[Music] [Music] good afternoon we're going to go ahead and get started with the seminal County Special magistrate hearings for today the way the process works is we will um the county will call a case or I will call a case um based on um the process that we have kind of up here there's really no Rhyme or Reason so if you are following by an agenda and you don't get called you will I assure you um the county will present it case first you will at that time if you would like to cross-examine or ask any questions you can certainly do that um when the county has closed its case it will then be your opportunity to present any Witnesses or evidence that you have um I will make a decision here today as to whether there has been a violation and you will be given time to correct if you are here for the first time and you do not correct within the time period provided you stand to have a penalty of up to 200 $50 a day imposed if you here are here as a repeat violator you stand to have a fine of up to $500 a day imposed so we're going to go ahead and get started but by way of housekeeping um the 2440 cesm Rebecca Wiggins case is going to be continued to August 8th okay and first case that we will hear is cesm 36 or 2436 cesm Jason Turner got it Jules oh okay you ready yes all right for the record name is Vicky hathway simal County building inspector for simal County Building Division let me go ahead and swear you in and Mr Turner if I can swear you in also do you solemnly swear airm the testimony you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do thank you thank you this is in regards to case number 2436 cesm Jason S Turner at 7100 West State Road 46 in Sanford the violation charge simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 description of the violation interior Demolition and removal of Windows and exterior doors without the required permits this is when the initial inspection that was done on 919 of 23 given uh respondent the notice of uh 92023 and a compliance state of 104 of 23 another compliance date of 1027 23 follow-up site visits that show The Following 9202 3 101223 and 11423 the followup via inspections that also shows the violation remains on the property this is a picture of the Property Appraiser's website that shows that Jason Turner is the property owner on record this is a notice of a posting of hearing that was posted on the property on 72 of 24 these are other pictures of the property in the the the demolition that was done on the house and this was taken on 919 of 23 this is a stop work order that was placed on the property on 92023 again pictures that were taken on 1012 of 23 and again there's copies of posted return certified mail and final letter that was taken on 1114 of 23 that was posted on the property this is a picture of the um property the permitting website that shows that electrical demo permit was applied for um as of yesterday and they had also a plumbing cap because the recommendation was to either apply for a demolition permit for the property or else it's going to go into abatement at that point in time um so he did come in yesterday and apply for the electrical portion of it the plumbing was already done and now at this point we need to go back to do the demolition permit this is a copy of the simal county code chapter 40 pendix a regarding the permitting process this is a recommendation based on the testimony and the evidence presented in the case number 2436 CSM it's determined that the respondent is the record owner of the property located at 7100 West State Road 46 in Sanford in simal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's website is in possession and control of the property and in violation of simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 it is further recommended that the special magistrate order the respondent to correct the violations on or before October 9th of 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent shall obtain the required permits for the cited violation if the respondant does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance uh the respondent must contact the inspector when the demolition is final this concludes my presentation okay so real quick let me ask so we were looking for he he did apply for an electrical permit correct the plumbing and the electric has to be capped off before they'll issue a demolition permit okay so and then they're requiring those permits before yes so they will not issue a demo until those those have been inspected and they're finaled out okay so the Electric and Plumbing in addition to the interior demolition correct okay yes sir you look familiar do oh you do where do we meet before I believe right here oh nice uh so yeah I should be in compliant after I if I walk through these doors but yeah they the plumbing passed a couple months ago the electrical passed today and I've already processed all the paperwork yesterday prior to being here and uh I'm going to go pick up the Devo permit soon as I leave here okay the plumbing pass this morning or the electrical pass this morning okay well the county is asking that you receive your permits by October 9th 2024 um that seems reasonable under the testimony that you've provided so I'm going to go ahead and order you to um bring the property into compliance by October 9th 2024 or or you will have a fine of $250 a day imposed okay next case I believe this one's yours as well 34 2437 cesm correct I'll remind you you're both under oath correct thank you uh Vicki Hathaway s County building inspector for simal County building this is in regards to case number 2437 cesm Jason Turner at 5725 North Road Sanford in simal County Florida violation charge of simal county code chapter 40 appendic a section 105.1 description of the violation installation of an accessory structure without the required permits the initial inspection was done on 117 of 24 uh notice to the respondent when out on 125 of 24 given a compliance date of 28 of 24 and 34 of 24 there's been multiple site visits that's been done on the property itself also followup inspections via computer at this point the violation Still Remains on the property this is a copy of the Property Appraiser's website that shows that Jason Turner is the property owner these are copies of postings that we've done on the property that was done on 72 of 24 here's a picture of the actual violation that is done 11 or 111 or 1724 um for the unpermitted structure that's out there also again photos that were taken on 215 of 24 this is a picture of the website showing no permit um on site on in this in the system to correct the violation at this point in time this is a copy of the Simon County chapter 40 appendix a regarding the permitting process the recommendation based on the testimony and the evidence presented in the case number 2437 cesm it's determined that the respondent is the record owner of the property located at 5725 North Road Sanford in simal County as determined by the property appraiser records in possession or control of the property and in violation of simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 it's further recommended that the special magistrate order the respondent to correct the violation onor before October 9 9 of 2024 in order to correct this violation the respondent shall obtain the required permits for the cited violation if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondant must contact the com the inspector to let her know when the uh permit has been issued this concludes my presentation yes sir applications and process I hired an architect um hopefully by the end of next week I'll have the full application uh turned in so yeah okay so based on the testimony given I um am finding that the County's recommendation of October 9th 2024 for you to achieve compliance um is um reasonable and if you do not comply by October 99th 2024 I will impose a fine of $250 a day thank you thank you the next case 2438 cesm and it's I'm Sorry Charlie null where's Bob are you ready for I'm ready correct sir if you'll go ahead and raise your right hand please do you somly swear affirm the testimony are about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do to set an appointment Mr Turner if you would like to have a conversation if you'll go ahead and go on out we're we're trying to have some hearings for the for the record I just want to say he just obtained his permits to put him in good standing with us so there will be probably is there going to be a fine or anything that's coming with this admin cost millshore Drive yes well let me let me ask some a few questions then so when were your violations um notices sent and and information related to um how quickly it took Mr null to come into compliance 623 6 um 29 of 23 okay so you've been working on this for over a year he has been yes um okay you want to you want to do you want to hear the case yes please thank you okay this is Vicky hathway simal County building inspector for simal County Building Division this is in regards to 2438 cesm Charlie e null at 929 millshore Drive chilota in s County Florida violation charge seminal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 description of the violation removal of a second story balcony without the required permits this is a copy of I'm sorry this is the permitting this is the inspection screens it's showing that the violation went out on 629 of 23 given a notice to the respondent on 6 2923 and several compliance dates that were given um as the following and follow-up site visits as well and then follow-up computer visits um the violation still remained on the property this is a picture of the website that shows that Charlie null is in possession of the property and that property owner this is a copy of the green card that he received the certified mail that was sent to him these are the violations that were charged originally there was three violations that was on the actual code case itself violation remains at 7 or 78 of 20 24 remove the second story balcony taken on 83 of 23 and again another picture that was taken on 629 of 23 this is a picture of the permitting screen shown in approved status pending owner so we were waiting for him to hit the button and accept the because it was already paid for at this point as of yesterday next please this is a copy of the permit application dated 91 of 23 in the current workflow where it's stopped in process next screen this is a copy of the Simon County chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 regarding the permitting proc process this is the recommendation based on the testimony and the evidence presented in the case number 2438 cesm it is determined that the respondent is the record owner of the property located at 929 millshore Drive julota in simal County as determined by the Property Appraiser's records in possession or control of the property and in violation of the simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 it's further recommended that the order order the respondent to correct the violation honor before October 9th of 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondent shall obtain the required permits for the cited violation if the respondent does not comply with the order a fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact the inspector to verify compliance this concludes my presentation good afternoon sir um so can you give me a little insight on why it took so long for you to comply with the notices you were receiving um initially I had hired a an engineer to do or architect to do some drawings going back to 2020 and um I had one of the I was doing a lot of renovations to the house siding and windows