##VIDEO ID:qvjQ7Z1tNsE## e e e e e e e be here minute theu I'm sure he'll e e oh yeah e e all right they'll be in here in just a second come in all right hello there e hi iPhone interesting e e e hey Becky howy hey okay hello everyone Hey Stephen I received an email U sometime I think this afternoon from Anna she's uh camping in the main Woods Shep and she was surprised she had uh cell service to send the message right St Tex me I'm sorry texting me I will be there in a few minutes at 529 I guess he's tired of me texting him he preempted you yes he did Jeff and I saw him up at uh school today and um he was uh made aware that there was a meeting tonight good good good yeah I've been um I've been working from home because my husband has covid so I just came back in tonight because hardly any body here right now how's he doing he's getting you know he's been feeling pretty miserable but he's he's not as he's not too bad I think you know he got on the pack Lo pretty quickly that really helps good how many days do you do you have to uh hide with them quarantine quarantine yes um well I kept testing I'm um tomorrow might be the last day I'm hoping but I've tested negatively this morning but I think I think Friday will be the real test tomorrow Friday it's hard to tell you know because these things happen without real timet taes but has he had a fever he did at first but that went away after the pack looved which was helpful bad headaches well it's 5:32 we have a quarum I'll open the meeting Jeff you have you had a chance to look at the minutes yeah but since I wasn't the last meeting oh that's didn't matter okay I looked through them saw some changes yeah yeah I made a few changes well um do I hear a motion toh accept the minutes from um last meeting on the August I'll make a motion we accept the meeting minutes revised can you second that Jeff even though you weren't there yes I know can you vote for them I've learned recently okay yeah all right even though I wasn't there I'll second them okay so roll call roll call vote again hi Pen Bush hi I guess J Messi thank you okay I see uh Henry gettis is here hi Henry hi Henry no no so there's one more um building Committee Member who should be here in a few minutes um but several weeks ago maybe maybe more than that maybe a month or so ago um Bert Fernandez from the historic Commission sent to me um the plans elevations and material list for this project uh proposal uh you know for the Gazebo to go over the sign board when it's returned and those I sent out to everyone on our committee so everyone's had an opportunity to take a look at them so I don't know if if uh you expect Berke to be here as well Henry was expecting Bert and I think he had a bit of a problem getting on okay just uh didn't see the link for a minute there and he may should should come on in a minute y we just e yeah U Bert is coming right on these uh the uh Russ Greco is is there issues with getting him here BT is calling me hang on hi BT hi there yes uhhuh um I don't know I'm Not The Savvy person uh in in that area so I would say try it again I know sometimes it seems like there's a very long pause uh before it will open up so I'd suggest that you try again okay sure bye hi Stephen hi Bert so I am call Ros I'm GNA call Ross again so I'm going to mute myself okay um well while we're waiting um Jeff you want to uh give an update on the um project painting project at the school uh painting project as far as the contractors is done and um today Stephen and I painted all the exterior doors two coats tomorrow morning we're going to go back to the school um and remove the blue tape that was put on the around door handles things like that so the end so tomorrow everything should be done except for the sheds that's a different that's a different [Laughter] subject that was not part of Jeff in my contract yeah okay um and then um Becky if I remember correctly um you have some good news for the dam keeper shed oh yes the dam keeper shed is good to go concom has signed off um so I just when you talk to Russ if there are any I have a volunteer waiver for Russ but if he has other people on his crew I need them to come stop by my office and sign a waiver okay and you said that um the town has a account at uh Tractor Supply Amer farmer Supply Amherst farmer supp in ammer okay I think bird is here but he was trying the one more member here Russ is trying to get on now take yourself off of I am I think we're good now Stephen okay so Russ can hear us okay okay well I will um turn the floor over to uh the historic commission okay um so I have uh here with me Ross Greco who is um a carpenter with many years experience and uh I think Henry is here too Henry GES who is our chairman uh so we're here because uh we would like to build a gaso for the directional guide board uh the historical commission as you probably know is in the process of having the town guide board renovated uh the this guideboard is a Cornerstone historic feature of our town common and although it has survived for almost 200 years without a cover the guide board has had to undergo many Renovations throughout the years and was found to be in in very poor condition at this time each time it has to be renovated a little bit of the original is lost and because of its orig historical value the repairs needed to be done following guidelines from the massachusett historical commission uh doing that you know trying to preserve as much of the original structure as possible after requesting bids from from several places the historical commission decided to go with the Williamstown art Conservation Center the repair are expected to cost over $20,000 given the expense of restoration we decided it would be best to construct a gbo to preserve the guide board and hopefully avoid having to face another costly Restoration in 10 to 15 years um the gaso would be constructed with volunteer labor and we estimate