give up the tie for the summer yeah absolutely gosh okay we're live thank you thanks for your help yesterday yeah you got it a good time out [Laughter] good up yeah all right hey grow up yeah exactly y oh yeah you know yeah really that bothers you if that's your biggest problem God bless you yeah pretty much everybody else was there yeah was they had Mee no it was it was good I made some money that's all am's happy are doing unbelievable aren't they a the bottom I've been a lifelong Yan growing up in New York and so the Phillies the Yankees and the oros all playing good baseball as close geography here is pretty cool you know it's like it's like really pick baseball up this year on this oh really has he has where I go I get abused I'm a giant too we'll have to sit down someday you know got to see what happens with this quarterback Daniel Jones though I don't know that's a tough one couple couple more long years yeah think they've really increased improved their offensive and defensive lines which has always been a stward of their teams back when they were successful they could block and they could tackle else just care of itself yeah it's even to this day it's that way they always have they always but they're just so into music and all yeah oh yeah yeah really really we I'm usually today car and that's the way I've got most of the people just by coming in say Mr Frost how are you I don't know that good huh yeah oh good okay yeah I just thought of it when who's doing this me got a few thousand people there you think what if you do be a big crowd have the police there where we going it's not that big a deal I mean people walk that all the time if we have 10 people we'll be happy to start we had uh over in um Ocean City they get about 30 or 40 people on the boardwalk when they do it um I checked in some other towns out where we used to live people you know you might have 200 people involved but you get about 30 to 40 every time you do this and it's more of a social Gathering you know we get to talk if we have a couple thousand people I'll be happy I'll get a police escort for that kind of thing that you never know we'll see and what they said the biggest thing they do is uh you you have people that like that you can count on you break your the groups up into 10 or 15 people and then you sign somebody that you can really count on and get them move so right um so a lot of towns have done it as a uh way of getting people out to move each other so it would be a popping success it would be it would be [Music] a that would be aing success 10 Chief I don't know yeah might want to get anywhere 20 30 people you break them into groups of P people you to the official CL here we go made it around I made [Music] it how are you thanks you for coming thank you so much for coming out oh good yeah playing basketball kids never F anything anything that happened at that happened at my retirement party same thing [Music] that should okay it's just what's going on I don't know so who should we absolutely you do you like oh you got you got to talk I got to talk yeah iig don't okay we won't start [Music] oh okay I just yeah yeah I did too and I just took the card out on my PO purse today who else how do you say his name [Music] yeah have some CH full right that's Tom play away a late start they playing might just be because the hour difference an hour difference no might two hours that's Showtime okay welcome okay welcome everyone this meeting is called to order if everyone could please rise for the flag salute and if you could please remain standing for a moment of silence for uh the passing of retired police chief Salvatore Armenia and also um Mr Doug hiler who passed away last week flag the United States of America and to the repic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you thank you have a may I have a roll call please council member hn council member Owen council member depan here council member MC council member mcgan council member Dill council president Johnston here also also present is Mayor tap administrator Frost City kerk Samson for her last city council meeting Deputy city clerk ke city solicitor Smith and city engineer Schneider puru pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website Summers um I'm need a motion for a 48 hour waiver for resolution number 144 please I'll make that motion second all in favor I any opposed I'm I'm going to rearrange the agenda just a little bit here and move up resolution number 144 and also number 135 to the front of the agenda I have motion to open a public comment on those two resolutions only please I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions number 144 and 135 only may I have may I have a motion to close please I'll make I'll make that motion I'll second all in favor any opposed we nowed we're now closed for public comment resolution number 14 144 I'm going to read this one saling saluting and congratulating city clerk Lucy R Samuelson whereas the city of Summers Point appointed Lucy r Samson as Deputy City Clerk in October of 2011 and where on October 4th 2016 Lucy was appointed as the city clerk regist of vital statistics for the city of Summers point and served with distinction and dedication until May 31st 2024 and whereas during her tenure in the city clerk's office Lucy was instrumental in upgrading technology and modernizing the city clerk's office as well as microfilming and preserving the city council records and vital statistic records whereas Lucy's deep base of knowledge of municipal government as well as