no way I can now you oop knew always maybe how long's I it out honey St hi Becky he me hi har how are you I'm good I'm tired he was telling me he didn't think you'd make it because you had quite a ride yeah um so when I was leaving on Saturday my flight from St Martin to because I had a connection flight so it was St Martin to um Philadelphia then from Philadelphia to Bradley and my flight from St Martin to Philly got cancelled because the the plane was overweight and I hate flying so once I heard it was overweight I was like get me get me off the plane right now so they were asking for volunteers so I volunteered and they ended up paying for my hotel room transportation to and from the hotel room and I got $1,200 credit which was sick yeah so I say nextra day I was able to leave and then once once I got in they had a different flight so I left from St Martin to Miami and once I got to Miami They delayed my flight from like I was supposed to leave at like 7:40 and I didn't end up taking off the ground until like 10: because of weather so I got I like when I walked in the door it was like a little after 1:30 in the morning yeah so it was a day made a bunch of money good job thank you hi Nate hi Becky how are you hello hi Carrie Carrie made it he had a heroic trick poem yeah it was a catching the end of that right there yeah what did you Nate no no I was catching the end of that right there oh oh catching the end of [Music] it I'm glad glad I wasn't sure Carrie if you were gonna make because I knew you knew about the meeting but it was kind of like uh then you know you had the delays and everything and I was like well maybe I just you know just didn't know if uh you know maybe I just kind of I don't know anyway but glad glad you're here me too so I'm gonna jump off dinner ran a little late so now we can you know thank you so much Becky for helping us out today oh anytime yeah and Grace I I I texted Grace and she was like oh my God I totally forgot so thank you for reaching out to me because I was I I was on the computer but I was I wasn't checking my email as much because I was focusing on other things so thanks for reaching out okay so I just I gotta make you the host Carrie okay do you need to be a co-host might as well sure okay oh I can't do anymore yes I can I didn't do Carrie I got to do you and then Carrie my son is on the iPad from Georgia reading with his son I technology is amazing that's so cute Carrie well have a good meeting thank you so much thank you bye all right Carrie I'm just going to uh I might just be reading the BW for the few minutes I have here so unless unless you need anything uh just holler I just have one question did you talk to the um applicant for the anrad for tonight no oh yeah I meant to uh email him and then uh we didn't have the [Music] um the zoom link yet so I didn't and then I just forgot so you know it's uh I I told him when I because he came in for the application I told them that these are pretty straightforward for the most part so it shouldn't be too crazy um so I think the person handling it she emailed me and I informed her around like 1:00 this afternoon but I haven't heard back from her um do you know if uh so did they give like the written notice to the town clerk or whatever uh that's a good question I don't remember because that was like I think that was Tuesday right before I left is when he came in with the application so I gota look that I don't think it really matters but no I don't I'm all right well uh thanks for uh reaching out to the uh your agent or whoever that was yeah no problem I think it's the same one handling the newest one that just came in today for 64 like Drive oh nice that was convenient sorry another question so since I was once I was gone did Tom seford get um appointed in he did okay just so I can fix it on my um my uh draft minute template okay hi Jeff hi Hawaiian Nel doing well doing well how are your kids doing I'm good they're uh getting ready for bed so I uh hopefully won't hear too much about an up or upstairs Carrie how are you doing how was your vacation awesome it was really good I where did you go I went to St Martin St Martin nice it was awesome I Go Again uhuh you do any snorkeling yes I did that was the first time I've ever snorkel too wow you see any nice fish yeah and I saw a sea turtle too a sea turtle yeah it was pretty decently sized it was really cool nice nice wonderful well it's good to leave shutesbury sometimes yeah there's a whole world out there Michael you should try it sometimes leaving leaving mon Road or wherever you live I I would like that that would be very [Laughter] cool seea turtles are neat I once saw one year 30 years ago when I was in Hawaii it was just it made me realize that we are not like made for the water compared to them they they're just having a blast good and Carrie how long did you stay there um I was there for a week I was there from Saturday to Sunday it was supposed to be Saturday to Saturday but um my flight from St Martin to Philadelphia was cancelled so that was a very interesting experience to say the least so you you suffered with another day there yeah I mean I it was free on the expense of the air uh the uh the uh Air Airline I flew in from American so that's pretty awesome that's cool well I'm glad you had a good time thank [Music] you all right good evening everyone as it is 7 o'clock and we have a uh Quorum present I would like to call this meeting of the Shoots Great playing board to order note that the meeting is being recorded okay the first item on tonight's agenda is public comment so I'm going to just right ahead see if there's anyone here who would like to offer public comment Nathan I've got something but I want to just see if there's the public that wants to share anything before me all okay well I'm not uh hearing anything so why don't you go ahead Michael okay I'll make it short um so I attended a so there's a commission that the governor created about a year ago it's called the commission on energy infrastructure sighting and permitting and on Friday I found out that they were having public hearings today to collect input and then they've got an online survey to to collect um public comment so I I did both of those things I went today but um I can send the committee information if you want but the interesting thing about this is figure out speaker just want he come on yay I'm back right yes okay so the thing about this commission is that they're looking how how to protect the environment yet streamline um sighting of energy infrastructure and so one of the things that the reason I'm bringing it up here is that one of the things they're seriously considering is creating a Statewide body that would be the sole source for permitting for anything infrastructure solar energy storage transmission lines um The Whole Nine Yards and bypassing local permitting so that's seriously on the table and I I showed up and said that I thought local permitting was a good idea but if anyone's interested I could send you the link so you can see more about it um but it directly affects us among you know all the other towns and cities so FYI thank you Michael and uh Mary L cona I see that you have your hand up however before you begin I would like to say that I am not ignoring you I do uh owe you a a response to you uh an email um so I apologize for not uh responding uh to your followup with me uh sooner it's just been a little bit uh busy and uh I will uh I will do so now please Mary Luke thank you Nathan Mary luk con I live on Wendell Road in shury and my question is pertaining to I see on your agenda you have something about the you have a a Wheelock um which I understood an annual report was supposed to be um coming in on that project okay so that's good that's on your agenda my question is um who who are the I think it's the third um developer or overseer I would like to know who they are and two are any of you on the planning board familiar with um when that all went in there was a case that went to Federal Court uh five of my friends actually of Native American Heritage right because they were concerned about it being a native American burial place and then how I understood what was happening was one of the suspected burial mounds was like fenced off or something is the planning board aware of that and if that is really in there do you all know if a tribal or you know a person of native American Heritage would ever have access and I have asked this question before there was um a gentleman in one of your meetings from Florida who were the developers or the overseers but I think since then there's even a new entity so thank you and um your first question um the answer is I believe uh next Tera um and you know I might not have the name correct I mean it's next Tera but that's uh you know there's like nextera marketing next nextera energy or whatever but it's a nextera company that uh own that operates the uh facility I believe it says so on a placard um on the gate and with respect to your other question Mary I uh I don't have an answer on that um maybe Michael is uh you know raising up his hand maybe he can help yeah yeah there there was a case brought by Ralph um who has since moved out of town I'm not sure where it progressed to but I remember that I got brought to Federal Court um so it's the status is unknown I'm assuming nothing's happened because we haven't heard and in terms of access it was made pretty clear by the landowner that um people could not go on that was a point of contention during the special permit process so um unless the land owner gives permission no one else can go on the land thank thank you Michael Michael can can I Mary Lou I uh apologize but we do um have to we have to move on to other items in our agenda so thank you very much for your comments and questions and and I will uh send you an email um I'll give myself uh I'll I'll say I'll do it this week just to give myself something to uh latch on to all right thank you thank you Michael all right I want to just announce that uh you know for 6:30 uh this year we have terms ending for myself Jeff Weston and Ashley pycraft Ashley was appointed and as I understand it um she has uh taken papers out for a one-ear term I have as I understand that Jeff has taken papers out for a three-year term and turn them into town hall and I've taken papers out for another threee term and I'm also