that materials would cost about $5,000 and are applying for CPA funds the um the guidelines that we followed in the uh in in in the design were u a to protect it from weather with EES low enough to provide maximum protection while providing full visibility of the guide board B minimize obstructing view from traffic meetings at the intersection C plays gaso in such a way that it doesn't interfere with adjacent mon M ments the relatively simple structure that does not take attention away from the guide board while architecturally blending with the surrounding buildings and E minimized maintenance requirements by using durable materials following these guidelines uh volunteer architect Duran Fernandez O'Brien drew a plan with feedback from Ross Greco who has over 40 years experience in construction and who is also donating his Services other volunteers for the construction uh at this time include Glenn Stockton and myself the [Music] uh main uh I mean we're planning on on constructing this pretty uh solid and I think um if you want to we can put up the uh the plans on the screen now but it would have to be Henry who does it because because I I can't do it on my computer okay let me make Henry uh co-host so he can put up the I might add as I go for that I might add that the uh the contractor uh who is uh uh re rehabilitating the the uh the guide board did recommend that we uh have a cover for it that that would be an ideal way to preserve it uh from the elements Becky did you make me co-host by accident not Henry no I made you both oh okay it just popped up thank you I just figured I might crash later after he leaves so okay yeah I've got two documents one is the uh the the the diagrams of the Gazebo and the other is the layout yeah would you do the the terrain first okay the terrain just to show should be up there yeah this is just to show um that it would be moved back to about six feet so it would be pretty close to where it was before but in order to put the gaso there we didn't want to uh impinge upon the adjacent structures that are in the common right now uh you can go over to the other one now uh scroll down maybe scroll down uh yeah but that's just tells you the same thing so if you can go to the uh architectural plan got and I can uh there we go hold on yeah that's good okay so we're planning on using 6x6 uh dogas fur posts that would be stained we're planning on using asphalt shingles on the hip roof uh concrete post base and um dvg Douglas F roof sheeting that would also be stained a premium find for all the other parts of the structure if you have any any U questions about the particular construction I'm going to rely on on Ross to help me with that we see an elevation please I'm sorry elevation can we see an elevation of the structure can you move that uh Henry from the side yeah show the other views yeah there we go so one of the things that struck me is that came off is you you made a statement that you want it to be visible however it's very it's very low and it looks like to me the structure is crushing the the uh the thing you're trying to protect I'm wondering why is it so low well we talked about that but in the opinion of the architect you would have to unless you are seven feet tall you're going to be able to see it from almost anywhere where you I disagree you disagree you see that that uh uh in that uh figure there it shows a person and it shows how the view would be from there yeah I know I can see that and I that's what's driving my question because I I I find a I's a little squishy and I'm kind of wondering what your what your theory was well it's it's just that trying to to provide the most protection possible but we talked about that too and if we have to put it up a few more uh you know another half a food or something we don't have a problem with that Ross we had talked about that right yeah and one thing Anna Cook who not not here mentioned um about the 2in wide Douger ships knee brackets um Ada I think that's correct me if I'm wrong the architectural gurus on the screens um have to be you can't have anything impending uh for people walking around that they would hit you know normally so they're lower than six feet true so she was she had she had some concerns on one of your drawings I don't know if it's the same thing if you just put the or this is a different from the beginning but they stick out into the walk area so by raising it another foot up it would take it out of that probably okay so a question um that I have is um so your knee brackets are to um say provide a certain amount of structural support correct um and the question is um were they uh designed to accommodate some of the windy days we get uh at the top of the hill there I mean you know how how are you how did you how was that taken into consider consideration well it obviously helps a little bit the profile on those brackets is very gradual so for one that helps take the you know the Headroom issue a little bit out of play although we may decide to raise up the structure um but yeah angle brackets do add support and you have to be concerned about high winds espe especially with violent weather conditions like we're getting nowadays yeah um so I wouldn't I wouldn't cut them out I'd leave them in but they are it is a gradual profile so it only adds a little bit of stability I think the gradual profile was drawn in by Don because he wanted to take the Headroom issue out of play a little bit uh it does according to him match some detail on the present Library too so that was part of his thinking I'm speaking for him but that that's what I assume no I think that's correct so another question um are there any other sign boards anywhere that you know of that have put some kind of gazebo or other structure over them not that I know of I also don't know what kind of Renovations they have done but but the way we see it this is more of a this doesn't really