were among them which I did hire a contractor to do those that was all done and there was a the first violation was the there was a porch that stuck out and it was in the way and I I was already in the process of having drawings drawn up to replace all of that I I really honestly didn't think nothing about it just cutting it off so they could go ahead and install all of the um siding undisturbed without having to work it out and demo it later uh um during that covid broke out I couldn't afford to do the the addition at that time I I went through several revisions scaling back the the project to what it is now and um here we are so I I went and I've been working with the county on getting some of these um code violations caught up to date permits um U permits were issued and inspections were called for and they've been passed off so right now um I'm working with a couple different contractors um to go ahead and and um finish this work up on the property okay so um did was there did there need to be a permit for the sighting and was that received Vick I'm sorry say that again did there need to be a permit for the sighting that was done and that was received yes ma'am Sim County requires a permit for anything that's on a structure okay so he pulled a permit for the sighting and he had removed the balcony and sighted over it and we I'm assuming he got the certificate of occupancy for that or the final on that permit um I'm not sure if the final had been done yet at this point in time getting the permits issued were the big deal at this point because it had gone on for so long okay so um do you have costs um that you can give testimony on we don't today because he just got his final permit issued okay um I want to look at his screen real quick there's one permit that's done in there Jason can you pull up for me please we've got one in there that is completed okay um I'm going to go ahead and um order that um now that you have gone through the process and you've completed what you need to do and you understand that um there are permits that are required for any kind of work that you're going to do on your your um any structure whatsoever I'm going to go ahead and order that um you're in compliance as of today um but I'm going to issue a finding a fact which means if it occurs again it would be treated as a repeat violation and I'm going to foro costs at this time um but if you realize if there's a repeat violation and you're back before me it could be up to $500 a day I understand okay and for the record the actual she wall sheathing and the the dry in was completed okay so now we're waiting for he understands to go on record as me saying because he was going to take so long with his shed that he had built that I said I would recommend you demoing it and then put it up after you get the permit um that in six months from now I'll be checking to see if that permit is issued for the demo and if it is it needs to be down or else it's going to go back to the original okay yeah so okay so just maintain your your communication with the county I think that's going to be your best bet moving forward will get an order but it will just state that it's a finding of fact that there's no fine imposed or no penalties imposed at all or no costs okay but that if you are back before us for this same thing then you stand to have a penalty of up to $500 a day imposed okay okay and before you go um would you like to submit the electronic case file into the record do you have any objection to the documents that were in front of you um putting put into the record that that the county gave you yeah I guess yeah this is a uh this was a sign off for the permit for the fence and the final inspection of the fence this here was the final for the siding and the dry end that was done um the other two are I've got a demo permit for the shed and then the permit for the the new structure of the porch okay and I think that you're he's on the right track yes and so you're fine just continue your communication with the county I just if do you have any objections to the documents that they gave you being submitted into the record to go on record I will not be here as of um next month for the next hearing so take the cards with you so in case you try to call me Jason will be filling in for me okay so if you need to get a hold of someone you'll be talking to the office staff or you'll be talking to Jason okay okay great thank you sir who do I submit these two they're yours oh okay you keep those for your you can keep those because they have that information in their system all righty thank you thanks I want to go um back on the record on 2436 cesm and 2437 cesm would you like to submit the electronic case file into the record in those cases yes ma'am okay I will accept that okay the next case is 2439 cesm Rock of Central Florida Incorporated stepen Parker okay can you state your name please Steven Parker if you'll raise your right hand do you solemnly swear firm the the testimony you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you okay for the record name is Vicky Hathaway building inspector for simal County Building Division this is in regards to 2439 cesm Rock of Central Florida Inc this is at 6641 West State Road 46 in Sanford in simal County Florida the violation charge of simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 description of the violation installation of a shed without the required permits this is a copy of the inspection screen that shows the initial inspection was done on 727 of 23 given a notice to the respondent the following day there were compliance and extension dayses that were given multiple times also site follow-up visits and also via the computer at this point the violation remains on the property this is a copy of the Property Appraiser's card showing that the rock is actually the owner of the property and in possession of it this is a copy of the Green Card of certified return mail that was received these are a picture of the actual shed itself the photo that was taken on 727 of 23 this is a photo of the unpermitted shed again taken on 920 of 23 and again on 1218 of 23 this is the most recent photo we have on 610 of 24 that's they've added on newly editioned deck which that'll is another violation itself but that's in a different case this is a copy of the uh where the shed is sitting there in AP status at this point in time waiting to be paid for and issued but at this point there are no permits issued for it this is a copy of the permit application that was received on 919 of 23 and E plan and the comments that went with it do you want to hear the comments yeah I mean just if you can give me a summary of the comments okay basically the the comments are telling them um the fees are due for this at this point in time and all they need to do is accept it on their end and pay for it okay this is the rock of Central Florida the semal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 showing the permitting process for the Rock and again the recommendation based on the testimony and the evidence presented in case number 2439 cesm is determined that the respondents are the record owner of the property located at 6641 West State Road 46 in Sanford in Simon County and determined to be the Property Appraiser's records in possession or control of the property and in violation of Simon county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 it's further recommended that the special magistrate order the respondents to correct the violations honor before October 9th of 2024 in order to correct the violations the respondent shall obtain the required permits for the cited violation if the respondents do not comply with the order a f of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact the inspector to verify compliance once the permit is issued this concludes my case would you like to submit the electronic case file into the record yes ma'am do you have any objection to the electronic case File being submitted into the record no ma'am okay um I do have one question the have you initiated the case on the um ma railings ma'am and it's been sent to them yes ma'am okay yes sir it's cold in here the um you know I don't know how honest I can be I'm just going to be as honest as I can I'm the pastor of the rock um there are a lot of blunders made and I'm not trying to deny that what I can tell you is the way this all got started is because we have the preschool and the school and the church and all that that goes on there and we needed storage I instructed Sam one of my staff members to reach out to a shed company let's find a shed let's put a shed on the site that does not require permitting so that we can move the stuff that we had in the building into the shed so whatever the small or the the largest shed we can get that can simply be put in place let's do that he reached out to a shed company that was in Lake County Granny's whatever it's called they told us you can put this Size Shed on your property without permitting they installed the shed we thought we were all in good we've done everything we can to do in fact I've told Jason I said we have jumped through hoops for 25 years to be above and beyond with simol County we have called to see if we needed inspections when we changed the tile on the church floor we called to see if we needed inspections when we Chang changed door slabs on two doors that were destroyed we didn't but we called to see if we needed them when we were informed that a permit was needed for that shed first of all I was surprised but I told Sam I said reach out to an acquaintance of mine Dove Builders let's see if he'll help out Tom kase called me personally I said Tom can you help us with this we had no idea we needed this permit Tom said I'll take care of it I'll see it through to my knowledge that's what happened when the comments were coming in as far as I was concerned Tom KAS was dealing with all of these or Dove Builders was dealing with all these in fact the first time I even knew there was a $528 fee due was just now when you read that that's the first time I was even aware and that was in September of last year I had personally did you talk to him about the fees over there I didn't know what the cost was well I just saw it on your oh okay on the screen and it's in it's in one of these so that's the first time I was even aware I I would have gladly paid that fine we're not trying to sneak through windows or fly under the radar we've never done that and uh we'll never do that is that s show off what isof CH Sam cha okay cuz we've been in communication with him right and I know he has been communicating with y'all but the first time that I saw that a $528 fee was required was in whatever form that is it's in this paperwork you let let me just go on the record to make it clear I've not talked to anybody there I spoke to one of your maintenance men probably the last violation when I was out there to take the pictures and I told him I said listen you guys have added on to this you're going to have another violation sent to you when the other one's not even permitted and he's like well we're working on it so I don't want to hear it so I was like okay well I don't know I don't know what kind of conversation happened there but I can tell you this St of papers right here and you guys are welcome to have them is the copies of emails and phone calls that we've had with the county over and over including myself with Tony Coleman over and over the reason our plans examiner yes that's and the reason that those steps were added to that shed was because we were told they were necessary so we did that because that's what we were