[Music] good evening it is July 25th 2024 and I'd like to welcome you to the first meeting of the South Brunswick Board of Ed for 2024 2025 school year and to call the meeting to order please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you okay we'll be reading the statement of advanced notice the New Jersey open public meeting Act njsa 10 4-6 also known as the Sunshine Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies that which time any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon the primary purpose is for board members to discuss and vote on board business in accordance with the provisions of this act the board secretary has caused notice of this meeting 48 hours prior including date time and location to be posted in the South Bruns of Public Library the board office filed with the Township Clerk and communicated to the home News Tribune and the Star Ledger it is also posted on the district website moving on Miss Mr palowski roll call please miss Julie Ferrara Miss Laura Hernandez Miss Deepa carthik yes Miss Alicia Khan here Mr rajer Krishna here Mr Mike Mitchell here Mr Barry Nathanson here Dr Smith araj Miss Lisa Rogers here we have a quorum thank you sir uh before we move on to approval of agenda I'd like to make a motion that we might have to adjust it um Mr feder the superintendent is stuck in traffic so we may have to move some things around so can we just move forward with that my suggestion would be that you just flip-flop the report of the superintendent and the presentation perfect okay everybody okay with that presentation will go first and then Scott will be here by the end of the anybody have any issues with that no no great thank you okay so I need a motion to approve the tonight's agenda so move Mr Mitchell move do U Mr Raj second all in favor uh any Nays very good moving on the um agenda has been approved next order is board minutes the board secretary Mr palowski draft of the minutes from May 30th 2024 board and executive minutes as well as board minutes of June 13th 2024 were posted on the board portal are there any changes from any board member seeing none uh the minutes stand is written and are approved thank you Mr palowski okay uh next is a report of the president uh normally we have the report of the super student representative but she's not here today uh just two quick things uh middle sex County School boards have posted their schedule of meetings please note um that there are five dates October 7th the 12th and December 12th February 6th as well as March 26th which is the unsung heroes award ceremony and Wednesday the 21st which is the spring celebrations dinner and the county Teacher of the Year all of the meetings are hybrid with the exception of February 6th which is virtual so please try to attend secondly as advice to all members we had canceled the retreat meeting that was originally scheduled for Tuesday May 7th due to the budget hearings which took precedent uh due to summer vacations the retreat was then let me just back that up we then agreed that we would maybe do the retreat tonight but due to summer vacations it was also cancelled therefore um based on comments that I received back from the board we will hold the retreat for January 2025 um however any items that members feel need to be discussed prior to that day please notify myself and Mr fedick and we will consider that for new business uh secondly at our August meeting we will vote on new goals the board goals for 2425 and we will review at the same time um the past Year's goals all right any questions anybody nope okay again next is the report of the superintendent but since Mr feder is not here yet um we're going to move on we'll move on to the presentation of the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment for spring 2024 results by Suzanne lubor Suzanne it would be better for us to be out there or is it okay for us what do you think we could just turn Okay so the presentation you can see in the back thank you Miss lubor good evening board and colleagues to our viewers at home in the live stream or those that will be watching the recording um thank you for allowing me to come and share with you the results of our spring njpa um test that was given to our juniors in the class of 2025 uh annually we are required to report out publicly 60 days after we receive those results which is why this test is reported out during the summer months the njsla and other assessments will be reported out um in the fall of 2024 board members we will make this available to you in the portal so that you will have an up close look after tonight's presentation my apologies for not getting it there sooner I want to thank Jamie Bower our director of special projects and Jeff Roman who is the assistant principal at South Brunswick High School for helping to put the data together tonight that you're going to see so just to provide a background the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment is a fairly new assessment our junior class participates in that test in the spring usually during the month of March um it is in English language arts and Mathematics there is two units in each content each unit is 90 minutes so as you can see there um the passing score score is 725 on each Ela and Mathematics so since this is a graduation assessment requirement um all students need to pass or show competency to be able to graduate at the end of their senior year so there are M multiple opportunities to successfully meet that Benchmark so first a student takes the njpa if they are unable to pass they are given an opport Unity to retake that test in the fall of their senior year if still unsuccessful the second pathway is that I'm going to share with you on the next slide a number of other assessments that would count or meet that requirement and third and finally if a student is still unable through those standardized measures there's something called the portfolio appeal through the New Jersey dep Department of Education um that is administered and then scored