##VIDEO ID:49NdDcc5pBk## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e hi Gail hey Jim how are you pretty good good well Steve Schmidt did some detective work because I wrote him about the seven number remember and he good old Steve he went back and and went you know went back to the video and list oh brilliant and said yes indeed Tim hos said seven uh seven pieces of equipment were damaged so I guess uh my memory wasn't that bad after all but yeah well that's excellent yeah so wow good good on Steve I didn't even think to do that of like oh yes we have a full recording of everything look at that indeed indeed we do yeah Steve also said when he went to take a look at the at the videotape uh that there had been 11 other people preceding him who watched it and I wonder who those 11 might be that's fasc that's fascinating it is it is fascinating I I can't think that we would be a uh uh you know in the top tier of YouTube views but but um seven people I mean 11 people were apparently interested enough to take a look so well GL we're putting on glad we're putting on a good show for them I know I know that's that's great when do you move back to um like wola um the sixth is my moveing date six okay yeah so I will couple more weeks here couple more weeks well I should should have a lot of tomatoes left if you would like some Tomatoes I'm trying to I'm trying to find I'm trying to find home for my tomatoes are in full regalia here and they're overwhelming are your Tomatoes overwhelming well they don't look all that great but they're very tasty I guess that's what really counts so it's not been a terrific year for the garden um you know this have you ever heard of the Asian jumping worm I have yes yeah well they're they're they're everywhere I mean they're not just in gardens they're in the forest I've seen them in the forest I've seen them you know they're ubiquitous now and and they and they're doing a lot of damage at least in my garden so that's very discouraging oh I'm sorry to I'm sorry to hear that that uh yeah that's really bad news yep another one of those wonderful invasives from yeah overse so so Graham will not be here tonight I guess right correct he's probably up in Vermont visiting his um grandchildren I would guess yes I I believe so I um yeah I wonder if the the call of the grandchildren is going to be too much and we're going to lose him to Vermont well I I don't think so but you never know you never know yeah well his son is still lives in the area down here so and does or did various Landscaping work in one thing or another so so there's still his family located in this area that's true and speaking of Steve here he is Steve hi Steve can you hear us maybe not okay oh there he is y excellent hello Craig hi there how are you good all right um well Graham is away uh this week so it's just the four of us but we do have Quorum so we'll go ahead and get started um I'll do the intra uh Spiel here welcome to the August 21st meeting of the MLP board and Broadband committee I am Gail huness MLP manager facilitating the meeting this meeting is fully remote participating remotely we have MLP board members Jim Hemingway and Steve Schmidt Graham septon is away we also have joining us bodb Committee Member Craig Martin welcome everybody um first order of business is to approve the uh meeting minutes from July 17th as submitted and amended by Jim or uh discussion yes um if yes if there is any discussion um Jim did you see my email to you a few minutes ago yes Gail and I were just discussing your sleuthing U very much appreciated thank you for people who may have come later listening to this recording it is uh we looked at a past recording of the video or or rather Steve very nicely took the time to do that to confirm a number of um electronics that were damaged in the storm I Steve that was so brilliant I totally forgot we have a recording of that whole thing so there it is there's no secrets now so yeah so it doesn't does not need to be that does not need to be amended that correct the seven items figure of seven rest as is was correct yes and so I move uh that we ex up the minutes second thank you um all in favor uh Schmidt I and Jim I excellent all right um I will do the Hut report for Graham um so the uh still working on the key issue um the locksmith and ammer um who I connected with uh just kind of disappeared turns out he's on medical leave um so he directed me to uh F in Northampton they apparently have a whole locksmith Department there uh so I connected with the locksmith there and uh sent them uh pictures of the keys they said they can do it um so um I will get that done when I'm back in town after September 6th um just take taking the keys over there to get them uh copied I will get two copies made so we will have three just for posterity um um yes they're very good I I I know I I should have suggested that um because I've I've taken strange keys to them before and they've been able always been able to deal with it they have a very good locksmith Department good is it is their locksmith department just one guy Al or is it actually a whole department well I think it's probably just one guy but but if you go there and see see you know and see it's it's it's sort of a little enclosed space with all sorts of equipment and keys and everything else so it's very professional great okay very they're very competent very good