##VIDEO ID:SzXMj5X0n_U## this meeting is being recorded excellent then so he gets paid the big bucks yeah excellent okay that St right um so U I guess we'll start off by introductions I'm Mark rivy and in town hall we have Walter is here John is here um Howard no how is here sorry John is here um we also have two guests if I can loseing my mind here but uh know I can't remember your names I'm sorry right easier online G online Eric online and you are who so uh we're ready to start the first thing is to to preview the agenda um we have moments for public comments we're going to review the minutes from the previous meeting where there brief summary brief update on the task force to investigate funding op to reduce storm water runoff and self-contamination um update on Dam activities update on the B workshed based plan um about data the lake lake bylaw Review Committee um um so let's let's just start off by uh public comments is there any public comments h thanks Mark um Tom Seer I just wanted to clarify a small misunderstanding that stuck with me after I left the last lwac meeting and I apologize for that um I think part of the issue might be our Acoustics the owl camera and whatnot because after the meeting I was able to watch the video and I think I discovered perhaps why there was a misunderstanding and it was small but I did feel a little uncomfortable at the end of the meeting after it and I knew there was a good reason to explain what went on so I discovered that it's really hard on Zoom or at home on the computer to hear the uh audio a lot of times and last meeting there was a discussion about the lwac charter um I wanted to participate in that discussion so I raised my hand and I asked the chair if I might have permission to contribute a comment to that discussion and I'm hopeful it was a constructive comment I meant it simply that that way uh after my comment a board member on Zoom uh requested that the public not make comments for this portion of the meeting and I believe it's very possible that nobody heard that I actually asked the chair to participate I was trying really hard to be respectful and I wouldn't have participated if the chair hadn't told me it was okay to do um so I apologize if I hadn't spoken loudly enough I apologize on behalf of whomever that the sound doesn't get picked up here Al together all the time and um I just hope that in the future there will be a spirit of allowing the public to comment when they ask to if it's an item at hand and not necessarily always only during the public comment section and uh I hope that's helpful it helped me to see the video and realize I I was not very audible so thanks that's all very good thank um okay any other any other comments all right let's move on to uh uh review of the minutes from our July 20th uh meeting uh everybody a chance you had had a chance to look at them um just to uh uh did I miss anything you know there are any corrections that need to be made um I said about everybody couple days ago it look good to me mark thank you D accept minutes and second then second it um all in favor I guess we have to do a roll call vote um John Howard yes Mark is yes yes AR yes yes and Eric yes okay so not minut accept as this thank you I'll send those off to Grace and then publish them on the website website so that item five on the uh agenda which is just the task force to investigate funing options to reduce storm water runoff and silk contamination um they U had their second meeting uh on Thursday which I think was 15 um and if I can summarize this and actually I'll have time to comment if I miss anything but basically you know they they they continue to review the the furog draft study and and U they looked at prioritizing the areas that that they think are the most most critical areas where they think they can make have the most the most effect uh and that's including problems with wson Straits uh where the water flowing down Wendel Road or down The Laurels from wend Road um talk about deeping the culs on on the west side of WS Pon Road been water coming off the hill Lake uh and uh they're talking they're discussing the problems with King Road and great pins so U they're so basically is trying to define the problem um they have a field trip that it's tally scheduled according to not official yet but they have a field trip to kind of look at these areas uh on September 12th at 4:30 that's unofficial but but if you check it's going to be on the website they're going to they're going to post the date and time for the field trip and so the public can attend um I'm say um no um just to supplement it a little bit wend being private road and Laurels and Watson streets being sorry a public road and Laurels at Watson streets being a private road we're calling that one system on the east side combination just like lock Pond and great Pines and King being a system of private and two one public and two private roads uh we're starting it kind of you know geographically on the top going down that's why we're starting block Pond and wendle roads for the sake of gravity and water and um just we learned since the meeting that we might not actually post the so-called field trip it will probably be classified as a site visit and uh I believe that the public would probably still be able to come if they wish but it creates an easier format than a meeting or a field trip for us to attend in full um take notes not do votes or anything and just have an in informational site visit on September 12 and then after the site visit we can convene and have a true meeting because of open meeting law I didn't say that already um so that's the only different it might not be posted online but the date is September 12th at 4:30 current okay you advertise that or you look for people or just want I don't know um I think the chair will have to decide if she wants how she wants to publicize that but I know we do want people involved so I can ask her maybe