good evening everybody Welcome to the Somerville Board of Education meeting of January 3rd 2024 would everybody please stand for the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and at this time I'd like to announce the results of the election from the November as was certified by November 7th 2023 by the Somerset County Clerk Derek Jess 1,693 votes William kimick 1,882 votes and Denise fan horn 27 two votes at this point I would like to administer the oath of office to the newly elected board members I would like to begin with Mrs Van Horn Mrs Van Horn would you please join me at the podium no he's going to be Ling okay Mrs vanor would you please raise your right hand and repeat after me I st your name I Denise Van Horn do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God I state your name I Den horn do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of the Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 and I am that I am not disqualified as a vot voter pursuant to rs19 col 4-1 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa 1881 12-1 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a col 12 one and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God according to the best of my ability so help me go congratulations can you please raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name I present believe do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state and the governments established in the United States States and this state under the authority of the people so help in God under the authority of the people so help in God I state your name I do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 and that I am not disqualified as voter pursuant to rs9 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12-1 nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense list in nj8 12-1 and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God according to the best of my ability so help me God [Applause] congratulations would you like to join Mr KCK if you can raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name I William kimick do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in United States and this state and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God I state your name I William Kimi do solemnly swear you solemly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to RS 19 4-1 and I am not disqualified as a voter pursuing to rs19 4-1 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12 1 nor disqualify due to a conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God according to the best of my ability so help me God [Applause] congratulations um I seek your knes I dare J do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me out I state your name I Dess do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 col 4-1 and that I not disal qu ified as a voter pursuing to rs9 colum 4-1 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12-1 nor disqualify due to a conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18-1 and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office and I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God according to the best of my ability so help me congratulations okay at this time I would like to take roll call Mrs Van Horn here Mr Serio is absent Mr Mr Jess here Mr Carlson is absent Mr pontillo here Mrs crasa here Mrs Dale here Mr kimik here Mr garciaa here Mrs fritzi here okay public notice adequate notice of this meeting in compliance with chapters 231 of the public laws of 1975 entitled the open public meetings act has been provided by action of the board of education at its regular meeting on January 4th 2023 notices to The Courier News and Star Ledger circulated in the school district and posted notice to this effect on the board of education website and building bulletin board administrative headquarters 51 West Cliff Street Somerville New Jersey okay at this time I would like to seek nominations for Board of Education president I'll make a motion to nominate Derek chess second are there any other nominations seeing none may have a motion to close nominations for Board of Education president motion second okay do a quick roll call Mrs Van Horn yes Mr Jess yes Mr Carlson is ABS I'm sorry Mr pontillo Mrs CR yes Mrs Dale Mr Kim Mr Garcia Mrs F resolve that the Board of Education elect Mr Derek Jess as president of the Board of Education effective immediately until the next organization meeting as prescribed by law Mrs Van Horn yes Mr Jess yes Mr pontillo yes Mrs crasa yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimik yes Mr Garcia yes Mrs bre SE yes [Applause] [Music] congratulations give a bottle of ASP believe me I got one all right thank you everybody I really appreciate it we have a great board we have great members on this board both current Mr Kim coming back is a very good board member well we're excited to have him back and Mrs Sherin was a very good board M as well we're going to do great things this year so I look forward to working with everyone that being said we're going to move on to the election of the vice president at this time may I have a nomination for someone for the office of vice president please un nominate Denise thank you may I have a second second thank you is there any discussion are there any other nominations seeing none may have a motion to close the nomination ations please thank you Mr Garcia may I have a second second thank you Mr pello any discussion all those in favor I any oppose any extensions so move Mr Boyce would you please take roll call for the office of Vice President yes resolv that the Board of Education elect Mrs Denise fhorn as vice president of the Board of Education effective immediately until the next organization meeting as prescribed by law Mrs Van Horn yes Mr Jess yes Mr pontillo yes Mrs crasa yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimet yes Mr Garcia yes Mrs fitti yes awesome [Applause] congratulations you're sign all right at this time we are open to the public uh for discussion with regard to agenda items and non-agenda items anyone wishing to speak shall first seek recognition by the presiding officer we ask that you please come to the microphone and state your name and address in a