[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] la [Music] n oh [Music] for [Music] [Music] good afternoon we're going to go ahead and get started uh first of all welcome to the February 22nd 2024 meeting uh regular code enforcement meeting at SEMO County uh we're going to start by uh asking for a roll call by Madame clerk could you please call the roll let's see who's present uh Dudley Bates here Craig Davis here uh Kevin Andrew Ross here Katherine Townsen here Dennis Warren here Don Peterson the new any oh I'm sorry Mike sinon Mike San here thank you thank you and uh next we will do the uh Pledge of Allegiance if you could please stand with me I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you I'd like to uh briefly start by introducing a new board member Mike sinon uh Mike welcome thank you thank you sir uh anything you'd like to say or no no I'm just looking forward to serving with you all thank you very much well thank you it's a pleasure to to have you with us and we also have a new clerk uh who's taken Liz Parkers Place uh Miss Brig non did I pronounce that right yes welcome as well and you got uh got a lot on your plate uh thank you for being here and uh now we we're going to swear in the witnesses if you could please stand if you're here today to testify uh on any case either as a witness or as a respondent please stand uh and be to be sworn in by the clerk you'll need to do that before you uh give us any testimony raise your right hand for the clerk please do you swear or affirm the testimony about to give is the truth thank you thank you now I'd like to uh suggest a few brief changes to the agenda where we can take those cases where the parties are present uh and then come back and uh complete the agenda in its order after we do that that would give us the first case being 2407 CB thean n Nan 120 Plymouth Avenue out to mon Springs 32701 that be followed by case number 23-28 CB Scott E Bennett 1493 deaney Court Geneva Florida 32732 and followed by case number 23-37 ceb Tiffany walgast Paula wolgast sh 200 Lake View Lake View Drive Sanford Florida 32 773 did you say 247 I did I believe I don't have that one page three of nine 689 247 I'm sorry page three of nine let me hold on page I should have gave page number my apologies some's phone is near the mic yes I'm sorry I apologize I do have it your phone is near the mic Mike so if I uh could ask if anyone would make a motion to take those cases those three first followed by the rest in order so moved motion by Mr sinon second second by Mr baates all in favor say I I I oppos motion carries prior to starting I need to read briefly uh just some information again good afternoon to the February 22nd 2024 hearing of the semal County Code Enforcement board before we begin I'd like to inv advise everyone about the procedures that govern appearances before the code enforcement board this meeting is open to the public under Florida's government and Sunshine Law therefore every effort will be made to hear all persons having relevant evidence or arguments to offer it is required that every person who appears before the code enforcement Board needs to be registered with the clerk the cases where the respondents are present and signed in will be heard first you will be sworn in and affirmed by the clerk once saw cases where the respondant are present have been heard the code enforcement board will he the hear the remaining cases as they appear on the agenda when your Cas is called please be seated at the table reserved for the respondents the county will present their case and then the respondents will be allowed to present their case additionally please limit your comments to only information relating to your case each party May question Witnesses offered on behalf of the other party additionally staff members May question those appearing before the code enforcement board the board will then make their decision based on the evidence and testimony as presented by both parties all proceedings before the code enforcement board are electronically recorded please speak directly into the microphone at the center of the table and state your name clearly before presenting your case should you need the should you need assistance due to a hearing impairment or language barrier please inform the clerk upon registration all cell phones and other devices are to be turned off or silenced while inside the chambers thank you for your cooperation and if we have no questions on that we'll go ahead and proceed to the first case based on our revised agenda which will be case number 2 it's on page three of 9 case number 247 CB nahan Nan 120 Plymouth Avenue out to mon Springs Florida 32701 uh if you're here for that case you're the respondent if you can please have a seat at the table to your left [Applause] and sir I'm going to ask you both to identify yourself if sir I'll need you to identify Yourself by name please okay is he going to be offering testimony thank you sir I'm going to be like translation very good in his relationship to this case yeah me who's okay the are you the property owner no he is a property owner he's a property okay and you are I'm just a friend a friend very good and your name sir my name is din far Dr de F Mr fam what language are you speaking uh Vietnamese and uh some English okay so do you need them to slow down and stop in between or are you going to do same time translation whatever all right let's take it slow and see if he can keep up okay okay and this uh case is going to be presented by code enforcement officer Cameron Adair uh sir whenever you're ready you can begin so I'm officer Dar s County Code Enforcement uh for the South Region for the record I'm submitting this copy PowerPoint to clar do you me favor can you get a little closer to the microphone thank you testing yes thank you all right this is case 24- 07- cev nahan Nayan the violation is located at 120 Plymouth AB SE County Florida as determined through the property of Appraiser's office oh the violation charge is semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 953 B uncultivated vegetation all right just cuz I'm watching can you make sure he knows what the violation is please