I think it's important to also note that a student could pass in one subject and not the other and then we would just work towards um reaching that Benchmark in the other subject so they may not pass them both at the same time so the second Pathways that exist for our students you will see those spelled out in English language arts um I'm not going to read it to you but I'll I'll share some examples for example there's an acup Placer assessment the PSAT the SAT are just some examples that can be used in both Ela or math and those are the scores that you see listed there that they would need to achieve we're required to share with you um kind of that historical just a comparison so we've chosen to show you the class um the 2023 Juniors and the 2024 Juniors just so you can see you can see 712 students um in 20 23662 that is part of a decrease in some of our enrollment as we see our grade levels moving through our system you can see that in both years 93% um of our students met that proficiency and in the past year we had that um small percentage seven that did not yet meet that expectation in ela so that 7% um we are aware of who they are and we are actively planning for how to get them to meet that requirement and then our math results look a little different um you can see that 81% of our students in the junior class were proficient 19% were not and once again we know who those 19% are and are planning now for them and the planning work really is credited to their counselors at the high school along with the teachers and the supervisors in the various departments so mathematics Department here and in the other case it was the English language arts department who are working to identify those students and prepare them for the next Administration in the fall in addition we're required to report out on our subgroups and so I just want to orient you to this chart that you see here um the blue tells us our percentage that our graduation ready and this slide here is the English language arts slide and the red represents the percentage that is not graduation ready um so we can see that on the far left of that chart if we're looking at it that is the South Brunswick and right next to it is the state of New Jersey so you will see that 93% of our Juniors have met the requirement and 82 2% at the state of New Jersey following across you can see our Hispanic subgroup are American Indian which is a very small subset and in some cases it might be somebody who has identified themselves mistakenly we've been working to clean that up Asian black white economically disadvantaged and then our students with disabilities so at a quick glance you can see that um above 20% of Hispanic and students with disability would be our area of focus um to support those students but we do need 100% to pass so we are working with all of those does the state break down the state results disaggregated or no state has not yet provided disaggregated for New Jersey correct Scott and I would say once again that we do know um who those students are our counselors are actively tracking those particular individual students I would say that um what's not shown on this slide is that during the class of 2023 the the juniors in 20123 last year's seniors um 69% of our black population had not met and this year we're seeing that 82% had met still not at that 100 but we are seeing some progress at least a positive one in that respect and again this is the math representation reminding you that the blue is the percent that was proficient um not graduation ready is the red definitely a difference between our Ela and our math when you look at this particular slide um the overall 19% as I said earlier um in comparison to the state of New Jersey where 45% on that math assessment were not graduation ready and you see our subgroups in some cases are close to 50 and in one case our Hispanic population above 50% actually 61% not proficient so when we know this information we use it to plan for the students and I want to share with you what comes next is the timeline of some of the things that are happening so question the students with disability are they also subcategorized yes they they're not being counted twice though they do count in each category if you have if you have it's not a discreet count if you have a stu student with disability who's white or Hispanic they're in both categories yes they could they could be counted in an Asian category a student with disability and an economically disadvantaged you could be seeing them in each of those yes thanks Lisa thank you so back in June when the results came parents were made aware of their students scores they received those scores and I'll just show you here in the fall our students and parents will be contacted if their child needs addition help to pass that next attempt of the test and then in the fall and winter the Departments of English and math will be working on prepping any remaining students to take an acup Placer which is that second pathway that I described um and if unsuccessful there and there were no other Pathways that met that requirement than our staff in those departments would begin working on the portfolio appeals for the remaining students and so it does become a year-long task for those seniors that have not yet met that requirement that our guidance Department like I said counselors and the teachers in those content areas would be working with students to get them to pass the assessment that is my last slide I did see at least one more hand so if we wanted to just take any questions that came up I'm happy to answer what I can can questions M corre so Susan if you uh the math proficiency yes so these distinct subgroups right the racial subgroups that you have here but they are double counted in the economically uh disadvantaged as well as uh students with disabilities correct mhm yes so or you could have let's assume in uh you know in let's say in Asian you would have in that particular number uh percentage seven you could have that double counted and