know you're here is that an invite that I use hold on connecting there I am I'm in here I see you H I'm in too okay that's pretty good so so we still need six people in order to conduct the meeting we've had a bad internet connections in shb I don't know about you guyses can you guys um can you hear me and see me okay yes I can hear you and see you I can see you I can hear you Carlene and Joe are on mute I can hear you and I can see you okay good so so far we have one two three four five six I think that makes a quorum one two 3 four five six okay so I'll keep admitting people and hi everybody I can't see everybody can you hear me Jen now I can hear you y okay all right then I'm all set okay Bob and Joe and Tracy you guys are on mute but that's okay I'm assuming you can all hear me all right so as long as my phone is GNA pick up uh the hot spot here I I went up to town hall to try to do it now I'm trying to get this Tracy have we disconnected our call ye I yeah yes hang up on me anyway okay yeah you're we're not we're not so Jennifer's gone all the way up to Town the internet's back here um thank you guys for making time to come today and uh what I thought I'd do is um just first have us introduce ourselves and I'll run through a couple of things and we'll see if we can talk a little bit about what some next steps would be I'm G to share my screen occasionally and I might need help because I've never done screen sharing before so does anyone know how to do screen sharing no sure you can be guided through it all right well there's got to be a way yeah maybe Tom I think Tom just do you want to share your screen right now no but when I'm ready can you help I can imagine yeah are you on a computer or your phone I'm on a computer yeah down at the bottom there might be a green share screen button that will help you out yeah that's basically oh yeah there is yeah okay all right good it's pretty self-explanatory from so um I'm Jennifer Wallace and uh I I had been involved in proposing this task force so I'm also um involved in coordinating this meeting anyway I mean we can talk about I don't need to have the coordinator role I don't mind it but you know maybe that should be a group decision for now is to just see are you all happy if I keep coordinating it or we can trade off eventually but I thought I would just put that out there that I'm not attached to coordinating um so let's introduce ourselves I guess we can't see everybody but this is our committee I don't see anyone who's not on our well Mark Rivers is here so so that's great but um the other people Mark you'll introduce yourself but anybody else so far who's on the meeting is also on our committee so I'll turn it over to you all to just give a little introduction Tracy we'll start with you since I see you on the screen right next to me hi I'm Tracy okay and I'm on the storm water task force and I'm glad to be here okay good although I do really be I want to be watching the uh the press conference right now but I've I've put it aside okay part of this is for the minutes too which Mark gave me the greatest technique that he uses for elwak is that he does the minutes after the meeting by watching the YouTube recording because that way he can be fully present for the meeting and not be trying to catch the meeting and do the minute so us mentioning our names at the beginning is is important and useful for that so thank you Tracy so next uh I'll go my name is Bob Douglas uh uh a house on Lake Drive and I'm on conservation commit for3 great Jim okay I'm Jim Moore I'm on great Pines Drive Extension um just up the road from Bob uh I am uh the Westside Road coordinator for uh the Lake wyola Association so um and I've moved here about four years ago but have been coming up into the lake area for about 10 or 12 years so that um familiar pretty familiar with what's going on great I'm sure who wh Joe are you speaking no I'll let you go I'll go after all right I'm charling galinsky we've lived at the lake for um part-time at the lake for over 30 years and I'm on the Lake wola Association I serve as a clerk and um U my my hometown is Deerfield Massachusetts great I guess it's my turn nearby telephone tonight sorry go ahead Joe my name is Joe Salvador I live on Merill Drive I was on uh the roads committee for the Lake Association that's about it okay good Tom hi I'm uh Tom seir I live on South Laurel Drive kind of uh straight across from the Randall Road uh Beach area and um I've lived in town for seven years I'm also an associate member on the planning board um that's about it for now nice to meet you all nice to meet you we have so I didn't say other than me being Jennifer Wallace that um I live on Pine Drive at the lake Tracy I also didn't do any of that either I I live on Shore Drive um I'm an lwa member and I'm a former lwa board member and Roads committee co-chair former Road committee co-chair and so we have two other um members of our committee who aren't here right now um one is Eric stoker he on the board and the other is um Stephen Johnson who's the highway department so they may have sign in troubles um Steve I'm not sure Steve Sullivan Sullivan sorry Steve Sullivan so um besides uh introductions I wanted to mention that when the select board approved this committee they approved 11 members so technically we have um two vacancies so if anyone has ideas of people who they think would be great you know that have some expertise or interest in storm water um and erosion management ideas or funding ideas um any of that would be most welcome and you can um give their names to me they would have to get presented to the select board and appointed but uh keep your ears open it would be great to have a full complement of of members our Quorum will always stay six because it's based on the 11 members so having the two others not to mention you know other people to weigh in on ideas and stuff could be helpful for that purpose um the other thing I just wanted to say is we can decide if we want to exchange phone numbers and emails um there is this suggestion that we all get a shuberry email I think one of you at least has already done that yay um but it could be helpful especially on a night like tonight where you know getting in touch with people was nearly I mean it wasn't impossible other than that I do have Tracy's phone number because I couldn't reach anybody by internet so um do people have any does anyone have any objection to sharing email addresses and phones yeah um when when I went to take the oath um the town clerk suggested using uh the sherry. first name. lastname Gmail simply because if anything any documents were requested you could turn over everything on that account without opening the rest of your account too yeah so there may be advantages to setting up the separate Gmail account yeah I think that's a really good idea I just haven't gotten to it so so why don't we why don't we proceed with if if you want to send me an email with your um phone number and email address then I can make a master list and circulate that to people okay and Tom has