what's the date 22nd let's see what kind of we get in here how you doing [Music] it's um prob feels really cold for you out there the rain coming down and the wind yeah you know what it hasn't been that been that warm down really been that chilly windy real windy wow cloudy we were up in the G birth you have um I can bring it to you if no I'm kidding you a bad time how are you today doing good got my coffee yeah one of the ladies downstairs can't in administra Ashley Brian oh she you know okay all right that's pretty cool get my Cofe yeah I got up early was a mistake all right keeps you going right yeah keeps you how you doing all right all right yeah keeping you busy over there seems every time I come my it's always somebody that window it seems like yeah but you know what keep going I mean I I enjoy interacting oh yeah so you can tell she's very shy oh gosh have a good meeting than be say something all right I just got my and they still have it 3 weeks they like it good good hey how you doing how are you how you say you have a minute can you sign absolutely not [Music] [Music] put you back yeah couple days thank you you're welcome it's like baseball time down there right know watch a lot of movies no you ever see the uh the great lonsy this is his sweater all right this doesn't look like a big hey there boy how you doing you should tell your favorite movie Mr M yeah Hey Joe how you doing [Music] youd I'm aut committee one of his Communications doesn't matter did you want to you want this you don't if you want it I I read through them all the time I got a prescription at home I read it online okay no ni good yeah 8:30 :30 Tuesday went to work this morning I had like thousand emails it's never fun I've been trying to keep up with the all right 8 okay not 9 8:30 that okay you prove that today call each other can't wait yeah we changed I was with them earlier today and I the jeans and t-shirt I used to Kur I think Kurt gar you know Kurt right he sat there and him and I used to joke around because he he would dress he coming in jeans I go I'm glad you're here doesn't have his little one with him tonight by [Music] himself greetings everyone this meeting is called to order please rise for the flag salute Bank United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all may I have may I have a roll call please council member Habor pres council member Owen here council member dep pilis here council member McCary here council member mcgan council member D council president Johnston here also pres is administrator Frost confidential assistant to the city clerk canio city solicitor Smith and our city engineer [Music] Snider pursu pursuant to public open open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers point.org okay um communic Communications uh I do have a letter here that I wanted to read just to clarify just to clarify something that came up at the last meeting um it was um just brought up about the street light at Ocean Heights and Shore Road um we have a letter from a county executive Dennis levenson uh that I'll just read it Marine Kern councilwoman of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners recently attended a meeting in Lynwood where she discussed discuss some of the ongoing and upcoming County Road projects one of these was the potential for providing signalization at Ocean Heights and Shore Road the chairwoman's current two chairwoman's current surprise some of those in attendance as well as some Summers Point officials said they were not aware of these plans Summers Point Council Sean McAn later raised the issue of the project at the city council meeting this project is not new discussions were held with members of the prior Administration a study was conducted by Urban engineers in for which Summers Point contributed 50% of the funding the study recommended several improvements to sh Road Corridor including uh this one it's stated per August 11 2022 meeting this location is to be signalized which we anticipate will include pedestrian accommodations crosswalks push buttons countdown signal heads and Ada ramps additionally a public hearing was held given this information we want to be sure all members of council are familiar with the study as it pointed out the high number of crashes at this intersection at Ocean Heights and Shore Road ranked second in the corridor from Ocean Heights to G the majority of these incidents were rear and and fixed object crashes um so everyone has a copy of the study that in their file tonight and um we did know about this it was discussed in several meetings that the city engineer attended I attended Mr Frost attended and it was also when we did hold our public session it was on the plan showing that the traffic light was going to be installed so I just wanted to clarify that that um and we did also pay for 50 50% of this study that was done last year um which paid off for us we paid off for us because we got a $861,000 grant because we did the study so um just wanted to clarify that for everyone anyone anyone have any other Communications to offer none um committee reports Madam president I have a couple yes uh edex uh next meeting is scheduled for Monday um the 26 at 6:30 at the Gateway uh everybody's welcome to attend that the Historical Society meeting to go over the preliminary schedule of events for the calendar year was held the first day of the museum will be open as bayfest and discussions of painting the exterior of the building we had um Janice and I um attended the school board meeting we did present the uh resolution that recognizing the school board to all the members other business at the school board was presentation of the students of mon of the month there were a lot of smiles to see the kids so happy about being recognized there was an update given on the search uh the search for the new superintendent applications being reviewed updates will be in subsequent meetings selection of Joyce Clem to fill the open board seat there were two applicants who were