good evening it is March 7th 2024 and I'd like to welcome you all to the meeting of the South Bruns Board of Education and to call the meeting to order please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay all righty next is a statement of advanced notice the New Jersey open public meeting act njsa 104 6 also known as the Sunshine Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon the primary purpose is for board members to discuss and vote on board business in according with the provisions of this act the board secretary has caused notice of this meeting 48 hours prior including date time and location to be posted in the South Brun of Public Library the board office filed with the Township Clerk and communicated to the home News Tribune and the Star Ledger it is also posted on the district website Mr paasi roll call please miss Julie Ferrara M Laura Hernandez here M Deepa carthik Miss Alicia KH here Mr rajer Krishna Mr Mike Mitchell presid Mr Barry Nathanson here Dr Smith Raj here Mrs Lisa Rogers President we have a quum thank you Mr Mr palowski next on the agenda is the approval of agenda may I have a motion and a second to approve tonight's meeting with approval to remove the executive session Mr Mitchell move second Mrs Hernandez second all in favor I I pass excuse me sorry the next order of business is board minutes uh board secretary Mr porowski's draft of the minutes from the February 22nd 2024 meeting is posted on the board portal are there any corrections to the minutes as distributed no then the minutes stand as written and are approved excuse me next order of business is the student representative Defan Lee unfortunately Defan is unable to attend so we will move on to the report of the president um that would be myself okay I never know how to do that what do I say okay so first and foremost last night the middlex county school boards uh meeting there was a meeting and um many of the uh districts in Middle sex County representatives from the boards various boards came and attended and Senator Vin goal was actually present he actually dis he actually discussed um the various bills both the Senate and the assembly are looking at and this is in regard to the budget both U Mr Mitchell and Mr Nathanson were present and the board has received an email with a video recording of that so I highly recommend that you take a moment to look at that uh the March edition of the district Weekly Newsletter was distributed today and included information regarding budget season including links to Governor Murphy's address an explanation of how districts develop the budget and the upcoming public Q&A forms that will be held on March 14th and March 20th for the public please keep an eye out for that finally budget season is upon us this and this month um we are highlighting a few important resources in that link um including the responsibilities of board members and District administration all that information can also be found on the district website and I highlight um I recommend that the public review that information as we will be moving forward with the budget discussion okay moving on the report of the superintendent Mr feder all right well welcome everyone um congratulations we have 35 of our national americ commended students here 61 total in the district and they have brought some staff we have parents and just fantastic that's a great presentation happening shortly so again welcome and thanks for coming out tonight uh quick note for the board and anyone who watches the board meetings we have to move the board meeting date from May 9th to May 7th we have informed the board but reminding you now the reason for that move is to stay in line with the state's budget calendar they move they may change changes which causes us to make our change so just keep that in mind make sure you note that it's not on a Thursday it's uh May 7th um another important note important note I'm glad we have people in the audience tonight uh tomorrow is a deadline to nominate Educators and education support persons of the year we send all this home but submissions are due by 4 pm tomorrow and please take the time honor that special uh person in the district it means a lot to them to even just be you know recognized in that way it's a great thing um up some information board so you know and and our community will know so we know that we've been talking about the new development um behind for Executive Drive there are 1,700 units scheduled to go in we have our first registrant from the from the community so it's interesting it's not a new family it's a family that lives in South brunic already but is moving to those and they will be um so they're already in our schools but that that is our first family registering from the new development we did uh anticipate March being a a start date and that start date is actually this month and we expect this that to be happening more regularly over the next uh year or two years as we get more students from that development um you heard uh president mention the budget forums we have a whole bunch of budget forums we have staff budget forums um we also have for the community specifically Thursday March 14th at 7: here and we'll do the other one at Constable school on March 20th at 7 and we do encourage people to come out this is going to be a very different type of budget year we um I'm not going to get into the budget right now but we are currently looking at a net hole of over $6 million that's what we're looking at right now and to get to minus $6 million is not easy and we're going to be just talking with our community and our staff about how that's working and and thoughts and ideas and all all that budget stuff so that's really important that the community understands the staff understands what's going on and how we're going to work through that and get and get through it um my last part today is really a little bit of a preschool update I'm going to ask um Suzanne luckor if you don't mind Suzanne would you give a a report on where we are with preschool sure good evening everyone thank you Mr feder so exciting times in South Brunswick as you do know we receive received our eligibility to expand our preschool for the 2425 school year and I wanted to provide some updates here um first I'd like to thank principal plumber Mrs plumber has been helping me she is the preschool principal and we've had a numerous hands behind the scenes working so for the 2324 school year which we are currently living we have 250 students enrolled in our program a mix of three and four-year-old students equaling 19 class sections for the 2425 school year we have been approved to add 90 additional seats bringing our total to 340 students 25 classes so I wanted to share a few highlights uh to get the word out and those of you that are listening will have some accurate information that certainly you can share with neighbors and friends here in the community um first and foremost we had a tremendous response to our preschool interest form which went live between November and December we had more than 400 applicants put their names in for those limited precious seats um many people have asked us about our process so I'm going to share a little bit about that process this evening and also answer some of our faq's frequently asked questions that have been coming in since we released a notification of who was selected for our Lottery one of the most um frequently asked why is our timeline so much earlier this year than it was in the previous year and that's number one because we know a little bit more than we knew in our first few first two years or year and a half of implementation and we know that it takes time to maximize those seats fill them all plan for the placement and make sure that we're meeting Transportation deadlines so that Transportation has notice to be able to plan for those students um so we recruited as I said in November and December we did extend that a little bit to give everybody an opportunity to make sure they submitted their interest we avertised through social media platforms the route one billboard we had yard signs out in neighborhoods we had people on foot delivering Flyers about our program and we also did a mailer um to some of our communities to advertise the program so I think it's important to understand that once a three-year-old enters into our program that student automatically will roll over into a 4-year-old seat so many of the public were disappointed to find out that we didn't have as many four-year-old seats but we had to save seats for those three-year-olds who were moving forward we were able to accept some four-year-olds as you heard me say we had some growth um of that 90s 90 additional seats so to share a little bit more um from that in form we were able to identify some priority needs of students and that is part of the mission of the preschool expansion is open opening opportunity and access so with some of the questions on our interest form we were able to use multiple factors to identify some of our neediest students within the community some