in the process of getting my signatures so um I actually have you you uh wrap that up yet or is it still uh I think I have 19 and I haven't put my own on it but I I you know I think I should get like five or 10 more in case anyone's not registered so it was very helpful that my neighbors had a party yesterday was it a was it a mud party it was a mud party yes there was lots of lots of happy children happy muddy children and parents who could sign my paper so was a win-win Ashley I wanted to say if you go to vote tomorrow um oh that's right you're teaching no but I am no because I I have to be at work at 7:30 so I'm gonna hit up the polls at s that's my plan I'm not sure when office workers come in but I got uh like a few signatures from the office workers if you just walk upstairs thank you that's a good call I think you just have to be across the street I I think you can be in town hall for the where the voting's happening there's a distance Factor um you know I'm not worried about it I I believe I have until April 9th I think but I hope to get it in a lot sooner than that um does that sound right you know I think it's a lot sooner than that I think it's more like March March 23rd I don't have the paper in front of me but I think it's uh you know the pancake breakfast for the firemen is a the yeah so it's probably like the Monday after that or something yeah and and you only need like five more in town yeah yeah yeah um Nathan maybe I'll stop by your house and get yours and yeah I can get it from my neighbor like it should work out it's hard like it took me a couple hours of my day yesterday to you know walk up and down the street and also go to the party which was nice but um noted I'll get it done yeah yeah no it's uh you know as I understand it there was some um some fors that uh just had the wrong date on them for turning them in so I'll uh mine says April 9th but I know Grace told me I think a different day yeah so it's earlier um we'll make sure that everyone gets uh squared away on that actually one more thing if I can jump in anyone who lives in shury so even if you get there early the people behind you in line for voting can sign any registered voter and even the pole workers can vote they're just um people who live in shutesbury that's my understanding but I do I have to not be in town hall Michael I mean I was a pole worker once and we couldn't do anything within like a certain amount of feet yeah you usually have to be on the on the town common is like the distance if but if you're at the driveway you know if you waited around a couple minutes for people pulling in and out but there there is that distance Factor so you're not you're not politicking where people are voting right yeah bring it along but I'm going to be in and out you know I got to get to belter town for 7:30 so yeah yeah you know yeah make sure to uh pay special attention to all the um election laws to uh ensure that none of that is violated I think I accidentally skipped one but I didn't mean to it was just the way I read the agenda but um also a warm welcome to Tom Seaford is our uh newly appointed associate member welcome Tom hey there hey there thanks so much uh I appreciate it all looking forward to it very much have you had a chance to connect with Grace yeah we're going to do it on Thursday that's her earliest available time nice yeah I know Grace has been pretty busy with the uh election coming up here so yeah exactly all right thank you very much absolutely yeah we look forward to working with you and uh so that wraps up our kind of introductory items and now we can get into a little bit of meet potatoes if you will we received an approval not required application for a property on uh 57 Lake Street Drive there's an email from Carrie some time ago and uh we'll review that uh document and uh try and make a determination so whether or not the board agrees that it was indeed a uh does indeed not require [Music] approval all right um so I can share my screen right can everyone see this uh the screen here um yes okay so we've got this uh this is it [Music] um and from the look of it it just says that the uh the interior lot lines are to be [Music] removed and uh that's it see you've got Lake Drive here land of Randall P Smith and Elizabeth C Smith this is the applicant we've got adjacent land over here over here and then down here so it's uh this is a some unusual application and because most of the most of these we get are looking to take a larger piece of property and make smaller pieces with it and this is taking a uh smaller pieces and making a larger lot with it and uh I don't I don't see anything uh on this plan that suggests it would be a subdivision does anybody uh has anyone else had a chance to look at this it seems like you're UNS subdividing you're actually combining so um so Nathan would the appan come next month do you is the applicant going to come next month or we G to discuss it now you know I um I don't believe the applicant is going to come I I actually you know Carrie mentioned that uh she had been in touch with them earlier today um someone that uh was related to the application and informed them that it was on the agenda for tonight um [Music] so yeah I mean I don't know if uh you think we should uh wait and try and uh make sure that they're here so that we can you or uh I think we should wait yes Robert okay okay um we just got this I mean it got sent out to us today I think that's just because Carrie wasn't around but no no no this this came Carrie you have your hand up you want to go ahead and yeah I believe I sent this out the Tuesday before I left uh I'm double checking that right now that sound February 15th um I can give like a little bit of information because he he came into the office to submit it and so he was talking to me a little about it so yeah he is just combining so it's just one large lot uh his intention is to this is an older building that he plans to um tear down and rebuild a new home uh he doesn't have that quite detailed out yet because he had added on to this so he doesn't know if he's going to take down that part as well or keep it and kind of build around it but yeah that was kind of the main point of it say that say that again Carrie oh sorry the main point of it was what was that last point so he's he's merging them all so it's a larger lot and he wants to it's an exist structure right there but it's much older and he's been um uh it was suggested to him that if he wanted to add on that he'd be better off um demolishing the building and rebuilding so I think they're trying to center it once it's um all these lots are merged right and then yeah okay Nathan do you have a preference for voting to tonight or waiting um I mean you know I uh I somewhat assumed we would uh vote tonight but if uh I mean people think we should wait that's uh you know the only thing is that we're supposed to do something within 21 days right so we would have to get together before our next meeting sounds like we should vote then I I would I would say so I mean you know the the thing is that uh you know this with an approval not required um you know the determination we have to make is whether or not this is something that has requires approval under the subdivision control law so and one you know and you know does this you another thing we could look at is you know does the uh does the plan that's shown you know create a violation of uh of zoning which I I don't think it it does and uh it it looks very straightforward as you said I mean it's a different kind of dynamic because it's combining as opposed to subdividing but um I mean given I I was content to wait but given the 21 Day requirement it seems like taking action since this is relatively simple seems reasonable I I think so um and Carrie we did receive a check for $70 on this one is that true yes so they uh they must have looked at the uh our stuff and figured out how much it would cost and said all right I I actually helped him with that part you did okay yeah he he came in that was like the first question he asked I was like it's funny you you asked that because we've all been discussing that like month or two ago but yeah Robert I I support going forward also oh good I was gonna ask if if if if you wanted to discuss it further um okay good um then in that case would uh does anyone have any other uh you know questions or or uh should we hear a motion to uh endorse this plan is uh approval not required don't move second any uh any other do we need any discussion on this does anyone have any uh I'll just you know note that the plan does not show a sub vision and does not appear to uh violate any uh scotsbury zoning um the yeah and just you know uh just a quick look at Google Maps I'm also just kind of confirming Lake Drive and um oakal Drive are do appear there so I think I think we're okay all right um I will uh call the rooll Raymond yay hoft hi Weston hi takea hi and I'm an i okay thank you everyone um I will uh endorse this and reach out to the applicant and make sure they get their copy of it probably with the help of Carrie as needed all right the next item on our agenda is Weck annual report and Michael has asked that this be put on the agenda so I am going to uh go ahead and say take it away Michael and um let us know what you're thinking basically so the terms the conditions of the special permit required that they submit an annual report 45 days after the new year so February 15th is when it was due um the first three years of relock I don't think the planning board did any followup and then I think the last two years we've gotten annual reports if I remember correctly last year we had some concerns about um water in the retention basins and things like that so we did a site visit in conjunction with the concom um but I think just for accountability sake we need to make sure that we do receive that annual report um and review it and then you know based on that if we have any questions as it gets warmer we can do a site visit if we want to but I think at this point just getting the the paperwork in and reminding them um I remember a few months ago we talked about um contacting them I my understanding is the contact is now guy who lives in lunenberg for next ter as opposed to the guy in Florida um but Jeff Lacy was the contact um so I I don't know I guess the first question is Nathan if you know if we gotten