have a lot of uh practical value anymore the the the value is historical and So based on what we had to spend um their recommendation was either to put it in aivo uh or put it indoors somewhere um I mean based on the value of the piece but also for us with what we had to spend the um I'll call it the roof sections of the signboard what what um material is being used on those two sections the the roof section of the sign board yeah you have you have sort of a center I'll say almost like a Cupa with a roof on it and then you have a lower section where there are four sections of hip if you will uh running around that which are all shedding shedding water and I was wondering what that material is in the renovation you mean the roof fascia well the the roof of the sign board oh the roof of the sign board right copper isn't it Bert do you know I I of the sign board um that's uh that's still being worked on as to what they're going to make it of that that part has not been uh uh fully determined yet because it had some lead in it and uh and it's not really something that was there originally so basically they're working on the whole rest of of the structure and then uh then they're going to uh work on the top and then we will'll have to make some decisions about that the old roof also had some uh Cedar Shake around it yes I've got a picture from Google Maps my only question is the high velocity of wind uh at the peak of shutesbury is asphalt shingle a good I mean You' have to get at least a 30 40e shingle but um it's a low pitched roof 125 and uh shingles tend to blow off that was my only question why wouldn't you go with a historical Shake look um there were practical considerations a little bit of cost involved um you know the if you nail them double nail the shingle based on Hurricane code which they have down in the South um it holds up pretty well asphal shingles um and you know you can always have the same problem with wood shingles too I think for me wood shingles I I was the one who suggested going with asphalt um less maintenance yeah the wood shingles can last longer but you have to maintain them um the asphalt you nail it down that's it can put ice and water barrier down underneath it so even if they blow off water doesn't get into the structure um so I wasn't concerned about that um that's all here my op I'm not I'm not objected objecting to the a building it just the proportions on this one just it doesn't feel good to me it feels like it's it's not big enough but at the same time I don't want something too big so I was I'm a little torn with this with this thing and I'm I kind of wish we had a rendering um to see what it looked like on the site but at the moment it's it's again as an architect I'm I'm not getting warm and fuzzies with it I think one of our considerations one of our concerns was the scale of it um if it was too big it might overpower what it was trying to protect so we wanted to minimize it um I think keep the cost down a little bit too yeah I think I think it needs some work to to be honest with you uh Becca you have a question I was just um trying to figure out you have the figure here at six feet tall I don't recall the guide is the guideboard over six feet tall the guide board is I can tell you cu from here it appears to be 7 ft tall which you also um while you're looking something El what drove the six foot Dimension from this existing location what drove it yeah why why did you why is it six feet away as opposed to 10 feet away or something I mean why I mean there must have been a reason yes the the idea is that uh the the foot of the gasa would be right at the uh right next to the the other structures that are there the there's another Monument there of some sort yeah can you go back to the plan like the site [Music] plan I'm kind of scrolling up I think second let me uh this one no you know where you had the road and you showed the green one was like the very first drawing exactly hold on a second do this over again take a second so so is everything in green the property that the town owns that's the town com yes it's the common but it's not the whole common it's just the corner I'm kind of wondering could it be moved let's see which way is north north would be up I guess on this drawing right kind of wondering if it could be moved a little bit more North and to the east basically what I wanted to do was try to make a cluster out of those three those three elements that are there see what I'm saying so that's why I was asking what you know what drove the six foot dimension the two items that are on the site uh the one that is closest to the previous location that a memorial [Music] to military I think it's a World War that's the World War I maybe okay and then the three-part uh that's a little farther away that has Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan and Viet yeah Vietnam irq Afghanistan and they look like they address Wendell Road and there's Gardens in between the three boards there that come out yep so approximately what's the distance from Lever road to the structure you want me to go measure [Laughter] it I don't know if you can measure it on I mean is this the scale Henry can you move that up a little I was thinking of going outside there you go common oh there there you go eight feet problem is I can't read that about 16 feet oh wait a minute yeah it's some more like 25 to the lever road side 24 yeah yeah it's 20 to 25 feet from the road the flower bed and then you've got this structure here I guess depending on how tall this is it may interfere with whoever comes around wendle Road uh you know may interfere with it's an old granic grinding stone so it's about four feet and part of it's in the ground well I think I would prefer to be further back to be honest with you further north and make and make a cluster out of those three elements yeah if you go if you go look on Google Maps and do a