work first H didn't work first when you for for um the 14th or 15 is 18th huh excuse me the race is the 18 be the Super Bowl for next one looking forward to it seeing my niece I do like wow why are these seats the possible and Tony said cuz the seats on top you see see the can't see yeah close the action was around enough today uhhuh she came huh I don't how to look for it for what for like where my seats were I showed it's the email hi mayor how are you good L how you doing I'm fine thanks hi there live we are live thank you you're welcome you doing no problem oh good oh good I just get over the third time it's like right around here like that's a triangle yeah it is yeah I don't know I just Lo out I think just being there you know like the first time I went to goil I'm fine Mr Smith how are you very good good have AUM tonight yeah no one called me so I hope so I know there's a meeting at the end of the hallway is it to zoom in we're live yeah my camera can I use zoom from Florida matter with you Smith you're looking good these days huh is that my imagination or huh does he look a little healthier you do you look handsome I like the hair you do look very handsome it's a it's a amazing a little moose ever since I started drinking whiskey first sting in the morning all day I do feel better about [Laughter] everything of course all my decision making incorrect huh tomorrow good oh yeah yes you did spiritual and uh emotional spiritual and emotional Mr MC how are you great how are you oh I'm just dandy huh hello hi how you doing my my favorite one of my favorite people that works in the city how you I'm doing fine you not too bad good right she's getting there little sure good probably another week okay um I sent you an email for part two continuation of the budget meeting I didn't get to do everything oh okay and I figured I'd just printed out okay okay so it's in here Jason has oh absolutely everybody I wanted to you're C oh thanks that's great I appreciate that that's good later on maybe later on I'll let you uh brush your hand across my face see how smooth it is I think I'll hold off on that for a couple years all right right you know just because you're cured doesn't mean I can touch you oh Mr Frost has approached me uhoh maybe he'll want to rub his Crusher and you are you a gym rat correct yes I do every morning is it my imagination is his arms getting bigger huge huge feels Gooding out you all right good [Music] no I'll talk you later about okay tell as soon as I more in the school let's create more got to respond a new guy taking the last copy off you want to make com t you yeah no our plan as soon as we what we're waiting for is and then we're BL doting and just want to make sure thank you what's up CH how you doing okay hello J one that all the way down right okay early like 8:30 do you want it for you good 8: wind sounds good look at it color and some money now oh thank you I don't know why it's um learning a lot um just keep reading and asking just an update on something by yours yeah don't scar um that's why I said it was all good thank yeah now it's all there's only one direction but but when you ask me if everything's in order then I'll just state so the resolution see I'm still asking questions to so between you two guys you guys can keep me stra so this [Music] M yeah [Applause] not yeah welcome welcome everyone this meeting is called to order please rise for the flag salute of the United States of America to the repic stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for no it's not you I got to turn this way I keep forget it's a little thing I thought you were going to help me up no you're that should be the other way around Madam clerk may I have a roll call please Council council member hn pres council member Owen council member toan council member McCary pres council member MC council member D council president Johnston here also president is Mayor tap administrator Frost city clerk Samuelson city solicitor Smith and our city engineer Snider pursuing to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers uh I just I need a motion and a second uh uh consideration of the 48 hour waiver for resolution number 61 have a motion I'll make that motion second all in favor any oppos thank you uh does anyone have any communic Communications to offer hearing none Mr Mayor yeah actually I just have a couple things uh as you know is the last council meeting uh I informed everybody that Don D Ley was sending out letters to all of our businesses that have the shopping carts they have in fact been sent out we've had some response back from uh some of the landlords actually that are putting u a lot of pressure on the businesses to make sure that they uh police the areas pick up the shopping carts uh so I mean that's a positive thing and you know once again it's a start and we're going to keep our foot on the pedal on this too uh and if anyone sees a shopping cart out there all right I'm going to give you a couple phone numbers to call uh and one is 609 927 9088 extension 142 uh that would be Construction office they'll get the message and give it to Don Dunley as well as I have Don dun ley's uh cell phone number I'm giving out also 609 761 8261 uh call him anytime you see a shopping cart call he will make the uh he will contact and get that taken care of uh that was number one number two uh basketball PAL Basketball