[Music] let it Happ oncome welcome everyone this meeting is called to order please rise for the flag salute to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I have a roll call please council member Habor pres Council council member Owen here council member depan council member MCC Council M council member mcgan here council member Dill here Council President Johnson here also present is Mayor tap administrator Frost city clerk Keith city solicitor Smith and city engineer Keats pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers Point go .org okay welcome everyone the we're going to move the agenda around just a little bit in the interest of everyone's time um we're going to move up to the top of the agenda number resolution number 178 res resolution number 178 of 2024 saluting United States Naval Aviation electrician second class petty officer Keegan mcdevit whereas Keegan mcdevit is a lifelong resident of the city of Summers Point having lived his childhood and teenage years on Higg Avenue in the historic Bay Avenue district and whereas Keegan attended Summers Point schools and graduated from Mainland Regional High School in June of 2015 and whereas Keegan felt the need to serve his country and enlisted in the United States Navy in July of 2020 and currently serves as an aviation electrician second class petty officer air Warfare specialist maintaining mh6 Romeo Scout 702 anti-submarine Warfare helicopters and whereas during a recent deployment aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier Keegan was named a sailor of the quarter for his Squadron HSM 7142 consecutive quarters and whereas in recognition of this achievement his name along with his hometown Summers point was a fixed on a mh6 Romeo Scout anti-submarine Warfare helicopter and whereas later this month second class petty officer mcdevit will begin a seven-month deployment aboard the USS stock Dale DD g106 a guided missile destroyer found for the world troubled spots and whereas the city of Summers Point has a long history of supporting all members of the United States armed services both active and retired and their families now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and the city council of the city of Summers point on behalf of themselves and the residents of the city hereby congratulate and thank Aviation electrician second class petty officer Keegan mcdevit for his achievements and for his dedication to serving this great nation be it further resolve that the mayor and city council extend their best wishes to both Keegan and his family during his next deployment and throughout his military career may I have a motion to open for public comment on resolution number 178 only please I'll make that motion second in favor all in favor I any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolution number 178 motion to close the public portion on resolution 178 second all in favor I I any opposed may I have a motion for resolution number 178 please I'll make that motion I'll second any comments council president I would just like to thank him for his service uh having served in the military it's not always an easy job I certainly do appreciate uh you and your family for what you uh provide for this country thank you Madame President if I may um the sacrifice you're making uh and have made when you uh signed up uh we can't appreciate or can't express our appreciation enough for that uh you uh through your excellent work uh have put a bright light on Summer's Point by having that our town put on that helicopter for the entire world to see um you know having you grow up here and and and and turn out have you as you have uh it it puts a warm feeling in my heart that we're doing something right in Summer's point when we produce young men like yourself that are willing to serve this country and to your family and your wife's family as you make this sacrifice and go on this next appointment I know that they will be there for you and we'll welcome you home soon thank you so much may I sure certainly uh I just want to uh Echo what uh councilman dill and councilman wigin said I I never served but I am an electrician so that's so much more respect I'm going to Kid the uh but being able to take care of that while being on a destroyer you know I'm sure it's got his challenges and um seven months away from your family is kind of is obviously is tough and say keep your head down it's probably not the right thing to say when you're on the water there so but uh we are so proud of you and um God be all in favor any opposed Mr mcgreg would you like to do the honors uh if the mayor's okay the mayor you want to do it you're electrician oh okay all right there you go group up need you to keep spe [Laughter] [Music] very happy for you we very proud your dad here [Music] [Music] app all right yes that was something different and please know that the mayor does have beta sitting experience summer points always there for you yes absolutely okay uh does anyone have any Communications to offer hearing none Mr Mayor I just have a few things here somewhere uh I don't know if anyone has seen it but uh worldatlas.com their website they listed uh seven budget friendly towns and all of the um Atlantic Coast for retirees Summer's point was one of the seven and when they made that comparison to is the average house here in summers's points costing 388,000 versus State average of 528 and it's hard to believe that they're actually saying that New Jersey is a great place to retire with the taxes that we pay from traton that is not here yes uh another thing too is uh good news we just got I'll probably still your thunder here but we just got $771,000 huh you're stilling his that's yeah but on the mayor you're not so routs to school Grant which is focusing on Jordan Rhoden THS installing curbs extensions