good evening everybody Welcome to the February 21st Board of Education meeting uh thank you all for joining us this evening we're sorry that we had to postpone from last week but due to the snowstorm and school being closed we felt it would be prudent to cancel that meeting and move it to this evening so at this time could I ask everybody to please rise for the flag salute I pledge Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Mr Boyce would you do a roll call please yes Mrs Van Horn here Mr seril is absent Mr Jess here Mr Carlson is absent Mr pantilla Mrs crasa is absent Mrs Dale here Mr kimick here Mr Garcia here Mrs fritzi here aome thank you very much uh um please note that adequate notice of this meeting in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 entitled the open public meetings act has been provided by action of the board of education at its regular meeting on January 3rd 2004 with notices to The Courier News and Star Ledger circulated in the school district and a posted notices to this effect on the board of education bulletin board and website administrative headquarters 51 West Cliff Street Somerville New Jersey at this time we will open the meeting to comments from members of the public okay sorry that's that is fine uh seeing none may have a motion to close the public comment Please Mr kimmick may have a second second thank you Mr van any discussion all those in favor any oppos any exensions so move at this time I have a motion to approve the regular and executive session meeting minutes from January 3rd please motion thank you Mr vanor have a second thank you Mr pontillo any discussion all those in favor I I any opposed any exstension so move uh board president's report only thing I'd like to say is that second round of interviews for our superintendent search are ongoing we are meeting with another candidate this evening uh during executive session uh they are going well I think the board members have done a very good job of preparing themselves with great questions and with knowledge of the candidates and we hope to have somebody uh very soon moving to the third round and all good things coming uh with that Dr brel is absent this evening because he had a prior family commitment but I'm going to turn it over to the one and only Ashley Shannon okay um so first off I hope everyone's having a good start to the new year I know it's been a while since like I've been here so just want to say it's nice to see everyone again um so just starting things off uh with the yearbook Club yearbooks are still on sale you can visit bord to purchase a yearbook um and additionally even though senior ads were already due the deadline to submit senior baby photos is tonight at 11:59 so if you're a last minute you know person you still got time to do that so you can visit B to submit your senior baby photo um the Genesis Club had their monthly meeting today after school in room 305 they organized all of their donations to get ready for their Saturday service trip which um they're going to visit the homeless in newk um they will be giving out toiletry bags lunch bags and a lots of winter gear um that they got a bunch of donations for um additionally last Thursday February 15th they went to Cranford nursing home to give out Valentine's Day flowers cards gifts cookies um and more they also spent time like just being there being around you know the elderly um playing games reading books um doing fun puzzles patients were so grateful and they felt so loved they even asked them to come back the next week um which is very nice to hear so if you're looking for more service opportunities and are interested in joining Genesis Club you can come to their next meeting on March 20th or email Senor wava um the Spanish club has their next meeting on March 14th and their and their February meeting they celebrated the Valentine's Day so all about love and friendship um they learned how to dance and went around the school for a fun scavenger hunt you know going over Hispanic facts which I think everyone really enjoyed um I wanted to congratul the 2024 designers of the Police Unity coin Callum dingwall G spola and John gergus were the winners on May 9th officer veto will ride down to Washington DC um for the officers who have fallen in the line of duty so the coin proceeds will help fund his ride so obviously really good cause there um peerto peer is having their next meeting this Friday at 7:10 in room 108 they will be going up going over a bunch of volunteer activities like unified Olympics Challenger baseball really like a bunch of special need like fundraisers coming up um so if you're interested um be sure to come to room 108 108 in the morning um the youth and government Club invites you to enjoy some yummy food at dig on Thursday February 22nd between 12: and 9:00 p.m. you can come grab a healthy meal while helping their fundraiser by mentioning the youthin government Club at the register so obviously a portion of like um the sales will go to that club um photography club is holding its Ninth Annual photography contest all um entries should be emailed to Mrs Conlin by February 23rd 2024 so if you want to get on that um the deadlines approaching uh so Somerville High School's mock child team won their match last Monday night versus Dill St Bernards Jaylen finger won the award for bet W best witness um the team is actually competing right now um for the Somerset County mock trial Championship it started at 6 and it's in the historic Somerset County Courthouse so best of luck to them um peer leadership had their successful winter