seats were automatically reserved for those students we considered those priority seats and you can read about that on our website um for for example those were some of our multilanguage Learners some of our students that had some special needs um maybe were enrolled in early intervention or maybe needed some economic support we must also hold seats in our preschool program for students who turn three and four years old during that calendar year who may be eligible for special education services we need to have a spot if a three-year-old student is evaluated by one of our child study teams and needs a placement so we hold some seats for that you know interesting thing about the interest form even though families received a notification back that their form had been accepted um people applied multiple times sometimes three and four times sometimes same child same date of birth same address using two different parents to put in an entry so I want to assure assure the public that that was handm and all of those that put in multiple times did not get an advantage in the lottery we we deleted all of those duplicates um probably upwards of 75 duplicates and I know because I did that work so once we did that we also found some non-residents people not living here in South Brunswick and I know that this community trusts us with making sure that the residents in this Lottery are are living here indeed so we did weed out a few families and um miss addnan our transportation director really helped us track some of those down as well so then the Fidelity to the process began at that point once we had those lists we had identified a separate list of three-year-olds and a separate list of four-year-olds we masked all identifiable characteristics and then we did a system generated using a random organizer of num numbers um and grabbed those numbers for three-year-olds lined them up and then we went and rep repeated that process for our four-year-olds and then we went sequentially down that list I will share that that was done in the presence of our board president miss Roger she was in attendance I was in attendance Miss plumber was in attendance and my assistant was in in attendance during that process so then becomes the work where you sit and you look at all of those num numb and the number of seats and you start filling the seats sequentially so once we hit our number of what we have we have to stop we notify those families some of those families May decline but we need to give them that opportunity to then come produce their residency and register we know from our experience that that does tend to open additional seats as we start to move which is why we moved that timeline up we want all of those seats filled for September 1 um in doing so you have excess right if I have 50 seats for our four-year-olds and we had 24-year-old families put their names in 150 unfortunately don't have a seat right now so what we found in our last year of doing this is families really needed to know or wanted to know what is my number how you know am I close am I at the end of that list like do I really need to seriously find alternate care so we took the remaining students on that what we call a wait list we divided it into groups so that it was manageable um and we would then identify a group one a group two a group three a group four within those groups we are still following the exact Lottery sequence it was just a way to manage it and alert families that you know group one there's promise group four maybe not so much so that's kind of how we structured um that weit list and the group process so that is that is where we're at present day there's a lot of work that's still happening we now need to get all of those families in with appointments with Central registration and register them we've been directing all of our families back to the FAQ document which is found on our preschool website it is maintained as families send questions to us or our EAC which is our early childhood advisory Council these are made of f parents and community members if they're hearing questions they share them with us and we update that document so best advice I have for anybody that's curious about preschool is to continue to check that document is it is updated and many of the things I just shared about the lottery process can be found there I also want to share that you heard me say 25 sections we currently don't have 25 classrooms for our preschool students so four of those classrooms we are proud to partner with the lightbridge academy on Winwood drive here in South Brunswick so we are partnering with one of the local child's care facilities um hopefully as we expand our program we can partner with others here in town because we know that there are many um also we think it's important to share with you that we are going to host an accepted students webinar um at a later date probably in a month or two and the purpose of that webinar will be to share information about our placement process students are just registering there is no identification of their school and certainly not teacher at this early point in our process so at that accepted students webinar we will talk about our placement process we will talk a little bit about our program and we will talk about some important dates for the families as they onboard and begin to prepare their three or four-year-old to be a part of our program uh so if you are one of those accepted students watch for the webinar details you will receive that via email and I also want to share for everybody that April is the month of the young child and so at the April 25th Board of Education meeting Miss plumber will be here to present um an information session about our current preschool program so you can get to hear more details about what's currently happening in our preschool but once again I would encourage anybody who's curious to really look at that website that FAQ has a lot of resources uh and certainly there is an email address preschool that you can send questions to if you have questions about our program so Mr feder thank you for giving me this opportunity I hope this provides some accurate information for everybody curious about our preschool thank you so much m luckor does does board members have any questions for Mr feder or Miss luckor Miss caric I have two quick questions uh cler please can you hear me I have two quick questions uh for the grouping for the preschool which is on the wait list are you following the same criteria for uh you know for the group one group two group three that you said just wanted a clarification on that yes yes it was yes it was just a way for us to manage the volume of students so for group one if you were the next number say you're 51 we're going to you next 52 53 and so on wherever group two begins if we've exhausted group one we'll go in sequential order for group two and my next question is uh if a three-year-old who is applied who's on a weight list next year when the three-year-old becomes four-year-old does the person does the child go on a weight list or does do they have to reapply again for the program that's a great question thanks Deepa um um they will be put back into the process where they have to show their interest remember we have fewer four-year-old seats because those three-year-olds will advance but they will have the same opportunity to show their interest again okay thank you questions here y Miss Hernandez so you said that you already chose the students that are starting in September we're full and then you said there's going to be 90 more seats when does that happen so the 90 seats is actually already included so we've accounted for those 90 okay okay anyone else Dr Raj um so there's an expansion right preschool expansion so that means uh we got more money from the state for the um for the expansion right that is safe to assume yes that's correct we were approved for 90 additional seats to expand our program which equals six more classes okay and uh the other thing is transportation is also covered for uh all the additional additional students that will be coming up transportation for preschool students is included in our local um you are only allowed to use the preschool aid for those that have expanded but yes for the growth the the aid from the state covers that yes okay thank you else I just have one quick question can you clarify um miss suzan leborn that the uh lightbridge Academy will be following the same curriculum that's another great question the lightbridge academy is a a partner with us they will be following our curriculum they will be following our school year calendar they will be working with our local teachers uh and supervisors when it comes to professional development they will be an extension of us housed in another location Mr I'm sorry I just want a clarification so the light Bridge Academy is that start in September with the the kids you've already chosen okay yes that will start with the students that have been chosen so out of those students that's part of that information session we're going to share