excellent I I'm gonna be glad to get this done it's like a it's like been Saga like a key Saga of multisteps um all right so in July we had 107 support tickets which is three times our normal rate but that is all due to that outage on the 11th and 12th so doing an analysis of them all but 35 of them are outage related and you know 35 to about 45 is a very normal month so um uh nothing concerning there it's just we had a very busy tech support month because of because of the outage all but 37 you said 35 35 yeah this just brings up something that I thought of a couple times since the outage and keep forgetting to ask you so it's on my mind I'll mention it right now we have of course the it's not an 800 number it's like an 888 number whatever the tollfree number is to call in a problem can we text a problem no that would be a very good thing to have um because you know even s services such that you know voice uh communication over cell is is poor but sometimes you can get a text through when you can't get adequate voice communication through and so that would be uh that would be useful if we could uh text a uh service problem and you know and it could be limited to just uh to service problems and not to you know if they want to not do like um billing such issues via text that's fine fine but uh a critical if you get a critical service text through to them they might be you know that would be useful I will I will check on that um and see if that's a possibility or my guess is that if if we do do it it's probably going to have to be a separate text number um yeah you know most customer management Services if they do accept those it has to be like not a traditional phone number but we'll we'll check on it um you know if uh I'll just see the possibilities of it I can imagine it might come with an extra charge but that's something we could work into our contract going forward um I'll see what the possibilities are um Steve I did finally uh this week got the last interest statement from the accountant um so we can do end of year uh wrapup the only problem with that is that I'm completely slammed for work right now it's the busiest three weeks of the Year for me with onboarding for my day job and um so um I will be in touch to schedule a meeting with you likely the first week in September like September 9th I'm away I'm away the first two weeks of September you know I could work on that one them away but yeah this this is this is no hurry let's since we're since we're both just buried in stuff um I will uh get it done um and and and we can work on it asynchronously I'll send I'll send you a copy with with questions at your leisure again this does not um yeah if you want to send it out to me yeah now you know I can look at it in the next couple of weeks and I'll just keep in mind don't pester Gail with this now but I can come up with my own take on it and then when I'm back we we can reconvene on it okay I I there's no way I'm going to get to it for the next couple of weeks of the the the final stuff so okay we'll just we'll stay on it um and and so that um you know around the time the Auditors hitting our books um will as a committee be looking at it too again there's nothing I've done the preliminary over there's nothing concerning um good it's just it's just making sure all the numbers are right good okay sounds good um let's see some good news um the town treasur has put our Broadband Capital stabilization account into a different account that earns better interest as of La last October so taking advantage of the higher interest rates so we have about 2,000 uh two sorry $28,000 in that um stabilization account and so now we are earning between $425 and $500 a month so um that that means it looks like it's compounded monthly at about 0. 2% um but yearly interest means it's about 2.4% so really good good you know for a municipal account in my knowledge what's that Steve yeah well uh interestingly I was just talking with Margie uh Margie mcginness and Leverett uh on totally different topics but I just you know brought up something about the how's Broadband going and oh it's great da da da and she mentioned that um Ryan is the treasurer for Lever as well as for shut Perry and he'd put their um uh um depreciation account into a CD that was earning this good interest that's good I should ask Gail if you know he couldn't do that for us and shry so I see okay he has done it so great yep let's see our um grant for the CF funding for the last three years for $443 n6 did come in from whip city um the catch is that because it came in in June it won't land in our account until our current fiscal year um apparently deposits in June the treasure likes to hold on to them um because it can it can make the audit process more complicated but here's the good news um because it is not appropriated by town meeting it can be put into a special account which Gail offered and I accepted um so it's it's a carry forward balance good so yeah so this this is also good because it's not just a one-time thing we're gonna we get this 44,000 and then going forward it's like you know 14,000 and change for the next seven years so we will be able to just keep carrying this forward um and not have to have to worry about that how much how much was that again Gail sure 44,0 3963 and this is from this is this is this is for the uh CF 2 funding so connect America fund okay through