is uh going to start this weekend uh on Sunday it's going to start uh January 28th it's going to run through March 10th uh and it's instructional it's grades 1 through 1 1 and second at 11: a.m. and grades 3 and 4 at 12 noon uh Nick Wagner is running that through the pal and anyone can contact Nick Wagner at 609 335 3362 or you go on Facebook there's a QR code and you can register and I don't believe there's any fee at all they're going to be doing that at Jordan Ro Jordan Road yeah Mr MC remember when we did that I do remember that Mr Mayor that was a long time ago it was and uh that's all I have for today thank you thank you mayor committee reports umak did have a meeting this week and uh they had their elections voted Mr Wescott as chairman uh Mr hop Rob Hopkins as Vice chair and our secretary is Jenny Nelson stealing my thunder I'm sorry okay given my committee report right gotcha gotcha but you can go ahead with your Madam president member city council thank you again for the opportunity to present um we're headed into our second year of what I kind of refer to as uh New Blood New Life new energy I want to thank Charlie hior for his co-chair efforts last year he was instrumental in the creating the motion that we're now uh working with and my goal as chair is to just keep the momentum going and then take on some additional projects um in that regard um our current marketing firm Performance Marketing the contract expired the end of the year we are working in kind of a bridge status we have the RFP out I believe went out Tuesday I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday um for bids we hope to have a quick response um we had great success with Performance Marketing we got far more value than we spent the dollars on U they were really good at what they did and and extremely responsive um provided a lot of data and I believe you all have a copy of our agenda from Monday and the second page is performances uh report in terms of Facebook social media um press releases Etc and all metrics on that and I think you'll notice that there's some significant movement in terms of the Public's interaction with our promotion whether it's press releases or social media um the other element of that is the city website and I'm very happy to say that our calendar is now very much up to date and almost completely and totally accurate which is a big change from years past um the process seems to be working well um and and I and members of the committee have been telling everyone I talked to the Gateway Playhouse tonight earlier today and said you know if you have something I had gotten an email about their theater program and I called them right away and said hey here's the address you have something send it we'll get it in the Stream promote you and they were he was thrilled um that was Keith Cooper um last FR last Friday we presented our budget to city council we're hopeful we've got our fingers crossed that we can get the money that we've requested because that would give us a full 12 months of working with Performance Marketing or whoever else we choose to continue the progress we've made as uh council president mentioned um I was elected chair thank you to the committee and those that have faith in me I'm very happy to have Rob Hopkins on board as the vice chair Rob is um tad bit younger than me has a different perspective which I greatly appreciate has a tremendous amount of energy um he deserves tremendous kudos for what he's done for the summer Market all summer long and he's looking at expanding that even a little bit more um maybe extending the season um upgrading the the overall aspects of the the market and it was very successful last year so this year um our goals are to continue the marketing uh expand it where we can with minimal cost um one of our big projects that we started last year you folks may have seen it around town I kind of hold this up double-sided this is do you love Summers coin and it's a QR code and the QR code takes you right to the calendar page the landing page on the public side of the city website and then the prompt the default box that's up there is email address and the goal is to get people to sign up mon once a month only once a month we send out a synopsis of the events that are coming for the following month we only got three newsletters out towards the end of last year because we started very late in the summer with this I think we were um hitting the last Beach concert or two with the QR code that's how late it started started we started from a zero on the on the email list to at last report I think the number there is like 350 something and it's gone up a 10 plus per so we're if we're not at 400 we're close 13 gotcha gotcha we right we are we are really hopeful because not only do we have these hard laminated cards which we want to make available to the businesses but then we also printed a business card and I want everybody to grab one before you go or a stack and I've been saying to everybody uh talking with Dan Myers this morning said I give you a stack every event you're at hand them out put we'll put them on the counter at City Hall try get the businesses to allow us to leave them there we don't want to waste them because they cost money to print but the whole idea is get as many people on the email list so we can get out to the public what's happening in in sumers