with the families some of the options that exist the benefits of partnering with that light Bridge Center another reason lightbridge was one of our Front Runners was that they already have preschool expansion that particular owner in other locations okay thank you any other questions Mr feder any other update nope nope good thank you very much okay moving on our next uh order of business is a recognition which will be presented by Mr Peter Bella the South Brunswick High School principal and this is part one of the 2024 National Merit commended students Scholars and honored Educators good evening ladies and gentlemen tonight's board meeting is our second opportunity to honor students for their Stell performance on the PSAT which is also the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship program program being recognized by the National Merit organization is truly one of the most prestigious honors for high school students each year now to refresh our Collective memories I'd like to provide you with a little background about these honors every year the National Merit Scholarship Corporation recognizes the 50,000 members of each graduating class with the highest scores on a PSAT as either semi-finalists or commended students tonight we are honoring the first half of our 61 one commended students keeping with our practice we invited our students to honor Educators who have made a significant impact on their lives each student was asked to write a short personal note thanking a faculty member tonight each teacher will receive a framed letter in addition all honoraries will receive a certificate of accomplishment from Board of Ed president Lisa Rogers and a board of education so at this time Mrs Rogers can you join me at the podium please before I begin I would like to thank high school art teacher Norman Chow for selecting a piece of artwork that sear cow grade 10 ATS created for us I would also like to thank Miss Ramona Baker and Mrs Maran Murphy for their assistance tonight so at this time I'd like to ask the first ow to please line up as we start our program I thought I'd share some of the colleges and universities that our commended students appli to for admission as well as some of the schools they've been accepted to so far okay how first honory tonight could not be with us but I'd still like to recognize him I'd like to recognize bidit araria this upcoming fole he plans on majoring in computer science tonight he will be honoring William hackmeister a member of the high school math department and it looks like our next student could not be with us as well I'd like to recognize jrom Ananda chrishan his upcoming fall he plans on majoring in mathematics tonight he would be honoring George Miller a member of the high school math department all right our next honor is here come on up let me recognize BNA Bangalore this upcoming fall should plans on majoring in Biochemistry tonight she will be honoring Holly stadinski a member of the high school science department you can give you can give it to please we got it our next honor tonight is sidarth bunny gun laati come on up this upcoming fley plans on majoring in mathematics or quantitative Finance tonight he would be honoring Mr Mark babage a member of the high school social studies Department who could not be with us tonight congratulations good luck our next honor is vivon ble plans on majoring in computer science tonight is honoring Miss Tarn bernon a member of the high school mathematics team uh mathematics team mathematics depart our next honor is Mana chug this upcoming fall she plans on majoring in computer science tonight she's honoring Alexandria robas a member of the high school math department okay our next honor is Shrea dingra this upcoming po she'll be majoring in Psychology and data science tonight she's honoring Linda Heen Trager a member of the Crossroad South music department all right our next honor is Katherine fin Lon congratul good luck to this upcoming fall she'll be majoring computer science tonight she's honoring Anastasia Marcela a member of the high school guidance Department conratulations okay our next honor is sha Georgie this upcoming fall he will be made in computer science tonight he's honoring Carol Romero a member of the high school math department our next honor is Mory niaja this upcoming fall he will be majoring in Neuroscience he's honoring Hannah mly a member of the high school science department who could not be with us tonight our next honorary is rindu gasar this upcoming fall he will be majoring in biology and Premed tonight he is honoring Ryan Fischer a member of the high school social studies Department okay our next honor is akot Gupta unfortunately he cannot be with us tonight but he will be majoring in business management tonight he will be honoring Robert salino a member of Crossroad South science department our next honor is Shrea AER this upcoming fall she'll be majoring Computer Engineering tonight she is honoring Mar alamia a member of the high school music Department our next honor is aani klaser this upcoming fall should be majoring in economics tonight she's honoring Elizabeth haston a member of the high school math department congratul sorry sorry our next honor is shasa caranam unfortunately he could not make it tonight but he'd be he would be majoring in Biochemistry and honoring Christoper Hines a member of the high school social studies Department our next honor is sidarth casara unfortunately um he could not be with us tonight uh this up fall he will be majoring economics and tonight he would be honoring OAA Hicks a member of the high school World Language Department okay right we're good okay our next honor is Arian Kush this up fall he will be majoring aerospace engineering tonight he's honor and Kenneth Sadowski a member of the high school science department you our next honor is kurur car this upcoming fall she will be majoring in biology and medicine tonight she would be honoring Christopher Haver a member of the high school Matt Department who could not be with us tonight our next honor is Isani kishar this upcoming fall she'll be majoring in biology tonight she's honoring Crystal Bernett a member of the high school science department and chairperson our next honor could not be with us tonight but I would still like to honor Ira k kualii ira will be majoring in business and finance and tonight she will be honoring Janet Bogard a member of the high school business department okay our next honor is vickram Krishna Swami this upcoming fall he will be majoring in economics and math tonight he's honoring Steven dler a member of the high school school math department thank you okay all right our next honorary is arib mmud this upcoming fall he will be majoring in economics tonight he is honoring Glenn Ferraris a member of Crossroads North Man Department who taught him at Brooks Crossing all right our next honor is um rajas Mita mumar this upcoming fall she'll be majoring in biology tonight she's honoring Courtney Courtney Kesner a member of the high school science department our next our next honor could not be with us tonight but I would still like to recognize Veron mham this upcoming fall he will be majoring in computer science and tonight he would be honoring Nicholas gazali a member of the high school social studies Department our next honor tonight is Arian Modi this upcoming call he will be majoring in biotechnology tonight he's honoring Jeffrey teski a member of the high school science department our next honor is obic mojumdar this upcoming fall he'll be majoring in computer science and tonight he will be honoring shamila shisi a member of the high school science department our next honor is oey muor this upcoming fall she will be attending college and is undecided on our major right now tonight she is honoring Ramon kones a member of the high school social studies Department our next honor is sahil muli this upcoming fall he will be majoring in computer science and tonight he will be honoring uh Austin Maitland a member of the high school business department who canot be with us tonight our next honorary is aara partha srai this upcoming fall she will be majoring in political science tonight she's honoring Samantha Sana Kum a member of the high school social studies Department conat all right I want to recognize a few individuals that are not here our next honor will be Rohan Patel this fall he will be majoring in finance or economics tonight he's he would be honoring Alexander dingwell a member of the high school guidance Department we also have um anun Fam I'm sorry Anna fam unfortunately she cannot be with us tonight this upcoming fall Anna will be majoring in business tonight she will be honoring kamik per a member of the high school business department and last but not least Adida proar this upcoming fall will be majoring in math tonight he's honoring what would be honoring Mr Matthew Becker a member of the high school English Department know okay just give me one minute I'm sorry a stup I need to find we're going right we good yeah we're good right now yeah