oopsy days he didn't want to do that hi everyone hello hello hey there oh Ellen disappeared I can't hear anybody can you hear me I can I can hear you Bob hear me Bob Bob I could hear you but can you hear good and um Here Comes Ellen again he's trying again there I'm back in again hello everyone greetings there on this kind of Bleak day could be worse it could be snowing that's true well some people like snow okay one two do we know if Jen's coming Becky um I didn't hear one way or the other I'm trying to remember if she said anything at the last meeting and I I don't call oh having difficulty Becky um I just did you share Steve's email with the it doesn't look like you did either I thought I had sent yeah I got it halfway sent I'm forwarding it now so um I thought I had forwarded it but it bombed okay so this is going to this is really weird is this the one on Wednesday at 9:35 I believe so yeah oh I was right sorry it's one of those got interrupted and my computer crashed okay so um AJ and Bob are familiar with the the um this issue at their at the last finance committee meeting um they were reviewing um an extended budget that uh Steve Sullivan had was presenting and in it there was an increase of $122,000 in materials and here comes Steve now and the explanation from Steve was that he needed um significant quantities of material to to start um rebuilding the depth of the roads that had been worn down to uh to their Bare Bones so and I apologize Steve I just I thought I had emailed it earlier to the whole committee but I can put it up on screen for the committee to review well before we do that can we approve the minutes of course yeah let's let's give maybe that'll give Jen time to get here if she's just a little delayed okay before we get going on on Steve's request um we receive the minutes and um do I have a motion pertaining to the minutes are we going to discuss after we make the motion is that how it works yeah that's how it works we make the motion and then we second it and then we can discuss it okay then I'll make a motion we approve the minutes in that case okay do I have a second I'll second okay now is there any discussion yes I'd like to make just one small correction Michael the or under the police you have requet I don't know if that's a technical term but I think I might meest request it was a typo yeah I noticed that also you have um and I I'm surprised because I wasn't aware or I wasn't didn't comprehend that you say that our share that is the town share of the police department's request for uh body cams is 11,368 is that accurate is that what our share is supposed to be after we got a 50% Grant yes yes it was a $23,000 okay I just that surprised me I thought it was lower more less than money than that but I must have been thinking about an individual camera or something probably okay so what were you what were you objecting to otherwise I wasn't objecting I was just I was just making sure that that number was accurate I you know before that you said something about police you said up in the F up in your speed boards will not be included in the request you left the yes out oh and request okay that's yeah um Microsoft noticed that too I just didn't so you didn't yeah because Microsoft a lot of times notices things that aren't that are correct in the way we use them okay okay now my question though on it is repair on the building committee the second line the amount needed exceeds dollar doll Z comma z0000 you're trying to say we don't know what the total amount will be ever or I'm I'm puzzled on your what what is this okay on the on the building committee report second paragraph second line third line uh yeah that was supposed to be 40 right that second doll sign was supposed to be a 40 thank you or there we go just missed the shift yes easy to do that's right yeah okay only because you know other people will read these after they get to the town clerk my secretarial skills are not the reason I'm on this committee but uh yeah it for your benefits but I'll tell you very much we very much appreciate your secretarial skills because none of us want to be secretary okay all right I'll make those changes I have made them thank you thank you very much okay now getting back to the business of the gravel wait a minut let's we G we G to vote on oh I'm sorry yes you're right thank you okay so are there is there any other discussion on the minutes okay hearing none all those in favor of accepting is corrected please say i groes i k i good we're all set okay all set now let's get back to the the gravel Becky were you going to put up the oh I'm sorry no I'm just asking minutes so I ran off and was working on something else you multitask very well well not at the right time evidently share [Music] screen this is a piece that always amazes me that you can do this share the screens yeah yeah well but don't s don't congratulate her yet oh she does very well sharing screens okay so is that big enough for anybody to read oh yeah um but one best the most important thing about Steve's proposal is his initial email so yeah Highway where Steve okay yeah it's funny I didn't put the amount of $122,000 on that form anywhere well