street view I see what you're saying Stephen I can share that with you if you'd like but the idea also is that it be seen from both roads it North well I think it's it's going to be seen from both roads right now I think it's a little bit too prominent I'm just giving you my opinion CU I also that does not look like 20t to me if that's 8T but maybe it is I think it is yeah maybe it is well that's what that's all I that's all I got to say do with it what you want the uh guide board board is 82 in St so 6'1 yeah yes taller what Marty I didn't hear you the Gazebo does need to be taller it's the the horizontal member is way too close to the Top Line of the Gazebo of the sign board visually it doesn't look good we could raise it up three or four inches I have no problem with that yeah I wouldn't go up much higher than that though or any High doesn't need to be much it just needs a little separation that doesn't exist right now yeah if you make it too high then it's going to look weird too yeah okay so where are we going D I've given my opinions or my questions I think it needs to be raised another question I mov back a little bit just about your thinking um are you so clearly this will not be protected from snow um we get high winds and snow drifts on the common so the only protection you really get is from you know I guess rain that if or snow if it comes straight down which normally doesn't happen on the common so I I I I guess I'm just wonder what what did you guys assume this roof will protect it from I think it's a it's a compromise um because that's why we were trying to make it as slow as possible but still provide the most protection but it's obviously not foolproof but the we still feel that we it should be outside and and that it shouldn't be enclosed so it it will be protected somewhat I mean I don't think it will deteriorate as fast as it has in the past but it is a compromise okay I think um you know I have I've had um say troubles uh with the idea of putting a structure over the sign board you know the signboard is obviously a historical element uh and seeing other sign boards around you know I've never seen one that has protection over it I understand the rationale for trying to protect it so that it preserves it uh reduces deterioration but as a element you know um I have I have trouble with with the idea of putting a gazebo over it uh I in part agree with you um I don't think it's a matter of cost I think maintenance wise either way you know it's not a big difference although you know I do think given the money that's being invested in restoring this thing that it's best not to keep it out in the direct weather and in the Sun not only rain and snow but direct contact with rain and snow but also the sun um I wouldn't be against putting it inside I don't have a a horse in this race um it's not for me to decide yeah indeed the contractor actually U offered that option you know putting it in some and in a building somewhere uh you know it or having it at least somewhat protected outside I I think in terms of minimal protection the the this plan offers a Way Forward question is whether you want to you want to follow that plan or you want to move it inside but I you you know I think all things considered the the plan I wouldn't make the Gazebo much bigger um I just think it overpowers the site um and I think this is adequate protection just getting out of direct contact with the elements keeps the cost down um have you have you looked at um I don't think this is going to fly I don't I'll throw it up anyways um I just came back from Quebec and at their at their um some of their historic sites they've they've enclosed them in clear glass so that you can still see the um the item inside but it isn't over you know it isn't taking away so much from the actual item itself so have you looked at maybe maybe other options to do what you're trying to do here besides this kind of a structure and I'm not necessarily saying what I the glass is necessarily the answer but have you looked at other options well the other option would be some kind of plexiglass uh I don't know if you want to have actual glass in an outdoor situation like that I'm I'm just giving that as an example I'm just asking have you guys investigated any other options that's all done any research on how other historical items especially those that are out side have been dealt with and to protect them that's all before we go building a structure like this um well if you enclose it in glass you still need a roof yeah yeah so you know you in fact you probably adding to the complexity of the structure you realize that I'm sure I don't think I would enclose it okay and I would keep it open to the open partially to the elements so people can walk up and get close to it I think in terms of glass you know it's just another material to fail another additional cost in the building um and I don't know actually it couldn't I I don't think it would should be completely sealed just because I think you've get you want it to be ventilated so there's that to deal with also um as far as the whole process goes Bert would have to speak on that I was just brought in after the the concept was developed and designed right and again and again I only use glass as an example as I'm basically asking have has anybody done research and looked at other other means that's all I don't recall um discussing anything other than that than not wanting to put plexiglass around it and not uh and and and favoring having it in in this kind of structure as opposed to indoors yeah but I don't recall having any any more okay it it was it was worth a question I gotta move you guys all right all right if I might say something go ahead a three walls of tempered glass set in a um concrete curbing would be damn near permanent and the lightweight roof on top of that could be supported strictly by the glass walls and would offer far