e I almost not yet not yet got 30 seconds or so we're on the street what's that it's streaming okay we're definitely live no hiccups no this meeting is called to order in accordance with the open public meetings law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided this meeting of June 177 2024 was published in the CER news in Star Ledger and placed on the Burrow's website notice of this meeting was also placed on the bulletin board at Burrow Hall a copy of this notice is available to the public and a copy of the statement shall be included in the minutes of this meeting mayor Brian Gallagher here council members Teresa boner here Glenn Dene here Tom Mitchell here Randy pittz here Gina straic here Roger ver here please stand for the salute to the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay uh two items up for discussion uh the first is I've asked uh Somerville Fire Chief Joe sley uh to uh uh to come to council and kind of give us an overview come on up Joe of uh of the the tragic fire that happened on uh June 4th um it was uh a fire that the legs of which we haven't seen in a long time uh thank god um but uh but I think through the actions of the of Chief sley and the Somerville fire department um they uh they took uh what could have been a a horrible horrible tragedy and kept it to a uh an awful awful uh incident uh so Chief if you can just kind of uh give us an overview of what what what transpired so on June 4th 2024 at approximately 1403 hours the Somerville fire department and Somerville Rescue Squad were dispatched to six West Main Street for the reported fire in the basement as they received it from a caller inside the building when fire units arrived on location they were met with smoke on the first floor as well as heavy smoke and fire in the basement uh thank you to the sunal police department they were able to safely evacuate all the residents of 2 and six West Main Street safely without any injuries the fire department made a aggressive interior fire attack into the basement and due to um changing circumstances in the building and deteriorating conditions the decision was made to pull them out for the safety of all fire ground Personnel um this eventually the first floor had a partial collapse into the basement as well as the second and third floor and this eventually turned into a four alarm fire bringing in roughly 17 fire department agencies which included 17 fire engines five ladder trucks three rescue companies and approximately 120 fire Personnel this also brought in five EMS agencies uh multiple Police Department agencies to help with traffic control and roadblocks as well as County OEM and County Hazmat this fire is still under investigation in conjunction with the sum officials office some police department and Prosecutors Office due to the nature of the damage in the buildings at this time there was a total of five businesses that have been disrupted as well as 18 apartments that had all residents in those at the time uh 18 residents 18 18 apartments with residents in them at the time okay all right good I'm good all right so um obviously uh this was uh a well-coordinated response um I don't think this is anything that people plan for uh but I think through the training that uh people up and down the line had uh the most important thing was every resident got out safely and every first responder went home that night safely uh or over the course of the next day or so um what could have been again a very uh horrible tragedy uh through the efforts of our professionals whether those are paid professionals or volunteer professionals um they coordinated you know having probably upwards of 150 people on the fire ground at that time easy yes E Yeah easy um you had Somerville PD who was first on the scene who did an absolutely fantastic job getting those uh those residents out um the response of Somerville fire the uh the response of the Somerville Rescue Squad first aid and rescue squad uh OEM again local and County OEM um unbelievable job in what you did um and and I will have folks back uh again because I do want to recognize a number of folks in this process but I also want to recognize you know one organization in particular that that stepped up um during the course of the event you know everybody looks at the fire but they don't they don't see what's going on behind the scenes and behind the scenes you had uh multiple families multiple residents some of whom are are here tonight T um who were affected very directly by this fire um their their homes uh their possessions um and it's incumbent upon us um more from a social responsibility standpoint uh we took those folks that didn't have any place to go and we actually brought them here into this room um and then we found them temporary lodging I will tell you that the Somerville civic league the ladies of the somville C civic league stepped up and did an incredible job they stayed with these folks um morning noon and night and and ensured that these folks uh were cared for were fed uh were brought to the county to obviously uh get paperwork and get things rolling so that they could find alternate shelter um and they did that for about five or six days and uh they do it because they want to not because they have to uh it's because they can air um and that's the value of living in this community um we're not a big Community we're 2 and a half square miles um but we are awesome and when people are in need that's when this town shines its best um you know you look along the back you've got our officers uh Chief is here representing all of the men and women of the Somerville fire department U we did have some uh uh firefighters go to the hospital that night one of our offic ERS went to the hospital that night um this effort was just incredible so I want to thank each and every one there's also a couple of folks that I do