point and that's that's kind of the next evolution of what we're doing in terms of marketing um um the Facebook response has been great um the email has been good again the city website was an important part of it trying to create that single point where people can go and see what's happening in summers point and know that the information that they see in the calendar is reliable that's the big thing I think all of us have experienced we get something in a Facebook feed about an event that was yesterday that doesn't work Rel it's not reliable it's one aspect of it but it's not reliable uh and then this year's big project or or big initiative is with the uh joining of Atlantic County Economic Alliance we now have access to Triad Associates which is a planning firm based in uh vinand and they're well recognized um Charlie and I met with the owner and uh his daughter who is the president uh at the ACA event last week and they have a great history they work with Northfield to generate a a vision statement and and development statement for their revised master plan we've already had preliminary disc discussions eak and the Business Association offering their help at collecting any data from the public from the businesses to try and develop that um additionally last week I was elected trustee for a one-year term for the ACA as a representative of Summers Point Business Association so I'm kind of wearing two hats but it gets us a lot of gets us of a lot of contact a lot of connection we really feel like the ACA and the Triad um relationship is really going to pay off at a finite cost because we joined we have the benefit we have the access so we really want to leverage that and we have um we're planning a meeting with ACA and then eventually with Triad once we know what the criteria are for in other words what our part of the master plan revision is and that's to be determined by the planning committee by Jason by the engineer Etc so we have few so we have a few other things going on in town we're trying to get involved with um one of the big events coming up is the summer Patty I just spoke with one of the organizers yesterday um we're trying to get the QR code on a coaster that they're developing so again we're going back to this and we're trying to put it out in the same thing but we're trying to get it into another method of distribution so the goal is the Summers Patty crawl logo on one side and the QR code on the other side so we would have potentially two to 3,000 of those and seeing we don't know 600 800 people in one day seeing that as well hopefully we'll get a big bump of signups for that I'm also through the Business Association working with a Consortium we call the um Associated Affiliated business associations of Atlantic County the a ABCA lot of acronyms anyway it's it's a Luci affiliation of Summers Point Brigantine Northfield fenter um Atlantic City these associations trying to collaborate figure out how they can benefit by working together there's no dues there's no board it's it's just communication opening lines of communication and one of and one of the things that we want to take on this year is each municipality coming forward and saying we've got a list of ideas of things that we want to try and do in our city and we're looking to get some grant money and collectively presenting as a combined force of Atlantic County we want to go to our Senators our assembly persons and say we would like a piece of whatever might be out there here are the needs that we have that are going to help and improve our our community so this is another part that in combination with the Business Association that we're trying to find needs for the community so if anyone has a particular idea of a place where we can potentially get funds and apply them we would appreciate knowing things like helping with the the Gateway Playhouse and the theater equipment the film equipment um we already have handicap access to the Beach so that wouldn't necessarily be the case but it could be anything from the digital sign to the playhouse to Recreational Equipment handy cap accessibility anywhere in the city any of those kinds of things so if anybody has any interests or ideas please share and and we'll take them into consideration any questions good job good job than you good job thank you fantastic Chuck thanks just toe to Chuck uh you know we have a full agenda on the EDC this year as well as last year the volunteers on that committee have worked very much in unison to get things done and they've been dedicated to it so uh proud to be a member of that group over the last year and thank you all thank you thank you I have a could I have a motion to approve the minutes from our uh reorganization meeting at January 5th 2024 I'll make that motion second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor any oppos any opposed meeting minut the meeting minutes are approved moov on to ordinances ordinance number one number one ordinance number one ordinance number one of 2024 ordinance amending ordinance number one of 2023 an ordinance of the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic New Jersey establishing the rates fees rents and other charges of the city of Summers Point sewer utility I may I have a motion to open to for public comment for ordinance number one please I'll make that motion in favor all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on