her work ethic and intellect were ASC were an excellent resource for many of her fellow employees and elected officials and whereas during her career as a city clerk Lucy served as president vice president and Secretary of the Atlanta County Municipal clerks Association and whereas Lucy has also been an active member of the municipal clerk Association of New Jersey serving as secretary and treasurer for the organization and whereas in addition to performing her duties as a municipal city clerk Lucy also taught as an Adjunct professor at ruers University imparting her knowledge and wisdom to those seeking the registered municip clerk license and whereas Lucy's energy and enthusiasm will most certainly be missed by all those who had the opportunity to work with her over the years now therefore be it resolved that mayor and City Council on behalf of themselves the employees and the residents of the city of Summers Point hereby sincerely thank Lucy R samelson for her many years of loyal service and dedication to the city of Summers point and be it further resolve that Lucy r Samson is the epitome of a public servant and that the mayor and city council extend their best wishes and hopes for much happiness in her retirement may I have ation may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second com any comments uh Madam president yes uh first off I'd like to uh acknowledge my other favorite uh city clerk longtime City cler Carol Dei uh who has missed ever since she left but but uh the Advent of uh Lucy made that a little easier uh quite frankly and uh you know as I sit here and I've dreaded this day for a long time um I think we sat next to each other whether on that side or this side uh the entire time um your dedication your dedication to this city and and the love that you've developed for this city uh is admired and I appreciate that um I can't articulate how much you've meant to me uh as a councilman and and if I had a question and my ego won't let me ask anybody else I could always ask you so uh I can't thank you enough from from my family to your family uh we we really appreciate you sharing Lucy with us and and uh I'm going to miss you severely good luck thank you council president yes uh I think uh Mr McAn has pretty much said everything I was going to say but uh I just Lucy knows how I feel and I'm sure the rest of this Council feels about the job that she has done for us and she has always been there for us anytime we'd make a call or need or anything of that nature actually 24 hours a day seven a week seven days a week she made herself available and that dedication to service to the city of Summers Point uh will be missed and uh I will personally Miss uh her uh ability to bail me out as a councilman and bail the rest of us out at times so Lucy thank you and uh good luck on your retirement uh yeah I'd also like to say thank you I mean I haven't been here as long as some of the others but the last six years um I've depended on you there's so many things about this job that um you don't know when you come in I know I've uh asked you a million questions so I appreciate your help and uh you will definitely be missed Madam president yes may I mayor certainly and Lucy I too um oh there you are not crying iing tissues we'll get there keep talking there you go listen um right you know how I feel I love you to death um when we stole you from Port and we brought you in you know and I had to tell Roger who was the president of council at Port I got Lucy you don't you know and he wasn't real happy about that but even though you don't even though you didn't live here you made Summers Point your home you know and your dedication to the job goes far above anything I can ever think of if I drive by on a Saturday I see your car here if I'm leaving late from Charlie maybe uh I see your I see your truck here you know um you you will be missed uh retirement is great by the way and you're not going to miss the job you're just going to miss the people so best best of luck all my heart thank you yeah council president I want to wish Lucy the very best for future endeavors I mean you've always been there every time I pick the phone call he right back you know Tim of response very knowledgeable what you do on point and we appreciate you and uh best of luck mam U Lucy as a new councilman four years ago you were one that really helped me get started and understand the process and I believe you've done that with everyone here you've allowed them to understand what their role was how they can perform well and you've always been there to provide us with the information we need to do our job much better I truly appreciate the time that I spent here with you and I wish you a great retirement thank [Music] you see I um haven't been on the council very long but uh you were very patient with me in the transition to uh to move on to council and you've been there to answer questions and like to Echo Dennis's comments retirement's great U best wishes enjoy it and do everything you can to enjoy it thank you thank you Lucy Lucy like I'd like to commend your service to the city of Summers Point um I think we're all going to miss your reading so the resolutions I hope you're not turning that job over to Janice and uh wow I hope you have a very wonderful and long retirement you guys were friends right it was right I thought yeah okay all in favor hi any opposed resolution number 144 is adopted uh we have some presentations um we have Senator Vince Palestina would you like to come up and see we have somebody