retreat um all the 2024 peer leaders went to Branchburg Sports Complex for the day they did fun activities such as laser tag trivia guard the cone and more shouting myself out I did place first a laser tag so my my class did win that um and then reminder to the Juniors applying to peer leadership the deadline to hand in peer leadership applications is Friday um you must have attended one of the two meetings in order to get an application if you didn't attend the meetings then you can't apply um congratulations to the 2024 NJ High School consumer bow champions for Somerset County uh jayen finger Dylan Leonard Ryan Leonard Jacob Nash and Tyler SMS um all participated in this and um they did win the consumer Bowl um unified bowling has the varsity njs I AA match at 11: a.m. on Tuesday February 27th um the UniFi B team I'm on it it's probably one of the best experiences um I have ever you know um done so um I'm just really excited to see I'm not one of the top Bowlers but I'm I'm sure the rest of the top Bowlers will have a great time uh the interact Club will be meeting after school in room 308 on Thursday please bring non-p perishable food items with you um for some sort of fundraiser that they're doing uh the literature Club met today after school at room 2:11 for their Valentine's Day meetings uh they were reading And discussing romantic jokes while eating some Valentine's treats so if you're interested in that sort of stuff be sure to pop out to their next meeting um the Somerville high school girls golf team is recruiting new players for spring if you're interested you can stop by the athletic office for more information Esports will be having tryouts for their Super Smash Brothers ultimate 2v2 for the Esports spring season tryouts are next Wednesday after school from 2:30 to 4: in room 1116 players interested in using DLC characters will need to bring their own switch devices so obviously if you're into gaming that's obviously a big thing uh the week of Valentine's Day student council had a Spirit Week um so even though we had like a few it was a weird week because of the snow and everything it was still nice to see everyone you know spread love throughout the school so on Monday you got to show love for your favorite sports team I did wear a devil's Jersey um on Tuesday you got to choose to wear either hearts or flowers and then on Wednesday the theme was to wear red for Valentine's Day and then Thursday was a warm and fuzzy sweater day uh going on with the Valentine's Day theme students were able to purchase singing quartet cards for $ the men's and women quartets went around during block periods um during the day to sing to the assigned classes they were great it was really like just a fun fun time to have them come in you were kind of hoping that they would come in during your block because they were just so amazing and then congratulations to the Ville students of the month nth grade Sylvia Davis and marari Garcia Roos 10th grade Talon husa and Emily Smith 11th grade Brandon Dominguez and Emmy horley and then 12th grade Christian fer and Ethan um seisman um and then I'm just going to finish off with sports so there were a lot of milestones for winter sports this year so bear with me uh so girls basketball finished the regular season with a record of 22 and four they were very good this year um they were Skyland Conference Division Champions they were undefeated in conference play and were holiday Champions their next game tomorrow at 5:00 at shs versus South Playfield which Begins the state tournament where they are ranked third so obviously um they should make a Deep Run and um you definitely should go and try and support them I've been to a lot of their games this year they played really well and it's been very exciting boys basketball finish the regular season with a record of 12 and 14 they have their first round of States tomorrow at Robinsville um the game starts at 7 pm. and then I also want to shout out Quin Quinn Karen who's the newest member of the a th000 point Club so obviously a big achievement for him I think he's probably I think it was the 17th or 16th uh person to achieve that um boys wrestling became the Skyland Conference Division Champs for the first time since 1995 so obviously some time has passed but you know they're back at the top um and then girls wrestling also made history Valerie Maldonado became the first Somerville female wrestler ever to reach a 100 career wins um so big congrats to her and then the team plays second in the first ever skyling conference girls wrestling tournament so girls wrestling has obviously um become much bigger and it has expanded so much since when I just became a freshman um so best of luck to the three female or the three male wrestlers and eight female wrestlers competing in the region qualifiers for the state individual tournament this weekend um and then shout out to Dylan Leonard who recorded 100 career points for the ice hockey team obviously another big achievement there um and then reminder to register for spring Sports um misso will definitely be proud of me reminding everyone but spring season is slowly approaching so if you're looking to register you can go through the school's athletic page for more details it makes it easier on everyone they don't have to chase you down and you also don't get to miss anything um and I just wanted to remind everyone of the start dates for spring Sports so baseball and softball pitchers and catchers report March 11th the times are to be decided but the rest report March 14th Boys Tennis report March 11th and then boys