e i' like to take an opportunity to call order um this evening's meeting the Board of Education South bronck Township Schools I'd like to do a salute to the flag pledge allegiance to flag the United States of America for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and jce like to welcome everybody to our reorganization meeting at this time I will read the statement of advanced notice the New Jersey public open meeting Act was entitled or enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the board secretary has caused notice of this meeting including date time and location to be posted in South Bruns Public Library the board office filed with the Township Clerk and communicated to the home News Tribune and the Star Ledger could I have a roll call vote please miss Julie Ferrara Miss Laura Hernandez here miss Deepa carthik here miss Alicia Khan here Mr rajer Krishna yes Mr Mike Mitchell pres Mr Barry Nathanson here Dr Smith araj here Mrs Lisa Rogers here we have a quorum could I get a motion to approve this evening's agendas I got motion motion by Mitchell second by Nathanson all in favor opposed extensions motion carries I like to do an announcement of the election uh results for the board seats uh this election we had Mr Mike Mitchell had a total of 5,629 votes we had Mr rajer Krishna with 473 votes Dr Smith araj with 3,212 votes we had balet YF Ahmed with 294 votes Mukesh bot with 1, 335 votes Mr James Lavin with 249 votes Joyce meta had 2,473 votes mesh kamalan had 1,356 votes and VC Kumar had 1, 604 votes we did have some write-ins that totaled uh 199 votes with that being said I'd like to congratulate our board members for uh their next term being reelected to the board Mr Mike Mitchell Mr rajak Krishna and Dr Smith araj at this time we get to administer the board um Oaths of office to the Board of Education members so if those board members that were reelected if I could have you stand over by the podium I have some certificates and some readings for you [Music] certificates first first you're here first you're going first okay all right so this is what you read and nice to the mic and then I have what I need to do is when before you leave tonight just giving a sign copy okay all right so just step up to the mic okay I SMI Raj do Solly affirm that I will support the Constitution of United States and the constitution of uh the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God uh I uh Smita Raj to uh somly affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of a member of a board of education and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God I affirm and declare that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to R.S do9 colon 4-1 welcome aboard thank you or welcome back you I rajak Krishna do solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of United States and the constitution of state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and the state under the authority of the people so help me God I rajak Krishna do solemly affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of Board of Education and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office office according to the best of my ability so help me God I affirm and declare that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 thank you congratulations thank you all right this is of to me okay it's my turn all right I'm going to do this the oldfashioned way I Mike Mitchell do solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of this people or the people so help me God I Mike Mitchell do Solly affirm that I will that I possess the qualific ation prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God I affirm and declare that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs1 1941 that's it right thank you knocking everything over [Applause] nowk okay I'll give it to you thank you [Applause] got too much at this time I'll move to the election of our uh president of the Board of Education South bronic Township Schools give me one moment here can I get a nomination for president Mr palowski yep uh I would like to nominate my friend uh and uh for her second term as president Lisa Gregor Rogers can I get a second second is that Roger or Smith SMI yes can I have any other nominations for the seat of president for the Board of Education sou move the nominations be closed second second second all in favor I I opposed extensions do you Lisa Rogers consent to having your name offered as board president yes I need a roll call vote Miss Laura Hernandez yes Miss Deepa carthi yes Miss Alicia Khan yes Mr rajer Krishna yes Mr Mike Mitchell yes Mr Barry Nathanson yes Dr smth Raj yes Mrs Lisa Rogers yes all right David before you move on I'd like to jump in and and say some words about Lisa let's uh we'll close dangerous let's make sure the the motion carries uh that might okay motion carries if you have comments please do them now so I I first uh had the pleasure of me meeting Lisa uh as uh the school board Gad fly and where she uh organized a successful effort uh against a charter school that would acrost this District uh hundreds of thousands of dollars uh and uh we all saw uh a person that was very passionate uh of everything she did uh she went on to uh come to almost every meeting uh always saying something constructive and she helped us uh you know Lisa and I coined the phrase we called him uh Voldemort uh the former uh super shortest term superintendent that South brunic has ever seen uh she helped us uh the the board at that time being able to uh remove him uh she continues with her passion uh to this day uh she has become maybe the most passionate uh president including me that I've ever seen uh she testif to watch her testify in front of the New Jersey uh Senate and assembly uh education committee is definitely uh uh enjoyment uh uh and I say that as a former employee of the assembly majority office being in front of those boards it's not really enjoyable because once you say something uh the Senate and president of those boards go after you and they did but Lisa of course didn't let him do that and went back at him she continues to be our voice uh for the State uh in uh protesting uh all the cuts in public school funding that continue to ha South brunic and many districts in this state so it it continues to be my pleasure to uh nominate uh Lisa grea Rogers and uh that she will be here for another year thank you appreciate it now Deepa wanted to add something to it so we'll make this the longest uh uh Speech ever for president to worry bar I'll keep that very short thank you um firstly it's my honor to uh support Lisa your nomination to the president uh president's position um because I I don't have a long prepared speech like Barry but I'm going to keep it very short and sweet um you know I have a lot of confidence in your ability we met for the first time uh on this particular board uh in a professional capacity but I've grown to uh you know uh consider you as a friend and a confidant so thank you for your leadership um I I'm sure that the next year as ever it supposes a lot of challenges and with your leadership this board will achieve a lot of its goals that it has envisioned uh so I look forward to working with you and all of my colleagues in the coming year and I'm sure we'll have a very fruitful time on this board together thank you I really appreciate it thank you just quick your second term Lisa you notice your family is not here I know because they it's old high I'm not coming unfortunately my husband is sick and my daughter's taking care of him but thank you thank you um to all my colleagues I appreciate your kind words and um I'll have more to say in a bit but thank you very much I appreciate it and look forward to working with each and every one of you anybody else at this time yeah please all right at this time uh think the congratulate Miss Lisa Rogers election of the president of board of education at South W Township Schools uh I'm going to turn the meeting over to her so she can Madam president can run the election of the vice president thank you uh thank you Mr praski and again thank you to all my um colleagues and friends on the board of education and thank you to South Brunswick for having uh your continued faith in myself as well as this board I'd like now to call for nominations for the vice president I'd like to know if there's any nominations for vice president M uh Dr Raj uh I would like to uh nominate uh my colleague uh Mrs Laura Hernandez uh we have had a good fortune of being on the same committee and I have seen her work very hard and she brings a lot to the table being an educator herself so um it's my privilege to nominate her uh for the post of uh vice president and may I have a second second second by Deepa Miss caric I'm sorry it's okay are there any other nominations for vice president okay hearing none I close uh nominations may I have a second to uh excuse excuse me a motion to close the nominations I'm sorry who was that Mr Mitchell I'm sorry I didn't