for we're live we're live [Music] anybody complain about really here nothing yeah they're they're up to if that doesn't get any money there going to be like 15 who knows it's a big number it is sir what's up Dan how you doing over all right stupid get you every [Music] week here we go Greg I'm still crying huh going get the yeah thank you though working on my uh yeah oh yeah yeah all right you have a yeah pleas good to that I'm I'm sure 2 was that mine no I did not I might have one of these there one that's so we should probably really stri that right I haven't looked at it so yeah I saw I just glan yeah he just he had sent that should that or at least have a conversation appreciate that we really did [Music] seriously this is sent me explaining what what that is okay I was going to kind of read off that yeah like I said I know that there's um dca's got a whole website all different links on there asking all you know answering questions tell you how to do it all and if we can get that out to everybody I think that'll get everyone on the same page we can put that on um I wouldn't put it on the website yet I I would just go with the council right now just to see if this is something that everyone wants to do okay yeah otherwise then you're going to yeah get too many yeah exactly hello Mr Frost sure exact sameir I do it's funny how you looked at me oh yeah that's right you're welcome [Music] [Music] yeah I got I got that here surprised they put the game on yeah maybe get get the whole game at least uh I think it's starting right about now to five innings right Mr Baseball over here would know Mr MCG he's big Phillies what's that it's considered a game if you get what four and a half innings in or five uh five but unless it's a that's a good question it's five compl the away team has to B five times so it could four oh no it could be four and a half if the Phils if the home team's in the lead last week yeah yeah it's strange but true but hopefully they get the whole game CLE you know aless yes we did doing this think about it yeah we're doing this one by resolution you can always do it by yeah you can do it either be a proclamation show want to do that in a resolution fine I just didn't know if there was a difference a reason why we would do it differently yeah you do it either way you good yeah is this meeting is called to order would everyone please rise for the flag salute to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands one nation God indivisible Li and justice for all May have aoll may I have a roll call please Council council member Havoc council member Owen herec council member dampas council member McCary M council member MCG council member Dill counc council president Johnston here also also present is Mayor tap administrator Frost uh city clerk city clerk samelson city solic city solicitor Smith city engineer SN puru pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's web site Summers okay anyone have any anyone have any Communications to offer heing none Mr hearing none Mr Mayor yeah I have uh yeah I have just a few items here uh and a lot of it great news uh I did receive a letter from uh Francis o Conor the acting commissioner of the uh Department of Transportation and basically we got a $900,000 grant to pay Bay Avenue from gold to New Jersey Avenue it's a um grant that we were able to receive from the local Aid infrastructure uh fund program and with that I would like to thank our city engineer Greg schneer and our uh planner Jim Rella that's that's no match no match and no match straight straight cash all Goods no match which is great uh as we know as I always you know report bayfest is April 27th we are still looking for some volunteers to help the morning of uh feel free to call me 609 957 7 87 we have close to 100 Crafters correct me if I'm wrong there're 32 35 food vendors yes excellent job excellent job thank you um this month in the New Jersey municipalities magazine that we get hit the big we hit the big time here it says show off your city Dan Myers put some uh put a picture of our gazebo and our fishing pier with the backdrop of the Bay of course we did get honorable mention but um it was a a great job for Dan Myers to put this in there and just another way of showing off the city of Summer's point and everything that we have and then uh lastly I'd like to uh take this opportunity to thank John hbig with the economic uh commission we did the Citywide clean up this past Saturday we had probably 30 volunteers that went out pck we picked up 285 lb of trash and we picked up 35 lb of recycling and uh I want to thank all the volunteers and I want to thank John and his wife thank you very much I appreciate that and with that you steer the boot thank you okay um Mr Snider yes um the KCK Devon nexton and Valor Drive project um now that we've had some drier weather we're planning to finish the repaving the top coat hopefully next week um weather permitting hopefully there's no other rain uh Ocean Avenue phase one was inspected by the New Jersey V was be acceptable the contractors is finishing some punchless items uh tomorrow the grant that the mayor spoke about for Bay Avenue from New Jersey to gold um good news on that is we actually already had that