[Music] for [Music] [Music] a [Music] good evening this is the March 6 2024 seal County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all this board is a seven member board appointed by the border County Commissioners a quorum has been established to hold tonight's meeting public hearing items acted upon by this board are referred to the Border County Commissioners Commissioners for further consideration uh board members present tonight in order from my left to right are going to be commissioner lordis Agera commissioner Tim Smith commissioner Michael Lawrence myself chairman Dan Lopez commissioner Richard German and commissioner Brandy aapola staff present tonight are Jose Gomez chief chief administrator County manager's office Rebecca hammock development services director Dale Hall planning and development manager Nissa bartt Deputy County attorney Vladimir simonovski development review engineering manager Joy GES principal planner and Tammy Brushwood p board clerk tonight's meeting will go as follows staff will introduce the item the applicant will present the item audience members wishing to speak will then be heard please complete a comment card and give it to the clerk if you wish to speak comment cards are located in the in the lobby speakers should restrict their comments to information directly related to the item being heard audience speakers will have 3 minutes to speak or 6 minutes if you're representing a group when called speakers should approach the microphone providing their name and address for the record the the board may ask questions of the speaker after all speakers have been heard public comment will be closed the applicant will be given a chance for rebuttal any any items shown such as videos presentations pictures or Maps must must be left with the clerk for the public record items shown from electronic devices should be emailed to the clerk a motion will be made and seconded board discussion may occur and conclude with a vote and I will request a roll call vote for any split votes first item on the agenda is the approval of the proof of publication do I have a motion motion second we have a motion in a second all in favor I I next we have the approval of the minutes do I have a motion so moved I second all in favor I I all right next on the agenda is going to be the public hearing item uh the first one is going to be the Santa Ana RV storage small scale furniture land use map Amendment and rezone Joyce GES presenting good evening Joy Giles principal planner for the Planning and Development Division the applicant is requesting approval of the Santa Ana RV storage small scale future land use map Amendment from loow density residential to Industrial and reone from A1 agriculture to C3 General commercial and wholesale on approximately 1 acre located on the west side of Matthews Road approximately uh 600t north of Hillview Drive the purpose of the request is to incorporate the 1acre parcel into the existing outdoor storage site adjacent on the north south east and west the previously approved development known as the adult toy storage facility permits those uses permitted under the C3 General commercial wholesale zoning classification and the M1A very light industrial zoning classification including outdoor storage the applicant proposes to utilize the 1 acre parcel for additional storage the requested industrial feature land use allows a maximum floor area ratio of 0.65 and permits the requested C3 zoning classification as previously stated the property is surrounded by the adult toy storage development with approved access points from Hillview Drive and Matthews Road a staff finds a requested land use Amendment and reone to be consistent with the comprehensive plan and compatible with the surrounding trend of development in the area heavy commercial and Industrial uses have been established on the properties adjacent to the north south east and west since 1995 or excuse me 1999 therefore staff recommends that the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance and acting a smallscale feature land use map Amendment from low density residential to Industrial and adopt the associated ordinance and acting a re Zone from A1 to C3 as requested thank you any questions of of joy is the applicant present there Chad Morehead with mad Morehead and Stokes 431 East ratio Avenue here to answer any questions we agree with staff we've referred to this parcel as a donut hole for a long time and we were finally able to acquire it and and incorporate it into the the rest of the site all right any questions from the board for the applicant see none are there any audience members wishing to speak on the matter we didn't receive any comment cards so we're going to assume there is none all right so we will close public comments any discussion from the board on the matter if no discussion anybody will interested in making a motion yeah Mr chairman uh I'll uh request the board of County approve The Bard count of Commissioners adopt the ordinance enacting a smallscale future land use Amendment from low density residential um to Industrial and adopt the ordinance enacting a reone from A1 agricultural to C3 General commercial and wholesale on approximately 1 acre located on the west side of Matthews Road approximately 600 ft north of Hill View Drive second we have a motion to approve and a second any further discussion hearing none all in favor I any opposed see none all right moving on to item number two in the agenda the Reagan Center PD major Amendment reone um Joy Giles presenting forgive me yes the the applicant is requesting approval of the Reagan Center PD major Amendment rezone uh from PD plan development to PD plan development on approximately 110 acres located on the east side of US Highway 1792 north of County Home Road the applicant proposes to construct a mixed use development on 110 acres with entitlements for General commercial and Retail uses consistent with C1 and C2 including but not limited to General commercial uses professional medical office and multif family residential the PD proposes a maximum floor area ratio of 0.95 and multif family residential density of 25 dwelling units per net buildable acre for a maximum of 1,300 excuse me 13 dwelling units in December of 2018 the board of County Commissioners approved the parks side Place PD res Zone on the subject site however subsequent application ations for the development approval were not submitted and the PD entitlements have since expired the Reagan Center PD proposes a less intense F in density than the previously approved Parkside Place PD which allowed a maximum F of 1.25 with a maximum density of 85 to units per net buildable acre the comparison between the current requests and the previously approved entitlements are shown in the entitlements comparison table in your agenda package the PD proposes four developable tracks and a 35 acre track designated as passive Recreation open space and Wetland Conservation multif family residential will be de developed so solely on track two and shall be developed in three phases the remaining three developable tracks in the PD will consist of General commercial retail and office uses and may be developed independently from the multif family phases a trip conversion Matrix has been included in the development order allowing for the conversion of uses between tracks as long as the total number of project trips are not exceeded however as previously stated the multif family units are developed solely on track 2 and no additional residential units may be added through the trip conversion Matrix the site is located within the Simo County Utility service area and is required to connect to Public Utilities due to the intensity of the project Water and Wastewater system capacity improvements are anticipated therefore a separate utility agreement will be required for the design and construction of all improvements the total costs associated with the water and wastewater system improvements shall be funded via prop proportionate share contribution by the developer of 45% for water and 46% for Wastewater the development will access on a Ronald Reagan Boulevard and US Highway 1792 a traffic impact analysis will be required at final engineering review for each phase of development the Tia will determine any off-site improvements required in the county RightWay and will also evaluate internal vehicular vehicular cross access needed to facilitate each phase's internal access to adjacent land uses however track three will access solely from Ronald Reagan Boulevard and will not have internal vehicular access to the remaining tracks in the PD due to the existing wetlands and flood plane oops forgive me the site is located within the lake jip drainage basin which has limited Downstream capacity therefore the site's design will be required to hold water quality and not exceed the predevelopment rate and volume for the 25e 24hour storm events staff has evaluated the proposed development for consistency with a comprehensive plan and Land Development code the proposed development supports the objectives of the PD zoning designation in that it provides the minimum required 25 5% open space perimeter buffers and a maximum Building height as well as defined permitted