we really needed a computer for so how you doing Howard busy but good that's good busy but good doing good improving great just got to get the right combination of medications for her and she'll be fine that's good and it sometimes takes a little time right that's why I kep trying to tell got because there's new things on the market that they want to try but they don't [Music] theist is willing to see her every month tomor that's one tragedy they usually don't do that that's good 36 gallons I was thinking you can get in frequently get your mind at each too and that's sometimes just I was asked if she was up there uh listen if if I could yesterday there yesterday one of those trash might know spent about 30 35 minut ice sit but the two weeks before that SP like an hour yeah you know and it was like it was funny cuz we were sitting there we were and person comes in does her blood pressure and all other stuff Dr turn will be with you when we do the ordinances I turned to my wife and I said I told somebody was waiting on the other end yeah okay and she was she was a little while we probably had to wait like 20 20 25 minutes past our appointment date and uh but then she came in and like I said 30 40 minutes for us so and but the nice part about is after we were in there for while oh okay that's why I was wonder she has here and we don't want to do it we want to do it get that was mying the other day but I didn't know why it was on go with ordinance the proc actually feels warm this goes with ordinance went to the Army museum was fascinating oh that was so as far as I'm concerned is getting good help getting good help I I have no I have no complaints that's great and they have uh she went and saw a neurological yeah psychologist last week okay and this girl course at our age everybody girl she like she like 18 19 years old but she was very thorough and very good and and did a synopsis report and it was I I I won't complain I can't complain about Cooper anybody says where do you think you should go for especially strokes and those Cooper go to Cooper unless you're in the process of have one then you want to go to ACM just get it done yeah six years ago I felt really bad funny pain in the arm and I went over here and the door was running the doctor the emergency gu just to come in back Ian it wasn't Pinch at that point you know 60 years old thing think and they they must have put me I want I just want to get and the guy was University of P you know he was retiring and she was young she just G through a t of residencies on some of how you get treated how you treat people too right for sure [Music] like so you have the one that she saw the the neuros psychologist okay mixed up she sees so many of them uh when we first initially called till October and I I said to her I said you know her doctor wants her to see her as soon as she can did she get on the waiting list and I I just smoed her okay and I said you know you can do I certainly appreciate it uh you know I'm very concerned about my wife yeah and she goes well let put you on the waiting list and she goes what I'll do is I I keep the list I she says I'll put a star she so nice I put a star there and when I got off I ask okay but I mean like two weeks later she called oh that's great so so I did I did the same thing this time with the uh other neurologist she go see emotion neurologist 7:00 okay checking her emotions and things of that nature and uh got aack I did I did the same thing you know whatever you can do I would certainly appreciate no who's swearing in you swearing in okay all right get the mics on I yes hey didn't see you sneak in I I don't need need one for right now I didn't make enough for everyone okay and then you'll give it back to me and I'll make you a copy [Music] not too long we my uh my fundraiser and of course main it'll be what it'll there you go do the uh yeah why don't we do that first that's going for a bit soon both of thre it on there why you why we do the poets then how about we do the mainland kids you know let Alison's family see how things get done a little bit here well I had first and then Scout and then okay we can do the poets at the top and then whatever you want to do doesn't matter to me yeah what we do Full House tonight yeah yeah yeah I think let go any idea oh my God me no I was trying and I was like okay good luck zah yeah yeah Mah Z I think I think they're waiting on oh okay oh good all right thank for let me okay good thank you all right that moves out okay we're back to our original so we go back to the resolutions gotcha this meeting is called to order would everyone please rise for the flag salute IED Al to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and may I have a roll call please council member Habor pres council member Owen here council member deanis here council member McCary council member mcgan here council member Dill here council president Johnston here also present is Mayor tap administrator fost city clerk Heath for her first very first official city council meeting as our new clerk uh city solicitor Smith and city engineer Snider pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice that this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers Point gov.org welcome everyone uh we're going to move the agenda around a little bit in the interest of everyone's time uh I need a uh motion to move resolutions number 149 159 and 152 to the top of the agenda please I'll make that motion second all in favor I any opposed um need a motion to open for public comment on resolutions number 149 159 and 152 only I'll make that motion second all in favor I any opposed uh we're now open for public comment on resolutions number 149 159 and 152 only could I have have a motion to close please I'll make that motion second that all in favor I any opposed we're now closed for public comment uh we'll start with um resolution number 149 resolution number 149 of 2024 resolution in support of Mainland Regional High Schools support the troops Club whereas Mainland Regional High Schools support the troops Club has been serving the community since its Inception in 2008 dedicated to supporting military members veterans and Wounded Warriors and whereas the mission of the support the troops Club includes creating Public public awareness about the sacrifices made by these brave men and women in service of their country and whereas the support the troop Club has taken under undertaken the commendable initiative of the New Jersey license plate project aiming to design a standalone veteran license plate to honor and recognize the sacrifices endured by military personnel and whereas the DMV currently does not offer a standalone veterans license plate option in New Jersey making the support the troops clubs project even