economically disadvantaged and student with disability yes yes so someone who's in that 7% Asian not meeting could also be part of the 43% economically disadvantaged not meeting and also part of that 36% of the students with disabilities correct questions I have one yes now what happens with this the uh 7% math and a 19% Ela uh students whove not who are not graduation ready so can you give like an example so first of all parents are informed and then through the English Department and the math department they offer Resource Center blocks which are additional support periods that teachers are working specifically on strategies to help those students or um elements of that Core Curriculum that might give them that opport opportunity to pass and I would share that the breakdown that we receive in that student report lets us know which standards or competencies where they fell short so we kind of can hone in on maybe where that weakness is to increase that and are those students also encourage to do extended not well extended school day it's usually embedded within the school day okay all right thank you yep so how much time do the team have to improve these kids to get the numbers up well they have the whole school year but they have between there could be students participating in some of the summer work that we have going on but then they also have the start of the school year where they could be working during their um that hap period or during that resource period I described they usually have that first six weeks I believe they sit sometime during the month of October to take that test again so is this number after that effort has been made or before the effort this is the effort before those interventions so this is going to improve you mean to say it will improve yes yes any question we have we have very few students that end up needing that alternate pathway um the third one I described that portfolio appeal usually that's some of our students that um with disabilities that need a different type of assessment or measure so do do you have something from last year where what level we found out and how much we improved so one of the things I can share when I report out in the fall and I would have that sooner is how many students how they graduated so we are able to identify how many graduated using the njpa and how many students graduated using one of those alternative Pathways and how many students graduated using the portfolio appeal process so we're able to look at data from year to year now that we've had a couple years administration of the NJ GPA one last extension sorry sorry um the the English and math are there common students in that and what is the percentage of that to the overall um graduation class rephrase that one more time so so if there's a child who's in ela yes and how many of those children are also or vice versa what percentage are both I don't have the percentage in front of me tonight students are not currently qualified through the test thank you it is possible that there are students in both Ela and math as part of that number um we do have that behind the scenes I don't have it here this evening but we're able to identify who need to do both tests again thank you Mr naon uh so you you identified the uh alternate ways that that uh a student can graduate were there anyone that didn't were there any group that didn't graduate last year or or the numbers are really low at that point to my to my knowledge Barry we didn't have any students not graduate because of the assessment requirement okay question anybody else I just have can you go back to the actual list of possible opportunities they have the different test yeah so the PSAT is taken in the correct me if I'm wrong the junior year correct no I forgot when is PSAT taken is that sof sophomore sophomore right thank you so the sof the PSAT required score if they for reading at a 21 or grer if they do not pass an Ela they can utilize that particular as long as they've sat for the njpa and the retest so they still have to sit even if so so to open up the pathway you do need to show that you weren't successful in the first opportunity and the makeup opportunity or the retest opportunity so even if you got a 30 on Act Right 30 on act which is like amazing you still have to take NJ GPA no matter what yeah okay it's so ridiculous don't get me started and it and it is it is so the students that we're watching like for example the 46 students in ela when they sit in October we sometimes have that second pathway already identified that they will be successful even without the results of the NJ GP for a For Thought a for warning on it um because I was going to say you know is there any way to encourage all students or the identified students to take the PSAT to get that score but it really doesn't matter because they still have to sit for that in correct so maybe instead of flip the narrative a little bit so instead of saying they the test is only for graduation let's let's say the test is more about assessing ourselves versus the rest I agree agree so if we approach it that way the state needs to do its part and give us disaggregated data yeah so that we could um do that otherwise and then yes to to to both um the the questions that were asked before you know we'd have to do a manual dissection to see when you pull out we had talked about this in the previous year when you pull out a Cadre let's say you just pull out special education students for a moment where else where are those students and what happens to those other categories when you do that so there's a lot of manual work you could do but at the end of the day if the state isn't going to produce these disaggregative results what's the it's not really telling us anything exactly because you you can't compare yourself to yourself let say you did great or bad you need to know different you have different seeing that the state is using a test that has a 45% failure rate across the entire state is a problem I mean you can't have a 45% failure rate