hear it uh second please doc Mr Krishna all in favor for Miss Laura Hernandez to be vice president for 2024 school year for South Brunswick Township all in oh you need a roll call my apologies I thought it was all in favor roll call you're right I do need a oh no no do you miss I have to ask her first do you miss Laura Hernandez consent to having your name name offered as board president no Vice excuse me board board vice president it says President right here Laura Hernandez let me start over do you consent to having quick term consent to having your off uh name offered as vice president of the Board of Ed yes I need a roll call vote um Miss Hernandez yes I'll do that oh okay Mr the board secretary does that here m l Hernandez yes Miss Deepa carthik yes Miss Alicia Khan yes Mr Raja Krishna yes Mr Mike Mitchell yes Mr Barry Nathanson yes Dr Smith araj yes Mrs Lisa Rogers yes motion carries welcome aboard you want to say something oh okay very good thank you um we can switch seats this is a temporary move there will be changes to the seating arrangement for the next meeting Miss Hernandez you can come here you can leave your um laptop just your personal items it's Dr Raj is this anything Dr Raj no okay we'll wait till Miss Hernandez to come over you can leave your laptop oh she left she took it okay that's fine excuse me excuse me pardon excuse me got you gotta okay thank you you ready okay um I'd like to make a motion now to uh close the reor me meeting second second Mr Mitchell all in favor I I any Nays any abstentions we now close the reorg meeting I'd like now a motion uh to move to a regular meeting motion please motion uh Miss Cari second second Miss uh Miss cicia Khan second all in favor sorry that's okay all in favor I all any Nays any extensions then we will move to uh move to the regular meeting um thank you and we are now under the agenda for a regular meeting in the South Bruns board of education for January 4th 20124 thank you all um we now will move on to the report of the student representative Miss defon Lee go for it good evening everyone starting off with some news from from the high school our winter spirit week is approaching on January 22nd through 26th with the new theme # SB gets Social our days are Monday L com fit day Tuesday we are Vikings day Wednesday on Wednesdays we wear pink day Thursday soccer mom versus barbecue dad day and Friday rep your social day where classes will showcase their class colors our spirit week ends with our winter pep rally on Friday January 26th where we recognize the winter sports teams and award the class with the most Spirit points with the spirit cup Student Activities celebrated the month of giving this December due to the generosity of the SB community and all who donated to our holiday Giving Tree and Adopt a Family initiative Student Activities adopted 16 families and donated over $600 in gift cards to families in South Brunswick who are in need of support this holiday season our clubs are also doing some very exciting things 150 Deca members will be traveling to Kean University tomorrow for the DECA Regional competition the art Club will be hosting a gallery reception at the SB Senior Center on Friday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. displaying the artwork of club members and this event is open to anyone in the community and refreshments will be provided the sbhs pandelo players have been preparing for their opening performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which will run January 18th 19th and 20th over winter break the South Brunswick Vikings March ing band traveled to Orlando Florida and had the honor of performing in the Universal Studios holiday parade and at the Pop-Tart Bowl halftime show the students had the opportunity to meet and work with students from across the country to learn and perform the show which was seen on national tv as part of the ESPN broadcast upcoming home events include wrestling versus Monroe Township boys bowling versus St Joseph girls basketball versus Oldbridge and swim versus zville thank you for your time and I hope everyone has a very happy happy New Year very good thank you so much appreciate the update moving on um to the report of this uh president U just so everyone knows um in previous uh meetings I had provided some little updates at the end of the meeting it we following proper protocol we're going to move those updates to the top of the meeting um so just wanted you to be aware so first of all I'd like to um remind all board members on an email will be sent out tomorrow requesting that you submit your request for the 2024 committees please note that of course you can remain in your current committees if you so choose um but I will need all responses by Sunday January 7th in in order to continue to move um quickly um so we can continue with our committee meetings also by now you've received a notice um from Miss Mariam Murphy regarding board member mandated training that is required for board members in their second third and re-election Year please ensure you sign up as soon as possible as seats fill quickly regarding liaison positions I and Scott have taken a close look at the need for several of these positions that are aligned to the municipal side of South Brunswick as mentioned at the December meeting this Board of educ Education meeting the business operations Ser Services committee met with Township officials and have agreed to hold quarterly meetings um as such updates will be forthcoming from that committee therefore the need for townly aison may not be uh necessary you will be receiving that as well in the um update for requests for committees we will also be reviewing board goals next month as it is Midway through the school year therefore please review the goals and identify any concerns you may have with recommendations to address I will be following up all of these items in an email with links um if of course you have any questions feel free to to reach out to myself or Scott and in the future Laura of course will be included uh finally just a personal note as we been begin 2024 again thank you and I ask all members to review the responsibilities and commitments to our own professional development we have a challenging year ahead of us given the state funding issues we are facing thus we need to be focused and prepared by ensuring attendance to all committee meetings and if possible attendance to other district and County meetings we must all ensure we take the time to review all consent agendas and ask questions to Administration prior to each Board of Ed meeting preferably the um at least uh prior to the day before the meeting most importantly we must respond in a prompt and timely manner to any all requests coming from Administration it may feel daunting at times but it is our responsibility so thank you very much I appreciate all your support and we will move on to 2024 next order of business is the report from superintendent Mr feder all right well first happy happy New Year to everybody and welcome back to 2024 and a huge congratulations to Mike SMA and Raja it is awesome to have you back and it really is so um uh that was a very interesting few months um and uh the end results has you guys giving another three years of service to this community and and and that that is a very positive thing for this community so welcome and um that's that now second congratulations are to Lisa oh thank you and um to Laura so congratulations to both and uh we will trib you continue tormenting each other yes we will as as much as possible now I have a sidekick another sidekick I feel I'm in trouble um uh but really it's great to have you guys on board it's this is just you know we have we have a great board we had a great board and the good news is we still have the same board so it's still a great board and that makes a big difference in the way the district operates it allows for um all the staff to do the great things that they need to do with kids and and not to have all of that become drama and and that really matters I'll tell you it does matter so congratulations to all of you again and thank you so um as as the new year was coming on this year um on December 31st so New Year's Eve day uh my phone rang um at around I think around 9:15 9:30 in the morning Brian Redfield is our um director of buildings and grounds and he just wanted to let me know a couple quick things one the board office was underwater you know nothing nothing major just that a person hit the fire hydrant in front of the school hit it so hard that it broke the fire hydrant where it couldn't be capped which was nice so that meant all of the water fell right into the board office right now the board office's first floor is under construction and it's going to be somewhere between what 4 and $500,000 of damage that is all being covered by Insurance except for the you know the initial um co-pay that the deductible that we pay but of course we'll be attempting to get that deductible back from um the incident