taking pictures thank you great to be here want to know something about town right to the clerk have here Lou want us from Congress um wanted to express his gratitude got the bad weather got two 80° days all of a sudden out of here Su the read Congressman V Drews I don't usually read but let me read that one for you um because it's not too long congal Congressional Proclamation whereas Congressman Jefferson van Drew as the duly elected representative of New Jersey second congressional district is pleased to honor and commend Lucy samelson in recognition of your service to the city of Summers Point congratulations and best wishes on your retirement whereas the strength and success of the state of New Jersey and the United States of America rest upon the abilities and talents of our dedicated citizens that show exceptional efforts to promote and improve our community and whereas the citizenry of the second congressional district through their elected representative recognize Lucy Samson as an inspiration to all and whose energy and achievements help us glimpse a future of Hope and promise and whereas Lucy Samson has brought honor and pride to the community and to citizens of this state New Jersey and the United States of America therefore be it known to all that the undersign here by Honor Lucy samelson recorded this day on the day of your retirement Friday May 31st 2024 signed by Congressman Jefferson vandrew that is that one we also have a legislative Commendation on behalf of Don Guardian CLA Swift and I which I will not read but talks about how wonderful you are throughout your career I do want to say I've had an opportunity to work with Lucy in a professional capacity with the city for many years what a pleasure to work with Lucy especially when the Auditors were here looking for paperwork between files always a flurry of activity but you are a real professional an asset to the city uh so wanted to congratulate you on your retirement best wishes enjoy the summer at the SH now that you'll have all this opportunity to get out there and enjoy this great weather we have congratulations and best wishes thank you for everything you've done to help us thank you thank you counsel we also have uh the county commissioner Moren Kar excuse me I [Laughter] thought all right two three all right I'm getting a good shot of Rick K don't go too far Kirk just put this part of being AAL government right now deal with the open public records act we try to make a little better he did he did a good job good job conations we love you God you get to go with his wonderful family but we will miss you we will definitely miss you the people no know know here we are um you're going to love it family is going to love it they get to have a little bit more of you and uh we get to do the whereases Tom if I like have to catch my breath a little bit he'll just step in for me right yeah but we we really do we congratulate you we appreciate you your dedication to Summers point is so much appreciated and keeping us out of trouble keeping us in line you've been there for us anytime we needed anything you're there thank you thank you uh okay uh Proclamation Atlanta County Board of County Commissioners honoring Lucy Samuelson on her retirement whereas Lucy samelson began her career as Deputy City Clerk in the city of Port Republic in 1992 was later appointed to clerk in 1995 and whereas during her 17-year tenure with Pat with um Court republicate Lucy Samson obtained her registered municipal clerk too loud and certified Municipal regist certificates served as Deputy Emergency Management coordinator and Insurance Fund commissioner and whereas in 2006 Lucy Samson obtained her registered public purchasing official license and in 2007 her qualified purchasing agent certificate and whereas in 2011 Lucy Samson was appointed Deputy City Clerk in city of Summers point and was held the position of city clerk since 2016 and whereas since working in summers Point Lucy Samson also holds the title of Insurance Fund commissioner and volunteers her time as secretary to the Summers Point veterans Advisory Board and whereas Lucy Samuelson diligence extended beyond the local community of Summers Point as she served as president vice president and Secretary of the Atlanta County Municipal clerks Association and a secretary and treasur of the municipal clerks Association of New Jersey and whereas dedicated to sharing her knowledge and expertise Lucy Samson taught courses for the registered municipal clerk license as an adjunct professor at Ruckers University for 14 years now therefore be proclaimed on this 23rd day of May 2024 by the Atlanta County Board of County Commissioners that this board does hereby congratulate and recognize the outstanding service and Leadership of Lucy samelson and be further proclaimed that this board does hereby thank Lucy Samson for her impact on the community and wishes her well in her retirement as she enters a new and exciting chapter of her life congratulations no my God how' you put all this in and still do this job so well I didn't even realize some of these things myself and you also have Atlant County Executive Dennis Lon proudly salutes Summers Point city clerk Lucy samon in recognition and appreciation of your dedicated service during your tenure as Deputy City Clerk and city clerk and your contributions to enhancing the quality of life of our residents which with our best best wishes Lon it does sayon we'll get our photographer up there right [Laughter] what are you doing bouncing in the picture all