good for them'll okay my son's in Utah oh is he where yeah I we used to live in Logan he's in southern Moab Sou 5 hour flight and then 5 hours in traffic because of a mud slide main road was shut off yeah it's you get down in this time of year mhm yeah we live all way in the other end of the state almost I know it's neat down he'll like it once he gets he going to some of the national parks there and then and he's going to end up in uh Las Vegas 4th of July take it over to Vegas there it's not a bad ride no he's with another they're with another couple oh cool okay and they have kids the same age as his kids they rented a 12 passenger van so that they would have enough room plus luggage and everything cool yeah yeah that's that's fun out there usually a traffic isn't like that I know they've been having a lot of raining mud slides out there so and it's a Mudslide out there it's coming down from like 8,000 ft so it's it's a pretty heavy [Music] right there's our yeah the the properties he owns out there excuse my expression the day looking at it to see complex there it's not up it's not up it's proper kep that and he expects us I just see that being would be interested guys well you know the thing is they offer to do it the right way okay and they were willing to buy his half but he he wouldn't even give a number said what he was doing he was looking at the at the development here all kinds of money so got him nothing only right I actually turn that yeah the issue there is from my understanding they had to move a a very expensive electric pole and also they had to do some type of change to the drainage it was big deal it's it's [Music] million yeah yeah just I may voice that as a sure sure as a concern yes I can understand that then you can hit me yeah that's everybody's in tled opinion and yeah and it's not that I don't agree with that this is just you've been through this it was Redevelopment I went through all these old stuff was going to end up cost welcome everyone this meeting is called to order please rise for the flag salute to the flag the United States of America to the it stands Nation indivisible with liy and justice for all hewn may I have a roll call please council member Habor pres council member Owen here council member deanis here council member McCary here council member mcgan here council member Dill here council president Johnston here uh also president is administrator Frost city clerk Heath city solicitor Smith and city engineer Snider pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers Point okay um hello everyone um we did plan on a special presentation for the uh winners of the eighth grade poet contest but they guess they've already started their summer vacation so they'll be here in the fall to okay uh anyone have any Communications to offer hearing none um the mayor is not with us tonight but he's fine he's had a family obligation so that always comes first um Mr bruss you have anything Mr Smith we have a application on agend we have an application forces filled out the paper counil pass these ordinances back Inu CS ofer deals construction resal just just need a scoll on this on this was this applied for after the fact the statute actually says supposed to doin 30 days of the I don't believe people have the but our ordinance is a little different some of thean ourin different than most towns where we actually say that we're supposed to have the prior to the construction but because the stat written a certain way I think people the statue and that's why we end this this is the third one we've been involved the last two years yeah the construction occurs they file the application and then that was one of the things that our indic understand why ourin saidif I guess I don't know why we did I was on coun at time I could can't remember what is the added assessed value you know that or I don't know what the added says the increase uh cost of construction was 300,000 our current ratio is it's zero it's just land there yeah so our ratio is about 67% so just assuming that $300,000 is necessarily the value of the Improvement be 67% is that what the value is based on the construction cost and not the market value no but that's one of the ways you to look at Value right okay so in my understanding of doing tax abatements is it's an incentive to get something that can't be built unless you give them some kind of a incentive to do it it's to promote development and I I know I guess I just have a hard time with the fact that it's already done um that's that's what the statute actually right we just had aspect and I don't know why we add that well I think it's a good thing I don't know I guess perhaps we was doing people favor they know of time St statan also have they been told yet what their new taxes are no she hasn't she would they would be told anyway until she does an add place the adits on the books in September in September September 13 so was an empty lot and they built a new home correct yeah it was subdivided what happened if you noticed over there you got it was an over house put big addition on it and then they buil sub eler build a house and then so what what the what was the a lot assess for I don't know that usually the money in Li of is only on the new addition or the improve patment is only on the construction right it's only on the improvements improv so H how does this um like is there a a timeline that if I built something five years ago can I come back and say I want to have 30 days and a CO being issued Sor and Co being issued that well that's essentially completion right and you're saying the co hasn't been issued yet I don't know it looks like the co hasn't been issued yet it had not yet been issued it may have been issued between last council meeting and this council meeting I don't know that for sure is this the ordinance that deals with Rehabilitation throughout the city not exactly but but sort of this is uh this is under chapter 228 and it just talks about improvements to resal dwellings