itself so we don't expect it to cost the district any money but it is a very unfortunate situation but they were immediate so when we came in on the 2nd so this happened on December 31st then it was November then it was January 1st January 2nd we came back in and I can tell you they had already started doing major work all of the walls were already cut out that have to be replaced everything was ripped up um the the insurance company did not hesitate at all um they were on the phone with David and Brian and they were there that day on New Year's Eve and they were there New Year's Day and uh it's really great to see that kind of of response so while it's definitely an inconvenience and definitely not a good thing in the end um it will it will be okay and it will all be fixed and we'll go better our our business but that was a great way to start 2024 uh so this is also January which is school recognition month so you'll have a little surprise at our next board meeting and congratulating and thanking all of you for what you do being a board member you know during the good times it's probably fine but when people are upset in the community or there's a controversial issue you know your pay does not go up I don't know if you've noticed that your check stays exactly the same and it doesn't matter if people are angry or happy you still are out there doing that and volunteering your time and that goes that goes unnoticed and it goes unappreciated by many sometimes but so I just want to acknowledge and say thank you for all you do and it is appreciated it really is and I know you do read what I send out and sometimes we send out a lot so it is it is a lot for you guys we thank you all right now some some business so important business um in noticing our preschool Lottery is coming up so the preschool Lottery was done the closing date was December 31st however just realized it's not a really great time to to to stop it so we extended it to January 12th so anyone who knows anyone who is interested in getting into the lottery remember we not everyone who puts in will have an opportunity we have already over over 400 I think right Suzanne over 400 looking for not not not that many spots I mean we we're increasing our spots by 90 all the fourth graders obviously graduate to to kindergarten third graders who are already in the program stay in the program so they move up buty threeyear olds stay up move up into four year so our foury olds obviously go on uh we are increasing just so you remember we are increasing the number of seats by 90 for next year so we're going from 250 um to 340 next year and um we'll have a lot we'll have a lot of seats so please we hope to be able to provide as much as we can for people and um that's coming down the pike so just so the board understands what we've done that we had helped get an article published um there are signs everywhere we used the um the banner the the the um the billboard outside their posters everywhere and today again Suzanne sent another mailer out he School sending a mailer out we're going to ask the PTO to send the mailers out to get any last minute stragglers who have not applied for whatever reason yet so that anyone who has a shot at it and then the lottery will happen and when the lottery happens everyone starts to get notified we'll send another communication out to the people that are on in the lottery so they know the timeline of everything and we're going to just a little stall we you know going to wait another week but that's not going to hurt our our work that we have to get done but this is a big deal in the community we know that and I'm sure by the time we're done with all of our people probably be in the 4 450 range you know shooting for a lot less seats unfortunately but that that's kind of where we are with that um so another part that the board has to know is coming down the pike so right now there is a um development being built right behind the board office the old Board office on Executive Drive and that is on North umberland way that that is a 1,700 plus unit development it is underway we have been told to expect people to begin moving in as early as next month that means there are 60 units that will be available sometime be starting in February till the remainder of the Year those 60 units will start there are mostly two-bedroom units those two-bedroom units will yield kids this year and they will yield additional kids next year and then additional units are going to be coming online we are going to be mapping out for you um a plan because the big deal is where do they go to school at the elementary level our demographer has estimated that that one one development will produce around 400 elementary students at full yield that means in the next 3 to 5 years we should have about 400 elementary students just from that one Community we have no Elementary School that can handle 400 students right now at all so that will require the wonderful word everybody loves some form of redistricting will probably be needed so very fun word in schools and it also will probably cause us to that development will come in phases and the whole development will not go to the same elementary school so we're going to look at our seating we're going to look at our demographic study we're look at everything to manage it in the beginning but we need a long-term plan you don't want to start sending kids to one school then another school then another school so that's a big undertaking that's now that now is really going to be needed so so we've already have a lot going into that but we're going to get everybody involved in that and get you up to speed on that in the coming months this year we're we're okay we have you know we have first stage plans and all that we're going to talk to you about but it is going to have an impact so it's coming down the pike um it's funny when we first got here uh Dave and I so you know six plus years ago we walked into a district that was told we will have 5 to 7,000 new homes built in 5 years that's what we were told and if you remember the original strategic plan was growth was a big deal like we were then in the middle of developing the Strategic plan we were told that's not really going to happen then Co hit well now it's it's been pushed out five years but now it's starting so now we really do need to consider that but with the projections right now it does not look like building is needed so we're not expecting the numbers to cause it we have room um we have seats we have the ability to manage this this for a while but we are going to we're going to ask our de demographer Dr grip to take a closer look Dave and I talked about that today to see about the best way to approach this in the short and the long term so again all that's coming down the pike it'll keep coming up quickly of course doing this while managing budget cuts is not a good marriage right the budget the enrollment going down has helped us during budget loss season it does not help us to go the other direction so that's that's another thing we have to balance as well um uh I'll go right into that about that we have advocacy committee meeting our third one is on January 9th so it's Tuesday next week and at this time there is currently no bill that has been put out yet but we have word that it's still coming so still on timeline we don't know what the bill is going to look like yet um but there will be hopefully a bill in front of the legis ation related to school funding and how it could hopefully support our school district and districts like us so that's still coming we'll be giving updates to the advocacy committee and um building out those plans that they are working on as well so that's all coming another upcoming event is the parent Academy on Internet safety this is usually the most popular of our parenty and that is Tuesday January 30th it's in the High School auditorium beginning at 6:30 and that is one we you know we ask as many people that can come to that that's there's a lot you'll see more information coming out about that uh to the community to the board but that's a really important one and hopefully a lot of people can can come for that one um so weather let me just talk about the weather because it's been like three years I hav't talk about the weather so we have a storm coming and it is a very nice storm because it's coming on the weekend so I don't really care could do whatever once could snow it could rain doesn't matter as long as you do it on a Saturday night I don't care what you do but it does look like it is not going to be too bad as of this minute of course now that I said that it's game over but it's um also Saturday into Sunday so we don't expect too much to be going on on Monday morning but um it is important that everyone realize this is the season January February are the worst months and you know if you know parents if you know the weather says that you could have an interruption that could hurt the school day don't shut your phones off stay by your phones