survey because that was part of the FEMA Grant so we don't even have to spend any money to survey it um so pretty much we go right out to designing it um I guess the plan since similar to New Jersey Avenue we' probably repay that in the fall so we'd submit the pl dot uh spring and then they would approve it in the summer we go out the bid and then we should be able to to get that project done the same time as New Jersey Avenue oh wow great um that's about it thank you thank you anyone have any anyone have any committee reports to offer Madam president on here the Garden Club met this week um their bus trip uh up to the museums they got 53 people which is a sellout for their trip so that was uh really good on um June 22nd it's a date of the garden tour here in the city so if anybody's interested in that please reach out received their U quarterly update from Performance Marketing and next meeting Mr Westcott will be here to give the details of it but uh some good news the E newsletter the uh sign up through do you love Summers Point we've exceeded over 900 people that have already signed up for that in a matter of five or six months so that's some good news you'll have some more to talk about that meeting the Historical Society bayfest Museum will be open from 10: a.m. to 2: p.m. on June 8th there's an open house at the Museum from 10: to 2: that's itk thank you the uh steering committee met last Friday um we're starting the process to reexamine our master plan for the city um so uh we're doing a reex to reexamination we're not redoing the whole thing we're doing a reexamination on that so I've asked all of the Committees to give us their input ideas all the commissions and Boards I've asked them all to submit any ideas or suggestions that they have before we put it out to for public comment um we'll have a couple public sessions to try and get some public input as well so that'll be um done over the next couple of months hopefully uh we also had a Redevelopment last month um we had a res represented by their attorney come and ask us about dos Avenue to vacate um to vacate dos Avenue um the Redevelopment committee looked at this again we've looked at this a couple times and the recommendation from the committee is that we do not grant that vacation uh that particular um uh paper Street uh paper Street right away uh could possibly be used by the contiguous property which is owned by the city and um not that we have any plans right now for that but since it could be used by someone else someone else uh it's not normal practice for us to vacate a street so if everyone agrees with that or if anybody has any questions just do a St just do a straw vote um if anyone dis yeah anybody have any objection to that or any comments anything okay we're all okay with that so Mr Smith will take care of responding to the uh applicant for that also the also the Redevelopment uh committee we discussed um Improvement Z Improvement zones and this is something that we're going to research deeply but uh looks like a very beneficial thing to to do um Improvement zon Improvement zones is I'm going to just read this so that I don't give the wrong definition but uh a model for management of the municipality's commercial corrier um it's done by ordinance impr and the improvement district provides a mechanism for the businesses and the property owners of the communitygan to organize as a sing single entity to raise funds for activities that enhance or expand Municipal services and through the district Management Corporation to manage themselves to become more effective destination for Commerce um uh the uh downtown business Improvement Zone Loan Fund can disperse grants and other financing to improve and enhance commercial corridors for public use and these funds are available not only can the city apply for them but the individual Property Owners also can apply for these grants for this funding to make whether it's facade improvements or infrastructure improvements um uh there's a lot a lot of opportunity there just to improve the commercial properties that we have so it's going to be specific areas uh that's what we're going to be working on designating those specific areas and it's for commercial property so we believe it'll benefit not benefit the the citizens and the taxpayers so in short just simply the ability to to seek grants through the city or would the property owners themselves to persist in renovating clean up and sidewalks things that facad facades sidewalks even streets I believe it would go along with the the grant we just got for to repay things of that nature and it's no cost and it's of no cost to the taxpayers or the citizens at all or the property owners just an opportunity if it's something that they need they can apply for it so any other committee reports anyone um Madam president last Thursday the recreation board met not really pretty much business as usual a few permits um mostly looking at the our facilities and possibly get some new playground equipment at the Kennedy Park Sean was in attendance as well anything to add I was there yes yes and also a couple traveling teams want to have access to the Fields lot to be discussed with that but I don't know good meeting okay thank you um um