more protection just have the Lea Side open and people could walk around it a visual and that would be a lot smaller too yeah that's another thing I was thinking about it wouldn't be so Monumental so I guess I would ask I mean I know I don't get to make the only decision but I would ask look at maybe some other options did you take any pictures Jeff while you were in Quebec City no I don't take pictures that's what cell phones are for yeah there's that Main Hotel in in in Quebec um you know by the river F the chatau chatau font yeah that's a beautiful place and um there's a boardwalk behind it and they've got these glass structures kind of which brought me to this my mind on this that opened down into this historical structures below and it was really was really neat and it was also it just drew people to that because they looked at this the shape of the glass and they said there's got to be something over there that's really interesting and I just saw lots of people just beehive you know they're walking down the the boardwalk and all of a they just do a turn and head over to that structure just to see what's going on there and um it might be an idea that you may want to pursue a little bit and I'm not saying glass is the answer but there could be something else well when you were talking about the glass which I think is definitely an idea worth considering I was also thinking of you know okay so what what would be uh say a structural you know let's say the glass was attached to a structure if you went with um uh steel um you know dimensionally you could have much smaller structural elements um which might also be something to consider but I think yeah glass pardon where you could do wooden glass you know or steel yeah I I like the idea of say minimizing the Gazebo so that the sign board is really the element that you want to look at or yeah celebrate I see what you're talking about Jeff on Google Maps you can I see the historical glass things they look very minimalized and you look down into them and all that yeah you share that Frank yeah just do that real quick um my wife and I were uh in um Quebec uh last summer and then a second time and um I remember exactly what Jeff is talking about you definitely go over to take a look yeah I guess um my my concern with that it would be that in in keeping in did I just get am I still in yeah you're still in in in keeping with the uh with the with the feeling for the uh for the town common I I see a wooden structure as being more um feeling better than a glass structure but that's just my my personal opinion one one thing to to consider you can attach your own amount of importance to it is the construction of it if you get into a glass um structure you probably dealing with a private specialized contractor instead of volunteer help um you know we we have enough expertise amongst the volunteers for this project to put up the design that's been proposed but um if you get into a glass structure you're going to have to deal with some professionals specialized professionals y um it would be out of our hands well I guess I'm I'm kind of going back to to Stephen's statement I I'm concerned that what you've designed is becoming more important than what's inside what you've designed and um I guess I would prefer something that more minimizes the enclosure and emphasizes the contents and how you how you you guys want to get there whatever you want to propose that's my concern Bert yeah got any reaction ction to that I I I I thought that was what we were trying to do but um I uh not sure where to go from here well I may I just suggest one thing that at least um the his I guess you're representing the historic commission right uh Henry's here too okay maybe you should consider just looking at some of the designs that um Jeff is talking about um to just take it a one step further it's it's always good to re-evaluate where you're at at any point in something like this um I mean if you haven't looked at it before maybe you might want to um yeah maybe there's something else out there that um is not a a glass structure yeah again I just threw glass out I'm not saying glass everybody keep saying glass back at me I'm just saying do a well that's what makes it attractive is the glass I think is from what I gathered from what several of you said um and I could understand that um but it'll be easy enough to research it and come up with a few um options and costs attached and cost I think that that might be a little more difficult but I that's also possible to see if there's a big difference in the cost because remember this the design that's drawn would be done all pretty much except for maybe the cost of the backhoe with volunteer labor M yeah the idea was to um apply for the community preservation uh funding um which designates funds for this these particular purposes um I mean we could go back and and see what the options might be what levels of skill and cost might be attached to them I mean I like the idea that you know if it could be some somehow encased in some transparent form um we are uh at the same time uh dealing with uh deadlines for applying for those Community preservation funds so um there's going to be a uh a uh out of cycle uh a opport to apply for those funds um in order to get them at a critical moment when we we get the sign board back from the contractor which could be next spring sometime I believe is that correct Bert yes so um uh if we miss the cycle the special uh uh meeting of the uh Community PR Community preservation uh committee which is happening fairly soon uh we may have to hold off for the next round of uh applications which would put us into well would put us into 2025 uh well into 2025 maybe even 2026 so we'd have to deal with the these sign sign post uh in terms of uh where to place it Etc but that was another concern of ours is getting that kind of funding yep well I guess that's a decision