can you tell him in Vietnamese okay okay thank you so I first observed the violation on 6113 2023 I sent notice of violations on 621 2023 and 713 2023 with compliance states of 77 2023 and 727 2023 follow-up inspections we on 6223 712 2023 7 31 2023 8817 2023 26 2024 and 221 2024 results of the follow-up inspections were that the uncultivated vegetation violation remains on the property all right sir can you please translate that for him yeah I'm I'm for I didn't see let let him know that he'll have an opportunity to speak I didn't see it okay just just let him know that he'll have an opportunity to speak just let the county finish their case Okay translation okay this was the initial or this is a photo from the initial inspection I did on 7:31 2023 excuse me initial photo from 620 23 23 my B this photo is taken on 712 2023 and it shows the tall grass and vegetation along the fence line and in the backyard MH you need to tell them that can yeah okay okay this picture was taken on 731 2023 it shows the same thing the vegetation in the backyard and along defense line oh this is the day of posting these images show um the posting notice itself and the backyard still remains unchanged on 26 2024 okay then these two photos right here I did an follow-up inspection yesterday 221 2024 and I met with Dean or Dean fam and he hired a contractor to start correcting the violation so I don't know if it's finished yet but as of yesterday they were working towards um correction tell them that you got to keep the suggested recommendation is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2407 CB it is determined that the respondent nahan Nayan is the owner of the record of property located at 120 Plymouth ad located in sem County as determined by the property appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of semil county code chapter 95 section 954 as defining 95.3 B okay it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation on or before midnight of March 8th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove all the uncultivated vegetation in excess of 8 in in height from the subject property if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondant must contact code enforcement officer dare at 4076651010 14 to arrange an inspection of the property to verify compliance okay okay thank you this concludes my presentation thank you thank you sir I I can't recall if you were sworn in or not can I have you both raise your right hand and you'll have to you'll have to interpret FR let's do it one at a time Mr translator I'm sorry I forgot your name this didn't f yes sir could you please raise your right hand and she's going to swear you in do you swear or affirm the testimony about the give is the truth uh yes and then uh the respondent if you can tell him what she's about to say and then respond back to us do you swear affirm testimony you're about to give is the truth uhhuh we say yes thank you so much okay uh do and you're through with your presentation sir yes sir do we have any questions for officer Adair [Music] anyone any questions seeing none any questions for yes ma'am so you said the contractor started yesterday did they give you a estimated time they would have it completed they did not no okay and your best guess about how long do you think it would take I'm hoping it would be within the week if that one is this a residence that's occupied correct Mr Nan lives in it but I have never made contact until today very good give him an opportunity to speak sir go ahead for is there anything he'd like to offer any just does he understand that the rec recommendation is to have this fixed by March 3rd or the fines of $50 a day will kick in March 8 I'm sorry uh yeah okay you need to tell them what he just said please oh oh he said uh it's be done by March 8 that's be okay great uhhuh wonderful thank you yeah okay what's he say accident he the problem was back like few months back he had a AIG accident with his car and the total his car so he was kind of in and out of the um I I I explained that to the officer yesterday uh we saw and appreciate for you helping me pull that tree out anyway uh what happened is he um I was out the country I just got back here last week that's so I've been gone for 3 months and during that time before that he have an accident but then uh then we try to get uh get him lined up using my own um loan loan care services but the guy never keep saying he will come by and he never come by to do it and then finally last week I told him hey you need to come by and fix this place up and he came he drove by and then he said um well I don't know you pay me enough money to do it I said why not he said the guy Liv in the hood I don't want I want my my equipment have go legs when I go there you know so anyway so I seem to me like it's kind of very hard to get any kind of service over there but luckily that I have my um kind of handyman which is uh my neighbor so he came by and help me out so I think uh we should get everything done within a week or two this there should be problem thank you for that information any other questions for anyone or a motion I moveed to accept the recommendation of Officer a thereare second uh motion to find that there is a violation ex except St recommendation uh that it be corrected by March 8th or $50 per day fines will kick in uh motion by Mr B second by Miss Townson all in favor say I I oppos uh motion carries please explain to him that we've we've agreed with staff's recommendation so he has till March 8th and then the fines will kick in at $50 a day he needs to important piece when it's fixed he or you somebody needs to communicate that to allare yeah if you can explain that okay okay and just remind him it needs to stay that way it needs to stay the the grass needs to stay cut after that pardon oh yes stay after March 8th it can't exceed 8 in keep it maintained all right thank you um thank you for coming in thank you for all your help uh today and before and uh appreciate it thank you thank you you're through thanks sir it's going to bring us to the next case which on is on the next page page four uh case number 23 28 CB Scott E Bennett 1493 deaney Court Geneva