could I have a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes meeting minutes from March 28th 2024 and also the executive session meeting minutes from March 14th 20124 sove so moved second second all in favor any opposed the uh minutes are approved can I have a motion to open for public comment on resolutions only please move can I have a second can I have a second all in favor all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only I have a motion to close make that motion second all in favor I I I any opposed we're now closed for public comment resolution number 104 please resolution number resolution number 104 2024 taxes canceled and refunded block 232 lot 12.02 and 12.03 also known as fifth Landing Road may have a motion please SM SM second second com any comments all in favor all in favor I anyos any opposed resolu resolution number 104 is adopted number 106 resolution number resolution number 106 of 20124 awarding bid for Bay Avenue storm water cleaning and video inspection may have a may I have a motion please that motion make that motion second second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor I any opposed resolution resolution number 106 is adopted number 107 resolution resolution number 107 of 2024 authorizing advertising bids for fiscal year 23 Municipal Aid reconstruction of Ocean Avenue Phase 2 may have a motion please so moved second second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed resolution number resolution number 107 is adopted number 108 res resolution number 108 of 2024 authorizing advertising bids for fiscal year 24 Municipal Aid reconstruction of New Jersey Avenue may I have a motion please sub subed second com any comments all in favor all in favor any oppos res resolution number 108 is adopted number 109 resolution number 109 of 2024 supporting Autism Awareness acceptance whereas one in 36 children in United states have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and whereas individuals living with autis autism spectrum disorder can achieve independence and live purposeful lives when afforded the support system and opportunities that each and everyone deserves and whereas many individuals and families living with autism know that acceptance is often one of the largest barriers to finding and developing a strong support system and whereas there is no known medical detection or cure for autism and whereas a variety of public and private organizations and agencies strive to provide quality care and support or services to children and adults with ASD to enable them to live as independently as possible and to reach their full potential and whereas locally in Atlanta County faces for autism and nationally organizations such as Autism Speaks are nonprofit organizations dedicated to Autism Awareness education and supported children with autism and their families together with other local state and National nonprofit organizations would similar goals and whereas the ultimate goal is to create a world where everyone in the autism Community feels accepted and connected to to the support they need when they need it and now therefore be it resolved that City Council of the city of Summers Point supports the efforts to increase awareness of autism and recognizes April as autism awareness and acceptance acceptance month in city of Summers point and be it further resolv that the city council encourages the citizens of Summer's point to seek more information on this condition and to recognize the challenges who have been touched by autism may I have may I have a motion please absolutely absolutely so moved second second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed resolution number resolution number 109 is adopted uh may I have a motion for the consent agenda please move Mo second all in favor all in favor any opposed agend consent agenda is adopted anyone anyone have any old business to offer hearing none hearing none any uh new business okay we need we need approval for a social Affair permit for for Robert Johnson post 2189 BFW for an event on April 27th from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. I'm assuming all paperwor is in yes everybody okay with that yes yes yes also on for 609 cornhole New Jersey Inc for an event on April 27th from 11: to 7 and again all their paperwork is in or they wouldn't be on yes correct everybody's okay yes and uh uh the American Legion Post 352 for an event on June 20th 2024 from 5 to 900 p.m. and again everything is in order and again okay all the paperwork is in everybody's good thank you okay um okay um we have a uh a presentation from John HCK in reference to the state requiring a new tree ordinance Mr hellig good evening everybody John hellig 106 East dos Avenue I'm chairman of our environmental commission um Mr Smith asked me to come tonight talk a little bit about the fact that we have a mandate from the state of New Jersey to deal with and that is a tree removal and replacement program that the state has put in place um sort of a mandate now that comes down from the D that affects all the 5 57 communities in the state that are tier one um communities under our ms4 stormw program this is similar to Greg put together the uh the model stormw ordinance that you