you never know what is going to have to come you never know what happens in these winter months so please be ready uh we've sent out information on making sure you have your information correct in the system so let's hope that has been done and um that's kind of where we are now today in a few minutes you're going to have uh Dr mammon's going to come up and do a presentation and and and those lovely ladies in the back are here because our Librarians you know they're like unsung heroes these people and um they they every year they take the theme they find books they do decorations and they bring these themes alive and they bring libraries alive to classrooms and to schools and really you know in in the model School the library is your Hub right that's your Hub and uh you know these are some special people in that audience so I know Dr mm you're you're prepared to show off what they're doing and some ideas that are going going on out there I get that thank you guys for coming out tonight um and my part I believe is finally over last reminder we are off for Martin Luther King Day on January 15th and I will turn it over to you madam president thank you so much uh any questions for Mr feder uh from the Board of Ed no questions very good we are now going to call up to the podium Dr Evelyn Mammon to present South Bruns agreed for 2024 as she's going up I was remiss in doing one thing I want to thank the crew behind the scenes um that do the video production um each uh each meeting um you guys do an awesome job and again I really I know on behalf of the board we really appreciate all you do good Dr Mammon good evening and happy New Year everyone it is my pleasure today to continue the South Brunswick Reeds tradition in partner ship with sou Brunswick library this year promises to be even more exciting yay last year we read for social awareness and this year our theme is in line with the district's theme um in addition it's a extra we're doing this year we will have an evening event associated with SB reads on January 31st and you will see all the information on the presentation in a few minutes but before the video presentation just to Echo what Mr feder said I want to offer my gratitude to my collaborators this we met tons of emails back and forth and um we met mostly after school they gave up of their time just so that we could come up with something worthy of South Brunswick so the South Brunswick Public Library joed us in a couple of those meetings and all our district Librarians some of whom are present tonight so I do want to recognize the five of you that are here tonight Mary fush from Brooks Crossing Kim Zito from Crossroads North Linda aason from Crossroad South Kate hanowski and Lisa manganello I don't know if you know that Lisa is now a celebrity she has time for the little ones here today uh but no really Lisa thank you just always taking the lead um on this and just doing such a phenomenal job I know that I speak on behalf of the Librarians when we say thank you for giving it the flare we like to put it all together we talk about it but you bring it to life so thank you very much so without much further Ado this is our SB reads for 2024 [Music] American author Maya Angelou once said I long as does every human being to be at home wherever I find myself South Brunswick schools understand that cultivating a sense of belonging is critical to our students growth and development we want our students families staff and neighbors to feel at home in our schools and in our town this year our Equity goal guides us as we work together to create a more inclusive environment where all feel welcome cultivating a sense of belonging is at the heart of the annual partnership between our schools and the South Brunswick Public Library since 2011 our work to build a sense of belonging through books has taken many forms we began on the yellow brick road fell down Alice's Rabbit Hole toured fairy tale kingdoms acted with determination built Bridges explored technology and traveled the globe to explore our personal passions reading together offered a bright spot in difficult times it helped us to appreciate each other's differences by finding connections that unite us a thoughtfully selected book builds literacy equity and belonging in readers of all ages reading as a town increases our understanding of ourselves and our neighbors with these principles in mind the theme of our 14th South Brunswick reads partnership will be South Brunswick reads for belonging together we will expand our notion of home to include friends family and neighbors develop empathy to create a fair and just Society where all are welcome and craft unique reading experiences to build a sense of community join us as we read for belonging in our schools we will celebrate this Theme by reading titles that highlight belonging and then Center activities around this idea the public library will also celebrate this theme with book lists and events we hope that all our students and their families will join us for our very first South Brunswick reads night on Wednesday January 31st at South Brunswick High School from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. the evening will celebrate reading through read alouds a visit from local author Jenna humza a book Lounge for our older students with activities recommendations and books selected just for them along with snacks and cocoa for all our guests please join us as wee prove that regardless of our differences we belong together for more information on how to participate book recommendations and community events visit our [Music] website thank [Applause] you I have to say I wish Lisa manganelo was my mother at some point to read to me when I was a child you have such a fantastic voice but she's so calming um thank you to all the Librarians for and all staff for their help and support and Dr Mammon um for putting this together um it's always something I look forward to um I really do and on behalf of the board again we thank you very much and I hope everybody can make it for the 31st I'll be there thank you okay um our next order business is the annual Board of Education Code of Ethics training and it will be I'd like to call Mr David dler from the law firm of porio brumberg and Newman to present to the board members their annual ethics training okay hello everyone always um tough transition from something that is enjoyable every year I've done followed that last year I followed your student stem so and then you get me which is always wonderful uh so as always I bring um goodies so I'm going to pass out exciting Stu not slides and I always like to bringard members so I'm just passing out if you want to take one those are just something for your notes for your own personal and then also the school ethics Act and the code of ethics see oh David didn't lie he did give me a little pointer um so I know as we have three three new board members or three three board members who were recently elected all I've know so this is a board that has already kind of gone through ethics training uh so it's going to be very similar last year we've updated obviously all of the hypothetical so I'll go through the law and then I'm going to ask for lots of class participation so we'll do lots of different hypotheticals so as those make their way down um so just a little kind of rundown I'll do similar to last year I'll go through the school ethics Act and the code of ethics we'll do hypotheticals and then there's been some nice little dates to the school ethics act that I'll go through as well um so a little background here um the school ethics Act was passed by I believe Governor Florio um with the understanding that we need to be tough on ethics right and of course did they pass it for the legislator no do they pass for the governor no who do they think that we need to be tough on ethics they went to school board members of course um for a number of years it was unfortunately as is the case it was used as a weapon against board members uh and so board members had to go out and hire their own attorney and if when we'll go through the school ethics act you'll see it's pretty serious offenses but that didn't stop people from making bogus allegations board members would have to go and pay for their attorney out their own pocket so board members went and said this is really being weaponized and so a number of years later the code of ethics was passed and what happened there the reason the code of ethics was actually pass was um board members thought look we really need indemnification if these are f and so the legisl listened to them and said we we still need to be tough against board members and so interestingly enough what they did is pass the code of ethics the code of ethics really is what school board's code of ethics was at the time and that's why it doesn't really read as a law right you go through the school ethics act it reads as a statute the code of ethics more reads as a here are some good goals what board members should do they