we can add it yeah well you were dealing with lots of different numbers here's the okay okay so this was his email um and then he has completed a capital request form to go with it now I assume that these costs are based on the do we get the the gravel from the furog bid yes we do right Steve yes we do we our first choice is Porter and orange and Delta is our second choice so Steve this is like more coarse this is more bony gravel or something you got to put down as a base right is that what it is it'll be a mix of the 1 and a half inch Crush process gravel and the hard pack okay so that's how you built the base yeah the the one and a half will go underneath and then the hard pack on top so this this is good that you have a designated areas because in terms of the capital planning uh process I think that's what we need because it's got to be a capital Improvement or maintenance on our road that I think that works as far as I could tell from reading the document about our process here I think that this this will fly B the only place we are violating our policy is the business of having everything in by what is it February 1st yes it's that's true uh and that that's a big one for me and I I have to say I I wouldn't like this if I was like you alen or I don't know if you were president at the finance committeee we discussed this but we did already go over this so I feel a little bit more at at ease about this because I've been had a time to think about it and review our Charter and and now that I have I wish this information came in earlier uh I don't know why we don't get it uh before you know but uh that that's kind of frustrating but uh I think this will work and I do agree it should have come in by the first this kind of I think it's because Steve had put it in his revised budget and we on the finance committee trying to contain the growth in our budget our general budget wanted to try to address his needs in a different way so yeah that's the background there thank you for those of us that weren't at the fin Comm and therefore this kind of was a broadside did I AJ did I describe that accurately or yeah absolutely I mean I think just right about the timing it's important for people to know that Steve is bringing this to the capital planning committee because that was the recommendation that the finance committee made to him so um uh right now are another question are we to assume then that every year we're going to get a $122,000 request from the highway for this gravel or will it eventually be put right in the bud in the operating budget of the highway department that's an excellent question we don't know at this time okay B do you have any thoughts on that I think your hands up up there oh yeah he's got a hand up I didn't even see it I I do so there are a couple of things um the first one is that when I went through the budget with the fincom in October I was totally in the dark as to the numbers because I had never been privy to how the budget season worked what the numbers were unless I was at town meeting and saw them otherwise there was I was just not in the loop of how the budget was set and so I went back and I sent the fincom a semi a semi spreadsheet of the numbers from two fiscal year 2011 through 2024 and I learned that the gravel roads materials budget you at one point from 2011 to 200 fiscal year 21 was $3,000 and then Tim had cut it back down to 28 the last two years and the material price has more than doubled in that time so that's where I came up with the it if you took the 2011 numbers and did the um inflation it came out to 40 so that's where the I went from 28 to 40 That's where that 12,000 came from thank you for all your work the other the other piece was that it was pointed out that I had only used up 60% of my budget to this point but it turns out that the first three months of the fiscal year which I was not sitting in that seat we used 275 yards of material and in the three months plus that I've been sitting in that seat we used almost 700 so that that's the that's the difference is why I was looking for more because I was shocked that we were that far apart think he did a very good job in a very short period of time trying to figure this whole thing out it's not easy well for jumping on it Steve the former um superintendent loved paper and I no you laugh but I know I knower I have to figure out where to look but I can find every any single thing it's it's there somewhere and at least his writing was so legible always that you don't have to worry about that piece but you find it his Maps were a number one too really were they that's good okay so we have this situation where uh incidentally right now it's is that a comma after the 12 in the last paragraph or a period I type when I type I tend to screw up my commas too I think you want a $112,000 request with a comma looks like a period but we know what you mean so so I'd like to ask one more follow-up question if I might Alan go ahead fine to Steve uh my concern is uh this sort of brought up when we said that we would try to deal with this issue this year that you have to put some thought you have to put some thought into uh how this should be