girls lacrosse Golf and track and field all report March 14th so get those dates on your calendar if you're looking to try out that's everything awesome thank you actually as always very well prepared and great report thank you very much you don't have to stay if you don't want to congratulations to all the teams and individuals who achieved those Milestones this year that's really great um and that's why our bill program is so good because of the students and the coaches so we really appreciate that as I mentioned earlier Dr Dr brel is not here this evening so I'm going to turn it over to Mr Boyce for uh the district highlights hold on Mr fontel I was going to make a motion that we manage the remainder of the meeting as a consent agenda that's fine we have a second for that I will explain what that is if anybody makes a second second thank you any discussion all those in favor I oppos I will explain that after Mr Boyce provides the district update sure at Vander school students in preschool through 5 completed a day of service this January in conjunction with the PTO each grade level wrote thank you notes to an important community members and organizations within our community and these cards are going to be delivered by members of the PTO the vand staff also completed their day of service and collected items needed for the Somerset County Food Bank Vander staff and students celebrated the 90th day of school by dressing in throwback outfits from the 1990s New Kids on the Block and Nirvana t-shirts as well as blue jeans boots and lots of flannel were among popular choices this year school administrators and Somerville police officers had lunch with a varieties variety of students who redeemed their Vander bux to have lunch with the administrator of their choice or have lunch with the Somerville police officers the Vander spelling beat was conducted in each of the classrooms and the individual Wom ERS were assembled to compete in a schoolwide spelling day the event was streamed live to each of the classrooms congratulations to this year's Vander spelling be Champion fifth grader Amelia DeBlasio she will advance to the county competition next month at Somerville middle school before the holiday break Mr loretti and Mr Gibbons and talented students from SMS hosted our families and community members for a wonderful night of Music the evening was filled with holiday spirit and cheer and even had a guest appearance from Santa Claus the Summerville Middle School student council prepared and delivered Chile to our local fire department as they wanted to give back and share their holiday spirit the Somerville Middle School robotics team visited Laurel Circle Senior Center to to deliver ornaments made by the staff and student body at SMS the seniors greatly appreciated the time and opportunity to chat with our students and invited us to return in the spring M Mr Nicholas patranco was selected as a presenter at the annual NJ amle conference in March of 2024 and Mr patranco will be presenting his session titled addressing the crosscutting concepts in stem as simple as making nachos congratulations Mr patrono map students worked hard in December to design winter themed lessons to present to first graders at Vander before the holiday break the students did a read aloud in each classroom and crafts related to the book with the first graders everyone had a festive time and we are looking forward to visiting our first grade buddies again soon this the map students collected gently used blankets sheets and towels for the Summerset animal shelter in the month of January map students had a visit from RVC DC criminal justice Professor James Jones this week Professor Jones spoke to his students about what criminal justice is what types of careers you can pursue and a degree in criminal justice and the types of classes a student in this program can expect to take in college the newly formed Branchville wrestling team won their league and remained undefeated for the season boys basketball team advanced in their league playoffs with an exciting win over Bedminster 5957 and students competed their midyear I ready assessment and initial or they completed their midyear I assessment and initial performance reviews are reflective of positive improvements by our students that's it thank you Mr Bo again a lot of great things happening with a lot of great people so we truly appreciate it uh you've heard Mr pontello make a motion and it was seconded and voted upon to move in tonight's agenda as a consent agenda basically what that means is we're going to take everything on the agenda make one motion one second and then vote on everything together the reason is we have a very long executive session this evening and we need we have several items that we need to get to so we are going to be doing that however before we get to that I will ask if there's any committee chair who has a report for this evening because I don't want to skimp out on those reports I know that Mrs Dale has one for curriculum so the mic is all yours okay this is my first time giving committee report as a chair so if I'm forgetting anything feel free to jump in any members um we met on January 31st our last curriculum committee meeting a large portion of our meeting focused on the plan to explore new reading program options for Vander um so we were very lucky to have some of the directors and supervisors present us with um a lot of information and a slideshow and you know to answer any questions we had um back in I guess November December a survey was given to teachers and many felt the need