and call that a good assessment right you wouldn't in the classroom % of your kids failed a test in a class You' be looking at yourself as a teacher saying whoa what am I doing here CU I don't think I taught to the material that's being done so you know we can we can do all of that but if you had disaggregated results or if you just go back to the disaggregated page for Math and you know I don't have an issue I'm not I'm have a new new Point okay so so this is this is a point that I think our board and our community needs to understand about South Brunswick schools is we have an 81% in the aggregate because of one subgroup right period right you remove that one subgroup we are not an attractive performing District correct the aggregate looks good on all of our test results every year always so what we've done over the years is and this is a conversation I know that we had Lisa Rec recently when in 2017 um when I think that was the year I arrived Suzanne how many support Specialists did the district have K8 outside of the classroom not your typical is above the standard is teacher in a building how many coaches Specialists about 18 be not how many is Teachers not is teachers above is Teachers one one one one right now currently we have six in the Middle School yes and we have six in the elementary school and and when we look at budget and we and we look at where money needs to go th this is telling you if you do not focus your energy so getting to on these groups that are struggling and and I I I'll say for special ed I I mean look our special Edge students actually outperform the states in the aggregate so I'm not really looking at that number going oh my God our special ed kids our special education students are special education because they've been identified to have a learn disability and being substantially behind grade level so to take a test and still score 64% still pretty it's pretty good like I'm not like looking at that going oh my God however your other subgroups look at your Hispanic subgroup you black subgroup your white subgroup your got disadvantage subgroup that's basically if you can get those numbers up the district will explode in performance results explode and so we're we we do we put energy there we put money there to try and and work on any student that struggles we don't look at the kid and say well we want that kid because they're that just any kid who struggles but it is expensive and it is NE necessary to have a focused plan to support these groups we can't just look at these results it's the same results every year it's been this way long before I 25 years before I arrived for my second stin year same results and you know it's not only us but I keep saying why can't we be the one to solve some of it like why can't we figure this out and unfortunately it does take money and certainly if you were economically disadvantaged during Co there's a a a strong a more likelihood that that was a real struggle time than if you had a parent that was home for example who could support um so you know there there's pieces here but we cannot look at that 81% and go look how much we've crushed the state by correct absolutely not correct it's it's not a it's not a good thing to do and I I I fear we get caught in that in this district and sub Suburban districts get caught in this because we're we're we we Pat ourselves on the back because of the aggregate number number and uh we should I agree 100% And that's actually where I was going with this is that while we have all these great tests right and we have great scores we still have a group of individual students that are still not there yet and that was going to be one of the questions I have is while I know that we've increased tremendously the support it comes down to what can we do as a community and I don't what that answer is and I don't know if you know that answer but what can we do as a community to help support these students because since I've been here on this board on this side not on that side you know my my focus was what are we doing for that BC student that c student they're the ones that need our most support they sometimes get lost right because we have all this stuff going on for the top students and we have stuff going on for those that really do need support economically disadvantaged what have you but there's that c student that average kid just can't cut the mustard and what's the score 725 and maybe score to 720 you know and it's frustrating I can't imagine that student so I I really want us understand and maybe this is something that we could take off offline but what can we do as a community to support these kids it doesn't just take the family go ahead yeah it's it's on it's on there's nothing to hit could you put Evelyn on please just start so we've had to focus to um we've had to address this issue multiple ways there are so many opportunities we have we want students to take advantage of it to Mr Mitchell's Point earlier do they stay extended day we are offer offering tutoring we trying to offer after school help in the high school most teachers are available after school to help students they have to take advantage of that and then from the curriculum and instructional side we are look we've added um more resources that helps break down a lot of these standards and what students have to learn so that we can meet them where they are when they're struggling so we identifi different ways that we can go from here to you know meet the kids here and then build and scaffold up so that that's we've done this last year and then from the instructional practice side that is where job embedded ongoing PD happen so we've really investing in uh Consultants coming in and working side by side with our teachers so that um they can see the the particular type of need that the students exhibit and how we can go about doing that so that will take us a few years before we start to see um some level of change but I believe that we are there we want students in school though that's the casy CU last year