told to do for from our perspective The Rock has jumped through hoops we every time we've been told to do a we've done a to the extent that we know how to do it we've inquired of Dove Builders how do we do this correctly we take the information we've been given and we apply it and we're that's where we're at now last I heard was as of yesterday um it says permit listed as preissuance final verification I don't know what that means but I'm hoping we're close because we have been trying to make this thing right since June of last year okay we are not and let me just say just we again I'd like to emphasize for 25 years that we've been in simol County we have served this County we have never tried ever to hide a single thing we've not snuck anyone in or out tried to sneak through the doors or Windows anything that we've done whether it's building or anything else and that's our heart that that's not my accusation what I'm saying is because it was applied for as an owner Builder you can't do that as an owner Builder since it's a corporation however Dove applied for the permit back in no in September correct there's just been Corrections that keep going back to whoever it is and there and I show Sam as being the person that's because he was issued power of attorney back in March of this year Dove said we we're going to issue you power of attorney so that you can take care of this because these are small things I understand so that's kind of what occurred and this is where all the blunders have taken place it's not just been on I'm not going to accept all the responsibility because there's been confusion going both ways the lack of clear communication has hindered us from being able to see this thing through and there's nobody in this room that wants to do this right more than we do nobody we have we're doing everything that we possibly can so whatever we need to do to make this right going forward we will as long as we know what to do and we've worked with everybody we know to work with had you paid fees to your contractor that you for permit fees we havn't paid him anything he's never asked for a fee okay so you but you realized there would be a fee associated with a per and he did know from the very beginning I said Tom when whatever you need we're happy to pay for it he's never asked so that's that's where we're at and when was the fee I mean because I thought you had said it was last year that the fee was told it was due but that's saying that it's just like 10 days ago got issued correct or not issued but approved so the corrections were finalized I've got a list of Corrections on the back of this that plans review has been it back and forth with them um I've never once spoken to anybody except for a maintenance man that was on grounds trying to get to the contact person of who is responsible for this because it's you know I mean it's a serious thing and I Tred to get to the right person sure to let them know hey this is what's going to happen if we don't get this permit issued so by plans review do you mean plans review in your office plans review in our office that is correct so if they've been if the contractor has been in touch with them we're not seeing it except for what's on these papers that are going back and forth and they're calling them to get their Corrections fixed because I've got almost three pages of Corrections on here so I'm sure there was a lot of conversation so they're not putting it in the notes they're just having those conversations well they don't actually put their notes in but we put our notes in okay so it's a violation okay this is everyday stuff to them reviewing permits and trying to get them through okay so has the fee been paid or is that fee due it's waiting to be paid okay so you have a fee that's due okay I think that um if you could get this um this permit issue worked out along with the permit issue for the ramp and all at the same time I think that that would be beneficial now I'm assuming that they wouldn't be back here on the ramp and stairs till next month I'm I I don't know when they're going we're we're pretty backed up at this point so they're going to have some time to get it in but he needs to get our card and be in touch with us also because the violation is coming out of this area of the office plans review has their role we have our role they're two separate things I understand that they're two separate things but they there needs to be some communication because of the fact that if someone's reviewing plans that means that someone's trying to get a permit I agree so yeah okay so what I guess what I was getting at is if I know you're only asking till October the October um 9th meeting do you believe that it's possible to get even everything completed for him to get a permit for the stairs and ramp as well by that time they'll need to apply for it and I don't think I I I don't know because this this has been kind of going back and forth between plans review and the contractor so okay but it will require a permit okay what what what requires a permit that isn't the stair the stairs and ramp okay cuz I I also thought that was completed because as far as I know the steps and all of that was completed last week and there wasn't a permit for it is what they're saying okay Tony told you that it needs it needs to have stairs then if did they draw the stairs in there cuz I didn't look at the actual plans themselves they did y they do have it in here so that would close out the case then okay so then what I'd like to do is maybe give him until the November 14th meeting which have a compliance date of November 13th instead of October 9th um to try to get everything what she's saying is if he pays for it today the permit will be issued and it'll clear up all of it okay I'll pay it okay who do I give the card to then I'll go back to I'll go back to the October 9th date if that is all that it's need even including the stairs and ramp correct is that correct correct okay if you would please take my card in the future if you have a question on what needs permitted please call us because every structure in seol County requires a permit okay see and that's what we Tred every structure but you know what we got we messed up I messed up it's nobody's fault but mine in that regard because I accepted that Lake County somehow somehow their requirements would apply here that's my bad no we're all different and they all have their own rules we're probably one of the tightest codes that I've seen so we just want to make sure that Public Safety is safe because we don't want buildings Ling across in hurricanes but we'll be glad to talk to you but everything needs a permit okay okay so I'm going to go ahead and order that the permits that that they have in fact indicated that you are in violation on the property that um the um property be brought into compliance through the issuance of the necessary permits by October 9th 2024 or a fine in the amount of $50 a day would be imposed Fair thank you thank you we can't we can't take it [Music] yes okay okay the next case 2441 cesm J5 properties 8650 LLC Gary Allen Jensen and can you state your name please Brett Crut okay and you're here on behalf of the corporation yes I'm the general contractor they hired okay can you raise your right hand please do you solemnly swear affirm the testimony you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you okay for the record name is Vicky Hathaway building inspector with simal county building this is in regards to 2441 cesm J5 properties at um 8650 LLC in regards to 1980 H Ranch Road Winter Park Florida simal County Florida violation charge simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 description of the violation complete the interior renovation and changes of use without the required permits this is a copy of the uh permitting screen or the initial inspection screen that shows on 81423 fire issued a stop work order to them and um issued aod Cod violation to them as well notice to the respondent went out from us on 922 of 23 given a compliance state of 106 of 23 1027 of 23 and 111 of 23 follow-up site visits happened um on the following which was 108 of 23 1215 of 23 and 710 of 24 follow up via site inspections it shows multiple ones that have been done violation Still Remains on the property this is a copy of the J5 properties um 8 8650 LLC that shows that they are in possession of and in control of the property this is a copy of a notice of posting that was done on 71 of 24 this is a a picture of the violation that remains on 710 of 24 this is a photo of the Interior Renovations obtained from fire taken on 814 of 23 these are photos of the Interior Renovations of obtained from fire taken on 8:14 again at 23 photos of the additional power supply to food truck from fire taken on 814 of 23 this say photos of return certified mail posted on the property dated 1018 of 23 this is a copy of the return certified mail posted on the property that was dated 128 of 23 this is a copy of the permitting screen that shows that no permits have been issued this is a copy of J5 properties in the simal county code appendix 40 chapter a regarding the permitting process and the recommendation based on the testimony and the evidence presented in the case number 2441 cesm is determined that the respondents are the record owner of the property and located at 1980 Hal Branch Road in Winter Park Florida and simal County as determined by the property appraisers records is it in possession and control of the property and in violation of simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 this concludes my sorry um it's further recommended that the special magistrate order the respondent to correct the violation honor before October 9th of 2024 in order to correct the violation the respondents shall obtain the required permits for the cited violation if the respondents do not comply with the order of fine of $50 will be imposed for each day the violation continues or is repeated after compliance the respondent must contact the inspector to verify compliance or that the permit has been issued this concludes my presentation okay would you like to submit the electronic case file into the record yes ma'am do you have any objection to the electronic case File that's in front of you being submitted into the record okay I'll accept it into the record do you have anything you'd like to add um we were just engaged about a month ago on this so we got our architect to do drawings we received those Monday or Tuesday this week and submitted those digitally yesterday we receiv received some comments back so they're working on those but the permit's kind of in process as far as getting applied for so we've got everything moving forward as far as okay do you see a problem with October 9th as a compliance date uh no it's all it's all with the uh billing department now so as long as we get through those reviews by then shouldn't be an issue okay um and you were hired just a month ago yeah there was some back and forth between the owner and the Tenant as far as responsibility who was handling it I think they just had some miscommunication on who was addressing this so they finally threw up their hands and gave us a call okay all right then I'm going to go ahead and find that there is a violation on the property for failure to obtain the necessary permits for the interior Renovations that were done I'm going to order compliance um be achieved by October 9th 2024 or fine in the amount of $150 a day will be imposed okay thank you thank [Applause] you okay now all of our next cases are compliance cases okay go ahead and call Mr love first let's do 2367 CM a FR Lima