his hand up yeah kind of echoing what uh is it Jim or James Jim Jim thanks I'm Tom um what um Jim just said I would also just want to caution people about sending texts as opposed to making phone calls um with those phone numbers um at the last select board meeting they spoke about a I guess basically a problem with um personal email accounts being used by some Town people for public records requests and um they intimated they're going to switch to a whole shsb system possibly within the next year so um any just to underscore all of that Tom could you give more clarity about what they said about text they didn't say anything about text but I'm just saying any written Communications should really be restricted to a dedicated shoots Berry account and that doesn't exist as a text unless you have a separate phone number or something that's a public records text you know source so um all written communication is potentially retrievable or requestable Etc um even if it's on a text so um no text means no record um so anyway just that's that's great and um also there are these open meeting laws about conducting business on emails or deliberating in any form other than the form we're in right now so but it's purely for um getting in touch with each other not um not doing business that way so now everybody has it down as far as the our status as special Municipal Employees and the conflict conflict of interest laws and the open meeting laws you know everyone has their paperwork for that and knows what you have to do and get stuff back to Grace and all that that's all pretty clear okay good okay so now I might be ready to share a screen and let's see if I can do this without um causing too much hassle so first I thought I would share the screen of what our charge is so I'm hitting share multiple participants and then how do I find I have the document I want to share but how can I get that shared does it display it as something you can just double click on let me try that no there's just a no oh here we go okay now can you guys see this no okay oh well you're on the phone right Charlene no I'm on I'm on my computer um but I'm down at the Kate but um I am on a computer so no I don't see it either all right so sh oh now I have something different here documents sorry you guys my intention was was to do all this beforehand okay well I'll just read it then did you send it to us on email I I I think you saw it in the beginning so so what I wanted to say is that so this is our this is what the select board approved for us to do so we are to read the previous studies and the previous studies include uh let's see there was a storm water Improvement study in 2007 a wildlife habitat evaluation report in 2019 a community resilience building workshop report that was in 20120 and the Watershed based plan for Lake wyola which is the furog report uh of last year and going into this year still waiting for the um the complete sign off from De and the release of the final report but I think I understand that the D has approved it it just hasn't been released so besides getting familiar with all those previous studies and we can talk about this I mean I think the furog report is the most up to dat and provides us with the best starting point um so the second part of the charge is to identify storm water erosion hotspots using these studies and making current site visits um if we feel like we need to um make sure that the most our opinions are the most up to date and then propose and prioritize specific projects or phases of projects that would be used for fundraising assuming there'd be a variety of different grants and models for different purposes identify those funding options and then make follow-up presentations to elwak and Lake wild Association the select board and concom so I went through that pretty quickly you guys do have that in an email but is that a a charge that everyone's kind of familiar with and you know what's ahead of us any questions about it or anything comments Jen um when I was reading uh all the the different literature you sent us it sounded like there's an endpoint to this task committee is was did I read that incorrectly that that there's it's not that there's so many there there's an expectation by the the group to have something prepared and ready after a certain amount of time correct yeah the the notion here wasn't that we're we're doing other studies the notion is that we are more of an implementation arm or at least uh uh taking these studies to The Next Step so so the select board uh said that we would conclude our work within 18 months okay and it's possible to extend that so it's not meant to be you know you know going on forever but that we get some concrete uh suggestions and recommendations and do some research on possible funding options and and send that onto the select board make our own sense of priorities and then that's the end as far unless they decide to give us a renewed charge okay okay so so everyone has a a good clear sense of what our job is Jennifer can I just ask can you see Hands raised Jennifer can you see our hands raised yes I can oh okay good yes Mark was first do you have your hand raised because your hand oh I'm not seeing Mark's hand at all yeah Mark first okay Mark hi Mark to the f c coms Mass has not signed off on it but they've given the list of Corrections that they'd like to see incorporated or additions and I understand they're not extensive and so furog is planning to incorporate those and have the draft and have the report completed both they said they said later this summer so they're close uh but it's a uh but it's you know it's there there could be there could be some more snacks but I don't think there will be at this point oh okay good thanks for that also also on Monday uh I'll be reaching out to them as I do every month once a month I reach out to fog and say you what's the status so I'll have more information next week perfect thank you and Tracy I was just going to make the suggestion just because the furog report's a little complex and the 2007 stormw water study is a little bit more concise that maybe just to familiarize everybody from the you know from the get-go that we maybe go through the 2007 storm water study and check off what was done um I think it's that that might be I I I think I remember seeing that in the furog report but it's such a long report that it just might be easier to do it from the 20 seven stormw water study so you know and to kind of give a a little bit of a sense of like there's been some things accomplished and we've already got you know a few things checked off and going over what what what the impact of those things has been and and whether or not they've actually succeeded in accomplishing what their their their intended goal was or whether we'd still need to look at those areas again and then um going um and maybe then looking to the furog report to see if there's any kind of updated idea or not that's a suggestion yeah no it's a good suggestion and actually the furog report does reference previous studies and