put them the statute and they added indemnification so that's kind of the history between these two laws I'll go through each of them rather quickly and then we'll get to more more of the hypotheticals those that remember this in years past we do the thumbs down thumbs down thumbs up means board member acted ethically thumbs down means that they were um bad they were bad and then we always get confused what is thumbs up and thumbs down I'll try to remind you so the school ethics act pretty simple um notle it's very finance-based uh so I'll try to highlight the key points I've given you the law so if you're ever concerned what does the law say just keep this in your back pocket or you know wherever you keep your notes these days or likely on the computer um there it is you can read through it but so no interest in a business organization engag in a business transaction or professional activity which would conflict right so you can't own a business and then have the board obviously then hire that contractor you can't secure unwarranted privilege advantages or employment right so again no personal gain that's what these first few were going on no direct or indirect Financial involvement again finances um no school V Should undertake any employment or service that could Prejudice your independent judgment again these are very obvious very financially based again this is the original Law the original School ethics act again it's much more serious offenses you can't solicit any gift favor loan political contribution service promise or future employment so no bribes I think pretty obvious um you can't utilize information not generally available to the public for your own gain so again on their face I think those are pretty obvious we don't see a lot of filings under the school eics act right because many of these are more criminal in nature really where we see most of the cases falls under again this code of ethics that originally designed school board's passes like this is how a good board member should act these are the code of AC of a good board member which then the legislature adopted so I'm going to highlight some of these which we'll use hype later so C I will confine my board action to policymaking planning and Appraisal that goes along with letter D I will carry my responsibility not to admin fin to the schools right so C and D it's we'll call the overzealous board member many times well-intentioned but those who simply want to run the day-to-day operations of the school as you'll see and as you all know that is left to your superintendent to run the day-to-day operations not the board the board's job is to oversee to make sure that it's well run again that nicely goes with letter E I work as my authority rests with the Board of Education and make no personal promise in order take private action that may quote compromise the board what does that mean you don't take personal action you you understand that you are when you join this you join obviously as an individual but you join a board and you as individual board members don't act the board acts and we'll see a nice little hypo on that in a little bit I I will hold confidence on matters P to the schools so as board members you get a decent amount of confidential information um obviously in executive session you'll hear lots of information hip reports things like that you have to maintain that confidentiality it's incredibly important you get sensitive information for that reason this District cannot operate and I I represent a lot of districts and the number one issue the districts that don't operate in a functional manner is they can't maintain confidential information it's incredibly important if you can't trust your fellow board members this District can't simply operate um this is always the favor for the administrators I will support and protect School Personnel uh that means that you can't go and we'll see an example of this badmouth uh and undermine your school administrators um of course it's Scott and David so you can do so in a jokingly way but not in a serious Manner and then Jay I refer all complaints to the chief administrator officer so as board members as members of your community I know the parents come to you with complaints it's just by very nature it's not your job to solve that that is your school administrators okay let's get into the fun part this is the hypos um we have a good number this year there's been a lot of cases I'll be candid because of the pandemic not only were your students not in their best Behavior but it turns out your board members are also on the best behavior so you'll see some nice examples about that okay so as a reminder no violation so no is a thumbs up again not the best some people Miss up so board member acted well thumbs up board acted in violation thumbs down okay let's talk Communications we talked last year about the Trenton case uh so I'll just just a little reminder so when you're talking about comments about issues concerning the board four prongs you have to do you have to identify yourself as a board member and indicate the post is not authorized or written on behalf of the board so you're doing so in your private capacity I provide accurate information and ensure it does not compromise the board I really want to point out number four that's where board members get in the most trouble they give accurate information they indicate they give a disclaimer and the like and then it turns out their conduct compromised the board so when people ask us should we make personal these comments our recommendation is always there's a lot of risk here when you're commenting on things concerning the board when you are a board member the school ethics act always says you don't give up your first amendment rights but you're a board member and have to comply with the act and if even if you're what you're saying is truthful if it compromises the board uh it therefore violates the ACT uh again so what's the purpose of that to prevent reasonable confusion among the public or whether you're make statements are as a private citizen or you're making those statements as a public official um so disclaimer must note that the view is your own and make clear the views expressed to those of the board really the DOA gives you this example the school ethics commission gives you this example uh if you are going to make any statements as a private citizen about board act highlight this one because you should make sure you put this disclaimer in there right I don't have to read it but this is the only one that's been approved by the school ethics act they say there is no specific language but they tell you this language works again I'm not recommending making those statements because if you compromise the board even with this disclaimer you still violate the ACT yes you just do us a favor just send us an official email to David and myself with this exact quote and we will forward it to the board from you directly okay that works great all right okay let's get to now the hypo a board member shars an article on her personal Facebook page regarding reduction in public school state aid who would have thought what a great example above the article the board member includes this Emoji which is probably a nicer Emoji Than This Crowd would like to put next to the school what do we think is this no other languages included violation uh is a thumb down no violation thumbs up okay we're getting some thumbs up here so this is okay because you're not talking about your specific School District what are you doing you're talking about the state aid overall the whole state yes not bad the Emoji yeah like I said this Emoji was the much nicer one that I think most people in this room would want to put so as long as you're talking about again the pment of state aid funding as a whole and not specific to your District that's okay because that's not something that is coming right before your board uh let's move on to hypo number two a board member sent an email from their District email account to members of the legislature and to members of the public expressing their personal views about the mask mandate encouraging action from the legislatur and others what do you think some mix here some some middle I see some middle but mostly down so here again down the big key here is I'm going to get to that second one do not if you're going to take what we'll call Private action right you're representing do not use your board email address right because if we talked about the disclaimer one of the key elements is confusion what the school ethics commission does not want is Confusion by members of the public thinking are you doing this as your private citizen or a member of the board if you use your District email account most people are going to think you're doing so as a board member right and when you send an email like that not just to legislators but to members of the public you are doing so as a board member and therefore they're going to assume that's on behalf of the