I saw them out ly in the street today uh J over on I was walking on Bay and the two ladies that work in Jason's office were out there lining the street getting ready for the yeah for everybody in yeah I said be careful don't get run [Laughter] over it's like you know like it's people fly and they're out there with their little yeah okay we're live just so you know we're live thank you you're welcome just when I said it oh you didn't oh I was say don't recall seeing that oh okay what it is y bub quick I know gosh was it could be okay there is an advantage for the big package are you good how are you doing good thank you hey how are I know it's been a while yeah it takes time how you doing all right right chuckle talk quarterly up oh okay good when he gets here everybody keeps for comes ACR I if I vote too early it tells me I have to wait two hours a new computer at home it's like so I don't know do I did I bought a m have you know the laptop that's while it's weird sometimes I'll get like 11 hours sometimes I'm like I don't away I can't fig every day when I get up I get my coffee and I hit the uh I hit the thing somebody that doesn't know what's that for what vote for the beach beach ccer yeah I try to do it as of as I can mine comes up as a reminder every day I get up that's a good idea yeah and then I go on but I said the some sometimes it says it's 19 hours to vote other times it's 11 and I'm voting at I can't figure it out right so we're just going to go right [Music] into uh yeah resol open the yeah the one um 10 I need to read that and then 94 is the actual budget so the budget is really a resolution it's the only resolution that has two readings so yeah so I'll do you'll open for uh public portion for those two resolutions and then I'll do 110 and then 94 you can just refer to so he that's after well right here yeah we do that and then and then read the budget by title only and and you could ask him to speak for the public hearing you know you can open the public hearing ask to so I'm opening doing a resolution why am I am I seems they have questions about hello then be here to answer it I mean you're supposed to I mean you don't have to but for them to have any comment on 94 10 but if they say about the budget say we're going to open to the public for that all but that's all yeah that's it yeah you can you can it doesn't make sense to open it up two things but I can answer your questions M yeah yeah yeah so we'll just resolution 110 [Music] yes I want to get it because got like 20 25 people Facebook to get two of them done at least yeah the yeah different things should the senior offer because people ask we just Community right the other one I want see if do start some walking so I'm going to something sure would be good yeah on that side town I just we don't often times have a lot going on to do something that so I have a meeting on Monday with cover off on there making it so I might take that uh connotation if you have to be a senior to be there there appears to be I bu theit lot things going yeah a lot more a lot more than just senior stuff I would believe yeah but that was funny when I threw the shuffle board out there people said well do I have to be a certain age how can I be younger I like wow that's interesting you start shuffle board tournaments yeah yeah yeah how many were actually out there four five five yeah five that I can tell give these two clothes to back I just try to like play through oh I haven't [Music] heard decision yeah talk about so yeah that's where I was headed with the BL yeah so they'll have that we doing the shov about volunteers be happy I mean I'd be happy if you want you know people wanted to use it you need somebody to open it you my imag I'm around my wife's around she can as much as I can yeah I just think it's a you know it's a good easy sport got people asking for y even if it only last year it dies so sobody so we marked up the tennis cour to make yeah I use it the it seems like but that's you know so I thought really went took offall the tennis that's that's wired lights but we never put but we got that kind of demand to put thatand the thing is board works be able to maybe put Sho back there you got yeah true you we have to check with I could do cornhole all right if I put my cornhole settled sure I was just thinking different things to you to be reti my my opinion question I mean it's just it's just asking yeah you know like maybe you pick like Wednesday morning for a group and Wednesday evening through a group so it's only we all know know it's Wednesday so something like [Music] that sounds good Shuffle blood courtsy done all by the senior center back there just people been asking threw something out on Facebook and the first day had 20 people asking hey yeah I been to do it they need painting or they just need to be resurfaced and repainted surface key yeah it's got to be smooth and and we still have the equipment so e years years ago we put up B you ball court down at Kennedy Park yeah and that lasted for about 3 months and then the people just then it became a trip Hazard yeah so put these apies I'm losing my voice again all right thanks drink some water when I get on two page resume three three good make look like a no did you close it it was it wasn't all the way from this gotta okay good oh yeah I'm fine this meeting is called to order would everyone please rise for the flag salute FL United States of America to the stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice [Music] may have a roll call may I have