when we looked at the data of the students who didn't who didn't weren't and part of it was we looked at how often they were not in school and that had an impact so those things have to address multiple ways and so as a community if you want to know what to do send the kids to school make sure they come to school instead yeah that how let me take that one step further when are we when are we identifying that these students are going to need that type of support how young are we going I mean because we obviously we do testing right and we have that data so at what point do we you know we analysis what what does the analysis tell us and then at what point in that child's K through 12 years are we saying okay we need to Target that student and that family because they need support from kindergarten I can tell I could tell you categorically I've been here two years going on the third year that we do have profiles um assessment profiles and learning profiles of kids from kindergarten first second grade and we're moving on to third um um this year so we're pinpointing we're identifying so the goal is to shrink and and shrink the Gap and and then just build up as they as they move through the grades and I I would add to that Lisa just this this morning we had a group of kindergarten teachers here at BHL working with our prek teachers sharing the data that's coming out of that program on students 134 students we now have a profile on those students from their 4-year-old experience that is helping to inform the placements into kindergarten and allowed kindergarten teachers a sneak PE Peak at where those students are functioning related to some letter sound correlation and and basic numbers that's that's important yeah prek that one of the huge benefits of getting that prek program is we have earlier assessments going on was there a question down here yep done Mr what is the percentage where it is assess that he's proficient and is that mandated by the state in terms of proficient that I didn't hear you percentage that he has to get 75% 8est it's a 725 on this 72 decided that's the number and that has been red by the state or yes that's the cut score that was State driven all the all those things are generated by state reports Deepa so I think uh Dr mmon just hit the nail on the head closer with her explanation so I think uh you made a very very good point Dr Manon about you know the resources that are available you know to uh U Mrs rogers's question about what can the community do I think it has to come together right the resources that you are providing and you know all of the programs that you have put in place to ensure that you close this Gap has to also be met from the other end of it you know that's that's very key so my question actually is related to the subgroups so you have you have identified the subgroups that are present in terms of you know closing that Gap is your strategy different from subgroup to subgroup not necessarily um it would be the inter the execution of the strategy that might be different but the strategies are the Strat so for instance if we're looking at um if we're looking at reading uh once we know what the standard is we can break down to say if a child doesn't know what a theme is what should they know in order for them to be able to figure out the theme and you go down that way so it doesn't matter whether the child is Hispanic black economically disadvantaged the strategies are the same you meet the kids where they are um there might be a slight different with a special education child because of whatever it is the classification is and how you one might go about that but otherwise now the strategies is just execution of it okay so in other words what what I was trying to understand is that the the subgrouping is you know it doesn't play a role in the final execution of the strategy to close this Gap so that it isn't that relevant in that case because kids are kids what they need is what they need and where they are that's what I wanted to get okay I I have one more question does anybody else first have a question these these um these assessments do they they're also given to elll students yeah so some of the students have difficulty still I would assume it's a major assumption on my part if you're if you're new to the country though in your junior year you don't take the ELA but you take the math so okay let's take that for a second the math has um it's not 2 plus two it's questions correct there there's a great deal of reading and problem solving and explaining your work even within the math so you've got elll students taking math that they need to understand the English language how hard would it be to disaggregate further from the state and come back in not an August meeting right not summer September October with disaggregating this data by pulling out something like our elll if you took it if we just took at our ml students period out of all the categories that they that they fit into right you can be look at data that way and say you know because you you want to try and nail down exactly what our challenge is with this with any data and the further we can deep dive regardless of what the state does right so I would suggest we we canou MLS we regroup after for now where regroup and we come back uh start with ED committee and present um some disaggregated work on these numbers and any other data we have that shows what happens when you do influx a group of 150 ml students taking a test why would they be able to pass that test it makes no sense right at that level why would they be able to like I wouldn't be able to pass that in any other language other than English even after a year I I'm sure I wouldn't be able to so let's regroup and do some more work with these numbers our own work not just the state they're not very helpful and see what we can come up with and present back the Ed committee first handle some questions there and then come back to the full board sounds good yeah that would be I think that would be great would help us to