board so that's a private action that could compromise the board volunteering we get these questions a lot what can I do to volunteer right can I go and read to my child's class to PTM PTA member so the answer is maybe right because that's what lawyers always say it depends that's the typical lawyer answer so there's a two-part test for volunteering degree of involvement the board member has with staff and students and the degree to which the board member has authority to give receive Direction and orders to staff right so is are you a passive member uh or are or are you taking more affirmative action so the example I always like to give uh if you're going and reading a book to class if you go into your child's class and read a book completely okay you're not getting instruction you're not giving instruction it's a passive action comp comparably if you are part of the school play and you're getting instruction from staff to move props things like that well now you're getting instruction from staff or the flip side if you're giving instruction in any manner of a volunteership those typically are not permitted any super position generally overseas staff or students typically try to avoid so here we have a great one this one is an advisory opinion that came out I think last year so a board member asked they would like to volunteer and serve as an official quote working the chains at football games does everyone know what working the chains means so those people on the side they hold the big yellow things they make first down markers so they're not the actual officials throwing the flags they're the ones moving the chains they decided they will wave any compensation for this what do we think this is allowed or not allowed okay getting mix so this the school ethics commission and advisory opinion said this is okay so again maybe if they were an actual official calling the game it would be a different situation but here it was simply they Mark the Spot they move on very passive in nature they're not giving instruction they're not taking instruction they may be taking a little instruction from the official but for the most part pretty stationary not a lot of action the school ethics commission said this one is okay let's talk about addressing concerns so again this is another advisory opinion I believe I think it's no I think this was a case my apology a case from last year here we have a board member a retired educator out of New York City they're an administrator a specialed te teacher and they get asked by the local special education Advisory Group to attend a training and more importantly then because of their background they wanted them to really be an advocate and a source for special education parents so in this capacity they participate in IEP meetings they would represent parents as an advocate um they would really help special needs parents in the district in any manner possible including advocacy on their behalf do we think this is permitted yeah this is this one I think is obvious on its face I'm surprised they even asked I think this is one of those situations this board member was so well intentioned you know how could how can I not help special needs parents that's my job as a board member but I think this one this one's pretty clear on its face going through these when you look through it right because clearly if you're advocating in a position like this there are times where you may not agree with the um child study team that the parents may not agree and you could be put at kind of a controversial where your views are different than theirs or as a board member the child study team may feel inclined to agree with that individual because of their position on the board okay board me message emails calls so here we have a board member receives an email from a High School parent the parent says she believes her daughter's history teacher is failing because she because of a political comment she made and ask for the board member's help the board member forwards the email to the superintendent the board member also forwards the email to the history teacher asking for an explanation on Unison I think this one we all everyone see the problem here again well-intentioned we I've talked about this one this kind of issue in the past very clear problem you don't go to the source you don't go to the principles if there is a complaint it has to go to the superintendent why is that is because if you go to the superintendent and a principal the superintendent and a VA people may open up joint investigations it just leads to chaos you go to the superintendent the superintendent will figure out do they want to take it do they want to delegate Scott well I'm sure we'll have a plan in place but this way there's not confusion there's not disorder and certainly you never go to the teacher never go to the teacher never go to the parents never investigate yourself all complaints go to the superintendent okay very recent C case as you see this case came out about a year and a half ago a parent made a complaint about a teacher's conduct which was being investigated by the administration while the investigation was ongoing the board member sent an email to the parent commenting on the teacher's conduct uh this actually was prompted by discussion at a board meeting on returning to school full-time after the covid-19 shutdown the real issue here of course is that the investigation ongoing and then you have a board member emailing the parent about the teacher's conduct what do we think again this is a nice straightforward one clearly a violation here right you can't speak even though again you may know the parent um you may feel the exact way the parent does you may have the your children may have the same teacher as the as that parent and or have that same kind of commiserate with that individual it doesn't matter if there is an investigation ongoing you can't reach out to that parent in any manner right you have to let the administration handle it because then you could be seen as interceding or interfering or the like this was this was a great case uh I think obvious on its PA face but so we have a board member who was a chief proponent of a plan to eliminate the col Day Holiday from the school calendar very big issue very important to this board member uh and so as part of this plan instead of placing it on the agenda uh this board member decides to walk in a motion to change the calendar now interestingly enough the school ethics commission said we're not talk we're not going to discuss the whole the big issue here which was people in the community went got very upset I'll put it that way because they said this should have been on the agenda and we should have the opportunity to come and comment it should never been walk in the school ethics commission said we're not going to touch that issue but what we are going to talk about here is the fact that afterwards after this community out cry the board member met with members of the community to explain the rationale to remove Columbus Day do we think that is a violation yes yeah so the answer here is yes right and the real reason here again as a board member you cannot you do not speak on behalf of the board right and so really those comments should have been done at a board meeting and the board should have provided its rational not an individual board member meeting with members of the public attempt to explain the board's rationale right and that's where again even regarding the opma violations School ethics mission is not touching that but the real thing here was that outcry and the board memb response to it let talk preparation of a board meeting at the board's upcoming meeting it'll be voting on the purchase of new desks a board member with permission of the superintendent entered the school building to examine the condition of the current desk in several classrooms what do we think that's done a little mix so this one's okay I'll go back to this one I know we're still reading this one was okay so again what is your role Your Role is to make informed decisions as a board so if something is before you as a board you can get information about that that's completely acceptable where board members tend to go astray is something's not before you and then you don't you try to get more and more information on something that's a vote that's not before you but if there's a vote before you you do have the right to get information and that may include in some circumstances going examing lockers the locker room a building right if the construction things like that if it's before you you do get information that's part of your appraisal responsibility so that's okay um this one may be a little different here a board member this is a real case attends an all expense paid conference offered by The Entity that offers coding programs to school districts if that's not bad enough impressed by this all expense paid trip the board member later suggest suggests the entity as a possible vendor to the board