a roll call please council member H pres council member Owen here council member depan here council member MCC here council member mcgan council member Dill council president John here also also present is Mayor tap administrator city clerk samel city solicitor Smith city engineer Snider pursu to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers point.org okay welcome everyone um we're going to start with the um budget tonight so we'll just start with resolution number 110 please resolution number 110 of 2024 read budget by title only whereas NJ s4a 4-8 provides that the budget be read by title only at the time of the public hearing if the resolution is passed by not less than a majority of full governing body providing that at least one week prior to the date of the hearing a complete copy of the approved budget as advertised has been posted in City Hall and copies have been made available by the city clerk to persons requiring them and whereas the city clerk affirms here too that these two conditions have been met and whereas city council hereby declares that at least one week prior to the date of the hearing a complete copy of the approved budget as advertised has been posted in City Hall and posted on the city's website also copies have been made available by the city clerk the people requiring them now therefore be resolved by the city council of Summers point that the budget shall be read by title only may I have a may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 110 is adopted um before we do the public hearing I'm going to ask um Mr Costello to just come up and give an overview of our budget thank you sure thank you so tonight's the public hearing which we can field any questions as public has about the budget the budget is the same budget that we introduced we made no changes to it and unless somebody has proposed amendment this is the one we'll be presenting the state has reviewed this they've accepted it uh we're clear to go with no changes to it at all and to summarize where we are it's the same budget as we had before it's a 1.4 tax increase only $91,000 of additional tax were raising we way under both caps we're under the spending cap by 290,000 almost under 900,000 under the levy cap so those two laws that uh pertain to the municipalities were well within um your fund balance is stable we had what I would call one of the ugliest budgets last year um all over the state not just Summer's point and we're back stabilized again everything's in good shape um it's a budget that should be very happy with and I'll be answering any questions anybody has okay thank you um resolution number 94 okay um I just need a motion to open for um to the public for public hearing and Adoption of our Municipal budget could I have a roll call vote please [Music] Council council member hcor yesc council member Owen yes council member deanis yes council member McCary yes council member mcgan yes council member D yes council president Johnston yes um we're now open for public comment on the budget if anyone has any questions or comments please step up to the microphone and state your name for the record mtion motion to close the public portion on the budget second all in favor I any opposed we now closed for public hearing now we'll do motion a motion to I have a can I have a motion to adopt the budget please I'll make that motion I'll make that motion second second may I have a anyone does anyone have any comments yeah council president I would just like to take a moment to thank Mr Costello and the administrative staff and the department heads of the city for working so hard uh to make uh even though we spent a lot of time that made the budget committee uh uh operation very uh very easy okay and it was a good year and I just want to uh thank everyone who participated in putting this budget together thank you Mr Madam president I would also like to second that uh you particularly our CFO as well as our business administrator uh really really syned your teeth into the details of this year after year and and as you know we all become more experienced like Mr Dill said it's it's never easy but it's it's getting uh we're getting better at it let's put it that way it's coming together uh you know the way it should be and decisions are made and with Mr castello's guidance it's uh uh we're in good hands at this point thank you um I also comment that I agree with the if I'd like to say something that we did we do have a lot of good guidance with our um Administration with Mr Costello and uh they make us understand what to do and what we have to do and what we can do so um not an easy task and we started very early this year which we should do every year um and I think it went it went pretty well so Mr Mayor yeah uh as mayor I am absolutely thrilled with this budget this I mean the hard work that everyone puts into it and it's a budget where we don't lose any city services which is number one but number two bud budget not only takes care of this year but the vision for the next five years so instead of just going from year to year it's like in this budget all right what's going to happen next year we know what contracts we know this we know that let's try to anticipate some of that why we have the opportunity and they did do that and I fully support this budget 100% thank you thank you okay um could I have a roll call vote please council member council member Deus council member Owen yes council member hcor council member McCary yesc council member mcgan council member Dill