previous recommendations and says what at that point what furog felt their status was so so I think there's when I look at that furog it is pretty dense right I mean it's got a lot in there and the part that feels the most useful at the moment as a starting point is the map that identifies the sites that they said were were you know priority sites and then they have a list of recommendations within those sites and then cross referencing like the storm water study and some of these other stories studies as it relates to those sites that makes a lot of sense to me as well as what the Lake wola Association has on their agenda for dealing with things that might be within those sites does that is that clear does that make sense just sort of divided up on a site by sight basis Tom oh um not your hand is up yeah yeah sorry I thought it was muted but I'm not um yeah that all makes sense um I didn't mean to switch topics but it's a little related to lwa um but did you want to talk about this for another minute because my questions not exactly related sorry also had her hand up yeah yeah I don't know if Tracy still wanted to address this point hold on to your question thanks the only thing I was gonna say is that sounds like a better plan Jennifer and I did I didn't I I you you seem to be really familiar with the furog report so thank you it just you know it's so overwhelming to do the whole thing in a big picture but if we divide it up by site it's very specific because there are particular projects that are mentioned within those sites you know and then we could look at those projects as it relates to what's been done or not done or what was done and needs to be redone and things like that so um now this is another time where I would want to share my screen so he Tom do you want to ask your question before I do that please yeah um it's about uh some of our duties I guess you would call it in terms of um we'll be making presentations to uh different boards in lwa and I just wanted to know because I've been following the town process of this getting formed are you aware how do we um how do we uh interface with lwa officially I'm a member of theirs but I don't know that I've heard them talk about this task force yet very much it hasn't really existed yet um so will it be that they will we have board meetings we'll go to or will we just talk with some of the board members now and then or do we have any kind of what do we have established with them already I can I uhuh right Charlene um I I don't have a hand to raise so I'm sorry if I sound like I'm interrupting but I'm not I don't see one on my screen um I know I know the board is uh knows of the new task force we have monthly meetings and we have on our agenda every month uh update on Town meetings and I brought to the attention to the board all the members I uh we listed them and I uh I think I even gave a a brief handout of our U Mission as a as a group and so they're aware of the task force um because it was so new there was no more discussion on it because obviously we hadn't had our first meeting and so I I will always go back and update uh what we've discussed that would be great can you let us know I would love to attend those meetings too can you always let us know when they're happening because I don't know how to find that out well they're on Thursdays and I told Jen the next one is um the LA uh whatever that last Thursday in July is uh said that was the 25th Charlene okay so what whatever date that is and they're at 7 o'clock in their uh a zoom meeting okay and do you know how we would get this Char is that an open meeting um I public charity it has to be open yeah yeah it is but a public organization yeah how do we get the zoom link and where is it posted I can I can let uh uh Cheryl know because she sets us up with the zoom not Cheryl Matt baroi sets us up and I can let him know why don't you text me your information okay and then I can forward that to him and um you would then be able to get on thanks it's it's almost I was going to say I think it's maybe the fif fifth agenda item that we have it's not in the very beginning we have it's pretty standard from beginning to end all the time but we did because of the importance of knowing what's going on in the town uh we felt it's always good to have an update and um with Town meetings and sometimes we have discussions because there are updates and sometimes we don't so certainly that would be something and if you wanted to speak uh on your interests as a select board member that would certainly be helpful to hear it basically from the the the source a select board person I'm on the planning board Eric's going to be the select board person Oh I thought you were select board I'm sorry yeah yeah no worries but I hear you um thank you all that would be great I look forward to that okay but I'll be sending my information to Jen and then yeah yeah okay lost everybody's picture I don't know where everybody went oh we're we're Tracy before we we get to your raised hand Charlene is it um is it appropriate to imagine that somewhere down the line and if we have um let's say our committee has developed a list of projects and priorities that we would like to um you know that that we think would be the highest priorities and they could be high priorities because they can get accomplished easily or they could be high priorities because they have the greatest impact but would we then ask formally to make a presentation to the board so that we could get put on the agenda with enough time to do that I don't see any problem with that I I think you know one of the reasons I um am happy to be on this particular board is um I think there's some misinformation uh that might be circulating in the town about our Lake wyola Association having uh lots of money and we don't and so uh realistically idealistically uh uh any kind of information of what would be important Endeavors for uh the group would be greatly appreciated but realistically there there is a money uh uh item in there and that's why I think this committee is really important because having the town involved the lake wh uh Lakeway Association and it's it it sounds like it's an immense Financial movement that's going to have to happen and I'm glad we're going to be looking for sources but to you know hand a list to the Lake wyola Association and think that realistically that can be done through the finances that we currently have it it would be uh misinformation at best and I I know I've heard people saying that I don't know what that site is is it shoot SP now or some some site that there's a things being said about the association which um are not accurate so you know we know what our bottom line is we have our you know we have an excellent Treasurer and certainly any way we can share it but always re you know in the back of everybody's mind or even in the front of everybody's mind is as everybody knows money is usually the bottom line to any kind of project so I'm I'm hoping we can find a way to realistically be able to do this and make sure all the needs of