Florida 32732 and S if you didn't have a see at the table States your name and whether or not you've been sworn in my name is Scott Bennett thank you and your swor sir I believe I stood at the beginning when you you stood up and very good thank you uh aler Hill whenever you are ready officer Hill S County Sheriff's Office code enforcement this is a lean hearing for case 2328 CB Scott E Bennett located at 1493 Dean Court in Geneva the violation charge with Su County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 6 section 30102 occupying a camper is not a permitted use or use Allowed by special exception in an A5 Zone this case was originally heard by the code enforcement board on July 27th 2023 and an order was issued given the respond in a compliance date of October 31st 2023 an affidavit in non-compliance was filed by myself after reinspection on November 2nd 2023 based on the findings of facts conclusions of Law and Order the code enforcement board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $1,400 for 114 days of non-compliance from November 1st 2023 through and including February 22nd 2024 at $100 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $100 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after February 22nd 2024 this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for user Hill can can you uh describe for me when did You observe the person in the camper no oh I'm sorry just because it's you're new so today this is just a lean request this is not an opportunity to rehear the case what's happened is the case has been heard an order was issued and the order or the property is still out of compliance so at this point the fine has accured because the time period to come into compliance has run and so we're not addressing the issues of Thea underlying case it's simply to allow the county to proceed by filing a lean on the property because the property is out of compliance do we not have to address the manner in which it was F I mean he was given until a date to put it in compliance correct after that do we not have to verify that it is in fact out of compliance you have an Affidavit of compliance already in the file which is what she testified to so the property in the County's opinion is still out of compliance you have an opportunity to talk to the respondent to see what the respondent's position is but there is an Affidavit of non compliance which means the property is not in compliance at this time I do not have that Affidavit of non-compliance here it's in the file which is why it was set for hearing and you can ask I mean at this point you your position is to talk to the um respondant to find out why they're not in compliance thank you uh any questions forer Hill seeing Mr Bennett similar to what the council just said uh we're not going to rehear the case again and we're here for the lean hearing anything you might have to offer or request as it relates to only that I am in compliance I I don't there's nobody occupying that camper what brings him into compliance I was out there yesterday and this is the photo from my reinspection yesterday I believe it was it's kind of hard to see beyond the grass but I believe it's his girlfriend that was right outside the camper um to me that is still occupied I have not heard from the property owner since he was here for his last hearing for another case um I informed him at that time whenever you come into compliance he has all my contact information please text me call call me email me contact me let me know when you're in compliance I have not heard from him for any of his violations thank you anything else sir thank you uh I have a question for the attorney is that is the camper allowed to even be on the property we're not here to discuss the facts of this case the only thing before you today is whether the county can impose the lean on the property the underlying issue has already been determined um and so you don't have to vote on this because you weren't necessarily here for this hearing so you can abstain from this case and the the property owner the lean would be placed on is not here today correct no he is the property owner you are the property owner sir yes sir thank you yep so the only decision before the board to say is basically to decide whether to proceed with the lean or not you've gotten testimony that he believes he may be in compliance the officer is telling you based on her OB obervations he's still out of compliance the respondent was ordered to contact the officer as soon as he believed that he was in compliance so you can either issue the lean you can request that the respondent reach out to the inspector and make an appointment to do a walkthrough inspection so everyone's on the same page um continue it for 30 days or till the next hearing and then the officer can report back to her observations or at that point if she files an Affidavit of compliance the lane I mean the fine is already accured all right so there's a fine that's running and will continue to run until the officer inspects it and confirms that it is in compliance but the only thing before you today is whether you want to allow the county to go forward and filing a lean doesn't mean that they still can't meet and that she can close out the case and then she can explain to the respondent what to do now that there's a lean on the property well I'm going to move to accept the I'm I'm I'm I remember this very well well I move to that we accept offer the officer's recommendation and move forward as she's recommended With The Lean second motion by Mr O second by Mr B sep recommendation to impose a lean as requested all in favor say I I I oppose like to abstain from that vote please on the record okay next case is on page five just explain to him what happened oh the was imposed as requested he can reach out to the inspector and requ yes and I would suggest if you feel you're in compliance reach out cuz it's still a crewing at this time uh but the lean was uh imposed uh next case page five case number 23-37 CB Tiffany walgast Paula walgast Shay 200 Lake View Drive Sanford Florida 32773 uh another lean request and this one is oser Henson's case uh Miss Henson