handled whether this as you said you're are replacing the base or are you're actually going into the base of the roads was that something that normally done or was it or just top dressing the roads well that's that's the thing the last 10 11 years the um Highway Department really has not built any road back up we've dug lots of ditches where we remove the road material that has washed into dishes ditches but most if you drive most of our dirt roads now where you see the cobbles and um ledge stick up that's because there is no Road left we're right down to the base and in some spots we're right down almost onto Gary dillman's red um TRG right so I think you know I'm just going to make a suggestion I think that you need to have a long-term plan for the roads and kind of an idea how you going to address it you know going forward you know next year whatever so that we can try to get a grip on the cost and how to pay for it how to uh Finance it uh and you know just just so we can understand better what's coming and plan financially for it all right does that make sense oh I I agree I was just shed to see when I actually learn you know got a handle on the numbers how off they were oh yeah um incidentally should also be not only the dirt roads but even the paved roads you know when was the last time xroad was paved or Y road was paved and does it need to be reigned and all that we we're good compared to some towns but isn't that come out of a different source of funds so the chapter 80 or 90 yeah the chapter n the chapter 90 is what shutesbury always uses on the roads because some towns will buy equipment and stuff with the chapter 90 but shsb is been smart enough to always just focus all that money on the roads the the paved roads that's correct and so the the initiative in the state house for this year's budget about rural dirt roads that might be something that we incorporate into our thinking next year too so that's might that might apply to us we might benefit from that okay thanks well thank you very much and thank you Steve for all your work in a very short period of time we appreciate it very much okay so let's see where do we go from here on the agenda we met with the heway super oh yes information on storage box and building material for the roof Steve you've got to switch switch hats right now wh you're you're on mute you're on mute what what are we doing now uh the comment here says and to review any additional information on generators and information on the storage box and building materials for roof so the generator it's only those two bids the other two people never responded back to my emails requesting them to do bids and I had split them both up where the panel is part of the turnkey package and it's also separate because that's the thing that is out of code and out of date and is a hazard dangerous yeah and I gave you all of the numbers the last time with the the three storage boxes two of them had rollup doors we could install ourselves and one of them didn't offer those I don't think we knew about the the the cost toce of the of the the roof if there is yeah I I didn't even I wasn't even asking for that okay okay okay okay so just trying to make sure we cover everything we have everything then right Steve that's correct so we have the we have the turnkey bid on the generator yes you have two of them one from Marney and one from poror and then you also have one each from to replace the panel yeah okay thank you yes boy I'll tell you if nothing else they sure do like to waste paper as I printed it all out it was like oh my gosh anyway okay then Highway okay meet with the fire department are we going to be meeting with the fire department tonight Becky no go up your mute you're mute Lenny's not bringing anything forward he's getting it prepared all for next year okay thank you so we don't have to worry about that one so then I guess after we since we've now accomplished everything and well we're almost on time now we've got to start looking at the requests and voting on them so well I I when I started writing down you know what we were going to be considering tonight I said okay who came first to us and then we we'll start there and we'll just work down so as you recall our police chief came first because and she had uh she requested a cruiser and uh she had multiple different costs of different kinds of Cruisers and went with the um so recommended the least expensive one which was through mhq or whatever they're currently called and um so do I have a motion on anything pertaining to Cruiser just someone to ask a question maybe Becky can answer it uh is she still keen on getting a pickup truck is that what she's requesting yes okay do we have I'm just trying to recall the the figure I have 60 to 65k is that right uh that does that sound off um I don't know you'd have to go through all the tapers again which is what I'm trying to do right now maybe in Michael's minutes might have it okay oh is it an F450 that sounds like super cab so that would probably be the truck I don't think it's a 4 is it well no I'm just looking at what I've got my notes Sayer Ford F-150 truck 150 okay well let me see what I can find I hope