right done got good shot thank you thanks a lot just send it along okay [Music] thank thank you commissioner if I could have all council members council president we have one more thing for you though if I could have all the council come down front for a presentation to Lucy please coach's got a lot of feet taking all his a little plaque for you there basically what it says in grateful recognition of Luc r Samson for dedic dedicated and Professional Service to the city of summmer appointment thank you for all that you have done for this community congratulations on your retirement the mayor city council the city of Summers Point May 31st 2024 faceing away I get a picture okay great yeah I'm G to get not going anywh I got plenty of fil that's a good one okay now Sean all right one two three one two three yeah great cool want one [Music] you ho that was thanks K okay now do you have enough wall space Gold Dish on your house overwhel overwhelming but I'm I'm grateful also um speech I was so nervous it's all crumbled up I'm so grateful for all your kind words and recognition um you know I'm only as good as the people around me so thank you everybody especially the employees you know they make me look good mayor mayor tap city council thank you so much for accoring me opportunity to continue my education thank you also City administrator Jason Frost for your support and your guidance you really have made me a better city clerk um um during my during my tenure I think the most profound and rewarding thing for me was to work with the public it's all about the people you know it's it's been very fulfilling to serve as your city clerk to my husband t- man my m my mama Georgette and my daughter Erica Dana Ray Angela and my grandson Warren thank you for all your support and your love I love you all Darlene if you're out there in YouTube land I love you and um it's been an absolute pleasure to work under Carol Degrassi and and Shelby Shelby Heath congrat congratulations Shelby I know you're going to do a great job um it really is a great place to live work and play in Summer's Point thanks everybody take care now you have to get back to work okay great okay um can I have a motion for resolution number 135e I'll make that Mo I'll make that motion second [Music] I am like so overwhelmed here sorry we're going to read read the resolution first resolu resolution number 135 of 2024 appointment of city clerk namely Shelby Heath now have a motion I'll make that motion I'll second that any comments uh Madam president yes um as I said earlier I'm certainly Going to Miss Lucy uh but I I have the highest confidence in in that Shelby uh sort of carrying that torch and uh forward for for Luc City so I I really look forward to your tenure thank you coun council president yes I'm going to show my age at this point uh this will be the Shelby will be the fourth city Clark during my tenure in the city of Summers point started out with Mary Lenny then Carol degrossi then Lucy and now Shelby and uh gu you have big shoes to fill but I'm sure you will fill them because I've known you for almost the whole time you've worked for the city and I have all the confidence in the world that you'll be again as good as the uh three people I mentioned prior and uh good luck and you have my support and always will thank you I think we're all look forward to working with you a little closer Shelby even though we already work pretty close with you so congratulations to you vot you still haven't voted yet how do you know oh okay you're right all in favor any opposed Okay resolution number 135 SAR s right to do the honor of swearing in Shelby Heath and Dylan your husband's holding the Bible okay I speak I shall be do Solly swear do solemly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the sa and allegiance to the sa and the government's established and the government's established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform all the duties of office all perform all the duties of the office of City cour according to the according to the [Laughter] congratulations we have to recreate that's says that yeah he can't thank you thank you everyone thank you Shelby you want to get back yeah they they know whether or not they to stay or not okay now that all the happy stuff is over with we have to get back to business so everyone's more than welcome to stay but we are going to get back to our agenda here is this on hey good seeing you how' you get so thank you sunscreen wear hat my bet good senor all right we did does anyone have does anyone have any Communications to offer hearing none hearing none uh Mr Mayor uh what I have to report is that this Monday the 27th is Memorial Day we will be having our parade parade will start at 11:00 at dolls Avenue take about 45 minutes and then we will have a ceremony Park all are welcome to attend you know and uh I encourage the uh Council if you're up for it to walk with myself and council president in the parade and uh it should be a great event and I hope everyone can make it and that's all I have the report thank you Mr frosto okay tonight Mr Snider um I just wanted to see if anybody had any suggestions for um it's part of the Safe Streets the trans Grant along Shore Avenue Shore Road um we are part of the grant we're eligible to add additional bus shelters if that's something the city council is interested in um I don't need an answer today but um if you want to look around the only other spot that I know um that was discussed previously was at um Pleasant and um Shore Road right