granted exemption periods of time we the city shall regard the first 25,000 assess true value of improvements for by the improvements Notre what it was suppos to want toab Yeah theyre by 2,000 construction it's 30% of the full value get get for the what's the duration of the abatement how long five five years does that go in increments we get a little bit more in Li of each year no a little less little less it's it's stepped out over five years right 20% a year right 205 100 was that five years four so at the end of at the end of five years they be be paying full full property tax on it but in the meantime it would be stepped up yes okay so if we Grant it and we say okay you get the abatement and then a couple years from now a new Council comes on here and someone wants to do the same thing and we don't do it do they can they uh sue us can we be liable if we give it to one and not the other based upon the same scenario wor about being oh look he's talking oh my God I'll look around I see a bunch of lawyers um no we have our discretion and okay I was talking to Jen apparently our prior uh assessor was was actually just raning these okay all right that sounds all right sounds reasonable then okay whatever you say Tom it's it's in the council's discretion right right I just want to I'm just bringing it up okay justan them as okay okay all right so we've got a track record of doing it like that okay and this is the first one that's come to council all the other ones were done through the tax assessor this is the first one okay is that going to be the practice in the future it I think I personally I think it should be I okay I would I would agree agre no not not even at home okay Mr Smith just a point of clarification if I meant sure the the the program sunsets at the end of this year at 25 2025 doesn't it the program sunsets at the end of this year this is 2024 I thought December 31st 2024 okay mistake I okay yes so that's a whole other issue we'll deal with yes whether we want to extend that or not yeah mhm and I think we ought to probably look at and change it to they have to apply ahead of time I like to see what they're going to build if they're going to ask for a tax that's what it is I me it's unfortunately Nobody Does it that way nobody following stat we just that okay but I I will actually I will but you know I think that the council has to consider uh you know when it when you had you mentioned earlier when it was put in place we uh weren't as strong uh the town wasn't as strong as it is now 220 right a lot of that going on and just one other thing you know it's a tax EV batment as opposed to a pilot uh you know that we're going to evaluate what uh somebody does to their home as far as an addition to I I don't know if we want to get that into that and just leave it as you you improve the assessed value of your home you're you're getting a certain percentage discount but that's a debate for for later I know a lot of guys have other stuff to do tonight so well no actually I know we we could we could stay here all night Sean as far as I care I got a question um this was not supposed to be the long supposed to be quick normally with the baits they giv out to um commercial properties not residential is that correct no no no that's not no it was both okay isal aspect okay let's vote like I said this has been flying under the radar just uh assessor ra the issue to cessed yes I do and so do I yeah I think it's the right there I I guess I'll get the ball rolling as far as the strong VES concerned I'm opposed to giving the given it they should have done it before they built the property not after the property I'm opposed also based on the same reason Mr pamplet um you know what it's just simple we do this I'm afraid what might happen if they put if they tell anybody um I'm POS that right now I'm for it I go yes I mean it's the it's our code Mr Allen I would have to concur with the councilman Howard Dill no Mr MC I have to say that uh I I don't oppose it because it is it's it's right there it's right now we've been doing it so we should be consistent uh I'm opposed to it okay I don't I think it I agree that it should be done before that's it's an incentive to develop not after the fact so I have a problem with that part of it and I also do think we need to look at it and change what we need to change all that it's up at the end of the year you said right you I don't mistake me fory I just can read that's all and we have Internet her so discussion com us regardless we need to look at it we need to look to to proactive and what committee does that fall under Redevelopment or construction [Music] or that's your choice that's your choice president of council parking Park that makes it easy okay just that will be your choice there's a tax committee the tax assess collection we have a taxon I believe ta yes we do okay ta office okay well that was a long discussion okay oh God thank all right um committee reports anyone oh uh Mr Snider do you have anything uh just that the state aid application for um this year's uh fiscal year New Jersey DOT application was submitted for um Amer road so we'll hear back usually in September or October for that okay thank you uh any committee reports to offer uh Madame President yes uh this past Monday night the uh Summers Point Arts commission met here at 6 p.m. and uh they're looking forward to uh poetry in the park it's on Sunday night uh 6 PM I'm sure Sean would like to join and come up with some poetry and uh everybody's looking forward to it and just last uh Saturday with the garden tour uh the Arts commission they had free open house over at the senior building SL Community Center and uh we got to display all the third grade uh dolls avue students uh had made various paintings and stuff Jenny uh who's the art teacher Jenny Swift um she really did a great job working with the kids bringing that forward as well as shayana catrell I know she's not here tonight but she's also an Arts commission and just jumping in