[Music] [Music] la [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] is any we don't are you okay with the computer okay so she's the only one who's offline but that's [Music] okay good afternoon welcome to to the uh July excuse me June 27th 2024 regular code enforcement board meeting in semal County we're going to go ahead and uh get started here can can we start with the clerk calling the roll call please Dennis Warren here Dudley Bates here Kevin Ross Andino Mike San here Craig Davis here Katherine Townsen here thank you and if we could all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and if you're going to be testifying today remain standing while we SAR you in I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you and if you're going to be testifying the remain standing uh hold up your right hand so the clerk can swear in please do you swear or affirm the testimony you about to give is true and correct thank you and uh I have a little bit of information to share but before I do that I'd like to ask the uh board if we can revise the agenda somewhat and take those cases where the uh respondents are present today in that order followed by cases where they're not present and that would be starting with uh item one and two uh case number on page one and two uh case number 24- 45 and 24- 46 CB Daniel Shaw to be followed by item number three that's case number 2447 CB Simon that's on page two followed by item 4 24- 53 CB that's Andre Lancaster uh on page three uh let me catch up here sorry give me one moment okay and then uh the next two cases the respondent is not here so we would then follow up by item number seven case number 2461 and item number 84-62 CB the home fund Inc is the respondent and lastly item nine case number 24-20 CB uh Barbara Fredericks and that can be found on excuse me page six so moved thank you uh motion uh by Mr sinon and second by Mr Bates to accept the revised agenda as stated all in favor say I I I oppos so that's what we do so before we get started with the first case I'd like to just read a little bit of information take me just a moment good afternoon and welcome to the June 27th 2024 hearing of the seal County Code Enforcement board oh oh hello uh Mr I'm late yeah Mr Ross is joining us no parking uh before we begin I'd like to advise everyone about the procedures that govern appearances before the code enforcement board this meeting is open to the public under Florida's government and Sunshine Law therefore every effort will be made to hear all persons having relevant evidence or arguments to offer it is required that every person who appears before the code enforcement Board needs to be registered with the clerk if you haven't done so please step up and do so the cases where the respondents are present and signed in will be heard first you will you'll be sworn in or affirmed by the clerk once all cases where the respondents are present have been heard by the code enforcement board it will hear the remaining cases as they appear on the agenda when your case is called please be seated at the table reserved for the respondents the county will present their case and then the respondents will be allowed to present their case additionally please limit your comments to only information related to this case each party May question Witnesses offered on behalf of the other party additionally staff members May question those appearing before the code enforcement board the board will then make their decision based on the evidence and testimony as presented by both parties all proceedings before the code enforcement board are electronically recorded please speak directly into the microphone at the center of the table and state your name clearly before presenting your case should you need the assistance need assistance due to a hearing impairment or a language barrier please inform the clerk upon registration all cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off or silenced while inside the chambers thank you for your cooperation uh no questions on that we'll get started with the first case on the as seen on the agenda which is case number 24- 30 46 ceb Daniel I Shaw 453 Huey Lane Geneva Florida uh I missed uh in in addition to that case number 2445 CB same respondant Mr Shaw 453 Huey Lane Geneva Florida so those two cases will be heard it's also Cara Hill is the officer and Miss H also help you want to uh uh give both presentations together and is there a respondent here for this case if you want to step up whoever is going to be speaking and uh yeah just take a seat in those chairs there if you can yeah over here in this table mr's rubb should bepar okay okay uh also Hill if you can do these uh separately it's been asked that we hear these separately so uh let's begin with 24-4 I'm sorry your your names and relationship Jess thank you uh okay Officer Hill 2445 CB uh if we can start with that one uh thank you officer Hill S County Sheriff's Office code enforcement east region I'm submitting a copy of the PowerPoint to the clerk as exhibit one this is case 2445 CB Daniel I Shaw located at 453 Huey Lane in Geneva violation charge of SEMO county code chapter 95 section 95.4 is defined in 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation my initial inspection was June 7th 2023 with notice to respondent on June 16th and August 31st 2023 which was a verbal and October 12th 2023 with compliance dates of June 5th and September 14th which was a verbal as well as October 26th 2023 there are multiple follow inspections including yesterday and the results of my inspection was the violation of uncultivated vegetation remains on the subject property these photos were taken on my initial inspection on June 7th 2023 these photos were taken on June 15th 2023 these photos were taken on August 3rd 2023 these photos were taken on August 3rd as well these photos were taken on September 27th 2023 these photos were taken on the same date these photos were taken on December 13th 2023 these photos were taken on the same date as well these photos were taken on February 1st of this year these photos were taken on the same date same day and the blue arrow on the left is showing how high the weeds have gotten these photos were taken on May 2nd 2024 these photos were taken on the same date these photos were taken on June 11th of the posting these photos were taken yesterday so there has been some progress Mo made since the posting on June 11th and these photos were taken yesterday as well so based on testimony evidence presented in case 2445 CB is determined of the respondent jiel AAW is the owner of record located at 453 Huey Lane located in simal county is determined by property appraisers records imp possession or control of the property and is in violation of s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 is defined in 95.3 B it is further recommended the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honor before midnight of July 21st 2024 in order correct the violation the respondent must remove all uncultivated vegetation and excess of 8 Ines in height from the property the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance so since this case has been open um in the beginning of the case I had communication with Mr Shaw a couple of times he had some health issues he was in the hospital gave him more time um there was another time that I was following up from a phone phone call and his wife answered and she said he wasn't at home and so she asked she said I'm his wife who is this I identified myself she said he wasn't feeling well and he was taking a nap so the last communication I actually had with Mr sha was back in December um he said that he wasn't going to remove the grass that it was a buffer so people know um not to drive into his yard but that's his backyard nobody's going to drive up into his backyard so though that was the last communication I had with um Mr Sha that concludes my presentation thank you any questions for user Hill seeing none uh Mr Shaw and uh Mrs Shaw this is your opportunity to speak to this particular charge case and we'll he the other one after that this this started this started about a year and a half two years ago um my neighbor John asendorf wanted to buy the property behind me um didn't bother me fine he wanted an easement across my property to connect his two properties I didn't want to sell him an easement he told me if I didn't sell the property to him I would regret it since then I've been getting Cod complaints the grass you see that's high that's over8 inches I have 5 Acres there's lots of grass over of my property five acres I mean it's not a yard it's I'm not in Geneva it's a rural area that's how it is I don't know how to explain that since since he's told me that I've dealt with this over over and over and over I I don't know if there's any recourse for him to that for him that threat I have the threat in the text I have as far as the buffer between the two properties if you look my address up and follow Google you go to my backyard where the old driveway is at that I used to own it's is 520 old M's Road and people drive down that road and then through my backyard where the buffer at on my proper to get to our property she hasn't been happens happens all the time okay just pause for one moment ma'am we need to swear you in if you could stand and raise your right hand the CL do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth yes thank you go ahead continue so the I had a heart attack a year and a half two years ago two years ago two years two years ago um I've been trying to comply with cleaning things up I've removed 90% of the things on the property are gone has gone the conx was removed 2 weeks after I got the notice didn't need it to go I removed it so that's been gone for ever uh the large the large semi triler on there that's gone the vehicles are gone the pipes gone the tubs are gone everything on there is gone the only thing that's left one is two two tubs I believe that taking to my dad Ducks focus on this one because that's probably the next case corre so I mean if if you take real pictures of the property actually that show what's on there you'll see a drastic improvement with a heart with heart failure and the ability to work a day in here and then lay down for a week and rest and recoup and then do it again I'm doing all I can to do it I'm disabled I don't work I I my health I had cancer when I was 10 I can't I my my health does not allow me to do more than a couple hours of stuff a day if that when I leave here I have to go to my cardiologist so I'm I'm already going to late for that thinking that I was going to be but regardless I'm I'm trying to make the prodct look better so with the buffer the 520 if you will go up road to get onto our road that is a barrier so how would we go about fixing that and and and the grass the grass that's it's it's 10 ft of grass between the two properties how would we go about fixing that because that is our road so I'm not talking on Huey Lane I'm talking the backup so off of right correct so that's somebody's driveway that goes all the way to the back of your yard nobody is going to D there's a chain link fence at that address so a chain that goes across it no trespassing the property owners give me access they drive up their driveway their property is to the left so unless somebody is going to that house at the back of 520 old Mims nobody's going to be driving into their backyard that's incorrect can you see can you Google if you go it