ordinance number one if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone and state your name motion to close the public portion of the ordinance number one second in fav all in favor any opposed may I have may I have a motion for ordinance number one please I'll make that motion second any comments uh any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed number ordinance number one is adopted number ordinance number two number ordinance number two of 2024 ordinance vacating a portion of West Maryland Avenue in the city Summers Point County of Atlantic state of New Jersey may have may I have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed uh this is the introduction of ordinance number two the first reading on to resol resolutions may I have a motion to open up for public comment on resolutions only make that motion I'll make that motion second in all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only Stacy andot to Violet Le I'm also the suers point Board of Education president and I just wanted to express my thanks extend my appreciation as well as that on behalf of the board uh for resolution number 59 that you have on your agenda this evening thank [Music] you motion to close the public portion of the resolutions second in favor all in favor any opposed now closed for public comment resol resolution number 54 resolution number resolution number 54 2024 resolution amending the agreement between city of Summers point and the New Jersey state policeman's benevolent Association Inc Mainland local number 77 Summers Point Patrol officers and dispatchers may I have a motion please motion second second any comments M president yes Mr MC I'd like consult with Mr Smith ready participate in this thank you should I participate in this should I participate does he have to recuse himself I don't see a problem since you're not uh revealing the dispatch thank you okay um all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 54 ad is adopted number 55 resolution number 55 of 2024 authorizing purchas of situational awareness equipment and accessories through the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance number ck4 contract from gold P Business Machines in contract number BC B 23-17 for the city of Summers Point may I have a motion please moved second any comments uh any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed resolu resolution number 55 is adopted number 56 resolution resolution number 56 of 2024 authorizing purchase of public administration software through the sourcewell sourcewell national purchasing program contract from brightle software contract number 09 320 SDI for the city of Summers Point Sewer Department may I have a may I have a motion please moov second any comment ments all in favor all in favor any opposed res resolution number 56 is adopted number 57 res resolution number 57 of 2024 authorizing purchase of one tour Workman MDX utility vehicle through Educational Services Commission of New Jersey National Cooperative purchasing program for contract number 22312 Grounds Maintenance equipment for the Summers Point Public Works Department may I have ation please make that motion I'll second any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 57 is adopted number 58 res resolution number 58 of 2024 resolution authorizing the implementation of fees for the use of the boat ramp located at Route 52 bridge and John F Kennedy Park may I have a motion please moved second comment any comments um I just want to make one comment to just let everybody know that uh we as soon as we have all the instructions and all the information on how these are going to work which will be very soon um we'll be doing um press release and getting this out to you so you know how to get your vote ramp pass um in favor all in favor any opposed resolu resolution number 58 is adopted number 59 resolu resolution number 59 24 School Board recognition month in New Jersey January 2024 whereas New Jersey's Public Schools serve approximately 1.4 million children from pre kindergarten through 12th grade and whereas the direction of public education in New Jersey is charted locally by individual School boards whose 5,000 members serve as advocates for public education as they work with administrators teachers parents and local residents and whereas Boards of Education provide accountability to the public they communicate the needs of the school district to the community and they convey to the school administrators The public's expectations for the school district and whereas school board members receive no REM rumination for their services and whereas the Summers Point City Council is justly proud of the academic athletic and social achievements of the students in our community and whereas the New Jersey school boards Association has declared January 2024 to be school board recognition month a time when all res can acknowledge the contributions made by our local school board members now therefore be it resolved that the Summers Point City Council does hereby commend the service of the Summers Point Board of Education and its members to our community and its children and be it further resolved that the Summers Point City Council proclaims January 2024 as school board recognition month in the city of Summers point and urges all citizens to join in the recogn recognizing the