Madam president on the Garden Club there was an article came out in sh local uh very positive on the uh on on that day and what the Gardon Club does and i' like to thank all those Volunteers in the Garden Club for all the all their hard work EDC met on Monday night um there will be a signage going up on the beach for um Do You Love Summers Point try to get more people to sign up for that um so that they can stay in contact with what's going on in the city and we also did get an update from Mr Hopkins on the farmer uh farmers market and how that's proceeding this year any other committee reports okay could I have a motion to approve the regular minutes from the June 13 2024 meeting and the executive session meeting minutes of the same date approved as content only need a motion please so moved that motion and a second second all in favor all I any opposed am minutes are approved we'll move on to ordinances ordinance number four ordinance number four of 2024 amended an ordinance vacating a portion of Oak Lane in the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic state of New Jersey uh this is our second reading so I have a motion to open for public comment please I'll make that motion I'll second all in favor I I any opposed we're now open for public comment on ordinance number four uh good evening members of council Keith Davis neat Davis and Goldstein I'm here on behalf of R2 F2 Inc uh which is the developer of a 201 unit residential development on and around the existing uh Great Bay Country Club um we've been working on this project uh with the city and the planning board for better part of over two years now uh the planning board has approved of uh the subdivision and site plan to allow for these units we will be going back to the planning board to tweak the plan somewhat to deal with the 43 uh low and moderate income units that are part of this inclusionary development all of this which was um provided for in a court-ordered settlement agreement that I'm sure council is well aware of um the way in which our project is laid out provides access from an existing public right of way known as oaklane um it has never been improved uh what we are proposing is to improve a portion of Oak Lane as it meets Summers Point um maze Landing Road and then vacate uh the back of oaklane and it will become part of the overall uh project site um the developer does not expect the city to have any maintenance obligations uh for the portion of oaklane that is to be improved it will become an obligation of the homeowners association in terms of snow plowing Paving maintenance uh it will be bonded for uh just as any site Improvement uh would be be bonded for to make sure that the city's interests uh are protected um so if you have questions about the nature of the vacation I'm here I'm happy to entertain them I know this is an issue that has been before Council previously and has been discussed at length but we wanted to be here tonight uh to be able to respond to and address any other issues uh the council may have with respect to this request as it is a material part of this development in order to allow it to proceed okay Madam president can I ask a question yes the um perpendicular part is what we're referring to correct uh when that initial work is done that will be done by the developer that's right and so there will be that right from the start correct that's right your um your city engineer will inspect the improvements to make sure they're acceptable and they are built according to appropriate standards and what is set forth on our site plan there will be a performance guarantee posted uh to uh protect the town and make sure that that Improvement goes in according uh to plan and there's a maintenance guarantee that will be required thereafter so we'll follow all the legal requirements with respect to the Improvement of that portion of oaklane one more question if I may um the Home loaners Association that will be taking this over at gather once the developer leaves that is not formed at this time correct it is not um and there's a time period after the units are constructed there's out sales you have residents and then over a period of time the developer relinquishes seats on the HOA board and the residents will take over management of the homeowners association but we're going to provide in the homeowners association declaration that this portion of Oak Lane become an HOA maintenance obligation so that the city can require the HOA to do what it has agreed to do um in in the future as this development operates one more follow up on that will there be an escro account set up just in case something would happened there um between when the developer and homeowners association takes over to protect the city so the escro obligation is in the form of inspection fees uh that are posted with the city uh to allow your city engineer to come out and conduct inspections not just for this portion of oaklane but for all the site improvements that are going going into the property uh in question um there is a performance guarantee obligation which is a either a bond or a letter of credit and then there's a maintenance guarantee which is either a bond or letter of credit and there are certain time limitations upon which those uh can legally remain in effect and we're going to follow those legal requirements thank you sure thank you madam president for is the uh is the project or is this portion that we're talking about fully designed at this point or I mean uh it's designed engineering wise there's some tweaks that as far as like landscaping and the fencing that we discussed um for some of the neighbors but as far as the the so those tweaks you're excuse me are you talking about the entire project or you about the roadway because yeah I believe Council IND that they intend to come back to the planning board there's going to be changes just to the lot upon which the 43 low and moderate income units are proposed that that is not completely finalized okay well