uses with maximum intensity the development will provide vehicular interconnectivity between tracks and uses to promote a well-connected internal vehicular Network as well as pedestrian circulation giving access to all portions of the development as the track and phases are constructed the developer will provide the construction of one bus shelter located on the east side of US Highway 1792 just north of senatur lane at each phase of development the project will be evaluated for impacts to traffic and utilities to determine required improvements staff find are proposed development to be consistent with the comprehensive plan and Land Development code with a mix of uses that are compatible compatible with the high-intensity nature of the US Highway 1792 Corridor in compliance with the simal County Land Development code the applicant conducted a community meeting on December 6th 202 3 and the details of that meeting are included in your agenda package staff request that the board of County Commissioners adopt the ordinance and acting a reason from PD to PD and approve the associated development order and master development plan as requested thank you all right thank you any questions from the board for I do go ahead Joy tell me what residential can be put on tract one no residential on tract one the only residential permitted is multif family on track to that's not what it says in in your development order I can put Senior Living oh forgive me yes uh Assisted Living uh senior and assisted and independent living may be available to go on tracks one uh so I can put residential on track one yes forgive me thank you and any other questions from the board for staff chairman was there a traffic study included in this application uh Joy yes there was okay and was that based on a,3 units it was okay thank you anything else good okay anybody else from the board all right will the applicants chairman yes down down here yeah if I May real quick um I believe you all received the memo from Miss Giles on March 5th with the updated yes um level of service and capacity memo our office prepared some attachments the updated development order the updated Master site plan um Miss Jes would you like to um insert those items into the record yes I will okay thank you I just wanted to make sure they were included with the record of the case remind thank you all right is the applicant present hi hi good Morris orm strategies I'm representing the applicant uh and um we'll be we'll be doing a presentation that will include uh both a presentation by uh our engineer planner and engineer who will go through a little bit more detail than you just saw on the uh on the actual site plan and on the uses um two will you'll also be hearing from um the multif family developer Integra who will show you typically what they build and have built around the county and their intentions for this project but we also have uh a traffic engineer here also Mr German for any con discussion or conversation you'd like to have there um so with us tonight uh is Dave McDaniel of Integra who's who's um that's a family-owned business out of uh Heathrow they built multiple uh multif family units uh all around the region at Southeast region and Florida and local Dustin Brinkman from kbm Franklin who it's our engineering and land planning firm we're also working with Robbie Moon there some of you may know him and then Muhammad abdalah uh who's our PE and and from traffic Mobility Consultants you probably have seen him before the history of this is real simple this project started at fle world that some of you all may remember and fondly remember many people attended that place it was the largest indoor flea World in the United States at one point it was owned by Mr Sid Levy and uh the original presentation before this board was I believe in 2015 2014 2015 late late late that year and um and then went to the BCC and that closed Flea World and started a proposal for mixed use this was one of the seminal Count's bcc's three targeted Redevelopment areas in the whole County was one of what the big three were and this is the largest Redevelopment in the county in the last 30 years of any kind because it goes to 110 acres of which a significant portion is being preserved in perpetuity the original proposal in 2015 um languished and then Mr Levy passed away he deed this land to Boys and Girls Club and in in not deed it excuse me he uh willed it in his EST state to to Boys and Girls Club what ensued then was after his death U was um some litigation and some other issues so the initial approval that you all had for the Mixed year use development uh which was a partnership then with the county actually there were a series of parts of that do that were Partnerships and then leading to additional agreements were supposed to occur that didn't occur uh no fault of the counties because of what occurred uh and then uh so that fell apart and then the trustees took over and then a second proposal came forward during the trustees that second proposal was five times larger than the original proposal that we did and that's that's by F that's by density that's by the multif family that's by every calculation you can do including the effect on schools including the effect on traffic So eventually Boys and Girls Club got back possession of the property that's how I'm here Integra they put it to bid with nine different developers I believe nine responded and Integra was the one that won that to take this project forward integr only doing the multif family boys and girls Club who continue to do those uses that you see to the northern side um and those uses are all defined in the do we do not have a site plan for them because that's just it's it's a PD resoning here it's not site plan for them in in term it just showing the future use so and this proposal you have before you is remarkably similar to the original proposal that we had in 2015 um it's the densities are almost the same the uses are virtually the same the heights are a little lower though um and in the number of apartment multif family is slightly higher than the original proposal that you approved but the commercial is actually less so it kind of balances there in terms of traffic and and and density and use so in terms of how we got here we also have been working on a development order of which you just the County Attorney just referred to that change change that change we saw too in real time as you saw it we had worked out a that we thought was very workable and had agreed and really compliment staff for their good work on it and management for their good work on it also the part that was that was we did not have an agreement with and would be a separate agreement separate from any zoning and this is real important to understand is the utility portion that's not a zoning issue that's that's a that's a that's an infrastructure issue and we simply are not in concurrence with that part of the do but that's fine because we're still going to be working with staff to come up with a utility agreement that would operate through through the do would operate in terms of what future activity has to occur what what we would have to do on offsite improvements and and how on-site we would coordinate with the county so that part of the agreement we are we we we we like everything we're seeing seeing in the do it's been a really good workout with the exception of that and then in the coming weeks before we get to the County Commission we'll be dealing with the utility issue we will not be discussing the utility issue with you all tonight because we don't have the background to do that we need more information from the county that we can examine first before we can speak intelligently to that issue we anticipate all this to occur in the next couple of weeks I think you can verify this when you talk to staff any questions on how we got here and the quick move I made into the development any questions from the board are you done Randy I'm done with my portion yes sir and then we'll be calling up uh we'll be calling up for uh some discussion from Dustin who will discuss the actual site planning uses my my only comment is you know this Deal's bounced around for a long time been around the county for a while with 2015 yes sir yeah with the death of then potential development so forth and so on and I've heard a lot of things about the vision that a lot of the Commissioners and other people in the county had for this site okay do you think you're achieving the vision for this site that maybe was I I I I thought the vision was for a lot more mixed use uh and and by the way your developer is one quality apartment developer I recognize that but they're not necessarily commercial so I I don't know how you answer is this really going to be satisfying the vision of a really great mixed use project I I believe it does and and and we'll see what comes forward you know we're in a unique area here you you've really got a three-legged stool going on in development that should be a good Catalyst for 1792 which as you know is is an underdeveloped area and somewhat substandard compared to many other parts of the county quite frankly the 1792 we're talking about the commercial Corridor aspect so the three-legged stool I'm