yes Council President Johnson yes okay the 2024 budget is adopted thank you everyone for all your hard work thank you go get that ice cream a fine did good night okay um Communications uh Mr Frost do you want to sure um so we had a meeting with the acua uh I guess end March 27 um we had some Council there as well as um and representative from the Department of works as well so historically we've had uh two collections that your commercial business in town um AC actually oated to do one of those collections they've got to the point where uh they don't have the resources anymore um to do the two collections so basically they put us on notice that after this year as of December 31st um they're not going to be able to provide that second pickup and it's really relevant during the summer months so we do have a little bit of time um once we get through this year uh for those businesses to kind of make arrangements for summer 2025 still not great news um but at least we have a little bit of heads up and we know that it's coming um we have talked in ACA and and try to work through different alternatives to see that it doesn't seem as it's a opposition they're going to move forward with matter what that second collection was more of a courtesy wasn't it uh correct yes correct it was a courtesy that buil up over time um from a handful of businesses to you know dozens of businesses um and if not just su's point specific it's all County got to the point where it's just not Fe for them to do that the major issue the major issu is Staffing municipalities including our municipality offered to subsidize the pickup and we couldn't do that because of the fact that that's not the the problem the problem is Staffing for the uh youtil right we tried to I mean we discussed um you know potential Financial concessions to that um but it wasn't something they'd be willing to do yeah they gave us the that they the impression they just can't they just can't do it they don't have the Manpower and they don't have they they did suggest a couple options you know maybe if if a business has room for a second container or third container or however many that they need to get them through um yeah the two biggest options right is um you know trying to adjust the container capacity would be want and would you know have the business work with AC way on that um and then can contract with an additional call for that second pick up um but obviously that would be covered up the standard AC way so we're going to be reaching out some the businesses probably at the end of the summer um just to you know give them an additional notification of that so we can see if there's any other Alternatives that we can come up with between now and then but you know we want to get out in front of it um it's really something that's relevant for summer 2025 but you know early is better yeah we have plenty of time to figure it outse anything else okay thank you Mr Mayor Mr Mayor well other well other than the budget which is big news for Austin Summers point we have some other big news and that is bait Fest that is happening this Saturday uh starts at 10:00 ends at 5 and uh the committee's all excited we have all the volunteers lined up uh Steve Hornick who is the chairman Steve raise your hand there he is uh has done a fantastic job and I want to thank him so much uh it would really be a uh a harder task without him you know behind the wheel and that's all I have for this meeting that's a short that's a short one that's good thank you thank it's always good to have short discussions who are you Mr Snider uh just two items the first is Ocean Avenue is uh punch list items are all complete so there'll be a resolution to close that out with the uh change order next meeting we were under budget uh with that project uh other project is the uh C exit and Deon road project uh final Paving should be next week we've got a little bit delayed with some of the concrete repairs but right now plan is to uh do the final Paving next week good news good news thank you thank you um committee reports um we have a quarterly report from uh Economic Development I'm going to ask Chuck Wescott to come and give us his news good evening good evening um you should all have a copy of the social media report um there's a lot of data in here um so we're just going to kind of focus on Highlights um the good news the good news is it's all good news our reach has extended uh the number of people visiting our Facebook page has extended um there's some graphics although they're a little difficult to read the summary on the the inside front cover really kind of sums it up a reach increase by 14% which is um higher than typical not astounding but definitely higher the visits Rose by 37.6% and actually there's some updated numbers it's actually higher than that at this point I got some fresh numbers from uh Performance Marketing but again the the content is what drives it if you post a lot of things and they really don't have a lot of interest to them then people don't come back but what we're getting out of especially Performance Marketing is we're getting great content it's visually attractive has good information so it has value to the people visiting the page so they're coming back um um the growth and followers 1817 again we I talked to clenn earlier today and I said I know this is new I know we're fairly new to Facebook or at least the revision of of this whole Facebook page but that's still some pretty darn good numbers um a growth of almost 200% which means