right now take you down that driveway I'm not going to argue this right if you could direct any comments or responses to the board here if you Google 520 or 453 Huey Lane you'll see you come down old Mims turn on 520 and go up 520 and then make a right onto Huey onto our property we're going to consider the evidence that we have here today uh so we have to go on their property to get on let me just say this about whether or not there there it's for a buff or what it's still your property and it's still apparent violation of the code from what we can see here so that's what we're focused on regardless of why uh it's something that has to be brought in compliance go ahead and continue and are we are we saying that I can't have any grass on my property over 8 inch on my five acres if I have anything over 8 inches that's violation is what's this zone I'm sorry it's zoned a it's not for grazing there's no animals for so it's not marked for grazing but it is hold on hold on so if it was marked for grazing yes or if they had deliniation which they don't but it is zoned A5 and that requires grass and weeds to be maintained maintained under 8 in in height unless on property appraiser it shows that it's for gra it's grazing land now this is not grass these are weeds this is rural stuff in the woods vation not grass this is not a yard it is yes it's it's part it's part of woods it's part of under trees it's it is it is areas that is not not part of a maintained yard area yes ma'am officer does is there anything in the code that allows for a buffer in this at all I okay I didn't think so want to make sure thank you question for you um I'm kind of confused do you have to go through their property in order to reach yours I I owned 520 and 4553 at at one time I sold 520 years ago um and gave and the driveway that was for for both properties was that driveway okay is that on your current property no the driver there is is sold to them that is on their property thank you do have any ement right so I my my goal is to comply my goal is to do whatever I need to do I'll do I have no problem I just don't know how I can keep 5 acres worth of grass that's partially swamp partially High Grass Le inches all the time I don't I don't make enough money to maintain that I don't I I can't afford a piece of equipment that would do that and keep that at less than eight inches I I don't know how to do that is there any assistance with this that I can get I'm disabled I have no income is there some a grant I can apply for For assistance with this I that I don't know can anyone tell me how I would how how I could comply cuz I want to comply I want to comply I just need to know how un unfortunately this board can't answer those types of questions so it's it's here for you today to make a determination any of resources that I can reach out to to find an answer I would recommend you speak with the code enforcement officer that's her job and that's the person you can communicate with and she can answer that cuz that's not what we're we're here to see if you're going to comply and how you're going to comply with the current situation but if you have questions that's what officer Hill's here for and she can you can talk to her about that let me let me ask one question you mentioned a one or two things that would allow them or make them in compliance if certain things were done and I don't know if they're going to meet the standards for but what were those again uh um on property appraiser they can get their property it's U coded as grazing land but I believe you would have to have animals but that's something you can they can double check with property appraiser to see how they can get that CED as grazing land okay are you don't know if that's an option but I just thought had animals I I had had ducks and chickens and and cow and P stuff okay and when I have a heart attack I couldn't maintain them I had to get rid of them let me ask you all this here uh and we certainly understand the medical issues and all that uh how when did you start let me re let me ask the allic sir when did you start seeing progress on this I see it was cited I think in May of last year you said um June it was um June of last year June of last year I believe it was June 6th um June 6th I'm sorry I say June 7th excuse me is when you started seeing progress no that was for my uh first inspection um then let's see here June of this year so he had other violations that he did comply with um but this one um this one before you um the progress that I observed was yesterday and I believe because it was the posting okay yesterday was but I I did an inspection yesterday but they could have started anywhere between the 11th of this month when I posted it till yesterday I just curious thank you just if if the board would be willing to listen to this this seems this violation seems like based on the pictures that I've seen that it's less egregious than the next case we're about to hear if the board would be willing I'd like to move that we delay a decision on this until after we've heard the next case does anybody have any objection to that I have an objection to that I I have to go to my card go we have to go to cardiologist well I mean we have your case is coming up again here momentarily okay so motion do them both together sir ma'am you have to stop okay so so I'd like to move that we uh wait on a decision on this until we hear the next case which will be uh 2446 okay just Caris is it you think there's going to be a relationship in the the vehicle there I mean there may or may there may be a chance at some type of compliance here I don't believe that there's going to be a chance of compliance on the next case but I'd like to hear it first before I know more is there a second to that motion to reverse is in order second okay motion on the floor second uh by motion by Mr s and second by Miss Townson to uh hear the other case first all in favor say I I oppos okay so we're going to we're going to come back to this uh bear with us officer Hill could you uh present the next case and let me let me read it into the record case number 2446 CB same respondent same address officer Hill suo County Sheriff's Office code enforcement east region I'm May copy this PowerPoint to the clerk as exhibit one this is case 2446 CB respondent Daniel a Shaw located at 4553 Huey Lane in Geneva violation charges county code chapter 95 section 95.4 is defined a 95.3 a rubbish my initial inspection was on June 7th 2023 with notice to respondent on June 16th August 31st of 2023 with the verbal and October 12th of 2023 compliance stes were July 5th 2023 September 14th 2023 which was a verbal and October 26 2023 with multiple follow-up inspections including yesterday the result of my inspection is the violation of rubbish remains on the subject property this photo is taken on my initial inspection on June 7th 2023 you some furniture and some other miscellaneous items that are outside that garage um this inspection was on 6:15 in 2023 you have some tubing some piping I believe Mr Shaw used to be in the plumbing business so this is stuff that has been left over um just sitting out um out in the yard it's been there at least since I've opened my case um I know he's been slowly cleaning it up just recently um there was the storage container also he claimed that it was a Shel a safe shelter for his family but there was a hole in it um and something like that would need to have hurricane tie down so I sent it over to the building department um an ctor went out about a month or so ago a couple weeks ago and he started cutting it up so then it became debris at that time came back to me but this container has now been removed this photo was taken on June 15 2023 next photos were taken on August 3rd 2023 these photos were taken on August 3rd 2023 um Mr Shaw said he had a friend that was going to come over and pick those goes up um and so you see the uh PVC piping that's still laying out there these photos were taken on September 29th there's some some tubs or sinks there they're still left behind um on September 29th December 13th 2023 the same items still remain December 13th 2023 of some toilets um and some other debris up on a trailer next photos were taking February 1st 2024 these photos were taken on the same date again on the same date these photos were taken on May 2nd 2024 there's that uh shelter he was cutting it up and getting rid of it and there are some tubs up underneath the the bushes over there these photos were taken on the same date these photos were taken out my poing on June 11th these photos were taken yesterday there's still some some wire there's like a um a wire container that has some rubbish in it um as he's slowly he's slowly cleaning it up these photos were taken yesterday as well there's a clearer picture of his uh uh little bin he's got going on with the trash and then that is I believe it's a trailer with some rubbish piled up on it these photos were taken yesterday the tubs or whatever those items are are still being stored up underneath the uh the bush there and the piping the piping has gotten gotten better but there's still quite a bit out there the suggest a recommendation is based on the test evidence presented in case 2446 CB is determined that the respondent Daniel iaw is the owner of record located at 453 Huey Lane located in s county is determined by property appraisers records in Poss of control of property and is a violation of some County code chapter 95 section 95.4 is defined in 95.3 a and is further recommended the code enforcement board issue an order for despondent to correct the violation honor before midnight of July 21st 2024 order correct the violation the respondent must remove all the rubbish from the subject property the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions charer Hill on this particular is this the same complaint as the as the first case so yes so they've complained on each other this has been ongoing for several several years neighbor at all so um so my complaintant I had originally told her that make sure that your property is in order if we're going to be looking at Mr Shaw's property and then Mr Shaw had at one point said I can keep you V very busy have you noticed the property the complaintants property I said yes I have noticed them as well thank you thank you any other questions Rosser Hill I'm assuming uh building when they went out they didn't do a violation as well on Cor because he was cutting it up and getting rid of it just want make sure okay uh no other questions uh this is your opportuni again to speak on behalf of this particular like I said my goal is to comply I'm I don't want to be a bad neighbor I don't want to be a bad partner in in what we do you know in our community I'm trying to up my health has not been helpful for that I if you look at the property I am I I ran I had five guys I had seven trucks I had a big company and heart failure and then everything stopped accident everything just stopped and wher it was at in the yard that's where it stayed and I had no ability to move it do anything with it I had no income to pay anybody else to do it and I had to slowly do it until my health got good enough to where I can do things like I'm doing now and I'm doing it as quickly as I can Mr sh I have a question for you so you said you want to comply yes what would is what is it you would like for us to consider more time I just need more time I just need some more time i' I've gotten I've gotten rid of a of