whip City I shouldn't say through whip City I should say administered by whip City on our behalf okay and it came in just a short time ago uh we got the check in uh June but it's not going to land in our account until fiscal year 2025 okay just just a lot of detail here just give it'll go into our 2025 fiscal year account okay in in a special Grant line item that does not have to be appropriated at town meeting okay thank you for there's a lot going on here yes no problem okay I think I sort of got all of that okay um other things going on so I'm still working with sheld on our emergency protocol draft um to make sure that for widespread outages we have a much better communication plan we uncovered this in July during the outage that there were some holes in uh the way that big outages are are are handled um Steve you asked a question at the last meeting about inventory of our our um our past inventory um so the answer there is um I I said you know would it make it easier if we just sold it to you and they said no um we don't we don't need that and also we've been using it um I didn't know this turns out during the big outage they grabbed a ton of inventory because they're pre-c connectorized and they came are the those um drops came in very useful for them dur not sorry the the uh not this outage the one last year the storm outage last okay so they used them here yeah oh yeah yeah not not not yes yes I thought earlier you said they weren't using our preconnect rides aspect of it they don't use them for regular drops like new installations they they they said oh we have you know was like 40 drops out during that big storm a year ago and they said this will be a great use case for these we can just connect them and our guys don't have to spacing so it's good good I'm like wow that was great thanks and we're sure they didn't bill us for Bobby says that when yeah good excellent question so I asked and he said when your inventory gets used um it gets marked in their spry system which is like their their um uh ticket system for how calls go out and then when the billing happens the materials don't get build for that I still need to go back and make sure that that is the case um because um you know what's supposed to happen and what actually happens especially when it comes to things like Warehouse in inventory um I've worked in a warehouse it doesn't always go according to plan so um that is on my uh to-do list uh to look into um we do and we do have a spreadsheet inventory of of our materials and Bobby is updating that so um I want to be clear I am not actually expecting an exact match of that but it should be close yeah yeah yeah um let's see so the implication is that our inventory their their their facility should be shrinking oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we should we should see a lot less less drops there I'm not surprised they didn't want to buy us out but I thought it was worth asking yeah let's see um we're going to have another bill for some of those stupid National pole electrical um moves um if you remember there were two two poles on locks Pond Road and they were lingering poles that um engines kicked to us and said um you know move you know move your stuff on them we and then Verizon will be the next to go and um at the suggestion of sheld I didn't we didn't do anything with them and I kicked them back to uh Verizon saying we can't do anything with these you ran your distribution lines over our lines so we actually can't do anything Verizon didn't take the bait they kicked us back and said no it's we know it's a lot of work but you're the next person you have to move your stuff so um one of them is fine it can the the sheld is just going to work with it but the the second one um uh involves moving some msts around uh to a pole that's been moved about four feet and so Jim you might actually be one of these customers affected that is going to um have to go out for a couple of hours where that while they make that move oh so I I don't I don't it's poll number 69 or 70 on locks Pond Road but they will do what they need to do notify customers and all that yeah so we're not done yet with the unfort it's gonna be a small bill um but one more is coming apparently 100 and whatever we spent on it 10 and something thousand was not enough um all right next we need to talk about audit costs for the library so um we had uh $850 per year in our budget for audit costs and with the understanding that we would do an audit about every three years and that that $850 would cover the town's portion of that audit um unfortunately um after hearing from Becky and I called Tom scanland at the auditor's uh office directly um it's not enough uh the methodology that we use to figure that out um works for things like the account and treasures time but it doesn't work for the audit like we can't do it in a proportionality way um so uh it's way too low and instead we should budget at least $2,000 per year for audit costs with a projection of $4,000 in cost every two years does that make sense so 2,000 and 2,000 makes 4,000 understanding there's going to be an audit about every two years um it is and uh Tom scanland was very um helpful to help me understand like how this happens in towns where it's just a good practice to do this for towns to go through an audit towns that are in not good Financial shape generally should do it every