and Kelly andrece U Mr love 2367 Mr love we'll do all three of your cases back to back thank you you for the record o we have two cases today for them yes and then now he has a third that he's represent okay so would you like me to just start reading since it's okay yep for the record name is Vicky hathway with semal County Building Division um inspector in regards to 2367 cesm if from Lima and Kelly Andre at um Lowry Drive in Ido the violation charge with s county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 construction without the required permits this case was originally heard by the special Magistrate on November the 16th of 2023 an order was issued given the responded to compliance date of July 10th of 2024 with a scheduled meeting of July 11th of 2024 an estimated administrative cost to process this case for the inspector total is $862 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the clerk totals $96.3 the EST estimated administrative cost to process this case to date totals 9259 for both the inspector and the clerk the recommendation based on the special magistrate board to issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $50 per day for one day of non-compliance from July 10th to 2 4 through the including two July 11th of 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall acrew shall accre at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after July 11th 2024 this concludes my presentation okay Mr good good afternoon your honor for the record McGregor love 215 North Eola Drive um when we were last here uh several months ago we were dealing with violation of course um you know that was the um that was for my representation of um my clients in this matter that was uh the moment where I really handed off the uh the pursuing of the permitting issue to them you know it had been an expensive process for them this far uh you'll recall that uh they were occupying the structure uh and they had to move out and are are occupying a separate residence now which is all positive uh developments in in the case overall U they have not been able to kind of push the permitting matter forward in in the way that they had hoped uh and and speaking with them yesterday um I am going to become involved again to help them navigate that process I've met with uh the building official and other folks from the county previously I have a good understanding of what the county feels they need from my clients and I believe that I can help them uh you know get the permitting issue to where it needs to be um it's not there today but if we have some more time I'm I'm confident we can get there I'm happy to answer any questions that you have your honor okay so are you because right now this is a compliance hearing and they're not in compliance so the fine would start to run um because they haven't done what they needed to do correct and it I would request some additional time in order to sort of the permitting issues if um if you're inclined to Grant it okay so let me ask this have they had any contact with you trying to work it out no ma'am I generally um have a hard time giving um additional time when on this one um we gave them till July 10th from I think we heard this case we did hear it at the beginning of the year it was and and I agree and we're I'm not asking for several more months even if we had one more month I could I'm confident I could get some progress in this and I could at least give you an update that would give you a better idea of what direction we're headed in but I do appreciate that you don't want to just keep giving them however much time they need uh we we can press this with some urgency this is going to be the next okay so I will um I'll give an additional 30 days um but I would advise you to let them know that each time that I have given continuances it's racking up the costs that are going to be incurred as well because I'm not going to give on the costs on this one because they have um they've caused the county a lot of Heartache by not allowing them on the property and when they when they should have so um I'll give a a continuance till the next meeting which would be um August the 8th so we'll just um give them we'll extend their compliance time till August 8th with everything else um remaining the same okay I appreciate that thank you thank you I need to speak I need to speak they're not going to acheve this okay the next matter is 2417 cesm a FR Lima and Kelly and D let me go actually let me make sure that um let's go back to that 2367 cesm do you have any problem with the electronic case File being submitted into the record no objection your honor okay I'll accept that okay now let's do 2417 cesm please okay this is uh for the record name is Vicki hathway simal County building inspector for simal County Building Division this is in regards to 2417 cesm a from Lima and Kelly Andre's at 3125 Lowry drive or veto simal County Florida violation charge simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 description of the viol is installation of a gazebo well addition to main structure including interior buildout to include but not limited to the plumbing electrical mechanical and accessory structures including the sheds the conx containers without the required permits on April 11th of 2024 an order was given issuing the compliance date of uh July 10th of 2024 with a meeting on July 11th um the estimated administrative cost to process this by the inspector was $526 30 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the clerk totals $133 44 the estimated administrative CL cost to processes case to date totals 659 74 for both the inspector and the clerk the recom recomendation based on the special magistrate issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $250 a day for one day of non-compliance from July 10th of 2024 through an including July 11th of 2024 at $250 per day and the fin shall continue to acrew at $250 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after July 11th of 2024 this concludes my presentation I do I did want to bring the building official up here did want to speak on this case okay if that's okay sure we'll show the pictures can we show the pictures please yeah don't pictures on the slide Mr P can I yes sir do you Sly swe affirm the testimony you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you for the record Bob Pike building official Sim County uh your magistrate as you know uh we had removed power from the uh main building because the uh it was deemed unsafe because they had uh somehow got a service from 60 amp to 400 without permitting and inspections so um they were living in the building and we deemed it unsafe without any of the necessary inspections to deem it safe so uh once we had pulled the power um they had asked for a cheap Hole uh for the security light so I would not do that unless they renewed the permit that way it became an active construction site again so they did renew the permit and uh we allowed them to have a 60 amp temporary service and what you're looking at there is and that's for the security light only and for an outlet for construction purposes um what you're looking at is the 400 amp main there that was uh the meter was removed and they had installed a 60 amp main on the back side of that rack which you're seeing uh and to feed that light pole well we just recently went out and the inspector that did the electrical inspector that did the inspection for the temporary pole has stated to me that when he was out there the 400 an which you're looking at was glassed off meaning they removed the meter and put a glass plate over that opening uh this recent picture shows now there's a meter back in that 400 amp main and a lock on it and there's no sticker showing that we have inspected and approved that so uh I don't know what's going on but I'm asking that notifying that the attorney here for the liem is that I will need to go out tomorrow and inspect this property uh for the service that we approved and if not granted access I have to deem it unsafe and remove the temporary power to the property okay um and then but we're with respect to all of these permits um they were able to pull a permit for the tempor electric temporary Pole right because they renew their permit for the metal building which has never had its inspections completed okay and then but all of the other um there aren't permits for any of the other no they have not received any permits for any buildout any gazebos any electric gate any other accessory structures awnings uh we have no permits for any of that have they um attempted to have any communication we had no contact with them other than when they got the temporary correct that was it when was that uh we have to go back we have record of that proba that was definitely last year sometime did they ask for the temporary yeah they wanted power I said I'd only give you a temporary poll if you renew the permit when was it I don't have the just says it was issued 2024 we've also asked for a sight plan we can't get it from them because we can't move with the permitting process until we get something so the the temporary power I'm trying to figure out when the change occurred like when they because when did your um inspector go out for where where the 400 amp was glassed over yeah they glassed over the power C remove the meter and put a glass plate over that uh have Jason pulling it up he can we're trying to get up right now in avaline but um it must have been issued earlier this year okay but um and then what caused you to find out that the because of this case today we wanted to go by and see what was going on okay so you went back out there and correct to be ready for today reinspect every every case we have were you allowed on the property or is this visible I'll let Vicki speak on that okay it's visible from the gate um CU those pictures were originally ones that I had taken when I was out there with the building official um he did place a call to them yesterday to let them know he intends on pulling the power after today's hearing um and we haven't heard back from him um we haven't I haven't talked to anybody out there at this point in time since the case started okay and I can speak to that so okay just for a little bit of background because I know there's a lot of you permits and amp amp amps going on here the context in which we went from 400 to the 60 was after uh Mr Pike determined there was an imminent life safety risk from the 400 um and turned off the power entirely the lias then began the process of moving out of the building um they were using generators at night to sort of move things out of the building they were going through a ton of gas I helped the lias kind of work with Mr Pike and said listen here's the discret power that they need just for for sight safety when they're out there at night moving things off the property or or maintaining you know the the the land itself um and as far as I am aware uh and again similar to the county I have been you know letting the lias kind of work through some of the permitting issues and and we'll be more actively involved in that but my understanding is that they have been living on the their their um rented property they have a one-year lease uh and they're not actively out there and that no change has been made to the 60 amp and I will advise and Mr Pike and I spoke just before this hearing I will advise my clients to cooperate with any inspection the county wants um and we'll do that moving forward um so I will talk to them about this and we'll make sure the County's comfortable with what's going on okay what if there is I mean if this 400 amp meter is back in