we're engaging with the community people are coming they're coming back they're telling their friends they're sharing the page and I know several of the city council have done the same and we appreciate it 369 new followers from January to April 1st so with we're approaching 10,000 followers which compar compared to social media when you see people with Millions that's not a whole lot but considering we're not displaying the assets that most of those Heavy Hitters display we're just promoting our town so I'm I'm very um very enthusiastic about what we've done and what we're going to continue to do um um e newsletter signups we were as of today we are at 957 total emails we're up 46 New signups this month which is a growth of almost 20% um we expect that as we hit later into May and we see a lot more of the second home owners and the people that are down here routinely and and all summer we expect to see a significant bump we're also going to take advantage of bayfest we'll take advantage of the Beach concerts there'll be um signs at the Beach concerts there'll be people working the crowd with the QR code to sign up um we're really hoping see that number Jump by possibly a thousand before Midsummer and that would that would be very exciting the E newsletter which is our latest Endeavor we publish an e- newsletter eight times a year um we go uh somewhat silent during the summer because of all the activity um that features a listing of all the events that occur in the city over the the following month it also lists and highlights with a graphic ad three of the businesses we've now partnered with the spba to have them provide us some featured uh businesses to promote those are very attractive because they're graphic ads they're not just a a name or a a print ad um the so the open rate is 54.1 15% 54 over 54% of the emails are getting open The Benchmark the industry standard is less than 35 so we're 58% above the average the industry average for this so that's significant that's very significant The Click rate which means they open the email and then they click on something in the email which takes them to the calendar um The Benchmark is 2.66% we're at almost 25% that's an as that's an astounding 83% above average so even though we're new and we think that that's somewhat of the Allure are not used to seeing this we are still doing an exceptional job with our social media approach our email approach and all of it is to highlight not just Summer's point but specific activities pick out things that we think will draw people into town come to town spend time spend money tell their friends about it spread the word so the click rate is is amazing the bounce rate which is bad email addresses um server problems whatever uh it's it's only or just over 1% so it's a very small amount so we're getting a I would say a pretty good selection of good email addresses and good penetration and our unsubscribe rate people that have gotten it and unsubscribe is less than 1% so we really feel like we're um we're getting great traction with everything we're doing um Performance Marketing I can't say enough about them afford something to them within four hours there's a post up there and the artwork is good the content is good um there's no spelling issues I mean it's it's quality product um the other thing that we're involved in is we are beginning to uh meet and and provide some discussion around the vision plan master plan we have scheduled a special meeting for May 6th which is Monday May 6th at the Gateway um and the the purpose of this meeting will be to specific discuss content of the master plan um we have a very passionate group on our committee this year um a lot of people very interested in in what that Vision plan will say and they are just chomping it the bit to contribute so in addition to that the spba is going to be uh doing some research and providing some questionnaires to their business membership so we're very much looking forward to the next quarter our participation in the vision plan off the summer season maybe doubling our our Facebook reach and uh our newsletter reach any questions any questions thank you you thank you thank you I just wanted I just wanted to add one more thing that uh through edak uh we joined the uh Atlantic County Economic Alliance and um there's a program out there it's a neighborhood preservation tax credit program um that we've applied for and been approved for and it has to be administrated through a nonprofit the Atlanta County Economic Alliance has stepped up and agreed to do that for us so we're putting together plans for that um we don't know how much it's going to be until we how how much it's going to be we have been approved for that so um that's going to be great we're going to be able to do a lot with that with those funds so that in itself was worth joining the alliance along with the other help that they are giving us with many things so um any other any other committee reports okay hearing none I have could I have a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from April 11th and the executive session meeting minutes March 28th 2024 approv approved as to content only have a motion I have a motion please so moved second second any comments any comments hey council president I'm going to refuse myself from the April 11th because I did not attend that meeting okay in all in favor any opposed okay the minutes have are have been approved move on to ordinances uh ordinance number 10 ordinance number 10 of 2024 ordinance enacted under