more vital in providing a visible symbol of gratitude and support for our veterans therefore be it resolved that we mayor and City Council of Summers Point extend our wholehearted support to Mainland Regional High School support the troops Club and their efforts in the New Jersey license plate project and be it further resolved that we encourage all citizens to actively engage with with and support this project whether through participation in the design process spreading awareness or advocating for the implementation of the Standalone veterans license plate option by the DMV and be it finally resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Mainland Regional High School support the troops Club as a token of our appreciation for their dedication to honoring and supporting our military members veterans and Wounded Warriors we do the presentation before we vote no why don't we vote first why don't we vote first and then have them come up to a presentation okay could I have a motion for resolution number 149 I'll make that motion I'll second any comments yes I I like the comment uh what oh you good no uh I just want to show my appreciation to uh to Chris and his and the club that's there I know that it's the veterans in summers point it's very important to us that we support them and the fact that the DMV does not show or have that ability to show that there's a difference from someone who just uh is a veteran who might not have served uh in a foreign war or was wounded but yet they should they still have that veteran status and we should be able to show them uh how much we support I and I'm just so thankful that the younger generation is getting behind to help support the veterans and I just uh I'm so proud of all of you and thank you madam president yes uh I just like to express you know I I have always had a high regard uh for our veterans and those who have chosen uh to serve this country uh over the last week or two I've had even had that heightened through some different experiences and uh you know we can't thank enough the veterans and the people that choose to serve this country and like M like the mayor has said there whether it's in a foreign conflict somewhere or you're a part of that support you're supporting this country and and and the whole concept of democracy and freedom and for you uh young people to step forward and and and and help continue to uh uh build on that recognition that is so desperately required uh is very admirable and thank you for doing that um all in favor I any opposed resolution number 149 is adopted Chris would you like to come up yeah that's an example of Texas uh veteran Li PL program cross well comprehensive um good evening mayor and council members I appreciate the opportunity for me to bring forth the students from the Mainland Regional High School support the troops Club um and I Al again I I know I said this a few weeks ago when I was here um I personally as a veteran um have a lot of respect for the patriotism that the summers's point well the public in summers's point because it takes the city to do all this plus the elected body uh to come out as strongly as you do all year long every year as long as I've been a resident I've lived in this area for I guess close to 60 years now so Summer's ping in my mind as a veteran seems to always lead the way and support us so I I really do appreciate that um tonight what I'm going to do is the resolution was beautiful and it said a lot of what I was going to say already so I'm not going to repeat it um but what I would like to do is have two members of the club uh Vice second vice president EMT Lee and uh member Olivia Carlton talk just for about a minute each and to the right are the samples of the signs that we would like to present eventually to the state state of New Jersey and hopefully they you know uh support our plate so thank you very much good afternoon mayor council members ladies and gentlemen my name is EMT Lee and I am the second vice president of the support troops Club I am here today to present our veterans license plate initiative to the city leaders and ask your support in form of the resolution our club's primary goal is to support veterans couple several months ago we came up with an idea to research veterans license plates we were surprised to find out that while one state had about 100 license plates for veterans New Jersey did not have a dedicated license plate just for veterans every other state had at least one here are some quick facts approximately 338,000 veterans reside in New Jersey the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission does not offer a standalone automobile license plate for New Jersey Veterans New Jersey offers approximately 14 military related license plates but not a general veterans license plate our club is presenting an idea to expand New Jersey's offering to hundreds and thousands of veterans with this veterans automobile plate veterans can publicly display their service and commitment and sacrifice to not only the people of New Jersey but the United States of America after this is resolved our mission will be completed hi everyone my name is Olivia Carlton we brainstormed and created about a dozen designs with help from from an adobe expert we are here to present our four best designs to all of you our design plan was to keep things simple but instantly recogn instantly recognizable in symbolism we placed our country's flag in each design the image of soldiers raising the flag on EO jima's Mount siachi is initially recognizable as the grit sacrifice Blood Sweat perseverance spirit and determination of all America soldiers at the bottom of our license plate is the word veteran we greatly appreciate your time and hope we can get your support in the form of a resolution thank you very nice we have some resolutions good job great [Applause] job we got some resolution sign by all Council and mayor thank you I want to thank you all very much and by the way I have something else here tonight had their award ceremony and uh somebody did not go to that because they completed the mission I have here Mainland Regional High School congratulate em for earning the support of our troops Josephine Memorial Scholarship $500 [Applause] thank you if you would I'll grab that oh give it back to him well um move on to resolution number 159 please resolution number 159 of 2024 thanking and honoring Andrew Alexis candidate for Eagle Scout whereas Andrew Alex texus is a graduate of Daws Avenue School Jordan Road School and Mainland Regional High School and whereas Andrew is a member of troop 55 of the Jersey Shore Council in New Jersey Boy Scouts of America and whereas Andrews Eagle Scout project consisted of removing the battered gate to the great Egg Harbor Township