of this task force that are are possible can be done so uh any you know more than welcome to create lists and let people know because you know we're always open to that I wanted to just say and Tracy I know your hand is up so don't lose it that the the whole thinking behind this I believe is not to lay the financial burden at any one organization but to F because are and you'll see in the furog report that there are opportunities for public and private Partnerships you know grant opportunities and that's as I've been trying to argue for a really long time is that the water is Flowing regardless of the boundaries of who owns what property right and that there's there's a way to so it my intent was never let's hand this list to any particular group oh good at all you know it was like let's let's see how we can um get creative and think outside of the Boxx so Tracy sorry I left you holding a long time that's okay um so I just want so Charlene we can give you our new email addresses and you'll send us the zoom link to the lwa board meetings I I we're open meeting yes okay great okay so I'm going to try to share this again um and I think I'm getting somewhere ah do you see it yep yes yes okay wow I'm brilliant okay this is the furog map that shows their site and you can see that they said that um they believe that sites one two three three and four and seven were the highest priorities that's pretty much all of them but you can see that some of them for instance site three I don't know how specific these circles are include Lake wola Association owned roads as well as Wendel road which is a Town Road right site five also has Lake wyola Association roads but also properties on wendle road which is a hillside that goes straight down to the lake site seven which is very huge includes a lot of wendle and then this North kova Area this is almost exclusively lake wyola property this is not so exclusively that because there's a Town Road here and this is a Town Road so even if we consider these sites to be sort of loosely drawn boundaries we can see how how projects that are within these sites are going to need some collaboration between various stakeholders you know there's just there's no way to get around it the water flow asks us to collaborate so because within the report are specific projects within each of these sites it made sense to me and I'm open to whatever anyone else has arrived at that that we kind of break these down and I don't know whether we would do that as an entire group or whether we'd you know have you know two people look at each of these sites and look at the report and the projects that they identify within those sites and first see okay are we are these our main projects you know are these are main trouble spots that we want to try to um identify um solutions for and funding sources for I see Jim has his hand up oh I just wanted to say yes I I think the the map Loops are the circles are have to do with the difficulty of drawing specific boundaries these are more suggestive than uh right definitive so that I think site six is actually Windle Road okay right and that site four is locks pond in their discussions of I've read the furog report so um the discussion of site four is lock Pond Road and the uh culverts and what has been done and what can be done whereas um and you know and obviously that site two then is is uh mostly uh Lake Drive and you know so that the other ones are more suggestive of shore drive or and uh The Laurels so that um and they do have suggestions about what are the low and high priorities so I uh if I can move to that a little bit and what I'd like to say is that um since I think water does move downhill although it does cross a lot of boundaries that um dealing with Windle Road and locks Pond Road and seeing what effects the projects done on those roads would do to the lower sites where the water drains to is makes the most sense to me I'm putting that that out there for discussion so just to recap you're putting out that initial focus on whatever is being looked at in site four I'll use this site four and site six would be our starting points well I I I you know disagree with Winston Churchill I think when you fight on the beaches you've already lost um that I think we have to go uphill and see what can be done and then we will still have to address the lower elevations but there may be less water to deal with if the higher elevation actions are effective right that's a good point so how about other feedback on you know just ways to jump into a pretty complex situation here you know how do we how do we identify these potential projects and then move toward what kind of funding might be necessary but you think this suggestion of maybe beginning on whatever is mentioned on site four and site six Tracy well Tracy's hand was up first that's okay yeah I'm talking that's me hi hi uh so yeah Jim what you had to say makes a lot of sense it really makes a lot of sense and so it seems this is just a thought I had when we've got a a that is Town related to maybe putting Eric stalker and Steve Sullivan along with one of us on that site it's because they you know they well especially Steve I mean Steve's gonna especially if it has to do with the road he's gonna know the road and what's been done and where there's problems and stuff like that um and then the priority um site in the report maybe we start with those but one of the things that I'm wondering and maybe uh Jim and and um Jen you seem to be most familiar with the furog report I've gone through it but not not with a fine tooth comb by any means um are some of the priority sites or are the priority sites the more expensive like larger project sites and so I guess that's what I'm sort of wondering is if we start out breaking it down with big you know like a chart with you know things that things that have been done things that are partway done and could use a little tweaking with something that maybe would be a smaller scale project uh you know with a with a with a local Capital fundraising campaign or or a grant or something um and then moving and then what are the larger scale ones um and what ones can we do because I'm going to also guess that some of the smaller projects are going to be impacted maybe by the bigger projects and you have to do the bigger one first you know I don't know but like kind of getting in and looking at this with the fine Toth comb and I'm I'm wondering also in doing that if it might be easier if we were all in a room together to just sort of start out hammering that out okay good suggestion Bob your hand was up and now it's down yeah I'm I'm happy to talk um um there was something you said related to about how how do we prioritize these things and it really reminded me a lot of um uh the MVP process that the town went through a few years back and I think um you having talked to different people who do the MVP Pro program in eastern and western Mass that I think that a lot of these uh projects might fall under the MVP and the great that's a Massachusetts vulnerability plan um and the