referring to is obviously what the county is is doing it five points with a government center which has been far longer delayed than anything to do with Flea World Reagan Center uh that's that's been a 30-year project in the making that just drags and drags and drags in terms of the county moving their facilities there and be more centrally located so with that though the second leg of the stool is s Community College or s s s State College now um and and and then rebe the commercial aspect next to that supplying housing and supplying mixed use it's about a 50/50 ratio Mr German which is pretty pretty good and that's actually what the county has looked for in many of the hip areas over in Heathrow is that ratio so that ratio comes in what uses come in because of the economy relative to commercial or office I can't tell you and by the way it's important for you to understand that Integra is not developing the rest of the project it will be a Boys and Girls Club will develop the rest of the project will they bring in a master developer I can't tell you that we're here for a zoning heing I can't give you the economic implications of what they would do and not having a by doing it peace meal or having a uh Master developer those are decisions that they would make and the E and the market driven economy will drive this we can tell you what the multif family will look like um and we're doing one phase at a time and it's phased in three phases so so the applicant is only going to develop track two track yeah and they're doing the first phase and he he can discuss that when he comes up what that would look like okay um that but we don't know about the other tracks no we well we know what the uses would be and we know approximately you know we we we have some approximations what's the other thing that's important to know here is that it is an integrated development in that look closely at the do you're seeing some things in this do you haven't seen in any other do before you you're seeing Dark Skies you're seeing a wayfinding pedestrian wayfinding area that will not just Encompass the apartment or the multif family departments but also in incorporate the commercial that way finding pedestrian wayf finding also a a traffic wayf finding uh and a connectivity to all of these both by pedestrians all sections will connect by pedestrians pedestrian access and have a a design Master Lake basically that will have that effect right next to the preserved Wetlands which is 308 you know approximately 30 Acres that will also have a park that these are things you don't typically you don't see so you know I think that Mr German and I know where you're headed in your question I think that will integrate part of the concept of this type of use I think we're doing some Innovative things with it that the county code did not require and we did not have to do but we went we and then we also we think we helped actually drive some of the changes that you recently made in the code because our negotiations with the county been going on for some time so uh and I think if you ask sath what I'm saying I don't want to represent what they believe I think you're going to get the same answer from them so with that I CAU uh M Mr McDaniel from Integra and he will give you a not I'm sorry not Mr McDaniel first I'm sorry we'll call up Dustin Brinkman from kbm Franklin who will go over a little bit more in detail Ingress egress and the plan good afternoon chairman board members Dustin Brinkman with KPM Franklin 6300 Hazel teen National Drive site 118 Orlando 32822 um with KPM Franklin as Randy said we are the civil engineering firm facilitating the applicant on the project and we prepared the um this master development plan that you're looking at here on the on the big screen right now bear with me as I kind of slouch over and try my best to to talk about the plan here so I'm just going to run around kind of counterclockwise and just kind of circle some of these tracks since it's kind of tough to uh to read here but um as as Joy had covered you know we're working with approximately 110 one3 acres of overall plan development um property here um circling right here tract one which is intended for a commercial blend of uses more precisely you know focusing around the the um the standard retail uh professional office medical office uses um again as Randy noted you know those are up and there but but you know we're we're keeping that um uh very flexible for for the the future development uh and then moving on to the track number two here composing of of 41 approximately 41 Acres um and this is what we're primarily focusing on as Randy had mentioned for the development of a multiphased multif family apartment complex um and I'll let David kind of speak more to his product and and what they typically develop um they present a very nice product and you can go into detail on that but um just kind of Al the areas here in terms of of primary access uh there's an existing full access median cut on um Ronald Reagan and glandore way there and then further up the way to the east is a full access median cut on Ronald Reagan and Hester and then further to the West at Red Pine Way there's an existing bir directional median cut right there which we would ultimately intend for that access point to remain in its current place or you know that could potentially be adjusted but um most likely utilizing you know that bir directional access to the site right there as well um that would be the the primary points of access to track two um and just to touch back when I you know referring to access points to tract one um primary access would be provided uh at the existing traffic signal um Senator across from Senator Lane and uh US 192 here with a um a right in and a right out up here at the far northwest corner of tra one so then going around here to track number five which is consists of approximately 3.16 Acres um that would be primarily intended for for you know your your standard commercial retail uses um with some alternative options such as you know potential um uh daycare assisted facility uh assisted living facilities which are options within that but but pretty much focusing on the C1 uh uses per standard zoning District uh definitions can you point to track five again please yeah track five is is right here okay got it thank you and then jumping over to the Far East tract um that's comprised of approximately 1.93 acres and uh on the on the mdp here we're noting that as commercial retail as well um actually restricted neighborhood commercial uses primarily for um you know some some uses such as daycare facilities um assisted living facilities um with the primary access uh at the only only logical point which would be you know this the single access point off of of Ronald dragan and then last but not least there's the the final uh allotment of the property which is comprised of a conservation easement along with the the wetlands which would remain in its its current existence um would not be modified in its you know in its entirety within that region um that would would be utilized as a um 50% protor a share across the property for Open Spaces that would you know be utilized for uh recreational area as well so um that's pretty much a summary of the site you know uh the tracks the areas um is there any particular questions that anyone has just in regards to the site in general that might be able to shed some light on you have any conceptual Master plans for any of these parcel just to see I recognize that's not on the agenda tonight but when you call this a master plan I call it a bubble plan but you do you have any thing we can see that you've developed density studies or otherwise well nothing here with us right now but we've only been working on you know very high level conceptual ads on the multif family not not the master development plan as a whole any other questions from the board for the applicant yeah I have a question um on the entitlements comparison table that I'm looking at it states that there's 25 acres set aside for multif family but you mentioned something about 41 Acres I'm just trying to to figure out if if it is it 41 or 25 yeah the the track two is a lot it for 41 acres and it's it's actually 25 dwelling units per acre is the proposed density okay okay any other questions Dave McDaniel from Integra will get up and do a presentation on actually what the multif family will look like good evening everybody uh David McDaniel um 3748 farmbell place in Lake Mary um I'll be brief um basically we are a family company that's been operating in um Lake Mary since 19 or sorry 2006 I've got a 38-year background in multif family housing I'm primarily focused in the southeast United States we've done quite a bit of work in throughout Central Florida and over to Tamp and up to Jacksonville if you're familiar with some of the work that we've done we do try to Brand our projects with an integral name just to um make it familiar with mostly residents and institutional investors um recently we built Integra 360 over in Winter Springs we did Integra Lakes down in Castlebury we did integraal Crossings uh in semal County U our most recent project we would very much look forward to uh developing this site uh for our uh next multif family