in front of the new um new parking lot new parking lot I did discuss the uh area with the developer and he's fully in support of it we have to extend the concrete a little bit but that's they said they would move some that Landscaping wouldn't be a problem the bus shelter would need to be a little smaller than the standard one because it's uh the RightWay is a little narrower but it will fit but that's the only one that I was planning to put in the plans but if anybody the other um which may suggestions what location was that Pleasant and sure right in front of the new parking lot where the so you need the space for it you just can't yeah it's about you need about 5T width at least I maybe there'll be one it' be appropriate to have one the at the bus stop in front of the urgent care I don't know if I a fit there but I don't I'd be happy to measure possible I think we looked at the Urgent car and we also looked in front of the library but I don't remember why we didn't Library is because New Jersey Transit needed a historic study to do it right okay yeah but um the mayor suggested uh right before you get to the crab Chop on Maz Landing Road on the on the south side of Maz Landing Road there's a bus stop there right at the end of the fence of the parking lot for the crab trop okay well that won't be that wouldn't be covered onto thisby Shore Road we'd have to see the nice thing this is we don't have to deal with new Transit and we five years to do it we can do it as part of the bid and it's covered under the grant so that's why I'm suggesting it now we want to get it done so everyone as you're driving down Shore Road um send your suggestions on if you think there's another cor how's that work so say we find a spot then we got to go to the homeowner or the property owner and we got gement to put that there or we got to work a deal or no we would try we fit in the right right now like I said usually as long as you have 5T and then 3 ft behind it for the sidewalk M um and we're still in the right away we don't have to go to the property over we wouldn't need eement so if it's a residential house and there happens to be a bus stop there we can just put that on the other side of the sidewalk if I'd measure first but yeah as soon there's enough room gotcha okay's if there's not enough room we would need EAS it but all right than that's it thank you Mr Smith you okay no you're not okay did you have anything you to I'll say something a little later okay we can't wait okay um does anyone have any committee reports to offer I know there's a Mr haror School Board yeah I attended the uh last school board meeting and a couple things came out of there uh kinata Brown will be filling the vacant spot on the board of education we do have a new principal at Jordan Road School Ken benus and there's some recent legislation that has been signed that will return approximately 500,000 of the 1.2 million reduction in state aid back to the uh the district along with that there was legislation to remove the 2% cap on increases of the school taxes um so this is going to cause a redo of the budget for the schools uh the timing of that uh budget redo it has to be to the county by the 5th of July so no later than the middle of July we should have a a new budget back from uh the school board that's it thank you other committe any other committee reports uh council president uh this past Monday the Summers Point Arts Mission met here uh we moved our actually backed up our meeting to the 20th cuz at the end of the month is of course Memorial Day holiday so we had met here um looking forward to the basic watercolor Workshop that's coming up it's a four for four sessions it's $50 from 10: to noon at the senior recre Recreation Center uh on Amer Road uh there's 15 spots I believe there's two still available basic that's basically ,750 per per class but it's $50 nonrefundable but it's it's going to be really good they're very busy thank you you're wel okay okay uh I can I have a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from ail April 9th 2024 and ex and executive session meetings of May May 11 2023 June June 8th 2023 June 22nd 2023 January 11th 2024 April 24th 2024 approved as to content only M pres Madam president the three that are um dated calendar year 2023 uh I wasn't present for Sor I recuse myself from any any comments there I have a motion I'll make that motion second all in favor I any opposed okay the minutes are approved we moved on to ordinances ordinance number 13 ordinance number 13 of 2024 ordinance amending chapter 250 vehicles and traffic Article 5 residential parking permits section 250- 56 issuance of residential parking permits this is the second reading for this ordinance so I have a motion to open for public comment please I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed we're now open for public comment on ordinance number 13 anyone wishing to speak just step forward and state your name for the record that's okay that's okay take your time all right allergy sorry hello everybody good afternoon thank you for this opportunity to speak uh my name is Willis um South Jersey resident who would like to touch upon a concern regarding that of Summer Point um this this is for the specific ordinance right now we will open later for other comments is this in reference to ordinance number 13 um um somewhat if you will thank you folks I'll make it so once again my name is Samantha will all thank you for this opportunity to speak um I would like to brief briefly propose a um homeless shelter at