great thing about that is is a considerable amount of money comes uh with that Grant and it can be used both on private and public land which as you already described kind of matches what we're looking at here both both uh Town land as well as private land so um uh one of the great things about that Grant is you can get it to um uh for the planning stage where you have an engineer um be paid to kind of assist with uh a prioritization and that would be the first grant and then the second Grant would be money to fix the problem so anyway I just wanted to put that on the table as a possibility I know that amorist has received money related to uh puffer's Pond uh I know that Chester had a very similar project and they got a huge amount of money uh related to their dirt roads uh in Chester Massachusetts from the MVP so I just wanted to kind of put that on the table just kind it felt like it came up well that's a fine meal to put on the table um so Bob are you saying that strategically maybe focus on that on that as a vehicle yeah I think um I think it might be worthwhile to to to uh in addition to all all of us and the Selectmen when they when they attend I think uh in inviting um one of those Consultants that does MVP or or the MVP rep for the state and tell them our our problems on a meeting like this a public meeting I think I think that might might yield you know might plant a seed that would yield some fruit later on and do we need to have specific projects identified um prior to such a thing so we're talking about concrete you know here we'd like to try to accomplish this or that yeah you know I honestly think this is a good time to bring it in because you've identified you know this map in front of us identifies the problems and um then the uh you know you could possibly have the people from the MVP identify the solutions because they do it all the time how do you how do others feel about letting this be our um starting point if I can jump in um yeah the fog re Jim you froze I don't know if you can hear us along wind Road there you are the top of um The Laurels as part of the Wendel Road type of work the the other you know we've had the problem coming off of Windle Road and coming down to sure and if we could stop some of I mean those they have very specific projects that are suggested there so that I think once we take a a look at the furog report it's not like we have to invent the projects they're there and we can work off of that and start prioritizing prioritizing U projects and and and think of the granting agencies that could support them I'm done about this how about this why don't we between now and the next meeting which we'll you know set up why don't each of us get familiar with um these two locations what they're identifying here as site four and site six and what they've identified in furog as projects within those sites just so we know you know you know something concrete that are within those that it you know is addressable with the right expertise or engineering study or intervention or something and then when when we all have a handle on those then we can follow Bob's suggestion of inviting some of the people who who have um dealt with this MVP grants to to come and we can talk about these specific projects does that is that a reasonable way to go um Tracy first then Tom what I thought I understood Bob to say was that we wouldn't need to necessarily choose one or two sites but the entire thing and have them review it and so I'm hoping Bob could clarify yeah C certainly there there are a number of different ways to do to do this um but I I think um they do this kind of thing all the time and they they well may reach the same conclusions that Jim did that uh starting from the outside in is a good idea because uh that immediately May reduce the the problems you get get closer to the lake so um uh and um uh them being likely Engineers that um you know work with this stuff all the time they they might be a good member of this group to have kind of as part of the team so um Tom I have a question for Bob but go ahead Tom thanks um yeah I like the idea of starting as a group on one or two sites uh and we could maybe have as a goal down the line one or two people focusing on like site three two four and five down the line or seven the ones that we don't do at the start just so that all of us kind of have the same like experience of the exercise of going through what does it because I'm a little already unclear and I know it will become clear once I do it on what am I going to be doing when I evaluate site six or site four how am I going to identify the projects that bhog has identified will we be writing things on paper and um and then I like the idea of also uh seeing how the MVP will kind of guide us to uh prioritizing those projects that we find so uh and I I it does seem like physics is with us if we say we start at the high points I like that point as well that somebody made um I just feel as though I'd feel more comfortable like when you first talked Jennifer I thought oh maybe I'll take site three with somebody because I live on The Laurels but now I'm thinking you know I'd like as a group as you just mentioned all of us do a site or two and then um we can work more individually maybe I hope that was clear and helpful you Jim um okay I like the map but one of the things that we haven't discussed that might be good to bump up is something that's not an area but is the educational component um that fop discussion uh puts forward and and I think um this relates to letting people know what we're up to um that um Tisbury is kind of a small town and it has many of the characteristics of small towns that people talk about things and sometimes they're right and sometimes they're wrong and and our I think our advantage would be to start educating people what we're doing and what sort of projects we're interested in and the educational component I mean some of the really small things are the things that people can do on their own I mean I've used to have water coming across the road down my driveway across the rest of my property and into a neighbor's yard and I put in a rain garden and it's intercepted that where it comes down the driveway I kind of put a bar in to shunt it off into the garden and it can hold all but the biggest storms so that just telling people about rain Gard and other things that they can do rather than figuring out how to get the water off their property as quickly as possible um there might be some value in in US thinking about that and grants for that type of public education yeah absolutely and I think the furog report divides itself at the end there into structural ways to deal with storm water um load into to the lake nonstructural means which would be um more maintenance and management means and also like you mentioned there's a whole section on public education so definitely I think as an you know either during this work or certainly as an end point having some public education um proposals and funding for those um would be key because you're right and and you