want to uh in particular uh uh reach out I will tell you um Governor Murphy was on the phone with me at 11 o'clock that night um on while I was on the fire ground and I was on the phone with him multiple times over the next two days and uh the governor's Outreach uh his first question was what do you need and what we did need obviously uh Main Street is a state highway and we didn't have the Staffing to shut down the road at either end in conjunction with DOT so I said Governor what we need are uh Troopers to shut shut the road down uh so our officers can maintain working in the burrow not only at the fire scene but you know the regular day today and I will tell you within about four minutes I had a call from Colonel Callahan from the state police and he said where do you need him what do you need I let him know and he said they'll be there in about 20 minutes uh and those troopers were there in about 20 minutes Governor called me the next day and said what do you need and I said I need you to keep Main Street closed until we can actually secure this scene and ensure that the buildings are uh uh not in imminent danger of collapse and he goes you got it uh and then the colonel said you got it so um I had um Tom Kane's office reached out to see how they could help uh I had uh Chanel Robinson uh County Commissioner reach out um it was just this wonderful uh connection of people both on the fire scene uh and uh and then those asking how we can help mayor Cara from uh from ritton called uh a number of folks called and uh just a big thank you uh obviously I think Council shares uh our GR gratitude uh to everybody all of our First Responders and as well as the civic league uh ladies I see a few ladies in the back raise your hands ladies of the civic league so you know the and I think what that points out is you know the job of the First Responders uh is is done but the job of the burrow is not and uh their ability to step in and help fill a gap I also want to thank Mr sluka who literally worked morning noon and night uh on this it was just an unbelievable feat um you know I was on the phone with them at midnight some nights and then again at 5:30 in the morning uh the following morning um checking on the folks that were uh relocated to to a hotel a local hotel um and phone calls and just um it was just a massive effort and he's going on a very well-deserved vacation very soon so thank you Kevin as well so um but again chief job well done please pass our thanks along to uh to all of the men and women of the uh the department um and uh it was a great stop too because you know when you have buildings that adjoin each other there's always that danger that it could spread very quickly and uh uh your team uh did an absolutely fantastic job obviously in coordination with a lot of other agencies as well so job well done thank you thank you and just a touch note just one quick note about the civic league as well uh while they were helping those residents that were displaced they were also providing food water and coffee to all First Responders on scene throughout a 24-hour period yeah awesome great job thank [Applause] you so now we have Marco the therapy dog so I I think uh Mar has become uh an icon in Somerville um he's he's known throughout town uh whether it's kids or seniors uh Marco has just become this uh this wonderful um uh uh warm greeter for Somerville and uh just very briefly I'm going to turn it over to the CH where's the chief where'd he go oh there he is he's hiding so so um I got a call one day from the chief and uh he said you know there's a concept that uh officer debiasi uh put forth which is for a therapy dog and he said we're going to send you a package uh about you know how this this what it is and and how it would uh would operate so I read through it and uh in a heartbeat I said absolutely I think it's a great idea so Chief I'll turn it over to you for a minute well I'm only going to talk briefly about this because I would like Nicole to talk about it um but she did come to me with a package of laid out with information about getting a dog and I think she was afraid of what I was going to say but she went to the two lieutenants first and uh pre them and they were sitting one morning saying to me oh the Cole's got to talk Cole's got to talk to her what the heck's going on so anyway she put together a wonderful package and obviously she did her homework because everything is working wonderfully the dog is great these folks that raise these dogs um is beautiful there's a lot of training to do she I don't want to steal her Thunder but she has put together with the DSA and business owners and I'm sure the Civics lead too has helped um fundraisers for the dog to help so overall this is a wonderful project but are you comfortable speaking a little bit yeah [Music] program together I did a bunch of research just recognizing the stress that all our officers face on a day-to-day basis and the community members we're getting a lot of calls for mental health like to me an increasing amount of calls so it's really important I think to have something like him who could reduce maybe stress or lessen some of our anxieties um for us and for the community members and I mean I think it works I've gotten you know people hey thanks for making my day where's Marco I need Marco time so I know he's doing his and we're here for the right reason so thank you for everybody who made this happen and um it's a lot of training so it's a lot of dedication but I think it'll it's worth it awesome so so typically now now just so folks know Marco is not a a police dog a canine police dog no per se he's he's a uh he's a therapy dog he's a therapy dog but we go through a whole round of training is through the American Kennel society and it's pretty vigorous which I didn't know if it was going to be this in depth but um it's it's a