a huge semi-trailer the container I've gotten rid of a fifth wheel that was left on property by a friend three cars left on property by by friends that just disappeared and now I have jump cars there that I'm trying to get rid of I have no titles for so I can't I can't get rid of so my second question is what what timing are you we is clear the violation so we're just deciding when when when when to do it so my question is you propos something for us to consider and we can consider it but the officer made her recommendation as a timeline what is your recommendation so that we can consider what's the the compliance date would be I a month or two should be no problem getting the rest the stuff is there so if I said if we said August 30th would that is that a date you can live with that should be good there's not much left the biggest the biggest hurdle was getting rid of the large stuff the stuff that that I it took me months to cut it in pieces and soone to move I just I couldn't move them because they was too big and I didn't didn't have the ability to do anything with it no understood I just need to know so but no I'm I'm slowly chewing away at it it's a it's a cow and I'm taking a bu at a time but it's we appreciate it we we understand I have a question to I think everyone up here understands health issues we've all had them over the last few years so my question to you would be since this has been ongoing now for over a year yes it has I would like to know what effort when you say you've tried what exactly that means and by that my question would be I used to live in Geneva I know there's a Community Homeowners Association out there have you reached out to any of them to the church to a Sal salvage company to the Boy Scouts to anybody who could come and help you two local salvage companies i' I've talked to one was there yesterday helping me okay so yes I do that so did you just wait till now to ask or have you been asking for a year the whole time i' i' I've always been asking for assistance and help from I don't go to church I'm I'm not a church person so I don't don't I don't think you have to go there in order for them to help you but I I I didn't ask I I didn't feel right asking for assistance from from some that I wasn't a part of their group but I did I did Disc scrap the people that do the Salvage I they came in and assisted me I gave them whatever it was copper brass metal you know they thank you for the help and they do that the the biggest problem that I'm had that I had with was with the semi-trailer cuz it was just so big um I bought oxygen acetan and a torch and I cut it up and it's gone now it's it's gone that was a two-month process that it wore me out but it's gone the PVC pipe um I have a a small dumpster there that that we thow our rubbish in because we you don't need itemize that's okay I just wanted to know to whom you had reached out for assistance okay that answers my question thank you not voice G any other uh questions for the respondent or the officer uh okay do we have uh we'll take the we've already heard both cases from both parties so we'll just uh make a decision on what we're going to do with each one so right now the case that we just heard 2446 CB uh the rubbish case we'll call it the recommendation is by uh July 21st or $100 per day the respondent has requested uh to have a compliance date of August 30th that's I make the uh motion to go along with staff recommendation for July 21st is there a second on that seeing none is there a another motion or for that I will make the motion for um staff's recommendation with a compliance date of August uh 30th second motion by Mr all second by Mr Bates to accept sta recommendations presented however moving the compliance date to August 30th uh any other discussion all in favor say I I opposed n okay so that's that one then we're going to the one we heard at first 24- 45 CE B same respondent same address we've already heard this case is there a motion on this one I will make the same motion that we accept accept staff's recommendation but change the compliance date to August 30th motion my Mr Ross is there a second on this one second second by Mr sinon and uh to uh just as a reminder the the recommendation was by July 21st or a $50 per day fine on this one so the uh there's a motion and a second uh to accept that recommendation however moving the compliance date to August 30th I believe it was all in favor say I iOS was there a second name your hand Mr Davis and Miss Townson were Nays on that so motion carries okay that's what we've done uh you've got till August 30th thank you for coming in when you get done with those either want call Sir Hill you need to make sure you're good I will I I appreciate the extra time thank you sure thank you thank so much have a great day thank you you too good luck on your appointment today sir uh next one is case number 2447 CB Simon Pew if you're here for that please step up 114 Plymouth Avenue Altimont Springs 32701 and he's coming up officer uh Adair is the officer on this one sir chairman you may want to have them rep remove the the Powerpoints from the last one from the witness table so there's no confusion oh yeah thank you well just all right you going sit there no okay sir you're all you're Mr Simon Pew right thank you so much 85 years of it okay we'll get to you in just a moment so you can get yourself comfortable there okay alic sir D whenever you're ready oh thank you MH right code enforcement officer Cameron air s County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 2447 CB the respondent is Simon Pew I would like to submit this copy of PowerPoint presentation the clerk is exhibit a the violation is located at 114 Plymouth Avenue in SEMO County Florida the violation charged is s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as to find a 95 5.3a rubbish my initial inspection was December 14th 20123 notice to respondents were on January 4th 2024 and January 18th 2024 with compliance dates for January 18 yeah January excuse me January 18th 2024 and February 2nd 2024 follow-up inspections were December 28th that should have been a 2023 January 4th 2024 January 18th 2024 February 1st 2024 and yesterday June 26 2024 results of the follow-up inspections where the rubbish violation remains on the property this are these images are from my initial inspection they show the rubbish his yard which consists of water heaters uh miscellaneous debris and there's a trailer out front that stores the water heaters this is a follow-up inspection on December 28th 2023 it Remains the Same followup inspection on January 4th Remains the Same followup inspection on January 18th not much has changed the water heater heaters keep coming back this is image February 1st 2024 still shows the water heaters on the trailer and this is yesterday's inspection a lot has been cleaned up but the rub is still persist so the suggested recommendation is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2447 CB it is determined that the respondent Simon Pew is the owner of record of property located at 114 Plymouth Avenue located in Seal County as determined by the property of appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a rubbish is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation on or before midnight of July 11 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the rubbish and water heaters from the property if the respondant does not comply with the order a fine of uh $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions R there so I it was very clear to see the water heaters on the trailer but you said it got was clean up is there a lot of rubbish left cuz I didn't see as much on the picture um for the yard there's not as much but there still is a little bit of debris okay you can go back to the recent picture yesterday got it I can see stuff so okay thank you all right any other questions r d I have a question for you um a lot of these you'll see like a notice of hearing is posted um M here we did certified mail is there a particular reason why you didn't post on this one correct so he signed the certified mail and gave it back over to Alexis so that negates me having to post the property gotcha and I and this is just my ignorance of the code enforcement process but when these when the notice of hearing is the posting that's usually a couple of weeks before the hearing and then you know we have a more picture of um you know what was done between a an inspection on February 1st and now we're to June 26th so that's a almost a full five Monon period in between is there a particular reason why there was there's no uh visit from you in in that five Monon period so it was up to the respondent to make sure he's in compliance and to contact me after I believe my last visit was in February yes sir um so that is when I submitted my s so and filed it for the hearing okay thank you any other questions Mr Pew this is your opportunity to speak on behalf of this uh violation allege violations sir so go ahead well speak on the behalf of the vation stuff is out the yard now I didn't nobody come out there and talk to me about it but now stuff is out y I'm 85 years old number one I do scrapping to support my need for financial system the little social security check don't give me nothing all that's all I get I do scrapping to build up what I need what I can't get from nowhere else and the yard don't look bad one I was was sick I couldn't do nothing that was first in this year but as time went on start feeling better so clean got everything clean up a nothing f for water heated on the trail some people put them on there because they know I do scrapping the people trying to help me I can't push them off because some uh things happen sometime other than the people have me a nothing else hope me so you know I don't understand it why would you worri about if you come out there and talk to me about this stuff I told you I could get it up but I can't get it up right now because I ain't feeling good when I felt a little better then I cleaned it up and then too last part of last year the Year up in there and the first part this year it was hot out there and I don't think none of here stand out a whole bunch of heat but the thing about it is it's clean that's all I could get done I can't do nothing else with it it's clean six little water he was on the trailer because people come by and put that stuff up there for me because they know I ain't got no income coming and still of trying to trying to Railroad me should have been thinking out a way to get me a help out there sometime if I need a little help to do something you can ride by and make suggestion hold don't stop by and and see what you can be do to help the person that's in need I'm going tell y'all something only way you can see this is in person like it was but when the thing got bad like that that was last year when it was hot and 74 years old I can't stand all that heat I used to so I've been making my substitute living off of selling scrap I've been doing that for 30 something years and it's still living in the same place sometime you might get a little bit heavy and most of the time it ain't that heavy you got a little bit of stuff there but from getting it there people drop it off I get it there then I got to load it on the trailer and take it to the scrap yard so and then also in the meantime with some of that is see the reason thing had been G so good call my wife passed away I didn't have The Pusher that I had and I