know I think Mark Rivers long ago said to me you know a lot of the things that can be done are are doable you know they just need the will and the focus so I think that sorry no go ahead Charlene well I again I I don't have a button for the hand so I apologize um the MVP discussion I know in the town of Deerfield there is a defined committee that is MVP um if I've got the right letter yes um is that true in shuberry or like how do we access this information if there's no such committee that exists in shuberry is it is there a website we go to is there a a Statewide site we go to because as I said this group is has been in existence and they have one Focus only but you could always go to them so does shuberry have a defined group of people on that MVP no so how how would we access that I'm saying no I don't think so um I think there has been an application for an MVP Grant in the past that was unsuccessful Bob has more experience with this but I think Bob if I understand correctly we can through you perhaps people that you know um invite some Consultants as you said to come and meet with our committee yes is that did I get that right yeah you kind of uh faded in and out there but um uh I I would think that that is true and and really it would be a good idea to talk to Mr stalker about this because that is kind of a um probably a town management type type level thing okay great so to clarify just on that and I know we want to wrap this up and not go on into all hours of the night even though I know we're having a blast um I'm wondering I'm wondering about if we get an MVP person to come do we need we as a committee need to be more familiar with what is going on in these different sides or just show them that furog has come up with this General kind of concept plan and we're trying to figure out a starting in the nitty-gritty of these details in order to have that be a productive meeting or would they have read this report or some summary of it before they came or how to make that meeting the most useful to everybody what do you think about that Bob yeah no I think they would e eat this stuff up uh we have some very good um uh studies in addition to this one um and these are all data that they that they would use to um uh in order to to put together and and and solve a solution hey so a lot of the leg work has been has been done um and uh they could they could potentially take a look at this and and uh come up with ideas that we're not even thinking about so so you would propose once we have a contact if we do have a contact of forwarding them um these studies and they would come to us I I I think that would be great and I think uh you know I wouldn't want to be um stepping out of line so probably would be worth uh bouncing it off selectman stalker ahead of time uh to um um because there's there is a certain obligation to the to the town but I I think the town has committees like this so that we can generate suggestions for pro projects of this nature okay great and then so why don't we in the interest of you know wrapping it up what I have what I heard here as a plan is to focus on in our in our minds focus on these uphill sites but let the MVP Consultants weigh in on that that we would look more closely and this we could do at our own Leisure at what individual projects are identified Within These sites so that we're familiar too with what is being suggested we can do that you know on our own either by reading by visiting by some combination we don't have to study them necessarily but just so that we have some grounding you know on the ground um and that's about all and now I would talk to Eric um as a select board member about how to how to get some of the MVP people um in contact with us I could forward them the studies that we have and things like that and try and get a meeting date um getting familiar also not just with the sites but like Jim said some of the public education ideas you know and what that could be assembled into a grant proposal too you know um there is a whole section in the furog report that talks about potential funding sources and what they would be good for um so I think getting getting grounded in that work seems like the next best step for us to me Tracy um I this is I guess a question again for Bob because this the I know you you've done an MVP app and you've gotten a good a pretty good chunk of money for your for your other um Conservation Commission um what with the public and private so you've got the town so that would be Eric getting permission but the private is lwa so how does that work like how how does that you know because you're saying we need permission from the town from Eric Stocker or from you know from the select board um what what what permission are we trying to get and how does the private intertwine with that in terms of the Grant application type you know for MVP yeah that that that is a a great question um uh and it probably would be best to ask uh one of the MVP professionals how to do that certainly uh nobody can do work on anybody else's property without their permission so um uh but I do think that um uh the pr private owners um would be interested in in solutions that would make the the problems better so um um yeah so um yeah so I believe everybody would be involved in in parties in this in this in an MVP project I think it's probably best to um um you know and I wouldn't want to speak for that agency uh MVP um but uh I think probably have having them one of them on a meeting with us to talk about it and the you know how it was done in Chester and how much money they got and the two phases that they did the planning phase and then the construction phase and how those were paid for with the state money I think I think that would be very uh a good good educated way to begin this process so are you suggesting we start with that where we have the MVP people come we send them this they come and they explain everything to us about how we move forward and then we move forward it feels to me like that might be a better idea for us to be you know getting a good use of our time does that I I wouldn't you know I wouldn't want to usurp uh the in input of this group but I I I think probably you know we we should Pro proceed as as as planned um but also if we have their input and find out what they're looking for uh I think and uh they are a fat source of money I can tell you um that uh if we work if that is our desire to unlock those funds if we have an idea what they're looking for we we might be uh advised to direct our efforts in that direction so I think I'm hearing that the Bob do you know go ahead Charlene I just wondered if if the Town of Chester were they dealing with private groups or was it just Town um money that they were looking for do you know anything specific about that yeah I don't know I I believe it was both private and public lands because they had a situation very much like uh we do in shutesbury with the multiple dirt roads and and runoff issues okay so that's great they they've had experience with that okay I just like the second