the CH Episcopal Church here in summer point on New Road uh recently in AB in New Jersey there was I'm sorry I have to stop you again this is right now we're only open for comment on this specific ordinance which is referring to residential parking okay but in a couple minutes we'll be we'll open for public comment on any subject at all so um towards the end of the meeting okay I stand corrected I'm sorry okay be glad to hear from you thank you okay thank you motion to close a motion to close please I'll make I'll make that motion second second in favor all in favor any opposed I have a motion for uh ordinance number 13 please make that motion call second any comment any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed ordance number number 13 is adopted I have a motion to open for public comment on resolutions only please yes were going to address I didn't oh I didn't think we were doing that tonight I didn't put it on uh agenda would you like to discussion discuss to proceed on that a motion to untable it I think I'd like to wait till next meeting just so everybody I'd spoken to Amanda about it and I think she plans on being here for next week for the next meeting so know we no you don't but she'll be for other I I just want to make sure everybody I just want to make sure everybody understands it before we get into it so but thank you [Laughter] okay okay well thank you I'm glad because you know how much I want to get that done too so it's unusual I would stop you okay um resolution okay we're back to opening for public comment resolutions only please did I get a motion for that yet I will can I have a motion please I will make a motion I'll second that okay all in favor I any opposed we're now open for public comment on resolutions only none hearing none could I have a motion to close I'll make that motion second in all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment on resolutions res resolution number 136 oh no we already did that one I'm Sor yeah we did we did 135 right resolution number 136 of 2024 appointment of public agency compliance officer namely Shelby Heath may have a motion I'll make that motion second any comments in favor all in favor any opposed resolution number 136 is adopted number 137 resolution number 137 of 2024 appointing certifying agent namely Shelby Heath may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comments in fav all in favor any opposed resolution number 137 is adopted number 138 resolution number 138 of 2024 promoting clean and safe work sites for contractors operating in the city of Summers Point have a motion please I'll make that motion second any comment any comments uh Madam president uh if I may that this uh obviously resolution and when you read it you you see that uh you know it's making suggestions to contractors uh operating in in the community here and and this is an initiative uh born uh in our in our Green Team uh discussions uh helping us uh obtain U certific certification through that program New Jersey substainable program uh but this is rather important uh because uh vinyl sighing has become so important and the and the composite materials that are now very popular with tax and so forth and in other phases of construction uh are creating these microplastics and we need to do something to control them obviously our waterways are very sensitive uh and we need to keep as much as we can out of that and hopefully this information only kind of resolution will get to work on camera and Spark to you know cleaner job sites thank you madam president yes I think this is a continuation on a good man a good construction of renovation projects I think um or you know the contractors that are really going to follow good PR practices this would just be another enticement for them to do it so I think I support it wholeheartedly absolutely May yes please yeah actually um as mayor I me I agree with this 100% we should be uh taking greater care of when we're doing our building you know just uh I mean I've cut the vinyl siding with the power saws I've done asach with the table saw and it is all over the place now that we hook up a vacuum to it we put something on the ground we make the cuts we are able to collect all the dust and uh the last thing we really need is that in our waterways and our sewers so this is definitely a good resolution thank you thank you council president yeah city council wants I can add this wordy to our contracts for like if we do dock work or anything like that too I think that's a good idea absolutely definitely absolutely thank you okay um all in favor any opposed res resolution number 138 is adopted number 130 uh 139 number 139 resolution number 139 of 2024 authorizing termination agreement with Lucy R Samuelson I may I have a motion please since we have to I was just going to say if we don't if we don't approve it she have to St anywhere okay motion make that motion second any comments any comments all in favor any opposed any opposed you're terminated [Laughter] drop Okay resolution number 140 resolution resolution number 140 of 2024 resolution of the city of Summers Point County of Atlantic state of New Jersey authorizing the sale of surplus property no longer needed for public use on an online auction website may I have may I have a motion please I'll make that motion any comments these are these are uh for the most for the most part police guards that are parked in our parking lot that no longer run uh s it before and I'll say it again we need to find someplace else to storm I think it's uh it