how she'll publicize that or whether but I just can't promise that exactly yeah one of the ideas too is to have um various members or any any members that want to go of the Conservation Commission because especially on the locks Pond Road uh potential mitigation there may be some issues with the Conservation Commission they'd have to sort of rule on whether or not we could do do what we wanted to do which was to dump water more water into the Sawmill River so anyway that's that's the only other thing I'd add to what Tom said yeah there was a comment that the Conservation Commission wouldn't allow to change any of this stuff and I don't believe that's an accurate statement I don't remember that but okay talk about the the the stream going by the a frame oh yeah yeah I yes and um and that's not an accurate statement the Conservation Commission is the issuing authority in these kind of matters and they can mitigate one problem they can make the call and they have the ability to say okay we're gonna we're going to make this change here we're going to cut off the stream and we're going to rerun it this way to protect the way they have totally within their their ability and so uh and the Conservation Commission is is pretty pretty minimal for these things these days so I think I'm I'm very optimistic by that by the conversation no it sounded like a really good solution to me simple and good to build a CT on the west side there locked on road and so forth or make the Culvert deeper and run off run have more of the water run off in that Culvert into the river as opposed to the lake but we'll see um any other questions or comments on the fask fors if we did that or that was a suggestion or groups like friends of The Sawmill River going to be involved in this discussion um don't know it would seem like a good idea I think that if we're GNA make that change we'd be proactive and involve them before they come around and say what the hell are you doing yes a good point I think the first the idea of the site visits was really just to sort of look at the situation and see if there's even anything possible to do and yeah you're right that's a good idea very good idea and my other thought and I know it's Tom's on the committee I believe and he might find it silly a trivial but in doing your site visits have you guys thought about kind of looking forward and looking for a period of potentially we're going to have some heavy precipitation and do the site visit then so you can actually see the runoff in action um I know that when I was president of the association I specifically did that with Becky Torres and it makes a big difference when people can actually see the water running just a thought may I yeah I'm thinking um because of the timing nature of such a thing being so difficult to jump on you know to catch that precipitation while it's happening um maybe our committee could talk about uh an agreement that if one of us is available because only one person is enough to do a site visit that's correct and so maybe if an event did happen we could have an agreement in our committee that sure any member you know knowing how to do such could go out and back the site visit under those conditions um I do know that the furog report is something where the draft Watershed based plan is something we refer to a lot still a draft of course but it's very um conservative looking at uh estimated precipitation for all of its best management practice suggestions um so it's kind of built in whenever we're looking at anything that we're going to look at it through the lens of a lot of precipitation um but again that's not the same as when it's happening I agree so that thanks for the idea thank you um another subject came up during that meeting was the idea of getting fog or MVP to come in and meet with the task force um uh according to Jen they haven't heard back from fog so I sent a note out to my contact at fog to see what what what needs to be done to toh make this make it all happen um they they sent me a note saying they'd be happy to me but and uh and so I sent it out last night so we'll see if they come back me this week now let everybody know okay any more questions on that on that subject or any more comments okay very good um next uh item is item six on the agenda is an update on the dam activities um very positive Happ something very positive happened this week and that is uh our GZA which is our engineering company who attended a conservation chushan meeting uh and they wanted to discuss out the possibility of noncom extending the existing orders and conditions uh for another year they they requested for three years uh and the P count was very supportive of the idea to send it for one year and then they need to another year so um that means that they uh assuming that they fall through and everything happens that means we can continue to lower the lake and raise it up this year uh which is very positive that's and why that's positive is because it takes the pressure off the town and GDA so they can go to more organized and more coordinated effort it cuts the cash flow down because we're we have to pay for all this stuff and so it'll save the town money um and U you know it's a very in my mind very positive very positive outcome and so uh and that's that's about it so so it looks like we're I'm optimistic that we continue do the draw down and and then GZA will start working on things and we still working on scope for Dam repairs and stuff like that but it continu to go more natural pace uh comments or questions yes great I don't know if this part of that or not but who am I supposed to contact at K con when it's getting close to the draw down time um I will contact the chair is be Wilson they they don't have a don't think they have anybody take to yeah because you leave messages and it's not good and there's a possibility depending on what the weather is like might have to do it earlier than November 1 because