in seminal County um we I've been driving by the flea market and like everybody who lived here a while has seen the flea market forever always wondered what that site was going to end up with and you know here we are standing you know talking about it so I'm excited to have that opportunity um I think um commissioner jman to answer your question on the uh the mixed use aspect and and um I I get that question asked a lot and um like the city of Castlebury which we rezone that u a number of years ago there was a big push from the commission to do a integrated mixed use project and um it's very difficult to do a uh a vertically mixed use project and make it economic um if you can there are very few examples of I was not referring to I I recognize that a vertical mix use project forget it I wouldn't even talk about that okay well I that's right kind of interpret your question that's not what I was referring to okay so getting getting to that if we're off the vertical mixed use then I I really agree with Randy I think the the mixed use the horizontal mixed use is what I call it that we have out there and the mixes of uses I think is Dustin and Randy laid it out fairly well on how we're uh incorporating that all into the site and we we are incorporating uh interconnectivity sidewalks um we'll probably have some bike Lanes of some sort and all of the roads are inter interconnected our project multi family projects will not be gated so you'll be able to drive through and sort of interact with everybody and um as I said we don't really know what's going to be uh north of us on the on the commercial Parcels but I think we hopefully are an incubator for that if we have residential housing units there hopefully there's some retail that comes along on 1792 and then we you know there's a nice uh developed large parcel for U medical office uh some other commercial and uh we would very much look forward to that we've been working closely with the boys and girls club because as Randy said we're working on the multif family side they're still going to own the property for uh the commercial and you know we want to make sure that this do um reflects some of their future hopes and dreams of what that property is going to be so they've been involved in in in the background on um the development order and everything that we've been working on so we're trying to create as much flexibility as we can for them at the same time promote what we're trying to do is is um you know develop the multif family there um as far as the master plan goes um we we have worked on a conceptual me multif family um project we don't have it with us I didn't think to bring it with me tonight uh but it is very conceptual but um if you look at the uh the 40 acres that are on there the far left side um on the western property of of track 2 that would be our first phase um we're right now we're contemplating about 322 units in that first phase it'll be a standalone this area right here south of that Randy yeah right there I'm sorry there um phase two would be basically where the red circle is uh and phase three would be further over to to the right um and and we would do that sequentially what we don't want to do is build too many units at one time and you know we want to lease them have it be successful and stabilized then we can do a second phase uh if the if the market warrants that um the project itself will have its own retention Pond I think in the do we're required to you know have a fountain in there have a interconnected sidewalks and a path around the lake so it's going to be a very nice environment and i' encourage you if you have not been out to Integra Crossings in semal County um that one is U probably uh would be a good example of what we would look to do here we always like to do something a little bit different but but there would be some similarities um I did bring a couple photos P's projects just to kind of give you an idea they're kind of hard to see can let show up on she's a genius okay so that this one is um uh Integra station which we did down in Melbourne that's the back of the clubhouse um and you can see the uh overall um degree of detail that we try to put into it in the Ambiance with lighting and and all the amenities that are back there um this is an yeah that's the uh Integra Crossings project that I mentioned earlier so we have the club house in the front which is can't really see you just see the roof but we've got two major lakes um in the middle of it and U the property kind of rings the Lakes you can see the sidewalk that goes all around it uh there's a very very large dog park that's there that we've got an AstroTurf uh it's everything you know nice for the dogs um but our amenities are very high level and um commensurate with um a level of rents that we try to achieve for a project and the and the quality that we try to develop and then um lastly this is the exterior sorry um elevation of the Integra station project and coincidentally we just happened to be uh taking the picture with uh the uh space shuttle going off in the background so it was kind of a cool picture so and then let me just show that this is the interior of one of our club houses and again you can see the attention to detail that we try to um provide for our residents that are out there so um if you have any other questions about our product or what we're looking to do then uh be able to answer typical kitchen yeah and the other thing is that in terms of this the uh pedestrian paths that would run throughout the multif family development and then also run over to the commercial development uh those would have benches along the way uh you know look closely at that development order you can begin to see some of the some how this amenity package stretches from the apartment also very important to note here is that this is a market rate rental property at market rate currently rental property and the current rental rates that they are charging for this ver the last time I calculated you have to be careful on the calculation because months have gone by since we've you know you look at this and what's happening with inflation and so on but over 95% of those people that would be paying for that would fall in would qualify under Workforce housing for this project so again back to the earlier question of how does this integrate with a development a mixed use development on 1792 you all need Workforce housing it's a shortage we all know it and and and the workforce housing here will fulfill a significant shortage both four that would happen at the UN at the college and at the Five Points development um additionally one other thing uh that this this multif family will have is a number of garages I don't know the exact count of garages but I do we're not sure yet but it we'll have garages and the percentage of garages they'll all be covered with electric themselves and electrical power themselves not just the lighting unit when you pull in and that will allow a Prius type vehicle or hybrid type vehicle to be recharged in there that's another feature that you've not done in a you've not done in one of your apartments before here which we're offering and we are happy happy to put that in the development order also so um with that we now we put because uh in our community meeting there were two two kind of themes that with great attendance from the the neighbors and and uh and they stayed the full time for the for the entire meeting and and I think we had pretty good interaction on the questions a lot of the focus on that was safety crime traffic and oh by the way what are these multifamilies going to look like you know what what what are we getting as neighbors and um so traffic being one of you of concern as it is on every development issue you all deal with and traffic being particularly concerned on 1792 but on on Reagan so we do have Muhammad here and he is happy to answer any questions you have on that and then our presentation we finished we'd ask Mr chairman Mr Lopez if you would allow us to uh after the public participation if we can come come back up and respond to any comments that they had made or any clarifications that you all may may need so if you have any questions for Muhammad and then we'll sit down I have a question in regards to the units so um uh do you have an idea on these the size range of the units how many you know minimum number of bedrooms and bathrooms and such um I don't have the exact number but typically we'll do if it's just say a 300 unit project we'll do uh roughly 45% one-bedrooms 45% two bedrooms and roughly 10% three bedrooms the one bedrooms will run from 650 Square ft up to maybe 800 ft two bedrooms will be about 1100 square ft maybe 1050 and the three bed will be pushing 12200 uh Square ft or a little bit higher okay and en caps out at three bedroom units yeah okay yes all right any other questions from the board can can you give us an overview of the the uh points of egress and the traffic uh just just an oversight on how you're going to deal with that and how you're going to deal with signal uh studies yeah before we get started with public I know that's a concern looking at the the notes uh thank you Mr chair Commissioners Muhammad abdalah traffic and Mobility Consultants 3011 