makes our city hall which we should be proud of look like a junkyard we're talking about what five or six Vehicles sitting out in a parking lot uh we have Public Works facilities we have other facilities in town that we can they could be out of sight they don't need to be uh stored in the future uh at City Hall that's all that's why we want to sell them that's why we want to sell them but they've been sitting out there for months okay and I don't think our City Hall Parking Lot needs to look like a an abandoned police vehicle lot or a junk yard and I think if we're going to in the future we should store them in some other location other than in City Hall if we want to take pride in our building thank you thank you president yes I um I kind of agree with you there Howard that uh you know moving these things quickly and keeping them in a spot where they're not open to the eye but I also would like to thank uh the fact that we're going to get get rid of them and moving them to clean up a Boneyard you you don't want stuff sitting around forever so thank you for getting it out there and pushing this through so thanks I'm all in favor any opposed resolu resolution number 140 is adopted number 141 resolution number 141 authorizing purchase on state contract air conditioner condenser for the Summers Point Police Department may I have a motion please I'll second any comments any comments all in favor all in favor any oppos resolution resolution number 141 is adopted number 142 res resolution number 142 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of councel regarding the potential leasing of New York Avenue School by the city of Summers point from the Summers Point School Board any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters fing with the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matters to be discussed described as fully as possible without undermining the need for confidentiality advice of council and attorney client privilege communication regarding the potential lease of New York Avenue School by the city of Summers point from the Summers Point Board of Education may I have ation may I have a motion please so moved second second any comment any comments all in favor all in favor I any opposed resolution number resolution number 142 is adopted we'll be going into executive session at the end of the meeting after all of our other businesses done and I don't anticipate us taking any action after that but you're more than welcome to stay out in the hallway and we'll come and get you when we're when we rejourn resol uh resolution number 142 please 14 oh I'm sorry resolution number 143 of 2024 authorizing executive session advice of council regarding contractual negotiations for ambulance services any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation in which the public body is or may become a party any matters falling within the attorney client privileged to the extent that confidentiality is required for the attorney to exercise his ethical duties as a lawyer the nature of the matter is to be discussed described as fully as possible without undermining the need for confidentiality advice of counsel and attorney client privileged communication regarding the contractual negotiations for ambulance services may I have ation may I have a motion please move any comments all in favor all in favor any opposed Okay resolution number 143 is adopted anyone does anyone have any old business to discuss hearing none uh new bus new business Mr H yes uh in your U Council um people's fold you will see a flyer that is entitled we walk Summers Point uh this is a walking group that um I'd like to get started here in town would meet on Mondays at a different location uh each Monday and it's spelled out in the flyer the time would be at 8:30 the purpose is real simple is to promote health and create opportunities for people to pursue fitness goals while meeting neighbors um real simple group um to to put together just trying to get interest out the community for um events like this and and to get people moving and talking Rick asked me earlier when he saw this he said what if you had 600 people I'd say that's a win we'll figure that out uh that happen um looking for you know to see how many we can get out there uh we get regular people out there to help us uh you know have people meet their goals uh hopefully this grows maybe we could get some things going with the hospital for Fitness talks and things of that nature but uh after Co we all know a lot of people you know kind of took shelter um I think it's up to us and beho us to get people out and moving and have recreation activities for all of our citizens this light exercise so I hope everybody uh will join with me in uh getting this started and promoting it so thank you anyone have any anyone have any questions or suggestions from Mr aorn I think it's a great idea it's a good way to get out the public get people out walking cuz I know you love to walk all over the place so that's right but uh I think it's a great great idea can't wait to take part in that are you going to have a specific distance that we're going to no I really think what I'd like to do is uh you know uh put together a path you know based on these um on these Gathering sites and then you know if somebody wants to walk 10 steps and come back that's up to them but um you know I think we'd have an end point that's legitimate maybe a 30 minute walk and again after that walk's done and people want to gather and do some more walking together that's great I