the authority of njsa 39 call 4-1 197 njsa 39 call 4-1 97.6 njsa 40 call 48-24 6 all of which Grant the city the authority to regulate handicap parking within the city amending chapter 250 vehicles and traffic article 3 handicap parking section 250-50 designations of space spaces of the Summers Point Municipal Code may may I have a motion to open for public comment on ordinance number 10 please I'll make that motion second all in favor all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on ordinance number 10 anyone wishes to speak I have could I have a motion to close some move second second all in favor any opposed we now closed for public comment but I have a motion for to adopt to adopt ordinance number 10 I'll make that I'll make that motion and a second second okay any comment any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed number ordinance number 10 is adopted ordinance number 11 please ordinance number 11 of 2024 ordinance enacted under the authority of njsa 39 4197 njsa 39 call 4-1 97.6 and njsa 39 call 4-1 97.7 grining the city the authority to establish restricted parking zones in front of a residence may have a may have a motion to open for public comment on ordinance number 11 please I'll make that motion second second all all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on ordinance number 11 motion to close public portion on ordinance 11 second in all in favor any oppos we now close for public comment but I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 11 please motion second second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor I any opposed ordinance number 11 is adopted ordinance number 12 ordinance number 12 of 2024 ordinance amending chapter 242 trees and shrubs by deleting current articles one protection and two visibility at intersections and replacing same with article one Tre removal and replacement and Article 2 maintenance requirements may I have ation may I have a motion to introduce ordinance number 12 please moved so moved second and a second second [Applause] second um um all in favor any opposed this this is the first reading so um second reading will be at the next meeting we'll open for public comment can I have a motion to open for public comment on resolutions only I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on any of the resolutions motion to close moved second second all in favor any opposed now closed for public comment on resolutions resolution number 111 please res resolution number 111 of 2024 dedication by ryer credit card processing Fe may have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comment any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 111 is adopted number 112 resolution resolution number 112 of 2024 child abuse prevention and awareness month whereas the maltreatment abuse and neglect of children is a significant social problem that damages children physically mentally and emotionally and inflicts immeasurable harm on society as a whole and all children deserve to be nurtured protected and free from physical or emotional harm and whereas children who have been abused or NE neglected have a higher risk of developing various health problems as adults including alcoholism depression drug use Eating Disorders obesity suicide and certain chronic diseases and whereas child maltreatment occurs when people find themselves in stressful situations without Community Resources and don't know how to cope and whereas all citizens should become involved in supporting families and raising their children in a safe and nurturing environment and whereas effective Child Abuse Prevention programs succeed because of Partnerships created among state and local government agencies schools Faith communities Civic organizations law enforcement agencies and the business community and whereas child abuse and neglect have long-term economic and social costs and whereas providing Community Based Prevention Services to families whose children may be at risk of child abuse or neglect is less costly than addressing the emotional and physical damage that can result from child abuse and neglect and whereas April is nationally recognized as Child Abuse Prevention month a time for our community to come together to celebrate the small actions each of us can take that make a big impact on the well-being of our children and whereas all sectors of the community including law enforcement medical professionals schools courts and media Outlets as well as numerous numerous public and private agencies have joined forces to promote public awareness and community involvment and strengthening families during the month of April and continuing throughout the year now therefore be it resolved that the city council of the city of Summers Point supports the efforts to prevent child abuse and recognizes April as Child Abuse Prevention and awareness month in the city of Summers point and be a further job that city council the city of Summers Point call upon all Citizens Community agencies Faith groups medical facilities youth programs and businesses to increase their efforts to support families thereby preventing child abuse and strengthening the community in which we live okay have I may have a motion please I'll make that motion second second com any comments yeah council president uh first of all I'd like to thank councilman McAn for recognizing this and bringing this resolution forward uh having two sons their police officers and a daughter who works for the Division of Youth and Family Services uh this