Maguire Boulevard Orlando 32803 um so the uh the points of I don't know if we can put a plan up there but uh basically the the uh the points of erress essentially align with current meeting openings on Ron Ronald Reagan Boulevard for for the most part so at uh at Hester at uh Thomas uh uh uh whatever that uh road is called but uh but there's a median opening right there uh in between and uh it's actually called Red Pine sorry at Red Pine and at Hester on Ronald Reagan uh there's also a a couple of potential right in right outs or or directional access oh okay we see there so that's better uh let me move all right here we are so we're looking at uh one connection right here Red Pine which is currently directional probably uh remain as such uh we're looking at a uh another connection at I think it's called Uh Red Pine here but uh I think they're calling it GL glamour glamour glamour is that glamour way right and then and then at Hester connection to us 1792 uh we're looking at the uh Senator Lane intersection which was always planned to be a a four- leg intersection the connections there so we' just be tying into that an additional right in right out further to the north to serve the commercial areas so the the access plan is uh similar to what you had seen before and uh We've evaluated at a high level currently to make sure it works and and it does further on as we get further into the development and get more uh deeper into the engineering and as you heard Joy mentioned that uh you know we'd be doing traffic studies at at every step we have committed to looking at the full meeting openings and evaluate them for uh potential signals we anticipate that Hester is probably the likely uh uh location where a signal might be warranted uh some point in the future uh on on Ronald Reagan obviously the one at Senator Lane will will just be up you know tied into and make sure that it operates with the new connection and will you add any traffic Lanes you there I noticed there was a a lane you needed to add for a U-turn in the study there was a lane that you needed to add for a U-turn is that yeah so so there's again just an overview of how you anticipate this is going to go go I know absolutely questions absolutely no I appreciate the question so yes at uh at County Home Road uh there there might be a need uh if we are coming in at uh Rat Pine and connecting there there might be a need for a uturn to allow traffic coming out of that first phase on Ronald Reagan that wants to head back towards the east to make the u-turn at County Home Road so that would be something that would be evaluated and if there's no other connection at that time that would be the the way to move so we we have to make allowance for traffic heading east to be able to get East and that would be either the U-turn or a or another connection somewhere else thank you absolutely thank you all right any other questions from the board all right thank you very much for your time thank you all we'll go ahead and open it up for public comment anybody who wishes to speak please fill out a comment card that they you'll find those in the lobby I have one comment card here from Adam and uh help me out here is it Jo Jo Jackson okay I'm sorry if you can come on up sir when you come up to the mic please state your name and address for the record and if you would put three minutes on the clock for his time thanks hello my name is Adam Jackson I live at 5114 Sunnyside Avenue Sanford Florida 32 773 I received 200 new neighbors with the addition of cadence Park and Cadence Park to so the traffic has greatly increased it's ridiculous trying to get out on Ronald Reagan now the only access point from Cadence Park is Red Pine Way and then they have to go down and make a U-turn around by a Bend where you can't see any of the oncoming traffic which makes it really hazardous there's been several accidents there there I'm concerned about the access points for this dumping all those residential people onto Ronald Reagan without having better traffic control 1792 setup to handle more traffic than Ronald Reagan is County Home Road would be a wonderful place to let some traffic out too I know I'm going to get more neighbors out there and that's just part of the course I'm just concerned about the traffic right now because the noise is atrocious I hear cars racing up and down the road 2 or 3:00 in the morning and there's nothing to slow them down I know our officers can only do so much but I'm I'm this is my concern I've had this property for almost 10 years now and I've seen a lot of changes coming and I'd like to see some positive changes with traffic that's all I have for now thank you Mr Jackson anybody else wishing to anybody else from the public wish to speak on the matter yes sir come on up please state your name and address for the record uh yes good after or good evening my name is Jack Wayne I live at 224 Flamingo Drive um please excuse me I don't do this for a living I'm one of the few in here that areen getting paid so excuse I'm not as um informed but I'm getting there um I spoke earlier I believe it was called on the Bradberry project for a rezoning thing I realized soon that um that was more you know informative rather than everything else but two things one is drainage Mr Randy here mentioned you know that that the uh well maybe he did maybe didn't but I know that Lake mini currently drains behind my house under 427 and then into Lake Jessup the gentleman mentioned that there would be drainage ponds on I believe it's track two correct Two Lakes he called them um Lake min's already draining into the park there's a a Subterranean Drainage Field there that's that's flowing and my backyard floods up um I've got more water in there this year this time of year than what I normally would in last year the storms I understand that people we got to build I get it um the gentleman mentioned rather than having buildings that are taller they're going to be shorter but they're going to have more people that just tells me there's going to be more buildings so less places for the water to get into the ground you know it's going to you're going to you know you keep building things places water can't get into it's got to go someplace I get it um I'm just concerned with with those things maybe that's another meeting maybe that's another discussion I don't know but um also too I have a question as far as their perimeter walking area there's been a problem in the past and currently also with the homeless camps and they're getting ran into our neighborhoods and into our communities I have no question that this is not this is just going to continue to move them they're going to move and you know and get into you know right now there's homeless camps or well excuse me there were before they put fences up a couple months ago but um like I said I understand they got to build and I understand Randy is going to work his team and his magic and it's going to happen I get it I'm a big I'm a little fish in a big pond but I got a voice I live there my dad lived there I want to keep living there I worked for the county for almost 20 years and I'm going to do another 15 and I want to retire there I don't want to have to swim in my yard so thank you for your time appreciate it thank you sir anybody else wishing to speak on the matter uh come on and if you would just state your name and address for the record sure it's tally Sinclair I at 603 driver Avenue Winter Park Florida 32789 so the gentleman that y'all just talked to he lives on Flamingo this is the boys and girls club right here and this is what we own we own everything on Flamingo behind all these neighbors we also own all the wetlands of joining the Boys and Girls Club property and um sorry chadam Dustin Dustin got his name way wrong I guess my concern is the same as the gentleman that just came up here I don't know if y'all have ever been out there it's wet when it's dry it's wet and I guess the concern is when the boys and girls club build here and I know this is supposed to be let left as wetlands and but with the development of the tract five if y'all if y'all see the map right here where there's already exactly what the gentleman that was up here just said where's that water going so if you tear all that down I get bring loads of dirt in Build It Up that's great we're we own we own real estate companies in three states and my husband's a builder we know how it works that water's got to go somewhere I we personally don't have any opposition to this gentleman right here building his apartments or whatever because this is already just looks like a bunch of dirt and asphalt Our concern is is that once you open the floodgates for the boys and girls club and you allow them to come here and you allow them to come here where's the restraint over here that water's got go somewhere where I think more details if if the planner if Dustin's got this his firm has been paid by the boys and girl Girls Club to present this as one project I don't know that enough questions have been asked I can tell you right now because we own everything right here this for sure will adversely affect us and every single one of these residents living on Flamingo and you can see right here we hard to see but we have sold some of the