passed recently that was a mandate from the state this has come down at the same time um this ordinance I'll try to be as succinct as I can it has a lot of moving parts to it um the state uh essentially from an overarching standpoint has made the case that trees are important trees are a resource and they want municipalities to disincentivize land use and land use practices that remove trees the goal of the state I believe is that there be no net loss in terms of a community's canopy um so this this as you might imagine is not going to be the easiest thing to implement um I did attend a couple of webinars and I shared that information with with Mr Smith and and councilman mcgan and Habor and there's a lot of as I indicated a lot of moving parts to it and I think that's the case anytime a state mandate comes down that affects communities as different as the city of nework to agricultural communities in Salem County it's you know our needs are our requirements are very very different um so in Summer's Point basically the goal here is to pass an ordinance that minimiz es the amount of confusion tries to use the existing processes that we already have in place to regulate this either through our planning board our zoning board our zoning officer or our construction code official um that has to be worked out the state has provided this mandate that it be passed um really the details are what's important you know we have to figure out exactly exactly what's being regulated they're requiring that trees both within the public right of way along our streets are regulated as well as trees on private property to some degree are regulated so um it presents a challenge in terms of regulating that in terms of how how this is exactly going to be done you know the state has provided the why we have to Define what's to regulated we have to Define how it's going to be regulated and we have to Define who is going to be involved in regulating it so I I I had mentioned to to Mr Smith and to to councilman mcgan and Habor probably a good idea to get together with our zoning officer and our construction code officials to figure this out to figure the best way to do it um as I indicated there are a lot of moving Parts here I don't know if you had a chance to go through the draft ordinance that I put together if you have any questions I'd try and answer them stun stunned into silence any question this just the intruction has to be this small so uh can we uh because like you said this has a lot of moving part um and I would like to get the input from all of our professionals and who is going to who is going to actually have to be doing this right um so can we do the basic the one that's mandated with the limited things that we have to do and just to get it done because it has to be introduced before the first of May and then we can in simultaneously work on a a revised ordinance is that the way we that we still need to find out's going to establish who's going to be the person the initial inspection and making the call relative to the trees I just out of curiosity do we know how many trees we have in summer point7 that's 4000 I mean know who enforces our tree Orin we have a ordinance now like this well you know what interesting Tom tell you our chapter what is it chapter 242 or whatever which um refers to a shade tree commission and that was put together in 1925 originally for the city of Summer [Laughter] point my suggestion my input is let's have a meeting with all the people you've mentioned but make sure that we have the you know the the Construction office there right absolutely and and that will you know if we can formulate those steps and put something together for the next meeting which I I think we can it may be ambitious but I always remind everyone we can amend we don't have to get all excited that well maybe we didn't like this we didn't because I got to tell you every time we sit up here and I read something I say maybe we could have done that just a little differently so yeah you know something they thought maybe I should have done it different so yeah I I I the key is getting it done um Mr H put a lot of effort into this with the assistance of council members so I I I I would like to have a meeting this week coming up so that I I think that my myut reaction on this is probably fall under instruction WR probably well that would make sense Monday or tues Monday or Tuesday okay well that's that's we'll let you figure that out but um thank you for all your hard work thank you John thank you gu I don't know what Mr H got but in case you're happen to see him in the next Tuesday okay I'll send out an email and I'll I'll I'll swing in the him and and over here and the Construction office so thank you since since this is going to be something that looks like the Construction office is going to end up is it something that construction commit committee should also meet you meet after you guys meet and figure out what you're going to do and um sure I can yes answer I to much yes I just want as many council members to be a part of the initial conversation so we understand and Mr mcgan Tuesday does work for me thank you can you guys work out your schedule later so we can continue with really come on I got