would getting older not younger you don't feel good every day I all up there kind old and you don't feel good every day I don't know what I'm talking about can I ask offer ad a quick question is the is the water heaters are they the same ones or they seem to be different ones that are on their every time you inspect they're different each inspection and I've informed him that it's not allowed to be stored or on his property and his rebuttal was that he scraps for a living and he's going to keep continuing to bring them you and I never talked about no water heat so Mr Pew they they're they're recommending that you get the property in compliance with what has been suggested by July 11th you said it's been clean you it needs to be cleaner obviously can you do that by July 11th right CLE that's not my question can you comply with what I'm I'm going hold one second if you will please I'm going to keep it back there and clean it up everything that I there I can get rid of and get rid of it and can you you remove the water tanks from the property by July 11th I a got your I guess and refrain from bringing them back but uh but uh the thing about it deal now when people come by and drop that stuff off they help me with my finances I can't I I can't turn it down and I ain't getting nothing there does he have a garage uh carport and but he has a truck under it I would I would suggest you speak to officer Ada D about alternatives for that because we can't give you advice and we can't we just here to determine whether you're going to comply with the the code violations by that time all have do stop by the house okay well based on that I'm going to recommend that we accept accept the staff's recommendation can I just get in a quick question before we do a second on your motion um can you explain to me sir um how often you go to SCH scrap how many tanks you take per scrap okay it goes like this the trailer I think it's about 18t long I ain't no Ed to going out there with four five water heaters on it I got to load it then take it it's like like other people trying to help me more than people about the cold forment thing because the pictures I seen took there that wasn't yesterday and wasn't this this day and wasn't this year thank you sir I I'll second the motion I have a question I'd like to ask is scrapping a permitted use in this zoning District no okay no because it would still be considered rubbish and it's a violation thank you I have a question before we move for also there uh the he isn't he believes that he's in compliance and it's all clean now my eyes aren't that great but on the right side of that fence what am I looking at there it looks like stuff's still out there so I should have blown it up further but yeah it's still uh miscellaneous objects like metal buckets I think there was like a table and a chair so he's not he thinks he's in compliance from what I heard but he's obviously not correct and then let me just add on for for your benefit Mr P what I'm worried about here even if we can get in compliance here now tomorrow whatever this might continue happening based on what I've heard you people dropping stuff off you scrap and four is not enough so you're going to wait till you get more so just a word of caution even if we can get by this you need to understand that it may continue so and you'll be in violation again so uh so this is there any more discussion or questions uh we had a motion to accept St recommendation I Believe by Mr Mr Ross and Mr Mr sign and second it thank you for the help guys uh any other discussion all in favor say I I I oos so we've found that there's a violation and given you to the recommended Time by July 11th or there's going to be fines of $100 a day that will kick in at that point if when you get that done please get a hold also or D so you can come out and you guys are on the same sheet of music thank you for what you've done so far I hope everything gets a little bit better going for you and uh that's what we've done today thank you Mr Pew okay I appreciate that all right and uh moves us to case number 24 on the next page case number 24- 53 CB Andre Lancaster 115 it wouldn't to walk with me Lark spur Drive alont Springs 32701 this will be also a darus case again thank you man sir once you get comfortable if you could tell us your name my name is Andre Lancaster thank you and you were sworn in I believe yes sir and it's m ma'am you're not going to be testify okay thank you uh okay AER Adair whenever you're ready code enforcement officer Cameron Adair s County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24- 53- CB the respondent is Andre Lancaster I would like to submit a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit a the violation is located at 115 larksburg Drive in semal County Florida violation charge asem county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined as 95 in 95.3 a rubbish the initial inspection was on January 26 2024 notices to respond in are on February 9th 2024 February 23rd 2024 and March 8th 2024 with the following Appliance dates of February 23rd 2024 March 88th 2024 and March 22nd 2024 follow-up inspections were February 9th February 23rd March 8th March 22nd June 14th and June 26 2024 results of inspections where the rubbish violation remains on property these are from my initial inspection showing the miss anous rubbish on the property again more photos from the same day initial inspection are on follow-up inspection on February 9th showing the debris still remain same thing more images from February 9th these are from a followup inspection on February 23rd um he was removing a majority of it you can see it lined up on the curve to be picked up followup inspection on March 8th or Yeah March 8th uh there's a trailer with a bunch of debris tires car parts this is on March 22nd he has a lot of like Lumber usable wood uh throughout the back of his property this is data posting on June 14th and these are images from from yesterday's inspection June 26th um the de or the rubbish Still Remains the suggested recommendation is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 24- 53- CB it is determined that the respondent Andre Lancaster is the owner of record of property located at 115 larksburg Drive located in sem County as determined by the Property Appraiser's records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of SEMA county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a rubbish it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation on or before midnight of July 11th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the miscellaneous debris and rubbish from the yard if the respondant does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day of ation continues or is repeated after compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions uh yes Mr B Mr Adair is as I understand it this property has been in and out of compliance you showed various compliance dates but he corrects it and then it gets messed up again or what's the deal there so it's always been out of compliance um he's just moved or I've been working with him to establish complaint so he's removed the bits and pieces I've asked but each time I come back there's more I see can you tell us what the origin of this complaint is Sir uh the complaintant is one of the neighboring properties M and you you're able to um get what appear to be excellent photographs here is the backyard visible from anywhere where are these so the first couple inspections um Mr Lancaster allowed me into the backyard and this is where I showed him the different violations and then the recent picture yesterday uh he did not answer the door or no one was there so I had to ask the neighbor to view from their yard so you could view from the neighbor's yard the back of the property correct thank you so much any other questions rer dare okay uh Mr Lancaster this is your opportunity to offer any anything you like to offer in regards to this matter well I thank you for what you all do I I have a lot of respect for living here for last 30 years and uh raising five children in that house it's uh it's been a pleasure to be part of Altimont um recently I this last year I ran into an issue that I've never had before uh I got two projects going on uh one of I built an uh an addition to my house that that I'm working with permitting to get it in compliance and the other part I hired an architect and paid him $3,000 and the other issue is I took an ATT tenant that Mr adir knows about met him personally um he was he brought in three trailers of stuff and unloaded it in my yard uh and Mr D uh you know I I totally told him to get everything out of my yard well he ended up getting arrested uh for dealing with dealing meth dealing mess he got five counts of dealing mess he had on a record five other charges before where he went to prison for so they said the likelihood of him getting out in the next 10 years is not real likely uh so I've had a lot of people that knew him come by and wanted his tools and his pressure washers and his lawnmowers and his trailer and his boat trailer and all the stuff that he put in my yard uh meanwhile uh about six seven weeks ago I collapsed uh I have diabetes and evidently my sugar level was getting unstable my uh ability to handle I was eating a bad diet and I had no strengths anymore and I just collapsed I collapsed at her house and by amulance I was taken to the hospital the hospital uh sent me to a rehab center cuz I had no ability to walk after that so I spent uh time in the uh Mount uh door rehab and rehabilitation center for six weeks to get me to the point that I could walk again and I'm I think I'm doing well I mean if you'd seen me uh 10 weeks ago I couldn't I couldn't get up I couldn't get out of bed I I was I had completely physical breakdown at this point though I got back home three weeks ago uh upon getting home I was udated with chatching back up on my life because I uh I didn't do anything with my yard or whatever but I did read the notices posted in my yard and the legal mail coming by so uh one of the biggest complaints to Mr dad he didn't want any uh distressed or junk vehicles in my yard so uh I was in the point of trying to get everything out of my yard when I got back home I called up a junk company and disposed any vehicles in my yard that were considered to be not not usable for anything other than junk and they came out last weekend and got those I hired a company to come out there and do all my yard work and maintenance work and they came out last Monday and they told me that since my my grass has grown like weeds it was Mo mostly wasn't grass it mostly like weed material uh he says he couldn't run his lawn mowers over it because he he doesn't know what Lumber or pipes he'll hit below his lawn mowers he said you're going to have to get somebody there with weed eaters and hack it down and then make it mobile and then I can come out every Monday and so and and do your yard and so I have I had a lot of catching up to do uh meanwhile I got I got three things going on uh I have a lot of lumber there I was building but all that building stopped when I went into the hospital uh number two I had all that junk from the person that was uh I rented a room to in my house he brought over all these trailers he ended up going to jail he ended up leaving tons of stuff at my house I ended up throwing piles and piles and piles of stuff away uh but at this point I got to hire uh I got to get hire people every weekend