year but he said shsb is fine um every two to three years is a fine audit schedule however there are circumstances such as borrowing grants that Force the audit Cadence so instead of two to three years it needs to happen each year and we are in that circumstance now so every time the town does an audit the MLP finances has to be audited as well as part of that that whole um process um the town has to have an annual audit while the library Grant is active so it's not like at the beginning of the grant um they just do one audit and it's good every single year so that means we have to have full Town audits for 2023 2024 2025 and possibly 2026 depending on the speed of the project completion we might be able to get out of 2026 if it gets done but maybe not um the Auditors have lowered the price a little bit for 2023 to $3500 um by the price you mean our portion of it our our portion of the 17 grand oh oh oh oh the total audit is 17 grand and our portion of that is is $3,500 this year and then $4,000 each year going forward so but we're still back to the same issue that this audit the frequency of the audit is being increased because of the library construction and so I mean the cost of the audit is one thing and say well okay you know it's not it's not a percentage of the total cost to the audit but it's you know BR the M the Enterprise fund is going to add so much to it but the fact that it has to be done every year is nothing to do with the operation of the Enterprise fund it's it's because the town's building this Library so it just still seems to me that that additional cost for doing the audit annually is something that should be absorbed by the town as part of the cost of building the library uh yes I think these are two separate issues absolutely the the so the so the first issue is that the calculation that we use to determine audit costs is simply too low we need to fix that we're not paying our fair share when it comes to Reg you know like the we'll call the regular Cadence of audits um and it is also true that the um Library process building process is requiring a yearly Cadence instead of the normal every other year Cadence so um Becky has asked me to ask the MLP board for a $3500 uh cost now so for for our current budget and then $4,000 each year going forward so that $3,500 would pay for the 2023 audit right so 2024 we're going to pay for the 20 last year's audit and then going forward need $4,000 each year um I don't know what happens if um the you know like we just don't pay it that um or or how how that Works um I don't know yeah because it's like what we pay the town for the um for the treasurer's expense for the accountants expense we don't have to do that um we put those Appropriations in there to make it clear that the operation of the um of our uh Broadband network is not costing the town anything it's coming fully out of the subscribers fees but it's it's like a it's it's it's like a voluntary thing we're doing to to make the payments for to the town for the treasurer and for the accountant and so then we said well put something in for the auditor also initially I don't think there was anything in there for that and we decided Well that's one more expense that um the operation of the town's finances that we should contribute towards um so I I think it's it's up to us to appropriate um what we see is is accurate is is fair and we you know and we got those figures from the town accountant as as to what our share would be um but in in the case of the additional audits being required because the library has been constructed I just don't see why that's something that um we should pay for out of our budget so and that's the way we voted in our last meeting we that we were not going to pay for this because the the library is responsible for it you know yes I'm bringing the issue back again because the thing that we voted on was actually not correct it was that was my misunderstanding of this whole thing I thought it was a one-time thing and it turns out it's an annual thing uh and also um it's not that it's a um I think I explained it last time is like it's a special Library audit but that's not the case it's the same audit at all the time it's just the Cadence of of when that audit is happening is happening annually because because of the library so um you know I am I am I hearing it right that we're all in agreement that like no matter what we need to pay for like pay our share of the audit cost for us it's just that the objection is that it should be every other year not every year if every other year is the standard auditing practice for the town then then yes to play Devil's Advocate the town could come back and say no every year is our standard audit we just may not choose to do it every year you need to Pony up for Grand but it is the town has never done an audit every year yeah Jim do you have any insight into this from the finance committee well I don't uh but um it seems to me there there have been times when it's not even been two years between audits but three years I I I'm pretty sure it's been longer than that so if they start to argue that every year is is what we ought to be paying for because that's what the town does that's just just simply not true yeah seems like it's a constr construction triggered cost so or or a construction and maybe should be a construction cost for the library yeah bar it's