she's 450 wait a minute because oh see PCC Ford contract got $70,000 on their request well the 60,000 for the 450 oh dear I don't see any I'm hunting through all the paperwork got it here oh good thank you this is the request that she submitted and for a cruiser she has $70,000 okay that's her request I'm looking at all the mhq quotes and yeah you know I don't know enough about vehicles to know what's what okay so she's requesting show is it one of these things up to 70,000 well I think that's what it always is but uh this is request form that she submitted to us on the here before us yeah okay so do I have a motion pertaining to this we'll make a motion that we consider to vote yay for this request do I have a second I'll second yeah I'll second okay then all those in favor of approving the chief's request um let's take a a Voice vote what we have any discussion is there anybody oh I'm sorry is there any discussion no anyway I don't see anybody here want to say she's not here but I guess I'll tell her this when I I looked at her documents and she's given us a long-term document for the police cruisers yeah and the expected lifespans and so forth and in those documents she shows the engine hours and the engine hours on a regular civilian vehicle versus on our vehicles and it's one of my pet peeves that police officers always leave their cars running so you see they've got these cars that have got 500 % of ordinary hours on them with the same mileage because they go on these details and they leave the car running and it's like wasteful of gasoline wasteful of the environment wasteful of the vehicle annoying as hell so why don't they just knock that off I have no idea why the policy is to gets this vehicle if she doesn't agree to shut him off you know come on but I don't think this vehicle would necessarily be one that goes on details a lot of times it's the older vehicles that go on details well every vehicle in her in her inventory has unbelievable hours on it on theend oh I'm sure sure they do because they leave them running all the time so maybe that's policy I don't know be interesting to find out good question so do we have U we had a vote we had a motion to approve the purchase we've had a second now let's take a vote is there any other discussion okay all those in let's start okay with a Voice vote so somebody I'll start McKay yes BR yes cashew yes R yes thank you thank you gentlemen okay now her other request was the body cameras and she was smart enough to be able to find a source of half of the funding which is wonderful and I guess we just we wonderfully fit in as a small town to that and I think she found it sounds like she found a very good company to deal with too and you know we all know I think the necessity of having these body cameras and the fact that if we fail to have them then we could be in serious trouble should an incident occur so could I have a motion pertaining to the body body camera purchase at 11,000 um $368 should we do up to 12,000 or yes let's do up to 12,000 yeah I'll make a motion to approve the police department's request for $122,000 for uh body cams second okay thank you is there any discussion okay not seeing any could we start with a vote M yes that wonderful thank you okay so that's the police done now we come to the highway department and they have three requests there the first is for their store the storage unit and frankly I'm very puzzled we have so much data I don't even know what they're talking for a cost about 4,500 bucks I think right Steve is that the request yeah it's around it was around yeah 4500 with the rollup door okay that was my that's what I understood okay so I make a motion that we we recommend or approve that request I'll second okay is there any discussion okay then let then let's take a vote Yes r i cashu i m I thank you very much and alphabetically too Alan have you know oh very good and now the generator and I once again I'm you know with all the documentation all the papers I got I'm very puzzled is which one which type of money we should be talking Steve I I have a note $2,295 and that includes $3,800 for the electrical panel is that does that sound right yeah that that's that's that would be the pic one yes and I called him back to ask him why it was so low because he told me off the cuff it was going to be 25 to 30 and he said that's just how it came out right now I had a question so but that that doesn't include the the propane tank is that correct I called George propane and he was pretty sure that it it was included in there it was okay well that's that's no because that that could be a big expense if it's not so I better I better double check so you talked to um George propane not pic right Steve that's correct okay so we just need to be sure they agree you have Turk's bid in front of you there Becky or somewhere um P ch's bid it doesn't it doesn't say that that's why it call it just says $1,900 to hook the tank up we need a call to I don't think he has the tank in there all right I'll I'll call him again so do we want to just add $2,000 for our up to for our Vote or we want to hold on we really can't hold off because next Monday is the meeting with