to fill up my trash pile up front to get rid of everything in the yard that that belong nothing in the yard belongs to me except for the lumber the lumber is mine but all the junk all the lawnmowers PR pressure washers whatever I don't expect him to come back so I plan to throw it all away uh and it'll take and I'm going to have to hire people because I can't carry nothing at this point I'm to weeks to carry anything so at this point mrir has been out uh since February he came out uh he was showing up every two or three weeks he'd give me he point Here There and over there and uh over the period of uh about three different time that he came out uh I took care of the different things that to comply with and got the pile Whittle down but not to confuse it I have I have a lot of lumber out there that I'm still building a deck on the back of my house at this point I'm not building anything I stopped all construction because one is that MoneyWise got Tighter and number two I didn't I didn't have workmen anymore because they all quit and left when I end up going into the hosital hospital but right now I don't want to start construction I want to put all the lumber in storage if that's allowable I do have a storage trailer out there that he Mr dare told me the storage trailer is all right I do have a everything else out there in the yard the uh I have lawn mowers pressure washers Mr D told me the the lawnmowers are all right uh any outside uh furniture for Yard furniture is all right canopies things of that nature is all right but he says all the other stuff the miscellaneous stuff that uh he accumulated in my yard he said it all has to go so I'm going to have to get someone hired because my my yard men the uh the garbage trucks come by every Tuesday and every Friday and my plan is to hire people to put a they they'll pick up usually on Friday anything I put out out there so I'm going to try to keep a large pile there refra and but I do ask the board for a few considerations I I want to hire a company to do the yard on a on a weekly basis to get it because right now I haven't done any yard work for the period of the last um I say for over two months for the last 60 days probably 80 Days everything has just got overgrown and uh and I haven't been there I I haven't been staying there I've been staying at the mount door rehab hospital I'm now back home full-time but I have uh very little strengths uh I there's no way I can do any physical work I have to hire people to do all the work that I want done and I do have money I do have income so that shouldn't be a problem I just have to coordinate things getting done so I ask for the following is uh I ask for time time uh Anthony get it all done by July the the 10th which today being the 26 of of June uh is less than two weeks I got I got a good six weeks of work to do uh and that is getting it out there and and getting the yard mowed down and getting everything manicured because it's my privilege to make my yard look like it once looked I used to have a very you know I love playing and I want to get my yard looking like uh it's it's a support of the community and not an isore uh so I want to get all the yard I want to get hired yard people to do the yard everything that looks like debris and refuge uh I'd ask Mr adir to drop by whenever he's in the neighborhood do a walkthr with me hopefully I'll be getting rid of everything I can to the point of compliance uh I I asked if I I I I don't know if it's allowable but I know you gave kindness to a gentleman to give him time to the end of August August the 30th to get his stuff done uh I'm asking for uh time to get because I got I got a lot of work and I can't do any of it myself but if I have that I can coordinate and hire people to get it done uh if it comes down to it at the end I'll hire just a big container and just tell people just throw start throwing everything in a big container and let's haul it off because it's not my stuff up it was dropped off in my yard and I think Mr adir can support that it was never my plan to put anything in my yard I'm not uh the lumber is mine I bought the lumber with the intention of building an addition to my house that got destroyed by the last hurricane we had come by and um f gave me uh you know $11,000 to build back my porch on the back of my house so uh and so I I I added I did an addition to my house uh to comply with Fe they said all that money had to be spent on reconstructing what was torn down by the hurricane but I'm asking time to the end of August August the 30th which you offered to another gentleman here uh I'm I asking for Mr Adair to put me on a schedule to drop by to see compliance being done uh and and to give me he's got and he's got a good eye he can walk into a yard and anything he spots that he wants gone say just point there point there but little by little I hope to have 100% compliance by August the 30th I hope to have complete compliance with the yard within the next two to three weeks I want to get that's the weeds or overgrown Shrubbery cuz I haven't done any yard work for a period of like 70 80 Days haven't done any yard work and we've had a lot of rain and uh at this point uh I want to get the yard work done I may have to I have to restore the lumber to to the point that it's not an eyesore I have an in pile right now but uh there are certain things in my yard that I believe he's already told me I can keep uh I have a I have a story trailer in my yard that I'm using for a construction trailer and he said that's all right but all the miscellaneous debris that needs to go 100% so I want to get rid of all the miscellaneous debris I want to get all the vegetation taken down to normal levels and uh and get it all done by hopefully August the 30th if that would be allowable and and supported by this committee thank you and we'll see here momentarily before we move question is there anything that you found contradictory to what he's just all the information he's just shared with us as far as his efforts he has or I have worked with him um every time I have gone out there in the past the pile I asked has been either moved or reduced but I have had a previous case open with him when I was in training so about a year ago in June August or June or June or August for the same issue I do believe he is a repeat offender and will keep happening so I would like to establish an order sure M Mr Adair is the is the lumber um as it either was at your last inspection or as it's been described as out of violation technically yes it's considered rubbish but since he was actively making the addition I allowed it thank you okay any questions uh for Mr Lancaster or Aller Dare by anyone he's asking uh recommendation is by July 11th of this year or $100 day fine he's asking for a extension of that time to August 30th is the request Mr Bates i' move the uh officer's recommendation with the extended compliance date of August 30th I will I will second that Mr Bates uh makes a motion seconding by Mr Ross uh to accept St recommendation as presented however extending the compliance date to August 30th any other discussion all in favor say I I I we I'm sorry okay Mr Davis was nay on that uh the motion carries you've got till August 30th stay in touch with Mr D especially when you get to the Finish Line on this and uh I hope your health issues get better and thank you for the efforts you made up to this point well thank you for all y'all do to keep this County looking good thank you sir uh next ones on the agenda are not here next two cases it moves us to case number 2461 CB the home fund Inc at 950 Leonard Street out to mount Springs 32701 and then there'll be another one same responded to follow that one uh officer Adair looks like your day today he will have both these cases and if anybody's here for this case uh I got a name here uh Karen Bob registered agent might be presenting or any other respondent anyone on behalf of the respondent Mr chairman I need just one minute if you could just not have let him go past the first slide please oh yeah yeah okay we'll take a brief pause here uh momentarily I need to start bringing water uh we're going to get going in a minute or two here but is there somebody to speak on behalf of the respondent on this case I do have a name of the Karen Bob registered agent okay and we'll uh we'll move forward here in a moment when Mr signing gets back all right Mr s is joining us back Mr Sir Adair whenever you're ready at your leisure just go ahead 61 oh I think I missed oh okay oh yeah okay go ahead all righty code enforcement officer Cameron adir semal County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24- 61- CB respondent is the home fund Inc I would like to submit a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk is exhibit a the violation is located at 950 Leonard Street s County Florida the violation charge stal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in section 95.3 C remains a rubble of a structure the initial inspection was on April 6 2023 notices respondents was June 1st 2023 and July 6 2023 compliance states were July 1st 2023 and July 24th 2023 follow-up inspections we're on April 26 2023 May 31st 2023 July 13th 2023 August 8th 2023 September 12th 2023 October 20th 2023 and yesterday June 6 2024 results of the followup inspection The Remains are reubel of a structure violation remains this is a photo provided by Officer Bavaro on his is first inspection April 6 2023 it shows the roof has caved in uh this is followup inspection Again by Officer Bavaro on May 31st 2023 it's the only photo provided but you can still see the tarp on the building in the back images provided by officer varvaro on his followup inspection July 13th 2023 still see the condition of the home believe a followup inspection officer Bavaro on August 8th 2023 you still see the the hole in the roof that is a dumpster for the next case followup inspection by Officer Bavaro on September 12th 2023 condition of the house hasn't changed followup inspection by officer pavaro on October 20th 2023 and this is an inspection I conducted yesterday on June 26 2024 nothing much has changed the suggested recommendation is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 24- 61- ceb it is determined that the respondent the home fund Inc is the owner of the the owner record of the property located at 950 Leonard Street located in semal County as determined by the property appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in section 95.3 C it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order of for the respondent to correct the violation onor before midnight of July 11th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove repair or secure the remains or Rubble of a structure if the respondant does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance this concludes my presentation thank you uh we'll take this one and then follow up with the next one is there any questions to officer Adair on this case Mr yeah officer Adair can you explain why this started back in I guess this would be a full year ago and is only now reaching us I believe back in December it was supposed to have an original hearing but due to staffing issues and Etc it kept getting extended back but by code enforcement not by the applicant or do we know by um The Code Enforcement the county I know we lost um uh Pat Hughes he was the old clerk so I think it was in that transition time gotcha thank you officer excuse me officer D is this considered as a safety