discuss of the bill just trying to exp the process Mr Frost discussion of the bill sure uh this evening we have a bill is 1,166 21373 in addition to that we have a record of payments uh in the amount of 1, 15685 thank you thank you I have a motion I have a motion to open for public comment please so move second all in favor hi any opposed we're now open for public comment um Madam I'd like to mention that we should put a three minute we're open for public all right public has go ahead thank you just John H again just a couple things um I just wanted to again congratulate Greg and Jim Rella for their work on that grant for Bay Avenue that's a that's a substantial obviously the money but just that'll have on our community I think it's a wonderful wonderful thing great job um the other thing I just wanted to bring Council up to date on I hope we can do some traffic calming as part of that you know part of the design for that um we got a $5,000 Grant from sustainable Jersey through the environmental commission to do plannings at um the playground behind the senior center um I solicited bids for that work mwan Landscaping uh in egg haror town submitted uh the best bid um met with them this morning so uh if everything falls into place I have to wait for Jason to give me the the go-ahead but uh if everything falls into place we should be getting those plannings in over the next couple of weeks look forward to that yeah thank you thank you thank you Nelson Nelson dice I live on Central Avenue in Ocean City I was here two weeks ago to advise Council that the city prosecutor of the city of Summers point is unconstitutionally acting in my opinion based on the response from an Oprah which took two days to get the 18th of February February it was given on the 20th no records on file in response to your request my struggle in Ocean City with the Constitution and the what I believe are criminal acts uh which may be proven by the chief of police losing his position having to retire so far in put me in jail just for wearing a striped uh prison outfit to church St Peter's United Methodist I wore that to my court case here with judge freed and the prosecutor and I indicated that there's no oath of office didn't matter I asked Mr Smith does he have an oath I request he doesn't have to answer it today but I requested that I also requested all of your Oaths of office because it says the Constitution which is the supreme law of the land in article six indicates that all executive and judicial officers both of the United of the several States shall be bound by oath or affirmation backed up by NJ sa 41112 and 3 today it occurred to me maybe the Municipal Court Clerk doesn't have an oath I don't know if she's supposed to or not but what she gave me is not the oath of office it's something else so here I'm here to alert Council that based on your B being bound by oath support to support this Constitution which I'm a free citizen I'm not a 14th Amendment citizen a free citizen a free inhabitant on the land of New Jersey iaim I claim the four organic laws which are Declaration of Independence in which it says one of the re one of the reasons for fighting the British was uh was uh they were basically harassing us and it says here that uh must we must therefore for denounce our separation and hold them the British Breen as we hold the rest of mankind enemies in war in peace friends I come as a friend but if you guys want to make I say you guys summmer Point Ocean City the corporation wants to make war against me with the gold Fringe flag then it's a violation this is your second notice you're now on the hook if Miss Blane asks if the municipal clerk in my opinion acts anymore against me without this oath of office I say they're already committing constitutional crimes and I'll be dealing with that but I'm talking about this coming Tuesday I submitted evidence that I was framed by the Ocean City police and one of the members of the church I had on video they didn't know I was filming but they lied so we're going to find out what happens on Tuesday but I'm going to hold the council now responsible and according to some people as the directors of the city corporation which is a private Corporation those who don't act to protect me one of the people could be held personally liable Mr Mayor God bless Summers point I love Summers point I was drug here I didn't come here by willing willing so I'm just here to let you know what's going on thank you very much thank you thank you [Music] Nelson I have any motion to close please second all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment uh can I have ation uh can I have a motion to pay the bills second all in favor any opposed Mr Frost can pay the bills anyone have any other further comments uh from the governing body for the good of the order Mr M did you have something no I just want to remind us that you know three minute rule in place that's allk you're welcome that's quite all right okay could I have a motion to adjourn so move second second all in favor all in favor any oppose thank you everyone thank you [Music] everyone nice job on Ocean Avenue on on the west side now you the east side of Atlantic yeah yeah what's D that place8 PO oh 74 still trying you know4