to explore the new different programs so this is does have teacher impact in pack from the teachers as well um so thank you to the teachers who took the time out to do that um there has been some positive feedback from teachers on hegerty which is part of um teaching children about pheic awareness and Foundations which is phonic so hegerty has been new this year and phonic has been around for a while um so the teachers are happy with that part and I want people to understand that that's not the part that we are looking to change the part we're looking to explore new options is more of the reading teaching children how to read and how we go about that um so the directors presented us with the slideshow about some of the current reading data um and they also presented us with a general timeline um I think it's important to point out that this is a very long process if it's done correctly it could take a year to two years um basically they have a long list of programs which will be narrowed down to a shorter list with um input from from staff from teachers from interventionalists and two or three are hoping to be piloted um so there's also many other things to consider when looking at reading programs uh multilanguage Learners is a big part of that teacher compensation for those who are helping out with this and also the new Ela standards that are going to be put into place um some quick Tech updates at Somerville Middle School they enjoyed the hour of code uh at the high school they had their engineering midyear showcase there was safer internet day for all three buildings beginning with the fifth graders at Vander and also middle school and high school there was a successful World read aloud day and I believe they had one of the half days of professional development that we had approved and uh they were very grateful to have that to provide the teachers with training that they um hopefully will be useful to them and in regards to student privacy the district hired one add Tech to determine if programs can safely be approved or not to avoid cyber attacking so that's something important that um they added recently a few curriculum updates there it was new curriculum for broadcasting grade 7 units 1- 4 there's other curriculums in the works so thank you to the teachers and supervisors who were spending time on this there was a special reading buddy program where there are high school students who a lot of them interested in becoming teachers who are actually going to vanir to read with kindergarten students so thought that was really really fun um tutoring sessions are projected to be offered in the spring to students who are identified as needing the extra assistance this will be after school um some teachers participated in scop training this was at the middle school and high school um and this is to focus on multilanguage Learners and there were also some new resource resources purchased for that and there is also beginning training and looking at the new stand the new language arts and math standards that are going to be pushed out and there will be ongoing support for this during grade level meetings and that is all I have thank you uh we are very fortunate that we have a lot of quality Educators on our curriculum committee and so thank you for that report and I know that you guys are looking into the reading curriculum and we really do appreciate it because it's not often that a school district has people with curriculum knowledge actually on the curriculum committee so I think that's a benefit to Somerville so thank you for that are there any other committee reports that we have all right seeing none may I have a motion to approve section a finance security bildings and grounds section B technology and curriculum and instruction section c policy and section D Personnel um I I did have something I wanted to bring up not yet not yet okay I need the motion first please motion thank you Mr P I have a second second thank you Mr Kim now is there any discussion on any of the items under any of the sections Mrs Dale thank you you're welcome so I am speaking speaking on behalf of Jamie crco who could not be here tonight and last at our last board meeting our life policy was made public to the other committee members so the policy committee worked on this and then it was um presented to the other committee members and Jamie uh wanted she had some concerns and she wanted to share these unfortunately she couldn't be here tonight but I told her that I would read her concerns for her absolutely um so she wrote I don't feel students should remain in school with li I think we should change the wording from will remain to May remain It also says they should be attending classes I think they should remain in the nurse's office they do not spread to other students and staff the policy says If it creates a substantial risk I think it should be more specific and say if there are live nits students should go home I also think we should add that any staff that interacts with the infected student should be notified lice is very contagious I had an outbreak last year in my class where I teach and there were siblings in other classrooms since the children were then sent back to class and remained in class there became an outbreak and then about 20 students from three classes miss school for multiple days I would appreciate if my concerns were brought up and discussed before the policy was passed so these are concerns that although this had nothing to do with me this was Jamie who you know had this concern I do share a lot of these concerns um I