okay I'm seeing a lot of this is okay all these free paid expense trade uh free paid trips so clearly again you obtain a benefit of trip for themselves so even if the board member never made that recommendation still clearly a violation you as a board member cannot get financial benefits for serving on the board I think Scott made a nice joke earlier that um you're pay has not gone up in a number of years again people tend to forget this is a volunteership but it's still public service and you're elected officials and therefore you can't take obviously um any Financial benefit and clearly this also had the potential to compromise the board right because the idea is that the Public's view of the board and the board's Integrity could be swayed negatively because they're essentially making a decision based on PID trips let's talk about interactions with staff while in a school building examining condition of desk we'll bring it back to that previous example two ago the board member uses the bathroom which is filthy gross disgusting I'm a little bit of a germaphobe so I can just use act you know I've been in a number of school bathrooms so I get it um concerned that the orderly bathroom should be accessible to student she immediately finds a custodian demands he fix the bathroom what do we think this is nice and easy absolutely not there's a lot there's tons of these cases again you think it's obvious on your face but there's a lot of these cases you cannot give instructions to staff no matter how well-intentioned there's a great case out there where a board member just thought that there was a security issue that there's doors unlocked and asked when to found a Cod custodian said there's a door unlocked we need to go go lock that not allowed you have to go to the administration let them make those decisions again even if you're well intentioned it seems nothing it's all of a sudden there's never an issue until there's an issue there's a problem with that member and if they file something against you okay so those are all the hypos I'm just going to spend one more minute just giving a quick update uh so we have some new regulations that came out uh it redefined board member so a board member now is upon being sworn in taking office so any conduct prior to being sworn in you can't file an Ethics complaint against um this won't apply to you these are that all that beautiful education that I think you talked about earlier uh for brand new board members it used to be one year now they got to get done in the first 90 days and last but not least if you would like like an advisory opinion uh they've now clarified it that it can be done by the board member a school official or this is great an attorney on behalf of the school official um to be frank that's mostly how it's been done anyway but they added that provision I think to clarify because most of the time attorneys are filing these on behalf of the board or behalf of board members and so they want to clarify it and with that I thank you if anyone has questions I'm more than happy to answer them um but thank you very much for the time any questions for Mr dler any CL ifications on any of the presentations SC I that language we're good thank you so much David appreciate your time um and effort and putting this together for us um these will also be included um in the update of the board member orientation um will include some of these items okay that um concludes the presentations for today so we will be moving on to public it uh excuse me public comments on agenda items only I do need to read a statement the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest complete copies of policy 0167 which govern this portion of the meeting are available to the public at the auditorium entrance online or by contacting the board office to permit the fair and orderly expression of comments we ask that participants be recognized and and preface all comments by announcing his or her name your place of residence and group affiliation if appropriate and also by completing the signning sheet located at the podium please print legibly or we may be unable to document your name for the permanent record each statement may be may excuse me each statement B made by a participant shall be limited to three minutes no participant may speak more than once on the same topic Mr palaski will indicate when you have 15 seconds remaining all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer no participant May address or question board members no discussion between a participant and respondent shall exceed the 3 minute Tim Lane is our plan to listen to each member of the public once all questions and comments from all members of the public are made the Board of Ed May respond or respond via email in the most timely and efficient manner available all questions and comments will be noted excuse me okay so this is for per first public comment only and this is uh for consent agenda items only are there um that we I do know we do not have any pre-signed people right no one pre pre-enrolled um so is there anyone in the audience that would like to make any comment on the consent agenda items only seeing none we will move on and close this portion of the public comment U moving on next order of business is old business we have none at this time so we shall move on new business we have no new business at this time therefore we will move on to the consent agenda review and the walkth through by Mr D palowski Mr palowski okay everybody so our consent agenda this evening is uh pretty concise we have all of our financials in our bills list we are accepting a grant from the unified Champion schools a unified Champion schools Grant from the um Special Olympics of New Jersey for $4,000 that was a very nice Grant written we have a non-public technology order with our some of our nonpublic uh District we're approving our addendum to our transportation contract and we're also approving a jointure contract with another District we have a big part of this agenda is our approval of a lease purchase for the financing of uh 1,400 Chromebooks you can see the rates that were provided through the bid process we also have a uh payment schedule and um that'll be Help U offset the the failing uh Chromebooks that we uh received during the uh co uh funds that were provided we have a purchase over the bid limit for the acquisition of the Chromebooks and we also have a u uh you can see there that the uh description of the Chromebooks and the quantity and the unit pricing we have an increase or not to exceed authorization for a consultant we have approved uh updated pricing agreement for Kelly Services we have an out of District tuition adjustment um that's across the district we also have uh approval of some Professional Services for our special education department and we have our travel we have our field trips you'll also see a HIV intimidation bullying report and finally we have an energy contract and repair of the school's building this is for or excuse me emergency contracts this is for just so people are aware board members are aware when we have a catastrophe like we faced at 231 black course Lane technically we're not supposed to do any work until we have a a purchase order Cut um at times when you have an emergency like that the board um board secretary board business administrator I can direct a company to come in and remediate the issue as fast as possible and then on the very next board meeting we have what we're called an approved an emergency contract um so that's what this is uh the the $150,000 price tag was for the remediation of The Damp U and Remediation of the uh water from the building uh that's not inclusive of the put it back together costs that we're going to see uh coming forward so um that's what uh motion 115 is and that's your consent agenda for this evening thank you any questions for Mr porowski on the consent agenda to my right none to my left just a comment really quick when this happened at Black Horse Lane I do want the board and members of the public to know that Mr feder did call me on New Year's Day to tell me it was an exciting phone call um but he did also advise uh the approximate cost so I was aware immediately um of what we were looking at in terms of a cost not the actual but an approximate I would ALS I would also note that our health center uh patients are all being seen at the Franklin Township Health Center that's uh right around the corner okay and our Pharmacy did stay open for uh indviduals that are getting their scripts filled in our Pharmacy they can still go there and get their prescriptions filled so those areas of the of the first floor were not impacted uh to the extent of the lobby and the hallways yeah when go ahead just on the on the day of the water was still coming in a little bit they use these sleeves and so they had put sleeves in front uh to protect certain areas of the health center because the health center has a um a um refrigerator that must stay on on to cover certain