okay all right so with that said to conclude my presentation I would like to now share with you a few quotations directly from the letters that were written uh to to our staff though I wish I could share all of them with you students wrote The Compassion you show to others and your kind demina genuinely inspire me to be a better person your passion and unwavering support have truly made a difference in my high school experience thank you for being such a great teacher and role model you always explain things in a way that was so easy to understand while also being a genuinely kind and supportive person I'm so lucky to have you this year your dedication to teaching has been instrumental in shaping my journey thank you for your encouragement and belief in my abilities I am deeply G grateful for your profound impact on my education and personal growth your chill and dedicated mindset changed me into someone who works hard to become proficient in their passions thank you for inspiring me and finally your contagious passion ignited my own interest and your dedication to each student is inspiring after being your student I can determine that you are epic with 0% error faculty our students are proud to call you their teachers and mentors and know that you make a difference each and every day another group that makes a difference is our parent group I would like to honor our students parents tonight for their hard work and support and he us slides recognizing all of them so at this time I'd like to ask parents please stand and be recognized we're going to do it the next one and finally we have a truly talented group of students who are being honored tonight it's important to note that our honores aren't just High Achievers when it comes to PSAT they are effective leaders talented musicians artists accomplished athletes and much much more again congratulations commended students their honored teachers and their parents as I turn the microphone back over to Mrs Rogers please join me in one more round of applause for them thank you Peter thank you students and Educators a great job as always uh on behalf of the board we just want to say thank you to every single educator not only here but in the entire District it is because of you that our students succeed and to the parents you should be so proud of the kids um they work very hard and you work very hard and um supporting your students is the one thing that every teacher desires from a family as well as this District so thank you for everything you do uh to support your children thank you so much talking that get ched up all right thank you again Peter um our next order of business is another is a present oh I'm sorry before we go on if um students we're going to be talking about money you can stay um and maybe learn um but I understand that many of you would probably like to head home so we're going to take a f minute break and allow you to exit out the back door and thank you again for your attendance thank you so much really all right we will move on um to the next order of business our next order of business is the presentation um from an apologies if I pronounce the names wrong Supple Clooney and Company uh presented by Warren Ki and that is the 2022 2023 Financial audit thank you wait a room nice job one person left I was noticing all the majors there was not one accounting major in a group so that must tell me something um just the present like U just the presentation of the uh audit for the year ended June 30th 2023 uh seems like the reports are getting later and later every year because there's a lot of information that we have to get from the uh Department of Treasury they have to do an audit and they have to give us audited numbers so things are getting later and later they used to be a lot sooner but uh there's my hands are kind of tied with that you should have two reports um one's the cafer report the annual uh financial report deals with the finances and the smaller report is the uh Auditor's management report uh both of these reports are required by the State Department of Education um I would like to go over the smaller report this is called the audit of management report uh when we do the audit it's not just a financial audit it's also Al a compliance or there's various rules and regulations in the administrative code and entitled 18a plus what the state gives us as an audit manual it's about 300 pages long and there's different areas they want us to uh at least test check uh a basis as we're doing the audit so the smaller report is around 15 16 pages long but this is supported by a 300 page audit manual and the state uh asks us to make you know comments if we do have any there there's general areas in here financial reporting uh the school student fund cafeteria purchasing um you know uh payroll uh student transportation the school food service area and um and once again um there are no formal recommendations in this report there's none everything that we tested uh in the manual was according to the rules and regulation things were up to dat things were you know current and they were in compliance with all the rules that we had you know that we did have to check so so um you know it's a hats off to uh Dave and his crew I mean everything we ask them we do bother them a lot we do ask for a lot of information but there were no recommendations once again in this year's report okay um the bigger reports the annual comprehensive financial report this is the financial statements that are presented this is in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles again the state gives us a manual that backs this up that we have to follow the presentation it's quite extensive there's not just financial information here there's a lot of demographic uh information and statistical information um sometimes it gets a little confusing going through this because there's uh districtwide financial statements there's budgetary there's fund financial statements so what I like to say is there's one statement in here that I always like to point out it does start on page 99 and goes to page 109 it's called the budgetary comparison it's one of the most detailed statements in the report it gives you what you start with your budget it gives you all the revenues That You Realize by different categories it gives you your expenditures that you have by you know detail uh categories that were in the budget it gives you the variances that you have it's one of the few statements that's you know very comprehensive a lot of the statements in the front of the report are just they're summarized and you really can't tell too too much you only can tell totals but this you know the one the C statement and and it emulates the budget that you adopted for 23 so as your working on your I assume your 25 budget this is somewhere to go you can see how you operate in Prior years my only problem with the report is very few schedules in here that are you know they're not comparative so I like comparative statements so you can compare back and forth there's really nothing in here that does that but that's I don't make those determinations Gap does uh and it also this statement also acts as a profit and loss you did end the year with 28,8 181,000 of surplus however that's not all free and clear when I say free and clear it's made of different components there's a capital reserve of a milliion 468 there's a reserve for incumbrances 3,888 incumbrances are just orders that were not completed by year end so there's money set aside when they come in in July August September pay for them uh it has the Surplus that you reserve that's used in the budget year right now the 24 budgets 8 million 7 there's excess Surplus it's 3,950 they say it's excess but it's an excess of 2% of your total uh operating expenses so you set that aside and it's used in the 25 budget and then your unassigned Surplus that's free and clear is 5,973 that's what you can use for any purposes that you need or use for you know the budget year that's coming up okay and that's basically it if you have any questions on the reports that I filed and if you don't have any you know questions now you can just go through Dave's office and get back to me I'll answer any questions that you need in this this rep I know it's a lot of information here a lot of redundancy but it's what's what's considered a cafra there any questions regarding the report so far on this side I Mr Mitchell I have a question about the public the public uh employment no I'm sorry the public employees retirement um pers I'm sorry on page 114 but it's a general question um how how often is that um I don't know if this is appropriate or not how often is that uh fund it well that's since you're it's called a uh you're in a uh the uh it's a state plan it's not an agency plan but you're part of a group and the state comes up with those numbers based on iro reports that the board files with the division of pension okay based on the salaries every year and it's really almost like two years behind by the time they get all the information they do the actuary