issue too or just Rubble it would be up to the board to determine that thank you does does someone live there sir I believe in the beginning they did but as of late no thank you any other questions fer there see none um assuming you're a Karen Bob registered agent yes I am okay uh this is your opportunity to speak on behalf of this okay um just from observing the photos you can see that about more than 50% of the structure is damaged and therefore it won't be rebuilt um we would like to have a uh to demolition the pro the property demolish the property and we would like to be issued uh notice that is unsafe for use or occupancy one of those orange danger uh signs that you issue um because we have an issue with squatters at the location and um they have actually been a part of the rubbish that you see there and um if you take notice of some of those photos you're going to see that you'll see concrete that's about 30 to 50 feet away from the building and there are also no permits on this property so that had to be done with some sort of machinery and we haven't done anything like that and so there's some illegal dumping going on and um there was a period of time when there was a squatter there that was accepting money to dump uh to to have uh rubbish dumped onto the property and so we tried to uh work on uh you know getting the help of law enforcement that didn't really work out and I think that the uh a notice that uh maybe that uh if you could if I could leave here today with uh that uh sign uh that would help a lot because that would be able to direct law enforcement on the the fact that that it is an unstable structure that's not fit for use or occupancy um additionally I would like to ask for uh 150 days so that we can have uh get the permits the proper permits uh funding together and everything that we need to get the structure taken down questions for Miss B yeah can you explain what the home fund Inc is it's a Housing Development organization and you're you are the what you're you're the president of this organization currently so you own the home I don't own the organization is a nonprofit organization for Housing Development it's Community Housing Development the house is in their name uh the house is in the home Fund in the name of the home fund incorporation that was my question so let me get this street you want us to find the you want us to find in favor of the violation and to issue a notice that it is unsafe uh it is unsafe for use and occupancy and we've been trying to keep people out of the building so that we can work on things work on the property interject for a moment um is there power connected to the house does it have electricity no it has uh no utilities at all that are functioning there's no sewage there is no water and there is no um uh there's no electricity all right thank you yes let me um since those three no one's living in there there's no power and it's not homesteaded we can now turn it into the building department for a payment for for a pay abatement abatement but that doesn't stop what we're doing here today wa a second I'm sorry interrup you yeah so be very aware Pur I me she's making a request of you that technically it right and you can't do that you have to basically pursuant to chapter 162 just determine a violation and a reasonable time for compliance now there's a health safety welfare concern so the county will flip it to a different board for that different action okay um but at this point this is no different than any other case that you've heard um other than it's been a long time in this condition and now you've heard some health safety welfare concerns so you don't have to provide the time being requested by the respondent let me also add that laws have changed and I'm I'm not a lawyer but I would suggest at least I can tell you from experience in Orange County I think July 1st is when they change in the state dealing with squatter issues in the Sheriff's Office what they told you before they can't get involved in and it's maybe a civil matter and then check again you just Google search Florida squatter law I'm aware of uh I'm aware of the law um however the determination here on this docum documentation is basically stating that the this this property is not suitable for use okay so so I thought you had squatter issues but I was just yes we do have squatter issues at that location and um we did have someone out on the property that was followed around the property um while trying to service the property and um so that they're there and I guess they pick the days that they want to come out to the property and be present but for the most part I think the person is in the building at nighttime um so uh I just want to know more about uh would we be issued any type of documentation that is not suitable for use or occupancy and how does that work Bo can't give you legal advice you're going to have to go talk to an attorney when you get a copy of their order okay so now section uh 110.5 right I think that's a revocation of uh I guess the certificate of occupancy I mean so there is no certificate of occupancy of the property due to the fact that the year that it was uh built but um it it's essentially covering the same thing it's not something that you would find suitable for use of a human being so what can what can you do to assist us with keeping people out of the structure so that law enforcement can recognize it as a uh so you direction from this department you've had a year and a half to ask those questions of number one the code officer this officer or the previous officer this board is not here to help you with those issues unfortunately okay those are questions that you need to either confer with code officer and if they can't give you the answers and you have to look at private counsel well I did ask for some sort of documentation or something that I could relate to officers I also you know uh show the officer the email because in the very same day on what have we done to try to fix the problem oh yeah we have been trying to fix the problem but the issue is that the person occupying the property is the person that is responsible for like I told you the the rubbish and all well then you have to hire an attorney to get the squatter out this board is limited in what they can do so right now let's get back to the issue there's a second case would you like to hear the second case before you make a determination can I can I speak with you privately Miss Brown for a moment first noad I'm sorry I have a question for your officer dare I think we've established even with the respondent that this is now a safety issue does that change the conditions where we may need have to fence it or anything else to stop this so the outcome would still remain the same you secure the property um it would be a safety issue uh it's not up to me to determine it be up to you guys to determine if it's a safety issue but she would still have to scare the property because under property appraiser is the home funding that owns the property with a possibly with a fence then correct correct did the home fund have title to this how long is the home fund had title to this property uh since December of 21 since December of 2021 yes and when did the condition I I know code enforcement started this in in 2023 right there the uh the occupant uh Gary chestna there were some things that he didn't exactly reveal to me on at the time of the property transfer there were some conditions there that he didn't make me aware of and um well that I that's also a part of my own due diligence there um but slowly he began to reveal that there was more problems going on with the property than actually were uh for instance he stated that he was residing inside the property but then there were no utilities or anything present in the property after a while so I wasn't aware that that was the case how did the how did the home fund acquire this property how uh through with Gary Chestnut we made a deal with him basically a a deal you have a okay Mr chairman yeah that's another case but yeah we he actually we were working together towards getting this uh getting the property uh the code violation uh removed because it was pretty sudden when it happened um but it turned out that the person that was living with him was the person responsible for having uh someone dump on the property and that person does have a drug problem and he was receiving uh funds money to to um to dump uh garbage on the property Mr chairman in light of the the testimony I think let's just move on and I move to accept the staff's recommendation as is in it's clear there's a violation so so there's no need for further discussion I would just move that we accept the the recommendation as it is unless somebody wants to give a long a shorter or longer um um compliance date but it doesn't look like it's going to happen so I would just say it will happen you have to stop I move that we accept it as it as on this one that we accept it as recommended by Officer there motion on the table uh to accept St recommendation as presented is there a second on that second second by Mr sign motion by Mr Ross second by Mr signon further discussion I I can't go along with that I I would um I would recommend that we consider this to be a health safety welfare issue and forward it to the proper County Agency for follow up under that condition we could add an amendment on to it I believe making adding it part as part of the motion if that was you wanted to consider that oh if we can do that I just didn't know we could so so our dual motion will be to accept this stas recommendation and refer it to the appropriate um agency to deal with just tag it health safety welfare under chapter 162 just add the tagline And the tagline aset just said it to us healthy welfare welfare issue yes yes that's already been I'll leave my second in place for that okay very good adding that friendly Amendment on uh same party making the motion same second can I make a statement any no ma'am any further discussion all in favor say I I opposed that's what we've done uh We've we've uh accepted the recommendation by staff given you until July 11th okay on this particular case SC here the other one just a moment and uh going to label it as a health safety welfare issue okay that gives the county some different options okay and so do we get a uh any type of a signage or anything like that the I don't believe so uh he can explain to you what you would get after after this okay so I got some more questions because there's a second case okay they need to move on to the next case Okay AER dare we're going to hear from you uh case number 2462 CB the home fund Inc this is the second case 950 Leonard Street alont Springs 32701 whenever you're ready yes sir code enforcement officer Cameron of d s County Sheriff's Office South Region case number 2462 CB respondent is the home fund Inc would like to present a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit [Applause] a by violation is located at 915 Leonard Street semal County Florida violation charge semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defin in 95.3 a rubbish initial inspection was on April 6 2023 notices to respondents were on June 1st 2023 July 6 2023 compliance dates were July 1st 2023 July 24th 2023 followup inspections April 26 2023 May 3 1st 2023 July 13th 2023 August 8th 2023 September 12th 2023 October 20th 2023 and yesterday June 26 2024 results of followup inspection the rubbish violation remains