lot of work we go through 20 sessions uh and then I have to work on after each session two weeks and then uh so it's a lot it's a full-time job when we're home when we're at work we're trying to do some training and when we're at home I'm doing training pretty much all time home and with the help of my family when they're all they're all wearing their shirts if it wasn't for all their support too I I don't know that I could have done it but and does he get the SC RPS in the squad room he let these guys know that um so I actually have a I spoke with Nicole and Randy if you so I have a uh a badge for Marco now I don't quite know how to swear in a a puppy but uh but I think this is great he's a welcome addition to to Somerville and the Somerville police department and the force and more importantly to our community Randy want by awesome all right so now we get to put the badge I think we all might need help getting [Laughter] up ready here we go you are now [Applause] that is awesome so if you see Marco out and aboutt anywhere in town um I think it's hard not to see him he's he's all over social media he's just become a wonderful icon uh for for Somerville and for the Somerville Police Department so awesome thank you thank you good work [Applause] all right so so now as much enthusiasm as I have for the uh uh our therapy dog I have even more enthusiasm for the officers of the Summerville Police Department um and it's uh it's it's a wonderful tonight because we have three officers three longtime officers who um are being elevated uh they're they're being promoted to different positions and I think it's wonderful to see their colleagues out here to support them um and uh and I think these are well-deserved promotions uh with the retirement of uh uh Manny Garcia uh it's creating a a domino effect of uh of of positions needed so um the the first one is resolution number 183 approving the promotion of Lieutenant broli to Captain uh do we have a motion so moved second discussion roll call council members Teresa bonor yes Glen Den yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes Gina stvi yes Roger vro yes okay and we'll now have the oath of office to Anthony brto that's why I was standing on that repeat I st your name I Anthony P do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and Al to the same to the government established in the United States and the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of police captain all the duties of police captain for the burrow of Somerville for the burrow of somville according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] thanks for your good work congratulations Captain okay uh resolution number 184 is approving the promotion of Sergeant gelardi to Lieutenant do we have a motion so moved second discussion roll call council members Teresa boner yes Glenn Den yes yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes Jus traic yes Roger vroom yes and we'll now have the oath of office for Christopher gelardi I state your name hi chord do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will supp the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of police Lieutenant all the duties of police for the burrow of Somerville for the bur of Somerville according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations congratulations thanks for your good work okay next is a resolution uh 185 approving the promotion of Officer obidzinski to Sergeant do we have a motion so mve second discussion roll call council members terresa boner yes Glen Den yes Tom Mitchell yes r and pittz yes Jus traic yes Roger V yes okay we will now present the oath of office to George ozinsky repe I st your name I Geor doly swear you solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in United States to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do furly further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of police Lieutenant all the duties of police Sergeant I'm sorry I'm so sorry you want promoting more for the burrow of Somerville for the bur of Somerville according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God [Applause] congratulations I tried thanks for your good work almost got an extra promotion there huh so uh before I turn it over to the chief to say a few words um it's it's always gratifying to see the uh the families come with these officers um these officers choose a career that um um you know they it's a tough career you know bringing home some of the things that they hear and they see um the commitment they make as officers is a commitment that their family makes and I think it's very important that they share these moments these these Great Moments um uh with their families so I think it's wonderful that uh that your families are here your kids are here um it's just it's a good thing uh so thank you thank you all of you officers for doing what you do every day uh you make our community absolutely awesome so thank you all Chief all right want to thank all you guys for showing up it's a good thing thank you to the council for allowing this to happen this isn't um additions this is replacements for the captain leaving Captain Garcia we really don't want to see him leave but he's moving on with life so we wish him the best too because he's been a reliable dedicated employee who has embraced this town he came from North Jersey and this now for him is actually home which I'm sure he would we do find it with all the officers I'm sure it happens in every police department but with that said it just seems like everybody comes here they fall in love with the town and it becomes their town so real quick sun to be Captain brto almost 25 years in a job he's come up through the ranks he worked at Transit first and I don't remember he's been with us for close to 20 years um he's been in every unit he it should be a very smooth transition