I'm not I'm not sure sure no I'm just talking about as Mr aborn the propic portion of Oak Lane you say it's been discussed with neighbors and well the the design of the road is finalized yeah it was approved by the planning board yeah if there's any major revisions it would obviously have to if there's like a change in the location where the road is sure but uh s minor revisions such as Landscaping that doesn't require the planning board I could work that out you know with the developer but that's generally been worked out with the developer and the neighbors yes yes yeah my understanding is that there were requests made by a neighbor to incorporate landscaping and fencing improvements and uh there was discussion with the project engineer I wasn't privy privy to these discussions but I understand there was with our project engineer and it was agreed to um and that's something that we're going to show on plans that are going to be submitted to the planning board when we go back on that amended approval I mentioned and and just one other thing and and I maybe I missed it but there was discussions prior uh to today that uh that there would be some hold harmless agreements and and whatnot uh is that still going to be in place relative to this uh and I'm not a lawyer please forgive me the liability on the street yes I prepared a document your attorney made it better from the city's perspective I appreciate you I appreciate you saying that we don't have a finalized indemnification you look at the amended it actually calls going to be an insurance issue there's going to be the construction issue and main issue be three issues connection with theic agreement and and that is but it Mr Davis is correct he's already prepared something and and we just have to get back to but you're confident that we will reach that agreement well well we don't file the vacation if this passes unless we have the agreement so okay Mr Davis knows I'm sure we'll be able to work it out sure but the language in that agreement says that the uh the developer and ultimately the uh Homeowner Association will defend indentify and hold harmless the city of Summer's point in the event that there is any loss or casualty resulting from oaklane thank you for that sure thank you very good right thank you thank you thank you appreciate your time tonight thank you H there I'm uh the wife of the owner of the property 49 ma Landing Road which comes up next to the vertical portion just state your name my name is Deborah Harris carf and Richard carf is the owner I just had a couple of questions I want to thank you for uh the maps that you were given that we could look at over the project details um we asked for a couple of changes as he just stated and I was told that those changes are being seriously considered so happy I would just like to know how many feet from the edge of the house will the road start so that we could walk it off ourselves and see exactly where where it is I don't know if that's if you have that number yet Greg do you know the I don't know from the house I know from the property line from the property line and the house is close to the property line so that's pretty it's 5 feet from the property Line's 5T from the house I believe Okay so you have another so there another 10 ft to the road another 10t to the road curb to the curb yeah of the road okay and um according to the visual map that I saw um you know the the fencing was about 4 foot high and then I wrote an email for another request that it be raised to six feet and I understand that there's a lot of cooperation with that yeah I spoke to the the engineer for the site and I believe restricting height limitations when you get within the front yard of property um but we're happy to seek that variance from the planning board and nice enough to come out and ask for that at that meeting that might help the planning board be able to Grant okay certainly willing to do that all right well thank you again um oh well this is this a gated community um no not a gated community okay I mean there's no physical gate oh that people will have to scan right in order to gain access to it there Open Road oh right we decided I mean we had asked for the reversal of the fence and the Shrubbery so we have a similar situation in another area and we know how it works we have a history of this that was that was agreed and that was agreed to yes thank you that's what I wanted to say okay thank you Su um a lot of you um I just need you to stay sure Rich Richard carf owner thank you nice to see you again um a lot of you have relatives you know what a gated community is I was thinking with Oak Road when you develop it the be a road that they have a security guard there first of all you're going to get always get vandalism in nice communities you could also regulate the traffic better that it doesn't become a cut through but maybe the homeowners association because it's supposed to be nice community that they would have a guard poost there or a Fab key to let you in and you could regulate the traffic be I've had problems I expressed it to the president and the council that school buses have done a cut through in my strip center a couple doors away they do a U-turn there they don't want to do the whole run but if you have regulated traffic in that nice community that lenar intends to build I'm sure a guard would be helpful to have there or the electronic gate that goes up and down you're going to get people that belong to the country club that should be there instead of having Outsiders that come in there who you don't know um it would keep the values up and make the community nice so I like the uh Association to think about that um it could be done electron ically or it could be done by having a live person there at your community where you live do you have a did you ever have a guard there no we don't have guards now do you get any vandalism there no more than no it's it's very quiet that's good yeah um so that's about it I hope uh it becomes