historical society's community garden and replacing it with a new one he also planted an ink berry shrub to fill a gap where another shrub had and installed plant labels to identify the many plants in the garden whereas Andrew in conjunction with troop 55 planned all aspects of the project and supervised other Scouts and volunteers to get this environmentally beneficial and sustainable project completed and whereas the project was one of many steps in the process of Andrew's quest in obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America the highest rank available and now therefore be it resolved that the city council of Summers Point recognizes and honors the efforts of Mr Andrew Alexis and the excellent example he provides for other young people to follow be it further resolved that the city council of Summers Point convey their gratitude to Andrew and their best wishes to him in all his future endeavors and services to the community community in addition be it further resolved that the city council of Summers point Thank troop 55 of the Jersey sh Council in New Jersey Boy Scouts of America for their contributions to these worthwhile projects may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments you know I reading this looking at the one word in there supervised uh it's a lead leadership role too so that's a really a key attribute of a future leader here is to see somebody willing to not only step up but to also superv so thank you madam president yes just congratulations on on completing that and and working your way through I know it's quite a bit of work to achieve the level of Eagle Scout and that will serve you well in the future congratulations yeah congratulations to you um Andrew and I I just want to say we're we're proud to say that you grew up here in summers point and you went to our school Sy through our school system and uh we're very proud of you so and I know your parents are all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 159 is adopted uh you want to come forward Alex there you go Andrew I'm sorry pi [Applause] Okay resolution number 152 please resolution number 152 of 2024 appointment of Deputy city clerk namely Allison GM papa may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments Madame President yes Mr MC congratulations uh to a fair to call you a summers Point native looking forward to your continued uh contributions here thank you so much I want to also congratulate you Allison uh I see you almost every single day there's always a smile on your face and and anything that I ask it's there it's done and I do appreciate usually it's how do I do this on my computer or how do I scan this and send this it's easier to just do it right you know she's she's an Ace and uh welld deserved congratulations Madam president yes when I walk in in the morning and you're standing there U working with the residents that are coming up uh your professionalism and your courteous is is commendable so keep it up thank you council president just congratulations you're well deserved and see you there working hard every day and uh it's a good feeling to know that we have employees like you that uh are willing to advance the cause of the city and help the citizens thank you congratulations Allison we're lucky to have you um all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 152 is adopted uh our city clerk Heath will be swearing in Allison tonight uh with her aunts Patty and Carol holding the Bible great to be an aunt now repeat after me I state your name I Alison GM Papa do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments established in the United States and the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of perform all the duties of the office of the office of Deputy City Court Deputy City cour according to the best of my ability according to the best of my relability so help me God so help me [Applause] God any poets yet no I don't bu okay now we'll move on to uh the work part if we appreciate everyone being here tonight thank thank you you're welcome I didn't even have to say it yeah I know you've done this before yeah anyone have any communication to offer hearing none uh Mr Mayor who got something here well actually this could have been a communication but uh you know a few months back I was tasked with writing a letter to the Department of uh transportation in reference to a couple of the fatalities that took place on MacArthur Boulevard I did get a response back from the uh uh acting Commissioners uh Chief of Staff uh basically what uh NJ Dot's Bureau of safety bikes pedestrian program performed the safety performed a safety screening of Route 52 within the Summers Point using the most Uh current njd o Safety Management System this screaming identifies the unmarked crosswalk and the te intersections that prodct for The Pedestrian improvements so they're going to be looking at that area there and they're probably going to be looking at other areas also I'm just we got a response back on that um and that's a positive step um you know at the end of at the end of the day you got to cross the crosswalks you know which is how that's got to happen uh what else do we have uh tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. for the elected officials uh the AmVets and some of the veterans groups since we were on the veterans here uh they're going to have a dedication of the new flag pole over at uh Circle liquor at 10:00 if uh they will be presenting the owner with a plaque if anyone's available to show uh to show that support that would be uh great uh the historical society is working on good old days already you know pretty soon that's going to be here even though we're just in the summer months you know we got great bands the notion turtleheads and plaid salmon uh as we know the Summers Point Beach concerts start tomorrow at 7 you know we are voted the number one outdoor Concert Series in the United States and uh with that we got by W call playing as we know we got the farmers market which is actually twice as large in my opinion than than it was last year very big uh every Saturday 8 to 12 and it's over behind uh the mansion and uh lastly what I would like to do is I'd like to thank our Public Works I would like to thank our fire department and our police if we don't know already there was a dump truck that was full of sand coming off the Ocean City uh bridge and made the right hand turn up Shore Road and flipped sand all over fortunately nobody got killed uh but everyone had to jump into action uh and they finally got it upright got the area clean open took a few hours uh AA Towing had to come in uh Atlanta County uh had to come in with their backos clean the sand off it was a real mess but we're up and running and I asked them to leave a