fincom well we could stipulate that we we're voting for something including the tank or something you know I think we're going to have to yeah and then so we could say we could say we could make it up to 25k I think including a tank right including appropriate tank but Steve you're not done awarding this job you're going to be doing a competitive analysis anyway right I mean yeah we're going to go back out to bid right so we can sort out that if we provide enough funding but we'll probably be over yeah and we can turn it back um I'm assuming it's a thousand gallon tank that would be needed or I think it's no it's the other the Marne quote I believe George propane it's a 500 gallon tank okay yeah I think that makes more sense since it's only occasion occasionally used and and 500 count plus you quite a while more than any ice up or you know power out we can anticipate yeah that the thousand gallon tank is the one at the Town Hall that shared with the MLP Hut that's why it's so big so just for the highway it should be 500 should be fine and you guys think two, is sufficient or should we just say that we have to come up with that by the fincom meeting a price for that to add I think so I five I think that's more than sufficient actually $2,000 for the tank yeah certainly the piping is invol is is going to be 1900 I don't know if um if he included George's propane as part of his bid or not that's something that Steve doesn't really know yet right Steve well George propane thought that he was part of pic's bid that's yeah that's not quite conclusive so but okay well if we gotta get through to pic um yeah got to do that tomorrow okay well shall I'll call I'll call petor at 6:05 tomorrow morning that's when you can get okay [Laughter] god wow my cell phone doesn't work when I'm sleeping yeah okay well then shall we just approve the purchase without a cost with the knowledge that we're going to have to attach the cost once we get this piece we could why not do the bulk of the cost and just say the tank also needs to be added okay not over guessing or under guessing Steve I just want to ask you could you call chk right now and see if you'll answer to the phone and give you this information because that would be useful yeah I I can try that then we'd have it have wrapped up and we'd know yeah that would be nice okay then since we're so we're hung up on that so let's jump down to the the business with the school that way that W pertain to Steve and he can make his phone call now we had pretty we had an amazing bunch of stuff from the school from the uh company that was doing the the value the the work you know determining the work that had to be done and so we do have a pretty firm number there do we not Becky um yes we have have a firm number um that was quoted there I just am going to make I was giving the um engineer I had some qu we had some questions for the engineer and I believe he reduced the amount by $1,000 um I just want to confirm that I'm sorry I I just saw the email um so let me just call him really quick okay don't have anything with the fire department so now we're all just kind of hung up waiting for people to make phone calls we could do the building committee while those oh yes I'm sorry I didn't put them on the list boy that was let's do the building committee and they requested 40,000 to begin to handle all the situations they have discovered that are very much needed that are they're I don't remember what the term they used was but so do I have a motion pertaining to the building committee's request yeah I'll make a motion to recommend approval of $40,000 to the building committee for various Town building repairs do I have a second I'll second thank you okay is there any discussion I just want to add just put some information out there there's a line in the budget for I don't know it's $10,000 or maybe a little more for building repairs at the Town Hall which uh Becky has said that she needs to maintain maintain in the budget I don't think it should be in the budget and we're going I'm going to be discussing this more when we get to finance committee uh because this money should go partly to all Town buildings this money for the building committee's account including the town hall so we'll have that argument later I guess but I want to just put that on the record here I'm sorry could you repeat your argument that you I say that at the last fincom meeting we discussed discussing the budget I pointed out that there's a line in the budget for building repairs for Town Hall which you uh represented you wanted to hold on to and I want I represented should be part of should come out of this fund so that I'm going to uh continue that argument or that point when we if I vote for this I'm going to be bringing that point to the fincom as a way to reduce our budget and a way to uh make this process that we're in troducing more coherent okay I'll still I'll still support this I think it's a good thing I'm I'm a long time chair of the and member of the building committee I think it's a good thing to have an account that can address continuing needs to beair and maintain Town buildings but that town hall is part of that I