Lucille hello how are I doing are we we being recorded yes just for the just for the record you seem to look younger every time I see it you clearly are the prettiest uh cleric in County I mean it goes without saying you're the most efficient and capable what's [Music] this I couldn't get further down the bench I this goes with that M there oh this is the thing right right yes sir um what was it when you whenever you sent me that picture that it's just uh you know I don't want to get confused the Miracle of Life in watching a child grow there's nothing there's nothing second okay [Music] all [Music] sh [Music] all [Music] e for for there's no other Jo with that is there any [Music] [Music] other sure how you doing good good you have a second sure yeah so this look like right now on car here right looks like they're put it all on here and then a sidewalk back from what we did and taking this section here the golf course I think they the letter to the city because we have interest CU we have an easement here in that bridge right but that's all it is so this this uh red outline is our property but you believe that this piece is just moving that sidewalk yeah or just shifting it's not even our prop this is just an our e we don't yeah you don't think is that part of the project yeah to okay they're putting all handicap ramp I don't know what that Dimension is but not I mean unless it's just you're saying should extend this score rail here yeah they won't an awful lot of trouble for that well I mean the the problem is the RightWay like right up little that's why we had to we the brid right right I remember I remember that so but the state they can just take it not like us yeah right but I I don't know that you know really they're gaining a there I mean is that it might be just their policies they have what I'm saying is what difference is that G oh doesn't I mean it' be it's better for pedestrians well I guess the pedestrians protected in this space not now they have regulations for the they're not supposed to start to start the problem is once they reive the road they have to perform everything with the new standard I I know it would be a much heavier lift but it's a shame that there's just not some way to to lesson curve yeah you know there people complain about this to me and you know over there so it's you know go through a I I wouldn't go much further straight yeah sure no problem how straight do you want okay cuz the life could figure it out I guess there gr the prince must have construction details on uh well that they also apply for permit [Music] so these are the full plan [Music] [Music] you don't know SCH when I talk they said yeah just new handicap yeah at least at least [Applause] back [Music] sare people I was mad out I was mad out of the inst I didn't figure out why okay but now that's all [Music] us right stop here they Prett Qui got by the time I got there went over there by the time we got there yeah oh yeah absolutely contrast [Music] I will I will so well just got hang in her she was she was starting to come out of memory loss she all those her could sleep so so they would they would to get her sleep medine but her neurologist Coen first me yeah I see that okay you got to get a hold have the name of the doctor the neurologist here kids there's M to talking about snow snowman youing about North Dakota right yeah Ry up in Massachusetts just picked off know what there three times a week to do [Music] it is somebody give you that ring or what it looks familiar get it fixed properly but would have PID just put a whole new system all right here we go is this going to be a wrong one buddy got a bunch of it's 78,000 know we have we new Council guy he doesn't know what the hell he doing turn this off I'm not I'm not saying anything I would say public but yeah I agree thank you she get job to watch me oh my CG I would still like to get together and you and I have much okay what's that live say 659 we'll wait one minute oh yeah yeah I almost hit I almost hit your s March [Music] 30 okay [Music] Mrs helig yeah you do me a favor what's that ask those two guys in the back to hang around after the meeting I need him to sign my magazine [Laughter] code hey okay welcome everyone this meeting is called to order please rise for the flag salute I flag United States of America the stands Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all may I have aoll may I have a roll call please council member Habor presc council member Owen herec council member pampis Council council member McCary herec council member mcgan here council member Dill council president Johnston here also present tonight is Mayor tap administrator fost city clerk Samson City solicitors and our city engineer Snider pursu to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers I need a motion for consideration of the 48 hour waiver for resolution number 53 for carpet installation in city clerk's office that has been financially covered by the our insurance company I have motion I'll make motion second all in favor any opposed thank you anyone have any Communications to offer n Mr Mayor yeah actually just have a couple things uh as you drive around town you if you're not blind you notice that there's an abundance of shopping carts being abandoned all over the town uh I did talk to council president uh Johnston uh did talk to Don D leevy who is our uh uh zoning official um as well as Jason f as well as our attorney uh letters are going out to all the businesses showing the uh basically it's the ordinance that was in place that we were going to start enforcing new ordinances uh basically what's going to happen is is that they got to pick up the shopping cart according to ordinance uh if not Public Works will now be picking up the shopping carts and we will be fing them $25 per cart uh if they do not come and retrieve the carts then the carts are going to become our property and then we can either sell them we're dispos of them so um all the businesses will be notified they have to submit the procedure on uh what the policy is for retrieving the carts but we got to get on top of this uh second is is just a heads up Summers Point pal is going to have a blood drive and it's January 23rd at the youth center uh