clear audible tone for the record all comments should be directed to the board president and not an individual member of the board unless additional time is granted by the board president please keep your comments at 3 minutes or less and in addition please note that this portion of the meeting is for public comment and not meant to be back and forth board members and administration will not respond to questions or comments at this time however information will be provided as soon as possible miss me I didn't speak hi I'm Sharon gornick I am the SDA president um and I live in Bound Brook 540 Carlton Street um I just wanted to say welcome to all of the newly elected board members but in particular Mr kimick as your seasoned experience will certainly lend its expertise to the board as we move forward into the new year thank you thank you anyone else seeing none may I have a motion to close public session please thank you Mr Van Horn may have a second second thank you Mr Piller any discussion all those in favor I I any opposed any exension motion carries all right moving on to approval of organization meeting action items the first item is not so much uh requiring action on our part but it is part of our annual training that uh board members must have every year on ethics and we're very fortunate that we have a seasoned and excellent provider of information with regards to ethics uh with that we're turn the mic over to our board attorney the illustrious Phil St well thank you Mr President and happy New Year to everybody um is it all right if I speak from here absolutely okay um so every year uh we are required by board uh by law and by administrative code and by Statute to have a discussion about board ethics and actually it is an action item Mr President because uh Mr Boyce has placed uh signature sheets before every board member following this presentation or discussion and um attesting to the fact that all board members understand uh the board member School ethics act uh the code of ethics Etc so um to quickly go through this I I prepared a packet um for everyone and I have a whole lot of extra copies if if you need them um the packet includes all the members of this newly organized Board of Education it also includes the administrative code which requires this discussion and you'll notice each that it says in in Roman numeral two on on page two each District Board of Education I'm reading at the bottom um and Charter School a Renaissance school project Board of Trustees shall discuss annually the school ethics act um and the code of ethics Etc at a regularly scheduled public meeting so I will go through the the key elements of the school ethics act and invite at any time uh any questions comments criticisms of anything I'm talking about um and indeed the administrative code that's on page two also emphasizes the need for uh signing the page that Mr Boyce gave to each board member following this uh having the privilege of working with this board a as I have I I would say that um the most important ethics uh piece is found in Roman numeral 3 at the top of page four of this packet and uh the the most important ethical aspect of what the good people around this day including our intern superintendent and school business administrators stand for is the mission statement of the Somerville public schools which is Somerville Public Schools provide the highest quality education that promotes individual Excellence whole Child Development and equity for all students and if in fact everything we do as a board as a Comm commun as a school district as a community is all part of furtherance of that mission statement then that is as ethical as one can get because the bottom line is we're here for teaching and learning uh most of all I also included in uh the board boards Vision 2025 strategic themes uh the core values and beliefs I I did this more for the greater uh Somerville School Community just so that they know uh what Somerville is is all about I believe uh I I think we have Puerto Rico oh we do Happy New Year can you hear us Luke oh can you hear me we can oh all right we're going to mute you for a little bit Luke that's um I I also would like to uh emphasize the fact that as Board of Education members in the state of New Jersey you are among the most highly regulated people um public officials anywhere I've ever seen and I I uh indicated on page six in Roman numeral 6 here's no you need I'm sorry um you'll notice that that there are required trainings for all uh new board members in their first term second and third terms reelected board members Etc the requirements are very stringent and the uh the penalties for not adhering to those requirements are similarly quite stringent so the board and the Somerville School Community needs to know that uh being a board member in the state of New Jersey uh a volunteer unpaid position lots of work goes into every uh meeting in terms of what needs to be read Etc is also uh super regulated when it comes to training ethics Etc um section seven talks about prohibited acts and just to summarize for the board the everything I I took this directly from title 18a this is just um copied these are are in 18a Colon 12-24 these are all the things that board members are not supposed to do because they are unethical and at the at the common denominator to each one of these items a through um H I think no a through K with regard to prohibited acts really comes down to avoiding at all costs conflicts of interest using your public position to gain personal Advantage whether it is through money whether it is through any type of political Advantage Etc I um I hesitate to spend much time on 18a col 12-24 because it's all phrased in the negative and um I've heard many of the presentations that giving right now as just basically having somebody admonish the board about all the things you cannot do and I thought to myself at one point if I'm sitting on the receiving end of a conversation like this I'm just going to ask myself what you know what the heck am I doing here what kind of a welcome is this to being a board member when all you're doing is telling me all the things I can't do um bottom line is common sense uh conflict of interest as as something that the public public would perceive