am an elementary school teacher myself I am a mother so between those two uh you know things I have dealt with lice in my classroom I have dealt with lice in my daughter's class and um these are changes that I feel would help to keep all of the children safe in our schools and help to stop the threat um so I know we have been discussing lice for a while and I know we we want to get a policy in place um and I also know that our policy Committee in the past really worked hard at this however I do feel we need to take these concerns that Jamie has seriously and I do agree with with them so I am asking that um we POS I'm not sure if we can make changes to the policy if we can make these changes to the policy before it is passed and if that would mean that we would vote no to that tonight if you feel that these changes should be made so before I answer Miss Dale's question does anybody else have any comments on this policy I have a question has the policy been shared with the medical profession I believe it has and I believe that our that the school physician had said and Mr Stern please correct me if I'm wrong because you've been in this a little bit more than I have um that the school doctor felt that we should not exclude children from school or from the class if they have this as long as they are notified treated and the parents are aware of that I'm going to take it by you raising your eyebrows that I stated correctly thank you yes thank you as far as I remember the first policy that the school physician um commented on is completely different than the policy now so it has changed there have been a lot of changes made to it um but I I do think you are correct with that um however you could see from Jim's personal experience that if children do remain in class it can spread and I mean her her situation 20 students that's a lot more than one and you know I I've seen that in my school as well any other I I I believe that um if I'm not mistaken uh miss crasa approved the first reading of the policy at the last meeting and is that not correct I'm not sure if she was here uh so I believe that she gave her approval already for the way that it's written and I think that uh the way that the policy was written from what I recall um a lot of effort was put into it it definitely does create uh a safeguard in place for our schools but also keeping in place the balance of making sure that students are not EX uded um I don't think that the policy that the way that is written is um unsafe or uh would poses substantial risk to the district I'm okay with the policy that it was approved back in January thank you any other comments so this is how we can proceed right so if anyone feels that the comments and the uh concerns that were raised by Mrs Dale and Miss crasa are valid and should be put into the policy to have the policy uh revamped then what would happen is a motion should be made to amend the policy to include these things if a motion is made and then it's seconded we would vote on that if a motion is made and there's no second then we don't vote on the correction the revisions we would vote on the policy as is and that's how we and that's how we would go about it because we already have a motion and a second on the table for the policy as is can I make a motion you absolutely can yes so you are going to make a motion to amend the pediculosis policy with regards to the revisions that you have mentioned okay want to make sure get this right do I have a second for the amendment to the policy second thank you Mr vit we have a motion and we have a second Mr Boyce I'm going to ask you to do a roll call based upon only on this item based upon the amendment okay Mrs Van Horn yes Mr Jess no Mr pontillo no Mrs Dale yes Mr kimik no Mr Garcia no Mrs FR yes okay so we have one two three yeses and one two three four NOS so the nose have it all right so the amendment to the policy does not pass now so it's not to confuse anything else we have a motion and a second on the policy as currently written so I would say we pull that out and we V vote on that separately now okay I'm just going to read it so we're clear res resolve at the Board of Education approved the following policy for a second reading and adoption policy 51412 3 pulis policy can I ask for a point of order so the policy fails right now if the policy if this policy fails then it's dead and the options are to lead to not move forward with any lice policy or to have the policy committee go back and discit again correct okay I just want to be clear on that so what we're voting on right now is that right if it passes then it passes if it fails then we can remand it back to the policy committee or leave it and that will require another motion then uh yeah we should do that okay yes okay we need a motion for the the PO for the resolution that I read can you read it can you read it again please sure resolve that the Board of Education approved the following policy for a second reading and adoption policy 51412 3 pediculosis policy thank you so moved thank you any second second thank you Mr Kim right Mr Boyce roll call please yes Mrs Van Horn no Mr Jess yes Mr pontillo yes Mrs Dale no Mr kimik no Mr Garcia yes Mrs fritzi no okay the NOS have it so it does not pass okay so now if someone would like to make a motion to remand this back to the policy committee for further review we can do that I make a motion to remand us back to the policy committee for further review so we have a motion from Mr kimik we have a second from Mr pontillo to remand it back to the policy committee for a further review Mr