little bit of sand on the potholes that were still there um it'll only last a day but I know that Greg Schneider will be on it right away so and then lastly I thought that was lastly but I would like to wish Greg Schneider a happy birthday a yeah happy birthday look good for 50 and that's the end of the mayor's report thank you mayor Mr Cross Mr Smith you're good actually have something the birday boy and I and I lost so I'll give this little presentation um we entered into a Redevelopment agreement relative to the uh alies onel going to be reconstruction of that intersection and Mr Steve represents the the owner has requested that they be able to start demolish without the construction of the intersection because the do seems to be a little backlog and they've asked for additional information and and I do have the okay with the uh birthday boy so I would just ask might be authorized to send a letter to Mr saying we don't have proceeding in that fashion question and Mr Mr Smith uh after they demolish it are they going to come back and one start construction or how are they going to once the debris is removed from the lot how are they going to secure the lot so that it's safe for for residents that's not outlined it is lo it is outlined that's not it's not outlined uh just just talks about the email talks about the just explain what needs to Beal okay he just would like to get the building down so that start they start constru sure so it would be safe to say that when they do the demolition that Mr Schneider will uh make sure it's secured and that any uh excavation or old excavation of any back any foundations what not would be back filled completely yeah that's correct I would assume that I would request they put up a construction fence around the and the site is completely cleaned of any demol demolition debris yeah the one thing we I we don't want is issues with the residents and people complaining about the the condition of the lot once the demolition took place they have to put forth some type of reasonable effort to make it look as appropriate as it possibly can be thank you problem just one other thing Mr Smith what is the advantage of them demolishing the building and you know uh I hate to ask this question but as they demolish that building now the the uh assessment of the property is less never mind rection the access like to get started on think they anticipate a get construction start I also believe they intend for that letter to start some of the site work you know start doing some excavation and stuff like that for the basins and um prepping the the work for actual well if that is in fact the case then we make sure that there's a temporary fence or construction fence like you had said earlier thank you his birthday still not was there something in that agreement that stated that the intersection had to be started prior to the removal of the of the building I think it's prior to theu approved I don't believe they could get a CO until the to the has to be right so they're not gonna I mean steveen nead said it and I trust him but out of everyone in that office um but I just want to make sure that that intersection gets done and the intersection was is a big huge part of that agreement yeah the intersection were the two key issues two key issues right no I know but I didn't know whether or not there was a certain timing you know like when we did Bay Court departments you had to hit certain plateaus before you were allowed to do the next step and I didn't know whether or not this agreement reflected that and does that have to be looked at again that's all and and I guess the sitting here thinking of the concern might be that uh they go and do some work they demol the building do some site work and then the do doesn't do the work or doesn't agree to do the work but the letter then the project can't go forward now we have a the letter that they provide from the do basically states that they agree with what they're proposing you just have to iron out the details like signal timing and everything like that so the letter from the D did say they were gonna you know approve the project once all the engineering details or if you're comfortable I'm comfortable thank you is there a time for frame on that like the next year or two demolition you mean well the demolition no I mean the the intersection project itself oh well I I think it's totally correct me if I'm wrong it's totally relying on waiting for the state of New Jersey and we all know what can happen there sure okay so we're good with sending a letter thank you thank you thank you does anyone have any committee reports to offer uh Madame President yes uh last Thursday June 6th uh Recreation board met here um we had a celebrity councilman uh Charles habac Horn join me and uh we had a great audience and uh doing a public comment a lot of good things suggestions uh things that the Citizens senior citizens of this town uh like to you know try to uh have things happen I mean you know like bus trips and uh maybe possibly Bingo night so we we're talking about putting a suggestion box inside the uh inside the uh senior building and also I guess the main thing too is just getting the communication out as to all activities and I know with our marketing program and social media and you know Shore local and all the other avenues we use you know we just keep trying keep trying to plug away and get get get our message out there to some of the people who don't pick up you know the the the cell phone or the the magazine or whatnot but we're going to continue to do our best right right Charles yeah the one suggestion I came up for communication for those that don't use um the internet or their phone was they have a a board like a enclosure much like what we have down on the beach where something could be posted the schedule could be posted for like a two week period and then rotate through so that people if they drive up or they're using the facility could actually see what was going on in town that was something that was thrown that can also be posted in the other two kiosks so so that was that was something for folks that don't use uh social media or the internet in any format any other committee reports the engineer oh I'm sorry Mr Snider engineer's report it's his birthday you got it's his birthday before you start your rep I just I just have one question if you could let us all on the Das know and and all the lovely people here as well as everybody out there in YouTube Land Is it true that uh life begins at 40 because I have no recollection of being 40 so thank you um there's a change order resolution on the agenda for uh Ocean Avenue phase one that's just to close out the project decrease there's also four resolutions on the Cent agenda for advertising