whenever year you're welcome to start you want to get everyone sworn in they've already been sworn in okay you can go y code enforcement officer Henson simal County sheriff's office North Region um for the record I'm going to submit a copy of this presentation to the clerk for an for exhibit one case 2337 ceb Tiffany walgast and Paula walgast 200 Lake bu Drive Sanford Florida 32773 is is in violation of uh simal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in in section 95.3 a for rubbish this case was originally uh heard by the code board enforcement board on August 24th 2023 an order was issued giving the respondents a a compliance date of September 8th 2023 an Affidavit of non-compliance was filed by the code enforcement officer after reinspection on September 11th 2023 the recommendation based on the findings effect inclusion of Law and Order the code enforcement board issued an order constituting a lean in the amount of 6,700 for the 670 167 days of non-compliance from September 9th 2023 through and including September SE February 22nd 2024 at $100 a day and the fine shall continue to acre at $100 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after February 22 2024 thank you and you said 6,700 you mean 16 167 I mean 16,700 sorry thank you for that same situation Mr s and she weren't here for the underlying Cas she can obain okay I will do that thank you any questions uh for rer Hansen seeing none uh can I get your name ma'am Tiffany wgas and you're co-owner of the property it looks like my co-owner passed away on December 8th so I'm the sole owner of the property thank you uh okay and uh again this case was already heard uh we're here to determine whether or not we're going to impose a lean so you're you're welcome to discuss anything it was heard but I had submitted a motion to continue the hearing because I had just started a job and I could not take the time off um however one of the board members said that it was because I was unprepared and um um moved to have the motion denied so while it was actually heard it really wasn't because I couldn't present any of my defenses and I was in a position where I started the job on Monday so so when you got noticed of the original hearing that there was uh that there was a violation on that date you requested a I submitted to the yeah to the to the board and it was printed off um and given to everybody that I needed a continuance because I was number one just started a new job and couldn't take the time off and number two that I had done a public records request and that I hadn't received the response yet but that wasn't the main reason it was the reason I couldn't take the time off I just started with a new law firm so if you weren't here you just said it was printed off and distributed to everybody how how would you know that because I watched the F feed all right RAR unfortunately the case was already decided so the only but I never got the order to be able to appeal the order either all right can I see the file otherwise I would have vely for is disgusting going why you do that I have a question is the property still in non compliance as of today correct okay you remember this case Mr R yes I do well she's looking I will say that I do recall a lot to do with this case and I will say that it was discussed it was vetted and there was a decision by the board made to move forward I think Mr Ross even made the motion as I recall he so um there's no indication that any mail has been returned and all mail has been going to the address listed on the property appraiser site um so she's saying she didn't receive a copy of the order but there's no no indication that the order wasn't sent to where it should have been sent or that is proof do you have any proof of delivery I mean do you have if you do the notice of hearing you send it with return receipt requested right it does not have to be sent certified mail to chapter 162 it does not have to be sent certified mail so there's been no um indication that there's been any violation of due process from a notice perspective so the only thing before you today is whether or not to impose the lean which doesn't mean that the respondent can't continue to move forward towards compliance and as soon as the property's in compliance reach out to the inspector have it closed and then the inspector can explain to the respondent how to handle the problem is is that the defenses I was going to raise is that in her own notes that I have from the public records request she would say I was in compliance I would do what she asked me to do and then it would turn around and be a new violation this isn't one single violation that is ongoing the use of rubbish is generic enough to where you can apply it to anything unfortunately you're not here to here the underlying case it's simply to determine whether or not you wish to move forward on imposing the lean so that being said if there's no other information you like to provide related to the lean issue I don't know the house is in foreclosure too so I don't know how efficient your lean will be okay thank you I will move to accept staff's recommendation a second motion by Mr all by Mr Bas to accept staff's recommendation imposing a lean in the amount of $16,700 for 167 days of non compliance all in favor say I I I opposed Mr signning you abstain correct thank you okay thank you for coming in that brings us back to the beginning of the agenda which should be on pce page number one uh this respondent has two case well no the first one is uh case number 23-44 CB Horus Mack air uh Crystal Bailey 128 Leon Street Altimont Springs Florida 32701 officer Bavaro right Officer Bavaro s County Sheriff's Office code enforcement the record I'll be submitting a copy of the PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this is case number 2444 horse Mac and Bailey Crystal property is located on leyon Street in alamont Springs Florida violation chared sum County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 11 section 30.1 82 which is use unpitted use of a vacant lot in R1 zoning classification um initial inspection was on 42623 two notices went out couple compliance States last one being