anything and if we didn't get anything we should someone should follow up and get that report well just quickly note that I do believe that uh that visit was probably the year before last okay just you know you might have missed it maybe even the year before that I'm not you know it's 2024 it might have been might have been all the way back in 2021 um so but uh don't quote me on that date um and then yeah it's all blur yeah and then Ashley go ahead if I think you had yeah Nathan had me reach out to them and you're GNA have to remind me because I can do a search in my email and I don't think they responded um what's the am I looking for next era is that who I yeah yeah so whenever I don't know if it was two or three meetings ago you asked if I would take that on and I did send them an email um and I'm just gonna I'm going to do a search and see if they've gotten back to me I don't think they have I think on H Tuesday November 8th yeah so I'm gonna forward you an email I have you received the email uh yeah here's the draft Yeah so then I sent it that was November 13th I'm digging so I don't know you all you all can talk and I'll dig and see if I can find anything but I can certainly follow up with them if they haven't gotten back to me or to us looks like I I just found something the last one might Emil is Nathan you're correct 2021 and Tim Garcia is the person who sent it um I don't know if he's still the contact or not oh uh so it's Spencer Woodward and he got back to me November 28th and he said thanks for the introduction we'll update our contacts for the report distributions and he wanted to know about a decommissioning bond you remember this Nathan yeah for the town of shutesbury and I'm not sure who the right contact would this for would be um a select board Town Administrator on that right and so yeah I sent that to them and that's the last so yeah I sent select board and Town Administrator um email links to them and that was Sunday December 10th and that's all that's the last time that we heard from them so when I initially reached out to them I just introduced myself and said that I'm uh establishing a point of contact related to wheel loock previously you were communicating with Jeff Lacy and he resigned and we look forward to receiving the 2023 special youth permit on we loock from next era and I'm happy to coordinate in future site visits um and he didn't he said thanks for the introduction we'll update our contacts for report distributions and then asked that question about the decommissioning bond which I have no idea what that is but I imagine you all know if they disc commmission decommission it and leave and have it standing there we have to have the money to take it down I see so should I follow up yeah okay yeah I mean if you're if you're generally asking I would say yeah I mean we sort of need them to give us an anual report if we want to sort of close the loop and have them comply with the terms of the special permit yeah because it's been it's been 45 days yeah right should I remind them of that we're supposed to get a report 45 days after the New Year okay okay we do thank you we appreciate it Ashley um all right anything anything else on U is there anything else on I don't think so um okay I think we'll uh move on next is uh General bylaw for yeah um EES or ESS is it um electric stor system I might have wrote EES and then wrote an acronym for ESS though figure that right if if it's okay I'd sort of like to flip them for flow um and sort of go from what might be perceived as less complicated to more complicated is that right you want to do the miscellaneous amendments associate per yeah yeah exactly so I'll share my screen just uh that was dumb I KCK the wrong button um oh Carrie can you uh let me share yes sorry I a little slow with it bigger so all three of these you guys got um the updated version and I'll just say on the front end um I really appreciate the feedback um special call out to Keith who did some ma major reading and thoughtfulness providing um mostly in the ESS one but um you know Jeff Weston provided comments and Steve did as well which is great so in this one this is sort of the this miscellaneous amendments um and there shouldn't be much new in a lot of these but um up here this was Jeff just had a correction here about capitalizing the m so that was straightforward what Michael are we supposed to be looking at the draft ESS because right now we're looking at the agenda really that's not what I'm looking at okay hold on a second sorry that would facilitate uh let's see hold [Music] on how's that that's better okay cool great um so this first upop on Top Just Jeff had suggested making is a capital M that seems like a reasonable thing um there was Jeff had a question about this language here about the associate member as and I had this I checked with our legislators who then in turn checked with the uh the council for the legislator to make sure that we had the wording right um I didn't want us to be voting on something that wasn't appropriate so this is the wording that got the thumbs up um from the council for the legislature so um and that's basically just just affirming that our home rule petition about associate members will um be enacted um right now the the law got changed but we have to change our bylaw to say that we want to adopt that um the review criteria is where we had a lot of the conversation and comments last time and one of the things that folks rightly said is that there was some duplicative um language so I tried to make it less um duplicative in that regard um and so the some of the wording is well it's this is it's different in terms of Public Health welfare and safety up here and then the comments about environmental concerns are in the second one so I think with this I only changed a little bit this with respect to someone had a comment um and then further down the blue is the stuff that's changed between last meeting and now so sort of Minal um until you get to down here and this is where I tried to sort of make it a little less duplicative a little bit better organized so that um you are reading it there was some language in the previous version like if you look at the bottom damage to lakes and streams um that got captured elsewhere um so that's that those changes there um I think Keith you might have been the person I can't remember at this point who suggested separability or was Donna um but have we added separability and the idea oh was Donna I think because she said if any of these things in the criteria didn't withstand attorney general um scrutiny that just make it explicit that although the entire zoning bylaw has se ability putting it in here um and then I just fine tune this to basically say that if we were to um do the the Minimus approval that it would be approving it in the same manner that uh a special permit is required so those are the changes there so not dramatic um anyone have any comments or suggestions and I guess I would say the hope is for all of these three like we talked about last time that for the two that are zoning amendments we can bring it forth for a hearing on April 8th so my thought is if there's any tweaks tonight I I can make them and we have some kind of agreement so that we can sort of move forth and make sure that they're posted um in in time for people to see them before hearing um so that's sort of I think what the process could be um so any thoughts on I have a question I have a question about 12C and it says um it's probably just fine how it is but um especially in areas designated by Commonwealth of Massachusetts uh I'm just wondering like designated as what is it bio that's a good question you know well yeah I mean I was trying to capture that whole big clump of stuff you know so there's all these different designations biomap being one of them um right it's a great question um and a good catch uh I think it's and it's related to the but yeah it's the the wildlife habitats and the you know the forest ecology Etc um do you have a suggestion to make it a little bit crisper I don't know I mean it might it might be repetitive but uh it just it feels like it just ends and it's very general like if we just took this took that out I don't know about that more like should you add to it and say as biomap or as critical wildlife habitat or um I could I don't think I I could do including I think is probably more appropriate in this sense um especially in AR including oh as okay yeah no that you're right uh landscape well those are included biomap it's really biomap yeah I mean there's other ones that are designated but that's sort of the the key one I also you know I don't know so much about this but I know um sometimes it's better to be more General because then you're not wrong exactly ah Keith is raising his hand I was just gonna say Keith and Tom and I finally found the button um hey uh up 12a back to uh our discovery of public versus private drinking water supplies in town yeah we do technically have public drinking water wells maybe that that 12a where it says especially affecting private drinking water wells either leave it just drinking water wells or public or private or public and private drinking water wells okay that's good catch I get mixed up is is that effecting or aecting oh I that's one of the ones I hate I I think it's aecting but I wouldn't bet a whole lot of money on it Tom Jeff Tom know yeah that that would be the a okay it's a team effort here I love it cool and does anyone have a suggestions on uh what Ashley was suggesting in terms of C does it make sense to say as biomap I that doesn't no it's it's it's sort of doesn't I mean it it could include that but the way I just wrote it doesn't work is there like a an adjective that we could use before areas especially in something areas or just in designated areas or it might be fine as it is but I this sounds a little abrupt you could say especially in areas designated as such by the common there you go really yes cool are there designations for all those categories like is Forest ecology a designation it not as not not as far as ecology but in terms of forested areas that are critical to for preservation so they don't have I guess that doesn't exclude any there it only okay I just wanted to make sure it didn't exclude anything yeah I get it cool that was good you know that that could be problematic because yeah