bids for the Pacific Avenue Pump Station replacement ex Road storm Pump Station Ocean Avenue storm water repairs and a fiscal year 23 Safe Streets of Transit Short Road improvements these are all uh grants that the city received that we're going to be going out the bid for okay and you're okay with that deduct change order yeah and the the lateral drilling project is underway too from Bay Avenue Station five POA project yep okay thank you could I have a motion to approve the minutes from a regular meeting of April 23rd 2024 and executive session meeting minutes from April 23rd 2024 approved as to to content only I'll make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed minutes are approved move on to ordinances Mr Smith do you want May the way the agenda my fault not number four 2024 is not technically a first reading intruction um we Ted that ordinance for 2024 um and recall I I started to raise an issue at the last council meeting and then we were way till tonight um what it has been suggested to me is that there's a belief that there's support of council bring back this ordinance off the table would a motion to untable and a second and then there would be required some type of action and there's only three types of action that can be taken because there are certain requirements relative to publication in connection with the second reading of a street vation which have not been met the uh you could vote this down you could amend it as been suggested as what council may wish to do and that was the aming it foration a total and that would be a significant change and therefore that would then be the first reading intruction of an amended or you could table it again with the intent to pass the original ordinance and you Ted it you'd have to set a date as you intended to bring it back city clerk properly notice those parties required by Statute noticed so that is uh proed where we are on this I know that coun looking at saying why why are we doing it this way I'm only looking to intently listen please don't my face so we we need a motion to put this uh ordinance back on the table please I I'll make a motion to bring this ordinance back on the table second all in favor I any opposed okay ordinance number four is now back on the table techically a second public comment before you're anticipating on making a second motion of some sort and we have a motion for to amend no I think we have to make a motion to open it to the public is that right make a a motion open to the public EXC excuse me K if you don't mind if you don't mind sure Would we not if we're going to open it to the public as a second reading you would have had to have notified everyone with advertis 200 fet and it wasn't advertised I know that's what I I said you only take three AES with this gotcha okay you you can make a motion to you can make a motion uh so we can make a motion to amend yes and then it goes on as this be finished because get this all out get confusing everybody gets you V say then we start all over again or right but you can't vote but you can't vote Yes or you say I want entertain a motion to table this and the problem of tabling something is when you bring it off the table for a second reading have requirements so that's where we are with this so we can a motion to start with a motion to amend to open to the public still a second read but we didn't advertise it make the motion I believe I I I believe I made the motion okay I believe you did for a sec we need a second second the motion is to open for public comment okay all in favor I I any opposed but we're not voting on it though right you're opening it to the public okay we're now open for public comment on ordinance number four motion to wait I'm sorry Council people 10 one1 BAS I have a lot of respect for them on a personal basis they're wonderful could you just State just state your name I'm Richard carf I'm the one most impacted um for Oak ran vacation what' you say sir I didn't hear you okay I I I thought we were going to send out notices so you're saying you don't have to send out notices now to the neighbors of the property the way you're structuring this now we do yeah I would highly recommend that because it's the whole neighborhood is impacted across the street they were but anyway you want my information I don't you wouldn't feel good about it if you lived there and had a house there and then and then you were promised the way the state usually does it half the road becomes mine and half becomes the Country Club's Road what we were talking about was it 60 feet 30 each is that correct or is it yes I believe it's it's it should be divided equally and that would have been the simplest way for you guys to do it instead from what I understand you're getting the country club to indemnify you if anyone sues that they don't like what you do which complicates the township even more it would be a cleaner way just do the way the state normally does it when you vacate a road give half to the owner there and half to the other owner I would like you to explain to me what are the advantages to do it this way are you guys in the development business or I mean the developer is going to have a home run no matter what safety wise because the school buses come into my parking lot and make u-turns anyone go down the street that much we've had I had to call two school bus companies many times over the years because I didn't want them wearing down my black top in my parking lot they lazy and they didn't want to go down the street but you have kids crossing you're going to have two entrances where my tattoo shop used to be and two more entrances now to the left where this house is we have it's like bumper cars when you're in the Old Atlantic City and you went on the boardwalk they're coming from all directions I don't know what kind of lighting you're going to have you're not putting a stop light there which probably would be better for the safety but you you haven't even examined it for traffic studies and you're rushing in into something you don't know what's going to be and you're giving it away for nothing when it has value probably to me and to the country club I I don't understand where you're going with this I definitely think you need notices to all the neighbors they're they're either complacent maybe they'll come but you by law you should but you still have to explain to me what are the advantages for you to vote to give the country club lenar home s the right to the whole road that would have been cleaner and if you vacated it the fair way the way everyone does it in the state of New Jersey why are you guys getting in the development business what kind of hold harmless did you give them if I sue that I don't like what you do I'm sure nead who I know over the years