as a conflict of interest is forbidden um and each one of those conflicts are spelled out um in 18a 12-24 by way of of example um we have a board member um who has a relative who receives uh compensation from the district and therefore is not allowed to vote on certain things whether it's collective bargaining anything dealing with the evaluation of the superintendent schools Etc I mean that's it's a it's an onerous uh uh what sanction for that particular conflict but it's one that uh everyone accepts and the important thing is that the public must always believe that the board is working in the best interest of the the kids without any kind of uh looking for any kind of personal uh compensation or political advantage or anything like that any any questions or comments so far I know I know this is what fifth sixth seventh time you you've heard these presentations I'll go quickly um and then finally there is the board member code of ethics which is Section 8 you'll find it on page 11 of this handout the New Jersey school boards Association uh originally created this board member code of ethics and it was called the New Jersey school board's Code of Ethics in 1991 superintendent of schools lost statutory tenure um and now as you know get 3 to 5e contracts since that time the legislature decided let's make sure that board members understand exactly what the code of ethics uh is and let's make the school board's code of ethics a statutory code of ethics and so the legislature approved this code of ethics in in statute this is a really interesting document it is one that describes the excitement of what a board of education is all about and at the end of the day uh the Board of Education your board of education is a policymaking uh body that serves as a check and balance on the superintendent of schools uh many people in the Somerville Community have heard uh at board meetings the phrase a board of education has one employee and that is its superintendent of schools uh the superintendent of schools runs the school district so what the code of ethics is designed to ensure is that everyone understands which lane the superintendent runs in and which lane the board runs in and they are very clearly marked and in fact it is against the code of ethics for for example board members to try to get into the lane of running the school district it is it as you can see uh when it um uh D 18a col 12-2 24.1 D I will carry out my responsibility not to administer the school schols and who administers the schools superintendent thank you very good Mr President um not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members now that phrase is also critically important because a board member has zero Authority the only Authority that that is derived from a board is from a majority of the board this this body decides what exists and what doesn't in the case of the Somerville Board of Education that is generally um depending on the vote on a particular vote that is a question of what six board members this is a 10- member board and so it's a question of what six board members uh decide um but again I I focus on D as it is the uh statement that just makes that demarcation between seeing to it that the board is that the district is well run it's the board's responsibility um and also uh serve as a check and balance on how everything uh is occurring um the only other thing that I would want to emphasize in the board M code of ethics and in all of this is that your board of education is also responsible for setting policies and um we have a a policy committee on this board and what is current in terms of uh when we read the newspapers and all the topics that are out there it couldn't be a more exciting time uh to be on a board of education to try to shape uh what Somerville would like to see for it for teaching and learning so um any questions on any part of of this I know you would prefer me to go on for another half hour or so but no oh okay um seriously any questions or comments or anything if not I am always available for questions and uh I can't tell you how much of a privilege it is to work with all of you happy New Year thank you thank you Mr Stern much appreciated a good presentation as always and Mr Boyce I'd ask if we could take Mr Stern's presentation and get it up on our website just so the public when they visit our website they can see what we uh what we go through and the training that we get all right moving on now so while we did not have to take action on Mr Stern's presentation we are now taking action on the code of ethics itself so at this time I'm going to ask for a motion for the following items 1 through eight be moved upon the recommendation of the interim superintendent school the first I'm going to read all these just because the first is the code of ethics the second is the open public meetings act to establish the meeting dates times and place for the upcoming year third is the adoption of all of our curriculum guides textbooks and E textbooks four is the adoption of our bylaws policies regulations and do job descriptions fifth is the uh approval of our special Council fog Hara who do mostly our Construction ction work uh sixth is the appointment of our school order in the saaia seventh is the appointment of our special Council shank price Smith and King as uh they are still involved in some ongoing cases that we have and eighth is the appointment of our board attorney Mr Stern and his firm uh de Francesco baitman Cen Davis Lair and flown now I have a motion please motion thank you Mr pelum may have a second second thank you Mr kimik any discussion Mr voice roll call please yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mr seril yes Mr Jess yes Mr pontillo yes Mrs crasa yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimik yes Mr Garcia yes Mrs fazi yes all right thank you uh moving on to item you're very welcome item number 11 under board president's report I just ask everybody to please note uh all the appointments under items a through G um some there have been some movement between uh some of the Committees with some new chairs for communication for technology curriculum and instruction for uh and for um I think and I think those are the only ones but we had some other member