there is it operational do you have any way of knowing whether it's operational uh first of all the permit for the or the temporary was inspected on April 24th of 24 okay um it was approved uh for the 60 amp for the uh light pole only okay and for an outlet for construction Uh something's changed I don't know why we have a meter out there in the 400 amp we have no sticker on it we've had no inspection something's changed okay so I have to assume it's unsafe so that's why I need to get on Prop on the property to inspect it so I will need look at that tomorrow uh that would be the the deadline for me to get me out there tomorrow okay okay so then um if it is uh changed and it is hooked up um what is your process does that mean that you would pull the that's a temporary power pole and we will remove the power for it okay yes okay and deem it unsafe okay so I'm going to extend this case as well to the next hearing date but I'm also going to order that Mr Pike be let on the property tomorrow um and if Mr Pike is not let on the property tomorrow I'm going to retroactively impose the fines starting today at $250 a day that's what they would have gone into effect at today um so if he's not allowed on the property today I'll retroactively impose the fines as of today um to start acre um if they let him on the property and let him do what he needs to do then the case will be um continued till the August 8th hearing as um and we'll hear it again um for compliance okay yeah I'll talk to my clients about that thank you okay thank you and I believe you have one more yes 2425 cesm Amed and Sakina n Mohamad okay okay thank you and also for the um last case the 342 or the 24th 17 cesm will accept the electronic case file into the record if there's no objection no objection thank you okay for the record name is Vicky hathway simal County building inspector for simal County Building Division this is in regards to 2425 cesm ammed and Sakina nuro Muhammad at 846 Isle Point Sanford semal County Florida the violation charge simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 description of the violation installation of a retaining wall without the required permits this case was originally heard by the special Magistrate on April 11th of 2024 and an order was issued given the responded to compliance date of July 10th of 2024 with a meeting date of July 11th of 2024 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the inspector totals $420 44 the estimated administrative cost for pro to process his case for the clerk totals $967 the estimated ad administrative Co cost to process this case to date totals $578 for both the inspector and the clerk the recommendation based on the ma special magistrate board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $50 for one day of non-compliance from July 10th of 2024 through and including July 11th of 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after July 11th of 2024 this concludes my presentation okay um would you like to submit the electronic case file into the record yes ma'am are there any objections no objection okay so I met opmed on the way out of these Chambers back in April uh and he asked me to help with uh with this matter and I I'm sure that I wasn't here for his initial hearing but I'm sure he provided you with some context I'll give you a brief refresher um back dur during the uh Irma uh and the other hurricane that I can't remember uh the first one that came through caused a significant amount of water intrusion to his property and as the next one was coming through um Ahmed um uh sort of took it upon himself to you know in the the very I mean days and hours before the next one build a retaining wall um that would protect his property against water intrusion and then of course he ran into some issues with first his um homeowners association and then the county um the so the process is a little bit twofold from here uh my understanding from looking at the communications with the county is that the engineered drawings that he has submitted and worked through um are on the County's side no longer having you know drawing any comments for revisions but the direction that he's received is well now you have to get approval from your uh your homeowners association um so back in last last month during last month we went before the Architectural Review Committee um Mr opmed actually had to handle that alone because of some um notice issues regarding my presence there but um what the committee told Amed and and my and myself is that they believe they do not have the power to approve or even review at all um any structure within a 17t conservation easement um so they gave us documents that they believe dictated that and having read them I'm I I disagree with their opinion about it so we are going to go back for them on July 17 and make the case that uh that they have the authority to review uh this structure and we are going to attempt to get their approval for it um so I would ask for uh one month should be sufficient um back until until August to give you at at a minimum um a a much more productive kind of status update um and if I've misstated anything about the uh the County's review of this I'm I'm happy to to hear from them and and to be corrected on that that's just my understanding but have not been directly involved I will also advise you that the lane development code specifically PR Pro um prohibits any construction within a conservation easement so there might have been some confusion back and forth between myself and the home owner which I have tried to clearly correct with him verbally and um in person here at previous hearings and on the phone um he has not resubmitted for me to correct my comment in the permit so he has been advised that while my communication on the permit review might not have been exactly um correct to him in that permit review um the Land Development code does prohibit construction within a conservation easement okay so then I what I would ask for because this is the first time hearing this on the county side and that's fine um is the the one month to to have that conversation and fully kind of get my arms around the County's issue as well okay so have have those permit and let me go ahead and retroactively swear you in do you Solly sarir the testimon you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth I do and for the record Megan and or ski project coordinator Planning and Zoning okay so has the um Megan has the um the comments have they been updated from your standpoint no ma'am because he's not resubmitted and this has been going on for probably over a year I have not seen this permit back in quite some time um and what do what do you mean resubmitted because he he because he submitted for review I made the comments back to him um and he has called he's been in here before you but he has not ever provided me additional plans or anything to re-review so I've not had it back to correct my comment or provide him additional um comments on that permit it's all been verbal or here in the in this hearing before you okay and so are you now saying that there's no way he could get this permit issued period he would have to relocate it outside of the conservation easement it's not that he can't get a permit he would just have to relocate it outside of the easement which is why unpermitted construction is such a slippery slope because if you don't have that permit issued prior to construction right that's a risk you take another factual question here uh that we may need to full more fully drilled down on um is kind of where whether some portion of the the wall structure is within the um the easement area or without of it some of it may be located outside the easement area some of it may be located within the easement area um that may be something that you have some um understanding of Megan yes if I remember correctly part of it is located outside of the easement and a portion of it is located um within the property owner's rights so it kind of meanders so only a portion of it would need to be relocated so it's not the entire structure from what I recall again it's been several months since I've reviewed it but it kind of does this and the easement also somewhat meanders on the back end of that property again it's recollection um but yes it was only a portion from what I recall okay then that's another issue we can work through thank you okay so um with this information and it being provided to you for the first time here today I'm actually going to um change the compliance date to September 11th with the hearing date being on the 12th um so you can try to work through these issues and possibly get the permit issued before we're back here I app appreciate that thank you okay um so I'll go ahead and issue that order thank you appreciate it okay the next case 20243 cesm Maria Gort and a Abel Gort 2343 2343 hi there can we move the microphone to toward him a little bit is that possible maybe thank you sir yeah okay Mr Gable Gort if you'll raise your right hand please do you somly swear affirm the testimony you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes ma'am thank you okay for the record name is Vicky hathway simal County building inspector for simal County Building Division this is a lean request in regards to 2243 cesm Maria and Abel Gort at 1365 North County Road 426 in Ido Florida 32765 the violation charge the simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 construction without the required permits this case was originally heard by the special Magistrate on May 12th of 2022 an order was issued given the responded to compliance date of July 15th of 2022 an Affidavit of non-compliance was filed by the inspector after reinspection on July 22 2022 on April 13th of 2023 an order was issued extending the compliance date to July 13th of 2023 an Affidavit of non-compliance was filed by the inspector after reinspection on July 17th of 2023 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the inspector total $752 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the clerk totals $22 85 the estimated administrative cost to process this case to Total dates $917 187 for both the inspector and the clerk the recommendation based on the special magistrate order an issue constituting the lean in the amount of $8,250 for 365 days of non-compliance from July 13th of 2023 through and including July 11th 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after July 11th of 2024 this concludes my presentation okay was the compliance date July 13th 2023 yes ma'am okay okay yes sir well first of all I've been done that property for over 17 18 years on that gate I also spoke to a gentleman on the third floor and she knows me too I went upstairs and talk about this thing and I've been disabled well over 30 something years and that gate has always in the name of God always been there about this so-called permits and all that I wasn't even unaware that this thing you know supposedly I had to pull permit out when I bought that property it was inspected by the people that got me the house the realtor company so I wasn't even aware of this so-called you know permitting stuff that that gate has always been there always I have my cousin there that he's been with me for 18 years and I never erected anything in that property other than than what you guys are talking about so sir the the if there was not a permit on the gate when you purchased it Miss Miss first of all judge I want you don't decide where I'm coming from if you buy something sir can I finish okay go ahead um when you buy a piece of property it is your responsibility whether there are permits or not um to