has given you I don't know what positive indications and then there's another thing my son brought it up to me I just learned recently ly that this was mandated by the for the low housing that you're doing the low income housing Matt Laurel decision which I know very well you had to give I didn't even know Oak Ro was involved in the major decision why did you jump to a partial site plan why wasn't the road from day one when you approved the homes talked about why is it snuck in later like a quarterback sneak so explain the many things I have my wife wife has questions hopefully my father can have the strength that they have some questions we're here just is Mom and Pop we're not lar homes we're looking for your help I don't want to ruin my house if you do have to do something which I don't think is the wise thing to do I suggest I have a security fence around the house and Big Trees to give the people a sense of privacy you would not want it if it was your house so think about me as if I was you please answer some of the questions I'll be happy to repeat some my questions I'm confused about Judge Persy's decision how this was mandated my son said Steph nead used to be a partner with perski that to me was a conflict right from the beginning I don't know the time frame when he was a partner or not different persy yeah different persy different pers please please 2008 there order that by city was was and of this back8 sitting on this it's incorrect you here yeah okay one here give you a little bit more well it's a court order settlement you you certainly know that and part of that court order settlement and Mr Smith will correct me I'm wrong it includes the language the vacation of Oak Lane or there's three different variances of with so that's what's being considered right now well why I don't know why session if they amend it it's only going to be a first reading come back want come back second the publication will take place after the first and will be given to everyone second well you know this is just a procedural what what advantages do you have by making it a two-way street versus one way I'd like to hear your comment on that publicly and then also why I'm here and I like the the develop I'm Pro development next door by the way I'm not anti that development I'd be nuts to be anti-development I just he he would agree with me Sean sure I'd be nuts you know they cut all the trees down the trees were destroying the root my property we have a lot of pluses here but the marker in the back they bu I paid for a survey when all this thing started they my Monument's missing now if we're talking about inches which mean everything to me because it's my house you know and I'm not going to get Oak Road hopefully you'll give me half like we originally talked about um I'd like them to give me my Monument back and make sure it's there because I don't want to pay for another survey um these monuments are crucial to me I I want to get the road pushed as far away from the house as we can get it I want to get a fence there and I want to get trees but tell me why you have to make why what's the advantage of having two ways there we got two ways on the other side it's more of a cut through for everyone El what what are you getting out of it brilliant yeah I don't understand we're not we're not making any um don't we're not passing anything tonight so I think um I think you should stick up when you do do whatever you're thinking explain why it's better to do it this way than the other way you're not re interrup you're not required to give an explanation on maybe they want to I mean they're not well we've had several conversations and presentations over people that's one of myet every you'd be a good school teacher I'm just advising my client whated they are requ to connection coun so we're we we've heard your concerns yeah and well that's just part we come back again I'm glad you're going to send notices out to the neighborhood because half of them don't even know the meeting's tonight doing yes that's the way the public is you know that um I hope you think about even though you don't want to comment on it you think about the pros and cons of why it has to be done the way the country go up I don't know why they're so greedy I don't know what their advantage is whether they want to develop the land later on and they want the whole is it 60 we're talking about Mr Angie 60 feet we're talking about I mean the road you know he called me on the phone I was soun President thank you could I have a to close please a motion to close public all in favor I any opposed okay Mr Smith so now um can we if you want to request councel if it's your understanding that would like to entertain a motion to amend the ordinance and change it from a complete vacation to a paral vacation theic of the roadway Al Landing Road is not V I took of C Landing Ro enti as a corporation LLC V parallel part and I have given that to Madam cler and she has distributed that everyone exib okay also requires the construction maintenance and dentification defense of the per constru main I also Insurance obligation that would also 91 okay uh it is my understanding that that's um that was our intent was to amend this ordinance so could I please have a motion to amend ordinance number four council president I'd like to make a motion to uh amend ordinance number four for I guess will be a first reading correct yes amend it this will be a significant change get a first reading it'll be a first reading and we'll advertise it and at the next meeting open to the public and do the second could I have a second please second second all in favor I any opposed thank you I think we got there good birthday boy to help me on that okay uh let's see where are we now just a point of order we only voted to amend it we haven't voted to approve okay could I have a motion to approve ordinance number four for the first Reading Please as amended yes as amended as amended as amended yes I'll make that motion okay second all in favor I any oppos okay thank you madam president if I may yes just a a two points of a clarification we just voted to introduce an amended ordinance correct so typically introducing an ordinance is not necessarily supporting it but it's putting out there to have some discussion on it and and and to set up that second reading the second question is and excuse my ignorance the notice of everybody within ft of the property is that a requirement that's been baned about here oh then we're not doing that we have to advertise it we don't have to right you have advertise every ordinance I don't know where where this this U can I finish sure thanks you have to a the second but also includ re proper and the right this this this discussion about 200 I didn't I didn't necessarily