interviewed as part of the meeting the board went into uh executive session and upon return announced the selection the doors Avenue School the New Jersey Department of Education notified Mr kbach who is the interim superintendent of Summers Point School District that the dors Avenue School is no longer identified as a school for additional targeted support and Improvement in short it means the students are improving in many measures so that's a good thing the Environmental Green Team April 6th is confirmed for the Citywide cleanup a day that's also out there on Facebook so you can see that and all the times schedule for that if you want to participate please arrive at 8:30 at Public Works uh the signage for the um Kennedy Park has been uh placed and I thank the Green Team environmental team for all that work uh it really looks nice okay thank you very much welcome uh Madam president just to touch on on the uh budget and finance subcommittee uh we have been meeting matter of fact we had a meeting just prior to tonight's meeting to you know a couple hour work session amongst the committee as well Mr Frost and and our CFO prestle um and then we're Contin and we're scheduling another meeting to get together our our Target here is to uh have the budget ready to go and introduce uh uh towards the end of March uh and it's a you know it's a Continuum effort I just want to make sure that everybody knows it is uh ongoing and if there's questions or input from Council Members or whoever uh you can contact one of the members of the sub committee thank you thank you madam president Summers Point Arts commission is going to be meeting this coming Monday at 6 6 p.m uh here in council chambers uh the past uh this past month they've been doing great things uh over the senior recreation building on amble road with photography um open housee gallery as well as with u creative writing with poetry and also this past few weeks so the building's being utilized and like to thank you know president in the house here Dan Myers for taking the lead on that thanks if you haven't seen the list for the the schedule for this year it's it's pretty impressive of all the things that they've added so um any other committee reports okay we'll move on but I have a motion to to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of January 25th 2024 and the executive session meeting minutes of February 8th approved as to content only second any comments any comments in favor all in favor any opposed the meeting minutes are approved um ordinance number three ordinance number ordinance number 3 of 2024 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank njsa 4A colon 4- 4514 may I have a motion please I'll make that second uh any comments all in favor any opposed this is the first reading for this uh ordinance ordinance number four ordinance number four of 2024 an ordinance vacating Oak Lane in the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic state of New Jersey may I have a motion please second any comments all in favor any opposed resolution number four is introduced I'm sorry ordinance number four ordinance number five number ordinance number five of 2024 an ordinance enacted under authority of njsa 39 col 4-1 197 regulating the parking of vehicles on certain streets and portions thereof amending and supplementing the Summers Point Municipal Code chapter 250 vehicles and traffic Article 1 Section 250- 24.1 schedule 1A and repealing all ordinances here to for adopted the provisions of which are inconsistent here with specifically the municipal sanitary sewer pump station on woodlock Port may I have a motion please I'll make second com any comments all in favor any opposed ordinance number five is introduced number six please ordinance number six of 2024 an ordinance enacted under authority of 39 4-1 197 regulating the parking of vehicles on certain streets and portions thereof amending and supplementing the Summers Point Municipal Code chapter 250 vehicles and traffic Article 1 Section 250- 24.1 schedule 1A and repealing all ordinances here to for adopted the provisions of which are inconsistent here with specifically the municipal sanitary sewer pump station on Summers Point me Landing Road may I have may I have a motion please so moved second any comments all in favor any opposed ordinance number six is introduced number seven ordinance number 7 of 2024 an ordinance enacted under authority of njsa 39 4-1 197 njsa 39 47.6 and njsa 9 4-1 1977 granting the city the authority to establish a a restricted parking Zone in front of a residence for a fee amending and supplementing section 250- 57 i1 of the Summers Point city code repealing all ordinances here to for adopted the provisions of which are inconsistent here with may I have a motion please make that second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed number ordinance number seven is introduced I have may I have a motion to open for public comment on resolutions only make that motion second in all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only Petri Pearson 587 mark rude um thisk this parking um what are you doing what are you doing R doing the whole parking system in summers point we changed the handicap parking fee for veterans we're not charging veterans anymore but are you let's let's figure this out can we please have some councilman explain explain this whole thing not just what the way it's written here because for years and years I've lived here there has been a Parking Wars almost people will get a parking space and then they'll die nobody takes it away sign away um that you're do yeah talking you're talking about ordinances disc all right then I would like in the interest of the public to have a full-fledged explanation of these because I've lived here I've been through it and I know you're up for problems I'll give it to you when you get back up say what say what I'll give it to you even though Council woman could have done I that's okay so any questions on the resolutions