you know destruction of uh Wetlands you know the state could have something designated Wetland so it's like a little bit um yeah it wasn't there originally so we could just take it out I would almost uh say take it out yeah um make sure you get that comma replaced with a period yeah yeah y you know I I apologize Michael because I I haven't really had time to go through and you know come up with uh any edits if I would have them but you know I've been thinking about about this a little bit and you know I realized part of this is you know existing right and and you're just adding to existing things but I was I was thinking about this uh you know General findings and and then you know specific findings and I was wondering if it's you know qu quite a a high Bar for a decision by the planning board so you know for each of these points the planning board would have to you know come up with a finding that you know it that meets these uh criteria and you know this is something that the applicant would uh not not likely challenge but if we don't do a a very good job uh with these findings and you know another stakeholder other than the applicant decided to challenge our decision then it could be uh a a vulnerability of sorts you know I I haven't really done this this part of the process very much you know we did do the special permit uh recently and you know I don't know that uh we would have I don't know how thoroughly we went through this list when we did that yeah well I guess two things one is that you know Donna sort of supported this approach um so that's sort of how we started on this path um but I think you know going the other way is to just have be vague and I think then you're you open yourself up as well because you be missing things um we don't need to provide you know scientifically documented evidence of these things it's just a matter we have to address them so when you write up the findings it's going through and saying 1 two 3 four five um a a lot of these additional ones are really sort of for Industrial Level you know for a residential there's you know they won't be applicable and I think that would be the answer um you know so like looking at 10 um for residential there's not going to be substantial Financial legal liability so you could just say not applicable um right I guess that's uh that's true I'll help you if you have to do the conditions since I'm making it a longer list all right so with this if there's a good chance you won't be helping me at all if uh you know if any of the special permit applications for non-residential uses we get are uh related to uh uh solar energy oh that's true that's true Keith should I go back down oh you're hey um so back back um just Dawn so the one uh will not create uh this one go will not oh number 11 will not create increased risk to the public health safety is there a way to say will not create uh instead of increased risk because lots of things create increased risk but it's Dom Minimus right so could it be will not create unreasonable risk again or or it could be significant but you know significant or excessive yeah I don't know but just I making it yeah concrete like that yeah just some kind of Wiggly word even though yeah hate that you hate them yes I we're in the same camp it's it's a weird irony yeah will not create unacceptable risk there you go that sound Robert yeah love it this I would say this is where the geeky me comes out it's really fun having all these Minds working together um so thank you any other thoughts or so I would suggest because we basically I'm G to pull this one down for a minute uh so if this makes sense na I I would say that well it's either we we just don't vote on it and we move it you know we we agree I guess what this is the vote the motion I would make is that we move to accept this version to post for consideration for public hearing um because we're not approving it we're really just sort of making it available and then after public hearing we would then vote to bring it to town meeting so the two things we would do now is post it for public hearing and send it to the select board for so they can see it um and for for those who are new to this process it's a little weird with zoning bylaws because what happens is that the planning board holds the public hearing but we're required to send it to the select board for them to put their eyeballs on it but they don't they don't even vote on it they just see it um and that's essentially because the select board owns the town warrant for town meeting so when I was on the select board we would get these things and it would sort of be like okay great next agenda item um but we do have to send it to them so it's on their agenda so um if you want I can make the motion just since it's in my head or unless someone else wants to try to do it um Nathan you have an opinion [Music] um no yeah I mean I think that uh you so we would uh just you know we could have a motion to yeah to uh move forward with a a a hearing on this uh you know as I during the meeting right yeah I think it's two things to move forward on this this version to public hearing and to send this a copy to the select board so those are the so those are the two things that we would be doing at this point yeah now that sounds reasonable to me I mean you I mean yeah yeah that's that's that's great so moved seconded okay any uh any discussion I have a question this is this would ultimately end up being a special town meeting right like it's too we would get it in by April okay yeah the the plan that we just discussed last time was if if we're voting to move this to a public hearing then Carrie will have enough time to post it for an April 8th which is our next scheduled meeting and that would be the public hearing and then it's a few weeks after that for town meeting but it's usually the bigger crunch is the not they have to do two successive notices prior to the public hearing so we have enough time for that if we do it now um and then after the public hearing all we have to do is um do a a report from the committee to town meeting which can be a written or an oral one um so we do have time for regular town meeting um and that report uh gets the uh gets the items on the agenda um sending it to the select board gives it gives them a heads up if we want it on the agenda that's sort of that's the trigger okay yeah that's all right very good um I will uh any other comments discussion I'll call the rooll Raymond hi hicraft hi hi Weston I and I'm an i okay thank you all for that one um so the next one I'll do is the lighting one um and just we've all seen these before so the color coding is just to differentiate what we've discussed um so with this one I think let's see we're in February I think we talked about this in December um Donna looked at it and had a couple of suggestions that you wanted me to add um so the only thing here is stuff in blue that has been added since we had the last conversation in December I I'll backtrack to this background for a minute but um Donna wanted to get more specific in terms of some tech the terms of low intensity lighting and I it was something else before but warm temperature lighting um to get it more specific so it was clear what that was uh the edit here is from Jeff um so 800 lumens and Below initially I was trying not to get into the weeds because as I research the the specs around lighting are really specific and I think for most people you know your eyes start Crossing and really at least my intent was to keep it you know friendly and clear as opposed to highly technical um but Donna had asked to put this in so I tried to achieve that with what she was asking um Donna had also suggested she said do you want to address lighting of flags or monuments um and so I thought this was a a pretty simple way to address it just say that uh the nighttime illumination flags of Monument not consistent with the requirements of the spot shall be prohibited so we're not creating any new categories we're just calling that out um and then this is the next two things are things for us to discuss um enforcement's tricky I think we talked about it last time you know that one could have the Building Inspector Inspector be the enforcer but the reality is the building inspector who shared by multiple towns and works for furog is not going to come out in the middle of the night to see what the lighting situation is um and in doing reading you know oftentimes this is among neighbors so it's I don't I don't I've never seen a bylaw that actually says this first sentence but it seems like there's no harm in saying that people should talk to each other first um and then bring it to the select board um which struck me so the worst part of being on the select board for me and I think many others is that you listen to dog hearings it's not sort of why you sign up for select board but you the select board is who listen is the Arbiter for dog hearings and this you know those are highly emotional neighbor to neighbor kind of things and it seemed like this is in that same category um and I don't think I'm running for select board again so it's fine to have them do it um so that's how I sort of got to to them being the body as opposed to the you know you could you could also have the police do it uh I think that's sort of UPS the anti a little bit although going to the select board the select board can figure out who you know who follows up staff-wise you know it could be the police chief taking a visit which is happens in dog hearings it could be the Town Administrator um it could just happen to select board meeting and something gets decided um so that's sort of one conversation and then I'll just mention this other one we can do both so there's two ways to do the effective date so the straight on normal way would be on April 27th when we have town meeting that everything then and after would have to comply and everything prior um would be exempt unless there was significant improvements in the property what n Tucket did is wanted to have it come up just um a standard for everybody but they gave them a window um and so I basically took that approach as well which is to say within three years of town meeting all all life fixures um should conform you know there's sort of practicality and politics involved in that um the if it's just effective as a town meeting anyone who's got anything in