to take over for Captain Garcia um these guys all know what's expected of them and they're very good at what they do Lieutenant galard he's was in the detective Bureau for a long time he's been on task force narcotics task force he actually has a law degree um not that that changed anything but um another reliable dependable hardcore police officer who wants to help people and get stuff done um another he'll step into Lieutenant br's place and you know it should be a smooth transition soon to be Sergeant oen jinsky he's been here 23 okay as a police officer you know he's been in Patrol he has done something that's a great benefit to town he's been involved with Traffic Safety in our department for several years now and to have that as a sergeant now as a giant help to us to whether's going to rep but um again a lot of experience Problem Solver and he's it's good for the town it's good for the department and I want to thank you guys again so I I think you've assembled a uh a very smart dedicated um uh really good uh Force I I've been around this for 25 years now and uh this is probably one of the best forces I've seen both administratively and StreetWise it's uh uh they understand Somerville that's that's really what it's about you just said it before they're problem solvers and they understand people they talk to people they communicate and they solve problem yix that's great awesome officers thank you so much for all you do every single day and uh the three uh ones that are receiving promotions congratulations enjoy it thank you you don't have to stay you can leave we'll take a one minute recess while everybody exits thank you guys thank you Chief thank you Chief thank you Chief even though we're in recess we're still live e [Music] I good all right folks uh we're going to continue on uh can I have a motion for the approval of the minutes of June 3 2024 so moved second discussion all in favor I opposed uh departmental reports and notices are as listed uh committee reports let's start with Tom please okay mayor uh let me see here the 4th annual juneth celebration will be held on the Somerset County historic cour courthous Green from 4:30 to 6:30 on this coming Wednesday June 19th Daisy Lyn Jones Evans a fifth grade teacher at Vander Elementary School won the Somerset County historic preservation and history award for excellence in preserving local history her project at home with history used her collection of Public Works to educate her class and other readers about somerville's historic black Community Somerville resident art Adair will receive the juneth leadership award for his work in preserving the stories of the 18 us colored Troops from the Civil War who are buried in the Somerville New Cemetery this is one of the largest groups of such graves in the state of New Jersey and finally County serate Tina jallow will report on her efforts to uncover the records of enslaved residents of the the county stored in County archives that's all I have mayor thank you Tom Glen all right so the environmental commission we met last Tuesday uh we have a number of things going on we uh were continuing to Foster all sorts of different Partnerships uh one with the Wallace house trying to hopefully help them with uh Colonial Garden and some other projects as they get grant money for it uh also we continue our connection with the Somerville High School environmental club uh they've received a $20,000 grant for climate change education and uh creating a rain Garden there at the high school uh we also wanted to thank DPW for continuing to fill all the water bags for all the newly planted trees uh and then we are also continuing to work on our very own grants for trying to get some Street more Street trees planted and continue our Energy Efficiency programs I think I mentioned it last time but the J Scott Memorial Garden did indeed receive the $1,500 Grant and they are working on getting some new garden beds there as well uh please come out uh we will be meeting here Tuesday July 9th at 700 p.m. great thank you thank Gina so the Somerville Rescue Squad uh responded to 114 calls last month uh 725 volunteer hours and I think you'd be pleased to know that there's uh a three minute and six well not 3 minute 60 3.6 minute response time which I think is really impressive and important uh if you have an emergency uh so that's some sumerville Rescue Squad um the um Board of Health had no meeting so I have no report for the Board of Health but I would uh say consider everything you hear in the media about the um Heatwave coming um be safe be cool and lastly I'd like to report that I um just uh came from the uh Somerville High School Hall of Fame golf tournament um and um I I think it's a tribute to our community to have such fine athletes and uh the Hall of Fame carry-on traditions of of Somerville athletes so so um so I was pleased to participate um and be with those those fine people and um actually one longest drive for the women so all right excellent good nice that's great thank you Teresa uh the municipal Alliance and you Services Commission uh did not meet this month but we are looking forward to having a table at National Night Out in July uh where we will have volunteers there handing out information about what the commission does um and how we help to fight Addiction in our community for all ages uh the Somerville public library has several uh nice programs coming up this week and next week uh tomorrow Tuesday June 18th uh English conversation group will be meeting at 10:30 for people learning English at 4:30 uh read to a therapy dog in the children's room will be happening uh Friday June Jun unee 21st baby story time at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday June 26th The Notary hours uh will start at 10:30 so if you need something notorized you can take it to the public library and they will do it for