Bob's point that um there the roads on Lake wola Association are Lake wolas but the the rest is private own yes and um that that's where the education really does come in is that when we need to get the private owners to come and join us with this project of uh so that somebody will think it's okay to put uh um a retention pond in a corner of their property so that you can divert water off the road um so that there's I mean there's a lot that's going on some of it is voluntary as Mark said just getting people to uh play nice with us um but yeah and just off on the side um another group of folks to think about and it's in the the um Franken County report um was the public education of working with the schools there's actually a mention in there of having schools develop a component environmental component using Lake wola as part of uh their education about environmental issues so that we can reach out in that direction as well that gets complicated because it may involve amorist as well but I don't know okay so um I also wanted to say well just I don't want to lose this one thing I think that a task that I might have is to reach out to Eric and say that we're getting start well he is on our committee he's just not here tonight but to say we're getting started in this work and sometime in the not too distant future we'd like to invite someone from the MVP group to um to talk with us about you know the kind of things we're looking at and how how their process might work is that does that capture part of it at least on the you know Tracy had said well what are we really asking Eric for I think we're asking for him to make the ask of of the MVP people is that about right yes okay um I also wanted to say that I was talking to another person an engineer person who lives around here who said that there's an office for of the state called the office of rural Affairs and that they have money too that's hardly ever used and that we may um be able if we had identifiable Pro projects that fit their criteria we might be able to access some of that money and that we might invite that director to come and talk to our group once we have a more concrete idea of of what we're asking for and and this you know education could be a great component it may be structural stuff too I don't know what their criteria are but I think there's a number of um things to start looking at prey so my last question is is what should what are we what's our next task as individuals like should we maybe partner right here with somebody on the meeting that we're gonna go and look at site two and three and somebody else is going to go yeah yeah I don't I think from what I'm hearing and I know we're going to wrap this up I want to get a meeting date set for our next meeting or something like that I think what what I'm hearing is that if we got very familiar with that last section of the furog report where individual interventions are mentioned both structural things non-structural things educational things so that when we talk to these other groups or we're looking at research um options we have a stronger sense of what we're trying to raise money for so it makes sense to me that we grind grind we ground ourselves really well in the last um few few pages of that furog report and I think you'll see right away how they divide it up you know they they're pretty specific these are structural improvements that we think are needed Etc and then we and then I'll talk to Eric about getting an MVP person I can reach out to this office of rural Affairs and then and we'll meet again once once we've done that um what do you think I don't and and I think we could take it on ourselves to go around to these places and look at these sites I think updating them with you know new information from the roads committee and from Steven Sullivan would be really good too but that's my sense I don't know about the rest of you and we can go I mean as it won't be a violation of the open meeting law for me to say like Tom and I to get together and go look at some things that's that's all fine well you can't deliberate you can't deliberate by deliberating You Me well as long as we're not a quorum yeah that's what I thought so two of us or three of us can talk we shouldn't deliberate even as two or three because then it could eventually become a Serial deliberation or something right other people join in event but as long as it's really just a very legitimate like site visit type of thing um where you're just gathering information yes and not evaluating service right that's how I understand that's how I understand it too now Jen at one point in the meeting I think it was Jim that made uh a suggestion that we narrow those sites to a few to begin with four and six I think were the numbers um right I personally like that idea I think sometimes when you look at an immense project that obviously this will become um and you take on too much it it doesn't to me feel like we're going to be able to do as great a job as if we take our baby steps first and that's just from past experience for myself as an educator so I I hope I don't know I'd like to Revis visit I like the idea that you had said read in in the report about sites four and six get very familiar with it and then maybe read and also read this last section that uh you said is is very important I I I think that was um something we should also put into our thinking about prep preparation for the next meeting sounds good to me how about everybody else Jim okay um just when you're looking at the furog report the scariest bits the ones with all the tables about phosphorus and sediment runoff cor right are information that theyve put forward as they develop a model of the phosphorus levels and the sediment levels and in fact you can probably you know read those sections diagonally that that they the end result is you know it's wise to worry about phosphorus um there's no problem presently in the lake with phosphorus but maybe there will be someday so we'll include it and the model then is this Lake given the catchment would have would we would expect to get this much phosphorus so it's it's kind of a modeling exercise and not much about what you need to what the operational side of it is it's it's you know um so that if you're going to put the effort into reading the fcog that you can go through quickly because you're right you're not going to end up with an Ma and and geology afterwards but it it's that's it yeah I'm gonna suggest that the bulk of the furog report is context for us to and these other reports as well uh the wildlife habitat report for example is context for us to use as backup when we apply for funding if you look at page 55 till the end of the furog report you'll be totally well grounded in what our work is oh okay so um and that's probably a total of about 12 pages PES and a lot of it is tables but tables of you know projects and funding and whether these are public and private but start on page 55 and U and save the rest for later would be my my recommendation okay so are we good to to talk about trying