because of the or I I don't know if it's because the grant or the borrowing but e either way it's yeah it's the funding for the library requires it so part of the whole yeah yeah it's part of the the the grant trigger if you will in order to receive money of this magnitude from the state they want to make sure they're not giving it to a failing town so so you know they're requiring these the these these audits every year um so um yeah so the the question is is just how do we how do we respond to this request um to uh the town it's you know it's coming from Becky but it's coming from the um you know the the the greater Library border organizers I assume but is it really because it's the town needs to conduct this audit um and so I think you know the town just needs to bump up its audit budget and if uh you know as it is think about the the the the payment we make to the town for the treasurer and for the accountants expense I don't believe Jim you would know about this that the treasurer the amount the town appropriates for the treasurer's expense is reduced by the amount that the um MLP turns over to the town for the treasurer's expense and for the account the accountant's expense that you know if you're really doing your bookkeeping correctly the town would be able to appropriate a certain amount less at town meeting for the operation of the treasurer's office and the operation of the accountants office because the MLP is putting in its 1,800 or what a year yeah that's a good question and but I don't think that happens I think that just go it just goes into uh free cash I think you're absolutely right yeah so it's like you know so the town appropriates the money for the treasurer for the accountant and for the auditor and we effectively generously kick in a certain amount each year to cover our share of that and so I I don't feel that there's an obligation for us to pick this up the town's going to need to do that audit they're not gonna you know the town's not going to say well guess the library is not going to happen because the uh Broadband committee decided not to appropriate $4,000 for an audit here um that bill that's that audit is going to happen the Bill's going to be paid I I agree I this this subject has never has never come up on during the finance committee wranglings of one kind or another um and and it is because I'm pretty sure the money just goes into you know it just goes into free cash which is sort of unfortunate maybe being so specific about the way our money is affects the budget and and and is accounted for is something they ought to well maybe we're getting they would probably feel that we're getting too much down into the weeds um you know to sort of be that specific and so it's just easier to put it into free cash and let it go with that but I really don't think we ought to be paying that extra amount um for yearly audits on account of the library I would definitely speak up and out against that in our next fincom meeting if it comes up I I'm not sure whether it's going to for a while okay so what you uh sounds like um the and um we'll we'll do an official vote on this for communications but um it sounds like the sentiment is uh the MLP is uh agrees that we need to pay our our full share of regular audits of $2,000 per year um understand I even I'd even say on that we voted a budget at annual Town me or the meeting voted a budget that we presented and I believe it has $800 or $850 whatever the figure is in for audit for FY for fy2 um if they need more we'll consider that for FY 26 I i' play a little hard ball on this because uh well that's a thought yeah now I I don't see why we should be putting up more for this year than when we've already appropriated this figure yeah the only argument of of putting putting more is that um it is an incorrect calculation about just a regular audit cost and Steve but we got that figure from from Gale and so it needs to be changed fine we'll change it going forward I have no question about changing something going forward but to say during the fiscal year we need to make this change no I just don't see that is say they're going to pay the bill and and whatever we appropriate isn't going to impact how they pay it because they'll pay it out of the town has an auditor expense line and they pay it out of the that mhm and we make these contributions to the town at the very end of the fiscal year we do that one transfer where the the money for the the our portion of the treasures expense the accounts expense the auditor expense the electrical expense for the for the Hut all it's it's a onetime payment over to the uh a transfer to the town and so uh so sure going forward we'll we'll re uh revisit this just as for FY 25 Gail wise refigured the amount we needed to put in for the treasurer and the and the accountant and it was changed from previous years and I think one it went up a little bit and okay you know that's what it is for fi2 five we can re we can revisit this every year but for for the current fiscal year we're in no we've made an appropriation and I think the town needs to live with that I agree all right um because this involves money and we are going to get push back on it um Steve if you could make a U motion um to turn down the the request for the for the funds um for four or $3500 this year and $4,000 uh going forward but the town is what I'm hearing is that um they can