you guys are GNA have to make on how you want to go forward again I don't think you know we're not the approval group I don't think here we're just giv opinions you know you could blow me up you can blow us off if if you want it would be good to have your your support we can get back to the drawing board and consider a few of the things I guess at the moment I'm saying I'm not I'm not 100% supporting what I've seen Okie do to the other members to voice their it's interesting looking at the photo that Frank has you know you see this sign board and then you see these two uh memorials uh it when I look at it it doesn't look well the signboard was obviously there first um and these other two items um don't don't have you know seem to have real relationship to anything so you know this would be a bigger uh project uh but it's like could all of those items be reconsidered and maybe repositioned um to benefit all of them you know I think you were sort of leading to that before Jeff when you were talking about uh positioning the sign board to relate to those two right um if I may I think that it's sign board so it needs to be near the corner right um it would look out of place if it gets too far away from the corners because it's supposed to be viewed from the two different roads supposed to direct people y right so moving it away from the corner is a little problematic but maybe I mean I don't know uh if it's out of buildings little problematic too then well you say then putting it inside of a building would be problematic in your mind but I was going to say those two memorials I mean can they be relocated somehow to uh say relate to the sign board sign board you know and I agree well the sign board was there first right the other two items were after I believe the the white wooden ones are you know there used to just be one and two were added about 10 years ago on either side so that you know now and I think they're all in cement at this point I mean moving them I guess you can still move them it's like moving a swing set but it's not going to be simple right and then the the other Memorial which is just uh look I'll say behind the sign board is that the one you said was the millstone yes I think that's a memor I think that's World War I but I have to go look at it sure and it looks like it's in concrete so that'd be another Korean SS like the other the other memorials would be it doesn't matter where they're positioned right they don't have to be in the corner or near the road where see the uh the sign post would be best uh on the corner I agree well there's other committees the memorial committee you can talk to about any ideas about moving them we have we have another group to talk to okay all right we got our home okay so hopefully that was a useful discussion FYI I priced the glass in half inch tempered and it's only 3600 scaled back a little bit because I think a different structure doesn't have to be the same size okay okay so should we move on lot of good ideas thanks for uh hearing us out and we'll get back at you okay thanks for being here thank you good night okay so um so I will um touch Bas with um Russ uh to see about um coming up with the materials list for the dam Keepers shed roof Russ I think he's talking about a different rest yeah I assume leaving goodbye and then um Jeff I realized that I don't think the uh slate roofer has uh been to the MN spear Library you know he came out it's been months ago yeah was not Springtime yeah you know and he said you know he work Us in um it's been so long what what did he how did you guys leave that well he you know I met him the day he came out he went up in the attic with me and we talked about the roof leak uh the leak along the Ridge and the leaking uh around the chimney and um he thinks uh needs to put sealer on the chimney um and then reeal the ridge you know check that and essentially locate the roof leak and fix that but you know he first thing he said was you know this is a really good slate roof and there's nothing wrong with the roof there's just a leak okay call in let me just cuz I see if I have the there's some guy in Deerfield I've got his I've got his name someplace and if I can't find it Anna knows who he is does um I thought I somewhere I I oh I know hang on a sec Mitch Hawkins does that sound right yeah that sounds right okay well I have his number yeah I have notes here that I got got that name from you so if you can't find his number okay okay um anybody have anything else so the only thing we're going to do it the dam roof um is it the theory that we're going to put down sleepers strapping yeah strapping right the existing asphalt shingle and then the metal on top of that okay all right and are we putting gutters on it I don't think so okay all right and are we just doing the roof yes it's been a while I forget what the side look the rest of the building looks like well the paint's peeling the paint's peeling in places um okay and there's some isolated Rod you know the whole building sits on sits directly on the top concrete surface of the dam and it's almost like they just put I'll say I'll call them grade beams uh down right on there and there are some areas where that's rotted some and the building is settled a little bit when we do the roof I can you know point that out we can look at it again okay all right I just like to um say thank the highway department for everything that they've done down at the elementary school I think it's looking good all those beds look beautiful yep where'd you get those uh small rocks that you brought down today oh you got small rocks oh no don't worry the preschoolers can't quite pick these up and throw them through a window not quite yeah we'll pick them up yeah not with that what was that piece of equipment that you used to bring them down the loader with the forks yeah yeah you need one of those oh I can't wait to see it um and as far