a good neighbor and the values go up for everyone and thank you for your considerations okay thank you motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I any opposed we're now close for discussion on ordinance number four may I have a motion for ordinance number four please I'll make that motion second um all in favor I I any opposed I'm opposed Mr H's opposed okay uh resolution number four is adopted ordinance number four I'm sorry so just I the vote was six to one yes yes okay thank you very you're welcome apprciate your time thank you uh ordinance number 14 please ordinance number 14 of 2024 Bond ordinance providing for various improvements and Acquisitions in and by the city of Summers point in the county of Atlantic New Jersey appropriating $3,150 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $2,992 th000 of bonds or notes of the city to finance part of the cost thereof may I have a motion for ordinance to open to the public for a comment on ordinance number 14 please I'll make that motion second all in favor I any opposed we're now open for public comment on ordinance number 14 I have a motion to close MO close second all in favor I any opposed may I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 14 I'll make that motion I'll second all in favor I any opposed ordinance number 14 is adopted ordinance number 15 please ordinance number 15 of 2024 ordinance providing for various sewer utility Capital Improvements in and by the city of Summers point in the county of Atlantic New Jersey appropriating $1,510 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1, 510,000 bonds or notes of the city for financing the cost thereof this is also a second reading may I have a motion to open for public comment please I'll make that motion second all in favor I any opposed we're now open for public comment on ordinance number 15 motion toose close so move um all in favor I any opposed we're now closed for public comment could I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 15 please I'll make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed ordinance number 15 is adopted ordinance number 16 ordinance number 16 of 2024 an ordinance fixing the salaries wages and compensation of the officers and employees of the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic state of New Jersey uh may I have a motion to open for public comment please I'll make that motion second all in favor I any oppose we're now open for public comment on ordinance number 16 motion to close close all in all in favor I opposed may I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 16 I'll make that motion I'll second any comments um I just did want to clarify there was some confusion on this ordinance um these are not these are ranges for salaries they're not raises or they're not increases in every single category they're just um an ordinance we have to do every year to put give the range of salaries uh all in favor all any opposed ordinance number 16 is adopted number 17 ordinance number 17 of 2024 an ordinance authorizing the city of Summers point to accept a sum of money in connection with the state of New Jersey acquiring certain property on Route 9 owned by and located in the city of summmer point point uh ordinance number 17 we will be going into executive session to discuss this and it would be held till after execu the resolution passes right this would be held until after that okay okay ordinance number 18 please ordinance number 18 of 2024 an ordinance adopting a Redevelopment plan for 9 Maz Landing Road designated as block 2020 lot 3 in an area in need of rehab rehabilitation within the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic state of New Jersey Mr Smith did you want to a motion first I'll make that motion I'll second uh all in favor well do you want to comment [Laughter] first everyone's familiar with this uh this project act started in August 22 and subject session last council meeting went to the planning board if the planning board had suggested changes which they did not you would be required to discuss their proposed changes changes proposed so the ordinance can proceive as as is and you can discuss it and do as you wish relative to the format but this has been a long this project that we finally brought down here and the next steping we get the first reading be a second reading at the next council meeting and also a resolution relative to having the mayor authorized to sign the Redevelopment agreement revelop is I thought I had passed that on to counil I just sent myself apologize any other comments all in favor any opposed resolution number 18 is introduced ordinance oh my God I'm so sorry no okay um ordinance number 19 please ordinance number 19 of 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 114 article 27 section 11421 establishment of fees and escros of the code of the city of Summers point to include zoning permit fees may I have a motion to introduce ordinance number 19 please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I any opposed ordinance number 19 is introduced we'll move on to uh resolutions could I have a motion to open for public comment on resolution only please I'll make that motion second all in favor I I any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only joh H 106 e Stars Avenue I just had a quick question on resolution uh number 168 uh the the national opioid settlement resolution I mean um was the city going to get money out of this we do get money out of it uh it goes into a fund they haven't told us how we can spend it yet I that's my understanding right Mr what's happened with the Supreme Court today does that throw this all into they threw that out five to four the bankrupcy Rel the sackers we sett yeah okay I see okay not the billions but they're adding up up okay thank you thank you motion to close so move second all in favor I any opposed we're now closed for public comment resolution number 116 167 Okay resolution number 167 of 2024 chapter 159 