ask for that for fiscal year 2026 yes so I'm move that the uh MLP stay with the appropriated FY 25 figure um for the auditor expense and not increase it dur during this fiscal year and then that we will reconsider the amount we appropriate for the auditor expense Town's auditor expense for FY 26 and each year going forward second all right all in favor Steve I and Jim Ming my I okay right um I will uh communicate that the other uh portion of this is that um Steve and everybody if you remember what we're trying we tried to simplify our um uh the number of accounts that are kicking around Forin and so we combined the um auditor accountant and treasure into into one item and I noticed these were still separate on our uh fiscal year 2025 for first um uh uh report first financial report so I asked Gil I'm like uh we actually combined these why aren't they combined and she said we can combine the accountant and treasure if you want but the audit needs to be separate so it can be carried forward and this is this is new this is new information for me I didn't I didn't know that audit costs could be a carry forward yeah I don't think they had been in the past there was nothing to carry forward because at the end of the year we just gave the town the entire amount so it's never come up before but um I I think maybe this is I mean it now because of this because of this issue you know I mean it does make some sense if you're on a by annual every other year I'll say because I'm never sure whether it's by or semi um if you're on an every other year accounting auditing schedule but you don't want to appropriate $4,000 one year and zero the next you can appropriate $2,000 each year you can you can keep your appropriation steady so it makes forward to it makes sense to carry that forward um but it's not what they've done in the past so sounds like this whole thing needs to be Revisited a little bit and maybe we need a little better communication um from the uh accountant is just how this is how this is [Music] happening yeah um like I said I'll I'll I'll pass on the message um of of the declined request and um ask that when we're doing the budget for 2026 uh the request gets made again and we should be prepared it will be they will be requesting four uh $4,000 for that Al I would also like to get a better explanation of just why they want that's almost 25% of the total total cost of the audit an audit $177,000 um you know I say $4,000 is is almost a quarter of that why a quarter of the cost of the audit would come from one department is really I want a lot I I'd say that would be the next thing I'd be requesting would be a lot better explanation of that yeah so I I did I I like I said I called I called uh Tom scanland directly and asked him that same thing like why is this so much of of the and and he said um uh the incoming Revenue um and the uh Enterprise account that has a lot of money coming and going out of it it takes this much it he does the audits by by days how many days it takes and he says this takes a full quarter of the of the days it's like four or five auditor days to do a full review of everything so he himself said this is how much it costs we can certainly you know give a push back but it's the um that's coming from the person who's charging us saying that okay is actually how much it costs it's not coming from the town in other words okay oh and also it costs the same for Leverett see I thought leverett's auditing costs were higher because they were using the um uh chapter 164 um accounting uh but maybe not I did too and I learned today I learned or yesterday I learned that is not the case when it comes to um the governance structure it has absolutely no bearing on how the audit is done okay so regardless of whether it's um um uh run is um like an ml call MLP accounting under 164 or Enterprise fund under whatever it's like chapter 55 Point whatever whatever um it does not matter when it comes to the audits okay unfortunately and and you know when we were setting up our our MLP that was something that we had considered is like no it's going to be better for us to be under the umbrella of the town for this very reason yeah turns out doesn't matter what is the name of the person that you were talking with the auditor Tom scanland of scanland and Associates okay Tom scanland for sorry I went okay just catching up here it's wor Jim Jim you have the hardest job of all of us here yeah I know all right I think I I I'll figure out I'll make up something okay all right well yeah we can always always review it um anything else um for sure I have a I have a quick report so yay okay last Friday night Saturday I was having lots of internet problems that were intermittent and I couldn't figure out what they were so on finally on Saturday I called sheld and they said no everything's fine we don't see a problem although at that point actually they tried to see my router and they couldn't see it because in fact my R I guess had gone offline so I rebooted the router and then they saw it and I said well you know I've got this um KX managed router maybe you can go in the logs and sort of see what's going on and you're saying no no we'll just send somebody out and they'll they'll check and see if there's shorts somewhere or something turns out I was leaving town so I couldn't do that and today I got back um I'm not sure if it's behaving well or not