on 7323 my most recent inspection was today and it revealed that the unpermitted use still remained on property images you're about to see accurately depict the violation on the dates in which they were taken this one on 517 2023 depicting a vehicle in a boat stored on a vacant lot another one on 6823 shown the same vehicle and boat being stored on the lot and then uh we posted a a notice uh in the in the uh front of the property because we couldn't get in contact with the property owner to try an extra effort to try and contact them instead of just mailing it on that was on 10223 and then the notice of posting for the hearing today's for today's date on 26 2024 So based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2444 CB is tered that the respondents are the owner of record for the property located on leyon Street in possession and control the property and in violation of s County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 11 uh part 11 section 30182 request the board issue an order for compliance by March 8 2024 in order to comply they must remove all personal property from their vacant lot they fail to do so a fine of $100 a day be imposed that concludes by presentation thank you any questions ster Bavaro so no one's everever you've never had any contact with the homeowners at all I did reach out to a relative through our our database at the sheriff's office and they had put me or they had taken my information to give it to the person who maintained the lot as far as cutting the grass never heard anything back from there uh I did an inspection on October 20th and I a gentleman had approached me and said that he knew the person that was maintaining the grass and he would again take my information and pass it along I never heard anything um from my understanding uh Bailey may be out of state and uh Max is deceased do you recall I'm just curious Max sounds familiar I believe there's a son and a father I believe the father is deceased the son is still around but we we had cases before one or the other okay uh any other questions Al Boro uh seeing none the recommendation is uh finders of violation have it corrected by March 8th or $100 per day fine that's what's on the table moved second uh motion by Mr s s I'll get it uh and second by Miss Townson to accept stat recommendation find that there is a violation give the respondent until March 8th the corrected or $100 per day fine all in favor say I I I oppos motion carries unanimously just for the record it's 23-44 not 24-44 24 the clerk has 23-44 what I have yeah we're just make sure we're clear which one it do yes sorry yes 23 234 CB correct thank you thank you brings us to page one item two and there's a second one uh same respondent item three we let the uh code officer Miss Hansson officer Hansson give us uh both cases together first one is 23-45 CB Vermont LLC Ben M Spivey registered agent 3320 Lincoln Street Sanford Florida 32771 and then uh case number 23- 47 same respondent Vermont LLC benm Spivey same address 3320 Lincoln Street Sanford Florida 32771 officer Hanson if you could uh start with the first case and move to the second one code enforcement officer Shannon Henson Sim County sheriff's office North Region for the record I'm submitting a copy of this presentation to the clerk as an exhib as exhibit one this case the case 2345 ceb Vermont LLC bin BBE the violation is located at 3320 Lincoln Boulevard Sanford uh simal County Florida as determined through the property appraiser office the violation charged as simal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a rubbish I first OBS observed the violation on July 6th 2023 a notice of violation was was issued on July 11th 2023 and um excuse me August 4th 2023 with a compliance date of with compliance dates of August 1st 2023 and August 22nd 2023 a follow-up inspection we're done on August 3rd 2023 August 7th 2023 August 29th 2023 September 12th 2023 October 6 2023 1114 2023 December 12th 2023 and my posting on uh February 7th 2024 and also yesterday the violation Still Remains on the property these photos were taken on um July 6 2023 by myself these photos here were taken August 3rd 2023 showing rubbish the next photos are taken September 12th 2023 and this one's October 6th 2023 November 14th 2023 December 12th 2023 this one was taken I think it got out of order um so there was I have the violation she has it in the paper when was posting was the February second 7th 2024 and then that one was taken um yesterday um the S suggested recommendation based on the testimony and evidence presented in the case number 2345 CB it is determined that the respondents Vermont LLC Ben spe uh the agent in POS are in possession or control of the property is an our is in violation of simal county code 95 95.4 as determined as defined in 95.3 a and it is further recommended that the C uh code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation onor before midnight of March 8th 2024 in order to correct that violation the respondant must uh remove all rubbish if the respondent does not comply with the order a of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact myself to arrange for an inspection of the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for AER Hanson yeah can you go back to that uh final Slide the one from yesterday and just kind of describe for me the violation there um looks as though they finally um since the beginning are doing something so they were cleaning it up and they're still um that's rubbish and grass clippings and then in the back is a few other things but it's not as bad as do we have photos of the back um in my next one for vegetation is there anyone living in there not right now you want to move on to the next one we'll hear that and then address them which is it'll be 23-4 7 CB my question are there going to be two recommendations that are independent of each other or are they going to be and we can we can knock this one out let's uh uh as far as what was just presented the recommendation again is to find there was a violation uh give to March 8th uh to correct it or $100 per day fine that's the what's on the table is it possible to take both of them at at the