understand that that that specific Target excellent any other questions thank you that was an very good and very good discussion thank you thank you to the board members and Dr Manon as well good all righty thank you thank you Suzanne all right we're going to skip back um to the report of the superintendent Mr feder I'll I'll be quick I apologize kindergarten registration is open get those kids in if you know of anybody tell them get them in summer reading and summer assignments are all up and up up in the middle and high schools you can find those out now supply lists uh they're on the K8 uh website so you can go up there and you can do that uh Genesis Parent Portal forms will be available the week of August 12th Elementary home and Middle School units will be available the week of August 20th uh just a reminder for any parents who are watching um if you are borrowing a Chromebook there is a fee an insurance fee if you do not pay that we are shutting down your computer this summer so I'm asking Sharon anyone who's unpaid their computer is being shut off on Monday if they haven't already been shut off now I think they've all already been shut off for anyone who hasn't paid yet we're not supplying a free computer over the Summers for people who are not choosing to pay the price unless there's a financial reason of course that we work with any family with a financial reason so uh I'm going to ask Sharon to reach out one more time to any family that is not paid we'll give them a grace period And if they still do not pay that computer is being shut down they will not be able to get a new one or up that one until that payment is paid for this last year and then paid in advance for next year period that's the way we're going to do that from now on so it's not going to be any any issues with that um and we have to to move so this is important board members please mark your calendars we'll put a notice in there um we found out that October 17 we don't know how this happened actually but October 17th was our board meeting schedule date it's a Thursday and the Ed Foundation also has planned their Taste of uh on that night they can't move theirs uh so we're GNA move ours so um can you look and see if there's a major conflict right now with the 15th which is the Tuesday if you can look on your personal calendar and see if Tuesday is viable for at least the people here Tuesday the 17th Tuesday the 15th of October is there any issue with that date that where we would not be able to hold the meeting that date you're good senior night you're no good okay one down I'm good huh okay Barry's good Lisa's good Felicia's good your check Rush you have to give me a few minutes huh you have to give me a few minutes because you know we have come we'll come back to you on that so just we're so as long as we have our Quorum we're going to have to move that night to help out the Ed Foundation they've been good to us and we don't want them to try and have to figure out how to move that night for themselves uh why this happened we don't know yet but we will make sure this doesn't happen again the future I don't know what happened here um our next board meeting is August 22nd so so um hope everyone's having a good summer so far and continue to have a good summer we'll see the board back on August 22nd and any committee meetings that need to happen between now and then we'll be given out to the board and uh we'll take it from there any questions no I actually have two what's our K enrollment right now do we know kindergarten enrollment do we have any idea uh yes give me one second okay and then um I don't know who can answer this question but it's regarding the computers I have a question go ahead ask questions second the question I have is regarding um notification and acceptance of notification are we just sending out emails or we we requesting um some type of a tag on the email receip received or something that states that the individual actually received notification that they are due that they ow money everyone everyone who has not paid is fully aware they have not paid there's zero out and if you tried to make a payment and it didn't go through you fully know that happened as well anyone who tells you anything else is a straightforward lie so period so the the question I have though is in coming in September when we have the same process in place where they have to pay in advance they'll be given notice until September 30th on September 30th they'll receive additional notices and if they still choose choose it's a choice to not do their obligation that computer is not going to be functioning for that period that's fine I just unfortunately we are not in the position financially to just give computers away to everybody and manage that we're just not I just don't want to hear that I didn't get the email well that's what I don't want to hear so how hear that and even if you heard that we'd prove that that was not correct that's what I want to know that we can always prove that's not correct very good let me check our kindergarten enrollment that's what I want to know all right so far all right as of as of Monday of this week we have let me go through them all 41 82 uh not going to do math 151 194 it's low 231 it's four five schools two 79 five schools three 42 that's low so 342 is incoming this moment 342 that'll grow probably by probably another 100ish kids it's still low but that's where we are 342 okay yep yep oober 15 yeah okay October 15th guys is good good so please mark your calendars for October 15th we're going to move the date David's office will advertise the change and make sure that's all corrected and covered School Board is p school school boards is the next week so we can't obviously move into that Thursday if you have uh hopefully you've all taken care of whatever you need to do for school boards hopefully we'll all be there and um that's it that's all my that's my report thank you any other questions oh thank you so much Mr feder and thank you for checking [Laughter] Deepa okay moving