dedication of local school board members past and present as we work together to to advance educational opportunities for our children I'll make that I'll make that motion I'll second I'll second it com any comments yes I I'd like to make a comment if I may uh I have a great pleasure to serve on the school board this past year the individuals I served with on the board are dedicated to performing duties of being a school board member attending the mandatory New Jersey School Board Association training it is clear what the responsibilities of the board of education is that responsibility is ask to ask the what question what are we going to do the school district to improve the how things get accomplished is the responsibility of the administrators staff and faculty with the support of the parents and the cooperation of the students thank you to Mrs end for her leadership and thank you to all of the members of the school board and we did have a couple of members come off this year that I like to thank too Miss Stacy broadbank and Mr Michael sweter than um if I could just I wanted to just list the name we do have a revised resolution uh that lists the names of all of the school board members Stacy andot is the president Heather samelson is the vice president John Conover Kathleen doton Judson Moore Alice Myers Karen Thomas and Nicholas Wagner um so thank you to all of you for everything that you do Madam president I would also like to thank personally Mrs OT for as Mr havar stated there stepping into that leadership role and really is a somewhat of a thankless job uh but do appreciate your your community service and everyone else thank you it is another example of volunteerism here in summers point there is no money even though they're elected there is no money that goes to that position so it's a great thing to have so many people willing to serve okay um thank you sorry and I too want to give you know my thanks to all the board members um especially you Stacy for for uh stay on your ship there I know that sometimes it's rudderless it seems like but you stay with it and uh you know the children appreciate it taxpayers appreciate it and the mayor appreciates it thank you like to say thanks as well my neighbor Mike sweter if you're out there shout out to you fantastic job I know you've been on board for it seems like at least decade we we appreciate all that you do all the rest of the volunteers in the organization and stac C in the office I I mean any any crowd here tonight thank you all in favor any opposed resolution number 59 is adopted and Stacy we will get you a copy of the formal resolution okay uh is our poet yeah Okay resolution resolution number six resolution resolution number 60 of 2024 reporting Sarah bir as po Laurette may may I have a motion please so move second any comments all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 60 is adopted and I understand you have a pound for us tonight I do um for those of you who don't know me my name is Sarah and I am the new poet La of Summer point and I am truly delighted to represent this great City I have grown up um down the shore my whole life right now I live right off Ocean Heights um it is truly delightful I have written as a journalist for sure local and I also write poetry I want to thank the Summers Point Arts commission for um um asking you all to vote me in I really appreciate it um I like to view art as both a mirror and a window a mirror so that we can know more about ourselves and a window so that we can learn more about the outside world and so I'd like to share with you um a poem I wrote um it's so dreary and cold and Misty outside I thought I would transport everyone to Easter down the shore the a the air is like saltwater taffy Sweet Sticky and a little salty and the sky is bubblegum pink little girls wrapped in lace like adorable cupcakes twirl down the boardwalk drop an egg pick it up one by one old oldfashioned candy stores Ferris wheels and Frozen Custard Morland theater Mares welcome passerbys one by one the the Music Pier the pinky purple Castle rains over its Coastal Kingdom doop quartets serenate Grandma's on benches imag I can't imagine anywhere more Charming I was I was born down the shore I'll dive down by the shore hair wet with salt watering fingers sticky sweet thank you thank you thank you thank you Madam president if I met I can barely order lunch I can bar communicate to order my lunch those few words you just communicated there at least had a pretty profound effect on me and it resonated with my life story thank you for that very good um resolution resolution number 61 61 please resolution number resolution number 61 of 2024 authorizing execution and delivery of amendment two to a memorandum of understanding between the city of Summers point and AA New Jersey maze Landing LLC extending the negotiation period we have a motion please sub second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed resolution number 6 1 is adopted anyone have any old business to discuss hearing none uh hearing none new bus uh new business we need approval for a social Affair permit for American Legion Post 352 for an event on April 5th April 5th 2024 and October 13th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 4pm uh Madam clerk are all their is all their paperwork in it is it is but there's a typo so the one event is for May 5th 2024 okay sorry