reports now that's one of the reports that holds up the audit report every year because the Department of Treasury has to do an audit of the division of pension a report out it allocates it to all the different districts and that report is given to us and those are where the numbers come from in this report so your report is dependent upon the state yeah I have to wait for those numbers plus when they came out what's called gby 68 they wanted pension numbers in a report detailed numbers but since you don't really it's not your pension it's the state pension so you have to wait till they have their audit before they give it to us then we can put it into the report makes sense that's the problem with all the different districts they have to allocate it by the fire different districts thank you so much you're welcome I just have a quick question on on the um smaller page nine which is the schedule of uh the enrollment just a quick question when we when you do this it is strictly the enrollment that is sitting in this District it doesn't include enrollments that go to Charter Schools no this is just from the from the reports that are given to us okay it doesn't include the charter schools no Charters okay any other questions no thank you so much I'm going to ask that the board members um if after after you are completed with both of the documents um the thicker one if you can return it back to Dave in case we need um to give copies to someone um so he can keep them on file you can bring them next week go ahead my statement my my kind of clearing statement on the two booklets that you received this evening um if you're not going to read it I have people that really want one so if you're not going to spend the evening or even if you want to spend the evening or two with it and just kind of dig through it and come up with your questions and then hand it back that would be awesome too but uh unless you're going to use it uh consistently you get one every year as a board member um so if you're not going to use it consistently I will take those back okay any other questions thank you so much for coming tonight you know if you do we have this in PDF so Dave if you need a PDF I can just forward it to you and then you can just give it out and disseminate it that way it's easy Paul Paul gave me a PDF as well that's a good point so if you do need a copy of it PDF's easier too cuz you can search it then you can search it that's a good point thanks actually I do have a question do we have to get the big thick books is that a requirement or can we just use PDF you could just use PDF I mean we don't have to have the big thick books but no one hard copy no we we don't even send hard copies to the state it's all PDF to the state a lot of boards only get two or three copies a year now that's it one file copy that's it and everybody else gets a PDF that's that's strictly up to you can we make a Rec recommendation to just what you need specifically and the board get PDF I'll work with the Auditors that' be great it save some trees thank you thank you Warren for all your work we appreciate it that's a lot of work and thank you Dave and team uh for everything you guys do because that's a lot of work especially when the Auditors come in that's off to the team and Paul Freda who also works with Warren is the actual auditor that's on site with us and Paul kind of works as a consultant with us throughout the year if we have question questions instead of doing and then asking for forgiveness in our world it's ask and then we work together to come up with a way to get things done right and uh hats off to Supple Clooney because they are a wonderful audit firm and theyve worked with us for years very well for for a lot of years many many years very long time yeah they're a good they're a good team M Ferrera I just wanted to reiterate did did he say we had a surplus in our budget last year you have a you have a budgeted Surplus every year okay that you carry over from year to year and the amount was uh this year it's like 5.7 million okay that we'll use again next year to offset expenses okay thank you any other questions good okay then that closes out that part of the agenda next is board committee and liaison reports so we will start with the education committee any update yeah the education committee met on February 22nd um present were myself Dr Raj uh DEA carthi Lisa Rogers uh Dr mman Suzanne Bourne luck Bourn and um Rafael Morales Mr feder was under the weather was unable to join us uh so Suzanne gave us a um a little brief briefing overview on Title One and exactly what it is and what we do with those funds and that's Federal funding that we get for um Stu free and reduced lunch you know there's a certain percentage so she went into that whole process of you know um how that money is allocated and then we also discussed Dr M uh we talked about book placement and grade level and appropriateness of curriculum and curriculum versus elective and she went through um the process that we do here in South Brunswick and how we choose books or we don't choose books where they are placed or where they are not placed there's this whole big process and links that you can go on so she discussed that and we also touched on a little bit in Crossroad South we have a monthly uh inclusion day and um they had a hajib day and how that was celebrated and we just discussed that a little bit the end the end thank you so much appreciate that um policy committee any update yes Miss con thank you the policy committee met prior to this board meeting and I'll be providing an update at the next meeting and all the policies discussed tonight will be up for first read at the next meeting great thank you very much Finance update Mr Mitchell okay thank you Madam president um we did meet on the 27th of February um that was last Tuesday yeah all right and and those who were in attendance were me um Mr Nathanson Miss Ferrar um our board president Rogers uh Mr palowski and Mr feder and we discussed two topics uh in rather great length initial budget meeting um discussing uh regarding funding and the current state of affairs and then we also uh discussed Revenue generators um and under that uh we talked about solar uh reviewed the possibility of having a Solar Company um install canopies over certain parking lots in the district as a new Revenue uh generator with no upfront cost to the district which is great uh also filled sponsorship which I mentioned to uh Mr palowski earlier that a lot of universities do that um and we're looking to do that here in South Brunswick and we talked about the potential of having a sponsor pay for advertising at the High School's football field options included one sponsor or many that line the fencing uh also facility rentals looking at ways to increase revenue from facilities rental we discussed the potential of hiring Personnel to manage bookings facility visits invoicing and marketing the only way this would work is if we were able to uh could be sure the position would would more than pay for itself and then finally share Services which is another important um piece uh we continue working on working with our Township on sharing Services um we are currently reviewing our health center for employment uh physicals Recreation policy services and cleaning services and that concludes my report great any questions no Mr Nathanson business Ops and shared services no we didn't meet yet I'm sorry we haven't met you haven't met okay um just a quick update on advocacy committee um we sent out an email m u Mr feder and I uh regarding the upcoming testimonies that are going to be happening there will be two Senate budget committee hearings and two assembly budget committee hearings Mr feder myself and I think don't quote me on this I think three other two or three other people will be testifying we want to try and manage that a little bit um with the hopes that both uh well at least the assembly sister Bill to the uh 2% flexibility c will be passed in Senate Ed and we'll know more that next week as these hearings take place any other questions on board committees liaison reports any updates on liaison reports okay Miss caric did M Mr Nathanson have a question no I had I was going to make a statement about okay I just have a report for the high school uh as I the Leone for the high school we had the black onx onx Club celebrated uh the unity ball uh on on February 28th I attended Mr Mitchell was there miss m Dr Mammon was there it was really wonderful very nice very well organized IED a lot of attention to detail uh they had uh Cuisines from around the world they had a fashion show they had a talent show we had a lot of fun the children had a lot of fun uh I think Mr Mel and Dr M will testify to that as well uh it was a wonderful evening and uh congratulations to all of the volunteers of the club as well as the advisers so it was a huge success um I also attended um on March 5th uh National Honor Society induction for the high school which was very nice very well organized it was it's a two-part Series so um because we have so many