##VIDEO ID:ogHEWUTDEeQ## go time chairman Novado mayor Gallagher here councilman vroom here missir miss Warner here Mr crosa here Mr Christies here Mr Cleveland here Mr here Mr a pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all I nominate mayor Gallagher I'll second that I do after the vote uh mayor Gallagher yes councilman vom yes Miss Warner yes Mr crosa yes Mr crusties yes Mr Cleveland yes Mr addex yes okay um just just for edification so folks are aware both at the table and uh and and in the viewing public um obviously we don't have a chair and a vice chair our vice chair um after a uh dear J rosinski after a very long uh career here at the planning board um in two stages um has has decided to uh to resign and uh she is uh doing some wonderful things in her personal life and uh we uh we look forward to her having a a Wonder wonderful time with her family so I want to thank her publicly for um all of her efforts in helping to shape our uh our two and a half square miles of awesome she really did a wonderful job and uh she she added a lot to this board so she will be missed so uh the burough council did accept her resignation uh at the at the last council meeting um and then Mr Nado our chair um has uh some personal uh issues to attend to and he will be on a uh temporary uh leave uh so in the uh in the absence of that we will need to uh at least temporarily fill both the chair and vice chair positions uh so that we can continue to function as a board and uh move on with the various tasks at hand that we have including tonight's tasks um so I will entertain a motion now for uh well actually I'll I'll make a motion now uh to uh appoint Lisa Werner as the temporary chair second yes mayor Gallagher yes councilman room yes Miss Warner yes m Mr kco yes Mr cresus yes Mr Cleveland yes Mr adex yes okay my duties as Pro done it's off to you chair all right and now we need to entertain a chair motion for vice chair uh I will nominate uh Jason krasa second yes mayor Gallagher yes councilman V yes Miss Warner yes Mr kosa yes Mr crus yes Mr Cleveland yes Mr addex yes okay um so I don't have really any comments except thank you for your confidence in temporarily filling this position um I hope to live up to those shoes and uh boots uh until he can uh return to our board um with that I'd like to open up the meeting to the public if you do have any comments please come to the table and use those microphones as the other ones are not working good evening it's been a while for a few hello hello um I intended to talk absolutely uh my name is Frank foso I live on one Prospect Drive I intended to um come up and talk right after the open public meeting law statement uh because it usually says if you object or have a concern that you should raise it at that point um having not had that opportunity here I am in the public comment so what I have prepared is going to be a little different than what I had anticipated so bear with me if you don't mind so January or August 28th tonight was a regularly scheduled planning board meeting that was advertised back in January as part of the the yearly uh and then at some point in early August it was cancelled and then a public notice was posted it was it was canceled and put on the website as canceled okay uh public notice came out um August 18th that talked about a meeting tonight didn't say special meeting just said a regular scheduled meeting uh and then again on August 25th a different notice appeared in the newspaper that had more content to it um and that meeting specifically said it's a regularly scheduled meeting all right so we canell the regularly scheduled meeting we notified the news paper that there was going to be another meeting on the same night as a regularly scheduled meeting then the notice was changed again to on the 25th three days ago to what is happening here today all right um seems a little strange obviously right so tonight the notice says that the board will enter into executive session to discuss proposals on professional service contracts all right a in my opinion a review and discussion on Prop proposals of professional contracts as stated in the notice does not fall within one of the nine exemptions contained in the open public meetings act um I have it here if if we need to go through them uh tonight's meeting lacks transparency and potentially violates njsa 10 colon 4-6 which is part of the open public meeting act act if this meeting continues um I protest the intended closing of the meeting for executive session I ask that you reconsider your intent to discuss the Professional Service proposals in closed session and I further ask that this protest be recorded in the official minutes of the meeting thank you I think it's appropriate if you have any comments C um okay any other comment go ahead so njsa 10 calling 4-12 meetings open to the public uh some may calling exceptions Part B States a public b a public body May exclude the public only from that portion of a meeting at which the public body discusses any and it goes one through nine number eight says matter involving employment appointment termination of employment terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of of promotion or discipline disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or Current public officer or an employee employed or appointed by the public body unless all the individual employees or appointees whose rights could be adversely affected request in writing that the matter or matters be discussed at a public meeting that has everything to do with the rice notice and I do not believe professional service contracts fall under the definition defined here as public officer or employee thank you thank you anyone else from the public okay hearing none we'll close public session I will need a are we returning to public session after yes we will be returning public okay we just need a motion to go into an executive I'll make that motion is there no resolution to go executive session so that I make the motion second me Roger May gagher yes councilman V yes M Warner yes Mr cresa yes Mr crusties yes Mr Cleveland yes Mr adex yes okay for e