same time they've got to be dealt with as far as the fine go or the determination by the board separately so might as well knock it out since we're there just so I understand you said that they have begun yes okay and we would be basically just determining that there was a violation so if there's a future violation uh the fines would kick in uh immediately at that point so that's what's going to be the end result here if we approve what's been asked it it assuming that it's fixed she you got till March 8th here so again uh recommendation finding there's a violation by March 8th if it's not already corrected could be or $100 per day fund that's what's on the table unless somebody has something different I move to accept the staff's recommendation second move uh motion by Mr Ross second by Mr Bates accept St recommendation as presented as I just described it uh all in favor say I I I no uh no by Mr sign and uh moving on to the next case will be 2347 same uh same respondent Vermont LLC benam spyy registered agent 3320 Lincoln Street Sanford Florida 32771 uh and again officer Hanson vote enforcement officer Shannon Henson s County sheriff's office North Region for the record I'm submitting a copy of the presentation to the clerk as exhibit one this case is 2345 CB Vermont LLC I mean 74 sorry 23- 74 C I'm tearing my numbers around I'm sorry 47 23- 47 C Vermont LLC the violation is located at 3320 Lincoln Boulevard simal County Florida as determined through the Property Appraiser's office the violation charged in simal county code chapter 95 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation I first observed the violation on July 7 6 2023 a notice of violation was issued SE July 11th 2023 and August 4th 2023 with a compliance date of August 1st 2023 and also August 22nd 2023 a followup inspection on 83 2023 I'm sorry August August 7th 2023 August 29th 2023 September 12th 2023 October 6th 2023 November 14th 2023 December 12th 2023 uh February 7th 2024 and then yesterday um the 21st of 2024 and this property the violation still remained these photos were taken on July 6 2023 by myself these photos were taken August 3rd 2023 photos were taken September 12th 2023 these were taken October 6th 2023 these were taken on November 14th 2023 these were taken December 12th 2023 um on February 7 2024 I did the notice of uh the hearing posting and the violation still remained at that time this photo was taken yesterday and it shows the uncultivated vegetation the suggested recommendation based on the testimony and evidence presented in this case number 23- 47 CB it is determined that the respondent uh Vermont LLC are in possession or control of the property are in violation of simal county code chapter 95 95.4 as a ter determined in 95.3 B and it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honor before March uh before midnight of March 8th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove all vegetation uncultivated vegetation over 8 in in height if the respondant does not comply to the order a fine a $50 will be imposed each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact myself to arrange an inspection of the property and to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions for ricer Hansen have you been in touch with the owners of this property at all no they haven't contacted me at all so they're not aware you've been out nine times in seven months on this I sent out two notices of violation and then I did the uh statement of violation property is posted I imagine yeah on the other when you said they seem to have started to fix certain things yeah only as of but not in the back when I went um on the 7th there was nothing done okay and then then on the 2 21st when I went there that's when stuff was done I posted on the 7th any other questions the uh the recommendation on the table again is to find there is a violation needs to be corrected by uh March 8th or a $50 per day fine would be imposed difference from this one and the other one the other one's dealing with rubbish this is uncultivated vegetation that's what's on the table anybody motion Mr base is this owner local is he literally in Vermont what's the situation no it's in Sanford pardon me it's in Sanford what zone 7 I move the recommendation Mr Bates makes a motion to accept St recommendation I think I heard you say second motion by Mr bit second by Miss Townson to accept staff's recommendation that there is a violation to be corrected by March 8th orth $50 per day fine all in favor say I I opposed motion carries unanimously next case is 24-2 CB Howard C Clinton 101 Holly drive out to mon Springs 32701 officer Adair officer Dar stem County Code Enforcement for the South Region this is case number 24-02 - CB respondent is Howard C Clinton fth record of submitting a copy of this PowerPoint to the clerk is exhibit a again this is case 24-02 CB and the respondent Howard C Clinton this violation is located at 102 101 Holly Hawk Drive semal County Florida as determined through property appraiser office the violation charge is semal County Land Development code chapter 30 part 70 as defined in 30.1 349e fence requirements all fenes shall be maintained in their upright original condition I first observed violation on 67 2023 I sent notices of violation on 629 2023 and 718 2023 I set the compliance States for 7117 2023 81 2023 and I conducted follow-up inspections on 62723 718 2023 82 2023 829 2023 1011 2023 111 2024 26 2024 221 2024 the results of the follow-up inspections is that the dilapidate excuse me dilapidated fence violation on the property this is an image from the initial inspection on 627 2023 it shows that the fence is dilapidated missing panels and on the ground this is a follow-up inspection on 718 2023 same thing no changes uh another follow-up inspection on 829 2023 again no changes followup inspection on 1011 2023 fence is in the same state this is on February 6 when I posted the property the fence remains in the same state and this is yesterday the fence remains in the same same state of disarray and the posting has been removed it is suggested or the suggest recommendation by code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 