is this whole sit this whole situation with uh child abuse has become epidemic stage and uh I'm glad that we're trying to bring forth this uh information to the public and if someone sees something suspect something they should report it because like I said it's at an epidemic uh situation right now in this country and it's directly related to a lot of things but that were mentioned in this resolution thank you in I'm all in favor I just uh thank you for Mr Dill for pointing that out um it to me uh I believe it's a com upon all of us to the most uh vulnerable among us and that's our children uh whether they're your children or your neighbor's children or anybody's children and and and as Mr Dill pointed out if you suspect that they're In Harm's Way or being abused uh there are resources to report that and and if you're heading in the wrong direction and you have situation in your home or situation in your family's homes or anything there are uh again there's resources out there whether it's for addiction situations or mental health situations or just plain stress uh abusing children should not be allowed and I think as elected officials were even more incumbent upon us to to react when we suspect or or see something like that and hopefully that this just having this little resolution here just increases awareness thank you to be proactive I like that Sean I appreciate coming forward with this as well as Howard um I'm all for it see something say something something you know I'm not going to turn and look away you just hit it dead on and notify the authorities whatever we got to do so thanks thanks thanks mik absolutely yeah I think we all agree okay all in favor oos any opposed resol resolution number 112 is adopted number 113 resolution resolution number 113 of 2024 authorizing an amendment to the shared services agreement with the township of Galloway for the purposes of sharing tax assessor Services may I may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments any comments yeah council president uh a lot of people say when we talk about taxes shared services and things of that nature and this is just one of many uh shared services we have with Galloway Township and other municipalities in the uh uh in the county and uh I think that it's uh a great thing and I think we have the Galloway Township has made a wise decision in selecting the person they did to as far as hiring was concerned they are very very qualified and I'm very comfortable with uh sharing this uh this service with gallway Township with the staff that they have thank you I agree 100% Mr D this one has worked out well for us and has saved us quite a bit of money so and Madam president I may yes and and I will uh Sean gasal who is the TA assal leaving us uh was quite an asset to this community and always a very positive interaction uh with him and I I'm sure that uh m Da will be a excellent replacement look forward to continuing to work and have an excellent uh tax assessing situation thank you okay um all in favor any opposed resolution resolution number 113 is adopted number number 114 resu resolution number 114 of 20124 authorizing executive session advice of councel regarding the status of litigation any pended or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters folling with the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matters to be discussed described as fully as possible without undermining the need for confidentiality advice of council and attorney client communication regarding the status of tax Court litigation involving the city and entitled HPT IG IHG to Property Trust versus City assumers Point having docket number 01071 11-28 02101 d209 00 3548 d2020 and 00 3141 2021 and sesta SS versus city of Summers Point having docket numbers of 04442 d222 and 0025 2590 d23 may I have a may I have a motion please to move second second comments All In fav all in favor all oppos any opposed resolution resolution number 114 is adopted number 115 please resolution number 115 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of council regarding the status of litigation any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matter sping within the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matters to be discussed described as fully as possible without undermining the need for confidentiality advice of council and attorney client privilege communication regarding the status of litigation involving the city's planning board entitled gmh restaurant Holdings LLC versus the city of Summers point and Power Sports holding LLC having a docket number of at- c-1 16-24 may I have ation may I have a motion please mov moved second second in favor all in favor any opposed resolution number 115 is adopted the interest of everyone's time we'll be going into executive session at the end of the meeting anyone have any old business to discuss hearing none hearing none um under new business we need a social Affairs permit for the American Legion Post 352 for an event on July 20th from 5:00 p.m. to 900 p.m. um um assuming all their paperwork is in yes yes I'm still pending approval from the chief of police though everyone's so everyone's okay with this um contingent on the chief's approval yes yes thank you other any other new business to discuss okay hearing none um discussion of the bills Mr Frost sure this evening we have a record of payments dated April 23rd about 59,000 $59.95 and we have a bill list 2,649 one I don't know if do that it's wrong that was in my packet that's the one that I