National Honor Society students so one was on 5ifth March I think the second one was on 6th uh I attended one of the days so it was a wonderful um event so next year uh whoever can attend these events should also come along with me you were busy I was any other liaison updates Mr Nathanson yeah uh Mrs Rogers you brought up the uh the county meeting uh I did attend and I did have a uh nice give and take on the zoom meeting with Senator goal and uh his districts got hit pretty bad too including his home District which is Long Branch which pretty much got creamed uh and he brought up things that I never heard a chair of the education committee actually talk uh in public out loud about uh finding out uh uh the details of how the formulas actually done how they come up with the numbers who they give why don't they even it out so to speak you know where one District got aund one uh City got $100 million and has gotten that over the last every year for the last four years you know it it makes you question and if you saw I believe uh Mrs Rogers sent out the article that uh our legisl ERS questioned the governor regarding it and for his answer to be well uh the districts that got money got a good amount of money that still doesn't answer why the districts that didn't get money or got less money had to do that because if you look at what was distributed to the positive dists it it's off the charts so it was a really good conversation uh he had it with myself and several other people uh uh doing the meeting uh he is also looking at on top of that he became a sponsor on Senator Wicker's Bill to uh increase the C he is also looking with Mr wicker what they did last year where they actually came up with some kind of additional uh money but he acknowledged that's a one shot deal and that's when I said to him you know you know the one shop deals are great for that year but then the following year we more already holding you know the table B to see what happens again so there has to be a Rhyme or Reason they're going into the S2 is done this year they haven't even started the uh a committee to research what the new formula was going to be he sounded like he was going to try to generate that out of his committee so because it you got to start now we got to look at it now right so he had some really positive stuff I know uh I sent the email that I got to Mrs Rogers and Mr Mitchell and Mr Mitchell uh went ahead and sent it out to the rest of the board you should really take a look at it it was a really good meeting yeah um I believe the um the the uh video and the script of that meeting was sent out by m Mr Mitchell to the entire board U Mr uh Senator gopal can be found on about minute 39 if you're interested in hearing and reading because the script is attached thank you yeah he came in a little later yeah thank you thank you Mr Nathanson Miss caric I apologize for missing one other club that I attended in high school which was a Temptation club I'm so sorry I got mixed up with the dates it was on February 23rd I attended that event as well it was a wonderful wonderful show of Music art culture everything so it was it was amazing it was lengthy but it was beautiful uh I enjoyed it thoroughly and I encourage all the board members to come and see that show it was wonderful so please do come next year thank you and congratulations to all of the you know the advisers and the and yeah it was wonderful it was beautiful yes this weekend is on char early morning is a uh New Jersey school board's uh legislative committee meeting I just got some additional emails I'll send it to the entire board what makes this meeting unique is that every District in the state is representative and we have always have a really good discussion but this time is there's a handful of new new uh assembly people that are going to be attending uh from districts that got hit uh in a lot of the areas so it should be an interested me yes I also just want to make a comment when the the assembly bills um that are going to be read for Monday should drop by tomorrow usually they drop like they don't really give any the public much notice so as soon as I get that information on there's six bills that are dropping all around funding for for Education once I get those I will forward out to the en that will also be the part of the discussion on Saturday too so to attend just so you know as a formality yes because they've changed some of the districts I got I got reappointed to the uh to the legislative committee and I am going my 20th year very nice congratulations Mr Dr r just a quick question for Mr Nathans um I was there at the meeting yesterday and they mentioned the stabilization Aid right um did you catch the number I I heard 5 million or did I heard 5 million you heard 5 million too yes that's that's the number he threw out yeah but there's nothing there's nothing in writing at this point it's just a compensation he threw out million 5 million for stabiliz it's ridiculous stabilization aid for those districts that that's nothing that's garbage so I thought I misheard it yeah like that'll be like two cents for us right for the 140 District I didn't you know I I felt the same way as uh Mr fed just said I didn't re bring it up yeah I I feel that it just was a number he threw out whether or not even that is comes close to it who knows no because when zwicker did it last yes last year was a lot more right it was 100 bu dep which one there was one for 100 million right what one for 20 million but it's all over the place so many bills that are flying around around education funding it's ridiculous Mr Mitchell Mr Mitchell wait yes did you have a update I'm sorry yes I do okay um the two of them were already covered but I will say I did attend the uh black onx Club Great uh um I am thankful for the invitation to the unity and colors ball uh last week it was excellent as Mrs caric attested uh testified to um wonderful food and the overall Vibe was just uh out of this world so congratulations to those advisers and to the students who came and they were looking handsome and beautiful like professionals and they were so They Carried themselves so you know proper and and and just like they were enjoying themselves and that's what it's all about so I'm looking forward to it next year also then NHS induction cereem I was able to go Tuesday night and um it was just excellent I've been able to go the last couple years since we gone back in person and I've enjoyed each and every time and then last but not least Cambridge Elementary School had their Black History Month event also last Wednesday and I was able to view multiple um student produced projects and uh they were highlighting past and present African-Americans who have made an impression Upon Our Country um from Venus Williams to uh I'm sorry Serena Williams to K dual dear to uh of course you know we've heard for years harri at Tubman so it was a great event and um it was just great to see the it was four only the fifth grade I believe that that did that project so uh kudos to uh every student at that at Cambridge and also to the parents who were there to support these parents are I've gone events and these parents don't fail to show up let me tell you they don't and I I really appreciate them and the love they have for the children and for the support that that you have uh cuz it really makes a difference in their success so thank you again for that and that that concludes my little report very good thank you so much any other updates that's it okay moving on closing out board comments and Lees on reports we will now move to public comments on agenda items only the board of business new business no don't we do that have any no we have that after public I have public comments and then old business new business yeah we good yep secretary is keeping me straight that's okay it's always good to double check okay uh next is public comments on agenda items only the Board of Education recognize the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express on school matters of community interest complete copies of policy 0167 which govern this portion of the meeting are available to the public at the entrance online or contacting the board office to permit the fair and orderly expression of comments we ask our participants be recognized by the presiding officer preface comments by announcing his or her name place of residence group affiliation if appropriate and by completing the signin sheet please print legibly or we may be unable to document your name for the permanent record each statement made by a participant shall be limited to 3 minutes no participant may be excuse me no participant may speak more than once on the sub same topic Mr palowski will indicate when you have 15 seconds remaining all statements shall be um no no participant May address or question board members no discussion between a participant and respondent shall extend a thre minute timeline it is our plan to listen to each member of the public once all comments and questions from the members of the public are made the Board of Ed May