think Bob you are not aware of the many things that have to be done and and that's where your argument is coming from so we will have that discussion okay all right so okay well I'll vote I'll just goingon to say I'll vote I for the on that basis well I'm gonna wait let me see if there's any other discussion before we vote nothing I don't see any hands up so okay Bob you we're gonna start Michael's name starts with a B so I'm sorry I I'll vote Yes gr yes cash yes okay yes okay we're set on that one then did you manage to get a hold of anyone Becky no I didn't so at this point we need to go with the original number okay yeah because if if he reduced it by 11,000 it'll just be too high that but you should be able to find out that information for the finance committee because they're the ones focusing on money right okay so do I have a motion pertaining to the work at the school can can you give us an the number Becky again because I know there was some money from on account and we the request was for what wasn't going to be covered by our estimates what's the request from the capital planning from Capital to Capital what's the request that we're we're voting on MoneyWise what's the dollar amount $163,400 ,000 left in the account from the request from the state that we were putting towards this expense it'll that amount wait a wait we have too many people talking sorry AJ you start to say something yeah I just was gonna say that I I think we should treat this like we did the school roof project where you know the capital project is going to call lost X number of dollars $163,000 it's then the finance and we have to vote on whether to recommend approval of that then the finance committee has to address how to fund that Quest if it's approved at town meeting part of that discussion will include tapping into those remaining earmark funds right that we have not SP right that makes sense that makes sense yeah still has a cost and even if we it's free money we still have to account for it free money that's that's doesn't there's never free money but anyway but you know it's which part is it gonna come out of that number is 163 460 with a contingency that's what I had in my notes and that includes the contingency that's that's what I have in my note yes yes I believe that's right yeah yeah and then then it's up to the finop to decide what PL it comes from okay so do we have so do we have a did we get a motion I didn't think we got a motion on that one did we Michael uh no no okay may I have a motion please pertaining to this this funding for this project the motion is to approve the the number that Michael just quoted 163 yes uh for the work for school repairs and painting right exterior do I have a second a second okay now we go through the usual again BR ey I'm going to vote no on this because I think it's an extraordinarily high price of money to do that work AJ you're next alphabetically yeah um well let me just make a comment um and then I'll give you my vote just just responding to Bob I think if if the if it's in I I'm not sure if you were saying you thought this was an extraordinary number for the work that is you know it needs to to be done or if just overall that project is not not uh where the expect if it's the former if you feel like this number is ultimately too high a price tag for the actual repairs that are going to be done then you know the final number will be lower because this is going to be a competitive bid price process and and um you know we'll we'll end up you know we'll end up not spending that uh that full amount so uh in any event I I'm gonna vote Yes to approve this okay well I I'll just say that just to answer your question I was the former uh I'm very familiar with that building and of course I support the idea of repairing it having it painted it needs it desperately needs both the repairs and the painting and it also needs some other issues which the building committee mentioned address like the site grading and drainage and stuff but I just think the the this whole way that this was done is going to be very expensive so I I'll support it in terms of the the idea of doing the work um I'm in support of that so I'll change my vote to that and I'll bring my concerns up at the finance committee meeting does that make sense that's a yes it's a yes okay mcki okay so now we've completed everything except Steve are you back yet and did you get a hold of pic I called I called both pic and George and I just left messages oh okay so now we're back to how we handle this vote for the generator can I make a recommendation by all means um I suggest we vote on a request up to $225,000 for uh generator and propane tank and I think sounded to me from from what a couple people said earlier that that should be sufficient I'd like to ask Becky a question just to clarify my in my mind what we're doing here if we vote this as as AJ just recommended Becky and then we find out that say George's cost was included in the estimate that was received by Steve jerk can we change this number you know before we go to town meeting oh yeah so we can change it to finance committee we've done that before yeah yeah we have right yeah so