place doesn't have to worry because they're not effective so it's sort of an easier vote there's less people who might feel like you know they're getting ding for something um the other one means that everyone has to comply but creates a a period of time to do that so those are those are the two questions I guess it would be helpful to sort of get board feedback on and the red right there the parties that are affected is Jeff Weston's edits I see Keith has his hand up is that a legacy hand from last time or no no it's it's a real one um and it was actually from back at the the The Monuments and flag poles oh okay may although this one you're on is much more interesting um uh and I again I don't know if there's anybody in town that keeps a flag lit all night I think the US flag code is if you fly the American flag at night it has to be lighted for flag etiquette or whatever again I don't know that that has any but there may be dieh hard folks in town I don't know if anybody if that would apply to anybody or not but [Music] um it's something to keep in mind that there may be there may be concern about that that's actually why I wrote it the way I did which it doesn't say that you can't WR it it just has to be in a can't shine in somebody's window yeah and you know it can't be like the the neoni kind of Lights has reasonable okay yeah I don't know what benefit there is to to listing it but um I mean I guess saying that you know uh didn't say we had to she just said you might want to consider it so I thought I'd put it in there because she's been around the block a little bit yeah and you don't know what might come down the PIP um did did you send this to her afterwards no she just she just said you might want to address it it seemed like this is a very because she might have been thinking something like you know nothing in this bylaw is to be you know uh for the purpose of prohibiting the lighting of uh in monuments no that no that was she she and I talked a little bit about it but it that was definitely not the intent okay yeah [Music] um and Tom has his hand up too hi um it's not about the flag pole if it's okay to go to the um enforcement one uh I had a question or two to help me a little bit and maybe a suggestions I don't know um are or is it fair to say that the affected parties are the same thing as the complainant and the prop property owner and if they are would that be more specific language it you know I I can't think of a scenario where it wouldn't be but I think getting back to sort of something Ashley and Keith said earlier like you know the less sometimes less specific there might be some weird thing where I mean I just wondered how it would come onto the radar of any count board like the planning board or whever unless a complaint were made so it would seem it would be that party and the party who owns the light yes I just wanted to know if that's a fair equivalency or if there are other affected parties that are known to exist or just that might exist I it's it's it's a good suggestion I don't know what other people think well it it is uh somewhat reasonable I think um you know the complain it in the uh is there not um know a landowner sounds right you know could be a uh you know a leasy I know should be included but I don't know the owner supersedes the tenant I mean there you know it's uh that's getting into potentially complicated legal questions if there was a uh like a lease agreement that stipulated that the tenant You Know M you know must uh comply with all you know zoning or anything you know not you know not do anything to break the laws I don't know if the uh obviously you know if you have a if you're a property owner in town and you know there's a a bylaw zoning bylaw violation on your property you know it may be difficult to just kind of completely uh you know say well it's not my responsibility I'm renting that uh land out and I have a tenant that's responsible for that you also also might have a land owner where there's no one residing on the land right well I mean that that's fine and dandy and I mean if if you know we can find out who the the land owner is and their address of record with the assessors office um but yeah if there was like a tenant situation uh that could potentially complicate things uh that that's my only concern with that language yeah so uh is there is there like a an opposite number to a complainant well it does say if a lighting offense may exist so it's putting it in that context you know there's there is a problem and there's affected parties I feel like it's okay that way because that's inclusive it's not you know it could be a tenant it could be uh a stable where there's animals that's owned by somebody that doesn't even live on the property or any other situation my thoughts I think the way that it's it's worded is okay that helps I was just I couldn't figure out exactly what the parties would be could I ask another question about the same sentence about the discussion sure would it be um I wondered what the thought is if the thought is that this discussion would have already happened before the offense may exist phase or is this something that would be imposed and would it be volunt AR or would it be moderated um so I wondered about a voluntary moderated discussion that you know people have the opt out to or do they have an opt out like to that part um Can it Skip To The Next Step um just I didn't know how that discussion would be structured or expected to be structured that's a good point because you might have two parties that really uh there might be some real animosity that you don't want to put them together yeah I don't I don't get I mean what I was thinking was that it's on that level it's sort of you know you all talk to each other and if they can't talk to each other then it does go to the select board so you know if they can't get along I don't I don't think we could um provide guidance and how people talk to each other in this you know through a bylaw context you know what I was imagining is if I was on the select board and two people came before and someone said you know the light sh shining in my bedroom I can't go to sleep blah blah blah the first question that would be asked is have you talked to each other and tried to resolve it um and so and if they said no the first order of business would be go have a conversation then come back next month and report on what happened um so is mostly trying to enforce that and how that happens among the two of them it might be amiable it might be not I think you can come back the next meeting and say you know so and so didn't want to talk to me and that that sort of you know that means the con the discussion did not resolve the issue um so that was how I was imagining it yeah so maybe what about instead of because if a lighting offense may exist the first level enforcement so maybe if we could word that first part as if if a lighting offense may exist and the parties cannot resolve through discussion and then have it go to who whoever's next select board right you know I maybe we could just do a separate section before enforcement that says uh you know dispute resolution you know the town does encourage neighbors that uh you know you know the the the town does encourage um people uh to attempt to resolve this uh resolve any issues that may constitute a violation of this bylaw privately before you know uh pursuing a uh formal uh enforcement that was good but you say before pursuing a what before pursuing formal enforcement and I had another thought on enforcement which is that uh you there's several sections in the bylaw um that say something like you know a plan is not approved like a permit is not issued uh if any violation of the bylaw or or you know if anything on the parcel exists that violates the bylaw right so that would mean that if uh someone is applying for anything uh any kind of uh permit or anything like that if there's a violation of the lighting by bylaw that could prevent them from proceeding with that but not all applications for permits come to a board right you know building permits are just issued um know it could be a building permit for a shed right um so what I think the relevancy there would be if the plans had lighting that was inappropriate well the rency would be if I have lights on my property that are bothering my neighbor and then you know nothing happens right you know like the SEL you know let's just but then you know uh next year you know with nothing having been done to uh fix that lighting situation you know I go to the building inspector for a permit to build a shed or something you know trivial um or or to any you know any kind of site plan review or any kind of uh you know board approval right you know you say you I need this they you know in theory you could say all right well you know you've got a zoning violation on account of your lights so you can't you know we're not going to issue any permits or approve anything until you address that but then the question is all right well how would anyone know if there was a zoning violation yeah I mean my general take on this is is this a sort of establishing norms and expectations you know the whole policing of it is well right I mean that's that's exactly it the policing of it does get tricky um and you know like I said I did not um I just unfortunately was wasn't able to do deep Dives on some of this stuff like I wanted to but uh you just kind of I mean this just seems to me like an example of where you know if if any of those situations where you know you don't get what you want if you got a zoning violation on your property like you know like if you built your own garage and it's you know within 25 ft of the side Lot line right and then you go to maybe you know after the fact act for ACT ask for a permit for it or or or something else you know you uh you know there's Provisions already in our bylaw say you know you can't do it if if you don't have a if if you're violating the bylaw and I I don't know what they all are I just know I've seen that language in there and that you know I apologize for kind of you know having this kind of lackluster approach but it seems to me that basically what I'm getting at is you know give the put in just something simple like if there's a you know the the planning board she'll have the ability to determine if a violation exists of this bylaw you wanted to