of the freezing to be freezing but they have to give the okay what are do that's exactly I am so um my recommendation would be to send an email and if you're and if that's not an option you can ask me and let me know and I'll s Emil so you can call and then let me know and I'll send them an email so um because I know you know Beth is very very busy these days and uh uh and so but you know she they do check all your emails and she does a lot of things by email so you can do that and or I can have um the other thing is Jan is on uh cons is on conservation and maybe we just let her know she good good um anyone questions or comments about the dam I know there's not a lot happening because it's all kind of instead instead of us doing all the work we're we're paying some of you all the work and Outsource some of something we used to do did you say that they extended the order or you said they were amenable to it they haven't extended yet they're minimal to it they and so at the next concom meeting GCA will officially requested to to extend the existing orders of condition right so it's not done yet but the conversation very CA all um any more D okay um item seven update on perard water based shed Watershed based plan uh there's no update nothing's happening there they're just waiting on things to slow down and they said they have completed this fall um so it's we just have to wait just wait and they just getting someone to incorporate Mass d uh comments into the into the plan I don't think they're very be expensive I I don't know have they gotten the comments back yeah yes they got it back a couple months ago and they originally were optimistic they have it done for congress done would have it done this summer uh and then that got pushed back in the fall but it's all everything's moving along that sales space let's mov it's moving yeah it's a big thing better than not we're going backwards um um any any more questions about that or any comments um item eight is uh live data so far the association Beach is are testing very very good um the state beaches uh uh is red flag still um which is part of an apparation of how they C of how they look at the data if you look on you look at the website uh you know there's only been two weeks where there's a spike in the data and the rest of the weeks are pretty good but because they have to do they have to do a free test which which and take the mean of that uh and uh and that number has got to be below the limit uh it hasn't been below the limit yet because they've had one big spike and and two Lowry and but if you look the data the beach is clean um you know the data is good for the past two weeks and uh but there still you know they have their formulas that follow that's what it is so I get calls if wants the while you know from people random people saying you know this is the L clean and can I swim and you know and so now what I do is I refer to that website and I said you know there's a SP and you you make call um you know was high this week was high for two weeks ago it's been low for the past two the past week and and so says they said give them information to make the call any comments about that that's a smart thing to do you don't you you don't want to make the decision for them liability ISS yeah no that's exactly right but I I thank Tom for pointing out that website and uh it's easy it's an easy search and uh Google search to find it and and you know you people are there um I don't see the while Beach data these days I used to get copies of it but I don't see it the the association beaches you P our data it okay they have that on the lwa homepage now one day one one one do they have a I saw two data points they have a link and it looked like they were adding more data as it comes in okay good that's good C I talked about putting on the Health site but that didn't happen but so it's my understanding that the the data works really good you like data we go from there okay um any questions comments on water testing okay um next item on the agenda is the Review Committee um this this is sort of the select board J committee or task force uh and U the last select board meeting they set up the criteria uh for how they were going pick members and um uh and at the next as my understanding the nextboard meeting they're going to review their review people who they think should be on committee uh and they're just basically going to vote and uh so that committee should be formed at the next select meeting or should be at least the membership should be SEL the next s board meeting um comments or questions about that right very good U item 10 it that we didn't recently anticipate part of the meeting new items business I got a question mark um is the conservation committee full now no con commission is oh they just selected a new person um I think it is so we're missing a member right and it it's a conservation Committee Member am I correct in that we are supposed to have a member from conom on our committee uh and uh we don't when when Mary David resigned they haven't already assigned anybody so I haven't been pushing Kon you know to to uh to to participate uh but maybe I will not maybe once he time said once Ty gets on and and gets going I'll you know I'll approach Beth Wilson and see if anyone's interested in in joining our participating in this committee that's good I mean it's great to have someone from that committee here plus it really helps with making sure we have a quarum the more the marrier that's right we we've been missing a couple of people it's easy not to have a quum these days when we're missing one person all right that's all I had thank you Mark you're welcome right uh any other new business motion to adjourn I guess so yeah give a second second Mark so closing the meeting at 928 and have a good day everyone thanks everybody Take Care thank you we could beat it we never got to test a generator Theory but I'm I'm I'm pretty sure it's true