properties to the people on Flamingo and when we were doing these sales everyone's backyards are flooded right now they're all flooded I would appreciate more clarification on how exactly the water will be retained by the boys and girls club from these Wetlands that they're building up on bringing dirt into how will that water stay on their lot thank you any other members of the public wishing to be heard make sure you fill out a card amen please state your name and address go Rachel Lane 224 Flamingo Drive Stanford Florida um in in addition to piggy off what she said as well if we're looking at this map right here again more clarification and stuff like that because I understand that we're only talking about you know the multiuse and stuff like that right now but that also affects everything else that comes along with it there's actually a creek that is right here and that it does feed into and again that water as we've already seen especially with Ian is we're developing we're bringing all these things in we're building up we're doing all these things but we're not doing anything with the water so this house that's been here you know because whenever the Stanford airport was a navy base you know these houses were built they're small they're whatever and they can't handle all that water oh sorry so um and again too like with the traffic I think that's a big one on Ronald Reagan and I think that we've seen especially the people that have lived here for a long period of time even going from you know Ronald Reagan to 46 whereas in the past it took you know 10 minutes to get to 46 now it takes a good 30 minutes and you're getting backed up at 5:00 right there at Lake Mary Boulevard and I see the same thing happening at 1792 and Ronald Reagan as well as Hester is a very very very very very dangerous intersection that doesn't have a light so I guess it could potentially benefit from a light but again it's already heavily trafficked and like the homeless people are a problem so um and that's just going to push them closer and closer to our backyard so I'm sorry thank you very much anybody else from the public wish to be heard go ahead sir yellow thank you good evening my name is John guy guy uh I live at 4852 cledon boulev cbon Loop uh in Sanford in fact right here in this development right here so I have I have two questions there's a lift station that's on fle world property that was put in at the time our development was built and it serves our development the county cannot tell me who owns that lift station if we're going to tie in another 3,000 some people I'd like to know who that you know who owns that uh that lift station that's on that property I've been working with the utilities division um um and they have not been able to confirm who owns that lift station although I believe they maintain it um but I'm concerned we have 66 units in that little development down here we're going to tie 3,000 some people into it at some point I'd like to know who I go to if there's a problem with any kind of workings with it or need a repair Etc so that's that's one of the issues that I have is clarification on who owns that lift station and secondly getting out at glandore way trying to make a left is tough now and you got a lot of people want to come out and go east there's going to be a problem there so those are my two issues thank you thank you sir any other members of the public wish to be heard seeing none we'll close public comments I will give the applicant an opportunity to respond sure um as the indicated you hear stuff about traffic uh which is what we always hear um the development order does cover traffic rather thoroughly and covers the each phase that we go through and Muhammad explained this to you also each phase that we go through will have will generate yet another continuation or another traffic study to show what impacts are occurring in real time because we're not the only person adding traffic or only group adding traffic to Reagan so that would be done that would then trip a warrant potentially a warrant study that potentially would lead to a signal at Hester it potentially could lead an warrant study to a signal at County Home Road those are the two logical places for signals period um and the and really the other options would not make any sense on a traffic basis um and we've and the county uh staff and we are in concurrence with them on exactly what that development order says and how that would be done and that we would do a prop share on the cost of installing that traffic signal now the other thing that's important to know is that if the county so wanted to put in traffic signals they could do that right now but the the a warrant stud is not showing it to be necessary why we can sympathize with those residents that live out there and with they see in real time too but it's important to know also that when fle world was here it had sign ific amount of traffic generator too um and that was closed down so it was a and fle world was there for 38 years so pre-existing condition to many of the neighbors that are not the long-term neighbors not the multigenerational ones but a lot of the newer ones too so and and recall also that this last this PD we changing it this is a rezoning from PD to PD the PD we're changing it from was far more denser with far more traffic and far more impact on everything as I already discussed I'm not going to go over that again with you we're actually diminishing what had been approved um so to to and so with Mr Jackson you know his initial comments and and I I do appreciate his comments very much I think we're covering him as best we can as best the code would call for and and also we need our residents to be able to get out of there too safely so this is a concern as we look at Phase One and phase two this three phases these multif family be built in we're committed to one right now and that's over on the 1792 side and and and these are tranches of about 330 plus units so that's phase one is the only thing that we're contemplating right now but we're showing you what would look like at full buildout if that were occur that would be over the next you know six to 10 years those projects in terms of the um um uh Jack uh Mr Jackson and then Jack the second speaker um he spoke both to to drainage and the drainage seems to keep coming up if I could just take you back in time or if the county we had if we this did not come up as much during the community meeting but now I can understand the concern clearly this was a wholly almost entirely paved area before we and fle before Flea World was closed down and the concrete was broken up and out it was also on substandard standards that occurred that some of you would know or staff can certainly inform you on that this is before Retention Ponds were being used this is before people sheet flow right off the property all of we can give an explanation to you on what I think you all are well aware of the process by which we go through with your county and St John's but let's in terms of approval for our our our our uh water management storm water management but let's get through one thing that's real clear so that some of you all may know Five Points the County's Five Points which is roughly the same size as this maybe a little bit bigger actually it's it overflow goes across our property right now in uh in storm dra and goes to the wetlands we're not taking out the wetlands we're preserving the wetlands in perpetuity so those neighbors to the north that got up I believe it was the third and four fourth speakers the two women I'm sorry I didn't catch their names um there properties to the north that the way the flow Works through the wetlands and this is a very highly treasured valuable Wetland that feeds to Wetlands going to the East and Southeast not to the north goes to the southeast the Sheep Flo and goes into Wetlands there and ultimately makes it to Lake Jess which ultimately makes it to the St John's river we're completely aware of this and this is where the County's water is going right now so that's one of the concominant factors we're dealing with not to mention whatever we build which will be now up to current standards and preservation which we can go over those if you'd like I but I I don't know if you all want to do that um and then the last gentleman who spoke um who discussed the 66 units that 66 unit town home development is 10 acres that was part of the original drri or excuse me the original um PD development order that we did in 2015 that was the first phase that actually got built the lift station and uh the gentleman brought that up during the community meeting we did extensive community meeting notes such as that you almost never see and there should be in your packet and we actually covered that issue to let the county staff know hey there's still an issue out there about this uh about this lift station I believe we own the lift station the county Wass to take over the lift station I don't know if it's been established yet the ownership correctly the county generally takes over these lift stations if the County's policy is still that we don't know anything so we're is in the dark but we're happy to turn that lift station over to the county if it makes them feel more