I just I don't want to make this a thing where people make it a competition or everybody thinks they got to walk for 90 minutes um you know I want to really make this a community activity okay um should we have some sort of subcommittee to help you with this I'm hoping as the Bo gets out uh I know Mr mcan's helped me a little bit here with some of this maybe he'll be part of our subcommittee uh I can't walk that far you can just jump in cold water but uh know no there there are longer than the campus but no I've had people reach out already and I you know once it gets going I'm hoping this thing is a Grassroots thing we can answer all these questions once we see how many people are out there what type of Interest it is I really don't want to put a lot of uh uh rules rules around it because I think you're taking the right approach and and I think that this type of program and and I have a couple things coming uh behind this that it it this is critical after we we've gotten Beyond this pandemic and and people and I'm not going to philosophy but there's a lot of depression out there a lot of anxiety out of that and a lot of people are trapped in their homes and this will help get them out and this will increase happiness and that's uh you know that's really you know a great goal and a great thing so I I applaud you for this initiative thank you thank you okay I agree sounds great Charles appreciate the initiative all right thanks Mike okay we need approval for a New Jersey firefighters application for membership for Bryce Edmonds we always welcome new volunteers and our fire department we appreciate anyone that steps up absolutely y uh discussion of the bills Mr Frost sure so this evening we have a bill list in the amount of 3,632 673 and thank thank you I have could I have a motion to open for public comment please make that motion second all in favor any oppos we're now open for public comment the only did she leave she left okay thank you I'm Nelson good evening I'm from the tribe of Asher I live in Ocean City on Central Avenue I spent almost 600 days in city county and state custody against my wishes as a free American city of Summers Point has been asked to clean up ocean City's mess judge freed sent me to jail without asking me any questions I was sent a I was picked up on a warrant that wasn't properly served I never got notice of it officially I spent 59 days in the county jail because I refuse to give jurisdiction to the martial law flag and I know it's going to sound like Patriot myth fine let it I've got proof and we'll see at the end of the day what happens I'm currently in court sitting here uh against my will cuz who knows what he's going to order the next time so uh the prosecutor has no oath of office okay on file judge freed says the one from 2013 from Atlantic City is valid for her to operate in your city I disagree okay I think he's trying to cover himself and let me tell you two reasons why could somebody tell me when I have 15 seconds left please yeah we got it okay because then that way I don't feel I'm not offending you with the time problem thank you we appreciate that yes um so uh I forget where I was Judge freed oh yes Atlantic City judge Russell part who is part of the behind what has happened to me uh with the Chiefs two different Chiefs of police one who's been uh asked to retire now police officer who sat here I say made false charges apparently he's lost his job removed and re sign point being is if it's not me if what I'm saying is true the next person also is going to have a claim against the city if she's not properly oathed okay also the city solicitor does not have the proper oath what they'll say tend to what they've said in the past is that oh I took the I swore when I became a lawyer years 20 years ago sorry if they're working for this municipality they've got to have an oath of office under New Jersey statutes to the Constitution I saw miss the new woman Heath I believe wonderful she's look going to be a great great u city clerk I presume but she will have to sign the oath that she took T already done so so I'm asking for uh someone from counil or the mayor to get evidence does the prosecutor the a dozen cases a week need an oath of office to support this Constitution under New Jersey statutes not the one from Atlantic City so my point about the judge was he had when he gets reappointed in Ocean City guess what he signs another oath same judge same city so why does this prosecutor not have to have a proper oath that's how our founding fathers said the only way we can keep the people free from being uh attacked by government not that I mean all it's all what in your hearts what's happening but when an evil heart gets control and power you know what happens they send me to Ancor for 6 months just cuz I refuse a lawyer public defender that's what happened so you got your this City's responsible for 59 days at this point of my life that's all for thank you for your time any questions no thank you thank you Nelson and I hope your walk goes well exercise is good appreciate your time thanks it's close motion to close please yeah I'll make that motion second all in favor any opposed we're now closed for public comment I have I have a motion to pay the bills I'll make that motion second in favor I I I any oppos okay we can pay the bills with any further comments from the governing body okay hearing none we'll take a five minute recess and then we'll go into executive session interesting you get your note I don't know why must sorry IED you just like that