rectangular rapid flashing beacons at the intersections sidewalks curb improvements and radar feedback signs which I think is great and it's a no match Grant 771 th000 thanks guys appreciate that and then just lastly uh you know we just got off the Fourth of July weekend we had a huge concert down there on the 4th the place was act we had a concert the next night I want to take this time right now to thank guy Martin in public works for making that beach pristine EXC and then for cleaning everything up and getting it ready for Friday night I want to thank uh Bobby summers in the police department you know anytime you get a thousand people together especially in today's world and you have no issues you know the police being there keeps everything safe as well as Mike Sweeny from the fire company they bring fire trucks down and I just think it's uh it's great that they volunteered our time to go down and do that I just want to wholeheartedly thank uh OEM for being involved here I like to say the sewer department but I I know that uh Steve I don't you were just watching so but thank you anyway and with that that's all I have for today thank you U Mr Frost uh nothing this evening Mr Smith thank you do anyone have does anyone have any committee reports to offer Madam president yes Mr Owen um this past Tuesday night uh summmer Point Historical Society we met uh as well as Charles Habor was also present um mostly housekeeping good things going on they're going to be painting the outside of the building very soon um also coming up uh there's going to be presentation of about trains gentleman by the name of Bill lwell he's a Adjunct professor from Mammoth University he'll be in uh presenting uh all his information which uh be pretty pretty enjoyable I think right yep okay thank you any other committee reports okay I'm hearing none um I a could I have a motion to approve the minutes from our regular meeting June 27 2024 and also executive session meeting of the same date approved as to content only I'll make that motion second in favor all in favor I any opposed the minutes are approved okay um ordinance number s 17 ordinance number 17 of 2024 an ordinance authorizing the city of Summers point to accept a sum of money in connection with the state of New Jersey acquiring certain property on Route 9 owned by and located in the city of Summers this is the second reading of this ordinance may I have a motion to open for public comment please I'll make that motion second in all in favor any we're now open for public comment on ordinance number 17 Patricia Pearson 587 Marks Road where is this land it's uh by the golf course it's a very small piece uh on the curve it's actually going to make the it less of a curve it'll actually make that curve a little safer um it's a b of the sidewalk I think right it's just one small piece of land that's it yes okay thank you to close motion to close second all in favor any opposed we now closed for a public comment could I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 17 sub moved second com any comments in favor all in favor any opposed number ordinance number 17 is adopted ordinance number 18 ordinance number 18 of 2024 an ordinance adopting a Redevelopment plan for 900 maze Landing Road designated as block 2020 lot 3 in an area in need of Rehabilitation within the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic state of New Jersey have a we have a motion to open for public comment please I'll make that I'll make that motion second in all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on ordinance number 18 motion to close I'll make that motion second all in favor all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment could I have a motion to adopt ordinance number for 18 I'll make that I'll make that motion second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed ordinance number 18 is adopted okay we'll move on to resolutions uh could I have a motion to open for public comment on resolutions only please I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only mtion close motion to close the public uh portion on resolutions second all in favor all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment resol resolution number 175 please before you uh get into 175 there were some changes made to what was initial submitted back on Sunday by me to uh the clerk's office and dealt with the legal description uh that had to be modified this everyone understands the easement that uh soliciting bids for really is the benefit 809 uh Center Street which used to be the door store and DNR for that property and then it came back from the planning board indicated that they needed to use the uh drainage stitch in the back of those parking areas um and that is the same drainage as that you previously gave at easement to 839 uh Center Street so um there is a typo here this should be uh lot 11 as opposed to a lot 1.06 that's really the only correction needs to be made on the the resolution just the title they're counseling I should sit on the other side of the table I I I I second that motion he might talk to me that um so with that understanding of the change the the uh council do as it wishes on this need a motion I believe there is another typo do you want do we need talk about that that's the only one I have the uh the second the second whereas the black uh you know and I have to apologize this is what happens when we are changing things at it's just the black number it says 1.7 76 it should be 1715 mine says mine says 1715 yeah there's the latest one that's been corrected the agend yeah the revised one the 175th yeah okay we're good we're okay on that okay that was thank you could I have a motion for resolution number 175 I'll make that motion second com any comments in favor all in favor I I any opposed res resolution number 1 