respond or respond via email in the most timely and efficient manner available all questions and comments will be noted Mr palowski are there any registered voters for this portion of the pal boy public comments on agenda items only we do not have any okay very good pH I'm getting tongue died are is there anyone in the audience that would make like to make a comment on agenda items only agenda items only okay please step to the podium state your name place of residence Please spell your name and if you can sign there's no sign in oh there's no sign in all right well we'll get that okay it's just say your name very clearly and spell your name Lisa Garwood g r wo o I live in Princeton walk and Heath coat um I just have a quick question I know you probably can't answer it now but I'm wondering if that um speech that uh Mr gopal made is available to the public if anybody knows where someone could watch or read that yeah yeah yeah we I can um we'll figure out how to share I'll talk to Mr feder okay I can send an email with my email okay thank you so much yep anyone else in the public comments no that will close this portion of the public comments okay okay next order of business is old business and Mr feder will now now provide an update on the budget and Bill S2 2434 uh so I'm not giving you a full presentation tonight just letting you know um uh you heard some commentary on bills that are dropping uh in the Senate and the assembly we are going to make sure you know we do our best to move bills forward that you know will help South Brunswick and the other 140 districts that all lost money uh just so people understand the the the money and why when I hear that Senator gopal cares about even using the language of $5 million for the entire State when they just gave away a billion a billion dollars were just given to 425 District a billion not 91 million a billion don't even save $5 million out of his mouth that's ridiculous and he's a supporter of ours and that's ridiculous I'm sorry I don't care if I'm saying that in public um a billion dollars was given to 425 districts and 100 million was taken away from 140 districts that's the $900 million net they gave away a billion so you know these conversations are insane to me and I'm sorry we can all pretend that these governing bodies care show me one of them that does I'm sorry this is nonsense so while we sit and look at how we're going to cut I don't know what 50 60 70 people Newark can take its $400 million doll they received over the last four years not a 100 million 400 million and hire everyone that we have to let go that's what it's going to look like so $5 million was said out of his mouth $5 million really what's that going to do take take away 100 million to then give back 5% while you gave away in the last two years $19 billion to the same districts while you took away $240 million from the rest sorry don't really care all this nonsense we'll go and testify to a bunch of senators and assembly people that probably don't care too much because they got their 425 happy districts they got their votes congratulations and the rest of the kids oh well they just happen to live in the wrong ZIP code so I I I just don't have any more patience for nonsense hearing that stuff I'm sorry it's not very professional of me I get that but have the Senators come over here and tell the 60 people they're going to fire from South Brunswick and I don't know how many from the other districts that they want to give us 5% back of what they took wonderful that's my update I have to agree with 100% I feel also that in Governor Murphy's speech that he fully funded education he has deceived the public period he may have funded sfra but the public that is not involved in this has a perception that education is now fully funded in every single District it's the spin on words that's my personal opinion and that will be stated at the Senate and assembly education and budget committee hearings that there is that's a deceitful way to present to the public because you think oh every District got money so I'm in 100% agreement with Mr feder and this passion that he has myself and others will also be coming out at the Senate and assembly Ed committee what happens with that who knows I'm hoping that maybe he misspoke and he said he meant to say 5 100 million but I don't think so anybody else have any comments on the old business Miss caric I'll be well there was no question when he said $5 million like was everybody like stunned I have I was not able to attend so I'll defer to Mr Mitchell and Mr um Nathan the only thing is Dr Raj sorry I I I didn't say anything because I did think what you just said that he really meant 500 million because 5 million that's you know I I would have turned around and said you know what you can keep it it doesn't do auen that's what district should be getting that right it doesn't cover half of what they took from his own District right right 5 million 5 million is to be divided to 100 yeah 140 mil can you say that again please no no because you know I want to make sure the 100 million 5 million is 5% of 100 million let's hope he meant something else but you know what when you do this to districts for six straight years you better have your number straight before you say out loud right yeah as a senator he should not be misspeaking about this I I really I agree it's too sensitive a subject to misspeak but I'm hoping maybe he did I don't know but it's all hope is not a business plan there is no bill on on uh anywhere uh in the either senate or assembly that uh talks about what he did any we don't know yet and I say that no there isn't anything written yet so well I don't know what the assembly is going to come out with so let's wait to see what bills are dropped and then we can and then we'll see what that that's about correct anything else yes Dr r i not actually believe my ears when uh the 5 million number popped up that is the reason why I asked because I I that is a ridiculous number to me I I just I thought that I misheard it I I you know that is not a number that's believable enough so I I needed others to validate what I heard well maybe we could send a note to his chief of staff and say can you clarify did he mean 5 million or 500 million but we'll take that off record off the off the table for now that's that's to be discussed Beyond I also agree with u president Roger's personal opinion I I uh I I share your opinion that you know public were deceived um full funding doesn't really mean that um our children's education is being taken care of no it is not it is just a play on birds and um we were we were deceived even I I thought that fully fully funding fully funded Public Schools meant every child in the state would be um you know be treated equally but that is not really the case and there's quite a lot of news coverage on it right now there's a lot of article so all you got to do is just type in New Jersey education sfra and you'll see quite a few of uh comments coming from the media um I believe it was also on CBS um after his his um speech I believe yeah so it's there's getting some good coverage all right very good well that closes out um old business next order of new business we see none at this time so we will close that out next is the consent agenda review and walk through Mr palowski please we have a pretty succinct uh consent agenda this evening uh 1.1 through 1 Point uh3 are uh standard operating procedure for the business office we have a bills list chapter 192 193 uh revised allocations we have some non-public technology orders uh we have one one4 an approval of an educational consulting services for our elll program uh approving a 15 is approving a per pupil uh tuition costs for South Brunswick we have 16 the approval of our audit report uh for 2023 that we heard this evening uh 17 we have an interlocal Services agreement with the South Brunswick Township uh for with the board of education for our SRO program for the current year we're approving a uniform state of memorandum for of agreement between educational law enforcement officials and um the state or excuse me uh South Brunswick Township Schools Board of Education um and then we have our travel we're also looking at professional development student field trips harassment intimidation bullying reports and we have a u maintenance agreement with the South Brunswick School maintenance Association and the Board of Education we're approving um for the June or excuse me July 1 2022 all the way through June 30th 20 27 and then you have your personnel report that's your consent agenda this evening any questions for Mr palowski before we take roll call M fera um the maintenance agreement is it backdated are did they did they solve their issues with the um the union and we have they have a contract they solved their issue we solved their everybody came together and negotiated a contract and it took a little bit longer than expected okay so so it's back from it's signed they were without contract since working under previous contract and they'll get paid retro okay thanks MH very