you know I give blood I try to give it every 52 days they are calling constantly they are in dire need of uh of blood especially if you happen to be O negative as I am but uh 10 to three it be at the youth center if uh anyone's interested uh you can download the app for the American Red Cross you can register it's simple it's easy you make an appointment the whole thing probably only takes you 30 minutes you know and you can save three lives out of one point and that is all I have thank you mayor thank you mayor anyone does anyone have any committee reports to offer hearing none um could I have a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting December 14th 2023 special meeting March 30th 2023 and a special meeting July 7th 2023 Madam president I'll be abstaining from those votes understood I'll make I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed the uh above mentioned meeting minutes are approved uh first reading of ordinance number one ordinance number one of 2022 an ordinance amending ordinance number one of 2023 ordinance of the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic New Jersey establishing the rates fees rents and other charges of the city of Summers Point sewer utility may I have a motion please so move second any comments just a point of clarification on uh section one item two uh C it says Hotel rooming houses but then the second part says plus each room rented I just wanted to make sure that is a fee for all rooms that are approved versus an occupancy per day correct that's it is yes and also and also just for clarification this this actually raises the fee uh $1 for the year it's 50 cents for each um 50 cents added onto each payment it's paid twice a year in all in favor any opposed [Music] okay I have a motion to open for public comment on resolutions only please motion second third all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone and state your name for the record motion to close public portion on the uh resolutions all in favor I any opposed we're now closed for public comment resolution number 37 resol resolution number 37 of 2024 amending resolution number 12 of 2024 appointment of public defender namely Linda G Esquire may I have a motion please smov second any comment any comments All In fav all in favor any opposed resolu resolution number 37 is adopted resolution number 38 resolu resolution number 38 of 2024 resolution authorizing the invoice for community service contributions to Shore Memorial Hospital doing business at Shore Medical Center and Affiliates may I have a motion please so move second any comments in all in favor any opposed res resolution number 38 is adopted number 39 resolution number 39 of 2024 authorizing agreement for Cooperative pricing system New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance number ck4 may I have a motion please move secondment any comments in all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 39 is adopted resolution number 40 resolution resolution number 40 of 2024 change order 2 contract 2020 D200 for traffic control products and related products and solutions with tap code through Omnia Partners National purchasing Cooperative may I have a motion please make motion second any comments All In fav all in favor any opposed resolution number 40 is adopted resolution number 46 resolution resolution number 46 of 2020 four zoning board appointment May I have a may I have a motion please so move second any comment any comments in fav all in favor any opposed res resolution number 46 is adopted resolution resolution number 47 resolution resolution number 4 7 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of council regarding the status of litigation any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters falling within the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matter is to be discussed described as fully as possible while undermining the need for confidentiality advice of councel and attorney client communication regarding status of litigation involving the city and its zoning board entitled Garden State outdoor LLC versus city of Summers Point City of Summers Point zoning board having a docket number of ATL 14323 may may I have a motion please move second any com any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 47 is adopted um all the executive sessions will go into executive session at the end of the meeting um everyone is more than welcome to wait out in the lobby but I don't believe we'll be making any uh any other decisions or anything after executive session res resolution number 48 resolution resolution number 48 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of council regarding the status of litigation any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters following with the client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matters to be discussed described as fully as possible while undermining the need for confidentiality advice of council and attorney client privileged communication regarding the status of litigation fing the city's planning board entitled gmh restaurant versus planning board of the city of Summers Point Waterfront Holdings LLC having a docket number of ATL 81123 may I have a mission please any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 48 is adopted number 49 resolution number 49 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of council regarding the status of litigation any pending or anticipated litigation contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters falling within the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matters to be discussed described as fully as possible while undermining the need for confidentiality advice of council and attorney client privileged communication regarding the status of litigation involving the city entitled Bay Point Motel Inc versus city of Summers Point having an a doet number of atlc 8524 may I have a motion please I'll make I'll make that motion second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed res resolution number 49 is adopted resolution number 50 res resolution number 50 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of council regarding the status of anticipated litigation any