Boyce would you take a vote please sure uh Mrs Van Horn yes Mr Jess no Mr pontillo yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimik yes Mr garciaa I obain Mrs fritzi yes so the yes is have it okay so this policy will yet again be remanded back to the policy committee at an upcoming meeting so that taken care of we still have a motion and a second on the table for all other items in sections a b c and d is there any other discussion on any other item within those four sections that being said Mr voice roll roll call please Mrs vanor yes Mr Jess yes Mr pontillo yes Mrs Dale yes Mr kimik yes Mrs Mr Garcia yes Mrs fabrizi sorry Brian no to um item 10 under a as expected yes to the rest but only yes to the rest that pertain to grades K 3 K3 correct okay thank you much appreciated all right moving on to Old business is there any old business to be brought before the board seeing none I have a motion to close Old business please so thank you any discussion all those in favor I I any opposed any exension so move is there any new business can we allowed to raise motions in new business uh you can I would just like to address um the board has and does hear the concerns about the community regarding the gun shop um I would like to raise that because I don't want it to seem like we it falls on death ears uh first and foremost it is a town issue right it is not something that the schools decide but that being said because there is so much concern I do think that when it comes to security we shouldn't leave any stone unturned um there are questions that remain there are parents who have concerns and I don't know if the school is fully equipped to answer all those questions sometimes there's equivalence to uh liquor stores tattoo shops fire workshops Etc uh you know I understand the fear and the risk and concerns when it comes to liquor and other substances we provide a lot of Education and Training I wonder if in of the fact that there's a new store we should do something similar or be creative in our approach and our discussion um so I don't know if this would be require motion or more so just us as a board uh to operate in a way to have the finance security and grounds committee look at the issue further um we don't have to take action now as a board but just to be able to be a placehold or to be able to be a center to get all those concerns see what can be done and fully understand what the security is in place in light of the fact that there is a lot of concern from parents at the elementary school level um so I would motion if this is appropriate for the finance security and grounds committee to study the issue and look at it growther all right so we have a motion for the Security Buildings grounds and finance committee to review the uh parameters of which the proposed gun shop is going to operate and to provide or to research information to educate those members of the school district on for to know what the impact is on the school district and um yeah I'll second it for the sake of discussion okay is there any discussion I'd like us to consider being ized by the police department I would like to know what they think we should what our concern should be and uh what are we doing to make sure that uh it's within policy for the planning order for the community so then and what security risks or what concerns should be paying attention to so then based upon that comment I would say that a meeting should be set up between the superintendent and Mr Boyce and the police chief and anybody else from the police department to have that discussion and potentially pull in mayor Gallagher and business administrator SOA as well yeah I mean we should L on with the Town Council and the police department to fully understand what the impact is and um you know like I said we shouldn't leave any stone unturned and should better understand all right so Mr Boyce I'll ask that um when Dr brel comes in tomorrow if you would please express these concerns to him and have a meeting set up between the administration of the city the administration of the police department and the administration of the school district to discuss this further and then report those findings back to the finance buildings and grounds and security committee please com yes you may you know I I agree with the motion with the idea of um I guess examining the issue and examining just measures that the district would take I just want to make it clear to the public that because it's a security measure too that there can't really be a public discussion about security steps that are taking place um you know I I think you know the meetings with the police department happen my understanding is fairly regularly that there's good interface between the police department and the school district um but I think the issue is a security matter for for the district so I just want to have that out there to that this is something again that even though these actions are going to take place kind of behind the scenes we can all report that the action took place necessarily and that there's not steps that could be revealed in terms of any security protocol changes that would take place right I would agre with that if I could also add um thank you for bringing this up I think it's very important um I also just want to add that they're being the only parent right now with children in the elementary school I have a lot of contact with other parents in the elementary school and this is a very very big concern um it's point 8 miles from our elementary school we are a walking District many children walk