but they're probably if it's not they'll send somebody out so the shot on this is that even though we've got this fancy managed router and they can go look at everything in detail it sounds like no we just want to send somebody out so this is a just a point of information as we're considering manag routers in the in the future and it might be that the guy who works on Saturday doesn't know how to get into the routers I don't know I'd be kind of curious whether this will just be their standard default practice if we get managed routers they're going to send somebody out anyway or yeah yeah so it was a test of the managed router and I I think it sort of failed unfortunately Graham's not here to respond but oh that's too bad yeah yeah yeah well um you know our uh our digital Equity survey um yeah that's that's still going on that uh furog is is gotten me the draft of the final report so we're working on that and basically the results are people would really like to have sheld be able to reset their password and do some remote Diagnostics it would they say it would improve their satisfaction but they don't want to pay for it and they would prefer just not to have it if it's exactly I I think it's if you say we're gonna give you a piece of candy they say of course I'll take a piece of candy and then you tell them about it's $10 and they say no I don't really like candy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and the majority of the people who responded to that survey said well oh no oh if you no I'm nothing I don't to pay nothing for that if if it's you have to if we're gonna pay for it I don't I actually don't want it and and you know and and well most people are largely satisfied with right you know with the support and the and and their routers I think our biggest problem is for um uh houses where um it just not set up well you know like really they need a mesh extender um they need to get their router out of the basement for Speed or they need maybe a higher power rout routered for their configuration but you know the yeah once once the router's installed it it does it does all right and yeah I mean I mean up until this one challenge I've been very happy and I'll I don't know yet what the problem is but we'll get it figured out yeah yeah all right well keep us posted on that because that's that's that's interesting of of what's what's going on that they couldn't actually see remotely because that seems exactly like the there's the number one is the problem that if your router is not talking to the internet then manag or not manage does you no good whatsoever right true that but the second was I was hopeful that they might be able to go dig in some logs and see oh well there was this problem online 52 or whatever right um and it sounds like yeah we're not GNA do that okay maybe if I talk to someone during the day this week they will say oh sure I'll be happy to go in and look and then I'll be impressed but at the moment I'm not impressed by the manag router yeah yeah yeah okay well yes definitely keep us posted and if you can do any digging on that that would be really appreciated to see like actually what you know can can they do anything or is this not yeah talking the lead directly uh Mak sense I no let me figure out a little bit more on my end and [Music] then I a little okay I I've got a little bit more information here about the accountant issue okay want to continue that slightly I've got the um budget uh line from uh print out the yellow pages from last town meeting and so independent audit so um budget for F this is fy21 forward fy21 the town budgeted 5,000 they spent 12,500 fy22 they spent they appropriated 5,000 and they spent 16,000 FY 23 they appropriated 5,000 they spent zero FY 24 they appropriated 9,000 and this they didn't have the expenditures for FY 24 at that point because it was still during the year and then for fy2 they appropriated 9,000 so they need a lot more if if this audit is going to cost $17,000 they need a lot more money they should have appropriated more for the audit they only appropriated 9,000 they need 17 so you know they're kind of saying well you know let's hit up B here but uh I mean even even the N even the if they're getting fourou if they were to get 4,000 we're still short like who's making up that difference yeah so they just okay you know they it's probably been a carryover account for the town all for the town's accountant line all along so maybe they still have money from you know they didn't spend anything in FY 23 um or you know they take it out of their reserves but uh no I think your your former um solution was correct um the amount is carried over year after year and um whereas uh well it's it's just that carryover applies to this situation and of course quite a few others as well so that's that's the reason why things are so sloppy I guess you might say or or just up and down and and um uh in motion so to speak like that that makes any sense all right um anything else [Music] all right next meeting September's dat September 18th that yes are you gon to be back by then Steve yes yes okay all right great and um yeah I'll be in touch to see if you and I can meet before then so we can we can get this done sure all right all right well thanks thanks everyone I hope that the end of your summers are going well and uh we'll speak in a month okay all right okay bye bye bye bye bye