resolution fiscal year 2024 clean communities may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments this is something we get every year is that correct to clean communities yeah oh yeah [Music] uh all in favor any opposed resolution number 167 is adopted number 168 resolution number 168 of 2024 chapter 159 resolution National opioid settlement we have a motion please so moved second any comments Madam president yes um this as uh was alluded to a few minutes ago the amount of money that we're receiving here is a pittance compared to the amount of just the money that that it's caused us in this community through our police department and and and just to say the human damage uh that's been done uh by this crisis that's been create that was created uh it just uh I'm certainly going to vote Yes for this but this is you know it's almost a slap in a face thank you uh all in favor I any opposed resolution number 168 is adopted number 169 resolution number 169 of 2024 contact person for the Employment Practices liability attorney consultation Service Atlanta County Municipal joint Insurance Fund may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I right any opposed resolution number 169 is adopted number 170 resolution number 170 of 2024 liquor license renewals we I have a motion please so moved may have a second second any comments Madam president if I could ask and excuse my ignorance what's the Frog spring Corporation that's mexic mexic mexil okay 821 is uh over here at the the gas station wherever that is uh Mr Smith the the liquor license has been reformed and part of that was relative to a pocket license I don't mean to put you on the spot here but yes it has trying to think I read the legislation had this discussion before um not pocket used to Becket CES right right but now I think it's even even that duration is shortened I don't not really sure now I'm trying to remember issue with the pocket pocket youf that pocket waset okay well it may be something to look into and and we should probably uh touch based relative to that property on other matters ABC ABC is sure thank you we don't want any holes in the pockets right all in favor I any opposed resolution number 170 is adopted number 171 resolution number 171 of 2024 full-time hiring of Caitlyn Pereira we have a motion please so move that motion any comments all in favor I any opposed resolution number 171 is adopted number 172 resolution number 172 of 2024 resolution authorizing and supporting applications for sustainable Jersey grants may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor all any opposed resolution number 172 is adopted number 173 resolution number 173 of 2024 authorizing executive session any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters falling within the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to e exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matters to be discussed described as fully as possible without undermining the need for confidentiality advice of councel and attorney client privilege communication regarding the contractual negotiations relative to the New Jersey Department of Transportation acquiring certain real property owned by the city of Summers point on Route 9 may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor any opposed res resolution number 173 is adopted we'll be going into executive session at the end of um the rest of our business but we will most likely be taking action after executive session resolution number 174 resolution number 174 of 2024 authorizing advertisement of RFP for basic life support Emergency Medical Service response and transportation Services may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor I I any oppos resolution number 174 is adopt um under old business you have a committee assignment list in your packet just made one change um Mr Habor is is going to um take over on their Recreation board as Mr mccary's schedule hasn't allowed him to make too many of the meetings so he's asked to uh be removed from that one and Mr Habor is going to take care of that for us I didn't make any other changes anybody have any old business to discuss hearing none under new business we need approval for social Affair permit application for the national Multiple Sclerosis Society of New York for an event on October 3rd 2024 from 6: to 10 p.m. at Great Bay Country Club everybody okay with that I assume all their paperwork is in y okay everybody shaking their head yes just sounds good any other new business to discuss hearing none could we discuss the bills Mr Frost certainly uh this evening we have a bill list amount of 19744 have amount of 8429 and the other $600 as well additional record payments dated June 24th for thank you can I have a motion to open for public comment please I'll make that motion second all in favor I any oppos we're now open for public comment if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone and state your name and address for the record seeing none can I have a motion to close I'll make that motion I'll second all in favor I any opposed we're now closed for public comment could I have a motion to pay the bills please I'll make that motion second all in favor Madam president yes if I may on uh page three of the bill list uh 2third away down there are three bills a total of $44.98 I wish to recuse myself from judgment on those bills thank you okay thank you all in favor I I any oppos okay Mr Fross we can pay the bills uh any further comments from the governing body I do okay anybody that would like to come out and walk with us on uh Mondays um we'll be behind City Hall at 8:30 this week for our stroll down the bike path um it's we've been getting 12 to 14 people a weekend it's been a nice uh nice effort so if you want to come out meet some of your neighbors please do great sounds great Mr Smith you look like you had had it by the time we walked by okay um we'll go into executive session we'll take five minute recess and uh thank you everyone stret