the planning board well or you know maybe somebody um it seems like I mean that the way this is structured is that most I mean it it's a going to the select board is a high bar for most people in terms of complaining so if someone wants to complain they're going to do it but most people will not um and they'll either say it's tolerable I can live with it you know I'll put curtains up or you know I don't want to give my neighbor a hard time so I'd rather not go to the select board and I'll change the light bulb you know it's like I it's but I don't know I think we're it shouldn't come to the planning board I think that's it's way too formal and I don't think I don't feel like it should go to the police that seems like a bad Vibe for shitur yeah yeah no that's uh well um yeah no I was just trying to uh not so much set up a process for it to come to the planning board but just give the planning board the ability to uh or or any you know the planning board or the zoning board or the select board really it would make sense to be able to make that determination so you know anytime any you know any Board gets one of those applications um or the building inspector right uh you know they could take that into consideration um and withhold approval for uh you know for a zoning a lighting zoning violation so B it's just kind of say you know the idea is to try and say like you know if you have a VI a lighting violation you know you're not going to get your building permit or or whatever other permit you need so you suggesting the building inspector should be able to wave a violation or is that what you're suggesting or the inverse I'm suggesting that uh you know any any any any Town issued permit uh you know can be withheld um if a violation of this bylaw exists on exists um where they uh on the property where the permit is being issued building related permit I mean not like a dog license right no not like a dog license and probably not something like a well or a septic either I suppose although you know maybe but uh you know I don't really like that I don't know I mean you know that's like I said you know I don't really have this as a such a polished thing I'm you know it's kind of late to the party and Ill prepared unfortunately but uh Robert I guess what's coming up for me is um why bring it up at all a violation uh of the lighting law is uh is the business of the building inspector and I don't think you have to pass provision to uh specify that so uh leaving it would be my uh preference I think okay yeah that's that's fair I guess how does it work with dogs oh how do how does the enforce like if someone has a complaint and it's you know and it comes before the select board what's the protocol to get it there um we actually have a town dog officer um and so the complaint goes to the dog usually it goes to the police and then the police show up and then they say hey we have a a dog officer the dog officer gets involved and then it's usually the dog officer and the police who talk to the party talk to the complaining neighbor um do some research at some point it can go to the select board um okay I think when I was on select board for three years we probably had at least two different cases one of them came back to the select board repeatedly um so but it's a select board that makes the decision and it's anything from do nothing to kill the dog and everything in between um literally I mean that's it's so I think it's up to the select board you know that they can there is that wiggle room that the select board can say there's a reasonable Middle Ground here um you know you know I think that's sort of um you know ultimately the idea is can we create some expectations and also have a process where you know we can remain neighborly as opposed to litigious um yeah I think that's what I was trying to strike the balance on right and obviously it's a different situation because it's a safety issue with dogs but and we have a dog officer is no I um I I agree with Robert to a certain extent that I think just stating just having the bylaw is a tool of enforcement in itself because if somebody does have an issue with their neighbor and the lighting and whatever they can look at the bylaw and maybe they would come before the planning board much like whoever that woman was that started all this and just say does something like this exist is there anything that can be done and we could say oh there's a bylaw why don't you check it out you know and um but I understand the need to have something for enforcement as well um I like the idea of saying we encourage residents to resolve issues by you know um referring to this bylaw and seeing if there's any violations and if issues can't be resolved then yeah I guess it's got to go to somebody else H have you talked at the select board about this yeah so okay we'll see what happens but he has got his hand up yeah when you talk the the dog issue is that dog like a menacing dog or Barking Dog both is is there a noise or do we have a noise bylaw because there was a rooster issue too wasn't there yeah no we don't have a noise ordinance okay it's kind of the same thing yeah yeah I mean I mean one of the issues was the dog barking in the backyard because the person would go off to work and leave the dog in the backyard yeah you know there's a remedies in the in the bylaw that say you know uh the board of selectman or building inspector if authorized you know may uh take uh any lawful action deemed necessary to prevent a remedy of violation um fines so on and so forth so uh you know maybe we should just add something that uh you know um section uh 10.2 shall also app be applicable yeah there's got to be some kind of just boilerplate language that would kind of well yeah that's that's what's in the yeah Force section 10.2 um has all that um so uh shall uh shall also be applicable cool yeah I think that's good okay so how about this other part the effective date should it be April 7 27th moving forward or should it be give people a few years to come into compliance does anyone know if there's any U EX exting violations what do you mean you oh for lighting yeah Leever Road no longer has flood lights that's probably the was the most obvious one you know they were doing it when they were building I think since they moved in they taken them down I don't I I'm not aware of any yeah um Michael if your question on 8126 is which of the two Alternatives I would favor the first I uh then net approach for me is uh is too much uh and probably largely unenforceable that is probably a correct assessment I agree with Robert I think it'll make it more palatable to people as well and give people a little bit less to be upset about if they're going to get upset about this if we're not also telling them they have to change things and it also could become um a cost to people to have to replace their light bulbs or their fixtures or whatever and that could be a problem for some people well and just having this bylaw and bringing attention to it may because I suspect a lot of people have never even given this one second of thought and it may be almost self-correcting you know if there are people may reconsider the lights they have um cool yeah I I I like the ne Tucket approach but uh you know just kind of I don't know it just gives a I give there's something out there that does cause a problem and gives us a way to potentially deal with it but um Robert's probably right it's probably un enforceable I'm not sure how uh how much you can change things you know the bylaw for something exist a zoning bylaw for something that's existing um I remember in town meeting um actually I remember the name I won't mention him um concerned about having to spend money to modify what he had already done um because of a possible new law so that was um a kickback for that Kickback for that change so that person probably would be much happier with the effective date and that way he wouldn't have to spend money on changing things um I think it had to do with um um something like changing anything within 100 feet of a Vernal Pond and he was concerned of um violations of um if the law was changed then he had to um retrofit things that he had done before so I think there will be less a kickback certainly if there's an effective date but it sounds like there's consensus on this one um might have nice beaches but it doesn't work for us for lighting so yeah what what do they say choose your battles I don't know that's the battle we need to choose yeah I I would agree um I put it in there just because it was intriguing and I wanted us to at least just the do what we just did um so with any other thoughts on this you want to can we wrap this one up move to the ESS or the as Nathan calls it the EES bylaw um cool so I'll take this down so I will move to um Advance this version of the lighting bylaw to public hearing and to send it to the select board um as appropriate second call the roll Raymond I Weston hi poft hi hi and I'm I so the last one um and I got I just want to say I really do appreciate all the thoughtful discussion on this stuff it's it's really I appreciate it um let's see hold on I thought I was getting this all queued up to share um yeah that's sh here we go okay um so this one I don't think actually let me just check one quick thing I'm pretty sure this we're looking at the right version um but I just I CED it up but I'm just second the first page Michael no I know I'm just I just want to see uh stop sharing for a sec sorry [Music] um yes that is okay that was the right one so let me get it up there again um so this one benefited by a lot of Steve brussell had some comments and then like I mentioned earlier Keith did a lot of um rewarding and making things a little more clear and raise some issues that we added in so I didn't do the color coding on this one because it um hopefully you guys got to read it um because there's just a lot of changes but in terms of some of the things that we added I'm just G to cruise through um a lot Keith you can help me with things that you called out a lot of it was just making it more clear there was this Keith had made the point that a lot of the stuff was in terms of battery related storage there might be non-battery related storage coming down the pike it's not commercially available yet so we just put it in there as a placeholder um we had we added severability at the