as Becky I got a side question does the does the town have a keying standard that they use for all the different locks in town or is each building totally separate that's a good [Music] question um I guess there they are separate okay um but I don't think I mean are you talking about main entry because a number of the buildings have these push button locks that that appear to have been installed at about the same time on all the buildings the highway and fire department no well here's what drove I was looking over the submissions from the library for the new library and one of the questions that the contractor had was does the town have a keying structure and a keying or cylinder standard that has to be followed as an example at UMass we have to use a a specific WB keyway for all the buildings because it has to be standardized for the different lock shops does the to have that same kind of a structure when it comes to the the doors and the cylinders and in all the doors I'm afraid not ju just like all its residents the schools are all in the buildings are all individuals and get along fine all by themselves okay but we but right now I'm um the last police chief Tom Harding changed the master law on the front and back door of town hall and we we started using ammer um lock Smith's Lock Works um before that we'd been using Fuller for decades um another another locksmith and right now when I tried a couple months ago the police chief and I started to reorder keys and we have not heard back from our locksmith in ammer I went down there and couldn't find him um does the police chief and fire chief required to have keys to the buildings for security and safety all the buildings the fire chief I know has keys to every building I believe believe the police department does as well they usually have them available in the Cruisers um so what Jeff's saying is if you systematically change to a whole new system it's a lot easier because there'll be like one General master key that can open every single door and then there'll be uh keys for the librarian there'll be a keys for the uh a principal there'll be a keys for the highway superintendent and stuff like that but there's a master key that is given that will work in every single lock and it's just one key that's really scary I don't think the police chief would like that one bit um the only people have that would be police chief and the fire chief that's what that's what they're for okay so there could be but then all what we give out to people are can't don't have that same ability right right no no they would be further down the key there's it's called like a te a tree they would be further down the tree so their key would not work except for their particular building right okay or even you can even separate out different spaces inside a building yeah yeah well that might be something to think of in the future especially if my Lock Works lock smith doesn't um start responding because this is very bad not to be able to get keys when you need them and it's very unnerving have the person who makes our keys uh not respond but Jeff both the highway and the fire departments use that they don't have physical keys at all that they have a code that they can change okay all right yeah this but if you think this is um something the town should consider we should pursue it well I'm I was just thinking first in terms of the library because we're gonna have to resolve this to give the contractor some guidance but then we may want to think about this for the rest of the Town buildings in the future yeah because right now the fire department's ring is it's about the size of a pie plate a dish plate in an emergency that wouldn't be you know a good idea if you the fire chief and the assistant chief have a key there's a hierarchy of this and you know they need it for emergencies and it's not shared and those keys also can't be borrowed and brought down to a local locksmith and say hey I need 10 of these right they can't be duplicated right right okay thank you I think it sounds like a good idea we and it really at this point would be the school the town hall Library unless we change the you know from the push button we'd have to change the highway and the high Department okay yeah would be bad because we've got all all different vendors that come and go that use the keypad to get in I don't think we'd want to give them all keys no no no you could although I guess that's not any different than having the code right no but you can change the code and changing locks is a lot more work I think that's how we ended up with this in the first place okay anybody have anything else go Becky um at the last um review of the school um Jeff went over the list of documents that we need to close out the school project the painting project the painting and trim work so we need um we need a couple of schedules from them and I need a final bill from them I did receive one um but they had some problems in one of their columns that they are correcting um and I also need all the prevailing wage uh reports and I emailed the list on Monday or Friday must have been Friday to um to Rick Escobar and he said he would get those to me as soon as possible he's working on them okay so then is it your intention once they fix their payment request to cut them another check holding back retainage until they get the paperwork if I get the invoice ahead of other items yes okay but if he can give me everything at once and I'm consider you know if I have everything else I'll pay the the the remaining balance okay without the retainage okay good anybody else do I hear a motion that we close the meeting a motion we close the meeting second I'll second roll call M hi Quackenbush hi Sullivan Hi D Miss ey thank you everyone oh thank you how about um next meeting in a month I like that yep me too okay see you everyone in a month okay thank you bye good night good night