175 is adopted number 176 resolution resolution number 176 of 2024 taxes canell and refunded block 1941 5.02 qualifier c83 may I have a motion please so move second second com any comments in fav all in favor I any opposed res resolution number 171 is adopted 1 number 177 res resolution number 77 of 2024 change order 1 contract number 121 fiscal year 2022 l a kwick Drive Exton Road B drive and Devon Road may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments um I just wanted to just comment even though this is a change order my understanding it is we're still within our budget yeah because we had received the grant for um it was actually $500,000 Grant but we had previously budgeted the entire amount so even though this does increase it slightly um we are definitely still under under budget ju Grant great thank you all in fav I'm all in favor any opposed resolution number 177 is adopted uh number 179 please resolution number 179 of 2024 authoriz executive session advice of council regarding COA updates any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters falling within the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matters to be discussed described as fully as possible without undermining the need for confidentiality viice of counsel and attorney client privileged communication regarding all COA contracts projects and or potential COA contracts and projects pending or in anticipation of pending in the city of Summers Point may I have a motion please I'll make that motion I'll make that motion second comment any comments in favor all in favor any opposed uh resolution number 179 is adopted we'll go into executive session um at the end of the agenda I don't believe we'll be taking any action after but everyone is certainly welcome to hang around if they wish Okay resolution number 180 res resolution number 180 of 2024 resolution designating NJ maze Landing LLC as redeveloper and authorizing execution of a Redevelopment agreement regarding 900 maze Landing Road designated as block 2020 lot 3 in an area in need of Rehabilitation within the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic state of New Jersey may I have a motion please just not the resolution desting believe count buy New Jersy Landing correct okay call me car anytime you want that's okay that's a good thing human spell Check Yes we'll call you spell check I didn't compare that title that's uh I'll just leave it at that I'll take blame for the other I have could I have a motion I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed resol resolution number 171 is adopted uh number 181 please res resolution number 181 of 2024 authorizing the city of Summers points COA and Redevelopment council's appearance before the city of Summers points planning board on behalf of the city may I have a motion please some move second any comments all in favor any oppos resol resolution number 171 is adopted it's 181 okay move on to new business um we need approval of a social Affairs permit for American Legion Clark Edison post 352 for an event on September 21st 2024 from 1 to 5:00 p.m. all their paperwork is in anyone with that no objections no problem okay also one for the New Jersey state firefighter thought we have a application for the New Jersey state firefighter for membership for Andrew Garcia any objections Mr Garcia we always welcome uh oh yeah our volunteers that are willing to step up uh on New on your new business just real quick I wanted to just talk about um we're in the process of doing a reexamination of our master plan um and just to bring everybody up to date on it the steering committee has um is going to schedule a the first initial meeting basically to explain the process to everybody but we're going to meet with a combination of city council zoning and planning um we don't have a date yet we're shooting for August um Mr vitala is going to uh spearhead the me meeting and he will go through the process of what the reexamination is and and what we have to do moving forward so um as soon as we have a date I will get that out to everybody and um but we're shooting for some time in August so we can keep all that moving [Music] forward anyone else have any new business they need to [Music] discuss hearing none I any have any anyone have any old business to disc guy than discussion of the bills Mr Frost sure uh this evening we have a bill out of 3,477 53262 we also have two additional record of payments one in the amount of $295,000 295 $314 and the other in the amount of $1 [Music] 15,330 thank you I have a could I have a motion to uh open for public comment please I'll make that I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment yes yes uh Ed O Donal two Saturdays ago I read the Declaration of Independence Constitution Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and me and this means that everyone treat everybody with love friendliness kindness Mercy forgiveness tolerance courtesy shivalry oldfashioned manners all people are created equal this means this means that the sanitation worker the garbage truck worker the uh janitor maintenance person made waitress blue collar worker are as important as the President of United States for the CEOs you skipped electrician electrician without that's blue collar that's tough that's me listen if I was driving a bus in Philly the bus would crash in 10 seconds I can tell you we need to do much more to help our blue collar workers and the third thing innocent until proven guilty I took the two or years ago of the Wilmington Delaware police station at their open house and they said as many as 30% of the calls to 911 are false accusations and I quiz police in different states and cities about this and they say sometimes it's more than that so people think a declaration of independence they think that the king of England was