end was an addition and oh the other the other part was right here um some of the background about lithium iron storage this background here was at the beginning and Keithan pointed out that um the background really should be about en energy storage at the outset like the sort of the intro intro um and then I didn't want to I thought this was relevant so I just moved it down to the lithium ion battery section um what else is there that was new yeah this is the separability part that we put in but um a lot of it was just sort of making things more clear reorganizing them a little bit but Keith is there stuff that you wanted to share if you have your notes there I I don't have my notes with me but no I think I think what you put you put together like a really good skeleton and it was all I did was again may maybe a little bit of organization and Clarity stuff but I think everything was pretty much in there um I don't I don't remember adding anything okay okay anyone have any thoughts if you've ReRe it um I mean substantively as as said the the orientation didn't shift it was making sure that it was crisper that we included a couple of Concepts that were not there um but and this one is different that it will not be a zoning bylaw so it will be a general ordinance which means that um it'll be going to the select board for the select board to put on the warrant um they don't have to do a public hearing my thought is it might be beneficial to do a public hearing um and then the effect there's no effective date it just exists so that everything's got to be in compliance with this um so Michael I went through it um I didn't find any corrections it's um incredibly uh incredibly well written so thank you for all of your efforts it looks like no one else is raising their hand um should I take it down and we could just do the motion does that work for people and okay yep Nathan are you there I am here I just figured off camera while you were discussing this general b that's okay I just didn't oh that's right sorry um it's quite all right I didn't I didn't want to make a motion without in case you had to step away I I can call a roll on this point okay so I think I I'll move to um have the planning board recommend this is this General bylaw to the select board for um the warrant for town meeting for 2024 um I think basically what we're doing is recommending this for that they put it on so I guess I'll stop on my motion for a second just sort of give background I was going to share General law on this but basically warrant articles can come from different parties to the select board the select board like I said earlier owns the warrant so they put things on um so like we've seen before citizen petitions can get on um so you just need 10 for a regular town meeting you need 10 signatures from citizens you can put a citizen petition on the planning board the zba the concom like with the wetlands bylaw there the ones who sort of brought it to the select board and then the select board puts it on the warrant article on on the warrant so what we would be doing as the planning board is basically recommending that this go onto the warrant for town meeting so that that would be the motion that I'm I'm making if that's helpful um so I'll move the planning board recommend um the energy storage system General bylaw for placement on the 20124 warrant town meeting warrant second I I've got one question um so the the version you're going to send the select board now will Donna get a chance to look at it one more time or the select board make comments on it I mean so Donna Donna always looks at things again um and sometimes I wish she did it sooner than later but um you know we've had additions on town meeting FL floor because she looked at it a few days prior to the meeting and caught something even though she'd seen it two or three times so I'm highly confident that she'll look at it and I think based on this up if it makes sense I can send it to her and say this is what we recommended the select board I would assume the select board would also ask that question has Donna looked at this and you know I guess I would what I would say to the select board is Don's reviewed it she actually recommended this course of action um but she should look at it again because we can always tweak it and uh so it's it's true and I'm G to just talk here in discussion not about the uh this particular General bylaw but just that high level process um yeah I think you know you kind of touched on that Michael uh there's boards that you know individuals in the town I think there's lots of different avenues for getting a general bylaw you know on the town on the warrant but it goes to the select board because they own the warrant right so in other you know by you know with this vote for a general bylaw the board is going to more or less endorse it as uh as is written and uh then it's going to be sent to the select board as uh you know being endorsed by the planning board and I presume that there are Provisions in uh the general laws that provide that we can do that so yeah and then if they were you know they feel like we need to tweak something um you know based on Donna I'm not clear if like they just do it or if they asked us to do it like that I'm not clear on that but I think there's clearly an Avenue for making changes if Town Council requires it or suggests it just so we don't get caught like the D Wetland thing snafu um oh a good to avoid that yeah I yeah so anyway that's uh is there any other further discussion okay I I will call the rooll Raymond hi hi coft hi Weston hi deira hi and I will abstain from this vote great Carrie Carrie sorry I just have a quick question so since all three of the bylaw amendments are going to select board when I'm drafting the um notice for the public hearing are all three going to be discussed in one public hearing no only two the the the first two that we did will be in the public hearing okay and then the ESS one is up to the select board decide if they want to do it okay and we'll uh take special care to make sure we get that um notice right on the uh public hearing whether or not it needs to be separate notices or or what but we'll we'll make sure we kind of uh take a close look at that okay I've done this once I think it was my first year but and then there's a um check sheet for it like a to follow along I haven't looked at it since but I'll pull that up tomorrow and I think the only thing that I would I took away from the ag ag slapdown of uh the solar bio last year is that in the notice we just want to make sure that we have enough content there that people take away you know what the bylaw is about coming into the public hearing you know it's sort of IM balance because all these things cost a lot of money but um I think the AG had made some side comment that you know it wasn't there wasn't enough information in our notice um for people to know what it was so I think that's the only we just want to make sure that we're clear on that okay I'll start looking at it and drafting tomorrow just so we can get it done as soon as possible and have it ready I appreciate yeah no problem Mary that's your question Nathan before we get Mary do you want in terms of the the ESS one would you like to send that to the select board would you like me to I would ask that you do it yes um I mean you know you can uh I'll see see you I just yeah yeah yeah but um you know you should uh I I would designate you to uh represent the planing board in that matter and just so everyone knows I'll put these on the on the website so that they'll be publicly available in the next couple days for people to review um so yeah excellent all right Mar Mary Lou are you trying to address the board I have a general question I I I have a point of clarification per se um perhaps Carrie may be able to answer me I'm not sure but I just sent an email to you Nathan and to you Michael as well as Carrie they all bounced back and I'm curious what exactly and if the planning board other members know about this and why that would have happened thank you oh that that could be um an issue with the email addresses you put in uh Mary Lou if if if that bounced back then that's uh nothing nothing to do with us um so I would I know you've got some emails uh already in there so the the best thing may be to uh do some copy and pasting out of those I don't know if you do the uh the copy and pasting as much but uh just to make sure you know I can only conclude that if you had an email bounce back that the email address that you entered was incorrect or there's some kind of serious issue with Google right now okay so Nathan just quickly I don't have I don't use Google um it's the same address I've been using forever the 18 years of lived here and yeah I'm just confused who would I speak to more than the planning board to find out about that Michael might you know about the email yeah yeah just now at 8:30 something PM this evening it it it all bounced back it actually is saying Carrie I don't know if you know about email reject did and I find that quite curious does it you have any attachments in the email I'm sorry do you have any attachments no it's just a straight email does it say any that doesn't give any reason it just says rejected is there anything else it says when it bounces back because usually when I have an email bounc back it'll say like invalid email address or something along those lines um um I would have to further look at it but usually why I won't send I'm sorry usually it'll give a reason in the when it says it's not sending usually it'll explain why in that email very good is there any way I can speak with you Carrie to further clarify what happened um if you'd like to visit me during my office hours I can try to take a look and help but I can't guarantee I know what um okay service you use I'll find that out thank you good yep okay what's next on our agenda here we have minutes we got to approve some minutes I believe all right so we have 9:12 9:26 and 1018 I think we're out there um so uh Carrie are you uh or is anyone uh prepared to talk about any of these I'm ready to move on them if you want me to all right um why don't you do so uh Michael I'll move to approve the minutes of September 12 2023 second all right any discussion that was a select board meeting where we appointed Ashley as a plan board member what is that sound