uh comfortable that HOA that's the best answer I can give you on that but I can also tell you that the the the the amount of improvements what's really holding this project up and ultimately ultimately could stop this project is the utility problem the county does not have the utility service property at this time has to upgrade certain aspects of their utility system um the the county itself is using sford utilities for Five Points not their own utilities so uh but I I can tell you that issue is easily resolvable on the ownership of the lift station and we are happy to help that HOA in any way because we actually birth that HOA we bir that development out of the 2015 proposal that's the best I can give on answers I could call up Dustin who could walk you through exactly the process of by which our storm water system is handled the approval process it goes through and and how we have to retain the water on our property uh and how the sheet flows work here and and I can't explain to you why some of those properties are flooding because we're not developed there we've actually Stripped Away the sheet flow in some cases from the hard concrete that was there from the flea World so and that Wetlands is between us and those properties so I I it's not us and I but I'm sympathetic to the prop well please um the last thing is is that I'm sorry I didn't cover this the small acreage the small acreage all the way over here that was discussed which is adjacent to those homes we deliberately did not make that commercial that's a use that would be daycare or an alternative one of the other uh uses in terms of an Alf a small Alf or something like that daycare is needed in this area um and the the issue there is you'd have a compatible use next to the homes instead of something more intense and that would still have to have its own contained retention system too for for that property um and those are the best answers I can give you if you'd like Dustin can get up and give you a complete explanation on what approval processes we have to go through what's in consideration for retention it's up to you Mr chairman all right any additional comments or questions from the board yes whe the applicant or the or the staff go ahead yes uh so I don't know if the original PD in 2015 was going have all faces done simultaneously however knowing that you have now faces the question is are you considering any egress regress through phase one to have emergency access from ambulances fire department because since it's in phes is not going to matter the impact will be an impact I think it'll alleviate the concern of the neighbors if it comes in through 1792 I you know what originally perhaps was the plan if it was all developed at once so is there any consideration for that there there had never been a consideration of it all being developed at once the just so you know it it would appear that way but that wasn't the case in the D if you read the original dos you won't see that um and and and we know this isn't all going to develop at once either because our the multif family is phased over roughly what would be six to 10 years as I said um probably the out oute being 10 being more more more correct in terms of by the time it get coed but the other phases the commercial office and all that could develop at the same time as phase one of our apartment we don't know um but we do know one thing is is that the public safety department is and fire department all of those issues those are one of the most difficult things that a developer deals with and trying to come in compliance and they're they're not uh they're not you know we week sisters in in terms of asking I mean they it's it's it's a demand you have to do uh any developer will tell you that and and if they find it to be safe safe by the current standards that's that's what we have to do is it lordes by the way yes it is I love that name sorry thank you any other questions or comments from the board all right so we thank you we thank the staff we thank you for your time and attention on this matter we obviously would very much like you to to pass this favorably to the County Commission who we would be with by the way I think on the 26 6 26 we would be with them so to the those members in the audience that are here the 26th is one that would go of of March before the board um and we will still be working with the staff on uh on the utility issues between now and then and are happy if any of the uh residents still would like further discussion or any discussions at all with our uh Mohammad or traffic analyst who's quite respected in the area uh uh or or with Dustin or any of his team at KPM Franklin we're happy to chat with him and perhaps uh Rebecca if I could say if we could figure out this lift station thing that would at least take one issue away um because it'll probably come back up at the commission meeting too if we can get that and again we thank staff for for working with us so diligent on this project too all right thank you very much for your time all right this time I open up discussion amongst the board any any comments I'll go if nobody else is ready right ahead um I I can't be in favor of this the way it's written but I think we can get there I mean as I said earlier this is a high-profile piece of property um it was an if those of us that have been around here a long time it was anticipated a lot of things nice could happen to this property lifestyle and otherwise um let's deal with what we got we were brought before us uh um probably one of the best developing developers of sing of multif family in Florida if not in the Southeast Integrity is absolute quality so we got that on track too in pretty good shape I think however let's really look at this and say all right we got about 73 acres of developable land land here is really what we got 41 Acres of it is residential so we really got a residential deal here I mean the the when I talked about mixed juice I thought I think the Hope by a lot of people in the county and otherwise would there be more but there isn't so now we have two developers we have Integra who I again think highly of and we have the boys and girls club that's what we got we might end up with some dollar stores or who knows what on the other tracks so my proposal would be that we that I could I could I would like to change the requested action from where we're approving a master plan and call it a bubble plan that way it ties back to the track numbers and we'll tie back to the development order of what's allowed but it doesn't approve anything else and add to this that all site plans for each track must come back through the process that gives the county some protection that maybe will end up up with some of the things that we hoped for in other words if there's a a a site plan that comes through on track one comes back through the process it'll come here and go to the commission for final approval of that site plan and that that's what I I could live with for this deal not just a cart BOS the way they've written it um with really only one developer of credibility and not knowing anything about anything else of what we're going to end up with here so with that being said um I'll I'll make a motion it want somebody else go you guys want to add some things please and then I'll make my motion if you got anything else anybody want to do anything any additional comments as it sits they they would not have to come back through here for the different tracks for the individual tracks could come back through here clear yeah sta is that is that correct staff that's corre so the code the process that's established in the code for plan development rezonings um does not require that step this if this is approved in the in the master development plan and the development order are approved um then that establishes the entitlements Rebecca I'm not suggesting we approve the master plan I'm suggesting we call it a bubble plan which changes the whole thing but the but that's not the qualification that each part has to be sight planned and approved why can't we do that I mean it would have to be a development order condition but that's not that's what I'm Sugg EST process in code so I'm suggesting that as a development order condition and if the developer or the applicant agrees then that that you got it hello NAA bker Deputy County attorney for the record so the request comes as it comes to you it can't be changed the request itself can't be changed by the Planning and Zoning Board that has to come from we're only we're only a recommending body I'm going to make this recommendation the county commission's going to ultimately have to say yeah we'll amend the development order this way I understand that I understand um I understand that you're the recommended body and I understand the process quite well what I'm saying is what if if the if your motion is going to be that you want a condition in the development order that requires subsequent tracks to come back for site plan approval is that what you would like yes um so is that the request that you're asking for okay because there's not so there's not to my knowledge reference in the code of a bubble plan that doesn't exist so I would I would definitely not recommend that you recommend