on board committee and liaison reports since been slow summer does any anybody have on the board any board update from Edie Comm any update to the board on committees Mr Nathanson yeah uh yeah it is short hey I get I get my uh uh go ahead from Mr palasi he makes everything short so uh I have the last couple uh business Ops updates and both dealt with with uh our uh cafeteria uh uh contracts where uh the business Ops were involved with uh talking to or listening to both Chartwells and our new uh uh Service uh in the how do you pronounce that masio maschio and the we got to uh listen to both organizations we actually got to taste uh food from both organizations and uh the board knows and the public know by now that we have decided to go in a different direction with match and from what I've heard already they're Oran running and doing a great job so far so you know they brought most most of all uh of CH wal's employees back uh I believe and doing a great job going into the uh start of uh school year so they'll be ready so just one question for bar yeah there was a talk that louder please you need to talk I been here yeah there there was there was a date that was going to get decided to tasting for the whole board yeah the whole board to to to okay we can make that happen or visit so or visit or something because most of the board members were not there so they had expressed why don't we try August 22nd qualification got it or like 65 for dinner yeah all right y y we'll try the next um August meeting see if that's possible if it is we'll share an email with everybody to come before the meeting starts so they'll come here and we can we're going to send you an email to to get that done yeah good thank you and once they get up and started Dave we had talked about maybe visiting the high school giving them a chance uh so maybe open that up to board members who'd like to go see because we want to see the the signage that they were going to do and all that fun stuff so we could do that too that'd be great any other questions for Mr Nathanson any other board committee update any liaison updates no okay so to the chairs what I will ask if you can just to send out to your committees that still exist through the end of the year I'll provide the dates for your next set of board meetings through December it would be greatly appreciated okay moving on uh where are we here public comments okay so the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comments on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on School matters of community interest complete copies of policy 0167 which govern this portion of the meeting are available to the public online or by contacting the board office we ask that participants be recognized by the proceeding officer announce your name place of residence group affiliation and complete the signing sheet all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer no participant May address our question board members Mr pelski do we have any pre-registrations none are there is there anyone in the audience that would like to make a comment no nobody I know well give you a chance I I have to say that seeing no one in the audience yeah you actually don't oh I I was told I do here okay public comment I was told that I say somebody could walk in nobody here and now we there's no audience and say no there's nobody here at this point so we will close this section of the public comments okay old business seeing none moving on new business seeing none again for new business though next month we will have the 2023 2024 goals as well as 2425 goal discussion um next order of business is the consent agenda review by Mr paasi all right everybody I sent out the consent agenda update for everybody to see back on Monday Tuesday um if there are any questions on any of the Motions in in this agenda uh let's have them it's a pretty standard uh agenda there's all of our business operations that need to occur there's some uh contracts that need approving some bids that went out um performing or excuse me approving all of our um Services Professional Services and you have your HIV you have your personnel it's a pretty straightforward summer consent agenda I just I have one question question so all the rfps that we sent out we've either stayed with the uh the prior company or gone to a new company that's all complete correct correct if we had moved any vendor the board would have been involved and you'd have been notified machio like machos and food service thank you any other questions for Mr py before we vote Mr pki may we I may have a motion sove so moved by Mr nathon um Miss Cari seconded roll call please miss Deepa carthik yes Miss Alicia Khan yes Mr rajer Krishna yes Mr Mike Mitchell yes Mr Barry Nathanson yes Miss Lisa Rogers yes motion carries thank you sir okay moving on second opportunity for the public to comment on any matter Mr pki has there been any pre-registrations for the second comment there's 14 I am having so much fun with that I just had to have fun with that seeing no one in the audience we will close this portion come on I have to have a little fun very good all right uh please note again our scheduled next scheduled meeting is Thursday August 22nd moving on we do have an executive session please remain seated until I'm finished be it resolved that the board of education on the township of South Brunswick hereby moves into an executive session in accordance with Sunshine Law chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 10 4-6 through 10 4-21 to discuss the following Personnel matters be it resolved that the discussion conducted in executive session can be disclosed to the public at such time as the matters have been resolved formal action may be taken at any meeting may have a motion and second to adjourn to Executive session Mr Mitchell move Mr Raja seconded all in favor I on behalf of the South brunic Board of Ed enjoy the remaining weeks of summer thank you to all for a wonderful summer break and we'll see you here next month oh gavl okay