you uh Thursday June 27th um there's a craft program to make fabric Bowls in the program room and the Teen leadership committee will be meeting at 6 p.m. that evening in the young adult room uh and you can stop in children's room to learn about the summer reading challenge which goes from June 10th to August 17th um and you can register for the programs that happen at the library every week by going online to sclsnj.org and or you could download the app and that will show you all the events that happen throughout the month great thank you ready thank you mayor at this time I'd like to introduce and bring up our the dsa's new Superstar executive director Olivia Manning you can sit if you want that if you you that's you know what that's great talk with your hands I get more Dynamic there we go I get it uh I don't shy away from a microphone um hello my name is Olivia Manning no relation to the chief who's no longer here uh we already have a joke about that which is really funny um I come from Burnville which is 15 minutes up to 87 um where I did pretty much this exact work um I founded our Main Street program I applied when the program came back to life in New Jersey because some of you may or may not know the Main Street program kind of went away for a little while and came back so when it came back we applied we got it for a shot and we've been sort of working on that up until this point so now I'm really excited to grow and do so much more here in Somerville uh we always come here uh to do all the fun things uh we frequented with our back to the future time machine at cruise nights if you've seen it that's my husband and I just for fun um and a lot of other things so I'm really excited about working with Somerville and hopefully connecting with a lot of you and and what we'll be able to do moving forward I'm sure you'll see a lot of me um in various projects and things that we hope to do a lot of people ask me you know what's your vision and I can't really answer that because this type of work is not about the director's Vision or the board's Vision it's about the community and the more engagement we can have with the community and getting their responses to various things and making sure we're listening uh is really where the vision is going to come alive so that's what's important to me the most is that we figured that part out as best as we can uh build on a lot of amazing history that's already existed obviously it's not a new program um so I'm really excited to bring that in as well so um looking forward to connecting with everybody and if there's anything I'm missing Randy let me know I I am happy to report that even in the two weeks that I have been here we've already been able to save a little bit of money and a couple of little things um so we're we're starting we hit the ground running and and we're moving forward so looking forward to connecting with you all thank you thank you thank you all right anything else ready well all right Roger uh certainly so this past Friday Not only was it Flag Day uh we Somerville hosted the 2024 naturalization ceremony uh it was scheduled to be on the steps but obviously weather had a different uh idea in mind so we had it in the commissioner's room commissioner's conference room in in the county building 22 individuals took their oath of Allegiance so we have 22 new US citizens uh that were sworn in on that evening it was a really awesome event if you haven't had the opportunity to go very excited the uh the folks that were being sworn in that night were thrilled to be there and you could tell how just how happy they were to be able to say the oath and uh you know they they were singing along to the star spengle banner they were singing along to God Bless America um they were absolutely thrilled to be joining our country as Citizens uh so next year obviously we we'll do it all over again I want to thank Kevin and and his hard work for for putting the program together as well as the staff at the New Jersey Central field office Burl Hall staff and Somerset County for again putting on just a a tremendous tremendous evening great all these 22 people from or uh so they're from all over uh so it's it is the county uh there were I can tell you there were there 12 different countries yeah 12 different countries we can so Argentina Brazil Canada Colombia Dominican Republic El Salvador Haiti India South Korea Mexico Pakistan and Peru were represented as our as our former citizens of those countries and new citizens of ours and and this is something that Somerville puts together uh this isn't the county or the state or the feds putting it together this started I think about eight years ago Kevin yeah probably about that time yeah about eight years ago um uh Kevin and I had a discussion and and you know we we tried to tie it around Flag Day and uh we made some Outreach to uh uh to the to the federal government and of course their initial reaction is oh you can't do that we've got to do it in a federal courthouse we got to do it in a federal building but after some persistence we uh we managed to sway them and uh it's become a a standard each year and it really is something see these are folks who worked very hard uh to become United States citizens and uh the pride in their faces uh their ability to wave a flag um and and they're just so proud of themselves and their Newfound country it's absolutely incredible to see it really is um and and I would encourage next year if anybody can to uh to go it really is just a wonderful wonderful experience not only for them but those that that actually go and witness this um you know they're they're proud new citizens and that's a really really cool thing um I don't have any committee reports but I do want to thank uh a big part of the town for reaching out to me to uh to express their condolences on the passing of my father um the