movement so I like to thank everybody you know for continuing to serve on all the Committees and for all the good work that everybody is doing and at this time I have a motion to approve items 1 through four based upon the interim superintendent recommendations which are to appoint members to serve as a delegate to the Somerset County Ed Services Commission Mr Garcia to appoint a member to serve as a delegate uh to the Somerset County Association of boards of Education which is Mrs an horn with Mr pontillo as the alternate three a member to serve as delegate to the New Jersey school boards Association Mrs Van Horn with the delegate being Mr shil and number four a member to serve as a liazon to the burough Council which is Mrs crasa thank you Mr kimmick may have a second second thank you Mrs Van Horn any discussion Mr please yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mr seril yes Mr Jess yes Mr pontillo yes Mrs crasa yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimick yes Mr Garcia yes Mrs fabit yes all right thank you item number 12 may I have a motion to approve the minutes from the December 18th special meeting and special meeting executive session and December 19th regular meeting and executive session please so move thank you Mrs Van Horn may have a second second thank you Mr pontillo is there any discussion all those in favor I I any opposed any exstension Iain I obain thank you two abstentions I I actually abstain can I abstain for the 19th you absolutely can and you're going to vote on the 18th yes excellent Okie dope so Mr kimmick Mr Garcia abstain on both and Mrs Dale abstains on the 19th thank you very much all right moving on to the next item now uh we are going to ask for a motion on report of the board items and committee reports for finance and since Mr Carlson is not here I'm going to ask Mr Garcia if he would please take the finance portion uh yes thank you Mr President everything is in order with the finance committee and we look forward to having a productive 2024 um with that said a motion to approve items 1 through four be moved upon the recommendation of the interm superintendent of schools thank you thank you Mr penello is there any discussion Mr Boyce Mr Mrs Van Horn yes Mr seril yes Mr Jess yes Mr pontillo Mrs crasa yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimik abstain Mr Garcia yes and motion to approve that items 5 through eight be moved upon the recommendation of the interim superintendent of schools thank you m a second second thank you Mr D any discussion Mr Boyce please yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mr seril yes Mr Jess yes Mr Pono yes Mrs crasa yes Mrs Dale yes Mr Kimi AB Mr Garcia yes Mrs fritti yes all right thank you uh moving on now to Item B technology curriculum instruction I'll turn that over to Mrs Dale okay uh motion to approve that item one be moved upon the recommendation of the interim superintendent of schools thank you have a second second thank you Mrs Van Horn is there any discussion Mr Boyce please yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mr seril yes Mr Jess yes Mr pontillo yes Mrs crasa yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimik yes Mr Garcia yes okay and motion to approve that items two through five be moved upon the recommendation of the interim superintendent of schools thank you may I have a second second thank you Mr Van Horn any discussion Mr Boyce please yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mr seril yes Mr Jess yes Mr pun yes MRSA yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimick Mr Garcia yes Mrs fabit yes all right moving on to item C Athletics and Student Activities presentation Mr shil do you have a report this evening I was very scared because I could not access any of my folders all day and literally in the last 30 seconds I was able to open up my report so we are so lucky and fortunate yeah yes yes and thank you everyone for having me as I mentioned uh at leas under wh um here from s Juan I'm sorry I'm not there uh but uh I want to wish you all happy New Year and I want to wish my friend Bill kimik a welcome a warm welcome back and I'm looking forward to working with him again um Mr President Madam vice president uh since I will be chairing the Athletics and Activities Committee uh as mentioned for for the agenda will be meeting with uh Mr Davis and Mr py to map out the meeting year um in which I will send that out to all the committee members um we we plan on meeting quarterly uh unless an ad hoc is is is needed so um with that said I I'll just provide some quick hits um you know I mentioned in the last I mentioned in the last meeting that you know all we want for Christmas were victories hey we were all searching for that and Santa sure did deliver um really quick swimming split the last board since the last board meeting on December 7th they Crush RoR prep 110 to 60 they placed one two and three in the 200 meter relay uh the 200 meter freestyle Domingo GTI Evan Barner place first and third respectively aactor and jazz Jasmine orti and konz place second and fourth uh in the 200 meter uh today they face off against Warren Hills uh in boys Hoops hey you want victories got it all Coach nool and Company did was rip off five straight uh to hold a 5-2 record in the Scotland conference they claimed the winter holiday classic prize by beating West Windsor playbo 42- 31 uh Quinn l r 13 points at while Tim L scored plenty of his own don't have that here okay but we all to secure that Victory and after taking a four-point lead in the fourth quarter they outscored the knights 11 to for down down to stretch down the stretch to win the game uh girls Hoops hey over the next five days the lady Pioneers will face off against 11 ring Providence man lung Hills at West Winds their plays roow tournament they ran the floor by defeating my Al moer madaan uh Princeton and Neptune by a combined score of 157 to 74 kayy laer scored 24 points to pce all the scores as Emily Ki added 19 to rone and never let go to the commanding 3311 halftime lead they are a perfect 5-0 right now for the season sitting at top of the conference uh let's say some Statewide stats that includes uh Emily kig is on the top of the stat leader board with 19 points Riley Dano is on