something something to the board of county commissioner that references a um type of product or request or a map that doesn't exist in our code um Rebecca so as far as the tracks go do they come back to the Planning and Zoning commission when they come in for site plan approval or is that just a DRC staff level review um for the record Rebecca hammock development services director I think what commissioner German is saying is for each track fact he would like them be ma a master development plan to have to come back to go back through the process however normally how this happens is this master development plan approves the entitlements for each tract and then each track comes through and does a final development plan and a developers commitment agreement that's just done at administrative level by staff understood except we don't know what we're getting here Rebecca we're getting the boys and girls club I mean I hey I'll approve track two tonight I got no problem with that true I mean and ultimately a lot of what's in the development order and and I think your recommendation obligates the boys and girls club and any future buyers that they sell to the Boys and Girls Club I mean technically it obligates integr to but they're going to they'll be not a problem with them they'll be they'll breeze on through I I recognize that so can I do that I if if I can't call it a bubble plan I'm happy to call it I hate calling a master plan cuz you guys call it Master plans but it's never a plan that we really know what it is it is a bubble plan but anyway I'll call it the master plan but can I add that provision in my motion I mean so from a legal standpoint what you're asking in what you're asking is to add an additional layer of review a condition in the development order that that doesn't already exist in your code because these what they would be coming in for is not required to come to you but if he agree but if applicant agrees in the development order that takes care of it doesn't it conceivably if the applicant agrees in the development order as it's a negotiated document they don't have to agree but conceivably yes but this is so the plan development agreement development order the plan development essentially they're coming in and asking for something and they're making up their own rules essentially of what's going to be on there um look alls we have is a few sentences here what may be on track one that's not good enough for me because it's Boys and Girls Club and we have no idea what they're going to run in on us okay and well I mean I think you have a really good idea I I don't think so I think I have a couple sentences all I got I mean the tracks tell you what's going to be on those tracks the traffic tells you where how they're going to review the traffic they've shown you their places of Ingress and easement there's going to be a community park around the retention Pond which is shown on the master plan what you don't have is all those specific things maybe that you like to see like what the architectural requirements are going to look like but frankly as far as your review goes for plan developments that's not something that's within your purview to consider at this time and I can go over the criteria of review for plan developments if You' like me to I'm happy that I don't really agree with you but it's all right that that's normal for me but that's okay it's normal for me too being a lawyer nobody agrees with me but anyway well I can I can still make my motion the board can either vote me down or we can go from there or you can make your motion yep otherwise I'll make a motion to recommend denial which I don't think the applicant would like either U let me ask what can we ask the applicant question can we that's up to chair up to the board if you'd like to bring the applicant back up that's within your purview if the applicant's willing to come back up for a question we would love to love to hear you we're here representing the PD and my client is Integra we also work closely with boys and girls club and they have a committee on this of which some of whom are Developers and we are also concerned about what they will develop too on their property but the process is as as m b Booker has said you know when you do zoning you're doing zoning it doesn't mean that everybody can just immediately dictate what kind of retail is going to go there and I didn't do that and I I'm trying to respond to the overall question we can't answer for boys and girls club what they would agree to do Mr jerman what you could do if I could so boldly suggest this you could ask your fellow board members if they would agree to make this recommendation to the board they consider or enter into negotiation to allow for the first time a site plan to come back to your board for approval a true site plan well I'll find out if I make that motion so I get I know but I'm suggesting you make it as as a suggestion for the board to consider and the board can consider what their policy accounting commission's policies are going to be they're going to have a series of policy decisions to make later which we've discussed earlier on utilities and other matters so this would we would have no objection at all if you wanted to suggest to the board that there there's an action like this however in no way can we endorse and and that boys and girls May reject it I can't speak for them if that makes sense to you thank you I'll make my motion um I move we request The Bard County commiss Commissioners adopt the ordinance enacting the rezoning from PD plan development to PD plan development and approve the associate development order and master plan on approximately 110 acres located on the east side of US Highway 1792 approximately 550 ft north of County Home Home Road and recommend to amend the development order to require all individual site plans for tracks the development tracks uh come back through planning and zoning and County commission for approval we have a motion on the table do we have a second second that we have a second wa did you get the entire motion you did excellent good she always does I tried to I didn't get it can you um any any additional um discussion from the board on the motion on the table so if that puts it in front of the County Commissioners as a recommendation we're within our means our bounds what and it's up to the it's up to the County Commission it's up to the County Commission always anyway but we have not hel held the process up no we've not held all those in favor he didn't have sorry sorry you didn't all those in favor we're having a conversation we discussing we should had any further discussion any further comments all right all those in favor I I any opposed you eyes have it thank you all that was interesting well done we still got to close out we're not um no yeah I excuse me everyone we still have to finish the meeting so we have not adjourned adjourned the meeting yet excuse me the meeting hasn't been adjourned so please take your conversations outside or quiet down thank you okay we're going to move into closing business um the managers or director's report Dale or Rebecca sure good evening again Rebeca hammock development services director and I believe nesa introduced herself earlier this evening to you so nesa is our new land use attorney in the uh county attorney's office so she will will be reviewing all of agenda items and attending the meetings and and Advising the uh commission during the meetings so the only item that I have for you this evening is um Tammy um the clerk to the board did send out some additional materials to help guide you and your roles and responsibilities um on the Planning and Zoning commission since we do have some new members um so a lot of these are links um to the different sections in the code that talk about the Planning and Zoning Commission talk about the local planning agency and we also included a copy of the Florida Statutes um for the local planning agency and so your role as the Planning and Zoning commission you act as the local planning agency when you're reviewing and making recommendations regarding the comprehensive plan um comprehensive plan map amendments and then otherwise when you're acting on quasa judicial matters you are the Planning and Zoning commission and you're reviewing rezonings and special exception requests so we just wanted to provide some additional material um just for the new members and just as a refresher for any of the existing members and we are hoping to do a orientation for the new members and training and ethics training um hopefully in April that's our goal um our new planning division manager who I introduced at the last meeting Dale Hall um he will be um uh organizing and coordinating um that training so Rebecca I thought you said that you had somebody knew that was going to have to yes oh that's that's Dale I got it yes Dale he's our new planning division manager and so at the next meeting he will be taking taking the seat so but do you have any questions for me this evening any questions from the board thank you thank you for providing that information that was excellent thank you so much great all right any anything further from the board to discuss hearing none meeting adjourned thank [Music] n