agree with the gentlem was saying well that was set on this side of it that that might have been me by mistake that that's normally when you go for a variance of 200 feet so or according to the ordinance we have to uh we have to notify people that are adjacent to the pro to that property right AG section stting the top these are the same entities that Reed notification last okay that's why am I allowed to ask a question here or is that out of order in it's in yeah sure can we're out of order anyway so keep going causing any problem R2 F2 who is that or what is that that is the developer as I understand it for the for the affordable component okay thank you because they referenced in the amended document I hadn't seen that reference in in the first document that was back before me right no no no was on the agenda back in March I missed that thank you it was there one of the Amendments is to include both the the developer as well as I missed that thank you okay thank you okay um I know ordinance number 14 ordinance number 14 of 2024 Bond ordinance providing for various improvements and Acquisitions in and by the city of summmer point in the county of Atlantic New Jersey appropriating $3,150 th000 there for and authorizing the issuance of $2,992 th000 of bonds or notes of the city to finance part of the cost thereof may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed ordinance number 14 is introduced for the first reading number 15 ordinance number 15 of 2024 Bond ordinance providing for various sewer utility Capital Improvements in and by the city of Summers point in the county of Atlantic New Jersey appropriating $1,510 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1,510 th000 bonds or notes of the city for refinance seeing the cost there up may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments yeah council president I just want to go on the record that ordin Bond ordinances 14 and 15 were part of the 2024 budget which Council uh approved and this is just moving forward with bonding in order to purchase the Capital Improvements that uh we authorized in the budget thank you all in favor I any opposed ordinance number 15 is introduced number 16 ordinance number 16 of 2024 an ordinance fixing the salaries wages and compensation of the officers and employees of the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic state of New Jersey may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed ordinance number 16 is introduced may I have a motion to open for public comment on ordinance on resolutions only please I'll make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only we have a motion to close motion to close second all in favor I any opposed uh we're now closed for public comment resolution number 131 resolution number 131 of 2024 authorizing executive session any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters falling within the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matters to be discussed described as fully as possible without undermining the need for confidentiality advice of council and attorney client privilege communication regarding the potential Redevelopment plan for a via NJ maze Landing LLC block block block 2020 lot three we have a motion please [Music] smooth may I have a second second all in favor I any opposed could everyone please speak up I can't hear your votes tonight for some reason so I'd appreciate it if uh can I interrupt you sure the next resolution I was be H until after after executive session correct bring up okay and we will go into executive session at the end of our meeting here um Okay resolution number 145 please resolution number 145 of 2024 authorizing purchase of public administration software through the sourcewell formally and jpa National purchasing program contract from brightly software contract number 090 32- SDI for the Summers Point Sewer Department may have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor I right any opposed resolution number 145 is adopted number 146 resolution number 146 of 2024 approving sponsor sponsorship by the city of Summers point and the Summers Point Recreation Commission of The Good Old Days festival we have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments uh Madam president I will recuse myself from this resolution thank you okay all in favor I any opposed resolution number 146 is adopted number 147 resolution number 147 of 2024 supporting New Jersey's Revolution NJ initiative may I have a motion please so moved second any comments yeah actually I have one if you don't mind if this is yeah the 250th anniversary the Historical Society had just met and uh talking with them I think that they should be the lead uh for uh all the ceremonies and everything that's related to the 250th uh anniversary absolutely and just a comment in our um New Jersey Jersey municipalities there is a page 18 through 22 talks about this um um movement within the state of New Jersey gives ideas and framework of how to proceed all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 147 is adopted number 148 resolution number 148 of 2024 adopting a sustainable land use Pledge may have a motion please I'll make that motion I'll second any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 148 is adopted number 150 resolution number 150 of 2024 sewer underpayment rebill block 1010 lot 1.01 may have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 150 is adopted number 151 resolution number 151 of 2024 appointing fund commissioner and Alternate fund commissioner may I have a motion please so moveed second any comments think we should find a couple more jobs thank you yes um all in favor I any opposed resolution number 151 is adopted number 153 resolution number 153 of 2024 liquor license renewals may I have a motion please I make that motion second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 153 is adopted number 154 resolution number 154 of 2024 resolution authorizing an award of contract between the city of Summers point and constellation new energy Inc for electricity generation Supply service under the South Jersey power Cooperative e882 D sjpc may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 154 is adopted number 155 resolution number 155 of 2020 24 resolution authorizing the city of Summers point to appoint Human Resources consultant specializing in NJ Civil Service may have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor I I any opposed resolution number 155 is adopted number 157 resolution number 157 of 2024 calling for the restoration of energy tax receipts may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second all in favor oh I'm sorry yes just real quick the the energy tax receipts is is a classic is the example of uh the state of New