we can change the if we get new information from Steve that clarifies this we can and and so basically until the final bids are are in all these numbers are subject to change I mean right but in terms of what's going to be on the on the uh an article in town meeting yeah on town meeting you want it solidified because it's going to be what it is right right unless it's a it can go down on town meeting it just can't go up okay great thank you so now do I have a motion finally AJ you gonna yeah yeah so I'll make a motion to recommend uh approval of up to 25 ,000 for the purchase of a generator and propane tank for the highway department okay do I have a second I'll second okay is there any discussion okay hearing none let's go through the vote BR yes gr yes cashier yes okay yes okay I think that's all isn't it think so unless you want to invent something else oh I think ell Ellen don't we need to vote on the um the the the gravel road yeah I know that's what I yeah you're right yes we do hasn't been I'm sorry what Becky I just wanted to to share although Lenny does not have any requests in the one thing he tried to he thought of requesting last year was an AED and the response he got was why don't you go out for a grant well he received that Grant a week ago great so I just wanted you to know right he's he's been trying things he is listening um he's also received a grant for almost $8,000 for Fire Equipment as well as a regular ongoing empg Grant but he did get almost you know like almost $10,000 in a grants this year great that's wonderful that's absolutely wonder and you know for somebody who had never written a grant proposal before that's absolutely marvelous yep he's getting uh other firefighters are jumping in and helping him so it's I'd heard that that's wonderful absolutely super needed to be congratulated then you know some it almost would be appropriate for somebody to make to mention at a town meeting not to not to slight anyone else but you know when you have brand new people taking a role and able to do this kind of thing is really neat and Kristen has you know she's getting that camera Grant oh I know as she earlier in the year one of her officers received a baby car seat grant that has assisted a number of people so yeah they are everybody's engaged it's Department slacking there's not that many I don't think so probably done in six months so Ste AR you gonna get a a baby seat for one of your dump trucks that be uh if you to recruit young dads to work at the highway department I love it okay so we still have the gravel to consider so what was the question about that why do we put that to the side uh we didn't we just yeah so it's $122,000 right Steve yes yes I was asking 12 but I'd be happy with anything so I'd like to make a motion to recommend a capital project of $112,000 for Gravel Road rebuilding is that appropriate way building Road building or Road rebuilding Steve probably rebuilding re re rebuilding and maintenance rebuilding but we're focusing on the rebuilding to use Capital money that's it yes do you have have a second I'll a second do okay any discussion all those in favor broad yes grov yes cash yes okay yes oh very good we have now succeeded and uh we will now be meeting with the fincom on Mon I believe it's Monday isn't itnes Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday okay it's Wednesday the 6 yes it's the sixth I had it down on my phone it's the fourth nope it's the six okay that's no problem allowed to meet fincom was not allowed to meet on Election Day right I know that yes okay and I assume it's going to be a zoom meeting am I correct okay six very good and can you go ahead I'm sorry what time do we want them AJ at the meeting you I would suggest um we do them first and then we've got Broadband that night as well so uh so I would suggest 6:45 okay okay that work because we we start at 6:30 and sometimes we need a few minutes just to yeah well you also probably need to review your minutes yeah 6:45 on Wednesday Michael what was the number for the cruiser I'm sorry I had crashed during that discussion oh $70,000 is what she had on a request Becky 70,000 yeah what we voted on I'm busy putting the time and the correct date in here ter that in terms of that meeting I I've been warning everybody that uh my daughter is expecting a baby any minute now um so it sometime in the next week definitely so if I'm not there start with we'll know why we'll know it's a happy time that's wonderful that's great do they know if it's a boy or girl yes they do it's a boy oh Aon going to have a little brother AR's going to have a brother yep nice that's great okay then I thank you all for all your work this this year and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday and we can finally complete the job and we'll see you then a to adjourn good night yeah oh that's right I need a motion to adjourn so move a motion to adjourn okay do we vote on that I'm never sure got ages okay we've got to do all call even on all our votes are unanimous tonight anyway right okay well come on Michael say yes so we grov yes cashier yes okay yes thank you all and have a good weekend thank you good night good night