pended or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters falling within the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matter is to be discussed describ this possible without undermining the need for confidentiality advice of council and attorney Cent privileged communication regarding the status of anticipated litigation involving a Tor claims notice served upon the City by Council for Garden State outdoor LLC on December 14th 20123 may have a motion please second any comments in all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 50 is adopted number 51 resolution number resolution number 51 of 2024 is for appropriation Reserve transfer have a motion please I'll make that motion second may I have a roll call vote please council member haror council member Owen yes council member McCary council member McAn council member Dill council president Johnston yes resolution resolution number 51 is adopted number 52 resolution resolution number 52 of 2024 appointment of C Municipal planner namely colar engineering and design Inc may I have a motion please sove second any comments in fav all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 52 is adopted resolution resolution number 53 I wait thank you resol resolution number 53 2024 authorizing purchase of Disaster Recovery Services through the ESC NJ Cooperative pricing system contract for all risk Inc contract number escnj 22 SL 23-23 for the city of Summers Point may I have a may I have a motion please pleas I'll make a motion second any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 53 is adopted may I have a motion for the consent agenda please motion second all in fav all in favor any opposed the consent agenda is [Applause] adopted on to Old business uh Mr Snider I believe you have an update for us yeah I just have a couple updates on the uh two projects that are going on right now first is Exton and uh Deon concrete work continues um we plan on working all winter weather permitting um we're hoping to get the contract done before winter but it's been slower than anticipated because uh the rain even when it's not raining it's been so wet that they can't pour a lot of concrete for the G um but it may work out in our favor because we do have a grant pending for the rest of ball Drive which historically we've learned about uh around February or March and if we get that the plans are already done so um we might be able to save the mobilization because contractors already have so working our favor we're at the late a little bit then we have Ocean Avenue um all the concrete work was done uh we're hoping to get that paved also but South Jersey gas has to make uh Repairs by the bike path that were not anticipated obviously the last thing we want to do is pave and then have them tear it up again so um we're going to wait on that the contractor I did speak with them they're going to come by and anywhere there was curb and there's not asphalt they're going to patch that and then sweep the road so it looks and is looks like it it was before we start construction at least for the winter and then we'll repave it do we have any do we have any type of timeline on when the G companies going to come in do their work uh I heard they're supposed to be out there next week or so unfortunately the asphalt company the plants Clos it doesn't really matter we weren't waiting for the gas company we were waiting because the asphalt plants were closing yeah okay and when did the asphal reopen uh usually uh end of February March depends on the weather but they do meet this this time of year also it depends on how much they have to do but typically around March thank you thank you anyone else anyone else have any old business to discuss hearing none we'll move on to new business in your packet you have the uh Council committee assignments uh we need approval for a social Affair permit for Robert Johnson's post 2189 BFW for March 2nd 2024 from 11: a.m. to 6:00 p.m. assuming all of their paperwork is in order yes anyone have any problem any issues any are we good with that good hearing no objections good yeah thank you okay uh we have a request for a drainage easan at 809 Center Street um Mr Smith you want to update us on that yes please excuse me uh in 2019 uh this body uh granted a uh drainage eement on portion of property that uh was at one point the uh RightWay of the railroad as it went the bike path is currently in the back across the street alongside the firehouse was part of that RightWay and then lock uh 176 lock 11 Incorporated uh this area be find where the door store was and where the uh buildings that R up at Center Street for storage um there part of the property we uh Gregor's um and then we sold off the portion and they built these structures there so 809 Center Street uh it was purchased by uh I believe Le uh Joseph lakowski is one of the principles where he is the owner he also he's one of the principles of the property Jason that with storage facilities are um when that property went to the planning board the planning board uh was requiring a drainage uh ditch in the back a place to put that was apparently at the uh in this property if you ever want to go back there and take a look there's nothing on at all it it abuts the of Public Works and and and is not used for any Associated whatsoever it's just you can see it's clear just like the off alongside the BL path that's where you have a little grass lock back there between two properties now one of them has the drainage us Mr lowski attorney has approached us um with the request uh uh for a a purchase of the KE although the second uh letter I've gotten is calling for a lease and I'm not sure which one he wants to do um there's a whole procedure we have to follow relative to bidding out public land I don't see a lease being what we're going to do or intend to do U because it's required by the planning board the Le would terminate at some point and that's not what was anticipated by the board in other words the planning board is willing to allow the property developed um I don't have those uh all those records here right now but uh essenti he's expanding the foot in the building and expanding uh the upstairs to include an apartment um so he needs the drainage