make sure that there are permits that's what the due diligence period is for and if there have not been permits pulled for the various things that are on your property it is your responsibility so there are several several cases this this case happened to come before a prior magistrate not myself um and she ordered you to come into compliance and then then there was a continuance or a a uh amended order that gave additional time so that tells me that someone came back well I did I was here last year also okay and they had a Jour my case because of some I guess office stuff were being changed and when I got there on that seat no one ever called me and I even came out to the podium and I don't know whoever told me everything is okay this is what I was told okay well I have two orders all I can go off is um what's in the public record and the public record and this case indicates that there was an order that was entered on May 12th of 2022 and then there was an another order extending the date for compliance that was entered on April 13th 2023 so someone had to have come here to ask for continuance or a an extension of time for compliance um because it was granted um and it was granted and it's the cases are in your name the first one um was Ernest to manelo so did Ernest to manelo own the property before you if I could remember that I don't remember who that was it's been so many years I don't remember who was a when did you buy the property I if I recall 2008 2009 I don't remember it can you look at the property appraiser Jason yeah I have it the actual violation is for two sheds in the electric gates Fire doesn't allow a gate in the RightWay without having a permit okay and it looks like you purchased in 2006 there Pro it looks like there might have been a prior case on it then I'm not sure who the Ernesto to manelo is maybe that was the no because he purchased in 2006 so maybe that was the issue but then there is a case do you have the green card for the amended order is there a Affidavit of posting or anything so was the property actually posted all of our notes we have here are from 22 so this is that in that's a posting of of this hearing correct okay so the the hearing that I'm talking about is the one that was held on April 13 2023 it says that there is a notice of hearing that was provided Ed but I don't have how it was okay there is an Affidavit of posting that it was posted on the property and you said you were here a year ago yes yes yes okay and so at that time the compliance was extended and you were given 60 days roughly actually July July so three months to come into compliance so it was about a year ago and then there's been no other contact well the last time I was here a judge they just told me that everything was okay I mean all otherwise you know they told me that they was changing staff on the third floor and it was something that had to do with with the people being moved or you know this is what I was told and it was a Jour he did not show up the okay so let's swear you in and if you can provide some testimony um with your mic do you solemnly swear affirm the testimony that you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and Alexis if you'll provide your name yeah I know that's what I was no I was thinking you were gonna use your it's okay Alexis peler for the record U planning specialist in Planning and Zoning uh the minutes were reviewed he came in his case was continued and then he didn't appear for the next one okay and so the case was continued for the date that was heard the order extending which was July the April 13th hearing he did not appear for April May June July he came in April where it was then continued okay and then he did not appear in July correct okay and then it's just and then that's where the order sat okay so you did appear um the minutes indicate that you did appear at the April hearing and it was heard and then that you were given till July to come into compliance and you did nothing well I was in the hospital also judge I have cancer okay so but you didn't make any any effort to contact the County or have anyone else contact the County I am severely taking heavy narcotics for my pain okay at times I'm okay at times I'm a in a different world okay I've been disabled for 30 years okay and I'm here to let's put an end to this thing I want to have my life back CU every time you guys post that on my on my house I feel like I'm a criminal which I'm not and I just want to end this tell me what to do and we'll get it over I'm done with I want to live in peace well I think they've tried to do that and you have it so what I'm what I'm going to do um because there is some discrepancy in the record with respect to the name on the case what I'm going to do is I'm going to impose the fine starting today and it will be $50 a day that it will accw which was the from the prior order so I'm not going to go retroactively back to the original date of July 13th 2023 I'm going to start it acre today at $50 a day and it will acre until such time as you receive the necessary permits that you are supposed to receive I'm also going to impose administrative cost in the amount of $917 187 which will be due and payable in 60 days from today's date or let me give you that date actually I'm going to go ahead and do it to the well judge also let letting you know I'm also I do not work I'm on the SSI and my income is very limited okay the um fine must be paid by September 11th 2024 the costs I'm sorry not the fine the costs in the amount of 9787 um must be paid by September 11th or it will be it will acre as a lean against the property and also the fine amount will be imposed starting today of $50 a day and will acre until such time as you obtain the necessary permits okay now what I got to do pull out permits for the gate again yes okay you're sitting in Corrections for the gate um because they're not meeting the requirements so to traffic engineering sitting on my desk I need oh okay so thank you you could always pull a demo permit and remove the gates well my safety means for that gate Miss okay and anybody can just go in there and you know do damage to me and my wife my my my mom also who's 96 years old okay I was just offering a solution well I'm going to pull the permit as you requested okay yes excuse me I just want to let you know that that gay has been there ever since we bought our property that's the only thing I can tell you I also spoke to a gentleman upstairs Jim Jim Potter and he showed me exactly what where the gate is and according to this lady too and a lady named Megan I spoke to Megan also Megan's right Megan is okay I I just know good afternoon Megan um zorski Planning and Zoning the uh permit for the gate has been routed to traffic engineering for review my understanding I have not seen the permit um I believe it's been a year there's a gate um access control that's sitting in the correction drawer that also needs to be routed um that's pending corrections I believe from fire um I don't believe that I've seen that yet for review in quite a while I think Angie um kilhoffer who's now now Gates was the last person to review that um I could be wrong it's been well over a year since that's been routed for review um I don't know the status of the shed permits if there's been shed permits um they're gone okay um so the the gate is pending traffic engineering um approval for the set the setback for the road um as far as I'm concerned so that could be potentially issued by Monday or Tuesday of next week pending payment um and then we have the gate access control issue which still I think has fire fire has to and and then I have to review where the right now that g anyone can open it the motar is burnt out anyone can open that gate okay so um I've made my ruling um and the quicker you can get the permit issued I would do that honestly today judge the more okay fantastic and then um anything that needs to be paid on that that would be great and we will send you um the order in the mail but I urge you to com continue with communica I will definitely once I leave this door I'm going to go right out and apply for that permit again okay fantastic can I just say for the record if you do remove the electric off of it because it's not working it will require a demolition permit for that on the electric part of the gate well excuse me m if I have the money I will pay for all this I am under SSI and that thing has been there always always so you putting you putting me on you putting me on the cross I don't have money in my pocket until I get paid on the third okay I've made my ruling um I'm going to accept the electronic case file into the record thank you [Music] thank you sir that's it yes thank you okay the next case is Mary Willcox 2310 [Music] [Applause] cesm what's your number 2410 or [Applause] 2310 okay Miss Wilcox if you'll raise your right hand please oh that's my grandmother my name is tra hog okay I'm sorry about that cool okay do you Sly swear affirm the testimony you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you okay for the record name is Vicki Hathaway simal County building inspector for simal County Building Division this is in regards to 2310 cesm Mary L Wilcox Air at 96 um 36 mcnorton Road alamont Springs Florida 327 14 can you move the mic in front of her you move the mic can you put the mic in front of her thank you this case was originally heard by the special Magistrate on January 12th of 2023 and an order was issued given the responded to compliance date of March 9th of 2023 an Affidavit of non-compliance was filed by the inspector after reinspection on March 15th of 2023 an estimated administrative cost to process this case for the inspector totals $500 $ 7986 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the inspector totals $579 186 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the clerk totals $967 the estimated administrative cost to processes case to date totals $676 60 for both the inspector and the clerk recommendation that the special magistrate board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $4,550 for 491 days of non-compliance for March 9th of 2023 through and including July 11th of 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after July 11th of 2024 this concludes my presentation okay would you like the electronic case File submitted into the record yes ma' do you have an objection to the electronic case File being submitted to okay would you oh you want me to say something yeah do you I'm yeah and I I agree with everything probably here I'm one of the grandkids um she does have two living kids so my name got on it because again there was somebody else name that was and this was years ago so I was like I'm who's paying property taxes so that's how I was like well let me catch Grandma's property so I got wrapped into it my cousin works for a law service Round the Corner my uncle be there all the time so I will I will not lie I will sign something cuz I do believe you send them to my current address and I'll sign off and I'll say hey you guys I got this fix it I know I'm trying to convince them to sell it because at the end of the day I I do believe like my uncle has a drug problem I don't feel like and he feels like if I send somebody to pay cuz I tried to pay someone go over there and get Grandma yard and stuff up like he's like don't come on my this you know and ain't nobody be wanting to deal with all of that so that's honestly where I'm coming at I can't dispute any of this cuz I I rarely go over there I do I will not lie you my ma still come there cuz I mean I grew up there but I I have my own house and and things like that so I I