remember was that the one was that old one no yeah that one's pending Char Kelsey what we need to do that good okay we also need approval of extension of premises application for Charlie's Bar for an event on June 2nd from 11: a.m. to 7: p.m. and this is also contingent on the approval from the chief of police yes goad thank you thank you yeah I don't know how that happen I didn't have the other one on no you don't have the other one I don't have the other one on I just have the Charlie you have Charlie yeah I have the Charlie PR is a bir Le at least you're paying attention that's good I do something not much could I have a motion to open for uh public comments please I'll make that motion second second all in favor I any oppos we're now open for public comment please state your name for the record good evening my name is Ellen Hyatt I live at 740 744 Shore Road right across the street from the Summers Point Historical Society I'm here tonight to ask city council to provide some relief from a recent denial of my request for parking permit stickers for parking on higgy Avenue bit of background here over the many years that my family has lived at that property we've always used the municipal lots for our overflow parking we have four cars presently two parking spaces in our driveway recently our use of the uh Municipal lot that's closest to us um has become difficult because it's all designated parking for the building office and the historical society and it's we've been met with a bit of consternation over um you know our parking there we only tried to park at night um but it still creates a bit of a problem depending on how soon we get out in the morning um um problem the real problem is not the parking on this side of Shore Road real problem is the traffic on Shore Road over the last several years it has become so dangerous to try to cross Shore Road despite the existence of um crosswalks crosswalks which I'm sure everybody realizes most people don't stop for the crosswalks at this point and I know that there's plans in place to have one of those things install where you press the button hopefully that will make a difference but what I'm really trying to avoid avoid is the two near misses on my sister's life last summer is what prompted me to request parking on hiby Avenue it's just so hard to get enough clearance sometimes you stand there and you wait for four to six cycles of the New York Avenue light for the southbound lane to clear and then you're Complicated by people who are turning left off of higgy Avenue or turning right and left off of um New Jersey Avenue to go in either direction and you just can't get across the street without taking your life into your own hands we're not getting any younger and I'd like to make sure we actually do get older um I realize that you're supposed to live on Higg Avenue in order to get parking permit but I just think that the parking committee feels that that's granting my request is setting a precedent but I respectfully would like to disagree with that in the two or three block area that is affected by this traffic issue people on the West Side by Center Street get to parking for their properties people on the east side all have parking lots beside or behind their properties except us that makes it a rather unique situation and I really would like some consideration for not setting a predent but just granting the request for us to have a safe way to get to our house on the side of the street that we live on we try to use Charlie's we try to use New Jersey Avenue as much as we can but with Charlie's and now the new pizza place opening up who has any idea whether that will continue to be you know a viable solution all I really want is to be able to get to my house without getting run over I respectfully thank you for your time and hoping in advance that I'll be thanking you for your consideration and I'm happy to answer any questions if they have anyone have any questions I I think uh you were very thorough in your uh concerns and I think that the uh parking committee should at least take a look at it a second time and see what how they feel again if the if the parking committee still feels that way of course as a councilman I would support it I like to support the Committees but I think that uh it should be at least to have a second look okay Madam president this is a clear case of someone's life really being in danger crossing the street and we should really focus on doing something here because until something happens like someone gets hit then then the action will take place and here we provideed with a lot of information up front on what could happen and she did a great job Pres presenting it and giving us all this information I think that this is a situation that we should change that's just my opinion here Madam president yes Mr mcle I don't know if I'm actually say this I agree with Mr McCary wow wow everyone we get a clap on that one there there is a first there that would be a first we'll have the parking committee meeting yeah you know I could just say something I do think it's a very unique situation and I did look at that it's uh I don't think that we had that situation you had that situation prior to actually this city council making New York Avenue making Gibbs and making Higg a residential only parking and we did that to accommodate those residents because of the employees from the hospital parking all the way over there you know um we might have caused this situation hopefully the parking committee will take