any questions on the resolutions that's what we're talking yeah I have questions on the resolution I first of all granting the city authority to what's the city what's the city Authority going to do question number one are you talking about number 76 I'm talk I'm talking about uh number seven what's the city going to do what are you gonna do talking about resolution number 76 is it is it you can always talk about resolutions authoriz authorizing you're talking about the resolutions I was talking about the ones that just started okay I gotta I got you all right all right what's going on with resolution number 76 let's start there then authorizing us to invoice the annual service charge for preservation LP and its Affiliates that's authorizing us to invoice uh the Summers Point Village Redevelopment the pilot that we did with them it's authorizing um Administration to send invoice for that okay then I'm I think uh I think these other resolutions come in in the public session is that what it is the the uh no now now we're to discussing resolutions we're discussing all the resolutions all all the resolutions all right then I think I was um should come back talk about the ordinances is that right yes okay sorry sorry I thought I don't know why but Parkin just I saw red okay that's no need thank you motion to close second all in favor any opposed okay uh resolution number 73 please resolution number 73 of 2024 hiring school crossing guards may have a motion please second any comments uh I would like to thank these people that step up to be Crossing cards and obviously if you look at the dates of hire there's a number of them doing equated number of years and have become the fabric of the community and the school systems thank you for that uh in favor all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 73 is adopted number 76 resolu resolution number 76 of 2024 resolution authorizing the 2024 calendar year invoice for annual service charge the summer Point preservation LP and its Affiliates may have a motion please move any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed resolu resolution number 76 is AD is adopted I have could I have a motion for the consent agenda please I'll make that motion second all in favor all in favor I any opposed the consent agenda is adopted um old business uh we could just discuss the Atlantic City St Patrick's Day Parade that council is participating in uh initially the was also going to participate with us they're they've decided that they um can't do that or don't want to do that so I just wanted to let everyone know because initially they were going to let us ride in their cars if you didn't want to walk so now the only vehicle we'll have in it is our hero campaign um vehicle so hopefully everybody will still participate it's going to be a fun day it's going to be nice and warm are you saying we're all going to ride in her or walk I have no problem walking if you don't want to walk yeah you can bring your bike you can what about the fire trucks there's a weight limit on the boardwalk I don't think they can put fire trucks on thew I'm pretty sure they they yeah no they can't I mean if somebody I mean if somebody has a vehicle that they want to put in you just have to get the permit from the city so very easy to do Jason I'll tell you how to do it yeah have we thought about reaching out to the U the uh the riders with the motorcycles that show up every time that would be a lot of fun to bring the motorcycles up there I don't think they're going to break the boards and he just they just have to register with the city that's all they just have to get a vehicle for I can reach out to a couple sure I'm not riding on a motorcycle but you you will yes I will yes they will okay they may already be in it I don't know maybe we just they we them right near us all right I'll find out okay that's a long walk okay that's a good idea okay anybody else any have any old business to discuss okay new business new business I need a approval for New Jersey State firefighters Association application membership for Trevor R Smith I'll make that motion everyone approve of yes disc discussion of the bills Mr Frost yeah we have um two records pment one the amount of $5,000 and one in the amount of 1,600 bated February 20th for [Music] 3,732 72 thank you I have a move I have a motion to open for public comment please so move all in favor any opposed we're now open for a public comment anyone wishing to speak please state your name for pear 587 marks all right sorry about that before before these resolution or ordinances come up again could we please have somebody stand up and say in full exactly what's going to happen with these parking things now here's why here's why you just write it up people don't understand you put it in play and you have all kinds of um complaints plus you have to have somebody go out and handle the complaint talk to the about it bring them in this has happened over and over and over again in this town and it's a disgrace and you know it you all know it okay so the bottom line is what are you doing taking the whole parking plan and negating it and starting over what are you doing explain to me or the people here what you're doing sometimes when you change one thing you have to change it in several different places is that and that's partially what this is right going to complain about this there's no one going to complain about this this is what's going on we have some pumping stations Public Works needs to be able to get into the pumping station the SE Authority so we're making the area around the pumping stations no parking so that there you a a sewer backup the guys can get their in no problem that's not going to cause anyone any OD no one's going to get upset the other one is just a happy one you're veter and you have a a uh disability uh decal and you want to park in front of your house we actually have two fold method of handling this one you get the uh handicap uh parking and so include others