good any other questions Miss caric I'm coming um mros you on page number on page number six of the of the backup of the consent agenda there is a line item in the financials which is can you just say it again sorry the backup consent agenda on page number six in the financials there is a line item that says South Brunswick Board of Ed uh the description is prescription plan and it's a $2 million um amount if you could please provide clarification on that that would be helpful so the South bronic Township School District pays approximately $6 million a year for prescription insurance and that's our prescription plan that we have for employees and as the purchase order dwindles down we replenish it with transfers to that purchase order so that's a payment to a purchase order that will last us another uh two or three months and then we'll have to make another transfer again so we're feeding the purchase order to make the payment to the insurance company thank you m fer um the uh the line item for consulting services for elll is that for all schools yes it's a district consult so uh do we know the name of the company that is yep it's in the motion okay thank you it's uh up the bar Consulting and lift as we CL climb Consulting uh lift as we climb is priming providing consulting services for the El program in three ele schools and up the bar Consulting LLC is providing a comprehensive ESL audit okay thank you great any other questions this way and this way questions Dr Raj I have a question I have a comment I would like to highlight to uh the public you know people who are watching listening to us that uh this consent agenda also has for tution costs uh it's a very important U uh data point we see a lot of garbage um on um on social media and things about how expensive how wasteful the district is and things like that uh per pupil tution cost gives us it's it's a good data to have and uh to compare with other districts and how our district is placed uh so I urge the public to take note of it and um um and you know not fall for misinformation online very good thank you anyone else roll call Sir oh I'm sorry I need a motion to yeah yes I could do that but not a motion I heard Mr Mitchell caught me may have a motion in a second to approve the consent agenda miss caric Mr Nathanson first and second may I have a roll call Mr mski thank you yes you may miss Julie Ferrara accept Miss Laura Hernandez yes Mrs Deepa carthik yes Miss Alicia Khan yes Mr rajer Krishna yes Mr Mike Mitchell yes Mr Barry Nathanson yes Dr SM the Raj yes Mrs Lisa Rogers yes motion carries thank you sir okay we are now moving on to the second opportunity for the public to comment this is the second opportunity for the public to comment on any matter you are reminded of the previous statement made regarding public comment rules of policy 0167 again at the Podium state your name spell your name announce your place of residence and or your group affiliation I would ask you to complete the signning sheet but I do know what happened it was taken by mistake um when Mr Vera was uh finished up so I do apologize for that um I I saw it go um you are limited to 3 minutes um do we have any members of the public who pre-registered for the second public comments we do not have any pre-registrations all right are there any members of the uh public who wishk to speak we have one there okay um sorry about that please state your name spell your name clearly so we can hear you announce your place of residence in any group affiliation thank you my name is Victoria Baron b a r o n e and I live in the Summerfield development on Georgia's Road in Dayton uh a board member speaking as a private citizen as publicly Express an opinion that I feel is really detrimental to our children this was during the the Senate hearing discussing a change to Bill s188 also known as the Keystone War the change being discussed was to lower the age in which a teen can seek mental health outpatient services from 16 to 14 Miss Ferrara gave testimony opposing the change she cited multiple issues she feels that same even at our board meeting which I also attended right here she said she went to this meeting to this hearing but she wasn't sure what it was about it is concerning that she spoke very strongly she stated some very outdated and inaccurate information about a bill she then came here and stated she wasn't sure she knew the purpose of but might be concerned about funding it the bill requires no funding so I'm not really sure what she is talking about thank you very much thank you very thank you are there is there anyone else that would like to make a public comment yes still Lisa Garwood still heathco Princeton walk g r w o d Miss Ferrara as a private citizen has spoken publicly against supporting the lgbtqia population in the past two weeks ago she did so again at the s188 Keystone law hearing as she now holds a leadership position in public education her opinions directly affect our youth according to the Anti-Defamation League and the gay and lesbian alliance against defamation quote the current usage of the word transgenderism arises from anti-trans extremists who seek to delegitimize and dehumanize trans people by implying that being trans is an ideology rather than an identity this is a word that she used quite a few times transgender is no longer a mental health diagnosis because mental health has advanced your statement rre of transphobia your comments about dius and Child Protective Services show ignorance of their function your rant speaks of mental health professionals saving your family then accuses them of trying to turn our youth into transp people and pushing them into the medical industry you want our quote Sinister forces from above to seek opinions from our for-profit insurance companies I repeat for profit insurance companies even though the bill explicitly states that it excludes the use or administration of medication this is contradictory delusional and paranoid according to the CDC between 2019 and 2021 the percentage of ninth graders that is 14y olds that seriously considered suicide Rose from 23.7 to 30.7% the percentage that actually attempted suicide Rose from 12.8 to 15.8% as of 2020 suicide is the second leading cause of death for with those ages 10 to 14 and the numbers keep Rising when children are comfortable speaking with those at home it's the first place they go for support when they aren't for whatever reason they seek help wherever it's available you would leave them stranded with a plethora of unhealthy options for dealing with their pain but the best option unavailable to them you have 15 seconds this is not a power struggle it is the mental health version of the seat belt law learn facts and think things through before you speak publicly thank you thank you for your comment thank you for your comments any other comments from the public no oh boy hello Albert lovsky North bronswick New Jersey that's lip OV Sky I have two two items I wish to address first is the business with the budget I was fascinated when I looked at Asbury Parks getting a big reduction think about that and that's a poorer District um how does that make any sense whatsoever and obviously they're a redeveloping city things are getting better so somehow they're getting punished for that so looking into whatever this crazy formula is is really something that needs to be to made public I know that it's not something that they're allowed to release the exact criteria they're using but that makes no sense whatsoever and uh you know it's affecting these districts it's terrible my second comment is just about what we just has heard about Miss Ferrara uh there are many studies on both sides of this issue I suggest that some folks look at the long-term Swedish study and the release the recent study released from Finland which both contradict the general assumptions that are made so I mean I I'm not going to go into the details of those studies but I suggest anybody who wants to read them both studies are long-term studies Sweden has addressed this since 1996 they have a long-term history and they have changed their opinion in those Nordic countries of how this issue is dealt with we're at the beginning of this we're in the middle and I think those long-term studies should be considered before we proceed thank you thank you very much I I just want to make a clarifying statement I I and I may have misunderstood you um you said that we won't release the formula it's it's not the board okay I just wanted to make sure I did I I wasn't sure if I heard correctly so I just wanted to clarify for the public thank you for your comments all right any other comments in the audience seeing none we shall move on and I think I made a boo boo here hold on one second okay moving on to um adjournment um please note that the next scheduled Board of Ed meeting is set for Thursday April 11th 20 24 May I have a motion and a second to adjourn this evening's meeting Miss Ferrera Dr Raj second all in favor hi hi the South brunso Board of Education meeting is now hereby adjourned it's it's 8:35