this says an initial inspection by Officer Bavaro on April 6 2023 depicting the rubbish followup inspection on May 31st 2023 uh followup inspection by Officer Bavaro on July 13th 2023 rubbish remains uh this is an image on his reinspection on was it August 8 2023 I believe he was in contact with the home uh home fund Inc but I can't the attest to that but the arrow depicts the rubish in the background says a followup on September 12 2023 by Officer Bavaro depicting the rubbish Still Remains on the property follow up by officer bavar on October 20th 2023 it's a zoomed in picture but it shows the rubbish Still Remains and this is a recent picture from yesterday June 2026 I took it on my inspection and it depicts the concrete slab all the rubish in the side of the house the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 24- 62- CB it is determined that the respondent the home fund Inc is the owner of record of property located at 950 Leonard Street located in s County as determined by the property appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 has toin a section 95.3 C it is further recommended that code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation honored before midnight of July 11th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the miscellaneous debris and rubbish from the property if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any other questions for alair I just have one for our board attorney in light of our most recent resolution I mean can we even deviate if we're if we in um since we've already made that declaration and suggestion that it be moved to appropriate agency don't we have to dis just adopt the same resolution going forward no no two different issues okay two different issues and we didn't you didn't order it to go any place else you just tagged it to bring to the County's attention Okay any other questions R there no uh s Miss Miss Bob this is your opportunity to speak to these this particular separate violation ma'am okay um regarding the separate agency uh what can you explain to me there's no separate agency what are you doing to fix this problem okay so what I wanted to state was that there's illegal dumping going on on this property and that uh that uh concrete that you see there is not a part of the structure that was brought from someplace else cuz it's about 30 to 50 ft away I thought that's what we were talking about before sorry about that um it's 30 to 50 ft away so someone dumped it there there's no human that could pick that up from that property and place it in that area is it on your property it's there but is it on your property it's there but the is it on your property the issue yes or no I just said it's there okay so it's on your property correct I saw it there today yes okay so as the owner of the property you're responsible for handling the matters on your property so you have to figure out a way to fix the problem to eliminate it and to cause basically figure out a way that it doesn't happen again okay if it happens again you're responsible for it okay you said you had questions before do you want to ask them uh yeah I we would like some time so that we can have uh get permits into to start the process of uh demolition this is the rubbish uh case that we're talking about now the stuff that you saw in the pictures it was okay so the previous case was the structure was that correct that was and that's okay that's the case where I was asking basically the same thing where I was asking for some time for us to get the permits that were needed to that case is closed man we're on the the rubbish case I know I did mention that during that time okay I'll move that we accept staff's recommendation uh compliance date as staff recommended motion by Mr s and seconded second by Mr Davis to set St recommendation as presented which would be a compliance date of July 11th 2024 or a fine of $100 per day all in favor say I oppos I'm not opposing I just a quick question shouldn't we tag it the same way as the first one no because this issue is not a health safety issue the rubbish well unless you considered it but this is different than the structure the condition of the structure was the health safety welfare concern this is the the rubbish the junk and debris that's on the property okay you can add my eye to the group I wasn't I just wanted to ask you guys were too fast for me I just want to be consistent yeah okay so this one's closed out that's what we've done ma'am thank you and thank you for coming in today appreciate it great moves us to looks like the last case we're going to be discussing here there's a lean request uh next page case number 24-2 CB Barbara B Fredericks 230 Scarboro Cove Longwood Florida 32779 if you're here for this case please step up to the table there and uh and ma'am you're Miss Frederick yes I am okay thank you AER oir whenever you're ready oh you're fine code enforcement officer Cameron Adair s County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24-20 CB respondent is Barbara Fredericks I'm going to present or yeah I'm going to present a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit a the violation is at 230 scarbo Cove 7 County Florida the violation charge s county code chapter 95 section 95.4 has defined in section 95.3 C remains a rubble of a [Applause] structure initial inspection was on August 22nd 2023 the code board order date was on April 25th 2024 and follow-up inspections were on April 29th 2024 and yesterday June 26 2024 results the followup inspection where the remains or Rubble of a structure violation remains this is a photo of the inspection after the code board date on April 29th 2024 it shows the chimney still has a hole in it and there's a dividend the roof right there this is an inspection from yesterday June 26 2024 the hole in the chimney remains and In Between the Ferns on the photo to the right where the arrows pointing the hole has gotten larger that black area in between is all a hole the suggested recommendation by the co enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 24-20 CB it is determined that the respondent Barbara Frederick is the owner of record of the property located at 230 Scarboro Cove located in SEMO County as determined by the property appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of sem county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in section 95.3 C it is further recommended that the code enforcement board based on the findings of fact conclusion Law and Order the code enforcement board issue in order constituting a lean in the amount of $3,200 for 63 days of non-compliance from April 26 2024 through an including June 27th 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after June 27 2024 this concludes my presentation thank you any questions Rosser there hey man before we turn it over to you just let me explain this is a lean request different from what you witnessed out there we have these other cases they were new cases so what we're here today to do is to make a decision on whether or not to apply a lean to the property for 63 days of non-compliance and so we're not going to hear the whole case again you can certainly refer to it if there's important pieces of it but that's what we're here today not to hear the case but to determine whether or not a lean's going to be applied so and again this is your opportunity to speak to this board here on in regards to that I need a new roof and some repairs to the house and I I don't have the money to do it and so since the last time um you had um somebody had suggested that I kind contct different agencies and um anyway I contacted the rebuild America I mean rebuild of Florida and they've been working with me since then I have a letter here from from them that they're they're working on it and it just hasn't come to um you know any determination yet and if I can submit that you wouldn't get it back that's to give to the board we can't make copies here the copy okay so thank you and do you want to expand on that when did you contact them or what's going on with them if there's anything additional to what you just said what you can get that too um thank you maybe um within two weeks of when the um I met with you um by the time I got to the right people um they had Ed and I went in and they've been helping me ever since and I had sent a letter of request um to give me more time um that's to the I think the head of cod enforcement but I haven't heard anything from them since then I don't what I'm sorry I don't have the date on that but um it was probably two months ago here's the can you get some contact with them in some way to see if we can make any progress on this or we just considering kicking the can down the road or what they've been really good about keeping me informed and um this letter was from maybe a week ago um since then that time they said that they're um just checking on my house the um and I don't know completely but if it was um a historic thing or something they have to check on that so that's what they were doing um most recently because the house is close to downtown Longwood is that why I think it's just one of their criteria that they have to do no I'm not not in a historic area it's a new subdivision in the 80s you know have you spoken to any County agencies or staff about help yeah I did um I don't know his name um and there was just no money at at that time but you don't who know with whom you spoke I I could tell you who I spoke to but it'll take me a while to figure it out on my phone but um let me ask you this uh because this board's going to have to make a decision here on whether or not to apply the lean and uh it what would your request be sort of the case is heard there's violation has been fixed and we just have to make a determination are you requesting more time uh cuz I am requesting more time I had requested that in a letter about two months ago I had requested before yep so the second document you're seeing is a letter that she sent to the clerk in April and at the second page of that letter she's requesting an additional six months to come into compliance um and so that just didn't get back onto your agenda and um so it's here before you today so I would kind of that's your option at this point your option is to Grant her that request in that letter which would be an additional four months at this time because we're now in June um you can continue the matter you don't have to file the link today if you don't want to I mean if you think that she's making progress you could just basically you know table this for four months or 30 days or 60 days whatever you choose and keep checking in to see what progress is being made to see if she is going to get some relief with this entity that has sent her that letter last week um you know filing the lean doesn't mean she can't continue to work towards compliance either that just simply removes it from this board and when she does come into compliance she'd have to go before the BCC to deal with the lane and and if I'm not I'm not corre incorrect Miss Brown It's G it's going to be $50 a day no matter whether we enter lean or not I mean so just lerning lean is just a formality of turning it from one type of terminology to another so it's really it isn't going to help her by giving in extensions or tabling it it's still going to collect $50 a day so it's just a lean to try to put a little more pressure on her and then for but it does force her then to have to go to the next step