a look at this and reconsider and uh find in favor of uh granting additional parking for you guys thank you appreciate your time thank you motion to close make that I'll make that motion I'm sorry did you want to speak sir okay that's that's okay I live on 21 West Marland Avenue between sh Road and Beth and uh lately as test to my roads become a highway so I know they put stop signs on groin to keep people from using the little cut off from between sh and bethl so now all the traffic is coming down Maryland Avenue and uh you know people ignore those uh Abby roads like crazy I'm just thinking of either maybe uh couple stop signs like they have on Groveland or I any at the L City Airport lately they have those plastic things not speed bumps but just enough to slow you down so because you know all the people in Longport taret Target it's just uh out of hand C out of hand I don't know what to say uh I don't know how the the process is is there uh something I can so just to clarify you're you live on Maryland Avenue yes Fernando and I okay and it's oh I I spoke to right F okay and all my neighbors I told him if he want to get a petition together and have you know I don't know we want to get Seth involved no I did no I did I did speak why would you why would you want to torture yourself hey you know what are you going to do I did I did speak to your neighbor and I also spoke to the chief about it and he I actually just reached out to and he's looking into finding out what we can do okay even if you take one of those old police cars that are sitting out there for the last two years and put one of them on the bike down sh road that always slows people down I mean just sitting there you not selling them or anything what am I wrong sir sir for clarification uh you're concerned about the speed between road and road okay and you're requesting some type of a stop sign on Marlin Avenue to try to slow the traffic down if possible Right even signs I mean I walked down here from the bike path today and he got between uh New York and here there's five no electric motor signs on on the bike path right and I don't know are ebikes don't electric motors not a motor am I the only person that thinks this that's to I understand well there's a lot of issues but but you pointed out earlier in your in your presentation was that there's a four-way stop at grovin and the bike pad should we investigate and put a four-way stop at Maryland in the bik B well I think that's a little too much actually well that that I think I think that should be investigated but my first BL I like you that might not work right there that would create a traffic well that there another reason for not having those anyway that's my story thank want to say something we did um right thank you God bless you man what a job thank you council president said you talk to the chief about I did yes okay uh I'm sure he'll come back to the Public Safety Committee with a recommendation solution yes okay that's fine okay um motion to close the public second all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment um could I have a motion to pay the bills please [Music] so I have a second can I have a second second second all in fav all in favor I any oppose it was tough but you can pay the bills any further comments from from the um governing body yeah C council president just quickly the uh I'd like to thank eak for their efforts okay uh they've really done a a bang up job over at least the last couple years and I think Performance Marketing is doing what we intended them to do and I want to thank both EAC and Performance Marketing for their efforts thank you okay U we'll take a five minute recess we'll go into executive session uh I don't believe we're going to be taking any action after executive session but you are more than welcome to wait out in the hallway first thank you com Chang you nothing changed from what you sent us the other day they have office it's just over it's a shame my wife many children having respect parents they M back the kid next thing you know and then they'll threaten okay they'll get a relative another relative they have to do I don't know what the percentages are but well over 50% are true so you know and horrify my wife doesn't my daughter doesn't mention Nam she confid but she'll she'll can't not number one you can't put speed on not so no matter what we can't do that and I I know that I know policy here in town I to call for domestics and Jason separ get stor from each onear together figure out what and it wasn't nothing over like like that like we looked at that a coup years a little long winded 2 hour but he has you know have signs we're able to do it so the Eagles don't pick till like 11:00 discuss just 25 M hour reg complaints we did put out TR register I got some nothing crazy but still you know it's funny how the residents stand out there and a car goes fly I know what they are and the chief actually said that don't be surprised the numbers are a lot low 11:00 there PR we do something preemptive but it's not going to keep people that side of town yeah that's that's really where where it's at the board I would make one way but if I mean if you put some there being you know proactive cityy G Holloway property has now commenced another lawsuit against the city of Summer point and the W Front marinaa the first one arose from the bra Brit application the court saying that we are we're not still recording are weord oh wait I have to Sak I should have no I'm seeing the graph go up and down stand by