Outreach of care and concern uh was uh was very warm and greatly appreciate so thank you uh at this point uh I will ask for a motion to open the meeting to the public so moved second discussion roll call council members Teresa boner yes Glenn Dene yes Tom Mitchell Randy pittz Gus traic Roger ver yes please state your name and address for the record and please address your comments to me public portion is now open hearing none we'll close the public session and I will ask for a motion to close the public session so moved second discussion roll call council members Teresa boner yes Glen Den yes Mitchell Randy pittz yes Gus dravic yes Roger ver yes okay consent resolutions we have one typo on 21 it should actually uh it's not the uh requesting uh a contract with lexipol to update policies and procedures it's actually the renewal agreement with the Statewide Jo joint Insurance Fund uh it's a slight typo are there any others that anybody would like to have pulled off 195 please 203 okay uh 186 approving annual renewal of taxi driver licenses for 2425 187 approving renewal of Taxi owner licenses for 2425 188 is approving annual renew of recer and towing licenses for 2425 189 is accepting a grant authorizing the clerk to execute agreement in all related documents from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for local recreational Improvement Grant the amount of 75,000 190 is approving chapter 159 for state of New Jersey local Recreation Improvement Grant 191 is approving chapter 159 for the Department of Homeland Security Federal fiscal year 22 of Emergency Management performance Grant and Emergency Management agency assistance 192 is approving chapter 159 for state of New Jersey clean communities Grant 193 is authorizing the award of a fair and open uh contract to tnm Associates for storm sewer engineer 194 authorizing the refund of escro balance in the amount of $2,245 to fotos Amed for 121 South Bridge Street block 60 Lot 4 196 is authorizing submission of a Grant application to Statewide joint Insurance Fund for assistance for a contract with lexip Pole to update police policies and procedures 197 is approving alcoholic beverage licenses to be submitted to the division of alcoholic beverages for 2425 198 is approving annual renewal of amusement and video game licenses for 2425 199 approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant contract with New Jersey Department of Transportation 25 state aid grant Improvement uh Road Improvement program including South midw Street and a portion of Washington Place 200 approving the New Jersey Triumph Association to utilize parking spaces in front of the courthouse on August 16th 5:00 P p.m. to 9:00 P p.m. for cruise night uh one uh sorry 2011 is authorizing the uh renewal agreement to with the Statewide joint Insurance Fund 202 is approving the assignment of a contract with LMR disposal to Cassel major Account Services LLC as a result of the acquisition of elmr disposal uh do we have a motion so moves second second roll call council members Teresa boner yes Glen Den yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes Jus traic yes Roger ver yes all right uh 195 is authorizing a municipal lean on block 78 LW 3.02 commonly known as 174 Grove Street for notice of violation and order to terminate uh do we have a motion so moved second discussion yeah I was I was wondering uh I noticed that that lot is is in the uh the back half of that lot is in a flood zone it's uh the house is not but the back back yard is almost entirely within the flood zone I don't know if that's uh pertinent to the uh the purpose of this to the lean uh no it's not this is a lean on the property as a result of of a a court determination um if you recall that property went through a series of appeals the property owner lost those appeals and and their cost assigned to it that that the municipality is attaching a lane it has no reference to flood plane or any of that nature and this has wound its way through the court system and the court has authorized this um yes we're we're at the point where where we're legally authorized to do this okay all right roll call council members Teresa boner yes Glen Dene yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes Tena staic yes Roger ver yes all right 203 is authorizing payment of the $500 application fee for a grant from the Hazardous discharge site remediation fund to the New Jersey Economic Development Authority for the remediation of block 127 law one known as the former color technology property located at 60 Cornell Boulevard do we have a motion so moved second discussion uh my question is regarding this grant what what is it for what is it going to cover and um what are the conditions that we have existing all right I'm going to ask Colin to speak to that he spoke to that uh in executive prior to uh to this coming to the table pardon me it's it's commonly known as a a remedial investigation Grant um it's to finally identify all the contaminants in the ground um take the building down do ground waterer testing and ultimately um come up with a plan for submission to the D for remediation of the site so so we have the grant or we're applying for the grant the fee is for application the grant has been approved but with the Eda you have to pay an application fee so this is part of the um or the approval process yes thank you okay roll call council members Teresa Bonner yes Glen Dene yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes Gina straic yes Roger V yes okay bills and vouchers I make a motion uh to pay bills and vouchers in the amount of $744,000 second discussion roll call council members Teresa boner yes Glen Dene yes Tom Mitchell yes Randy pittz yes Gina straic yes Roger V yes okay uh Tom can I ask for an adjournment please move for adjournment second discussion all in favor I opposed this meeting is adjourned