medicines so they had boarded that off and it really was in that back area was okay the front completely underwater left side completely underwater but the back which is the back of our building with the front of the health center was really dry and they kept it dry um was Brian uh Peter and Rob were all on site uh immediately that's on Chris you know on New Year's Eve day and you know you got to give credit I mean you know getting you think getting staff out there is tricky and all this but when crisis hits you know our team was there to do everything he can they were getting all the stuff off the floor to try and save everything that was save salvageable did a good job uh there's a lot of stuff that suzan's department keeps over there for new families and Suzanne most of that was salvaged yeah so that was that's because they were moving things quickly and they went to where they were needed so kudos to Brian and his team and just just real real quick um first onsite restoration which used to be a a company called restoration um Specialists first on site and when Brian called me and informed me of the situation that we were facing I called John drma over he's um a member of the middle sex County Association School business officials so his company is a vendor member of our school uh business administrators group I see him once a month he comes to all of our meetings I reached out to him at uh via email at about 9:00 8:30 9:00 in the morning when Brian first called me he responded to my email and then he called me and he said I'll have a team out there within 30 40 minutes and sure enough he had 15 to 20 people there working cleaning up on New Year's Eve day 11 yeah and that was um that was pretty impressive so first onsite did a wonderful job and they're they're managing the entire project so they're doing wonderful work please extend our thanks to Brian and the entire um staff of the South Brun District as well as the remediation Specialists for their um quick action um I also just really quick I want to make it clear the a the water problem was due to a car accident that hit a fire hydrant can we be clear on that the the issue with the water has absolutely nothing to do with the South School System at all it was a car nothing to do with South brck School System hit a fire hydrant outside uh on um Black Horse Lane hit it to the point where it was so wrecked that they couldn't cap the water and you know that's the situation so absolutely nothing to do with us we are the recipients of the wonderful water and um that's pretty much it and when are we expecting um an estimated time of um completion for the remediation the the Health Center's expected to open up uh sometime uh by not by the middle of next week okay see Thursday of next week um the front the front uh Lobby and all of that area will take a little bit longer we're focusing on the health center to get our our patients and everybody taken care of there and get our doctors p in St and there's no there's no there's no loss of service right now at BHL so BHL is fully operational um remember there's only there's only a couple people who work on the first floor for BHL and they're right now on the second floor they're actually working in the same office it's there's no slowdown of there's no again having it take a little long to complete it is not there's no slow down of work there's no loss of the school district itself it's all there's no operational impact yeah there no operation said no operational impact so um being that I came up with that myself no operational impact no operational impact and uh we're good to go all right very good thank you again any questions final no okay then we will sh move shall move on to approving the cons consent agenda may have a motion to approve the consent agenda of January 4th 2024 for motion by Miss Hernandez second please who's that doc U Mr Raj I'm sorry I do that all the time Mr Krishna I'm sorry um motion may I have roll call please welcome to the president I keep doing that for poor ra Miss Laura Hernandez yes but with exstension from item a1.1 Miss Deepa carthik Miss Alicia KH yes Mr Raja Krishna yes but abstain from item a 1.1 Mr Mike Mitchell yes Mr Barry nathon yes Dr Smith araj yes Mrs Lisa Rogers yes motion carries very good all right moving on to board committee and liaison reports given the fact that we it was the holiday break I don't think anybody met so I'm going to quickly ask for a um an update and we'll start with um business operations any update on business operation committee very good and any update from education committee not at this time finance committee none at this time Madam president yep and miss and the policy committee none at this time very good um that is because basically we had the winter break um and the Board of Ed was also Al included in that winter break all right any liaison reports not at this time um very quickly we do oh go ahead yes go ahead to congratulate all our um Middle School and High School performers uh for a wonderful um wonderful presentations during the winter concert season I'm looking forward to seeing the elementary schools that uh the two I um and leaz on to uh Cambridge and indian fields in a couple of weeks uh did did an outstanding job if you didn't get to attend in person I urge you to go to YouTube and check out uh Crossroads both north and south and the high school uh choir coral and and band presentations they were excellent I don't know how I did it but I made it to most of them thank you thank you for doing that Mike really appreciate it com go ahead sure I just want to comment to Mr Mitchell very impressive that we try our hardest to show up the places and to represent the board you outshine us yeah thank you and we so appreciate that that you make that you have so much effort that you go around and you make the board be seen at these different things so we just want to show you our appreciation and thank you for that thank you Mike okay and what just very quickly I forgot the advocacy committee but you had already Scott had U Mr feder had already commented this that the next advocacy committee meeting will be on Tuesday the 9th we'll have an update after that okay now we move on to the second opportunity whoops yes I'm sorry is the first two meetings you might have said that it was already but are the first two meetings on uh have the were they recorded we do we have them on record we haven't posted them at this point okay but we we can post them at any point and put them up there all right I can send them to the board or we can post them sure we can post them we we're recording them and Dave is taking care of putting those together for us yeah okay yeah we could post them sure you can see what the action is okay yeah thank you for that thank you yep okay second opportunity for um public comments again um this is on any matter not just anything that was on the consent agenda you are reminded of the previous statement made regarding public comment rules of policy 0167 again at the podium state your name spell your name and announce your place of residence or your group and or your group affiliation and complete the signning sheet and you are limited to three M minutes I do not believe we have any members who pre-register for who pre-registered for public comments are there any audience members who wish to make a public comment seeing none at this time I will close this portion of the public comments since there is no further business to be discussed uh please note that the next scheduled Board of Ed meeting is set for Thursday January 14th 2024 may I have a motion to adjourn uh who's was down here Mr n second miss caric all in favor I any Nays very good thank you South Brunswick we are now adjourned did I do something just it real quick yeah um first um I don't mean to hold the meeting up but I want to thank everyone for the support um of our team Smitha and Roger and and our and our running for reelection it really meant a lot so I want the community know how much you mean to us and how we are going to we're not going to promise we're going to get in here and we're going to do just we're going to work just as hard as we did the first three years and we're we're going to continue to learn and we're going to continue to serve and give you our best Administration um you deserve our best and that's what we're going to do the board we're going to give you our best I thank you for that I also want to uh mention that my former High School history teacher was here Mr Ed Belding he was sitting right there I didn't know who he was so that's why I got up in wal out cuz I had to acknowledge them and then three of my former players um two bold for me and one played tennis for me they were here as well so I'm so grateful to all of you thank you for giving me this opportunity for giving us this opportunity have a wonderful night very nice anyone else okay all in favor of adjournment I any Nays very good good night South brunic and we'll see you at the next meeting okay