner just asking for the same thing that others have been allowed in this community that's all got you thank you sir any questions for the applicant applicant's representative seeing none thank you sir anyone in the audience to speak in support anyone in the audience to speak in opposition seeing none is there a motion chair motion to approve second motion to approve in a second any discussion uh all right seeing none all those in favor I opposed all right enjoy what's next good evening for the record Hillary pting Planning and Development item number seven is three variance request for 313 Gary Boulevard located in the Longwood Park Subdivision the request is for a West Side yard setback variance from 7 and 1/2 ft to 2 feet a West sidey yard setback variance from 7 and 1/2 ft to two and a half feet and a rear yard setback variance from 30 feet to 1.2 feet for two sheds in the R1 zoning District the requests are to bring into compliance the construction of two accessory structures the first structure is an 8.2 ft x 10t shed that encroaches 5.5 ft into the sidey yard setback the second structure is approximately 28.4 ft by 21.9 ft um which is a shed garage that encroaches 5 ft into the sidey yard setback at the closest point and 28 .8 ft into the rear yard setback in 2004 building permit number 04- 4914 was issued for a 10t x 12T shed meeting the setbacks in this approximate area that shed does not appear to exist at this time the property ABS a nominal 12T strip of land privately owned in the rear and the property to the West is owned by a conservation Enterprise trust LLC as it is the edge of a large Wetland area a code enforcement violation number 23331 was issued for these structures resulting in the necessity of this variance this concludes my presentation I'm Avail for any questions thank you ma'am any questions we have our applicant here could you tell us your name and address for the record sir yeah Jeffrey faen 313 Gary Boulevard what can what do you want to share with us sir uh these things have been here for like 10 years I only brought the property two years ago I was unaware that this was going to be an issue so I just want to get it corrected am I hearing you correctly that you bought the property with these sheds on it ohuh interesting any other questions I I might have interrupted you there anything else you want to share no that's really it I mean they're not in view of anybody you can't see them from the street it's not bothering anybody at all I just want to get it done and permitted the right way and you bought a problem then what fun yeah so how did the code violation come in because they came in because I was doing a fence ah there is so when I applied for the permit for the fence then they came and gave me surprise so for me doing it the right way are you doing it the right way goodness goodness well thank you sir we appreciate that I'm trying man it's admirable man all right thank you sir all right uh anyone here to speak in support seeing none anyone here to speak in opposition all right that's nobody is there a motion Mr chair sir move to approve motion approve this a second we have a second all those in favor opposed all right enjoy sir all right thank you number eight item number eight is a variance request for 301 Fourth Street located in the Wickham second edition to Geneva subdivision the request is for an East sidey yard setback reduction from 10 ft to 3 and 1/2 ft for a swimming pool in the R1 zoning District the request is to construct a 15t by 26t swimming pool 6 and 1/2 F feet into the East Side yard setback the property is a corner lot and a but a 12 1/2t alley on the affected side the site plan drawn by the applicant includes a future 24t X 30ft medical detached garage the structure is not part of the request and require variances in the future if the applicant plan to proceed with it this concludes my presentation I'm Avail for any questions any questions for staff seeing none is the applicant here as you've heard all night sir please give us your name and address for the record uh Clayton Campo 3014 Street Geneva Florida all right sir what do you have to share um so we just purchased this property a couple months ago um with intentions of putting a pool on a privacy fence um I've since put the privacy fence it's been permanent and everything and I I didn't know that the out the property line when we bought the house was as close as it was I thought it was the neighboring fence there's a vacant alley I believe it's 16 ft wide so that puts me 3 and A2 ft off the property line from the edge of the pool gotta anything else no sir gentlemen any questions questions for the applicant when I first saw it I thought it was a little close then I realized he had the extra space behind him that he just that he can't use kind of remove some of the concern yeah all right thank you sir anyway anyone here to speak in support anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none we'll close the floor is there a motion I move to approve motion approve is there a second second judge seconds all those in favor I opposed all right enjoy your pool number nine please item number nine is a variance request for 1830 Barton Street located in the S Lando spring subdivision the request is for an East Side yard setback reduction from 10 ft to 5 ft for for a covered patio Edition and screen enclosure in the r1aa zoning District the request is to construct a 72t covered patio Edition encroaching 5 ft into the sidey yard setback and a 136t pool screen enclosure attached to it encroaching one foot into the sidey yard setback this concludes my presentation I'm Avail for any questions thank you ma'am gentlemen any questions for staff all right is our applicant here you can come on you you you've got a you only come down if there's something you want to add okay do you want me to bring you the mic be easier to come down and go back going for the injury sympathy Court