ditch for the thing was requiring the drainage ditch and so before we go through the whole process of bitting this out and seeing if they the highest for this this be a Dire from Council Mr really I'm looking for now um as to uh whether we should even consider this so so that's really it I take this to the executive session because it's just a uh concept at this point and if uh this Council wants to go ahead and proceed then uh we'll go ahead and and start a process that I can report back to them uh excutive session thank you so just for clarification this piece of property is um of no of no use to anyone else for anything in any of the contiguous other than open space it really doesn't serve any purpose and how big is it actually it's at the back it's that wide and you looked over at at some point we we transferred over a portion of the property to Firehouse number two and they gave us property on the other side as I understand it from the bike path that goes alongside it um so what were we using it for by the firehouse they were using in anyway for Park so it just extends back um I wasn't on counil or was I your solicitor in 2019 so I didn't participate but Greg did discussed this I mean it wasn't it was not an unusual request it wased and I could see here just droing just just a point of clarification was Madam Johnson let you talk we're going to the uh 2000 you're making reference to the the property for the firehouse parking lot that wasn't 2019 that was much further that happened some time ago 2019 you dealt with the the constru just to clarify that was just an easement though correct all we're talking about is an easement here and this you had said earlier AB but Public Works it AB buts that uh whatever that is the canvas morning place thank you m Johnson Madam Johnson is there do we need to contact do do they have to I'm sure we have to notify but but they may have to put out for property owner like I said there a whole procedure you even going to investigate this I just I'm trying to get some directions I just tell Mr the the attorney n forget it or do I say okay we're going to go ahead with the procedure we'll see where it takes us that's all I'm looking for at certain point we start to get into negotiations issues that that goes into executive session but I didn't see a reason to put this into the executive session so right now we just need does anyone have any objection to moving forward with investigating Madam Johnson before we go there can I have a have a question uh great city engineer would you mind giving your opinion I mean I know Tom gave a very good explanation but what's your position on this in doing this for the city I mean uh right now it's unused Space City wants to help that applicant you know under no legal you know not they don't have to help but if if they want to help with the development of a site storm water it serves the purpose of the city okay okay all right for clarification I thought for clarification the Mr Smith you and Mr SN discuss this and are are clear on what the needs are I just okay it's either we're not doing it or okay let's go ahead and well we can prove to go ahead and do it but doesn't mean we have to do it in the end correct okay so I don't see any harm moving forward I agree Happ than what GRE but okay expanding developing some property and making it a better facility good get right it does look nice area it's been developed nicely okay so you'll move forward thank you thank you madam president while we're on the um I call new business um the May the mayor brought up a situation we have in the city with shopping carts all over the place and I I'm I'm assuming May that these are shopping carts that are coming from both of our big supermarkets that are being pushed all over people are taking them leaving them in different places that that's correct so what I thought was I know we're we're looking at giving a $25 fine and doing some things along RZ Le that way would it benefit us if we got the Boy Scouts involved in terms of a project and had them do some of this work and those two facilities can contribute to the Boy Scouts whatever fund that they have that they build up to do the things they want to do kind of get them involved as a project in the city is that worthwhile I yes sir my Legend this is all handled by all right start getting there's liability issues and things of that nature okay all right sorry we don't want to have a problem obviously the statute was created because certain municipalities were doing certain things okay all right understood okay not a problem okay understood my words exactly I thought so very good no ongoing issue that's it seems like it's gotten worse yeah I agree we're not enforcing it that's you know I agree well no we're enforcing it but I just think that there's it's it's so cumbersome and there's so much more of it I just think that uh we got to put their feet to the fire on this now I agree and Now's the Time all right thank you thank you thank you okay um we received a letter from the do in reference to Route 9 carer there um Mr Snider you want to go through that for us uh yes the city received a letter stating that the uh dot was looking to acquire a piece of property along uh Golf Course where the pedestrian bridge is currently uh looks I spoke to the do they are repaving from some point M Landing Road to chadman buard estimated completion is in 2026 uh as part of that they're going to be upgrad in handicap ramps and new guide rail uh the portion that they need is because right away isn't wide enough for the new guard rail section um and we have an easement over the Goos property at that location for the bridge so we have an interest in that so that's why the letter was in the city so we don't have to respond or do anything does it no way interfere with the bridge itself no doesn't they're just uh only portion is looks like they're going to move the sidewalk back a little bit for the the guide rail so it's actually be even safer okay they're also putting in handicap R right no you know I'm just fine with that I just want to make sure the pedestrian bridge was going to stay intact there wasn't going to be any movement or construction as far as that's concerned yeah there's St