from parking in your handicap spot in other words someone else with the handicap now require a permit also and so that people get a permit cost them $10 if you're a vet get it forr everyone's happy these are happy we're not taking anything away from anybody about anything save up okay I I hear you you're clearing off for the pumping stations and you're giving the Vets $10 I hear you okay now the next complaint that comes in can you please stand up and say it so the people know because listen I live here complain people are complaining about do you know that people have died and then and the and the thing Haven hasn't been taken away did you know that one well we tried a few times oh okay and we go on from there okay okay I'm telling you you better be careful on this one and I mean it Mr Smith I'd like to compliment you on speaking so clearly thank you people yes Mr Smith you're a happy lawyer we're very happy that schneer explain all this yeah that was my fault okay good evening council president members of council just for the record my name is Keith Davis I'm an attorney at NE Davis and Goldstein and I represent R2 F2 Inc uh which is a developer of a residential development in and around the Great Bay uh Country Club I am here to address the ordinance you introduced U ordinance number four of 2024 which vacates Oak Lane that vacation relates directly to the residential development that r2f to my client is undertaking around the golf club it consists of 168 Town Homes 42 affordable housing units it was approved by the planning board last a year ago uh February 15 2023 um fir on behalf of my client I want to say thank you for Council taking action on the street vacation um I do want to ask if we can have further discussion and dialogue about the nature of the vacation um with the vacation as introduced by Council through ordinance number four there's going to be a full vacation of that street as it meets Summers Point ma Landing Road a county roadway the law provides that each adjacent owner takes title to the vacated area to the center line of the roadway it is a 60t wide rway and 30 is going to go to one owner and 30 ft is going to go to the other owner R2 F2 will only have control as to half which will mean that the access point what is Oak Lane will be 30 ft instead of 60 um we were originally proposing that that portion be dedicated so that it could be to allow access in ESS out with the vacation that was introduced this evening it will only allow for egress out because the cartway will only be 30 ft in width um we want to make sure that that issue is fully vetted and that Council fully understands its implications from a traffic circulation standpoint particularly since we just got our approval from Atlanta County planning board and the planning board recommended that it be 60 ft full movement in and out it is a county roadway um and we think it provides for better traffic circulation I understand there's been discussion about the legalities of that liability to the city we did offer a full indemnification hold harmless and maintenance agreement R22 never expected the city to maintain that portion of Oak Lane that we as to be improved R2 F2 and subsequently the homeowners association that will manage this residential development would plow it maintain it fix all potholes and hold the city harmless and provide necessary Insurance meeting the city specifications so that the city would be fully held harmless in that in that event um with Mr Smith's permission I had a discussion with Council President Johnson about this we would ask that this issue uh be sent to the Redevelopment committee between now and the public hearing date of March 14 so we have an opportunity to review plans again and to make sure that the issue is fully vetted so that um you know before the action on the ordinance is made um that issue is is fully understood and vetted so I just wanted to put that on the record tonight um happy answer any questions that you have or with your um consent council president we would certainly like the opportunity to discuss this further with the council Redevelopment committee yeah I would like to ask the Redevelopment committee to meet and um with just leave it there yeah every other discussion's been an executive session on so really you can't be speaking to Mr Davis so if you have questions I would suggest direct them to m yeah okay so we'll um we'll set that up as soon as possible and uh thank you for hearing apprciate have a good night 587 Marks Road after that going to go back home Rob Hopkins 123 East Min I just want to re iterate Mr MC wigan's comments on the crossing guards Miss Mary jumps out there every morning and and thank council president Johnston and Mr Habor for attending school board meeting thank Mr Habor for your school board committee update it's been a very long time since there's been any Schoolboard communication here I don't even want to say how long but a very long time so I hope with the changes in the school district right now that we have new principles new superintendents new school board that there's a lot more back and forth between Council and the school board thank you motion to close moved all in favor any opposed now closed for public comment uh motion to pay the bills second all in favor all in favor any opposed okay any further comments uh for the go of the order from the governing body uh good things are happening the next few weeks with the Su Point PB crawl March 2nd I believe 10 to 4 might be a little bit later probably 124 it's it's posted on social media and it's also nice that the uh local establishments that are taking part All Good Charity all the proceeds are going to believe MS MR mcag I am not aware of that okay okay okay thank you uh motion to close motion to adjourn move all in favor any oppose thank you very much everyone I think it was a record breaker but close see what you kidding but there's appro appropriately good answer for that this is not the school I know we have