24-02 CB it is determined that the respondent Howard C Clinton is the owner of record of the property located at at 10 it's the wrong address it's 101 Holly Hawk Drive located in seminal County as determined of Property Appraiser's record in how see Clint is in possession or controls the property and is in violation of the semal County Land Development code Chapter 30 part 70 as defined in section 30.1 349e it is further recommended further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation on or before midnight of March 8th 2024 in order to correct a violation the respondent must repair fence to his original upgrate condition if the respond does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after clients or compliance the respondent must contact me at 4076651010 to arrange an inspection the property to verify compliance this concludes my presentation thank you uh as noted by Mr Adair the address on the the PowerPoint uh was not correct and he he corrected that 101 Holly Brook Drive is the proper address any questions for user there question for the attorney do we just consider that a scrier error and thank you any questions for aler there or has the has the homeowner ever tried to contact you or any any sign of life that they're going to do anything about this no sir so when I initially went out there there was multiple violations for rubbish in the backyard and grass those two have come into compliance long ago but the Remains the Same they have not tried to contact me I have never even seen anyone there you know may I always have to make sure I've got my numbers right so in eight months and eight visits all of that fencing is exactly the way it was the first time correct okay any other questions Mr Davis you look like you're you got a question no okay okay uh so again the uh the recommendation is to find n of violation corrected by March 88th we're fin a $50 per day be applied all so moved uh motion by Mr signon second second second by Mr Bates by the wire I think and all in favor say I I I oppos motion carries unanimously brings us to the next case same page 24-3 C Brenda M Keller 170 Cherrywood Drive mland Florida 32751 also sir D all right um for the record it looks like the respondent sent an email request on Tuesday February 20th to the clerk requesting a continuance of this matter but I don't have any specifics no other than she was sick um but I believe that the county is not in agreement with the continuance and you can ask them why so do we get to see this at all the email will we no I mean that I'm telling you there is it's just a request that was made to the clerk and the clerk is telling you that she was told that she was sick that's all we have how old is this case with it but why don't you ask the um County yeah their position on the request for continuance dare can you help us with what the County's position would be on a continuance on this case since you dealt with it I would like to go ahead and present the case due to the health and safety concerns it's been ongoing for eight months a stagnant [Music] pool thank you uh do we need to vote on this or okay so the county would be opposed to it do and again and I we haven't got to the uh the situation stagnant or foul water dealing with the pool situation uh so is there a motion in regards to this request that it be continued by the respondent with opposition from the county is there a motion so moved motion that we continue this till the next meeting is there a second see no second is there a motion that we go ahead and hear this case allow it to be heard MO motion by Mr Bates second second by Mr Ross that we move forward and hear this case today all in favor say I opposed no no by Mr s uh Mr odere go ahead and start your presentation code enforcement officer Cameron Adair simlo County Sheriff's Office South Region case number 24- 03- CB respondent Brenda M Keller for the record I'm submitting a copy of this PowerPoint Point presentation to the clerk as exhibit a again this is case 24-3 CB Brenda M Keller is the respondent the violation is located at 170 Cherrywood Drive seal County Florida as determined through the property of Appraiser's office the vi the violation charged SEMA county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 F stagnant water the initial inspection was on 68 2023 I sent notices of violation on 620 2023 89 2023 with compliance stes of 76 2023 and 823 2023 follow-up inspections we're on 6 20223 77 2023 89 2023 824 2023 26 2024 and yesterday 221 2024 results of the followup inspections is that the stagnant foul water violation remains on the property this is an image of the initial inspection on 620 2023 a followup uh this is a follow-up inspection on 89 2023 uh the fence had been secured so I had to go to the neighbor's property to observe the violation this is the date of posting on 26 2024 same thing I had to go to the neighbor's house to observe the violation and that's the posting in the front and this is yesterday uh 221 2024 again I had to go to the neighbor's house to observe the violation and the posting had been removed and placed further up by the door the suggested recommendation is that based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 24-3 CB it is determined that the respondent Brenda M Keller is the property the owner of record of the property located at 170 Cherrywood Drive located in semal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's records she is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 f it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation on or before midnight of March 8th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the stagnant foul water or add chemicals to make it clear if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $250 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact code enforcement officer madir at 407- 6651 714 to arrange an inspection of the property to verify compliance that concludes my presentation thank you any questions for aler adir have you had any contact at all with the home with the respondent like say she actually spoken to you at all she's in the eight months I think she's only called me three times and