can't dispute any of this I I just can't and I and and and I think my name is attached to it because I was the one when I said let me catch up the property taxes and that's how it is but there are other like like she has actual children like my uncle and my aunt are the last two alive and they live your you have an uncle that lives on the property behind the property around the property somewhere near it yes ma'am okay okay well um so bringing the property in compliance is for them to get permits though for work that was done so that's the only way it's not so much mowing the grass I'm sure that probably is an issue too at from time to time or maybe some of the accumulation of of junk and debris but this particular issue is related to permits for work that was done okay um so right now because the the order was issued over a year ago the lean um is up to $24,000 that it on the property um um and so the county does have a a legitimate order that was entered and um the it needs to be corrected okay so the renovations um so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to impose the lean the it started to acre actually from March 9th 2024 which was the original compliance State okay so there will be a lean imposed of 24,25 and it will continue to acre at $50 a day until such time as it's brought into compliance um I'm not going to add insult to injury by imposing fees and costs against you I think the costs are low enough because probably there hasn't been a lot of communication with the county um so I am going to impose the lean but um that but it will continue to acrw and the house is not homesteaded so it could be foreclosed on so I urge you to have them get the permits and get this taken care of and then there may be a mechanism once it's taken care of that they could work on the lean with the county there may be a Reduction Program or something like that um but really the the best course of action at this point is getting the permit issued okay okay all right can I ask a quick question and you might not know or you might do if I cuz my thing cuz I'm I'm just tired of fighting or losing battle if they sold it how would they how would that work and because as far as I know when my grandmother passed away she didn't leave a will um and so I am just really not sure how any of this works like I said I feel like my name was attached to it because I went in and was like Hey I'm going to catch up property taxes what what what y'all doing well your name is not on any of the okay any of the documents that I have um and your your grandmother is no longer living no ma'am okay okay so I'm wondering um I I thought that the air on this was kind of interesting and I'm wondering if maybe that's a note from the property appraiser that an a came in and paid the property taxes um so you on top of it you would probably need to contact an attorney that would be able to help you with probate in this and getting it in your names appropriately if that is what you wanted to do or selling it um and then if you did sell it obviously the leans are usually taken care of during during the sale so but right now it is not in your name okay cool all right all right thank you thank you for coming I appreciate it thank you I no I think they probably just put air in there normally they'll do a state which is wrong also because when it's not probated it's not an aate but so very interesting okay okay okay the next case 2313 cesm Sophia Nim and Irma chalry Imran CH okay can you raise your right hand please do you Solly swear affirm the testimony you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you for the record name is Vicky hathway simal County Building Inspector with simal County Building Division this is in regards to case number 2313 cesm Sophia Nim and imram shandre at 12:31 Stanley Street Longwood Florida 32750 violation charge of simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 construction without the required permits this case was originally heard by the special Magistrate on February 9th of 2023 an order was issued given the responded a compliance date of June 8th of 2023 an Affidavit of non-compliance was filed by the inspector after reinspection on June 20th of 2023 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the inspect ctor total $674 185 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the clerk totals $967 the estimated administrative cost to process this case to date total $771 and 59 cents for both the inspector and the clerk the recommendation the mag that the magistrate special board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $20,000 for 400 Days of non-compliance from June 888th of 2023 through and including July 11th of 2024 at $50 a day and the day and the fine shall continue to acre at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after July 11th of 2024 this concludes my presentation would you like to submit the electronic case file into the record yes ma'am do you have any um objection to the electronic case File that's in front of you being submitted into the record I don't okay I'll accept it sir um maate last um it was last year I came in front of the board and uh the reason for enclosing the cport was to I have three special need children and when we bring them from uh school um 9 years old especially he would run away and uh it was uh hard for us to like know for uh for the babysitter to to handle him so EAS easier was to park the car inside close the door so he can go inside the house um originally I obtained a a gentleman who brought gave me the business card which I have included to the file last year um paid over $10,000 to him his business card said he was a general contractor he did the work but never obtained any permits I went um after the order I got an engineer to go ahead do the drawings and a permit was issued but uh an inspection was done come to find out now that inspection was only for the driveway the permit was issued only for the driveway building permit never got issued and uh the the non-compliance affidavit it went to the PO Box address it never came to the street street address and I never I never again um I should have updated uh the address to the property PR's office and um I wasn't aware of that I needed to do it um long story short I I just need another 30 days so I can get the permit issued I contact the engineer as soon as I got the notice for the non-compliance through this hearing um he already had made the changes and uh he's reviewing it I should be able to get him submit and get the permit issued in 30 days if you would please give me another 30 days the problem that I'm having is when you received the notice of this hearing um what did you immediately come in and start speaking with the building department about what you could do yes ma'am I came in and spoke with the building department and got the comments from the building department took it to the engineer who did the drawings did the comments amended and everything and he's reviewing it I have uh I have those uh Corrections already done and uh should be able to submit it in a day or two man and if within 30 days I should have the permit issued and all the inspection I should be able to get them done Vicki has he had contact with you have you I have never spoke to him until yesterday I do see that he was at one point in touch on 818 of 22 with Kyle cassic who is formally in this position when I left and went out into the field um I'm not seeing anym notice of no no there's no more well he's indicated that he had a contractor that he thought was working on it but that's what he said he is an owner Builder I had to remind him of that yesterday which means that's the onus is on him um but he was saying you know that he's paid somebody to do this for him and apparently they're not doing it so and I do have the corrections drawings with me if you like to see it and also uh the building department I have been in touch with them Mr Thomas th uh Tom H Kyle I have Kyle Cass Wayne th yeah Mr Wayne Thomas he he was on yes he was on a vacation last week and uh otherwise I would and I asked them to take a look at uh the drawings okay okay so um I just need 30 more days if I can for the record there is um a possibility that there is a mailing issue um in our in the um County's files um related to the clerk um the prior clerk um so what I'm going to do is I'm going to extend the compliance date to um August 7th and so you would need to bring the property fully into compliance by August 7th and if not the um fine will be imposed at that time and um potentially it well I will tell you that if it's not uh in compliance by the time the August 8th hearing that we come back here not only will the per day um penalty be imposed but also um I will impose costs at that time of the county I'm not going to um at this time provided that there is compliance by August 8th thank or August 7th I'm sorry thank you m thank you so much please take please take our card with you please so you know to be in touch with us thank you two inspectors are on top app the next case is 2426 CES M Los compos Stay America llc26 [Applause] CM can you state your name for the record please uh Robert harus will R okay can you both raise your right hand do you solemnly swear affirm the testimony you're about to give to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes your honor thank you for the record name is Vicky hathway building inspector for simal County building this is in regards to case number 2426 cesm Los Campos D America LLC William Ramirez at 3:45 Jones Avenue Sanford Florida 32773 violation charge simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 construction without the required permits the case was originally heard by the special Magistrate on May 9th of 2024 an order was issued given the respondents a compliance date of July 10th of 2024 with a meeting scheduled for July 11th of 2024 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the inspector totals $514 17 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the clerk totals $16.49 the estimated administrative cost to processes cased to date totals $620 66 for both the inspector and the clerk recommendation the special magistrate board issue an order constituting a lean in the amount of $250 per day for one day of non-compliance from July 10th of 2024 through and including July 11th of 2024 at $250 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $250 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after July 11th of 2024 this concludes my presentation would you like to submit the electronic case file into the record yes ma'am do you have an objection to the electronic case File no you're onor okay I'll accept it do you have a response um we have submitted um all the paperwork needed for the sighting for the doors the windows and uh the should it says here that has been resolved but the permit has not been issued there are notes in there that they cannot have the structure on the property where it isn't do any type of renovations to it but they had continued to completely renovate it as we were going out there and C in them because this was a stop work order this is a commercial property that has a bar in the front on Sanford Avenue behind it is a home they're fenced in on the same property and this home was there a long long time ago the codes of sense change you can't have this structure there you can have it there but you can't do any changes to it I will let Megan speak to this so it would be a structure that's called legal non-conforming so so long as it exists the way it is it's allowed to exist they can do minor repairs but they can't expand a non-conformity and