past this store and it very much could have emotional impacts um not just for children but for staff as well so I I think that's something we really do need to consider as a board of ed I I understand this is not our decision if this store goes into place but I truly hope that the zoning board the Town Council and the mayor will take these concerns seriously like well and you know those are the that's the governing body that needs to really handle this is the zoning board the planning board because they are the ones who Grant the license to the gun shop in order to come there they are the ones who set the ordinances for town of how many feet whatever whatever sort of business can be within the school and then the governing body as well supports or does not support that so I think we need to make sure that our residents everybody else understand that they need to go to City Hall and rattle some cages go to the planning board meetings go to the zoning board meetings because regardless of what we do as a school district they're the ones who are going to say yes or no and they're the ones who are going to prove it and take any Revenue that comes from it as well but all valid points very good suggestions brings up a really excellent point that we need to kind of monitor going forward in that we may also need to look at directing our administrators to look into from an seal perspective you know what kind of management might have to be done what kind of research has to be done to to get in front of something like that so that children feel safe and children understand um more than those little peripheral things that they that they pick up because they hear the adults talking and they they feel the tension and they know these things so you know it's important for us to stay on top of that and and make the the feelings of the community known um because we want to have those resources like ready to go and not be chasing it be proactive and that's something that we can share with the whoever the new superintendent is with the district and make sure that that's at the Forefront of their mind as well when they join us and they start moving forward with us too all um thank you Mr Garcia thank you to the board for listening and very um is there any other new business that we have do the vote on anything to vote on that on that motion oh I'm sorry okay um all in favor I any opposed motion carries we're voting on the motion to so word d uh any other new business seeing none I have a motion to close new business please so moved than you Mr vanor may have a second second thank you Mr kimick any discussion all those in favor I I any oppos any extension so moves all right um now where as pursuant to njsa 10 col 4-12 B the Board of Education May exclude the public from that portion of a meeting where in the board discusses any of the matters set forth at njsa 10 col 4-12 B items 1-9 now therefore be resolved that record provisions of the open public meetings act the Board of Education shall conduct a closed session pursuant to the provisions of njsa 10 colum 4-12 B for the purpose of discussing the following matters Personnel matters involving negotiations and employee um employee confidentiality and collective bargaining it is anticipated the length of this executive session will be approximately three hours and that action may be taken in public after the executive session may I have a motion to go into executive session please so moved thank you Mr Garcia may have a second thank you Mr pontillo any discussion all those in favor I any opposed any exts so move and we are in executive session at 6:44 I think there was actually a no vot well she she's H yeah she's having a little bit of anxiety about going into executive session for this evening moved we're back at 50 we do have two items of business to vote so the first one is a resolution that the board finds that a family whose name is on file in central office is not properly domiciled in Somerville and is therefore not permitted to attend Somerville schools may I have a motion to approve that resolution please so moved thank you Mrs Van Horn may I have a second second thank you Mr kimik is there any discussion I'm going to do a roll call vote Mr pontillo yes Mr kimik yes Mr Garcia yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mrs Fati yes and Mr Jess yes it passes thank you second one is we did a consent agenda this evening however one of the items we should not have voted on at that time so I'm going to ask for a motion to resend the vote on uh item number 25 and Personnel please so moved thank you Mrs Van Horn may have a second second thank you Mr kimmick is there any discussion on roll call Mr penello yes Mr Van Horn yes Mr Garcia yes Mr Kimmi yes Mr fitzi yes Mr Jess is a yes all right and now the last vote well not the last vote the last one will be Ajman the next vote is to approve items number two through eight in the memorandum of agreement Mr Van Horn may have a second second and Mr kimick is there any discussion Mr pentilla yes Mrs Van Horn yes Mr Garcia Mr kimm yes Mrs fitzi am I to you can abstain if you'd like all right and U Mr chess is a yes motion carries and now may we have a motion to adjourn motion thank you Mr pum have a second second thank you Mr vanor any discussion all those in favor I any opposed exstension so moved we adjourned 952 thank you everybody hey some board of Reds this is regular I know North planfield used to be midnight 1:00 in the morning committee based like everything's a discussion in the yeah so we have a meeting next week Wednesday yes nextday