I'm going have to stop that alligator wrestling I'm sorry um no matter how about you drink it never gets easier yes sir if you have your name and address for the record please okay DC Johnson 1400 South Ronald Reagan Boulevard Longwood 32750 um we designed this enclosure me um to to follow with the existing line of the roof line of the house uh all of the all of the walls are screen um that's just one section of an insulated Elite roof what we call an elite roof with this sandwiched aluminum with 3in insulation just so they could have some extra shaded area back there there since following the roof line put us 5 ft into that that setback the next door neighbor as you can see they've got a a pretty tall fence and the next door neighbor does have a letter of uh of approval for that which would be the only affected neighbor I don't mean to contradict you sir that's not in our file do you have a copy of that with you of what of of that letter of support um I'm sure I do I'm uploading with it that just it didn't make our packet or if you just want to tell us which which of the neighbors I don't see it in my paperwork here it it is the the day that that we signed this paperwork the next door neighbor signed signed that that letter of approval gotcha and I could have sworn that I that I emailed it but apparent apparently they didn't receive it I do have it in my emails if if there's any way I can forward it to someone which neighbor is it this one right here the directly affected neighbor yes that's the only affective neighbor anything else sir that's it all right any questions sir gentleman all right thank you sir anyone here to speak in support I'm sorry yes is what you're trying to do just extend the overhang I'm sorry is what you're trying to do just extend the overhang we well we've got a pool enclosure coming off the back of the house and on the side of the pool enclosure I actually have a layout if you'd want me to put it up here to well just I'm just there's just one little section of insulated roof that is roughly like six foot want to extend that yes that that's what's going into the five foot side back okay that's that's fine because the last thing you want is the sun and the shef's eyes I'm sorry the last thing you want is the Son and the chef's eyes right okay thank you sir okay thank you I thought that's any anyone here in support you you're just going to be for everybody young ma'am down there you want just come up and speak in opposition just just for the heck of it come on up all right thank you I'll close the floor uh is there a motion so move to approve motion to approve is there a second second all those in favor I opposed all right thank you number don't invite for me no hamburger I want a steak when I come sir good well soon number 10 ma'am item number 10 10 is a variance request for 2453 cyes Avenue located in the Packard first edition in Midway subdivision the request is for a South sidey yard setback reduction from 7 1/2 ft to 9 in for a shed in the R1 zoning District the request is to bring into compliance the construction of a 6t x 12T aluminum shed utilized for household storage constructed 6 ft and 9 in into the required sidey yard setback a code enforcement violation number 2443 was issued for the structure resulting in the necessity of this variant this concludes my presentation and buil for any questions any questions for staff Mr chair sir well was a question but what prompted the uh uh uh violation I don't know I don't the code enforcement violation was issued I'm not sure what prompted it everyone on my street was violated yeah last month we saw the neighbor directly on the north for their shed so that could have been it Busy Bodies I was going to say sounds like there's somebody going around that neighborhood yeah all right man please share with us your name and address for the record uh my name is Shelby cbec and I am the owner of 2453 cypes Avenue in Stanford Florida all right what do you have to share with us um so I'm a first-time home buyer and this was a gift from my grandparents and so um I did not do my due diligence to figure out what was required prior to getting the shed two years ago um so now I'm just applying to get it into compliance so that I can keep my storage shed cuz I don't have a garage gotcha gentlemen any questions is the shed already there yes sir so that's the back of the shed yes we got to go the other way yes I only have access from the front side of the shed because of the lot being so small okay any other questions right thank you ma'am uh anybody here to speak in support any speak got anything to say yes anyone here to speak in opposition seeing none we'll close the floor what's your pleasure gentlemen move to approve motion to approve is there a second second any discussion seeing none all those in favor opposed enjoy your shed ma'am last one uh considering we're all alone in this room now that's true do you want me to proceed with 11 well I can nobody nobody's wanting to show up remotely or anything like that we don't offer that chair will entertain a motion to continue this one I move to continue there a second you want me to talk for no reason and then you can decide later just the mous tones of your voice absolutely yes ma'am n borer Deputy County attorney for the record can you amend your motion to a date certain continue to a date the next the next meeting the next meeting which is Kathy do you have the date for that no we moved it July 10th no no the 24th that sounds right July 22nd July 22nd thank you you're welcome statutory requirement not mine all I would never argue with you trying to think anyway uh is there a second second all right all those in favor opposed all right it is continued last thing real quick gentlemen entertain a motion on the minutes uh Mr chair motion to accept minutes as submitted is there a second second all those in favor by acclamation it is passed we are adjourned go cats [Music] oh