a tyrant he probably was vation without representation is not good which it isn't but it's really a these are Christian doct uh documents they're really they're really good but we're not practicing so anyway three weeks ago three and a half weeks ago my Direct Express Mastercard in which I get Social Security you know a couple thousand a month was stolen and we we stopped it there was no money taken so then they send you the new card and then they have to activate it so you call them you answer basic questions mother's made name address everything which I gave them and then uh unfortunately a hotel not this hotel but one in running me New Jersey had thrown out all my belongings birth certificate photo ID social security card so forth so you have to get all those documents so your former colleague Carl who was on city council for 16 years he was he's been taking me over Social Security we stood for 5 hours he's just been amazing you know and uh but here's the problem these Direct Express people I mean I have proven to them I'm who I say I am and I've learned how to read people over the years some of them are really mean and you can tell they're really trying to prevent you from getting this thing so Saturday I got one who was really trying to help me but his supervisor vetoed Sunday I got one who was really trying to help me his supervisor to it and I could tell that some of them were really enjoying this predicament and we had the same problem at Social Security where they they approve the Social Security card in the mail we'll get it in the next couple days and then Carl has the cell phone which you take pictures of the birth certificate and other documents send it to Direct Express so they say you will get a call Carl will get a call in two hours from Direct Express and we'll get this straightened out they never called and then I go over to motor vehicle and give them enough points to get the photo ID and this guy clearly was enjoying my predicament he said no there's not enough points here so this is not good and I'm going to be calling Governor Murphy and Congressman van Drew and Direct Express and on Direct Express they're National and I'm from Delaware I write Biden at his house and sometimes he replies replies and I'm going to call attorney general FBI it's really terrible but anyway we hope to have this resolved by Saturday but I'm in a real pinch next two nights so if so if uh Summers Point has any Social Service funds you can help try to do so I'm at U eono Lodge and tell West first day of sharks football practice he'll feel 17 again and Forever 21 but he has to go to a Princeton football game too and thanks for all your past help including Jason giving me his jacket for I tell you something just give me one more minute summer I've dealt with a lot of governments Wilmington Avalon Philadelphia city council Summers Point government is the best I've ever deal with because you really try to help people in tangible ways it's it's a beautiful thing one more thing I got a good slogan for summers's point a Hidden Gem people all over the world they know about Atlantic City they know about Margate ventner they know about Ocean City they know about Avalon they know about Stone Harbor don't spend any money on this but just do a for free public relations campaign because I didn't know till the last year how many wonderful people live in summers Point how many beautiful houses there are great restaurants great stores Pat Pearson she knows more and Lester hold David mure and nor o Donald put together she ought be news but anyway do a public relations campaign Summers Point Hidden Gem go spend money on it but say come to Summers point when you're driving Ocean City Avalon Stone Harbor stop at this restaurant thanks thank you thank you thanks Ed hi Barbara mury field I just have a little problem here with my sewer I got a um call from the sewer department telling me we owe extra in um not just our regular uh yearly bill and my husband asked her well where did this come from she's not sure well how can you tell me I owe you $192 or $193 more if you don't know where it came from ridicul this is ridiculous so she's saying well I think it maybe came from 200 well as everybody knows if I hadn't paid it by 2019 I would have been a tax sale for that I've been here 30 years right or wrong so that's one thing I've got a problem with my second thing is here now I'm really mad about this okay so this is going back to a letter in 2018 that I wrote to Wes uh where are you getting charging me for two sewer lines in my home my house is a residential home have a home office in there but nowhere doesn't say anything about having two sewer lines so for 21 years the Summers Point City overcharged me with two sewer lines guess what I'm still waiting to be paid back today I think that's a little bit ridiculous so anybody have anything to say about that one I'll keep your I appreciate it it's 609 I tell me I mean to tell me I owe extra money and then you still have haven't paid me back for all those years not a happy camper right now like years or something I have done a lot for this city I have volunteered Sean News West news Howard news I have done a lot for this city and I'm really just a little bit pissed off right now we'll figure it out for you I appreciate it thank [Music] you mission motion to close I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment could I have a motion to pay the bills please move and a second I'll I'll make that second all in favor iOS any opposed okay Mr Frosty can pay the bills any further coments from the governing body hearing none down here hearing none could I have um we'll go into executive session we'll take a five minute recess and again if we don't anticipate taking any action after but you're more than welcome to hang around in the lobby thank you