the most recent time being two days ago and then before that was in July any effort explanation why it seems like it's such a simple fix why it hasn't been fixed she's given me multiple I want to say excuses but I can't speak on her behalf so the first couple times it was because health reasons again she developed walking pneumonia uh is what she claimed and I gave her an extension due to get that I believe either two weeks or an additional month for her to go out and recover and gather estimates from pool companies she uh in that month she only gathered one estimate from a pool company called OC pools somewhere in seminal County and there was no guarantee that they can come fix it because they're backlogged with other clients that was back in July um the recent phone call two days ago was her informing that she has the flu and that a relative passed away in December and that she has a lot of things going on or that she thought the violation was for uncultivated vegetation so her pool guy told her to cut the tree that was uh dropping the debris into the pool but I informed her that the violation has and is still for stagnant water for from the fou or from the pool itself thank you question is this a neighbor or citizen complaint due to the mosquito yes her her neighbor the one I observed the violation from is the actual complainant himself thank you is this a elderly person or correct I believe she said she's 73 years old she's young yeah I'm not sure it's all relative you asked I did any other questions for aler there uh See n is there a motion I move to except uh officer dar's recommendation second motion by Mr Ross second by Mr base to accept staff's recommendation which is f there is a violation given a compliance date of March 8th or $250 per day fine any other discussion or a vote all in favor say I I I oppos motion carries unanimously uh which I think brings us to the end of the agenda items there are a few cases not heard you can review at your leisure okay uh while we're doing that the qu so the the question I had earlier so guess was a good time to address it I don't you probably won't have that many conflicts because of the kind of work I did but above all mod you happen to be someone my firm represents what do I just accuse myself of we have that or in the future that's why you're giving the agenda um an opportunity to go through it if you see something that you potentially think or aren't sure might be in a a conflict call me okay okay call me and we can discuss it uh brings us to the approved approval of the minutes for the December 7th 2023 meeting do I have a motion to approve those minutes I'd like to abstain from that please since I was not at that meeting thank you thank you motion to approve motion to approve the minutes second by Mr Bat I think I heard of the December 7th 2023 meeting all in favor say I I Mr signning uh abstained uh confirmation of our next meeting is March 28th at 2024 please make note of that if you can't be there let the clerk know as soon as you are able to make that determination just make sure we have a COR uh new business anybody have any new business Mr Bites uh on the uh list of members I noted that I'm still shown as expiring I guess this month and I have been received notice from commissioner Constantine and the board of County Commissioners that I've been reappointed Wonder for three years wonderful okay so the clerk will make sure we that into and I have a couple pleas make that correction yes thank you I meant to bring that up thank you for doing so uh and again welcome Mr sinon and yeah I'd like to just say that um I'd love to have an updated list of members as well because uh the wonderful Jane hes is on here who was not been on this board since 2022 and my packet that yep we're working on that so a couple other things too is um I won't be here next month but I believe the minute or the simal county bylaws require that you elect your chairperson and your Vice chair in March that was my recollection from a few years ago so you can I will have my partner here Mr Morganson will be here so you can choose to do your elections in March or if you'd like to push them off one we don't even have a vice chair right now because miss when Miss hes retired or resigned we just decided to wait so it's up to you all how you want to handle it I'll let my partner know that that's could be on the agenda and if it is then you all know how to handle that and he knows how to handle that um or you can move till April and then I'd like to do a workshop since we have some new members Mr Davis were you here from my last Workshop no okay and you've been here for a bit now it's about July I think yeah yeah so if you all can look at your calendar since I won't be here in March I'm available April and we normally do it right before um our meetings so we meet about 11:30 and everyone brings their bag lunch and we just sit around and I kind of do a little presentation and I think it's always good even for the folks who've been here a while to rehear some things are you thinking you have a conflict no oh your brain is thinking okay yeah so just look at your calendars and get back to me if April doesn't work then let's do it in May okay but let's get it yeah I think so the sooner the better um the officers are always invited to come and they can kind of just sit and and listen but it's really an opportunity for us to talk about things and review chapter 162 and and just talk about General things we never talk about specific cases or anything that could appear before us I think if everybody's pretty sure they'll be here in March we may as well go ahead and elect the chairman y so go ahead and put that on to your under um new business for your March you'll elect a chair and a vice chair and then I will see you back in April and we'll get the clerk to send out an email confirmation providing us with the location of where we can have the workshop that please plan on being here at 11:30 okay and if there's nothing else the order can I have a motion to adjourn I'll move second motion Bas Mr signning all in favor say I I we are adjourned thank you I have a question has every anyone [Music] ever [Music] I h