to come up with another meeting date is that something we should try and do in a meeting or do you want to try and do it like we did before seems like Thursdays from my survey except for except for the last Thursday I think which is when Charlene has an lwa board meeting is that true Charlene that generally th yes these are okay for you yeah um the only thing I I wanted clarification can I just have clarification from Tom and from uh Tracy um you mentioned coming to the lake wyola meeting I usually set I I set the agenda and then I send it out for people people to tweak it um because I if I forget things I will put down um did you want to present information about your idea of the test what is your um I have to sort of be able to explain this because people will say well why are they coming and I'd like to know your intent so that I can explain that should it become a question and and I know Tom mentioned and Tracy um so what would be my explanation to the uh group because I I'll I'll put you on to the agenda um I guess one question for me would be are is anyone from the public just allowed to attend the meetings because I thought they were open meetings well we we've always had um we have two annual meetings a year which are open their membership meetings and but in order to vote you have to obviously be a member our our meetings we've just never had this request before so I'm taking a giant leap because I know we're a nonprofit and you know we follow open meeting and I'm taking a leap that this is okay to do but of course I'll I'll check with the people who art I don't know if you know art but art is very very very expert in all of this but um should you be able you know I don't see why you shouldn't be able to but um would be what can I explain to people as to your um reasons coming that's we havea I run a 50 or just left running a 501c3 in AOL and orange yeah um and to our meetings only ever came board members um or like an invited person like an expert that said because we were a 501c3 we knew we always had to allow any member of the public into our meeting Ru I'm sorry to Ru out no I I just mean that we we wouldn't be allowed to ask a member of the public why they were attending we would just have to allow them to attend because of our 501c3 status that said um so I think that that's probably Step One is like just by being a 501c3 the meetings must be open to the public just to attend um I would like to attend I would love to participate and even um give a five minute spiel about what um the future seems to be holding for this storm erosion task force um but uh so yeah I just wanted to uh know more as a member of lwa um know more as a member of the public and then I would really welcome a minute or two I didn't even know that you were thinking of that but I would absolutely welcome a few minutes just to present ourselves but going forward I would really like to be just an active attendee at lwa board meetings as so you actually would like to speak yes okay all right and I mean if it's easier for you you know you can set up an agenda any way you want but would it be easier for you to have your presentation in the beginning of the meeting is that something you would rather have or that wouldn't honestly matter to me okay yeah so let me just pop in here if I could I know there's plenty of hands up but we're a group you know so making presentations to other groups seems like that we'd want to you know you're representing the ideas of the whole group are you representing your own opinions are you because if well then you know what I think that's really important um just tell people Charlene that I want to attend because one I'm a member of the public and two I'm also a member of lwa okay and actually I I don't think I should present until uh this group had an idea what I would be saying um but I need to have a start I need to start knowing the lwa process and members and feel and so I just need to be an active part of these meetings yeah you you had asked about me specifically too so yes I I don't have any intention of presenting anything I just you said that the meetings were open um so I just wanted to come that's that that's it I'm I'm I'm an lwa member as well yes okay Bob your hands been up for a long time oh I'm sorry I back uh two conversations ago we were talking about meeting times um Thursdays are good for me with the exception like today where there's a concom meeting um so uh if I could just send you the the concom dates and and they just have I just have to do a different Thursday than that okay yeah that's great I'm going to shoot for and hope that kcom isn't meeting on August 1 is that too soon for people to meet do you think do you think we need to give ourselves more time or should we go um should we go to the eth or let's find a date in August that doesn't conflict with Charlene or with concom the eth would be better for me okay does the eighth work for you Char um as long as I know it when we set our next um lwa meeting I'll avoid the eth with everybody okay so if others can say that the eth works for them Jim your hand is up oh I was just going to say the eth is fine but that's a a good okay yeah okay and I think based on what I know of Eric and Steph schedules that'll be good for them so why don't we say then the eth at is 7 we start at 7:30 this time because I had some problems I'm glad I did because of the whole internet thing but is 7 better than 7:30 yeah okay all right so let's go for seven on August 8 and Jen will you send out a reminder to everybody once you get all our emails and all sure I'll be sending an in a reminder and a proposed agenda and then any concepts that people feel should get added to the agenda you can send back um I hope I capture most of what um we've said we were going to do and you can correct that uh and Bob your hand was up but it's no longer up so you're good okay I just one more thing can are we gonna try to have a a beginning and end time for our me well we have a beginning time but like an end time are we going to try to stick to an hour or what an hour and just so you know knowing yeah I'd love it to be an hour I'm sure everybody would love it to be an hour so we we'll be we'll be as efficient as we can not too bad this time for the first meeting either but um yeah let's shoot for an hour all right I'll do a recap for all of us and for the two people who weren't here just you know what we what we're before the next meeting and I'll talk to Eric about MVP Etc so if anyone's got Stu other things to add or we'll say I don't know if we have to be so formal if someone has to make a motion to adjourn but um we'll adjourn I I actually think we do proba should yeah I think and then a motion I would like to make a motion to we adjourn second okay we have a second okay good we're juring thank you everybody I'm excited about our group I think we have some potential to do some good here so um make sure to give any feedback to me if things need to change the way we're doing stuff thanks Jan thanks bye everybody take care good night everybody good night