so um the they've done an addition or just so I'm not super I forgive me I'm not familiar with this project as it's a commercial project and and my typical reviews are limited to residential um but based on my understanding is that they've expanded outside the existing footprint of the um the structure so anytime you would go outside the footprint of the structure um that would be expanding the non-conformity so if they're doing an awning or anything on the exterior um aside from repairs to siding Windows Doors so if they were doing an awning a Pergola a pool anything expanding to the exterior that would be expanding the non-conformity and would not be permitted okay so they can't possibly even get the permit for the siding frame and windows and door at this point because of the expansion to the structure correct that would be my understanding again I did not review this permit but that would be my understanding that they would not be allowed to expand the non-conformity we have not expanded anything the dimensions of the home are exactly the same that they were when he bought it the house was falling apart there was holes everywhere they did Issue the permit for the roof for the same address 345 Jones Avenue so you you knew you needed a permit for the roof but yeah and we appli for one and we apply for the other permit but now they are putting this new obstacles that you just mentioned on the eth this is two days ago this is this is something brand new that it was not it was non-existent on the comments before ma'am I was just handed the comments from the planner that's actually handling this project and reviewing it um Annie silway so this this property is owned C1 um and they're um I guess the use is going to be a dwelling unit accessory to the commercial use of the property um which is a dwelling unit accessory for the employee the first step in the special exception process is a pre-application process the pre-application has been uploaded under the resources folder and then please provide a narrative on how the proposed structure is intended on being used if the structure has been vacant how long has it been vacant so anytime um a property is vacant for more than 180 days the use goes away so they may have an issue with the use as well so if the the residential structure was vacant for more than 180 days it would no longer be a legal non-conforming structure the whole property would have to be used as commercial which is why they're they're requesting the prea to determine what the uses are for the property so they have um they have multiple layers much like our Adu residential um situation that we had on the special exception they're they're they're dealing with a similar on the vice versa their Zone commercial trying to get a residential use okay so there's no way we we could um that we could uh resolve this today is not going to be a fast anyway so um I'm going to um I'm going to give you I'm going to um extend the violation um compliance date but I need to figure out what that date looks like because if I'm if I give you an amount of time and you're back here and you've done nothing then I'm going to um not be inclined to I'm going to impose a fine and I'm not going to be inclined to to um work with you but if I give you the amount of time and you're you know doing what they're asking you to do and it's through no fault of your own that you're through their process then I you know I completely understand that and I think ultimately achieving compliance and if they're giving you an Avenue to try to achieve compliance then that is what we can work through um but if they get to a point where they tell you that it's not possible and the structure cannot be used in the manner that you're using it in um it whatever they tell you you need to do you've got to follow that process within the time frames and they they'll testify to whether you're doing that or not but if we find ourselves back here I'm going and you're not complying and you're not doing what they're asking you to do then I will impose the fines and they'll start to run and I'll also impose the costs okay okay we have been trying to do what you have been requesting to do with the exception of these new these uh two new items that appear 3 days ago on the eight now that home has not been vacant for over a year because he owns the property for less than a year so that shouldn't apply to it because he bought the property about a year ago and that home was occupied when he bought it was totally destroyed so he's trying to fix it a little bit so he can rest over and put a mattress on the bed and what okay and then those are all things that you're going to need to work through with the county it does sound to me like you have been or those comments wouldn't have been put in there three days ago because it sounds to me like you you had to be working towards something so I encourage you to continue to do that um so talk to me a little bit about an amount of time for a process that would probably go to Megan because this is going to be in their area with planning did we did you want to he stood up in the back I don't know if he wanted to did you it was it depends on the process to be perfectly honest with you prea is a couple of weeks and then if it if it's allowed I mean it could be denied at prea so that it could be two weeks if it goes to special exception it could be a few months so it depends on what's determined so if you want to bring in back in 30 days to see what's determined at prea that would be at your discretion that might be the better way to go to see what's determined from the pre-application if he turns that in timely okay okay are you understanding what what she is saying okay did you did he have anything you wanted to add my concern is that if the home has not been uh vacated for over a year can these two things go away so we can get the permit sir the way it was Sir I think that that's what the preapplication that's what I'm trying to explain to you is until you do the pre-application and the planners make a determination you're not going to get your building permit they have to make their determination on whether this use is permitted and before you can get your building permit okay okay so that pre-application meeting is very important okay so that will be so before you leave here today you need to go upstairs to the second floor and see the girls at the counter and get a pre-application pre-application okay okay okay then I will go ahead and and um unless did you have something you wanted to add or you good okay you're okay um I'm going to go ahead and change the compliance date to August 7th which means we'll have a hearing back here on August 8th after your pre-application meeting and we'll be in a better position to see the length of time that we would need to give you for a true um continuance if there are other processes that you need to go through okay okay all right thank you thank you okay won't be me the next case is Daniel Lucio 2427 cesm did you get it up yeah yeah this is the first case that we haven't had a continuance on and the person has complied I think he did he did um I'm going to go ahead and find that this matter is in compliance and I am sorry that you sat here through this entire um meeting today um but you're in compliance thank you okay thank you well that was easy let's pull those to the front next time okay if especially if they're that good where we've had no continuances sure I know like the 75 continuances okay they can wait a little while but he's he's the one that wanted a year for his compliance date um so we we can talk about that after okay two final cases let's do 2428 cesm leet properties okay okay oh there is nobody's here okay for the record name is Vicky hathway simal County building inspector for simal County Building this is in regards to casee number 2428 cesm leet Properties Inc Wilson t or Richard T Wilson at 1055 uh South US Highway 1792 Longwood Florida 32750 violation charge of simal county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 construction without the required permits this case was originally heard by the special Magistrate on May 9th of 2020 24 an order was issued given the responded to compliance date of July 10th of 2024 with a meeting scheduled for July 11th of 2024 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the inspector totals $581 and12 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the clerk total is $86.99 the estimated administrative cost to process this case to date totals 600 $ 6811 for both the inspector and the clerk the recommendation is that the special magistrate order an a lean in the constituting in the lean in the amount of $50 per day for one day of non-compliance from July 10th of 2024 through and including July 11th of 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall continue to acrew at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after July 11 11 of 2024 this concludes my presentation okay I'm going to uh find that the respondent was properly noticed to be here there is a green card in the file that was signed for the uh respondent has uh failed to be present the property is still in violation of simol county code um chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 one and will um acrew a fine I'll ratify my prior order we'll begin acre a fine of $50 a day today for each and every day Hereafter um that the violation remains and I will also impose fines or costs I'm sorry in the amount of $668 111 to be paid within 30 days okay yes the next case 2429 cesm Maximum Auto Center Incorporated okay want me go ahead and start reading while she's pulling up the slides absolutely okay for the record name is Vicky hathway simal County building inspector for Simon County building this is in regards to 2429 cesm maximum Maximum Auto Center Inc at 125 Maran Lane Castleberry Florida 32707 violation charge s county code chapter 40 appendix a section 105.1 construction without the required permits this case was originally heard by the special Magistrate on May 9th on 2024 and the order was issued given the responded to compliance date of July 10th of 2024 with a scheduled meeting for July 11th of 2024 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the inspector total 634 $468 the estimated administrative cost to process this case for the clerk totals $16.49 the estimated administrative cost to process this case to date totals $741 for both the inspector and the clerk recommendation that the special magistrate board order an issue uh constituting in the lean in the amount of $50 per day of non-compliance from January 10th of 202 24 through and including July 11th of 2024 at $50 per day and the fine shall continue to acre at $50 per day for each day the violation continues or is repeated after July 11th of 2024 this concludes my presentation I'm going to find that um in um case 2429 cesm that the respondent was properly noticed to be here today that the uh green card was signed by the registered agent um and is in the file and the respondent is not here today I'm going to find that the property is still in violation and impose a lean um in the amount of $50 a day continuing each and every day uh Hereafter um impos from June 11th and I'm continuing each day until the violation is corrected I'm going to uh find that there are costs in the amount of $741 17 cents that will be um are to be paid within 30 days or will be a um recorded as a lean against the property and this concludes our cases um I have approved the minutes from the last meeting and we will go ahead and set the next magistrate hearing for August 8th 2024 thank you thank you than [Music] la