Jersey uh I don't use the word robbing from municipalities but taking from municipalities with with the promises and all those promises are broken uh these energy uh receipts belong to the municipality thank you thanks Sean for that explanation thank you Michael very educational thanks all in favor I any opposed resolution number 157 is adopted number 158 resolution number 158 of 2024 authorizing execution and delivery of amendment three to a memorandum of understanding between the city of Summers point and a via NJ ma Landing LLC extending the negotiating period may I have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 158 is adopted number 160 resolution number 160 of 2024 change order one contract number 12 23 fiscal year 2022 Municipal Aid Ocean Avenue Phase 1 may I have a motion please I'll make that motion any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 160 is adopted number 166 resolution number 166 of 20124 Municipal safety coordinator appointment May I have a motion please absolutely abolutely move forward with it may have a second second any comments another job for the another job y um all in favor all right anybody in favor said I thank you any oppos resolution number 166 is adopted thank you no may I have a for sure motion for the consent agenda please I'll make that motion I'll second I just speak up thank you I appreciate that all in favor I any opposed the consent agenda is adopted anyone have any old business to discuss hearing none new business uh we need an approval for social affairs permit for the Summers Point Historical Society for good old days on September 7th 2024 from 12:00 noon to 6: P p.m at Kennedy Park I will recuse myself from that consideration everyone else is uh good with that all paperwork okay hearing no objections sounds great okay approval for liberty and prosperity request for use of the Richard Summers Park for an event to remember and honor Richard Summers on September 4th 2024 from 3 pm to 5:00 P p.m go with it everybody's good yep thank you and uh the last one is an approval for a social Affair permit application for Grace Lutheran Church for an event September 27th from 5 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. I'm assuming that's at the church here they don't have a license yes it's at the church at the church okay everybody's good with that all right Lutheran thank you any other new business to discuss hearing none uh discussion of the bills Mr frost a could I have a motion to open for public comment please so move that motion I'll second all in favor I any opposed I give up the only I'm the only one said I okay we're now open for public comment Patricia Pearson 587 Marks Road U before I comment I'd like to say that I came in from Waymouth road today or through to Ocean Heights Avenue and in Summer's point that way and whoever's managing the management company at storm that shopping center deserves a little praise for the way they're keeping the grounds from uh the the light all the way up to uh route line if you look all the grounds on that's on the edge of the shopping center but it's very well done very nicely done very nicely kept and it really looks good for the city of Summer's point and sometimes when you do good it should be said and I really give them a thumbs up for that one it really look good great thank you I'd like to also thank Don dun Ley who's our inspector over there that makes sure that they do that too right now uh on um number 14 ordinance number 14 what's the $3 million for uh explain what you're buying with it there is an extensive Capital plan in 2024 say what what does that mean so $3 million right right and a million for the sewer I got phone calls all day today bottom line is 7 million with bar bonds last year or you know and now now almost five million this year what's it going to do to the tax rate we actually only have to raise 5% of this so you feel absolutely safe and secure with the people of Summers Point borrowing all this money at this time this is how we run the city this is how we I I know how you run the city but every but people are asking me is you're not figuring in the the in the tax increases and what else is coming down the line and then there's I mean the school increases and then there's another big tax hit next year and everybody's really worried about it really and these one liners that don't say what it's for nobody knows so that's why I'm here a actually it was it was in the budget it was list the various things that amount to that was actually listed in the budget Capital the capital portion of the budget yes everybody has to you know and that was and that was published and they can access well it doesn't hurt to ask doesn't hurt the ask CU here's another thing people say Pat I I uh saw you on YouTube I said what I not on YouTube it's you're on right now they watch the radio you're on right now and they they see it and then they ask me the questions and that's how that comes up so whatever whatever well they're more than welcome to call any of us and ask this question really I think Howard answered this one uh the one about the not the the one about the salaries you said it was in the budget or it was already approved in the budget the C all the capital they both the sewer and the um public the administration uh Capital Improvements were all in the they were all in the budget yes okay and the salary and wage ordinance covers the salary and wages for all the employees in the city and it authorizes the business administration to pay to authorize those payments to the employees all right and this is just one little point of order from sitting in the audience um if you when that um Oak Lan if you're going to give an ordinance in you're going to you shouldn't you should have it all together and ready to go in front of council you can't change it in front of council and it it's it looks unprofessional and it looks goofy so that's all I want to say thank you for listening thank you thank youed sorry about that but whatever it is if it's hard on you but the bottom line it doesn't look right all right all right all right okay that's move on uh could I have a motion to close I'll make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed we're now closed for public comment uh could I have a motion to pay the bills please I'll make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed okay you got one ey to pay the bill Charlie says it's okay yep there you go I'll take that blame it on him it blame it on new guys we'll take a five minute recess and then we're going to go into executive session we may or may not be taking some action after executive session if you wish to wait out in the hallway we will come and get you and let you know when we're done hopefully it will not be too long