about that thank you you welcome so everyone's okay everyone approves of that social Affair permit okay we also we also need a social Affair permit for9 609 cornhole New Jersey Inc for an event on 41224 from 5:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. and April 13 and 14th 2024 I assume the same times same same time frame and their paperwork is in yes it's complete okay everyone approves of that y M okay I want to discuss something really quick with um with the council uh I got a phone call from Atlantic City they're planning a huge um St Patrick's Day uh parade this year on in March it's the week it's the my f is dead March what did I I think it's this is March 9th I believe it's March I believe that is what you said yeah um so we we have been asked to um participate participate in that in that parade as as a municipality evidently several of the municipalities around the county are participating in it some of them are just walking some of them are riding some have floats some of them have fancy cars I didn't know if we wanted to do anything or put anything together or what committee we think should handle that or need a committee for that specifically I think we do too first off so first off the first question is do we want to participate and the second question is who would like to be on the [Music] committee I'll be on the committee I'll be on the committee I'll be on the committee I'll be on the committee too I think I think this is a great opportunity to uh advertise Summer's point abolutely I think Chuck out there talking to us about you know we're going to have these little cards with the little stickers on them I mean we have an opportunity here where people can be walking alongside the float that we have and handing things out that you know will you know come back to our city in some way I think this is a just another advertising opportunity it just depends on what we need to do to put our El in the middle of that okay I'll also help with [Music] that that will that be on the boardwalk or Atlantic Avenue in the morning afternoon walk at 1:00 in the afternoon okay wonder if we can talk to like Rex granis and get the Corvette yeah um he's part of a Corvette club and maybe with that we can entice them to come maybe we can just put some signage on the side of all Vehicles you know magnets don't stick on well the older ones it does well no they're fiberglass too well we have the signs already bubble gum Bubblegum and I was I was thinking maybe uh we could get Sean to dress up as a leprechaun we could put him out in front of the we could because he is Sean M I'm a Cary but that Sean first name really puts him in a appreciate you pointing that out I do have several leprechaun outfits what I'm comfortable with my compliment yes we all are come back with some very creative IDE Grand Marshall yes okay anyone have any other new business they would like to discuss hearing none we'll move on um discussion of the bills Mr Frog all right so this evening we have a Bill of 1,882 as well as a bill list January 18 85330 thank you thank you could I have a motion to open for public comment please make that motion second all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment anyone wishing to speak please step up to the microphone hien H big 106 East stalls I'd like to give a shout out to our public works department um this Saturday right after our last meeting here your council meeting the guys on the crew were out there and they cleared that whole area um on Bay Avenue um to clear the uh speed limit sign so as soon as you turn on Bay Avenue off of Maryland it's very clear that the speed limit is 25 and so hopefully that helps deter Speeders I do walk that a lot and maybe it's my imagination but it sure seems like people are moving a little slower at that first section cuz otherwise by the time they get halfway down Bay Avenue they're really pushing at 45 45 mph is pretty what you usually see so anyway I walk down there CU Mr mcgan texted me and let me know that they were working I walked down talked to the guys and um they were great you know and they said they're going to maintain that and keep it keep it down so anyway they I just want to shout out to the public works they did a good job and hopefully it helps keep people hope it's not your imagination it really is yeah you never know I mean it's obvious you see the sign believe me you could not see that sign so you're driving you're going to just keep you have to see it now it's so clear so if nothing else uh people don't have an excuse to be speeding so anyway thank you thank you to CL motion to close to close public portioning second favor all in favor any opposed we now Clos now closed for public comment motion to pay the bills please second second second second in favor all in favor any opposed okay approved we can pay the bills any further com any further comments from the governing body mad Madam president uh good to the order uh tomorrow night the Summers Point Arts commission is going to be hosting a photography exhibit from 6 to 8 at the senior W building on am Road 69 tomorrow night thank you I don't know if anybody saw the hospital exhibit that they did and it was the pictures are amazing and the fact that they pictures of Summer's point you can really appreciate it even more so um motion toour all in favor any oppos thank you very much everyone