sounds like a air compressor I think it's coming from Jeff but now that you're muted you're good you're on notice Jeff it's my furnace I'm so sorry please forgive me all right um thanks Jeff uh I'm only kidding all right um okay uh I'll call the rooll for a minutes of uh 912 Raymond I pprt I Weston hi dicka hi and I'm an i okay um 920 so yeah this uh I'll move to approve minutes of September 26 2023 is there okay all right so discussion on this one um I uh Michael I I think I sent you an email Michael um and I I don't know I don't think anything's subsequently gone out from this but I believe that the uh the copy of the minutes I saw um had our vote for appointing Keith Hast but there was uh we we did take a vote on on Michael's motion to postpone the discussion which I don't think made it into the minutes and I you know I apologize if I didn't you know kind of take enough steps to get that so we may just have to you know I don't uh we could potentially uh throw that in right now just to get it in there because it is a a vote that needs to be you know per open meeting law needs to be recorded in the minutes um so we don't need to you know go you know obviously there was uh we can kind of keep the summary of the discussion uh somewhat concise but uh we do need to have something in there for that I appreciate that I I I don't remember your email but I think your recommendation makes sense that if Carrie can just say what the motion was and then with the vote was that's probably sufficient okay I think I saw a email saying that there was a motion Miss but I wasn't sure what it was because I don't think I was at this meeting so I was only going off of Select word minutes but um yeah I can I can go back and find it and put it chronologically where it was in the discussion of the minutes well all right so then we'll skip it and we'll just get that in next time that's fine all right um take me too long would it make sense to uh withdraw have uh at this point with a motion in a second can Michael withdraw his motion or should we just uh vote it down for now I well I would say since it was my motion I'm I'm happy to just sort of approve it with the anticipated amendment that what would be included would be the motion and the vote it's pretty straightforward um so it would move things along I'm okay with that or I can withdraw it whichever is easier your call yeah that that's uh yeah that's that's okay so uh I I think we would basically car would just insert Jak move blah blah blah the you know the vote was okay yeah all right yeah so we'll just yeah just the motion the second the and the vote all right um all all right um I'll call the role um Raymond hi Ashley I Weston I Akira I and I will vote I on that as well okay got great so I'll move to approve the minutes of October 18 2023 second discussion all right I will call the rooll poft I Raymond hi yira hi Weston hi I'm I that's great I'm glad to get caught up on some minutes makes me very happy that's why we're here um updates from chair uh what do I have what do I have I put this in as a catch all in case I forgot anything on the agenda I almost forgot uh posting entirely so uh um I've got here that piece of paper that uh I had everyone sign and it now has a book in page in the uh Franklin County registry with s and that is uh authorizing me to endorse uh plans on behalf of the board uh when a majority of the board votes so uh just in time for this uh most recent anr uh Carrie you have your hand up uh did you did they give you like a receipt with the book and page number on it they did do you think I could have a copy for the office I uh I certainly hope so yes and also you know I got to figure out uh reimbursement because I did shell out 105 big ones yeah if you um yeah as long as I have a copy of the receipt then I could I could do that for you that's outstanding I can have the check mailed to you or if you'd rather pick it up I it would take probably like a week or so but whatever you prefer yeah no you know I'll uh I'll get something in there and uh yeah we can figure that out that's great okay um another quick note I wanted to make was that uh you know I I did uh I went and reached out to uh the uh jca Jewish community of amorist Karen rhods from the cemetery and just uh let her know that and we had a discussion and you know the zoning by law setbacks does not apply to uh grave though it could apply to structures like tombs or mausoleums or that kind of thing and I just you know left it at that just so that you know to kind of close the loop on that um so uh that was that you know the other thing I want to mention what was [Music] it was there another thing my thing is on the agenda your other thing is on the agenda yeah oh no yeah I was just going to mention that with the letter we sent to Kohl's um with the uh the sentence that uh Jeff asked us to put in um saying you know including but not limited to uh you know there was the way that it was written on the screen during that discussion um was a little choppy so I did add a a couple words in there just to kind of make it a clearer statement I added the two words uh for reasons you know it was something like you know the uh you know the board you know disapproves of all four plans four reasons including but not limited to the following so without the four reasons in there it was like you we just approved the plans including but not Li limited to the following it was just a little bit not quite a complete sentence um so I did uh you know I was going to try and you I had concerns about making a change like that uh without you know going back to the board and having a vote even though it's a minor change and it's not a material change um but after discussing it with a few different uh people I uh decided to just go ahead and do that just so that it would look like a more uh reasonable sentence and not something you know uh that was done on a fly in a meeting so uh and just a note you know when I I would say that uh you know whenever we're making edits on a fly in a meeting uh we got to just take particular care uh particular care to make sure that those do uh flow together nicely with uh you know in and of themselves and and with the uh surrounding uh language just to because it's it's on the Fly and it's easy to make a mistake when you're doing things on the fly so uh it's just a just a best practice is note on that and that was all I had um to say Carrie I was just going to add that um I sent that out on Thursday after we talked we did I sent a the big packet to um WD Kohl's um registered with return receipt which was a pain I will admit trying to get that done it seems to be a very complicated process I was talking to the post um the the Postman at the uh office and he said that in his years that he's been here he think he's only done like three or four so it's not a very common pra practice either but um they did get sent out and when I come in tomorrow I should have the return receipts thank you Carrie you're welcome yes thank you Nathan do you want me to just pitch the citizen planner conference briefly oh yeah yeah please too yeah so I'll Stand in for Jeff Lacy who reminds us all the time but I've gone I think twice but the citizen planner group I think they have a fuller name than that but it's basically all of us across the state so it's volunteers who are on planning boards or dealing with planning issues um it's at Holy Cross in Worcester it's I think it it it's on a Saturday for most of the day it's usually like from 9:00 to two or something um I I'm not sure if I'm G to go but I did go last year I it's high quality stuff I mean they have um Town councils who have done Municipal planning for a long time they've got people from the state agencies they've got people from planning boards who've been doing this for a long time so um if anyone wants to sort of learn more about how this world works and just gain more information um it's a it's a good opportunity hey can I put a pitch in for Jeff Lacy too the uh he sent out a link to a local government guide book for improving large scale solar which agree or disagree I found it pretty informative uh it covered a lot of a lot of topics that um again enlightened be on some things and gave me some other things to consider um so did he send it to all us had a chance I think so um hold on let me see if I can see I know I tried to when I when I replied to him to thank him I got it bounc back saying his mailbox was full yeah that tends to happen yes Crocker uh he sent it I mean if I got it it must have been to the whole planning board if I got it okay I'll look for it thank you yeah it was on uh February 22nd yeah it was to the planning board Nathan and Michael you were you were addressed separately but anyway it was worth there it is right oh that's all I add all right excellent excellent excellent um all right we're we're getting to the end here I don't think we have any unanticipated business that we're going to address right now um April 1 is a Monday uh so the second Monday would be uh April 8th so that's uh I don't believe I have any conflicts um this one we'll plan on having our hearing for these uh zoning bylaws and hopefully deal with whatever else comes up on the agenda for that looks like an anr and uh maybe two anrs depending there's another one that's out there that hasn't been submitted yet but that's there's been inquiries for um and uh you know we can I just have a process question on on the zoning bylaws I guess uh so we're going to do a notice um we're sending these uh drafts to the select board now once we have the hearing after the hearing closes does the planning board have the ability to make uh changes to the bylaw I would assume so right yeah yeah so it would be in the same meeting so you know we'll open up the the hearing we'll get whatever feedback we'll close the hearing we will still be in public public session so at that point based on the feedback we can discuss a course of action so if we want to take it make any changes then we could reschedule another meeting if we wanted to do it um and then finalize and you know have it posted all right excellent all right I would entertain a motion to adjourn so mooved than all right all right thank you discussion all right Weston hi deira hi hi coft hi Raymond hi thank you all for coming tonight and uh have a wonderful evening I'm an i good night hi good night night