there okay thank thank you okay I a couple other items oh sure go ahead um I just want to let the public know that residents along B extend Buck now will probably be receiving next couple weeks uh legal notice uh the city's going to be doing storm water repairs to the outfalls mainly cleaning including where the proposed uh storm water pump station is uh proposed but um it's part of the DP permitting process we have to send out notification within properties with 200 ft and that property back there is a large piece of property un fortunately goes by block and lot not where you're actually working so the list of names is very long it's going to be sent out so I just wanted everybody in that area to be aware of what's going on there um and then I'll be working with the our solic and um council president there's a couple storm water ordinances that the state's requiring um there's one the the whole storm water ordinance for the city has to be revised and then there's two new ordinances that the city has to adopt uh the other one one is the private salt storage and the other one is the tree replacement ordinance for within the RightWay uh the storm water and the private salt storage there's not much wiggle room for language we kind of just have to not what they say the uh the tree replacement there is some options so I didn't know if that should be sent over to the Green Team first to see they had any recommendations before comes to city council or we could do the minimum required um like DP has some options for like if you want say City could do permitting if there's any trees that need to come down that have a review or we could just do the minimum where they have to replace them in kind but uh I'm happy to send it to the green team for their comments first yeah I think that's a good idea I like I like that idea I hav on all things trees okay uh discussion of the bills yeah before we jump into that I had few things it's okay there's Chevrons on Bay Avenue where work in Ocean they were just installed um so that that's done then the other thing is uh we're going to be sending out the first invoice year one of the 30-year uh pilot agreement with Su Point Pres or related or some department so that's starting this year great just wanted to get everyone heads up on that on the bills tonight we have a bill list in the amount of 3, 8,530 53 could I have a motion to um open for public comment that I'll make that motion all in favor all in favor any opposed we now open we're now open for public comment anyone wishing to speak please state your name and address for the record hi I'm Morin hellig 106 East dolls Avenue um I just have a question number 40 change order number two traffic control products does that have any what's in that in October we talked about the small um speed limit signs on Bay Avenue and it was mentioned that um you were getting bigger signs perhaps that's not that's not this not this this is a change order we had net reduction in one of the projects work on but are you ref to speed Li signs on he was getting a quote on that I think there be M I'll follow I mean it all came up in my I got involved because of the um proposed um three-way stop sign at dolls Avenue um because of the speeding on on Bay and I mean you do have the police do have that sign up now that it lights up when people are coming and I walk there all the time so that that works you can it does tell people but there's speed limit is and but I also mentioned that um the signs were um impeded by um overgrowth I think they have been trimmed I think everything been no I walk there every day nope I know they were down far in but I talked to Mr MC I and I can promise action within the next week on that so oh good and you see what I mean right I show picture from behind it's a you know it's uh you know it's it's a matter of uh Staffing to get there but promis it's going to be taken care of short okay now I appreciate that we did talk about it you said you would because nobody sees the sign right now and you're worried about people speeding it's not their fault if they can't see this speed limit no very good point okay um thank you so my other question was um committe committee assignments um council president so is that for are there new people assign to different committees this year well we have a new councilman this year so he's not in there that'll be posted on the website oh all the committee assignments okay thank you right thank you motion to close the public portion second in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment could I have a motion to pay the bills please I'll I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed Mr fost can pay the bills uh any further comments from the governing body I just have a question for the city engineer where are we stay stand on the uh purchase of and the uh actual placing of the Arrow Signs that area the L are they were installed today I'm sorry they were installed today I believe oh okay that's when I said the Chevrons were installed I'm sorry I should have called that's those sign yeah so it's actually they're actually up and working that's great okay I was down that area a little while I didn't to see them but they were put up today there's no reason no wonder I didn't see them okay but that's great thank you okay he no other comments Madam president just a further update apparently that's scheduled for Saturday Mrs help so we'll see what happens I apprciate I'm not going to be clearing it um okay hear no other comments we'll uh take a five minute recess and we'll go into executive session okay all right thank you everyone yeah man learn you learn a lot [Music] there behind my house that's the Committees are there if there's any questions or that it's basically our responsibility I I don't really know that we have set need some some need some are more important like uh Personnel is only when there's a Personnel issue okay um I'm trying to think me uh with Public Safety when there's public safety issues Public Safety will meet with the administrator and you the fire chief the police and the committee it's pretty pretty much done on the behind the scenes there's no for there's no formal meeting get stretch the legs they they they have regular me