correct correct correct yeah the lean will I mean the fine will continue until she's in compliance if she were to try to sell this home when there's a lean on it then we know what happen s if there's no we don't we don't know what happens and we can't give her any legal advice on that that's something she'd have to talk to an attorney about what options are available to her if there's a lean against if a fine is acre what and there isn't a lean what happens then again I can't give her legal advice and so you have to be very careful when you ask me a question about her property she has to talk to an attorney about what's happening on her property if she chooses to sell her property I moved that we accept staff's recommendation to convert it into a lean I'll second D I'm sorry you want to do what accept the staff's recommendation to lean the property I just made it more complicated than I needed to gu are we in discussion now yes we are you wait a second right I would not be in favor of that I think we um have a little Grace here and we should wait to see what this company this organization's going to do she's obviously has reached out is searching for help on this um I would be in favor of waiting for the rebuild Florida's response so you would be in favor of tbling it for yes give it a give it a time period actually I'd like to table it for the for the additional four months that we talked about to make it six months so I'd say October 31st but the fines continue yes sir yes the fine continues but the would not and that's we have the motion that's not the motion the motion that we have at this point in time is accepting stat recommendation uh any other discussion I'd just like to point out that this has been going I mean that the type of grass that we see there has been going I mean this has been going on for years now this was the one of the first cases that I sat in on so um I mean you know I mean I understand that there's some action here but for someone to go and ask for a lean reduction after the after especially given who she is um I I think that's a slam dunk for her and so I'm going to support the motion well I guess he just just we have to I I made it it's been second we either have to vote on it I guess it we we're just discussing yeah yeah uh I'm trying to process this here uh okay uh okay it fails I'll remake one it's Mr Ross's motion second by Mr Davis I believe Tess test recommendation as presented uh all in favor say I I I opposed nay nay so the motion passes ma'am that's what we've done uh I I I sorry but I didn't understand what was happening well we accepted the recommendation that was presented that was up there in yellow a moment ago which is uh it has nothing to do with you to stop trying to fix this you really need to do that but what it what it amounts to is you have until uh oh I didn't write it down what was the July no no no nothing has changed you keep working towards is that okay yes is that is that okay for me to speak for you and just yes maam okay yeah so nothing has changed you keep working towards compliance okay you keep letting them know you need this fixed you need this fixed as soon as it is in compliance you reach out to the inspector and have them come do an inspection okay that will shut the fine down and then they can explain to you the next step to deal with a lean that's been put on your property understand okay all right good luck thank you so much and thank you thank you okay I think that's is that's I think that's all the cases we have there's other cases not heard by the board reasons are identified so you had two cases where respondents were not present the same person items 55 and 56 which is Pages three and four so those are the only two cases left oh I was talking about the ones uh that weren't heard by the board they're right oh we got to do those don't we sure do okay would it be would it be possible for me to move that we take both cases together that possible there no one here yeah yeah I second that okay uh so uh we're going to we have case number 24-55 CB Mary L A Wilcox and uh case number 2456 ceb Mary L A Wilcox um they're both on page three and Page four Al there I guess this is you again you're walking up there trying to find it and oh yep okay uh whenever you ever going to hear from back to back all right code enforcement officer Cameron Adair Sim County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24-55 CB respondent is Mary L Wilcox I'd like to submit a copy of this PowerPoint presentation to the clerk is exhibit a the violation is located at 9636 mcnorton Road semal County Florida violation charge is semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 a rubbish initial inspection was on January January 4th 2024 notice to respondent was January 11th 2024 and February 15th 2024 with compliance dates set for January 29th 2024 and March 1st 2024 followup inspections were on February 2nd 2024 February 14th 2024 March 1st 2024 June 14th 2024 and June 26 2024 results of the follow-up inspection the rubbish violation remains on property excuse me this is a initial inspection conducted by Officer Bavaro on January 4th 2024 depicts the rubbish on the yeah depicts the rubbish on the side of the house right there so that's a followup inspection by Officer Bavaro on February 2nd 2024 the rubbish remains this is a follow-up inspection conducted by myself on March 1st it shows the rubbish in the front of the house and on the side this is the data posting on June 14th not much has changed and this is the most recent picture yesterday June 26 2024 the rubbish Remains the suggested recommendation by the code enforcement officer is based on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 24-55 CB it is determined the respondent Mary L Wilcox is the owner of record of the property located at 9636 mcnorton Road located in sem County as determined by the property appraiser records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of sem county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined a 95.3 a rubbish it is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation onor before midnight of July 11th 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove the miscellaneous debris and rubbish from the yard if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $100 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions before he moves to this second case uh yeah I have a question can we go back to the slide from yesterday please yes can you explain to me what this large thing is on on the right side photo it appears to be a trailer a like a little trailer or camper of some sort okay and um have you had any contact with this homeowner at all only once and that was on date of posting he said he he's a repeat offender officer bavara has been out here multiple times for the same thing uh he finally decided to bring it to the board's attention you say he it's Mary so you spoke to a man uh correct I think his name was he only announced himself as Rogers so I believe he's the tenant oh so someone lives here correct but we're not hearing this as a repeat we're hearing it as a new case I guess yes okay oh did you have thought I heard you uh okay and so then if no other questions I'll move on to the next okay also D if you can do the next one which is 2456 CB same respondent Mary L Wilcox Air 9636 mcnorton Road alont Springs 32714 whenever you're ready sir code enforcement officer Cameron Adair semal County Sheriff's Office South Region this is case number 24 - 56- CB responding is Mary L Wilcox like to give a copy of the power PowerPoint presentation to the clerk as exhibit a the violation is located at 9636 mcnorton Road semal County Florida the violation charge is semal county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined in 95.3 B uncultivated vegetation initial inspection was on January 4th 2024 notices to respondent were on January 11th 2024 and February 15th 2024 responding compliance stes were January 29th 2024 and March 1st 2024 followup inspections were on February 2nd February 14th March 1st June 14th and June 26 2024 results of the follow-up inspection the uncultivated vegetation violation remains on the property this is an initial inspection photo from officer Bavaro on January 4th 2024 this was the only photo provided by him on February 2nd 2024 it shows a little bit of the grass where the red arrow depicts this is an image by me on my follow-up inspection March 1st 2024 the grass in the backyard remains this is on date of posting that should have been the 14th on June 14th 2024 and this is most recent picture from yesterday's inspection June 26 2024 shows the vegetation is growing up to the middle of the trash cans and throughout the yard like that the suggested recommendation by the co enforcement officer is B B on the testimony and evidence presented in case number 2456 CB it is determined that the respondent Mary L Wilcox is the owner of record of the property located at 9636 mcnorton Road located in SEL County as determined by property prer records is in possession or control of the property and is in violation of sem county code chapter 95 section 95.4 as defined a 9.3b on cultivated vegetation is further recommended that the code enforcement board issue an order for the respondent to correct the violation on or before midnight of July 11th 20124 in order to correct the violation the respondent must remove all uncultivated vegetation over 8 in in height if the respondent does not comply with the order f a $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance this concludes my presentation thank you any questions r on this case I have two quick ones I'm assuming the will Cox Air means she inherited the property that's or is that her legal name inherited okay that's that answers a couple of things and you have not spoken with the person who's the record owner just the tenant neither me nor Vinnie has um or been in contact with her we've only dealt with the tenant that's what I thought thank you I'll move that we accept the recommendation of staff for both 24-55 and 2456 with the findes recommended by staff I second okay is there a need for anybody everybody good with that motion as far instead of splitting the two okay so we're going to we're uh just for the record I will read them separately let me find it case number 24-55 CB that particular case the motion I'm sorry who made the where were we at motion by Mr signing second by Mr Ross on that particular case uh compliance date July 11th 2024 or the fine will start at $100 a day all in favor say I I I I post carries the case number 2456 ceb same respondent same address uh the the motion on that one is the same compliance date uh July 11th 2024 or a $50 per day fine on that one all in favor say I iOS okay it takes care of it uh I think we're at the end now try this again uh in case it's not heard beginning on page seven they're there for your reading if you would like uh approval of the minutes of May 23rd do I have a motion for that so moved second motion by Miss town and second by Mr Bates to approve the minutes from the May 23rd 2024 meeting all in favor say I hi hi post n no I'm just being funny yeah uh confirmation next meeting date July 25th should be 2024 uh if you have any issues with that date let the clerk know any new business anybody can think of that we may have no motion to adjourn second motion Mr Bates second by Mr sign and thirdd by Mr Ross fourth by I name and that concludes our hearing thank you I [Music] [Music]