the board with eight rebounds of her own uh and Kaylee lber and Charlotte Taylor help the Pioneers in assists with eight and six points uh girls wrestling at the jamere at Paran Hills valon Pinn both in her group group at 114 lbs Emily oral had two pins Isabelle Crona had was 2 and0 with one pin cdy vaness 2 and0 um Lizzie don't know her last name two and 0 and Abby 2 and0 boys wrestling next up that is today at beler and that's the alumni game at the Walter Walter wood tournament the boys showed some grit with four wrestlers placing the respective weight class Jason Deo fifth Aiden Herrera Sixth and with Gonzalez six so I forgot Gio iito also plays six ice hockey they faed off yes versus kenlon don't know the score of that game but they are hanging there in there in the improved conference the MC ssih HL Halverson division at 33 and one against North North hun at the burnard triop led by Somerville seniors no less Jimmy haway and Dylan Leonard scoring two goals each as a they held the Lions off 5 to3 so that is my report but I also wanted to um also say that the Middle School winter concert right before Christmas was something special um I want to thank Mr loretti for what he orchestrates every year they raise a lot of money that they sorely needed for their program um but that is my report Mr President Madam vice president thank you again for having me thank you very much Mr sigil we appreciate it we hope you uh wish you safe travels upon your return I might just be staying well I'm sorry if you are saying that there just remember there's no virtual participation next month all right moving on to item d uh policy committee uh we have the first reading this evening of policy 514 1.23 pediculosis policy which is our policy on lice uh this was a policy that was brought to the committee's attention by our very own Mrs Dale uh she has spearheaded this and has been instrumental in getting it to where it is so I'd like to thank her for all of her uh Insight or participation for making sure this goes forward I'd also like to thank Mr Garcia and our former board member Mrs Sherwin for all of their comments and their work on this policy too because they really helped to form this policy and provide it to Mr Stern for his uh you know his construction and then providing it back to us so um thanks to everybody and with that I would like to ask for a motion to approve this policy on first reading please so thank you Mrs Van Horn Mr ptil second thank you is there any discussion no Mr Boyce yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mr seril yes Mr Jess yes Mr pontil yes Mrs crasa yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimick yes Mr Garcia yes Mrs fabrizi yes all right so uh this policy will be on the board of education agenda in February for second and F reading and final adoption and I'll also ask Mr Boyce if you would please put this on the website that members of the public can view it and provide any comments if they would like uh moving on now to item 14 Personnel uh may I please have a motion to approve items 1-4 based upon the recommendation of the interim superintendent with appointments and salaries contingent upon verified documentation thank you Mrs Van Horn may I have a second second thank you Mr seril is there any discussion Mr uh Boyce please yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mr seril yes Mr Jess yes Mr Pono Mrs CA yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimik yes Mr Garcia yes all right and they have a motion to approve items 5 through n of the Personnel based upon the recommendation of the interim superintendent schools with all appointments and salaries contingent upon verified documentation motion thank you Mr Peno may have a second second thank you Mr seril is there any discussion Mr Boyce please yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mr seril yes Mr Jess yes Mr pontil yes Mrs crasa yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimik yes Mr Garcia yes Mrs fry yes all right moving on to item 15 old business is there any old business seeing none they have a motion to close Old business please still move thank you Mrs Van Horn we have a second second thank you Mr Kim is there any discussion all those in favor I I any opposed any exstension so moved and item 16 new business is there any new business I would just like to thank Mr loretti uh he was at the burrow bur C the burough council reorganization meeting with four students playing and uh they did a marvelous jobes both at the beginning of the meeting as people were coming in and at the end that's great thank you yeah Mr LTI is awesome and he does such a great job with the program and all the students it's amazing so thank you Mr L we appreciate it is there any other new business seeing none may have a motion to close new business please so moved thank you Mrs Van hor may have a second second thank you Mr kimmick is there any discussion all those in favor I any opposed any extensions so move the board does have a need to go into an executive session for very uh short period of time so whereas pursuant to njsa 10 col 412b the Board of Education May exclude the public from that portion of a meeting where on the board discusses any of the matters set forth at njsa 10 col 412b items 1-9 now therefore be it resolved that in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings act the Board of Education shall conduct a closed session pursuant the provisions of njsa 1041b for the purpose of discussing the following matters uh Personnel appointment of a public official and matters rendered confidential under attorney P privilege it is anticipated length of time of the executive session will be 15 15 minutes and that no action will be taken and that the board will not return after executive session so may I have a motion to go into executive session please so moved thank you Mrs Van Horn may have a second second thank you Mr kimmick is there any discussion all those in favor any opposed any exstension so moved and now at this time I have a motion to adjourn please so moved thank you Mrs vanor may have a second thank you mral is there any discussion all those in favor I any opposed any extensions so move we are adjourned thanks everybody happy New Year all right you can